Become a Successful Christian Songwriter WEBINAR

[Pages:22]How to Become a

Successful Christian Songwriter

(Without Fearing Rejection or Facing Writer's Block Ever Again)

with John Chisum

What would your life look like if...

People LOVED your songs? People SANG your songs?

People RECORDED your songs?

What would your life look like if...

All your QUESTIONS answered?


If you're passionate about your calling to write for Jesus... you're in the right place

You've been writing a while but know your songs could go to a whole new level...

You're hungry to break through that "glass ceiling" you feel and communicate through your songs this burning message inside...


People actually LOVED your songs? Would that feel good? I know that YOU probably love your songs.... you've poured over them for hours or maybe even days.... so much of YOU is in your songs that you feel very attached to them and vulnerable if anyone criticizes them in any way.... they're like extensions of you, your children and babies.... what would it feel like if a bunch of people LOVED your babies the way you do?


All the questions about songwriting were answered for you? Think about it... all the things you wonder about songwriting really answered - finally - so that you can move forward quickly and easily - - that's be great, wouldn't it?

You lost all the guesswork about how to write great songs and gained immense CONFIDENCE in your writing so that you got results every

In the next 45 minutes...

How great songwriters THINK about their songwriting. Tap into hidden creativity.

Lose the fear of getting your songs in front of people.

In the next 45 minutes...

How to get UNSTUCK in your songwriting Release the POWER God's put in you Stop making the same MISTAKES

In the next 45 minutes...



So, like I said, you're here for a reason and I want to promise you that, in the next 45 minutes or so, I'm going to teach you as much as I can about how great Christian songwriters think about their writing and how you can think about your writing in that way, too, so you can STOP this endless cycle of frustration you're going through.

I'm going to help you tap into hidden creativity and resources you didn't know you had so you'll never struggle to find great song ideas or have writer's block - - you'll realize an endless source of ideas and be able to

I'm also going to show you how you can get UNSTUCK in your writing by doing some very simple things that bring BIG RESULTS, to get you out of the creative ruts you've been in for way too long.

How to RELEASE the power God's put in you so that you're no longer frustrated, angry, and messed up all the time - - sound good on that one? Give me some love in the chat box!

And also how to stop making the same mistakes over and over that

FINALLY - I want to help you take REAL steps to UNLEASH YOUR MAXIMUM POTENTIAL AND REALLY FULFILL YOUR CALL to write Christian songs so you can STOP THE PAIN of wondering if you'll ever be heard or ever fulfill this call from God to express Him and His truth in great Christian songs. There's just no reason to stay unclear about that and I want to help you walk in all God has called you to walk in.

I talk to writers every single day who want to make their own records, get their songs on the radio, travel, sing in front of thousands of

Stick around till the end...






I've worked with a lot of great songwriters and all of them used these TEN pro songwriting tips as they developed their songs. Now you can use them, too!

Always start with a strong hook and title. The primary "hook" of a song is almost always the title and must be the most memorable part of the song - that's why they call it a hook. One notable exception is Redman/Silas' 10,000 Reasons where the hook is actually "Bless the Lord, O my soul" and not the title, but you get the point. If you start writing a song and the hook is weak, the rest of the song just won't gel and come together the way you want it to.

Think through the song's FORM. What kind of song are you writing? What popular songs would compare to yours and what form did they use? How can you use that form to make yours great? Even worship songs for congregations rarely have only one verse, so yours should probably have two, as well, along with a chorus (of course) and maybe even a pre-chorus and a bridge. Think about the FORM as the blueprint for where you want to go, then start laying in the building blocks.

Don't throw any idea out. No professional writer throws anything out. They always keep snippets in their phones, on their laptops or tablets, and when writing they NEVER throw away any great lines, even if they don't seem to be working in the present song project. You never know when it could fit in and be the perfect line! As you write, jot down extraneous lines at the bottom of the page. If you don't use them, transfer them to an idea file you can come back to later.

Write with and keep a notebook of your song ideas, titles, and snippets. I know I just said to keep random lines on your phone or other handy electronic gadget, and you should, but there's nothing like an old fashioned spiral notebook for jotting down your ideas and finishing out those songs. In some ways, it's easier to play with the lines on a page with your pen or pencil than to erase and cut and paste. I've done it both ways, but I love the feel of a pencil and there are times the phone or tablet or laptop aren't handy. I always transfer a lyric and rough demo recordings to my digital file when finished and I'm ready to move to the next phase of making the song come to life.

