Ms. Jansen

Imperialism in South Africa QUIZ: Period 2What forms of imperialism were used in South Africa? (Bubble all that apply.)Sphere of InfluenceProtectorateColonizationEconomic ImperialismWhat was the biggest social problem that came from Imperialism in South Africa?ChristianityToo much industrializationDiscriminationNationalismWhat was a significant British base in South Africa?Cape TownZuluBoerBantuWhat was the controversial land that started the Zulu war of 1878?Orange Free StateCape ProvinceBotswanaTransvaalWhat was agreed at Berlin Conference of 1884-85?Rules to claim African territoriesWays they could control native peopleReligions that could be practicedWhat types of trading could take place between Europe and AfricaWhat was the main industry that Britain was interested in South Africa?TextilesTechnologyMiningIndustrializationWhich form of management did Britain use for South Africa?Direct ControlColonyImperialismNone of the aboveWhich empire colonized the most land in Africa?BritainGermanyItalyBelgiumWhat kept Britain from colonizing South Africa earlier?They were satisfied with their own resourcesAnother European country already colonized itAfrican leaders promised them slavesSouth Africa resisted being colonizedWho fought in both of the Boer wars?The two Boer states and BritainThe Dutch and the BritishThe Zulu and the Orange Free StateThe two Boer states and BelgiumWhat were South Africa’s primary cash crops?Coffee, sugar, cotton, tobaccoCoffee, sugar, wheat, tobaccoPrecious minerals, slaves, salt, fishCocoa beans, sweet potato, eggplant, cucumberWhat did the Apartheid do?Give South Africa more landGrant more rights to Black South AfricansCreate major segregation and discriminationHelp decrease poverty rates in South AfricaWhy did native Africans join Europeans in the colonization of South Africa?To kill competing coloniesTo kick the Europeans into thinking they were helping them to overthrow them in the endTo spread their specific religion to other native coloniesAll of the aboveWho were the Boers?Dutch farmers who settled in AfricaA group of British noblesAn African colony north of Cape ProvinceAfrican militantsHow was the hierarchy organized during colonization in South Africa?Europe’s control overall but African on the local levelEuropean on local levelAfrican overall controlNone of the aboveThe first Angle-Boer war was also known asThe Fight for FreedomThe Boers’ Last StandThe First Freedom WarThe Unifying FightHow does this picture represent Britain’s initial interest in South Africa?It shows how Britain was rich and Africa was poor, so they wanted to helpIt displays how Britain excavated South African landIt shows how Britain mined gold in South Africa and then took all of those resourcesThe image represents howEurope underdeveloped Africa by exploiting their resourcesAmerica and Europe severely damaged the countries south to themLatin America suffered the same imperialism and colonization as AfricaAmerica was inspired by Europe’s motives and followed in their footstepsWhat do the resources left in South Africa represent?The Europeans decided to let Africa go after a whileThe Europeans left enough for Africa to sustain itselfThe land and resources that the Europeans didn’t exploreAfricans successfully removed Europeans from Africa before they could take all of their resourcesNone of the aboveDoes the image properly represent the main effect of Europe colonizing Africa?Yes because Europe exploited Africa’s resources, leaving very little for native Africans to thrive in Yes because Europe destroyed Africa’s economy, only taking their wealthNo because Europe did not colonize AfricaNo because Europe only took crops from Africa, not any wealthWhat major effect of imperialism does this picture show?Income inequality within South AfricaIncreased industrialization in Cape TownRacism and discrimination against black South AfricansLimited amounts of land ownership for native South AfricansWhich group would have been most against signs like these in South Africa?The African National CongressThe National Party of South AfricaCommunist Party of South AfricaEuropean imperialists in South AfricaWhat does this image best represent?South Africa before imperialismThe Second Anglo-Boer WarThe South African Gold RushAnnexation of the TransvaalWhat part of the image shows why European imperialists could defeat native South Africans?They were white, which they believed was a dominant raceThey used the roads to attack which made them quickerThey had advanced technology from Europe which allowed them to easily overtake the South AfricansThey had some horses in their armiesWhat does this political cartoon show about Nelson Mandela’s role in South Africa?He gave the people too much responsibilityHe gave South Africa new strength and helped rebuild the countryHe crushed the South African people in his efforts to help themHe wanted to control everything and put all of the work on the citizensWhy was Nelson Mandela’s savior role so important to South Africa?He helped stabilize their economy after imperialismHe was very nice to the people which made them happierIn a post-apartheid time, he unified races and created a more peaceful country in generalHe helped the mining industry take off after the British brought it to South Africa ................

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