Associate Professor
Pharmacy Care Systems
School of Pharmacy
Auburn University, AL 36849-5506
Telephone: (334) 844-8360 Office e-mail: felkebg@auburn.edu
(334) 887-8079 Home cell: 334-663-0521
(334) 844-8307 Fax
Through the use of communication and advanced technology, solve problems of professional practice present in pharmacy and related health care professions. Apply systems approach to insure that stated objectives are achieved in a comprehensive and effective manner. Through collaboration with other professionals, pursue projects which will create and transmit drug knowledge needed by the public.
A. Master of Science in Instructional Systems Technology, Indiana University, (August 1977).
B. Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and Communication Through Media (dual major), University of Maine (May, 1975).
A. Associate Professor, Department of Pharmacy Care Systems (1995), School of Pharmacy, Auburn University.
B. Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmacy Care Systems (1990), School of Pharmacy; Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Speech Communication, College of Liberal Arts (1991); Associate Member of the Graduate Faculty (1994), Auburn University.
C. Director of the Office of Instructional Design; Instructor, Department of Pharmacy Care Systems, School of Pharmacy, Auburn University (1979-1990).
D. Video Production Specialist, Instructor, Department of Pharmacy Care Systems, School of Pharmacy, Auburn University (1977-1979).
E. Graduate Production Assistant, School of Business, Indiana University (1976-1977).
F. Audio-Visual Equipment Specialist, Lecturer I, University of Maine, Farmington, MA (1973-1976).
G. Self-Employed, Electronic Repair Technician, Farmington, Maine (1971-1973).
H. US Army Paratrooper, Special Forces, Communication Specialist, Republic of Vietnam, Panama Canal Zone (1969-1971).
A. IM 254 Instructional Television Production; Instructional Media Department; University of Maine, Farmington.
B. HE 262 Household Equipment; Home Economics Department; University of Maine, Farmington.
C. PCS 471 Professional Communication; Pharmacy Care Systems; Auburn University. (Co-taught with Bruce A. Berger.)
D. PCS 495 Special Problems; Interpersonal Communication and Computer Topics, Pharmacy Care Systems Department; Auburn University.
E. U 399 Experiential Learning; University Curriculum; Auburn University.
F. SC 431 Mass Communication Workshop; Speech Communication Department; Auburn University.
G. SC 539 Internship; Speech Communication Department; Auburn University.
H. JM 422-423 Journalism Workshop; Journalism Department; Auburn University.
I. PCS 472 Professional Communication II; Pharmacy Care Systems; Auburn University.
J. PCS 362 Introduction to Medication Information Systems; Pharmacy Care Systems; Auburn University.
K. PCS 695 Special Problems; Graduate individualized and experiential learning in the content areas of technology, communication and/or research problems.
A. American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy.
B. National Audio-Visual Association.
C. Health Education Media Association.
D. Association for Educational Communication Technology.
E. Alabama Pharmaceutical Association.
F. Alabama Society of Hospital Pharmacists.
G. Alabama Joint Commission on Pharmacy.
H. International Interactive Communication Society.
I. International Pharmaceutical Federation
J. Member of Editorial Board for Journal of Pharmaceutical Care
K. Member of the California Pharmacists Association
A. Service to University
1. School of Pharmacy
a. Building Committee (1977-78).
b. Professional and Academic Standards (1979-Present).
c. Student Faculty Relations (1981).
d. AFPE Accreditation Self-Study, Administration (1982).
e. AFPE Accreditation Self-Study, Administration (1984-85).
f. LRC Ad hoc Committee (1986,1993-94).
g. School of Pharmacy Dress Code Committee (1999-present)
h. Office of Information Advisory Group
2. Other
a. Auburn University Library Self-Study (1982).
b. Ethics Board, Auburn University School of Pharmacy (1993).
c. Graduate Thesis Committee, Mass Communication Department (1983).
d. Newsletter Committee, Alabama Society of Hospital Pharmacists (1986-Present).
e. Public Relations Committee, Alabama Pharmaceutical Association (1988-present).
f. Auburn University Committee for Teaching Effectiveness (1989-present).
g. Auburn University Teaching Grant-In-Aid Evaluation Committee (1990).
h. CRC Advisory Committee, AACP-Curricular Resources Clearinghouse (1990).
i. PDA Research
B. Service to Profession
1. Member, Expert Panel Committee on Information Development and Dissemination for US Pharmacopeia (2001-2002)
2. Member, Computer Technology in Pharmacy Practice Education Task Force,
AACP. (2001-2002)
2. Advisor, Phi Delta Chi, Pharmacy Fraternity (1979-Present).
3. Educational Media Department Self-Study (1982).
4. Vice-President, Educational Alternatives School Board (1982-84).
Pre-Pharmacy Advisor (1981-1989).
5. Advisory Board Member, Montgomery Hospice (1984).
6. Member, Professional Affairs Committee, Alabama Pharmacists Association (1994)
C. Consultant To:
1. Maine Maritime Academy (1973).
2. Tuskegee Area Health Education Center (1978).
3. J.O. Brooks Health Education Center (1978).
4. Jackson Hospital of Montgomery, Owens Pharmacy Management Company (1980).
5. East Alabama Medical Center (1980-82).
6. Alabama Pharmaceutical Association (1981-87).
7. Earl Swensson Architects, Nashville, TN (1981-85).
8. University of Alabama Hospitals, Birmingham, AL (1982-85).
9. Alabama Society of Hospital Pharmacists (1982-85).
10. Durr-Fillauer Medical, Inc. (1983-Present).
11. Health Care Systems, Inc. (1983-Present).
12. Alabama Commission on Pharmacy (1983-85).
13. American Pharmaceutical Association (1983).
14. Hoffmann-La Roche Inc. (1983, 1986).
15. Montgomery Hospice (1984-Present).
16. Walker Drug Company (1984).
17. Prescription Cabinet, Inc. (1984-87).
18. Ensemble Productions (1985).
19. National Screenprinters, Inc. (1985).
20. Software Innovations, Inc. (1985-87).
21. City of Auburn Sesquicentennial Committee (1986).
22. Marion Merrill Dow (1985-Present).
23. Cardinal Distribution, Inc. (1987).
24. Merck Sharp & Dohme (1988-Present).
25. Glaxo Pharmaceuticals (1988-Present).
26. Threshold, Inc. (1989).
27. St. John's University (1989).
28. IBM Corporation, Watson Research Center (1990).
29. Zeneca (ICI) Pharmaceuticals (1991-Present).
30. G.D Searle Pharmaceutical Co. (1990-Present).
31. SCP Publishing Company (1990-Present).
32. Condor Computers (1990).
33. Interactive Ventures, Inc. (1993)
34. CarePoint, Inc. (1993)
35. Eidetics, Inc. (1993)
36. Malone, Inc. (1993)
37. Physicians on Line. (1995)
38. Fast Track Communications, Inc. (1995)
39. FTV, Inc. (1995)
40. Behavioral Care
41. Healthcare Computer Corp. (1996)
42. QS/1 Datasystems (1996)
43. GENPHARM, Inc. (1996
45. Novopharm Québec (1997)
46. Pharma-Science (1997)
47. Ove Industrial Design, Ltd. (1999)
48. Novopharm Toronto (1999)
49. Hoechst Marion Roussel Canada (1999)
50. ScriptPro, Inc. (2000)
51. Novopharm Toronto (2000)
52. Informedix (2000)
53. Aventis Pharmaceuticals(2000 - Present)
54. American Governance and Leadership Group (2001)
55. GlaxoSmith Kline Advisor Board (2001)
56. MercuryMD (2002)
Bill G. Felkey
BORN: November 22, 1950, Nagoya, Honshu, Japan.
MARRIED: To the former Judy Hayes; two sons, Reubin and Jonathan .
1. Recipient, Letter of Commendation, Auburn University School of Pharmacy Advisory Council, for outstanding achievement in establishing a public awareness program for the school (1979).
2. Outstanding Alumnus Award, Phi Delta Chi, Pharmacy Fraternity (1981).
3. President's Award, "For Expertise, Enthusiasm and High Quality Service Rendered," Alabama Society of Hospital Pharmacists, Vance Alexander, President (1983).
4. American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Grant Awards Program, National Grant Awards for Pharmacy Schools, Award of Excellence (1986). (With Bruce A. Berger.)
5. Editor-in-Chief, Computer Medicine for the Hospital Pharmacist (1988-89).
6. Finalist, Masters of Innovation National Competition, Zenith Data Systems (1991).
7. Winner, International Interactive Communication Society, About Your Diabetes, Best Interactive Program, Society of Applied Learning Technology Annual Meeting, Orlando (1992).
8. H. A. B. Dunning Award, Presented by the A.Ph.A. to G. D. Searle for the development of Pharmacist Opportunities in Compliance Using Skills Training (PHOCUST) (1993). (With Bruce A. Berger.)
9. Most Outstanding Faculty Member of the School of Pharmacy for 1996.
10. 1997 Auburn University Outreach Award for Excellence.
11. Honorable Mention in the Microsoft Innovators in Higher Education Challenge Contest.
A. Books, Chapters in Books and Continuing Education Monographs
1. Felkey Bill G. and Berger Bruce A. "Communication for Hospital Pharmacists," videotape, instructor's guide, and participant workshop book, for Hoffmann-LaRoche Inc., 1984.
2. Felkey Bill G. and Berger Bruce A. "An Outcome Oriented Laboratory Approach for Determining Performance Based Communication Skills," two video-tapes and an instructor's guide, produced for AACP, funded by SmithKline Beckman, 1985.
3. Felkey Bill G. and Cooper, Ben F., "The Health Care System of the Future," Monograph prepared for continuing education seminar sponsored by Durr-Fillauer Medical Inc., April, 1985
4. Felkey Bill G. and Berger Bruce A. "From Potential to Performance: Choosing, Training, and Motivating Employees," videotape, moderator's guide, workshop book, and take-home book, for Marion Laboratories, Inc., 1986.
5. Berger Bruce A. and Felkey Bill G. "Skills for Better Communication: A Hospital Pharmacy Workshop," Moderator's Guide and Take Home Booklet, developed for Hoffmann-La Roche Inc., January, 1987.
6. Berger Bruce A. and Felkey Bill G. Instructor's Guide to Communication Trigger Tapes II, produced for AACP through a grant from SmithKline Beckman Corporation, 1987.
7. Berger Bruce A. and Felkey Bill G. "From Reaction to Resolution: A Conflict Management Workshop," Moderator's Guide, Workshop and Take-Home Booklet, developed for Marion Laboratories, June, 1988.
8. Berger Bruce A. and Felkey Bill G. "A Study to Develop a USP DI-Based Educational Program Package to Teach Pharmacists How to Counsel Patients," Instructor's Guide, Final Report and Appendices, and Take Home Booklet, developed for the United States Pharmacopeia Convention, Inc., August, 1988.
9. Berger Bruce A. and Felkey Bill G. "The Pharmacist's Role in Facilitating Treatment Adherence," Instructor's Guide and Take Home Guide, developed for the United States Pharmacopeia Convention, Inc., 1988.
10. Felkey Bill G. and Berger Bruce A. "Chapter 10: Patient Information and Education," in Computer Applications in Pharmacy, Fassett and Christensen (eds.), accepted for publication, January 20, 1993 (In Press).
11. Berger Bruce A. and Felkey Bill. G. "Pharmacist Opportunities in Compliance Using Skills Training (PHOCUST): Pharmacist Opportunities in Compliance Using Skills Training," a seminar produced for G.D. Searle & Co., in cooperation with the National Association of Chain Drug Stores and The United States Pharmacopeia Convention, Inc., 1990.
12. Berger Bruce A. Felkey Bill G. Anderson-Harper, Heidi A., and Noel-Arbet, Renee, "Pharmacist Opportunities in Compliance Using Skills Training (PHOCUST): The Video Series," includes videotapes and a guided design manual, produced for G.D. Searle & Co., 1992.
13. Gale, Fred, and Felkey Bill G. "Compliance and the Chronic Patient: A Realistic Approach," CONTINUING Education Home Study Lesson, Supported by a Grant from U.S. Human Health Division, Merck and Co., 1993.
14. Felkey Bill G. and Berger Bruce A. "Improving Antibiotic Adherence Through Patient Counseling, in Challenges in Pharmaceutic Care, slides, slides text, and a 27 page text for program participants, supported by a grant from Abbott Laboratories, March, 1994. NOTE: All materials were reviewed by an editorial advisory board consisting of pharmacy practice and pharmacy administration faculty at colleges of pharmacy.
15. Berger Bruce A. and Felkey Bill G. "Textbook Chapter: Patient Counseling and Communication," Effective Pharmacy Management, published by the National Association of Retail Druggists, April, 1994 (In Press).
16. Berger Bruce A. and Felkey Bill G. "Chapter 16: Patient Counseling and Communication," Developing an Independent Pharmacy Practice, published by National Association of Retail Druggists, pp.511-571.