Stick around till the end...



Does this sound like you?

Do you have reams of SONG STARTS that you've never been able to finish?

Do you struggle with the feeling that you have GREAT SONGS inside you, but they'll never really be written?

Do you sing your songs in church and WONDER if they could ever be used on a bigger scale by other

artists or congregations?

I want to tell you right up front that there's nothing for sale on this webinar today, but if you stick around to the end, I have a couple of very special gifts for you with my PRO SONGWRITER'S TOP TEN TIP SHEET.

This isn't something I sell, but I use it as a quick guide with my clients to help them conveniently identify tips and insights on the fly as they write. It's been very effective for them, too. If I were to sell it, it would be valued at $12.99, but worth much more than that, considering the years

And - - I also want to give you a SECOND BONUS worth sticking around for.

I want you to have this information SO BADLY that I'm giving you my webinar slides with my notes so you can download and make your own notes on it. Some people learn more this way, so I want you to have every opportunity to learn from this and take your writing UP to the next level.

So, let me ask you a few questions...

Do you have reams of SONG STARTS that you've never been able to finish?

Do you struggle with the feeling that you have GREAT SONGS inside you, but they'll never really be written?

Do you sing your songs in church and wonder if they could ever be

Does this sound like you?

Do you struggle to find great HOOKS/TITLES for your songs that really deliver a punch? Do people have LUKEWARM to ZERO

RESPONSE to songs you've worked a lot on? Is the DREAM of writing great songs for God something that CONSUMES your thoughts?

The BIG question... Do you feel time slipping away

and fear that you'll NEVER fulfill this call?


These are just SYMPTOMS of the real problem...

Do you struggle to find great HOOKS/TITLES for your songs that really deliver the punch you want to have?

Do people have LUKEWARM to ZERO RESPONSE to songs you've worked long and hard on?

Is the DREAM of writing great songs for God something that CONSUMES your thoughts and maybe even tortures you because you wonder if you'll ever really do it?

So, let me ask you the BIG question...Do you feel time slipping away and FEAR that you'll NEVER FULFILL this call?

Honestly - if this is you, you're certainly not alone... we ALL feel time slipping away and an URGENCY to get the things done we're AFRAID we're going to miss out on doing.

If you've identified with any or all of these questions, I want you to know that I have some really AWESOME NEWS for you in this class

If you've identified with any or all of these questions, I want you to know that I have some really AWESOME NEWS for you in this class today...

You know, there's a lot of confusing messages out there about songs and songwriting and it's NOT YOUR FAULT that it's like this.

People just don't know where to go to get the straight scoop on how it all works and how to step up in their songwriting. You can go to college

The REAL problem... haven't made the FIVE KEY SHIFTS that all successful songwriters make.

5 key shifts...


A veteran songwriter/publisher for over 30+ years with over 400 songs

recorded and counting.

John & Donna

Known as a "veteran Christian songwriter," and a "key Christian

songwriting mentor."

Managed dozens of successful Christian songwriters.

Specialize in helping songwriters take quantum leaps in their lyric

and music writing.

If you've identified with any or all of these questions and answered, "YES!" the real problem is that you haven't made the FIVE KEY SHIFTS that successful songwriters make.

I've made them and every successful songwriter I know has made them, whether they KNEW they were making them or not.

I've identified them FOR you so you can go ahead and get them out of the way and move on with your songwriting, right?

The cool thing is that you CAN make these shifts - you CAN get all you need to write fantastic songs that a LOT of people will not only want to hear, but they'll want to hear them over and over and sing along and have them on their phones and iPods and laptops and everywhere they access their music.

You really CAN feel what it's like to have hundreds and even thousands of people singing your songs and praising God in incredible ways when you make these shifts in your songwriting.

This is me and my wife, Donna. We've been married 36 years

this year and she still likes me most days! We moved to Nashville

to take a church job in 1983 that fell through once we got here.

We had $40.00 and no place to live. We were homeless and

had no jobs, but God had a plan.

Nancy Gordon

Paul Baloche

Don Moen George Searcy

Lynn DeShazo

David Baroni

Israel Houghton

5 key shifts...


Unhelpful Conferences




Bad Opinions Hearsay


I've had the opportunity to mentor and coach some of the most prolific songwriters in the world through Integrity Music and Star Song where I managed dozens of published songwriters. What I'm sharing with you here isn't THEORY or HEAD KNOWLEDGE, but the crucial things I learned while working with people like you see here and many more who've literally impacted the NATIONS with their songwriting. If it can work for them, it can work for you, too.

