ASSIGNMENT #1Music Conversation EssayTake the opportunity to have a conversation with a family member of another generation about the music of their generation. Please have this conversation either in person or by phone or Skype/Facetime. Please avoid a conversation by text or SnapChat as these platforms limit responses and expressions. Use a platform or media that allows real-time responses.The conversation can be with a mom, dad, an aunt, uncle, grandparent or even a neighbor. Just someone from another generation. You may even want to record the conversation with your Chromebook or other devise to refer back to answer these questions later.The following are conversation starters. This is by no means all the questions you can ask or may not apply to the genres of music. Have a conversation.QUESTIONS:*What type of music did you listen to in school?*Was the music you liked part of a Dance Decade era? (40’s –Swing,50’s –Rock a’billy,70’s –Disco?80’s Pop?)*What was important in the music? (drum beats? Lyrics?)*Were the lyrics important?*Were the lyrics poetic (meaningful? Study-worthy? Well-structured?Experience-based? Danceable? Arethe lyrics awesome or mostly fluff –not of significant meaning?(i.e. Joni Mitchell vs. Taylor Swift).*Who were some of your favorite artists in school?*What did you enjoy most about their music(in depth)?*Did you attend any live performances?------What was the venue?------How was that experience?*Did your favorite artists write their own music?*Is the music more “mass produced”(voice doubled, auto-tuned) or more acoustic –regardless of the era?*What did your parents think of the music you liked at my age?*What do you think of the music they listen to? (play a bit of your music if the person is not sure the type of music you listen to).Listen to a song by each other’s favorite artist. After listening, share what you like about the artist.Question: Are there any common reactions between how your guest’s parents thought about their music and how YOUR parents think about your music?ESSAY REQUIREMENTS*500 words (One page single spaced or 2 pages double spaced)*Use information from your Musical Conversation*Can also add info on their favorite artist ASSIGNMENT #2Soundtrack of Your LifeBrainstorm a list of the most meaningful moments in your life (thus far). What events have shaped who you are, what you believe, and how you view the world?Select AT LEAST 8 of the most important moments from your list.Now comes the fun part: Link these events to the music you listen to. Youmust connect each event you have chosen to a different song. This is a challenge for some students and easy for others; I encourage you to grasp at a greater knowledge of music and share your ideas with others. Google “The Green Book of Songs by Subject”(). This site categorizes more than twenty thousand songs and makes them easy to search. Use the Internet to find lyrics or titles to songs that relate to your events. You can also share your findings with your peers. Some of you will have similar events and you might just find some new music you love.Talk to one another. Share your ideas.Next, put your songs in order. This should not be random! Put together your soundtrack in a meaningful way.This does not have to be chronological, though it might be.This assignment is a written exploration of self, and will include several different parts.In the first paragraph, introduce yourself to the “listener.”This should just be a brief, autobiographical paragraph about who you are.In the second paragraph, explain your soundtrack to your listeners. What is this soundtrack doing/explaining about you? What do you want the listeners to get out of hearing/reading your soundtrack? Next, introduce each event/song combination in one paragraph. (As you reflect on these things, remember that this is why the organizing principle (the order you put your songs) is so important.Finally, in your conclusion, thank the listeners for “sharing”these meaningful life experiences with you (remember, you are writing this for someone who cares and is paying attention—me!). This is where you should sum up what this project has meant to you. My hope is that by the end of this project, you will find it meaningful.I expect you approach this assignment with varying degrees of seriousness—some of you will reflect on deaths that have been close to you; some of you will reflect on your first kiss, your first love; some of you will be led to consider darker or even more inspiring moments of your life. This is as deep and/or as personal as you choose to make itKeep this in mind—The events/moment that you choose for your soundtrack have most definitely defined the person you have become. As you prepare to enter the world as adults—going off to college, entering the workforce, joining the military—think about the person you are today, and how you got here.Create a CD jacket that is reflective of your soundtrack, and lists each track. ................

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