17. Fassett, William, Christensen, Dale and Felkey Bill G. Computer Applications in Pharmacy, accepted as editor for the textbook to be published by Waverly, Lea and Febiger, (In Press estimated publication in 1995).
18. Felkey Bill G. "Adherence Monitoring and Screening," Monograph prepared for continuing education seminar sponsored by Merck, Sharpe, and Dohme. 1995.
19. Felkey Bill G. "Emerging Innovations in Managed Care Health Information Systems," Monograph prepared for continuing education seminar sponsored by Cortlandt Communications.
20. Felkey Bill G. and Berger Bruce A. “Making The Transition To Patient Care,” Monograph developed for regional continuing pharmacy education seminar series sponsored by Glaxo Wellcome Inc., May 1996.
21. Felkey Bill G. “Adherence Screening and Monitoring,” Chapter in Monograph “Essential Elements: The Dynamics of Pharmaceutical Care” republished for American Pharmaceutical Association, 1997.
22. Felkey Bill G. “Challenges to Providing Pharmaceutical Care,” Chapter in Monograph “Building the New Foundation of Pharmacy Leaders” supported by Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation., May 1998.
23. Felkey Bill., “Telehealth for Pharmacy Care”, Pharmacotherapy Selft-Assessment Program, Fourth Edition (PSAP-IV), Book 2, published by the American College of Clinical Pharmacy, April 16, 2001.
24. Fox, Brent I. and Felkey Bill G. “Computer Software for Pharmaceutical Applications”. Videotape and participants’ workbook; Health and Sciences Television Network; January 2001.
25. Felkey Bill G. and Fox, Brent I. “Portable Technology: A New Era for Information Management”. Videotape and participants’ workbook; Health and Sciences Television Network; August 2001.
26. Felkey Bill G. and Fox, Brent I. “Portable Technology: Choosing Your Personal Digital Assistant (PDA)”. Videotape and participants’ workbook; Health and Sciences Television Network; August 2001.
27. Felkey Bill G. and Fox, Brent I. “Portable Technology: Software Selection to Enhance Practice”. Videotape and participants workbook; Health and Sciences Television Network; August 2001.
28. Felkey Bill G. and Fox, Brent I. “Telepharmacy: Strategic and Tactical Implications”. Continuing Education Monograph for the University of Illinois at Chicago. In Press.
29. Fox BI, Felkey BG. INS Compaq iPaq Training Guide. 2002 January.
30. Felkey, Bill G and Barker, Kenneth N. “Technology and Automation.” Chapter in Remington: The Science and Practice of Pharmacy. 21st Edition. 2003.
31. Felkey, Bill G. and Fox, Brent I. (2002). “Integrating PDA Devices into the Practice of Pharmacy” [Computer Software]. Bethesda, MD: ASHP Advantage.
32. Felkey, Bill G. and Fox, Brent I. “Informatics: The Integration of Technology into Pharmaceutical Care.” In CH Knowlton & RP Penna (Eds.), Pharmaceutical Care, 2nd ed. Bethesda, MD; American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, 2003.
B. Refereed National/International Publications
1. Berger Bruce A. Felkey Bill G. and Rake, Lance, G. "The Importance of Privacy in Patient Consultations," Patient Counseling in Community Pharmacy September/October 1984, Vol. 3, Number 1, pp. 10-13.
2. Berger Bruce A. and Felkey Bill G. "The Feasibility of a Modular Counseling Fixture," Patient Counseling in Community Pharmacy, September/October 1985, pp. 9-12.
3. Berger Bruce A. and Felkey Bill G. "The Use of Contract Grading in a Required Pharmacy Communication Course," American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, Summer, 1987, pp. 121-129.
4. Felkey Bill G. and Berger Bruce A. "Communication Training for Pharmacy Clerks," Patient Counseling in Community Pharmacy, accepted for publication, December 19, 1986, then journal went bankrupt.
5. Berger Bruce A. and Felkey Bill G. "Effects of an Educational Program on Pharmacists Compliance," American Pharmacy, October, 1988.
6. Berger Bruce A. and Felkey Bill G. "A Conceptual Framework for Focusing the Teaching of Communication Skills on Compliance Gaining Strategies," American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, Vol. 53, #3, Fall, 1989, pp. 259-265.
7. Pearson, Robert E., Felkey Bill G. Gibson, Tyrone J., and Barker, Kenneth W. "Contribution of Computerized Content Analysis to Visualization of USP DI," Drug Information Journal, Vol. 24, 1990, pp. 497-505.
8. Berger Bruce A. Stanton, Annette L., Felkey Bill G. Barker, Kenneth N., Keiser, Harry F., Gallelli, Joseph F., Noel, Olivia Renee, and Green, Samuel B., "Effectiveness of an Educational Program to Teach Pharmacists to Counsel Hypertensive Patients and Influence Treatment Adherence," Journal of Pharmaceutical Marketing and Management, Vol. 5, No.2, 1990, pp. 27-41.
9. Felkey Bill G. McConatha, Barry J. and Caulfield, Deidre J., "A Database Approach for Developing Interactive Patient Education," Journal of Medical Education Technologies, Volume 2, Number 3, Winter 1992, pp. 14-17.
10. Felkey Bill G. Pearson, Robert E., and Johnson, Keith W., "Using a Visualized Database to Develop Interactive Patient-Centered Education," Proceedings of the Seventeenth Annual Symposium For Computer Applications in Medical Care, October, 1993, pp. 873.
11. Felkey Bill G. Schondelmeyer, Steven, and Berger Bruce, A., "Invoicing for Significant Pharmacist Interventions," American Pharmacy, Volume 34, Number 6, July, 1994, pp. 37,38.
12. Felkey Bill G. and Barker, Kenneth N., "The Power of Information in an Integrated Health Care System," American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy, Volume 52, Number 5, March 1, 1995, pp. 537-40.
13. Felkey Bill G. "The Role of Medical Informatics and Automation in Future Health Care Systems," International Pharmacy Journal, Volume 9, Number 3, 1995, pp. 108-110.
14. Felkey Bill G. Gibson, J. Tyrone, Barker, Kenneth N., and Pearson, Robert E., "Development of a Visualized Drug Information Database for USP DI," Drug Information Journal, Volume 29, 1995, pp.1727S-1741S.
15. Felkey Bill G. "Adherence Monitoring and Screening," American Pharmacy, Volume NS35, Number 7, July 1995, pp. 42-51.
16. Felkey Bill G. and Barker, Kenneth N., "Technology and Automation in Pharmaceutical Care,” Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association, Vol. NS36, No. 5, May 1996, pp.309-314.
17. Felkey Bill G. and May, Takiko M, “You, Your Modem & the World: How Pharmacy Can Use Online Information Resources,” Glaxo Wellcome Trends In Pharmacy, Volume 1, Number 1, June 1996.
18. Felkey Bill G. and May, Takiko M., “Electronic Physician Order Entry: What it Means for Pharmacists,” Glaxo Wellcome Trends in Pharmacy, Volume 1, Number 2, July 1996.
19. Felkey Bill G. “Technology Fore-Sight: The Role of Informatics and Automation in Pharmaceutical Care,” (FIP Abstract) International Pharmacy,Volume 10, September 1996.
20. Felkey Bill G. “Health System Informatics,” American Journal Health-System Pharmacists, Volume 54, February 1, 1997, pp.274.
21. Felkey Bill G. “Planning for the Integration of Automation,” International Pharmaceutical Abstracts, Volume 34, Number 9, May 15, 1997, pp.818.
22. Felkey Bill G. “Implementing a Clinical Information System in a Managed Care Setting,” American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy, Volume 54, July 1, 1997, pp.1505-1509.
23. Felkey Bill G. “Emerging Information Technology To Facilitate Pharmaceutical Education,” (FIP ‘97 Abstracts) 57th International Congress of FIP, September 1997. pp.142.
24. Guo, Jeff Jianfei, Barker, K. N., Gibson, J. Tyrone, Felkey Bill G. “Comparison and Analysis of the National Drug Code Systems among Drug Information Databases,” Drug Information Journal, 1998, Volume 32, Number 3, pp.769-775.
25. Barker, K.N., Ph.D., Felkey Bill G. M.S., Flynn, Elizabeth A., Ph.D., Carper, Jim L., R.Ph., “White Paper On Automation In Pharmacy,” The Journal of the American Society of Consultant Pharmacist, March 1998, Vol. 13, No.3.
26. Felkey Bill G. Poikonen, John, “Technology and Automation Update,” Journal of Managed Care Pharmacy, May/June 1998, Vol.4, No.3.
27. Felkey Bill G. “An Analysis of Emerging Health-System Pharmacy,” The American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy,(In Review).
28. Felkey Bill G. Mining your database. American Druggist 1998 Nov;215(11):57
29. Felkey Bill G. “Is Your Future AutoRx?” Priceless Magazine of Sigma Pharmacy Division, Clayton, VIC, Australia, Feb/Mar 1999, pp 2-5.
30. Felkey Bill G. Hotchkiss B, “Incorporating the Internet into Everyday Practice,” Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association, Vol. 39, No. 4; pp. 575-577, July/August 1999.
31. Felkey Bill G. Hotchkiss B, “Incorporating the Internet into Everyday Practice,” Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association Pharmacoinformatics Website, .
32. Felkey Bill G. Hotchkiss B, “Incorporating the Internet into Everyday Practice,” Australian Journal of Pharmacy, (in press).
33. Felkey Bill G. Anderson-Harper, HM, “Applying Cognitive Theory to Developing Effective Electronics Presentations, Journal of Pharmacy Teaching, Vol. 7, No. 3-4; pp. 75-90, 2000.
34. Felkey Bill G. “Pharmacy and the Internet: Threat or Opportunity?” Abstract, FIP Proceedings, Barcelona, Spain, September 5-10, 1999.
35. Felkey Bill G. "Putting Technology To Work For You," Abstract. International Pharmaceutical Abstracts, Volume 37, Number 9, May 15, 2000, p. 817.
36. Felkey Bill G. “Threats and Opportunities of the Internet for Pharmacy Practice, Special Edition International Pharmacy Journal, Volume 14, Number 1, 2000.
37. Felkey Bill G. Fox Brent I. “Telehealth for Pharmacy Care.” In Pharmacotherapy Self Assessment Program 4th Edition, Book 2. Kansas City, MO; American College of Clinical Pharmacy. April 6, 2001.
38. Felkey Bill G, Fox, Brent . “Using the Internet to Enhance Pharmacy-Based Patient Care Services”. Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association, Vol. 41, No. 4, July/August 2001, pp. 529-538.
39. Fox, Brent, Felkey Bill G. “Using Technology to Enhance The Practice of Pharmacy”. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Compounding, Volume 5, Number 6, November/December 2001, pp. 427-429.
40. Felkey Bill G, Fox, Brent. “The Way We See IT: threat or opportunity?”
Tomorrow’s Pharmacist, October 2001.
C. National Publications
1. Felkey Bill G. and Berger Bruce A. "Your Challenging Roles Encompass Drug Expert and Patient Helper," Pharmacy Times, December 1982, Pages 28-31.
2. Felkey Bill G. and Berger Bruce A. "How to Improve Communication Training for Non-pharmacists," Pharmacy Times, November 1987, pp. 135-141.
3. Felkey Bill G. and Berger Bruce A. "A Pharmacy Patient Counseling Fixture," The Pharmacist Entrepreneur, May 1988, Vol. 1, No. 3, pp.3-4.
4. Berger Bruce A. and Felkey Bill G. "Effective Communication: Part I...or If You Were Going To Take A Trip, Would You Go Through Duluth?," Drug Topics, June 6, 1988, pp. 74-81.
5. Felkey Bill G. and Berger Bruce A. "Effective Communication: Part II... Or Do You Sometimes Feel Like You Only Open Your Mouth to Change Feet?," Drug Topics, July 4, 1988, pp. 54-61.
6. Felkey Bill G. "Is AutoRx in Your Future?" ComputerTalk, January, 1992, pp. 6-8.
7. Felkey Bill G. "Pharmaceutical Care: Ironing out the Software Dilemma," ComputerTalk, July/August 1993, pp. 19-25.
8. Felkey Bill G, Schondelmeyer, Steven, and Berger Bruce, “Invoicing Pharmacist Interventions,” American Pharmacy, June 1994, pp. 37-38.
9. Felkey Bill G. Winkler, Connie, "Computer Tools for Patient Care," American Druggist, May 1995, pp. 35-36.
10. Felkey Bill G. Winkler, Connie, "Taking A Bite Out of Counseling Time," American Druggist, July 1995, pp. 37-38.
11. Felkey Bill G. "The Use of Computers to Implement Pharmaceutical Care: or "While I'm Doing Pharmaceutical Care, What's my Computer Supposed to be Doing?" Pharmacy Practice News, Volume 22, Number 9, September 1995, pp. 17-19.
12. Felkey Bill G. Berger Bruce A. "Improving Patient Adherence With Antibiotic Therapy Through Patient Counseling," Drug Benefit Trends, Volume 7, Number 6, September 1995, pp. 19-38.