I use the same principles and training I used with them to quite literally

So, I've just told you a little about who I am, and now I want to tell you about these FIVE POWERFUL SHIFTS, but I need to tell you how I know about them and HOW IMPORTANT THEY ARE for YOU to know them.

Here's the thing - I didn't get started or even go through the early years of my career knowing these things, but I've just told you that I've worked with dozens of amateur and professional Christian songwriters in my 30+ years of writing and publishing.

As we get into our five vital shifts, I want to share with you an overview of what I'm going to give you today.

This is the OLD WAY of going about FIGURING OUT songwriting and building a ministry with your songs.

So, here's you and your passion to write, but you're trying to PIECE everything together you can on the subject by going to CONFERENCES that may or may NOT be helpful - - you might pick up









Shift #1 Stop "Writing From Your Heart"

So why is it that passionate Christian songwriters who feel such a deep call from God believe that all they have to do is WRITE from their hearts?

The new way is that you get, starting today, a bunch of new things that are going to help you fulfill this call on your life, great or small.

This is how it works... through today's webinar you can start the journey towards getting the knowledge, guidance, correct songwriting principles, creativity, and singular focus in your songwriting that will lead you ultimately to stronger ideas, better hooks, focused lyrics, power phrases, hard-hitting choruses that are going to make YOUR songs stand out from the thousands of others floating around

All of this only leads to YOUR CALLING FULFILLED...

That's what every writer tells me and we're here to help you get further down the road in feeling that amazing sense of satisfaction to know that you've used every possible means to FULFILL this calling on your life.

That would feel amazing, wouldn't it?

Here's the first shift and it's a shocker - - stop "writing from your heart."

Okay.... before you totally flip out and turn this webinar off, think about it... we don't want brain surgeons "operating from their hearts" or pilots flying our airplanes "from their hearts," right?

So why is it that passionate Christian songwriters who feel such a deep call from God to express amazing worship and the power of the Gospel believe that all they have to do is WRITE from their hearts?

Shift #1 Stop "Writing From Your Heart"

... stop mistaking passion for commercial ability

... without knowing HOW songs really work, you will be frustrated, lack confidence, be subject to

guesswork and trial and error

Shift #1 Stop "Writing From Your Heart"


? Devotional ? Personal ? Private ? Prayer Closet with Jesus


? Sunday School ? Scripture Memory ? Functional ? Catechism


? Congregational ? Praise/Worship ? Choral ? Solos/Special Songs ? Teaching ? Singer/Songwriter ? Soaking/Prophetic

(relates back to first category...)


? CCM ? Radio ? Touring for Artists ? CD Sales ? Popular ? Singer/Songwriter ? Reaches Broadest



? Free Form ? No Repetitive Hook ? May Never Be Repeated


? Simple ? Memorable ? Instructional ? May have potential to

go beyond on this continuum...


? Singable ? Memorable ? Biblical ? Celebratory ? Unifying ? Service Music


? Singable and Rangy ? Artistic License ? Testimonial ? Evangelistic

? Copyright 2017 by Nashville Christian Songwriters LLC Int'l. All Rights Reserved.

Shift #1 Stop "Writing From Your Heart"


Wanted to share deep Biblical truths...

...too many ideas, huge conflicting concepts

Now she writes clearly and shares her TRUE heart!

So, what's happening is that people are mistaking their PASSION for Jesus and for what they WANT to communicate for the actual commercial ABILITY to communicate their passion well to the GREATEST number of people.

Lots of people are passionate about sports, but can't shoot hoops or kick field goals - - it's really more about skill AND heart than heart alone.

One of the tools I use to help my clients get a handle on this is called The Song Continuum. It's one of my free gifts to you if you stick around to the end today.

So, you can see on the continuum that it moves from the devotional category on the far left all the way over to the commercial category on the far right. In-between are the Instructional and Congregational categories.

This is Chantel, one of our clients.... she came to us with a deep desire to share biblical truth, but her songs had many different ideas fused into one song.... everything from Scripture references to huge concepts that conflicted with one another.

She was "writing from her heart," but the message of her heart wasn't coming through until she learned through our coaching that expressing the deeper messages of the heart require a lot more than the passion to say something. It requires learning how to say it well...


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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