
Argumentative EssayTask: Read the assigned textsAnnotate the text to identify pros and cons of the topicComplete a graphic organizerCreate a rough draftUse Google Classroom to produce a final copySolicit peer and teacher feedbackMake revisionsSubmitRUBRIC: 100 POINTSFocus (20 points)_____ Reasons support thesis_____ Details support reasonsContent (20 points)______Well-developed introduction includes a hook and clearly-stated thesis_____ Reasons are supported by your own ideas and properly cited ideas from articles_____ Opposing viewpoint is refuted using own ideas and properly cited ideas from articles_____ Conclusion demonstrates ability to summarize and synthesize ideas presented in the anization (20 points)_____ Persuasive transition words _____ Transitions are complete and varied_____ Details are in the appropriate paragraph and in logical order_____ Five indented paragraphsStyle (20 points)______ Sentences are well-developed and constructed______Word choice is varied and appropriate______Expression is clear and concise (No confusing pronoun usage)______Expression is formal (don’t write as you talk!)Conventions (20 points)_____ Proper heading: name, period and date in upper left hand corner______Paper has a title______Complete sentences_____ Correct spelling_____ Appropriate punctuation_____ Capitalization_____ Double-spacedPersuasive Essay Sample: NameTeacher’s namePeriodDateCelebrities as Role ModelsAre celebrities good role models? This is the question asked by many adults worried about the young minds of their children. From donating to charities and helping the community to being an inspiration to many teens and young adults, celebrities mostly have a positive impact on many people. Celebrities come in many shapes and sizes and include athletes, entrepreneurs, actors and singers. Therefore, their influence is widespread and they have the power to reach more people than the average person. Sure, some celebrities may abuse their power and send the wrong message to impressionable admirers, but most do not. Celebrities make excellent role models because of their great accomplishments, their inspiring messages, and their generosity.To begin with, celebrities make good role models because they share the important lessons of both their successes and failures. Celebrities show their young fans how to accomplish their goals in life. They often share the certain steps they took to become successful and this may guide young admirers to success. These “rags to riches” stories are very inspirational. Another way celebrities serve as role models is by sharing the struggles they have faced and overcome. Some struggles may include a loss in the family or a drug addiction. “A celebrity who struggles with an addiction, but battles and overcomes it, can be a very positive role model,” states Kathryn Hatter in the article “The Effects of Celebrity Role Models on Kids and Teens.” Learning from the failures and successes of others is important for young people, and celebrities have many valuable lessons to share.Celebrities are also good role models because of their generosity. For instance, some celebrities help charities by holding fundraisers, making donations, or appearing on public service announcements. One actress, Sofia Vergara, appeared on a Saint Judes Hospital commercial to help raise money for children with cancer. Akon, a famous rapper, spent a lot of time and money building power lines in Africa, delivering electricity to more than one million people. Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft and one of the world’s wealthiest men, is dedicated to promoting health around the world. His foundation delivers vaccines and cures to many people who have no access to healthcare (Tweedie). Many celebrities are dedicated to helping out the less fortunate, and this inspires their followers to be generous as well. Celebrities also deliver important inspirational messages through their art to the public. Many singers will provide hope and encouragement to fans. For example, Taylor Swift’s lyrics, “haters gonna hate, shake it off,” can help children to be themselves and worry less about the opinions of others. Rappers are often criticized for being negative influences, but many provide uplifting messages. For example, Tupak Shakur sang, “No matter how hard it gets, stick your chest out, keep your head up and handle it.” (“Me Against the World”). And many song lyrics actually address important world issues such as poverty and hunger, and these songs can raise awareness and demand change. The Black Eyed Peas wrote “Where is the Love” to condemn violence and promote peace. There is no denying that celebrities have the power to spread the word!On the contrary, some may say that celebrities are bad influences based on their actions and behavior. Many critics of celebrities worry about cheaters such as Lance Armstrong, the cyclist who was caught doping and stripped of his medals. They worry about criminals such as Oskar Pistorius, the Olympic Blade Runner from South Africa who murdered his girlfriend (Ashe). They worry about celebrities like Justin Bieber who do drugs and/or drive under the influence. But is it fair to judge all celebrities based on the poor decisions of a few? Should we throw away all the good that celebrities can do because a few of them have lost their way? There are cheaters, criminals and drug addicts in all walks of life and the world of celebrities is no different. However, many well-meaning celebrities are in a unique position to have a positive impact on their fans, and a few bad apples should not take away from that.All in all, celebrities can serve as good role models for their fans. Their life stories can inspire others to greatness. Even their troubles and setbacks can offer valuable lessons. Many demonstrate generosity which can lead their fans to also be more giving. Celebrities send messages of comfort and hope to many, and even spread the word about important issues in society. While there are some celebrities who do questionable things, many provide examples of great success and moral strength. Don’t discount celebrity role models; just pick right one.WRITER: _________________________________________________Persuasive Essay Peer Evaluation FormFocus:Editor name:_________________________________________Reasons support thesis (opinion)Details support reasons337185099695-1905099695PushPraise00PushPraiseOrganization: Editor name:_________________________________________All needed transitions are present, complete, and variedDetails are logically presented and in the appropriate paragraphFive indented paragraphs33718501358909525135890PushPraise00PushPraiseContent: Editor name: _________________________________________Attention grabber is engaging and well-developedEach paragraph has a reason and four well-developed, relevant supporting detailsRebuttal is provided: at least two opposing points and counterpointsConclusion avoids repetition and shows ability to synthesize (drew conclusions for the reader!)337185076835952576835PushPraise00PushPraiseStyle: Editor: _________________________________________Sentences are not short and choppyWord choice is varied and appropriateNo confusing pronoun usageExpression is formal and concise (don’t write as you talk!)337185084455-1905084455PushPraise00PushPraiseConventions: Editor: _________________________________________Complete sentences Appropriate punctuationCorrect spelling Appropriate capitalization3371850111125-19050111125PushPraise00PushPraise ................

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