13. Felkey Bill G. Winkler, Connie, "Logging On to Case Management," American Druggist, Volume 212, Number 6, October 1995, pp. 41-43.
14. Felkey Bill G. "Keeping Tabs on Dosing," American Druggist, (In Press, scheduled for July 1996 issue).
15. Felkey Bill G. " `Utilizing' Technology," American Druggist, Volume 213, Number 2, February 1996, pp. 42-43.
16. Felkey Bill G. "Educating and Monitoring Patients Can Be Profitable," American Druggist Volume 213, Number 3, March 1996, pp. 35-36, Transcription from Symposium for pharmacy association Executives.
17. Felkey Bill G. and Barker, Kenneth N., "Technology and Automation in Pharmaceutical Care,” Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association, Vol. NS36, No. 5, May 1996, pp.309-314.
18. Felkey Bill G. “Roadmap to Cruising Cyberspace,” American Druggist, Volume 213, Number 5, May 1996, pp.36-37.
19. Felkey Bill G. “References for Rapid Recall,” American Druggist, Volume 213, Number 6, June 1996, pp. 37-38.
20. Felkey Bill G. “Software to Supplement Your Pharmacy Practice,” ComputerTalk, (Cover Story), Volume 16, Number 3, May/June 1996, pp. 19-25.
21. Felkey Bill G. and May, Takiko M., “Electronic Physician Order Entry: What it Means for Pharmacists,” Glaxo Wellcome Trends in Pharmacy, July 1996.
22. Felkey Bill G. “Electric Connections,” American Druggist, Volume 213, Number 8, August 1996, pp.43-44.
23. Felkey Bill G. “HELIX Moves to the Web,” Computer Talk, Volume 16, Number 4, July/August 1996, pp.24-25.
24. Felkey Bill G. “Automation Sensation,” American Druggist, Volume 213, Number 10, October 1996, pp.44-48.
25. Felkey Bill G. “Fast Forward,” American Druggist, Volume 214, Number 1, January 1997, pp.40-41.
26. Felkey Bill G. and Barker, Kenneth N.,”Technology and Automation in Pharmaceutical Care,”Essential Elements: The Dynamics of Pharmaceutical Care,previously published in the Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association Vol.NS36, No.5 May 1996, pp.309-314.
27. Felkey Bill G. “Unlimited Visual Assets,” ComputerTalk Volume 17, Number 4, July/August 1997, pp. 32-33.
28. Felkey Bill G. “Catching Patients in the Web,” ComputerTalk Volume 18, Number 5, September/October 1997, pp. 40-41.
29. Felkey Bill G. “Electrifying Diabetes Care,” American Druggist, Volume 214, Number 11, November 1997, pp. 58-60.
30. Felkey Bill G. “Keeping Web Resources Close to Home,” ComputerTalk, Volume 17, Number 6, November/December 1997, pp.30-31.
31. Felkey Bill G. “Searching For Alternative Resources,” American Druggist, Volume 215, Number 1, January 1998, page 35.
32. Felkey Bill G. “The Wheat from the Chaff,” ComputerTalk, Volume 18, Number 1, January/February 1998, pp.28-29.
33. Felkey Bill G. “Technology Eases The Pressure,” American Druggist,
Volume 215, Number 3, March 1998, pp.56-57.
34. Felkey Bill G. McAllister,James C., “The Many Faces of Pharmacy Informatics,” ComputerTalk, Volume 18, Number 3, May/June 1998, pp.6-7.
35. Felkey Bill G. Buring, Shauna M. "Using the Internet for Research", Journal of
the American Pharmaceutical Association, Volume 40, Number 4, July/August
36. Felkey Bill G. Anderson-Harper HM. "Applying Cognitive Theory to
Developing Effective Electronic Presentations", Journal of Pharmacy Teaching,
Volume 7, Number, July/August 2000, pp. 75-90.
37. Felkey Bill G. Fox Brent. “The Pharmacy Report Card: How is Technology
Doing”, Cover Story. Computer Talk, Volume 20, Number 6, November/December 2000, pp.15-22.
38. Felkey Bill G. “Tools for Interactive Telepharmacy”, Viewpoints. Computer
Talk for the Pharmacist, Vol. 21 No. 1, January/February 2001, pp 43-45.
39. Fox Brent, Felkey Bill G. “Internet Convenience for Buying Technology”,
Computer Talk for the Pharmacist, March/April2001; Volume 21, Number 2,
40. Fox, Brent, Felkey Bill G. “Is Pharmacy Ready for Technological Change?”
Michigan Pharmacist. 2001; Volume 39, Number 6, pp. 4-7.
41. Fox, Brent, Felkey BG “Practitioner Order Entry: Optimizing the Prescribing
Process”, Computer Talk, May/June 2001; Volume 21, Number 3, pp. 35-37.
42. Felkey Bill G. and Fox, Brent I. “How Do You Spell Relief? Automation!” ComputerTalk July/August 2001; Volume 21, Number 4, pp. 38-40.
43. Felkey Bill G. and Fox, Brent I. “Technology Today to Strengthen Pharmacy Tomorrow”. ComputerTalk. September/October 2001; Volume 21, Number 5,
pp. 38-39.
44. Felkey Bill G. and Fox, Brent. “Continuous Speech Recognition Revisited”.
Computer Talk, November/December 2001; Volume 21, Number 6, pp. 36-38.
45. Felkey Bill G, and Fox Brent I. “ A Personal Digital Assistant (PDA)? You Need One Today.” Expose. 2002; Volume 5, Number 10, pp. 32-35.
46. Felkey, Bill G. and Fox, Brent I. “Is Broadband for You in 2002?” ComputerTalk. January/February 2002; Volume22, Number 1:pp. 45-46.
47. Felkey, Bill G. and Fox, Brent I. “The Case for the Personal Digital Assistant
(PDA).” Hospital Pharmacy. 2002; Volume 4:pp. 418-422.
48. Felkey, Bill G. and Fox, Brent I. “We Welcome You, You Wonderful Wireless
World.” ComputerTalk. March/April 2002; Volume 22, Number 3:pp. 87-89.
49. Felkey, Bill G. and Fox, Brent I. “Palm OS or Pocket PC?” Hospital Pharmacy.
2002; Volume 37, Number 5:pp. 546-550.
50. Fox, Brent I. and Felkey, Bill G. “Firewalls: Protecting Your Patient Data and Your Investment.” ComputerTalk. May/June 2002; Volume 22, Number 3; pp. 36-38.
51. Fox, Brent I. and Felkey, Bill G. “PDAs: A Focus on Hardware.” Hospital Pharmacy. June 2002; Volume 37, Number 6.
52. Felkey Bill G, Fox Brent. “Selecting Your PDA: The Way We See It”. Pharmacy
Practice News. In Press.
53. Felkey Bill G, Fox Brent. “PDA’s: Evaluating Clinical Software for Your PDA”. Facts and Comparisons. In Press.
54. Felkey, Bill G. and Fox, Brent I. “Internet Business Models: Are You Properly Positioned?” Computer Talk. July/August 2002; Volume 22, Number 4.
55. Fox, Brent I. and Felkey, Bill G. “Using XML to Integrate Database and Web Technologies.” Computer Talk. September/October 2002; Volume 22, Number 5.
56. Liang, Huigang and Felkey, Bill G. “PDA Interface – Implementing PDA Initiatives in Health System Pharmacies.” Hospital Pharmacy. December 2002; Volume 37, Number 12.
57. Felkey, Bill G. and Fox, Brent I. “Information Therapy: From Rx to Ix.” Computer Talk. November/December 2002; Volume 22, Number 6.
58. Felkey, Bill G. and Fox, Brent I. “We Welcome You, You Wonderful Wireless World.” Computer Talk for Health System Pharmacists – Annual Buyers Guide.
2002; Volume 7, Number 1.
59. Felkey, Bill G. and Fox, Brent I. “Technology for Patient Compliance with Medication Regimens.” Computer Talk. January/February 2003, Volume 23, Number 1
D. Other Publications
1. Felkey Bill G. "Communicating Your Public Image," Alabama Pharmacy Journal, August 1983, Pages 58-59.
2. Felkey Bill G. "Pharmatrends: What Alabama Pharmacists can Expect?," Alabama Pharmacy Journal, May 1986, Pages 259-263.
3. Felkey Bill G. "Training Personnel Effectively" Alabama Society of Hospital Pharmacists Newsletter, Volume 13, No. 7, September 1987, Pages 4-5.
4. Felkey Bill G. "Computer Assisted Patient Education Can Fill Each Patient's Needs". Computer Medicine for the Hospital Pharmacist Pages 1, 5, December 1988.
5. Felkey Bill G. and Berger Bruce A. "Managing Conflict". Alabama Society of Hospital Pharmacists Newsletter, Pages 7-8, September 1989.
6. Felkey Bill G. "Add-On Boards: Confessions of a Computer Junkie," Computer Medicine for the Hospital Pharmacist, Pages 1, 6, 7 January 1990.
7. Felkey Bill G. and Smith, Stephen E., "Reader Survey Shows How Pharmacists Are Using Computers," Computer Medicine for the Hospital Pharmacist, Pages 1-3, February 1990.
8. Felkey Bill G. "AutoRx: Coming Soon to a Location Near You," British Columbia Pharmacy, June, 1993, pp. 6-9.
9. Felkey Bill G. "Computers Offer a Return on Investment," British Columbia Pharmacy, June 1993, pp. 14-15.
10. Felkey Bill G. "Take Two Tablets and Watch This Video," British Columbia Pharmacy, June 1993, pp. 24-29.
11. Pearson, Robert E. and Felkey Bill G. "Stop the Sound Bites," American Pharmacy, Volume NS35, Number 2, February 1995, pp. 3, 8.
12. Felkey Bill G. Editorial on "Getting Paid for Cognitive Services," National Association of Retail Druggists, September 1995.
13. Horngren, Bargara, “Computer Technology, WWW Help Pharmacists Provide Cutting Edge Health Care,” (Feature Article with interview by Bill Felkey) Community Pharmacist, May/June 1996.
14. Williams C. Maxine, “Health Care Information Can Get Tangled On The Web,” (Feature Article with Interview by Bill Felkey) Pharmacy Today, May 1997.
15. Felkey Bill G. “Software to Support Pharmacy Services,” The Source, Vol. 2, Number 1, May 1997, pp. 5-8.
16. Felkey Bill G. “The Plain Truth About Why the Profession of Pharmacy Needs to
Embrace Technology Today,” (Feature Article) California Pharmacist, Summer 1997.
17. Felkey Bill G. Fox Brent. “The Crossroads between Pharmacy and Technology”, Pharmacy Expose. 2001; Volume 4, Number 8, pp. 4-9.
18 Fox, Brent I, Felkey Bill G. “Computer Software for Pharmaceutical
Applications”, videotape and participants’ workbook, Health Sciences Television Network, January 2001.
19. Felkey Bill G. and Fox, Brent I. “Telepharmacy: A Description of the Concept”. Research Report. Center for Pharmacy Operations and Designs. Auburn University, AL; June 20, 2001.
20. Felkey Bill G. Fox, Brent I. “How Do You Spell Relief: In Store Automation or Central Fill and Central Processing?” California Pharmacist. Winter 2001-2002; Volume 49, Number 1, pp. 36-37. Reprinted with permission from ComputerTalk.
21. Felkey Bill G, Fox, Brent I. “The Way We See IT in Pharmacy”. Australian Journal of Pharmacy. October 2001; Volume 82, pp. 980-983.
22. Felkey Bill G, Fox, Brent I. “Pharmacy Information in the Palm of Your Hand”. Australian Journal of Pharmacy. November 2001; Volume 82, pp. 1074-1077.
23. Felkey Bill G, Fox, Brent I. “Integrating the Internet into Everyday Practice”.Australian Journal of Pharmacy. December 2001; Volume 82, pp. 1168-1171.
24. Felkey Bill G. and Fox, Brent I. “Using the Internet to Enhance Pharmacy-Based Patient Care Services”. Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association. 2001; Volume 41, Number 4, pp. 529-538.
25. Fox, Brent I. and Felkey Bill G. “Using Technology to Enhance the Practice of Pharmacy”. Internatioinal Journal of Pharmaceutical Compounding. 2001; Volume 5, Number 6, pp. 427-429.
26. Fox, Brent I, Felkey Bill G. “Aventis INS Compaq iPaq Training Manual”. January 2002.
27. Fox, Brent I., Felkey Bill G. “Is Your Pharmacy Practice Web Enabled?” Australian Journal of Pharmacy. January 2002; Volume 83, pp. 49-52.
28. *Norris, Betty W., Williams, Malissa, Savage, Cheryl, Felkey Bill. Integrating the
Internet into Everyday Practice, American Journal of Nursing. In Review.
29. Felkey Bill G. Fox Brent. “Computer Software for Clinical Pharmacy Services”,
In J. DiPiro (Ed),The Encyclopedia of Clinical Pharmacy. In Press.
