Poetry 2

Poetry 2.0 - Hypertext Song Lyric PowerPoint

Throughout history, poetry and songs have been used as a powerful means of expression. They have been written in protest, in mourning, in love, and in attempts to change the world. Your job is to uncover the historical and literary meaning of a particular song and share your learning with others through an interactive PowerPoint with hyperlinks.

Directions: Select song lyrics from the list provided. You will need to find as much information as you can about the author, the lyrics, and historical elements mentioned in the lyrics. The Project Guide on the library’s website will direct you to databases, websites, and books that will help you complete this task.

Next, you will create a PowerPoint presentation for your lyrics, using hyperlinks to lead your readers to information about each aspect of the lyrics. For example, suppose a line in your song reads, “The flag waves bravely in the face of sorrow,” you may want to turn the word “flag” into a hyperlink to a slide describing the significance of the American flag at this point in history and the literary meaning behind the writer’s use of the image.

Your Power Point must include:

1. The entire text of your song lyrics (this may take several slides)

2. Hyperlinks to slides or Word documents with: A biography of your song writer, at least 4 slides describing the historical significance of images, events, etc. mentioned in the poem,

3. at least five slides providing literary criticism of the lyrics, literary devices (from the poetry terms list), and /or hyperlinks to websites offering additional information on some historical or literary aspect of the lyrics.

4. Hyperlink to a works cited page that gives correct MLA-style citations for all information and images included in your presentation.

5. In addition, your PowerPoint should be attractive and include appropriate images.

You will also give a five – seven minute oral presentation on your PowerPoint that includes:

1. A reading of the lyrics or the audio of the song.

2. An explanation of the main historical events and themes discussed in your PowerPoint

3. A reflection on what you learned while creating the PowerPoint.

All class members with take notes on each powerpoint.

Finally, you will explore at least one of your classmates’ PowerPoint’s and give constructive feedback using the form provided.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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