Stage 1 – Desired resultsOverview of the Unit Focus: Music used for entertainment purposes. Big ConceptsThe dimensions: Composition, Musicology and Performance are covered in this unit.The study of music in social, historical and cultural contexts within Music Theatre.Musical elements in the modern musical genre Musical elements used by composers to build suspense, mood, character development.Interpretation of music elements and concepts through performing to an audience.Summative Assessment for this unit is a composition filling in a gap and silence in the musical, Mary Poppins.This unit focuses on developing students’ musicianship by exploring the way music elements and concepts have been used and manipulated in music theatre. Students will attend a live music theatre performance to perceive and interpret music elements and concepts in repertoire and music sources. Students will analyse and evaluate music theatre to determine the relationships between music elements, concepts and stylistic characteristics demonstrate composition techniques in creating music for musical theatre. Students will know that… (Constructing Knowledge objectives from the syllabus)Composition Students will: ? Comprehend the meaning of sounds and symbols. Recognize patterns and determine relationships in sound and symbol systems through the development of their inner hearing and musical memory select and apply music elements and concepts in the creation of their own works Musicology Students will:? perceive and interpret music elements and concepts in repertoire and music sources ? identify and show understanding of the meaning of words, sounds and symbols. Performance Students will:? Interpret and apply music elements and concepts in performance ? Conceptualise, organise, analyse, refine and critically reflect on aural and visual music textsInterpret complex patterns and relationships in music texts. . Students will be able to… (Transforming objectives from the syllabus)CompositionStudents will be able to:Select and apply knowledge and understanding of music elements and concepts,Demonstrate composition techniques in the creation of their own works ? Synthesise and communicate music ideas and stylistic characteristics to create their own works.Musicology Students will be able to:Analyse and evaluate music to determine the relationships between music elements, concepts and stylistic characteristics Extend written text using correct spelling, punctuation, grammar and vocabulary, appropriate to a music context. Investigate, review and critique repertoire, extract and clarify information. Draw conclusions through the evaluation of a range of repertoire and other music material. ? Synthesise findings, justify music viewpoints and communicate music ideas. PerformanceStudents will be able to:Demonstrate performance skills and techniques related to contextsInterpret and comprehend the meaning of sounds and symbols, translate symbols into sounds.Determine and apply techniques, procedures and aspects of performance practice to solve performance challenges.Synthesise and communicate music ideas and stylistic characteristics to create performancesStage 2 – Assessment evidenceAssessment TasksCriteria (from the syllabus)Formative:Compose a piece to fill in a gap and silence Create a Prezi presentation discussing elements of MusicalsImprovise on a given tune using musical elements and techniquesStudents respond to repertoire and other music sources, analyse, interpret, synthesise and evaluate data and information to develop, justify and express a music viewpoint. Performance assessment involves the creative input of students and the application of identified skill/s involved in the interpretation of music elements, concepts and music repertoireApplication of skills to create music which demonstrates a context, style and/or genre by demonstrating knowledge of music elements and concepts.Summative: Composition: Minimum 32 bars/ minimum 1 minute. Types of compositions could include: Ensemble, instrumental and/or vocal Solo performance, instrumental and/or vocal Performance of student compositions Performance involving the use of emerging performance media. Composition tasks should: Be a minimum of 32 barsMinimum of 1 minute in duration Require that the student interpret music elements and concepts Stage 3 – Learning planLearning Experience 1Length: 3 lessons each 70 minutes longTopic and alignment to objectives: Constructing knowledge of musical and expressive elements in Musicals including motifs. Students will notice and interpret music elements and concepts in repertoire and music sources and identify and show understanding of the meaning of words, sounds and symbols. ACTIVITY (S): What will the students do?TEACHING STRATEGIES aligned to activities:What will the teachers do?Underpinning pedagogical strategies aligned to activitiesResourcesLiteracyICTOptional OtherStudents will learn about musical elements and expressive elements of music theatreStudents will learn about music theatre motifs.Students will watch two different extracts from musicals In small groups students will brainstorm on a large piece of paper elements of music theatre.Students will discuss their responses with the rest of groups. Teacher willPose questions1. What do you remember about the extract of the musical you saw?2. What was the mood of the music you have just heard (e.g. happy, sad, busy, calm etc.)