WRITING LYRICS - Tabernacle Music


By Ng Wah Lok

1. The message is the most important part of your song. You want to communicate a message in your song. If you do not have a clear message, your song will not have an impact. A good melody without a good message is not sufficient.

2. Do you have a key phrase for your song ? A key and catchy phrase is very important to make the song good. Usually, the key phrase becomes the title. It is also repeated many times.


Trading my sorrows – Darryl Evans

Heart of worship – Matt Redman

Ticket to heaven. – Ng Wah Lok

Every Time I Pray – Ng Wah Lok

Tears in heaven – Eric Clapton

Candle in the wind .- Elton John

Wind Beneath Your Wings – Bette Midler

I like you just the way you are – Billy Joel

3. A song should have only one clear message. If you have many messages, no one can really follow your song. Set the person, place or problem as soon as possible.

4. Repeat the main phrase many times. This often becomes the hook that people will subconsciously sing.

Learn the techniques of repetition

Eg. First line of every verse – Just let me say – Geoff Bullock

First line and last 3 lines of verses – From a distance – Julie Gold

Second and fourth line of every verse – Jesus is my Rock – Ng Wah Lok

First, Second and Fourth line of chorus – Over and Over – Paul Baloche

Many repetitions on the chorus – God is good, Trading my sorrows.

5. Play with words and build your thoughts

Eg Just Let Me say – Geoff Bullock

|Verse 1 |Verse 2 |Verse 3 |

|Just let me say how much I love you |Just let me hear you finest whispers |Just let me say how much I love you |

| | | |

|Let me speak of your mercy and grace |As you gently call my name |With all my heart, I long for you |

| | | |

|Just let me live in the shadow of your | |For I am caught in this passion of knowing |

|beauty |And let me see your power and your glory | |

| | |This endless love I’ve found in You |

|Let me see you face to face |Let me feel your spirit’s flame | |

| | |And the depth of grace, the forgiveness |

| |Let me find you in the desert |found |

|And the earth will shake as Your word goes | | |

|forth |Till the sand is holy ground |To be called a child of God |

| | | |

|And the heavens can tremble and fall | | |

| |And I am found completely surrendered |Just makes me say how much I love you |

|But let me say how much I love you | | |

| |To you, my Lord and friend |O my saviour, my Lord and friend |

|O my saviour my God and friend | | |

The underlined portions are his backbone of the song and repeated in the next 2 verses. The variances are just play of words.

Similar techniques are used in the song “From a distance” and “Ticket to heaven”.

6. Build your lyrics line by line.

Eg. Because you love me – Celine Dion

For all the times…..

For all the truth…..

For all the joy…..

For all the wrong….

For every dream….

You were my strength….

You were my voice…

You were my eyes…

You saw the best…

Eg. Ruler of my days

Ruler of my days….

Ruler of my nights..

Ruler of my heart I crown thee now..

Eg Once again – Matt Redman

Once again I look upon the cross where you died

Once again I thank you

Once again I pour out my life.

7. Rhyming words

Rhyming is not absolutely needed but it does help a lot to make your lyrics poetic. Use a rhyme book to help you. This can be done at the editing stage.

8. Editing your lyrics.

Editing is a very important aspect of writing lyrics. When you have your first draft, spend time thinking about your lyrics. Search the thesaurus for better words. Change words if needed. Change the whole chorus if you do not like it. Look for words you can rhyme.

After editing, the lyrics will improve considerably.

9. Do not cliches

10. Make your lyrics easy to sing

11. Make sure there are no tongue twisters

Eg . She sell sea shell by the sea shore

12. Check grammar

Pass your lyrics to a person with good English to check the grammar.

13. Title – Usually the most repeated phrase and also the main message of your song.

14. Lyrics and music must match in terms of moods. A good song is usually a good marriage of the lyrics and the music.

15. Try to use current lyrics which are easily understood.

Practical Session.

1. Write lyrics for your melody taking into consideration all the above points.

2. Check your lyrics against the above check lists.

3. Edit your lyrics over a period of time.

About the author Ng Wah Lok

Ng Wah Lok has written over 100 songs in 23 years. His song “Every Time I Pray” written in 1981 is widely used in Asia. He has released 2 albums, “Every Time I Pray” and “Shining Stars”. He has also co-written 9 songs in the album “Favored Chick” by Barbara Tipper. He can be contacted at ngwl@pc.jaring.my. You can visit his website to read his other articles on music and songwriting.


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