United Nations - UNECE

United NationsEconomic and Social CouncilGE.1 Post-session documentDistr.: General4 July7 June 2016Original: EnglishEconomic Commission for EuropeSteering Committee on Trade Capacity and StandardsWorking Party on Agricultural Quality StandardsSpecialized Section on Standardization of Fresh Fruit and VegetablesGE.1 POST-SESSION DOCUMENT 4 July7 June 2016Open for consultation until 30 June 20162nd round: Open for consultation until 29 July 2016.Revised list of varieties - Apples NOTE: This document contains the revised list of varieties discussed by the April 2016 Specialized Section and is based on ECE/CTCS/WP.7/GE.1/2016/8. DRAFT Non-Exhaustive List of Apple Varieties Providing a Classification on Colouring, Russeting and Watercore11 Some of the varieties listed in the following may be marketed under names for which trademark protection has been sought or obtained in one or more countries. Names believed by the United Nations to be varietal names are listed in the first column. Other names by which the United Nations believes the variety may be known are listed in the second and third columns. None of these three columns is intended to include trademarks. References to known trademarks have been included in the fourth column for information only. The presence of any trademarks in the fourth column does not constitute any licence or permission to use that trademark – such licence must come directly from the trademark owner. In addition, the absence of a trademark in the fourth column does not constitute any indication that there is no registered/pending trademark for such a variety. For labeling requirements please refer to section VI of the standard.12 Note: Mutants mentioned in this list are either protected varieties and/or linked to registered/protected trademark.Legend: M = miniature variety R = russet variety V = watercore (French: vitrescence)* = mutant without varietal protection but linked to a registered/protected trademarkVariety / VariétéMutant / MuatantSynonyms / SynonymesTrademarks / MarqueColour Group / ColorationAdditional specifications*/ Autres caractéristiques African Red?African Carmine ?BAkaneTohoku 3, Primerouge?BAlkmeneEarly Windsor?CAlwa??BAmbrosia?Ambrosia ?C (B )Annurca??BAriane?Les Naturianes ?BArletSwiss Gourmet?BRAW 106?Sapora ?CBelgica??BBelle de BoskoopSchone van Boskoop, GoudrienetteGoudreinette?DRBoskoop rougeRed Boskoop, Roter Boskoop, Rode Boskoop?BRBoskoop ValastridBRBerlepschFreiherr von Berlepsch?CBerlepsch rougeRed Berlepsch, Roter Berlepsch?BBraeburn?BHidala?Hillwell ?AJoburn?Aurora ?, Red Braeburn ?, Southern Rose ?ALochbuie Red Braeburn??AMahana Red Braeburn?Redfield ?AMariri Red?Eve ?, Aporo ?ARoyal Braeburn??ABramley’s SeedlingBramley, Triomphe de Kiel?DCardinal??BCaudle ?Cameo ?, Camela ?BCauflight?Cameo ?, Camela ?ACIV323?Isaaq ?BCIVG198 ?Modi ?ACivni?Rubens ?BCollina??CCoop 38 Goldrush ?, Delisdor ?DR Coop 39?Crimson Crisp ?ACoop 43Juliet ?BCoromandel Red Corodel?ACortland??BCox’s Orange PippinCox Orange, Cox’s O. P. ?CRCripps PinkPink Lady ?, Flavor Rose ?CLady in Red?Pink Lady?C BRosy Glow?Pink Lady ?CRuby Pink??BCripps Red Sundowner ?, Joya ?B C B (1)Dalinbel?Antares ?BRDelblush?Tentation ?DDelcorfDelbarestivale ?CCeleste*BBruggers FestivaleSissired ?A (GE)Dalili?Ambassy ?CWonik*Appache ?A (GE)Delcoros?Autento ?A (GE)Delgollune?Delbard Jubilé ?BDelicious ordinaireOrdinary Delicious?BDiscovery??CDykmanns Zoet??CEgremont Russet??DREliseRed DelightRoblos ?AElstar?CBel-ElRed Elswout ?A (GE)DaliestElista ?B (GE)DaliterElton ?C (GE)ElshofBElstar Boerekamp?Excellent Star ?BElstar Palm?Elstar PCP ?BGroenhofElnica ?A (GE)Red Elstar??CRNA9842?Red Flame ?AValstarBVermuelElrosa ?BEmpire??AFiestaRed Pippin?CFresco?Wellant ?BRFujiB (Brazil C)VAztec?Fuji Zhen ?AVFuji Brak?Kiku ? 