




[Time allowed: 3 hours] [Maximum Marks : 70]

Instruction : (i) All questions are compulsory

(ii)Programming Language : PYTHON

|Question No. |Answers |Marks |

|1 |a |Guido van Rossum |01 marks |

| |b |It means- to download python, one needs not pay anything because it is Free. And its source code is also |01 marks |

| | |available, which can be modified/ improved etc., because it is open-source. | |

| |c |Sameer, you are 17 now but you will be 19 next year. |01 marks |

| |d | for loop |01 marks ( ½ marks for |

| | |while loop |each) |

| |e |Dynamic typing- A variable pointing to the value of a certain type can be made to point to a value or object of |01 marks |

| | |different type. | |

| |f |An object which holds a fixed value is termed as immutable data value. These cannot be altered, changed or |01 marks |

| | |modified. | |

| |g |math.sqrt (a*a + b*b + c*c) |02 (01 marks for each) |

| | |p + q / math.pow ((r+s), 4) | |

| |h |i)ASCII :- American Standard Code for Information Interchange. |01(½ marks for each) |

| | |b)ROM:- Read Only Memory | |

|2 |a |Minimum possible number =0 |02 marks |

| | |Maximum possible number =7 | |

| | |Because, | |

| | |randint (3,10) would generate a random integer in the range 3 to 10 | |

| | |subtracting 3 from it would change the range to 0 to 7 (because if randint(3,10) generates 10 then -3 would make| |

| | |it 7; similarly, for lowest generated value is 3, it will make it 0) | |

| |b |2+7*10-8/2//2 |02 marks |

| | |= 2+70-4.0//2 | |

| | |= 2+70-2.0 | |

| | |= 72-2.0 | |

| | |= 70.0 | |

| |c |The else clause of an ‘if’ statement is executed when the condition of the’ if’ statement results into false. |02 marks |

| | |The else clause of a loop is executed when the loop is terminating normally i.e. when its test-condition has | |

| | |gone false for a “while” loop or when the “for” loop has executed for the last value in sequence. | |

| |d |string 1 = input (“Enter a string;”) |02 marks |

| | |length = len (string1) | |

| | |for a in range (-1, (-length -1), -1) : | |

| | |print (string 1 [a]) | |

| |e |remove () |02 marks (01 marks for |

| | |pop () |each) |

| |f |23.789 Floating point |03 marks ( ½ marks for |

| | |23789 Integer |each) |

| | |True Boolean | |

| | |‘True’ string | |

| | |3+5j Complex | |

| | |“False” string | |

|3 |a |An l and L suffix indicates it is long integer constant. Thus 55L is a long integer value and 55 is an integer |02 marks |

| | |value. | |

| |b |11001010 |02 marks (01 marks for |

| | |1111101.01 |each) |

| |c |(i) 3.0 |02 marks (½ marks for |

| | |(ii) 3.5 |each) |

| | |(iii) 2.0 | |

| | |(iv) 64 | |

| |d |Break and continue are type of jump statements and can be used to alter the flow of loop. Break statement |02 marks |

| | |terminates the loop and resume execution in the statement. | |

| | |Continue statement skips the rest of the code inside a loop for the current iteration. | |

| |f | [pic] |02 marks |

|4 |a | i) AV |03 marks ( ½ marks for |

| | |ii) SAV |each correct answer) |

| | |iii) E MONEY | |

| | |iv) SAVE MONEY | |

| | |v) EY | |

| | |vi) SV OE | |

| |b |Membership operators : in , not in |01 marks for operator |

| | |Ex: |name and 01 mark for |

| | |S=”Hello” |correct example. |

| | |for x in S: | |

| | |print(x ,end=” “) | |

| | |O/p : | |

| | |‘H’ ‘e’ ‘l’ ‘l’ ‘o’ | |

| | | | |

| |c | length = len(L) |02 marks |

| | |L. sort () | |

| | |print (“smallest = “, L[0] ) | |

| | |print (“largest = “, L[length - 1] ) | |

| |d |d={'Jan':31,'Feb':'28','Mar':31,'Apr':30,'May':31,'June':30,'July':31,'Aug':31,'Sep':30,'Oct':31,'Nov':30,'Dec':|02 marks |

| | |31} | |

| | |no_month=0 | |

| | |for x in d: | |

| | |if(int(d[x]) ................

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