
How do I make sense of my life?Scale for ScoringI agree:1= Very Little 2=Somewhat 3=Moderately 4=Strongly____________ There is something about wedding that gives me a sense of joy!____________ I attend a funeral for someone I love because I feel the need to, not because I have to.____________ At times, when I go to church or spend time in nature, I sense something bigger than myself.___________ It would be a lot easier to believe in God if there wasn’t so much pain in the world.___________ Usually when I wear jewellery or a T-shirt with a symbol on it, I like the symbol to be meaningful to me.__________ When I feel down, taking time to connect to God helps me.___________ I’m not sure that I understand everything about my religion, but I do feel it helps make sense out of my life.__________ When I die, my saving grace will be that I haven’t bothers God too much with my prayers!__________ When things aren’t going well, I quite naturally reach out to someone close to me.__________ Life seems to make more sense when I’m making good grades. ................

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