? Try to find at least three different words to describe it. 3. What details of the story or the action do you think the music emphasised?4, Which instruments did you hear?5. What job do you think music does in each of these extracts in helping us understand the musical better?List writing Paragraph writing – teacher to remind students of text features of a paragraph – topic sentence and supporting information in sentences. Using music terminology – Teacher to insist on correct spellingStudent/teacher constructed word wall for students to refer to for spelling and definitionYouTubeMovie clips Used multiple times throughout the unit Teacher to remind students of the ethical use of ICTMemory- CatsPirates of Penzance - Modern Major GeneralLes Mis "Do You Hear The People Sing"Students will write down the type of character or musical which they think the motif might be associated with. Students will develop a list of 4 qualities for each key characters.Students will discuss the motif designs, interval size, rhythmic patterns, major/minor modes, range of pitches, and repetition of motifs in the theme.Independently students will write a paragraph on each of the characters brainstormed and discuss how the music relates to this character.Listen and take notes of similarities and differences heard and seen in musicals from other cultures.Play the main character motifs from a number of musicalsCorrect student work, and give feedback.Reteach any misconceptionsProvide students with musical examples from other cultures List writing Oral literacy forms a large component of Literacy in this unit. Students will be reminded of protocol of respectful listening and group engagementParagraph writingMusicals such as: Phantom of the Opera, Evita, Wicked, Lion KingDifferent cultural musicals could include: Bollywood, Irish, Chinese and Russian. Learning Experience 2Length: 3 lessons 70 minutes eachTopic and alignment to objectives: Write a short gap and silence and motif to describe the expression felt in the music using their knowledge of musical elements Students will be able to select and apply knowledge and understanding of music elements and concepts, and demonstrate composition techniques in the creation of their own works ACTIVITY (S): What will the students do?TEACHING STRATEGIES aligned to activities:What will the teachers do?Underpinning pedagogical strategies aligned to activitiesResourcesLiteracyICTOptional OtherStudents will choose a gap and silence from a given musical.Students will write a short scene and compose music piece.Students will draw a storyboard Explain the task to the students: putting music to a sceneProse writingScene writingUse of storyboardUse storyboard creator to create a story board. Use iPads to find piece of musicChoose a motif and change the style of the piece of music, eg. Blues, waltz, Latin ect. Model using instruments to develop different interpretations of a motif to reflect different personality traits. Listen to music on YouTube. Sheet music Melodic Instruments Watch a musical extract then compose a piece of music to accompany it using computer programs. Perform the composition for the class while extract plays.Assist students with their task.Check to see if students are on task for choosing performance piece. Students use music writing software programs to change the style of a piece Garage Band computer program for composition writingSibelius FinaleLearning Experience 3Length: 3 lessons 70 minutesTopic and alignment to objectives: Baroque, Classical, Romantic and 20st Century Opera Music Theatre Students will perceive and interpret music elements and concepts in repertoire and music sources and identify and show understanding of the meaning of words, sounds and symbols. ACTIVITY (S): What will the students do?TEACHING STRATEGIES aligned to activities:What will the teachers do?Underpinning pedagogical strategies aligned to activitiesResourcesLiteracyICTOptional OtherStudents will record information given by teacher in their workbooks Students will listen to piece from each style.Give definition of operaExplain the vocal styles in opera- chorus, ensemble, trioExplain instrumental music- overture and interludes Explain different styles of Barque and Classical Opera Play different stylesOpera Seria, Opera Buffa, Ballad Opera, Singspiel, Opera ComquieMusic terminologyOpera, Baroque, classical, romantic, musicalsYouTubeOpera Seria- Buffa- Ballad Opera- Singspiel- HYPERLINK "" Opera Comquie- Research and record on retrieval sheet- Baroque, Classical, Romantic, 20st Century Opera, musicalsPose research questions.What was the popular style of each opera?What are common types of songs within each style?Typical musical characteristics (5 dot points)Composers Typical plot conceptsRetrieval chart recordingNote takingRetrieval sheet (Appendix 1)Fact sheetCDs Track lists Romantic- 20st Century (Mainstream)- Musical Comedy- Operetta- Musical Play- Concept Musical- Rock Musical- Century (Rock)- will participate in oral discussions and correct errors on retrieval chart.Students will match composer to style of music to music elementsCheck student responses on retrieval sheet. Discuss similarities Oral discussionWorksheet- (Appendix 2) Create a presentation on music in the theatre using information collected on retrieval sheet.Assisting students with presentationInformation report writingPrezi Learning Experience 5Length: 3 lessons 70 minutes eachTopic and alignment to objectives: Assessment- CompositionStudents will be able to demonstrate composition skills and techniques related to contexts, interpret and comprehendThe meaning of sounds and symbols, translate symbols into sounds, determine and apply techniques, procedures and aspects of composing to solve challenges and synthesise and communicate music ideas and stylistic characteristics to create compositions.Excursion ACTIVITY (S): What will the students do?TEACHING STRATEGIES aligned to activities:What will the teachers do?Underpinning pedagogical strategies aligned to activitiesResourcesLiteracyICTOptional OtherStudents will attend the performance of Mary Poppins Students will compose their pieces and work on weak areas.Explain behaviour expectations before arriving at the theatreHand out permission forms to allow parents to plan travel arrangementsExplain composition assessment:Give advice composing and instrumentation selectionOffer drafting sessions Allow students to work on their composition assessment pieces Give feedback on improving compositionStudents will submit their compositions either digitally or in a hard copy form.Students will submit an audio file of their composition. Digitally mark student compositionsGarage BandSibelius Laptops Students will reflect on own compositionGive a brief overview of composition standard overall. ................

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