30. Felkey Bill, Fox, Brent. “Ubiquitous Technology and the Profession”. Advances
in Pharmacy. In Press.
31. Felkey Bill, Fox, Brent. “How to Get the Best Deal Online or Anywhere.” Hospital Pharmacy. 2002;37(7):776-777.
32. Fox, Brent I and Felkey, Bill G. “Maximizing Your Organizer Skills.” Hospital Pharmacy. 2002;37(8):871-876.
33. Felkey, Bill G. and Fox, Brent I. “Creating the Digital Peripheral Brain.” Hospital Pharmacy. 2002;37(11):1222-1224.
E. Papers, National/International Refereed
1. Felkey Bill G. "Production and Use of A Video Case Study for Health Education Change," Health Education Media Association, New Orleans, LA, January 1983.
2. Beck, Diane E., Felkey Bill G. and Berger Bruce A. "Assessing the Teaching Needs of Part-time/ Adjunct Faculty," poster session, American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, Washington, DC, July 1983.
3. Felkey Bill G. McLane, James S. and Keith, Thomas, "Communicating Your Image," Chapter Officer's meeting, American Society of Hospital Pharmacist's Clinical Mid-Year, Atlanta, GA, December 1983.
4. Felkey Bill G. and Berger Bruce A. “Performance Based Communication Instruction Utilizing Active Participation Laboratories, Multi-Media Support, and Communication Apprehension Reduction,” Poster Presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Americans Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, Baltimore, MD, August 1984.
5. Barker, Kenneth N., Felkey Bill G. Berger Bruce A. "The Health Care System of the Future," exhibit, multi-image presentation, American Hospital Association Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, August 1984.
6. Barker, Kenneth N., Felkey Bill G. Pearson, Robert E., and Berger Bruce A. "The Health Care System of the Future" American Society of Hospital Pharmacists Clinical Midyear, Dallas, TX, December 1984.
7. Berger Bruce A. and Felkey Bill G. "A Modular Pharmacy Fixture for Patient Education," poster presentation, American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, July 1985.
8. Berger Bruce A. Felkey Bill G. "A Flexible Instructional Package for Teaching Performance Based Communication Skills," poster session, American Association of Colleges Pharmacy Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, July 1985.
9. Felkey Bill G. and Berger Bruce A. "The Use of Contract Grading in a Pharmacy Communication Course," poster session, American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, Toronto, Ontario, July 1986.
10. Felkey Bill G. and Berger Bruce A. "The Design and Evaluation of Two Patient Counseling Fixtures," poster session, American Pharmaceutical Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, March 1987.
11. Berger Bruce A. and Felkey Bill G. "The Use of Contract Grading in a Required Pharmacy Communication Course," presented at the Southeast Region Pharmacy Administration Conference, Athens, GA, May 1987.
12. Berger Bruce A. and Felkey Bill G. "Teaching Performance-Based Communication Skills," for presentation at the Annual Meeting of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, Charleston, South Carolina, July 1987.
13. Felkey Bill G. "Integrating Computer Generated Graphics into the Effective Presentation" Teacher's Seminar, American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Annual Meeting, Charleston, South Carolina, July 1987.
14. Berger Bruce A. and Felkey Bill G. "A Conceptual Framework for Focusing the Teaching of Communication on Compliance Gaining Strategies," poster session presentation at the Annual Meeting of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, Chicago, IL, August 1988.
15. Felkey Bill G. , Pearson Robert E., Gibson, J. Tyrone, and Barker, Kenneth N., "The Utilization of Interactive Video and Instructional Design Systems in the Delivery of Visualized Patient Drug Information" at the Annual Meeting of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, Chicago, IL, August 1988.
16. Pearson, Robert E., Felkey Bill G., Gibson, J. Tyrone, and Barker, Kenneth N., "The Utility of a Computerized Content Analysis of USPDI Advise for Patients in Visualizing Patient Drug Information" Annual Meeting of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, Chicago, IL, August 1988.
17. Berger Bruce A. Stanton, Annette L., Barker, Kenneth N., and Felkey Bill G. Green, Samuel L., and Noel, O. Renee, "Evaluation of a Pharmacist Training Program for Improving Patient Compliance," presented at the annual meeting for the American Pharmaceutical Association, Anaheim, CA, April 1989.
18. Felkey Bill G., Pearson, Robert E., Barker, Kenneth N., Johnson, Keith W., "The Utilization of Interactive Video and Instructional Design Systems in the Delivery of Visualized Drug Information to the Patient With Diabetes." Abstract published for American Diabetes Association's 50th Scientific Sessions Meeting, Atlanta, GA, June 1989.
19. Berger Bruce A. and Felkey Bill G. "Focusing the Teaching of Communication Courses on Compliance," a special session at the 1989 Annual Meeting of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, Portland, OR, July 1989.
20. Barker, Kenneth N,. and Felkey Bill G. "Technological Changes in Information Transfer and How These Changes Affect Health Care Delivery in General and Pharmacy Services Delivery," Pharmacy in the 21st Century Strategic Planning Conference, Williamsburg, VA, October 1989.
21. "The Proactive Educational Resource: An Agenda for Change from Support Person to Change Agent," American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, Salt Lake City, UT, July 1990.
22. Felkey Bill G., McConatha, Barry J. and Caulfield, Diedre J., an abstract, "A Database Approach for Developing Interactive Patient Education," Society for Applied Learning Technology, Orlando Multimedia 1991, Kissimmee, FL, February 20-22, 1991.
23. Felkey Bill G. "Addressing Low Literacy Through Visual Literacy in Interactive Diabetes Education," National Council of Patient Information and Education, 8th National Conference, Washington, DC, April 21-23, 1991.
24. Berger Bruce A. and Felkey Bill G. "Pharmacist Opportunities in Compliance Using Skills Training (PHOCUST) Training Session for Faculty," special session at the annual meeting of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, Washington, DC, July 1992.
25. Felkey Bill G. "Technology for Patient Information and Education," Drug Information Association, Washington, DC, November 19, 1992.
26. Barker, Kenneth N., Berger Bruce A. Gibson, J. Tyrone, Felkey Bill G. and Anderson-Harper, Heidi M., "Research on the Role of the Pharmacist in Treatment Adherence and Patient Compliance," American Society of Hospital Pharmacists Annual Clinical Midyear Meeting, Orlando, FL, December 10, 1992.
27. Felkey Bill G., Maak, Michael J., Held, Thomas H., and Geasler, Shelly, "The Conversion of Level III Videodisc Based Multimedia Applications to CD-I," presented at the 11th Annual Conference on Interactive Instruction Delivery, Society of Applied Learning Technology, Orlando, FL, February 24, 1993.
28. Felkey Bill G. "Keynote Address: Interactive Technology for use In Pharmaceutical Education," Section of Libraries/Educational Resources, AACP Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, July 11, 1993.
29. Felkey Bill G. "Where Will Pharmacists Get Their Information in the Future - New Technologies and Databases," 53rd World Congress on Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Tokyo, Japan, September 9, 1993.
30. Felkey Bill G. "The Role of Medical Informatics and Automation in Future Health Care Systems," 53rd World Congress on Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Tokyo, Japan, September 9, 1993.
31. Felkey Bill G. "Software and Technology for Pharmacy," The American Drug Utilization Review Symposium, San Antonio, Texas, February 16, 1995.
32. Felkey Bill G. "Compliance Monitoring and Screening," The American Pharmaceutical Association 142nd Annual Meeting & Exposition, Orlando, Florida, March 18, 1995.
33. Felkey Bill G. "Future of Pharmacy: How Will Technology Assist Practitioners?" Saskatchewan Pharmaceutical Association, Saskathan, Canada, April 29, 1995.
34. Felkey Bill G. "Improving Technology for the Consultant Pharmacist," 17th ASCP Midyear Conference & Subacute Care, San Diego, CA, May 21, 1995.
35. Felkey Bill G. "The Electronic Professor: Visualized Lectures from Cyberspace," poster session, American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, July 1995.
36. Felkey Bill G. "Review of Software Information Resources for Use in Pharmacy Practice," American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, July 12, 1995.
37. Felkey Bill G. "Pharmacy Technology to Implement Case Management," 12th Annual Symposium for Pharmacy Association Executives, Palm Springs, California, November 10, 1995.
38. Felkey Bill G. "Ongoing Patient Evaluation: Optimizing Patient Adherence," American Pharmaceutical Association 143rd Annual Meeting and Exposition, Nashville, TN, March 10, 1996.
39. Felkey Bill G. "New Technologies for Pharmacy Practice," American Pharmaceutical Association 143rd Annual Meeting and Exposition, Nashville, TN, March 11, 1996.
40. Go J., Felkey Bill G., Gibson, J. Tyrone, and Barker, Kenneth N., “Comparisons of National Drug Code Directory Among Pharmaceutical Information Resources,” Southern Pharmacy Administration Conference, Oxford, MS, June 1, 1996.
41. Felkey Bill G. “Using Email to Enhance Student/Faculty Communication,” 1996 AACP Annual Meeting Poster Presentation, Reno, NV, July 17, 1996.
42. Felkey Bill G. “Technology Fore-Sight: The Role of Informatics and Automation in Pharmaceutical Care,” 56th World Congress of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences, Jerusalem, Israel, September 2, 1996.
43. Munden, C. Dianne, Anderson-Harper, Heidi, Brush, Thomas A., Miller, Edith A., Felkey Bill G. “Multimedia Instructional Design: Should Learning Styles Be considered in Developing Computer Assisted Instruction Modules?” AACP Annual Meeting Poster Presentation, Indianapolis, IN, July 15, 1997.
44. Felkey Bill G. “Emerging Information Technology to Facilitate Pharmaceutical
Education,” 57th World Congress of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences ‘97, Vancouver, Canada, September 5, 1997.
45. Krueger Janelle, Berger Bruce A, Felkey Bill G. “Enhancing Student Reflection through Service-Learning and Communication Courses”, AACP Annual Meeting Poster Session, Kansas City, Missouri, July 16, 2002.
46. Fox, Brent I. and Anderson-Harper, Heidi, and Felkey, Bill G. “An Expert Panel Evaluation of PDA-Based Clinical References.” APhA Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, March 28-April 1, 2003.
F. Requested Publication/Software Reviews
1. Felkey Bill G. "Price-Chek PC," A MediSpan Software Module, March, 1994.
2. Felkey Bill G. Proposed Revision of Accreditation Guidelines, American Council on Pharmaceutical Education, April, 1994.
3. Felkey Bill G. "Chapter 6--The Process of Change in Pharmacy," Pharmaceutical Care, Chapman and Hall, New York, NY, April, 1994.
4. Felkey Bill G. Reviewer of article for The American Journal of Managed Care (1996).
5. Felkey Bill G. Reviewer of article for the Hospital Pharmacy (1996).
6. Felkey Bill G. Reviewer of article for the Pharmacist’s Letter
7. Felkey Bill G. Reviewer of article for the Medical Interface.
8. Felkey Bill G. Reviewer of article for the American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy (6/12/96).
9. Felkey Bill G. Reviewer of article for the Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association (7/16/96).
10. Felkey Bill G. Reviewer of article for the Journal of Pharmaceutical Care (1997).
G. Presentations, Invited
1. Felkey Bill G. "Trouble-Shooting for Teachers" Franklin County Teacher's Institute, Farmington, ME, November 1972.
2. Shell, William B. and Felkey Bill G. "Empathic Communication, The Ears Have It," Lee County Hospital Educational Inservice, Opelika, AL, August 1978.
3. Felkey Bill G. "Communication--Dealing with the Public," Lee County Regional Education Workshop, Opelika, AL, August 1978.
4. Shell, William B., Barnes, Edward G. and Felkey Bill G. "Empathy, the Secretary's Greatest Assistant," Alabama Public Health Association Meeting, Birmingham, AL, September 1979.
5. Felkey Bill G. "Effective Listening Skills," Tuskegee Area Health Education Resource Center, Opelika, AL, March 1979.
6. "Strategies for Task Analysis" Health Sciences Consortium, Chapel Hill, NC, March 1979.
7. Felkey Bill G. "Establishing an Office of School Relations," American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, Boston, MA, July 1980.
8. Felkey Bill G. "Making Effective Presentations," University of Alabama Hospitals in Birmingham, Auburn University Doctor of Pharmacy Program, Auburn, AL, September 1981.
9. Felkey Bill G. "Pharmacist/Patient Interactions" Auburn University School of Pharmacy Continuing Education Seminar, Auburn, AL, October 9, 1981.
10. Felkey Bill G. and Pearson, Robert E., "Effective Patient Communication," Auburn Pharmacy Alumni Association Continuing Education Seminar, Auburn, AL, October 1981.
11. Felkey Bill G. "Death and Dying and the Terminally Ill Patient," Auburn Pharmacy Alumni Association Continuing Education Seminar, Auburn, AL, October 1981.