8BVFuji Fubrax?Fuji Kiku ? FubraxBVFuji SupremeFuji Suprema??AVRaku-RakuBVHesei Fuji (Mu: Yataka)Beni Shogun ?A (GE)VGala ?CBaigent?Brookfield ?ABigigalaprimEarly Red Gala ?B (GE)Fengal?Gala VenusAGala Schnico Red?Schniga ?AGala Schnico?Schniga ?AGalavalB (GE)Galaxy?Selekta ?BSimmonsBuckeye ? GalaA (GE)Tenroy ?Royal Gala ?CGilmac (Mu: Tenroy)Neon ?A (GE)Oliver (Mu: Tenroy)?Tiddly Pomme?CM.Royal Beaut (Mu: Tenroy)??AGloster??BGolden 972DGolden DeliciuousGolden?DCG10 Yellow DeliciousSmothee ?DGolden ParsiDa Rosa ?DGolden ReindersReinders ?DImperial GalaBLeratessPink Gold ?DNatali GalaCQuemoniRosagold ?DRegal Prince?Gala Must ?CGoldstar?Rezista Gold Granny ?DGradigold?Golden Supreme ?, Golden Extreme ?DGradiyelGoldkiss ?DGranny Smith??DDalivairChallenger ?DGravensteinerGravenstein?DHokuto??CHolsteiner CoxHolstein?CRHoneycrisp?Honeycrunch ?CHorneburger??DIdared??BIdaredestBNajdjaredBIngrid Marie??BRJames Grieve??DJonagold?CEarly Jonagold?Milenga ?BDalyrianB (GE)Decosta??CJonagold Boerekamp?Early Queen ?BJonagold NovajoVeulemanns?BJonagored ?Morren’s Jonagored ?B (Poland C)Jonagored Supra?Morren’s Jonagored ? Supra ?BRed Jonaprince?Wilton’s ?, Red Prince ?PL, GE = A, Italy = CRubinstar??BSchneicaJonica?BVivista??BJonathan??BKarmijn de Sonnaville??CRLa Flamboyante?Mairac ?BLaxton’s Superb??CRLigol??BLobo??BLurefresh?Red Love ? Era ?ALureprecRed Love ? Circe ?ALuregust ?Redlove ? Calypso ?ALuresweet?Redlove ? Odysso ?AMaigoldBMaribelle?Lola ?BMcIntosh??BMelrose??CMilwa?Diwa ?, Junami ?BMitchglaMondial Gala ?CJugala??BMoonglo ??CMorgenduft Imperatore?BMountain Cove?Ginger Gold ?DMutsuCrispin?DNewton??CNicogreen?Greenstar ?DNicoter ?Kanzi ?BNorthern Spy??COhrinOrin?DPaula Red??BPinova?Corail ?, Evelina ?CRoHo 3615?Evelina ?BPiros??CPlumac?Koru ?B (GE)Prem A153?Lemonade ?, Honeymoon ?C (GE)Prem A17?Smitten ?C (GE)Prem A280?Sweetie?B (GE)Prem A 96?Rockit ?C, B (GE) MRafzubin?Rubinette ? CRafzubex?Rubinette ? RossoARajka?Rezista Romelike ?BRed DeliciousRouge AméricaineACamspur?Red Chief ?AErovan?Early Red One ?AStark Delicious??A (GE)Starking ??CStarkrimson (Mu: Starking)??AStarkspur??CTrumdorOregon Spur Delicious ?AEvasni (Mu: Trumdor)?Scarlet Spur ?AReine des ReinettesGold Parmoné, Goldparm?ne?CVReinette Grise du CanadaGraue Kanadarenette, Renetta Canada?DRRome Beauty Belle de Rome, Rome, Rome Sport?BRubin (Czech cultivar)??CRubinola??B?ampion?Shampion, Champion?BReno 2A?ampion ArnoASantana??BSciearly ?Pacific Beauty ?AScifresh?Jazz ?BSciglo?Southern Snap ?AScilate?Envy ?NL, GE = A, Italy = CSciray GS48?AScired?Pacific Queen ?ARSciros ?Pacific Rose ? ASenshu??CSpartan??AStayman??BSummerred??BSunrise??ASunset??DRSuntan??DRSweet Caroline??CTopaz??BTopred (Mu: Shotwell Delicious)ATydeman’s Early WorcesterTydeman’s Early?BTsugaru??CUEB32642?Opal ?DWorchester Pearmain??BYork??BZari??B (GE)*R = Russeting/roussissement; V = Watercore/vitriscence; M = Miniature variety / variété miniature;Notes: (1) With minimum 20% for Class I / au minimum 20 % pour la catégorie I. ................

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