1120140-60642500151638024384000Welcome to Childrens LiturgySunday morning is a time when our young parishioners come together with other children,to talk about their week and to listen to the gospel message in their own unique way.Each week we will give you the following:A layout of what would normally happen at Children’s LiturgySome suggested questions to chat to the children aboutA Colouring In Sheet for younger childrenA puzzle for the older childrenSome songs to try with your childrenLinks to other resourcesPlease use this as is best for your familyAdd in songs and prayers that suit your familyBringing together Children’s Liturgy in this way is new for us so if anyone has any suggestions As to how to improve this please let us know at this e-mailfredmcconell@41681403937000-2286009398000center-76200000Childrens LiturgyFind a quiet place to come together with your children.If you have a cross and a candle set these out.If possible, print out the activity sheets in advance.33909001079500Good Morning and WelcomeExplain why we have come together this morning.We are in the middle of a very difficult time and we are back at school and nursery, its still hard to go out with our friends or to church on Sunday.That’s why we will take a little time this morning to chat about the gospel.Maybe ask the children how they are feeling and if anything about all this change is worrying them. How is it feeling with being at school and how have things changed. Today is the First Sunday of Advent. Advent means “Coming” and it is a time of waiting and expectation. Tomorrow is the Feast of St Andrew who is the Patron Saint of Scotland.4015740762000Light the candleTell the children that we are lighting a candle to remind us that Jesus is with us today.338836013843000Make the sign of the crossAsk your children about their week.Has it been hard.What were the good things in their weekHow do they feel now that they are seeing some of their friends again? Is it good?Try to help them understand that things will go slowly but we are getting there.Ask them to think of ways they can interact with friends in the run up to Christmas.2788920-40830500Saying Sorry Ask the children to close their eyesCan they think of a good time in the past week.. A time when they did something good.Ask them how that made them feel? Can they also think of a time in the week when they did something not so good.It doesn't feel good when we do things that are not so good.Lets think of all the things we may have said or done this week which we know werenot very nice. The times when we could have stood back and thought aboutwhat we were doing and maybe did something different.Now think forward to next week and see if we can try just that little bit harder.Sorry PrayerJesus we are ready to forgive anyone who has hurt usBy what they have said or done,If we want to be forgiven too.We ask the Holy Spirit to fill us with the strength to do this as we pray together…Our Father,……AmenAs we light our candles today we begin our preparation to celebrate the birth of Jesus, who is the light of the world. As we sing our sorry song we ask God to forgive us and to fill our heartsand our lives with his love.Sing a sorry song (To the tune of Twinkle Twinkle little star)3832860-14986000Dear Lord Jesus hear our prayers,As we bring to you our cares.Please forgive us any wrongs,As we sing our sorry song.Help us to be kind each day,In our thoughts and all we say.Encourage them to pray for anyone in need and for anyone/anythingSpecial to us now greet the Gospel by making the sign of the cross with our thumbs:1. (touching our forehead first) saying “We think of God” 2. (now our mouth) saying “We speak of God” 3. (now our hearts) saying “We love God” The gospel today asks us to do something difficult that is right, instead of taking the easier way.Read the following Gospel, Gospel: Mark 13: 32-37Jesus told his disciples“Only my Heavenly Father knows when the Son of man will return, so stay awakeAnd be ready so that you will not be taken by surprise.Like a man who goes on a journey and tells his servants to take care of his home,They must be prepared for his return at any timeSo that he will always find them ready to greet him”Ask a few questions around this gospel, for example:If someone important is coming to visit you and your family, how do you prepare for their coming. Tidy your room and the rest of the house Dust and cleanPrepare a mealMake up a bedIt is easy to be ready for a visitor when you know the time to expect them, but sometimes they arrive unexpectantly and surprise you! Would you find it difficult to keep everything just as it should be if you did not know when your visitor was coming?Does anyone know exactly when Jesus will return to us?We know he will return at the end of time, but only God knows exactly when that will beWhat did Jesus tell us to do.Keep ourselves ready for the time when he will come againHow can we do this.Just as we prepare our homes and put them in order for a visitor, so we can prepare our hearts and put our lives in order for Jesus Do we know when Jesus may come back to earthNoIt could be this year, maybe in 20 years, maybe not in our lifetimeWe therefore should live our lives in a good way so that it won’t matter when he comes, we will be readyAdvent is a good time to “spring clean” our lives. To polish up our good things and make them ready, and to clear out the bad habits and make a fresh start. By living each day as Jesus taught us, filled with goodness and love, we will be ready whenever he comes. 3512820-7810500Closing PrayerWe ask the saints to pray for us todayGive us warm and loving heartsAnd help us to do what Jesus wants us to do.Lord JesusHelp us to live as you taught usWith our lives filled with goodness and love,So that we will be ready to greet youWhen you come again in glory.AmenHelp all the leaders And the nurses and doctorsTo do their very best for all people.Please look after my family and friends and help everyoneTo try their very best at this difficult time.Please also look after our teachers and all those who help us.AmenResourcesIf you are interested in doing more then please look at the following: ................

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