12. Felkey Bill G. and Coffey, Fred L., "Case Study: A Team Approach Total Parenteral Nutrition at Huntsville Hospital," Seminar, Auburn University Schools of Pharmacy and Nursing, Auburn, AL, November 1981.
13. Felkey Bill G. and Pearson, Robert E., "Effective Patient Communication," Lee County Pharmaceutical Association, Opelika, AL, December 1981.
14. Felkey Bill G. "Competency Based Education: A Systems Approach to Extern Instruction," Externship Preceptor's Institute, Auburn, AL, September 1981.
15. Felkey Bill G. "Update on Special Projects," Dean's Advisory Council, Auburn University, School of Pharmacy, May 1981.
16. Felkey Bill G. "On Making Effective Presentations," Auburn Pharmacy Alumni Association Continuing Education Seminar, Auburn, AL, September 1982.
17. Felkey Bill G. "The Theoretical Basis for Learning," Auburn University, Departments of Pharmacy Care Systems and Pharmacal Sciences, Auburn, AL, April 1982.
18. Coffey, Fred L., and Felkey Bill G. "Total Parenteral Nutrition: A Team Approach," Poster Presentation, Alabama Society of Hospital Pharmacists, Birmingham, AL, November 1982.
19. Felkey Bill G. "Suicide Intervention For Pharmacists," Russell County Pharmaceutical Association, Blanton, AL, December 1982.
20. Felkey Bill G. "Teaching/Learning Resources in Science Education for the 1980's," Public Affairs Forum Panel Presentation, Montgomery, AL, March 1983.
21. Felkey Bill G. and Berger Bruce A. "Teaching Communication to the Intern," Alabama Pharmacy Preceptor Institute, Auburn, AL, April 1983.
22. Berger Bruce A. and Felkey Bill G. "Patient Education in Action," Lauderdale County Pharmaceutical Association, Annual Meeting, Dothan, Alabama, June, 1983.
23. Felkey Bill G. "Pharmacist/Patient Communication Considerations," Industrial Design Department Studio, Auburn University, Auburn, AL, September 1983.
24. Felkey Bill G. and Berger Bruce A. "Patient Education in Action," Auburn Pharmacy Alumni Association Continuing Education Seminar, Auburn, AL, September 1983.
25. Berger Bruce A. and Felkey Bill G. "Communication to Patients," Alabama Preceptor Institute, Auburn, AL, September 1983.
26. Felkey Bill G. "Cost Containment Through Total Drug Use Control," Alabama Society of Hospital Pharmacists Exhibit Presentation, Huntsville and Birmingham, AL, and Atlanta, GA, December 1983.
27. Berger Bruce A. and Felkey Bill G. "Patient Education in Action," Lauderdale County Pharmaceutical Association, Sheffield, AL, February 1984.
28. Felkey Bill G. and Berger Bruce A. "Professional Communication," Tri-County Nursing Society, Pharmacology Update '84, Sheffield, AL, March 1984.
29. Felkey Bill G. and Berger Bruce A. "Hospital Pharmacy Communication: A Workshop," presented at the Annual Meeting of the Alabama Pharmaceutical Association, Huntsville, AL, June 1984.
30. Berger Bruce A. and Felkey Bill G. "A Modular Pharmacy Counseling Fixture," exhibit at the Annual Meeting of the Alabama Pharmaceutical Association, Huntsville, AL, June 1984.
31. Barker, Kenneth A., Felkey Bill G. and Berger Bruce A. "The Healthcare System of the Future," an exhibit presented at the annual meeting of the American Hospital Association, Denver, Colorado, August 1984.
32. Felkey Bill G. and Berger Bruce A. "Teaching Interns Effective Communication Skills," Alabama Pharmacy Preceptors Program, Auburn, AL, September 1984.
33. Felkey Bill G. "Integrating Audio-Visual Materials into the Clinical Seminar," Doctor of Pharmacy and Residency Inservice, University of Alabama Hospitals, Birmingham, AL, October 1984.
34. Felkey Bill G. and Cooper, Ben F., "Pharmatrends: Innovative Practice for the Future," CE Seminar, Durr-Fillauer Medical, Inc., Oahu, April 1985.
35. Felkey Bill G. "Teaching Methodology at Auburn University," Southern Regional Pharmacy Administration Meeting, Chapel Hill, NC, May 1985.
36. Felkey Bill G. "Safe Handling of Cytotoxic Drugs," exhibit, Alabama Pharmaceutical Association, San Destin, FL, June 1985.
37. Felkey Bill G. "Assertive Communication in the Clinical Setting," invited presentation, Department of Pharmacy, Oschner Hospital, New Orleans, LA, September 1985.
38. Felkey Bill G. "Effective Communication for Hospital Pharmacists," invited presentation, Division of Pharmacy, Emory University Hospital, Atlanta, GA, September 1985.
39. Felkey Bill G. "Analyzing Visual Materials In Preparation For Making Clinical Seminars," Doctor of Pharmacy Seminar, UAB Hospitals, Birmingham, AL, October 1985.
40. Felkey Bill G. "Integrating Audio-Visuals Into An Effective Presentation," graduate research seminar, Auburn University Department of Pharmacy Care Systems, Auburn, AL, October 1985.
41. Felkey Bill G. "Making Effective Presentations Using Computer Generated Graphics," Fisheries Department, Auburn University, AL, February 1986.
42. Felkey Bill G. and Berger Bruce A. "From Potential to Performance: Choosing, Training and Motivating Employees," Oregon State Pharmaceutical Association Annual Meeting, Salishan Lodge, OR, June 1986.
43. Felkey Bill G. and Berger Bruce A. "Effective Communication," presented at the Annual Meeting of the Alabama Pharmaceutical Association, Point Clear, AL, July 10, 1986.
44. Felkey Bill G. and Berger Bruce A. "My Mind is Already Made Up, Don't Confuse Me With the Facts: A Communication Workshop," Alabama Pharmaceutical Association, Point Clear, AL, July 1986.
45. Felkey Bill G. and Berger Bruce A. "From Potential to Performance: Choosing, Training and Motivating Employees," Alabama Pharmaceutical Association Regional Meetings, Seattle, WA, Memphis, TN, October 1986.
46. Felkey Bill G. "Responsible, Assertive Communication for Pharmacists," Georgia Pharmaceutical Association Mid-year Meeting, Savannah, GA, November 1986.
47. Felkey Bill G. and Berger Bruce A. "From Potential to Performance: Choosing, Training, and Motivating Employees," American Pharmaceutical Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, March 31, 1987.
48. Berger Bruce A. and Felkey Bill G. "The Use of Contract Grading in a Required Communication Course," Southeastern Pharmacy Administration Conference, Athens, GA, May 1987.
49. Felkey Bill G. "From Potential to Performance," Idaho Pharmaceutical Association Annual Meeting, McCall, ID, June 1987.
50. Felkey Bill G. and Berger Bruce A. "From Potential to Performance," Alabama Pharmaceutical Association Annual Meeting, Pine Mountain, GA, June 1987.
51. Felkey Bill G. "From Potential to Performance," Florida Pharmaceutical Association, Jacksonville, FL, June 1987.
52. Felkey Bill G. "Traditional Pharmacy Services: A Time for Change," Michigan Pharmaceutical Association Annual Convention, Traverse City, MI, August 1987.
53. Felkey Bill G. and Berger Bruce A. "From Potential to Performance," National Association of Retail Druggists Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV, October 1987.
54. Felkey Bill G. "Point of Information Application of Interactive Video in a Drug Information Function," International Interactive Association, Atlanta, GA, October 1987.
55. Felkey Bill G. "From Potential to Performance," New Mexico Pharmaceutical Association, Albuquerque, NM, January 1988.
56. Felkey Bill G. and Berger Bruce A. "Communication Trigger Tape Training Workshop," Hook's SuperX Pharmacies, Cincinnati, OH, January 1988.
57. Felkey Bill G. and Berger Bruce A. "Counseling, Compliance Workshop," National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, February 1988.
58. Felkey Bill G. "From Potential to Performance," Maine Pharmaceutical Association, Portland, ME, March 1988.
59. Felkey Bill G. "From Potential to Performance: Choosing, Training, and Motivating Employees," Nebraska Pharmacist's Association Annual Meeting, Lincoln, NE, April 1988.
60. Felkey Bill G. and Berger Bruce A. "From Reaction to Resolution: A Conflict Management Work-shop," Oregon Pharmaceutical Association Annual Meeting, Ashville, OR, June 1988.
61. Felkey Bill G. "From Potential to Performance," Louisiana Pharmaceutical Association Annual Meeting, LA, July 1988.
62. Felkey Bill G. "An Orientation for Hospital Pharmacy Technicians," Columbus Medical Center, Columbus, GA, August 1988.
63. Felkey Bill G. "Reaction to Resolution," University of Kansas City Annual Alumni Meeting, Kansas City, MO, September 1988.
64. Felkey Bill G. "Overview of the USP DI Visualized Concept," National and State Executive Councils of NARD, Atlanta, GA, October 1988.
65. Felkey Bill G. "USP DI Visualized," Alabama Society of Hospital Pharmacists, Birmingham, AL, October 1988.
66. Felkey Bill G. "Exhibition of USP DI Visualized Concept," Symposium on Computer Applications in Medical Care, Washington DC, November 1988.
67. Berger Bruce A. and Felkey Bill G. "Effective Communication Skills for Hospital Pharmacists," North Central Texas Society of Hospital Pharmacists Annual Meeting, Dallas, TX, November 1988.
68. Felkey Bill G. "Communication Skills for the Hospital Pharmacist," Merck, Sharp & Dohme Pharmacy Focus, Excelsior Springs, MO, November 1988.
69. Felkey Bill G. "Overview of the USP DI Visualized Concept," NARD Board of Trustees, Alexandria, VA, December 1988.
70. Felkey Bill G. "Interactive Video Technology for Instruction," Auburn University School of Nursing and Alabama Society of Nursing, Auburn, AL, April 1989.
71. Berger Bruce A. and Felkey Bill G. "Reaction to Resolution," American Pharmaceutical Association's Annual Meeting, Anaheim, CA, April 1989.
72. Felkey Bill G. "Teaching Strategies: Media Tips, Tricks, and Trends," Auburn University School of Nursing in conjunction with ASNA, Auburn, AL, April 13-14, 1989.
73. Felkey Bill G. "Teaching Support: The Technology of the Future," St. John's University, College of Pharmacy Faculty Retreat, Parker Jewish Geriatric Center, New York, NY, May 1989.
74. Felkey Bill G. "Effective Communication for the Hospital Pharmacist," Bronx VA Hospital, New York, NY, May 1989.
75. Felkey Bill G. and Berger Bruce A. "Conflict Resolution Workshop," Walker Drug Company Continuing Education Seminar, Birmingham, AL, May 21, 1989.
76. Felkey Bill G. "From Reaction to Resolution: A Conflict Management Workshop," Arizona Pharmacy Association, Phoenix, AZ, June 1989.
77. Felkey Bill G. "Effective Communication Skills for the Community Pharmacist," Endless Mountains Pharmacy Association, Wyalusing, PA, June 1989.
78. Felkey Bill G. "From Reaction to Resolution: A Conflict Management Workshop," presented to the Colorado Pharmacy Association, Breckinridge, CO, June 1989.
79. Felkey Bill G. "Reaction to Resolution," Independent's Weekend, Atlanta, GA, June 10, 1989.
80. Felkey Bill G. "Special Session: Teaching Compliance Gaining Strategies in US Schools of Pharmacy," sponsored by the USP, AACP Annual Meeting, Portland, OR, July 1989.
81. Felkey Bill G. "Reaction to Resolution," Texas Pharmaceutical Association, Corpus Christie, TX, July 16, 1989.
82. Felkey Bill G. "Using STRIPE Resources," STRIPE Workshop, Auburn, AL, July 18-20, 1989.
83. Felkey Bill G. "Use of Technology in Patient Counseling and Compliance," Indian Health Service, Phoenix, AZ, August 1989.
84. Felkey Bill G. "Use of Interactive Video Technology in Diabetes Patient Education," sponsored by Society for Applied Learning Technology, Arlington, VA, August, 1989.
85. Felkey Bill G. "Stress Management," North Central Texas Pharmaceutical Association, Annual Meeting, Dallas, TX, October 1989.
86. Felkey Bill G. "Review of USP Interactive Prototypes," Symposium on Computer Applications in Medical Care, Washington, DC, November 1989.
87. Felkey Bill G. and Berger Bruce A. "Reaction to Resolution," National Association of Retail Druggists Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX, November 1989.
88. Felkey Bill G. "The Art of Decision Making and Negotiating," Western New York Society of Hospital Pharmacists, Tonawando, NY, February 1990.
89. Felkey Bill G. "From Potential to Performance," The University of North Carolina Socio-Economic Seminar, High Point, NC, March 23, 1990.
90. Felkey Bill G. "Utilization of Interactive Video and Instructional Design Systems in Computer," Computer Engineering Departmental Seminar, Auburn University, Auburn, AL, April 1990.
91. Felkey Bill G. exhibit of Visualized USP DI "About Your Diabetes," American Diabetes Association, Atlanta, GA, June 1990.
92. Felkey Bill G. "Interactive Video for Healthcare," exhibit, Interactive HealthCare 90 Conference and Exposition, Washington, DC, June 20-23, 1990.
93. Felkey Bill G. "Impact of Technology on Pharmacy Operations," 1990 NACDS Pharmaceutical Conference, Anaheim, CA, August 26-29, 1990.
94. Felkey Bill G. "From Potential to Performance," New Hampshire Pharmacists Association, North Conway, NH, September 24-16, 1990.
95. Felkey Bill G. "USP DI Visualized," ASIDIC 1990 Fall Meeting, Annapolis, MD, September 23-28, 1990.
96. Felkey Bill G. "Problem Solving Workshop for Pharmacists," C.E. Program, Auburn University, Auburn, AL, November 17, 1990.
97. Felkey Bill G. and Berger Bruce A. "Pharmacist Opportunities in Compliance Using Skills Training (PHOCUST) Workshop," Searle Meeting, January 1991.
98. Felkey Bill G. "Conflict Resolution in the Work Place," Iowa Pharmacy Foundation; IPA/ISHP Educational Expo, January 19-20, 1991.
99. Felkey Bill G. and Berger Bruce A. "Pharmacist Opportunities in Compliance Using Skills Training (PHOCUST) Workshop," Searle Meeting, Indianapolis, Indiana, January 29-31, 1991.
100. Felkey Bill G. and Berger Bruce A. "From Insight to Action," APhA Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, March 10, 1991.
101. Felkey Bill G. "From Potential to Performance," Indiana Pharmacists Association, Indianapolis, IN, March 17, 1991.
102. Felkey Bill G. and Berger Bruce A. "Pharmacist Opportunities in Compliance Using Skills Training (PHOCUST) Workshop," SuperX Drugs, Cincinnati, OH, March 27-28, 1991.
103. Felkey Bill G. and Berger Bruce A. "Pharmacist Opportunities in Compliance Using Skills Training (PHOCUST) Workshop," Searle Meeting, Seattle, WA, April 5-7, 1991.
104. Felkey Bill G. "Stress Management," Merck Sharp & Dohme, Medical Education Program, Pasadena, CA, April 4-7, 1991.
105. Felkey Bill G. and Berger Bruce A. "Pharmacist Opportunities in Compliance Using Skills Training (PHOCUST) Workshop," Drug Emporium, Columbus, OH, April 11-12, 1991.
106. Felkey Bill G. and Berger Bruce A. "Pharmacist Opportunities in Compliance Using Skills Training (PHOCUST) Workshop," K & B Drugs, New Orleans, LA, April 17-18, 1991.
107. Felkey Bill G. "From Reaction to Resolution," Utah Pharmaceutical Association 99th Annual Convention, St. George, UT, April 25-27, 1991.
108. Felkey Bill G. "Use of Advanced Clinical Databases in Community Pharmacy," Condor Corporation: Independent User Conference, Osage Beach, MO, May 4, 1991.
109. Felkey Bill G. "From Potential to Performance," Montana State Pharmaceutical Association, Kalispell, MT, May 18, 1991.
110. Felkey Bill G. and Berger Bruce A. "Pharmacist Opportunities in Compliance Using Skills Training (PHOCUST) Workshop," North Texas Federation, Houston, TX, May 29-30, 1991.
111. Felkey Bill G. "From Insight to Action," GPhA 116th Annual Convention, Panama City, FL, June 15-19, 1991.
112. Felkey Bill G. "From Potential to Performance," Washington State Pharmacist Association's 102nd Annual Convention, Pasco, WA, June 20-23, 1991.
113. Felkey Bill G. and Berger Bruce A. "Pharmacist Opportunities in Compliance Using Skills Training (PHOCUST) Workshop," Washington, DC, July 22-24, 1991.
114. Felkey Bill G. "About Your Diabetes, An Interactive Patient Education Program," Interactive Multimedia '91, Arlington, VA, August 21-24, 1991.
115. Felkey Bill G. "About Your Diabetes, An Interactive Patient Education Program,"NACDS Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, August 26-28, 1991.
116. Felkey Bill G. "The Use of Patient Education Technology in the Practice of Pharmacy," Pharmacy World Congress, September 3-4, 1991
117. Felkey Bill G. "Patient Counseling and Compliance," Connecticut Greater Board of Pharmacy Association, Bridgeport, CT, September 10, 1991.
118. Felkey Bill G. "Conflict Management," Voluntary Hospitals of America (VHA) Executive Management Institute for Pharmacy Directors, Auburn University, Auburn, AL, September 22-23, 1991.
119. Felkey Bill G. and Berger Bruce A. "Pharmacist Opportunities in Compliance Using Skills Training (PHOCUST) Workshop," Eckerds Drugs, Orlando, FL, October 3-4, 1991.
120. Felkey Bill G. "Managing Change and Transition," Texas Society of Hospital Pharmacists, Temple, TX, October 17, 1991.
121. Felkey Bill G. "Insight to Action," National Association of Retail Druggists Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX, October 27, 1991.
122. Felkey Bill G. "An Interactive Education Program for Diabetes Patients," Symposium for Computer Applications in Medical Care Meeting, November 18-20, 1991.
123. Felkey Bill G. and Berger Bruce A. "Pharmacist Opportunities in Compliance Using Skills Training (PHOCUST) Workshop," Various Drug Stores, Minneapolis, MN, January 3-4, 1992.
124. Felkey Bill G. and Berger Bruce A. "Pharmacist Opportunities in Compliance Using Skills Training (PHOCUST) Workshop," a conference of small chains and HMOs, Minneapolis, MN, January 8, 1992.
125. Felkey Bill G. "Conflict Management," Voluntary Hospitals of America (VHA) Executive Management Institute for Pharmacy Directors, Auburn, AL, February 5, 1992.
126. Felkey Bill G. "Interactive Technology," Auburn University Nursing Conference, Auburn, AL, February 24, 1992.
127. Felkey Bill G. "Making Presentations to Third Parties," Alabama Pharmaceutical Association, Auburn, AL, March 1, 1992.
128. Felkey Bill G. "Dealing with Difficult People," Merck Sharp and Dohme, Dupage Medical Society, Downers Grove, IL, March 18, 1992.
129. Felkey Bill G. "Insight into Action," Indiana Pharmaceutical Association, Indianapolis, IN, March 20, 1992.
130. Felkey Bill G. "Stress Management," Nevada Society of Hospital Pharmacists, Reno, NV, April 8, 1992.
131. Felkey Bill G. "Managing Change and Transition," Atlanta Area Pharmacists, Morrow, GA, April 15, 1992.
132. Felkey Bill G. "Technology: Past, Present, and Future," Utah Pharmacists Association, St. George, UT, May 1, 1992.
133. Berger Bruce A. and Felkey Bill G. "Pharmacy Horizons: Future Trends and New Technologies," The American Society of Consultant Pharmacists Annual Midyear Meeting, Tucson, AZ, May 16, 1992.
134. Felkey Bill G. "Use of the Pharmacist Opportunities in Compliance Using Skills Training (PHOCUST) Program in US. Pharmacy Schools," Special Session, AACP, Washington, DC, July 14, 1992.
135. Felkey Bill G. "Issues in Interactive Education," Auburn University Veterinary School, Auburn, AL, July 20, 1992.
136. Felkey Bill G. and Berger Bruce A. "Pharmacist Opportunities in Compliance Using Skills Training (PHOCUST) Workshop," Florida Association Annual Meeting, Destin, FL, August 14-15, 1992.
137. Berger Bruce A. and Felkey Bill G. "Pharmacy Horizons: Future Trends and New Technologies," Florida Association Annual Meeting, Destin, FL, August 17, 1992.
138. Felkey Bill G. and Berger Bruce A. "Pharmacist Opportunities in Compliance Using Skills Training (PHOCUST) Workshop," Alabama Pharmacists Association, Auburn, AL, August 22-23, 1992.
139. Felkey Bill G. "Conflict Management," VHA Management Institute, Auburn, AL, October 3, 1992.
140. Felkey Bill G. "Passport to Pharmaceutical Care," ICI-American Druggist State and National Pharmacy Association Executives Annual Meeting, Rancho Mirage, CA, October 8-10, 1992.
141. Felkey Bill G. "Managing Change and Transition," Merck Sharp and Dohme, Hampton, IN, October 14, 1992.
142. Felkey Bill G. "Conflict," Voluntary Hospitals of America (VHA) Executive Management Institute for Pharmacy Directors, Auburn, AL, October 22, 1992.
143. Felkey Bill G. "Third Parties: Speaking Their Language," National Association of Retail Druggists, Seattle, WA, October 26, 1992.
144. Felkey Bill G. "Pharmacy 2000," National Association of Retail Druggists, Seattle, WA, October 27, 1992.
145. Felkey Bill G. and Berger Bruce A. "Pharmacist Opportunities in Compliance Using Skills Training (PHOCUST) Workshop," Texas Pharmacists Association, Austin, TX, November 3-4, 1992.
146. Felkey Bill G. and Berger Bruce A. "Pharmacist Opportunities in Compliance Using Skills Training (PHOCUST) Workshop," Fay's Drug Stores, Syracuse, New York, November 12-13, 1992.
147. Felkey Bill G. "Automation," California Pharmaceutical Association, San Diego, CA, November 17, 1992.
148. Felkey Bill G. "Research on the Future of Pharmacy," ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting, Orlando, FL, December 10, 1992.
149. Felkey Bill G. "Use of Technology for Implementing OBRA 1990," January 10, 1993.
150. Felkey Bill G. "Pharmaceutical Care," Georgia Pharmaceutical Association," Mercer University, January 13, 1993.
151. Felkey Bill G. "Implementing OBRA 90 with Technology Support," Oklahoma Pharmacists Association, Oklahoma City, OK, February 7, 1993.
152. Barker, Kenneth N., and Felkey Bill G., "Emerging Technology," National Convocation on Prescription Drug Programs, Scottsdale, AZ, February 18, 1993.
153. Felkey Bill G. and Berger Bruce A. "Pharmacist Opportunities in Compliance Using Skills Training (PHOCUST) Workshop," to Kaiser Permanente Pharmacists, Atlanta, GA, February 20-21, 1993.
154. Felkey Bill G. "Compliance and Communication," Merck Sharp and Dohme, Prucare HMO, Atlanta, GA, February 22, 1993.
155. Felkey Bill G. "Patient Assessment Using the Modified Medication History," Fay's Long Term Care Facilities, Syracuse, NY, February 24, 1992.
156. Held, Thomas, Maak, Mike, Geasler, Shelly and Felkey Bill G. "Conversion of a Level Three Interactive Program to CD-I" Society of Applied Learning Technologies, Orlando, FL, February 24, 1992.
157. Felkey Bill G. "Automation," presented to the Virginia Pharmaceutical Association Midyear Meeting, Richmond, VA, March 5, 1993.
158. Felkey Bill G. "Implementing Pharmaceutical Care Using Effective Counseling," Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Allied Health Sciences, Framingham, MA, March 17, 1993.
159. Felkey Bill G. and Berger Bruce, A.,"Pharmaceutical Care: The Challenge and Future of Pharmacy," Utah Pharmaceutical Association, Annual Convention Program, St. George, UT, April 30, 1993.
160. Knight, Phillip and Felkey Bill G. "Interactive Patient Education," A Forum of the Veteran's Affairs Administration, Las Vegas, NV, May 3, 1993.
161. Felkey Bill G. and Berger Bruce A. "Pharmacist Opportunities in Compliance Using Skills Training (PHOCUST) Workshop," for HMO Pharmacists of Kaiser Permanente, Denver, Colorado, May 15-17, 1993.
162. Felkey Bill G. "The Implications of Technology for the Future of Drug Use Review," USPC DUR Panel, Rockville, MD, June 16, 1993.
163. Felkey Bill G. "The Future of Pharmacy: Who Will Take Responsibility for Drug-Related Problems?," The Texas Pharmaceutical Association, Lubbock, TX, June 17, 1993.
164. Felkey Bill G. "Pharmacy Technology," Oregon State Pharmacists Association, Portland, OR, June 25, 1993.
165. Felkey Bill G. "Behold, I Bring You Glad Tidings About Pharmacy Technology," Hawaii Pharmaceutical Association, Honolulu, HI, June 27, 1993.
166. Felkey Bill G. "Using Technology in the Implementation of Pharmaceutical Care," Hawaii Pharmaceutical Association, Honolulu, HI, June 27, 1993.
167. Felkey Bill G. "Patient Counseling," Auburn University School of Pharmacy Therapeutic Conference, Gulf State Park, AL, July, 25, 1993.
168. Felkey Bill G. "Communicating with Patients," Purdue University Midwest Regional Conference for Consultant Pharmacists, Indianapolis, IN, July 31, 1993.
169. Felkey Bill G. "Pharmacy 2000," The Southeastern Pharmacy Education Gathering, G. D. Searle, Destin, FL, August 18, 1993.
170. Felkey Bill G. "Dealing With Difficult Patients," The Capital Medical Society, Tallahassee, FL, September 13, 1993.
171. Felkey Bill G. "Putting Technology to Work in Implementing Pharmaceutical Care," Voluntary Hospitals of America Alabama/Southeast Regional Meeting, Orange Beach, AL, September 16, 1993.
172. Felkey Bill G. Invited Presentation: "The Implication of Technology for the Future of Pharmacy Practice," The Pharmacy Practice Panel of the United States Pharmacopeia, Rockville, MD, September 20, 1993.
173. Felkey Bill G. "Pharmaceutical Care: Establishing Expectations and Motivating the Student," Auburn University School of Pharmacy Preceptor Conference, Auburn, AL, September 26, 1993.
174. Felkey Bill G. "Pharmacists of the Future, Part II," Illinois Pharmacists Association, Rockford, IL, October 1, 1993.
175. Felkey Bill G. "Using Technology to Implement Pharmaceutical Care," Iowa Pharmacists Association, Des Moines, IA, October 3, 1993.
176. Felkey Bill G. "Cost Containment Strategies for Pharmacy Benefits Programs," The Center for Health Policy Studies Conference, Washington, DC, December, 6, 1993.
177. Felkey Bill G. "Case Study: The Power of Information in a Vertically Integrated Health System," Voluntary Hospital of America, Advanced Practice Management Institute, Atlanta, GA, January 13-15, 1994.
178. Felkey Bill G. "The Role of Technology in the Implementation of Pharmaceutical Care," University of Washington, Annual Alumni Continuing Education Conference, Seattle, WA, January 23, 1994.
179. Felkey Bill G. "Putting Technology to Work to Implement Pharmaceutical Care," West Virginia Pharmacists Association Annual Meeting, Charleston, WV, January 30, 1994.
180. Felkey Bill G. "What Does Medical Informatics Have to do With Pharmacy?" California Pharmacists Association CEO Meeting, LaJolla, CA, February 5, 1994.
181. Felkey Bill G. "Technology for Pharmacy Practice," Australian Study Tour, Aspen, CO, February 10, 1994.
182. Felkey Bill G. "While I'm Doing Pharmaceutical Care, What is My Computer Supposed to be Doing?" Texas Pharmacists Association, Houston, TX, March 22, 1994.
183 Felkey Bill G. and Berger Bruce A."CarePoint Training Seminar" A nine and one half hour interactive session to implement pharmaceutical care in the community setting. Charleston, SC, March 25, 1994.
184. Felkey Bill G. "A Review of Technology for Patient Care" An invited seminar from the School of Nursing dean and faculty, Auburn University, AL April 21, 1994.
185. Felkey Bill G. and Berger Bruce A."CarePoint Training Seminar" A nine and one half hour interactive session to implement pharmaceutical care in the community setting. Las Vegas, NV, April 22, 1994.
186. Barker, Kenneth N. and Felkey Bill G. "Automation and the Healthcare System of the Future," Symposium on the Emerging Technologies in Hospital Pharmacy, Pennsylvania Society of Hospital Pharmacists, Conshohocken, PA, April 28, 1994.
187. Barker, Kenneth N. and Felkey Bill G. "Emerging Technologies in Pharmacy Practice," Tri-State Boards of Pharmacy Invitational Conference, Philadelphia College of Pharmacy & Sciences, Philadelphia, PA, April 29, 1994.
188. Barker, Kenneth N. and Felkey Bill G. "Pharmacy Automation and Implications," 1994 Pharmakon Users Group Conference, Kansas City, MO, May 2, 1994.
189. Felkey Bill G. "While I'm Doing Pharmaceutical Care, What is My Computer Supposed to be Doing?" Arkansas Pharmacists Association Annual Meeting, Little Rock, AR, May 12, 1994.
190. Felkey Bill G. "While I'm Doing Pharmaceutical Care, What is My Computer Supposed to be Doing?" , Montana Pharmacists Association, Great Falls, MT, May 21, 1994.
191. Felkey Bill G. and Berger Bruce A. "Pharmacist Opportunities in Compliance Using Skills Training (PHOCUST) Workshop," for HMO Pharmacists, Annapolis, MD, June 13-14, 1994.
192. Felkey Bill G. and Berger Bruce A. "The Nuts and Bolts of Pharmaceutical Care" Alabama Pharmacists Association Annual Meeting, Panama City, FL, July 10, 1994.
193. Felkey Bill G. "While I'm Doing Pharmaceutical Care, What is My Computer Supposed to be Doing?" South Carolina Pharmaceutical Association, Asheville, NC, July 12, 1994.
194. Felkey Bill G. "Information Management" Texas Pharmaceutical Association 115th Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX, July 14, 1994.
195. Felkey Bill G. and Berger Bruce A."CarePoint Training Seminar" A nine and one half hour interactive session to implement pharmaceutical care in the community setting. Charleston, SC, July 22, 1994.
196. Felkey Bill G. "Improving Antibiotic Adherence Through Patient Counseling," Challenges in Pharmaceutical Care Conference for the US Army, Fort Bragg, NC, August 3, 1994.
197. Felkey Bill G. "State-of-the-Art Computers: Choosing a System; Complying with OBRA '90; Supporting Pharmaceutical Care; Improving Management and Profits" Auburn University Therapeutic Conference, Gulf Shores, AL, August 6, 1994.
198. Felkey Bill G. "State-of-the-Art Computers: Choosing a System; Complying with OBRA '90; Supporting Pharmaceutical Care; Improving Management and Profits" Auburn University Therapeutic Conference, Lake Guntersville, AL, August 13, 1994.
199. Felkey Bill G. "Pharmacy 2000: While I'm Doing Pharmaceutical Care What is My Computer Supposed to be Doing?" 11th Annual Southeastern Gatherin', Destin, FL, August 16, 1994.
200. Felkey Bill G. "The Power of Information in Long Term Care," California Pharmacists Long Term Care Weekend, La Jolla, CA, August 28, 1994.
201. Felkey Bill G. "The Power of Information in a Vertically Integrated Healthcare System," First Data Bank Futures Meeting, San Francisco, CA, August 29, 1994.
202. Felkey Bill G. and Berger Bruce A. "Pharmacist Opportunities in Compliance Using Skills Training (PHOCUST) Workshop," for HMO Pharmacists, Phoenix, Arizona, September 13-14, 1994.
203. Felkey Bill G. and Berger Bruce A."CarePoint Training Seminar" A nine and one half hour interactive session to implement pharmaceutical care in the community setting. Honolulu, HI, September 16, 1994.
204. Felkey Bill G. "The Power of Information in a Vertically Integrated Healthcare System," Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Alabama Provider Appreciation Conference, Mobile, AL, November 21, 1994.
205. Felkey Bill G. "Appropriate Technological Support for the Practice of Pharmacy in Present and Future Healthcare Systems" University of Kentucky 1994 Advances in Pharmacy Practice Annual Fall Conference, Lexington, KY, September 23, 1994.
206. Felkey Bill G. "While I'm Doing Pharmaceutical Care, What is My Computer Supposed to be Doing?" Kansas Pharmacists Annual Meeting, Lawrence, KS, September 24, 1994.
207. Felkey Bill G. "Information Technology" American Society of Consultant Pharmacists Niemerow Institute, Arlington VA, September 28, 1994.
208. Felkey Bill G. "Modern Pharmacy Information Systems" International Business Communications Managed Care Pharmacy Contracting Conference, Orlando, FL September 29, 1994.
209. Felkey Bill G. "The Power of Information in a Vertically Integrated Healthcare System," Western States Education Faire, Palm Springs, CA, September 30, 1994.
210. Felkey Bill G. "Workshop on The Power of Information in a Vertically Integrated Healthcare System," Western States Education Faire, Palm Springs, CA, October 1, 1994.
211. Felkey Bill G. "The Power of Information in a Vertically Integrated Healthcare System," The University of Iowa Continuing Education Seminar, Iowa City, IO, October 7, 1994.
212. Felkey Bill G. "The Future of Pharmacy Part II: The Power of Information in a Vertically Integrated Healthcare System," Mississippi Pharmacists Annual Meeting, Jackson, MS, October 8, 1994.
213. Felkey Bill G. and Berger Bruce A. "Pharmacist Opportunities in Compliance Using Skills Training (PHOCUST) Workshop," for HMO Pharmacists, Minneapolis, MN, October 13-14, 1994.
214. Felkey Bill G. "The Power of Information in a Vertically Integrated Healthcare System," Alabama Society of Hospital Pharmacists 42nd Annual Clinical Meeting, Birmingham, AL, October 20, 1994.
215. Felkey Bill G. and Berger Bruce A. "Pharmacist Opportunities in Compliance Using Skills Training (PHOCUST) Workshop," for HMO Pharmacists, Syracuse, NY, November 4-5, 1994.
216. Felkey Bill G. Panel Presentation, "Healthcare Reform: The Pharmacy Prospective," Auburn University Campus Club, Auburn, AL, November 9, 1994.
217. Felkey Bill G. "Improving Antibiotic Adherence Through Patient Counseling," Challenges in Pharmaceutical Care Conference, New Haven, CT, November 10, 1994.
218. Felkey Bill G. "Technology and Case Management in Pharmaceutical Care," Auburn University Continuing Education Seminar, Auburn, AL, November 12, 1994.
219. Felkey Bill G. and Berger Bruce A. "CarePoint Training Seminar" A nine and one half hour interactive session to implement pharmaceutical care in the community setting. St. Louis, MO, November 18, 1994.
220. Felkey Bill G. "The Power of Information in a Vertically Integrated Healthcare System," G. D. Searle, Chicago, Illinois, December 2, 1994.
221. Felkey Bill G. and Berger Bruce A. "CarePoint Training Seminar" A nine and one half hour interactive session to implement pharmaceutical care in the community setting. Seattle, WA, December 15, 1994.
222. Felkey Bill G. "A Review of Software and Technology for Implementing Pharmacy Care," Pfizer Pharmaceutical Group, New York, NY, December 12, 1994.
223. Felkey Bill G. "While I Am Doing Pharmaceutical Care What Is My Computer Supposed To Be Doing?", Academy/Alabama Pharmaceutical Association, Auburn, AL, February 11, 1995.
224. Felkey Bill G. "Positive Examples of Pharmaceutical Care Provided In The Community Pharmacy," Academy/Alabama Pharmaceutical Association, Auburn, AL, February 11, 1995.
225. Felkey Bill G. "Vital Interest Program," Academy/Alabama Pharmaceutical Association, Auburn, AL, February 12, 1995.
226. Felkey Bill G. "While I'm Doing Pharmaceutical Care What Is My Computer Supposed To Be Doing?", Tennessee Pharmacists Association Annual Meeting, Nashville, Tennessee, February 12, 1995.
227. Felkey Bill G. and Berger Bruce A. "The Nuts and Bolts of Making Pharmaceutical Care Work," Michigan Pharmacists Association Interim Meeting, February 18, 1995.
228. Felkey Bill G. "While I'm Doing Pharmaceutical Care What Is My Computer Supposed To Be Doing?", Michigan Pharmacists Association Interim Meeting, February 18, 1995.
229. Felkey Bill G. "A Review of Software and Technology," for OTC Patient Education, to McNeil Pharmacists of Canada, Cambridge, BC, February 27, 1995.
230. Felkey Bill G. "Technology for Care Management," Patient Education Committee, East Alabama Medical Center, Opelika, Alabama, March 1, 1995.
231. Felkey Bill G. "PHOCUST," Kansas Pharmacists Association, Lawrence, Kansas, March 11, 1995.
232. Felkey Bill G. "Improving Antibiotic Adherence Through Patient Counseling," Palo Alto VA Medical Center, Palo Alto, CA, March 16, 1995.
233. Felkey Bill G. "Providing Compliance Monitoring and Screening," American Pharmaceutical Association 142nd Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, March 18, 1995.
234. Barker, Kenneth N., Ph.D., Allan, Elizabeth L., Ph.D., and Felkey Bill, M.S., "Drug Therapy and Drug Use Systems: Their Implications for the Health Care Facility of the Future," Symposium on Healthcare 2000: Facilities in Change, The College of Architecture and Planning, University of Tennessee, Nashville, Tennessee, March 31, 1995.
235. Felkey Bill G. "Adherence Monitoring & Screening," Merck, CE Dinner Meeting, Hamilton, GA, April 4, 1995.
236. Felkey Bill G. and Berger Bruce A. Ph.D., "Pharmacist Opportunities in Compliance Using Skills Training (PHOCUST) Workshop," Kaiser, FHP of Colorado, FHP of New Mexico, Cigna of New Mexico, Prucar, and Walgreens, Denver, Colorado, April 20-22, 1995.
237. Felkey Bill G. "Improving Antibiotic Adherence Through Patient Counseling," Reynolds Army Community Hospital, Fort Sill, Oklahoma, May 4, 1995.
238. Felkey Bill G. "Improving Antibiotic Adherence Through Patient Counseling," Shepard Air Force Base Pharmacists, Fort Sill, Oklahoma, May 4, 1995.
239. Felkey Bill G. "A Review of On-Line Services & Strategic Planning for Managed Care Outcomes," USP Quarterly Marketing Seminar, Washington, D.C., May 10, 1995.
240. Felkey Bill G. "Automation," North Carolina Pharmacy Association, Asheville, North Carolina, May 19, 1995.
241. Felkey Bill G. "Technology and Implementation of Care Management," Unipharm Canadian Corp., Vancouver, British Columbia, May 28, 1995.
242. Felkey Bill G. M.S. and Barker, Kenneth N., Ph.D., "Information Technologies Session: Pharmacy Automation and Implications," The Alberta Pharmaceutical Association Convention, Jasper, Alberta, Canada, June 9, 1995.
243. Felkey Bill G. "While I'm Doing Pharmaceutical Care What is My Computer Supposed to be Doing?" Kentucky Pharmacists Association, Lexington, Kentucky, June 16, 1995.
244. Felkey Bill G. "How Computers are Affecting Pharmacy," Georgia Pharmacy Association 1995 Annual Convention, Panama City Beach, Florida, June 20, 1995.
245. Felkey Bill G. "About Your diabetes," Interactive Healthcare 95 Alexandria, Virginia, July 7, 1995.
246. Felkey Bill G. "Pharmacy Software: How Do I Start?" Tennessee Pharmacists Association Annual Convention, Memphis, TN, July 25, 1995.
247. Felkey Bill G. Participant in the 1995 National Pharmacy Educator Consultant Meeting, Atlanta, GA, July 28-30, 1995.
248. Felkey Bill G. "While I'm Doing Pharmaceutical Care, What's My Computer Supposed to Be Doing?" Mississippi Society of Hospital Pharmacists, Orange Beach, Alabama, August 6, 1995.
249. Felkey Bill G. "Trends in Pharmacy Practice," Auburn University School of Pharmacy Summer, 1995 Continuing Education Program, Guntersville, AL, August 12, 1995.
250. Felkey Bill G. "Adherence Monitoring and Screening," 12th Annual Southeastern Gatherin', Destin, FL, August 14, 1995.
251. Felkey Bill G. "Technology Issues," Wisconsin Faculty, Madison, Wisconsin, August 18, 1995.
252. Felkey Bill G. "New Computer Technology in Pharmacy," and "Health Information Networks and Pharmacy," 115th Annual Meeting Wisconsin Pharmacists Association, Wisconsin Dells, August 19, 1995.
253. Felkey Bill G. "Use of Information Technology for Educational Purposes," North Dakota State Faculty, Detroit Lakes, Minnesota, August 22, 1995.
254. Felkey Bill G. "Interactive Training (About Your Diabetes)," American Association of Diabetes Educators with the Department of Veterans Affairs, Boston, Massachusetts, August 23, 1995.
255. Felkey Bill G. "While I'm Doing Pharmaceutical Care, What's My Computer Supposed To Be Doing?" 128th Annual Fall Convention Maine Pharmacy Association, Rockport, Maine, September 8, 1995.
256. Felkey Bill G. "Information Technology,"at the 1995 "Impact of Automation on Long-term Pharmacy" conference for the American Society
of Consultant Pharmacists, Washington D.C., September 13, 1995.
257. Felkey Bill G. and Berger Bruce, "Pharmaceutical Care Workshop," Dillon's Pharmacy Company, Hutchinson, Kansas, October 10-13, 1995.
258. Felkey Bill G. "Myth: Nobody Will Pay and I Don't Know Enough," 115th Kansas Pharmacists Annual Meeting, Wichita, Kansas, October 14, 1995.
259. Felkey Bill G. "Improving Antibiotic Adherence Through Patient Counseling," ConnectiCare's Fourth Annual Pharmacy Symposium, Rocky Hill, CT, October 18, 1995.
260. Felkey Bill G. "21st Century Pharmacy: A Look at Progressive Pharmacy Practice Setting," '95 Building Our Future APhA-ASP Midyear Regional Meeting, Baltimore, MD, October 21, 1995.
261. Felkey Bill G. "The Power of Information in a Vertically Integrated Healthcare System," 1995 MNPI National Meeting, St. Petersburg Beach, FL, October 22, 1995.
262. Felkey Bill G. "How Computers are Affecting the Everyday Practice of Pharmacy," 28th Annual Seminar in Pharmacy Practice, University of Toledo, Toledo, Ohio, October 27, 1995.
263. Felkey Bill G. 21st Century Pharmacy: A Look at Progressive Pharmacy Practice Setting," '95 Building Our Future APhA-ASP Midyear Regional Meeting, Big Rapids, MI, October 28, 1995.
264. Felkey Bill G. "Using Information Systems to Facilitate the Delivery of Quality Pharmaceutical Care Throughout the Continuum," PharmaCon'95 The National Pharmacy Director Congress, New Orleans, LA, November 2, 1995.
265. Felkey Bill G. "Implementing Pharmaceutical Care: Basic Skills for the Practicing Pharmacist," Continuing Pharmacy Education Seminar, Greenville, NC, November 2, 1995.
266. Felkey Bill G. "21st Century Pharmacy: A Look at Progressive Pharmacy Practice Setting," '95 Building Our Future APhA-ASP Midyear Regional Meeting, San Francisco, CA, November 4, 1995.
267. Felkey Bill G. "How Computers are Affecting Pharmacy," 1995 Ohio Pharmacists Association Midyear Meeting, Dublin, OH, November 5, 1995.
268. Felkey Bill G. "Reimbursements for Cognitive Services," Thrift Drug Executives, Inc., Pittsburgh, PA, November 17, 1995.
269. Felkey Bill G. "Pharmacy Directors and the World Wide Web," The Pharmacy Director's Role in the Management of GI Disease symposium, San Diego, CA, January 17, 1996.
270. Felkey Bill G. "Pharmacy Informatics: Software Tools to Extend Pharmacy Services in a Community Practice Setting," The ASAP'96 Midyear Technology Conference, Amelia Island, FL, January 19, 1996.
271. Felkey Bill G. "A Review of Software Resources to Support Pharmaceutical Care," 27th Annual Professional Practice Conference of the Canadian Society of Hospital Pharmacists, Toronto, Canada, February 8, 1996.
272. Felkey Bill G. "Technology Updates for Consultant Pharmacists," Alabama Pharmacy Association, Birmingham, AL, February 10, 1996.
273. Felkey Bill G. "Computer Software Available to Pharmacists," Indiana Pharmacists Association, Indianapolis, IN, February 24, 1996.
274. Felkey Bill G. "Using Technology to Get Paid for Pharmacy Services," 1996 Midwinter Meeting Oklahoma Pharmaceutical Association, Oklahoma City, OK, February 25, 1996.
275. Felkey Bill G. "Software for Enhancing the Practice of the Consultant Pharmacist," North Carolina Consultant Pharmacists Seminar, Charlotte, NC, March 22, 1996.
276. Felkey Bill G. "The Explosion of Computer Technology in Pharmacy," Martin Memorial Health System, Stuart, FL, March 27, 1996.
277. Felkey Bill G. "Software for Enhancing the Service-Based Practice of the Pharmacists," Ohio Pharmacists Association, March 31, 1996.
278. Felkey Bill G. “Pharmacy Printing Applications,” Executive Seminar with Lexmark Printers, Lexington, KY, April 12, 1996.
279. Felkey Bill G. “Using Information Systems to Facilitate Quality Pharmaceutical Care Throughout the Continuum,” TSHP Annual Meeting, Corpus Christi, TX, April 14, 1996.
280. Felkey Bill G. “Use of Advanced Information, Technology, and Patient Care,” Auburn University School of Nursing(NUR 435), April 15, 1996.
281. Felkey Bill G. “Technology in Pharmaceutical Care: Patient Management Systems,” Texas Pharmacy Foundation’s 1996 Distinguished Lecture Series, Austin, TX and Houston, TX, April 17-18, 1996.
282. Felkey Bill G. “Software for Enhancing the Practice of the Consultant Pharmacist,” Arbor Health Care Company, Columbus, OH, April 29, 1996.
283. Felkey Bill G. “Use of Advanced Information, Technology, and Patient Care,” Auburn University School of Nursing (NUR 475), May 7, 1996.
284. Felkey Bill G. “The Pharmacy of the Future,” The 1996 Cerner Health Conference, Kansas City, MO, May 22, 1996.
285. Felkey Bill G. “Software for Enhancing the Service-based Practice of the Pharmacist, “ North Carolina Pharmaceutical Association, Greensboro, NC, May 26, 1996.
286. Felkey Bill G. Berger Bruce A. “Making the Transition to Patient Care,” Boston Area Pharmacists Meeting, Boston, MA, June 1, 1996.
287. Felkey Bill G. “Pharmacy Applications to Support Health Informatics,” ASHP annual meeting, San Diego, CA, June 2, 1996.
288. Felkey Bill G. “The Explosion of Computer Technology In Pharmacy,” Annual Convention of the Nebraska Pharmacists Association, Lincoln, NE, June 7, 1996.
289. Felkey Bill G. “Using Technology To Get Paid For Services,” South Dakota Pharmacist Association Annual Convention, Chamberlain, SD, June 9, 1996.
290. Felkey Bill G. “Innovative Patient Care - Making the Transition,” Iowa Pharmacists Association Annual Meeting, Des Moines, Iowa, June 15, 1996.
291. Felkey Bill G. “Using Technology to Get Paid for Pharmacy Services,” New Jersey Pharmacists 126th Annual Convention, Atlantic City, New Jersey, June 18, 1996.
292. Felkey Bill G. “While I’m Doing Patient Care, What’s My Computer Supposed To Be Doing?” 12th Annual QS/1 International Users Meeting, Maui, HI, June 22, 1996.
293. Felkey Bill G. “Gadgets and Gizmos: Using Technology to Get Paid for Services,” The Hawaii Pharmaceutical Association, Honolulu, HI, June 23, 1996.
294. Felkey Bill G. “Using Technology to Get Paid for Pharmacy Services,” Pharmacists Society of the State of New York 118th Annual Convention, Catskill, New York, June 27, 1996.
295. Felkey Bill G. “Using Technology to Get Paid for Pharmacy Services,” Washington State Pharmacists Association Annual Convention, Pasco, WA, June 29, 1996.
296. Felkey Bill G. “Using Technology to Get Paid for Pharmacy Services,” New Mexico Pharmaceutical Association’s 67th Annual Convention, Albuquerque, NM, June 30, 1996.
297. Felkey Bill G. and Berger Bruce A. “Making the Transition to Patient Care,” to community and managed care pharmacists in Irving, TX, July 9, 1996.
298. Felkey Bill G. “Using Technology to Support Innovative Patient Care,” Pharmacy Educators’ National Forum, Reno, NV, July 12, 1996.
299. Felkey Bill G. “Using Technology to Support Innovative Patient Care,” Louisiana Pharmacists Association 1996 Annual Convention, Biloxi, MS, July 19, 1996.
300. Felkey Bill G. and Berger Bruce A. “Making the Transition to Patient Care, ” to community and managed care pharmacists in Seattle, WA, July 23, 1996.
301. Felkey Bill G. and Berger Bruce A. “Making the Transition to Patient Care, ” to community and managed care pharmacists in New York, NY, August 2, 1996.
302. Felkey Bill G. “Automation in Pharmacy Practice,” Student National Pharmaceutical Association’s 24th Annual Convention, Chicago, IL, August 3, 1996.
303. Felkey Bill G. “Trends in Pharmacy Practice,” Auburn University School of Pharmacy Summer, 1996 Continuing Education Program, Guntersville, AL, August 11, 1996.
304. Felkey Bill G. “Technology for Solving a Pharmacist’s Problems,” Florida Pharmacy Association’s 13th Annual Southeastern Gatherin’, Destin, Florida, August 14, 1996.
305. Felkey Bill G. “Using Technology to Get Paid for Pharmacy Services,” to the Inaugural Pharm.D. class of the Western University of Health Sciences, Pomona , California, August 21, 1996.
306. Felkey Bill G. “Update On Pharmacy Informatics Systems,” PPSI 6th International Public Health and Pharmacy Issues Conference, Jerusalem, Israel, September 2, 1996.
307. Felkey Bill G. “What the Internet Has to Offer to Pharmacists,” to The University of Texas College of Pharmacy’s 44th annual Postgraduate Pharmacy Seminar, Austin, TX, September 8, 1996.
308. Felkey Bill G. “How to Structure Integrated Information Systems to Facilitate Pharmaceutical Care,” 6th Annual Managed HealthCare Congress Midwest, Chicago, IL, September 11, 1996.
309. Felkey Bill G. “Pharmacy on the Internet,” ASCP “Impact of Automation on LongTerm Care Pharmacy” Conference, Arlington, VA, September 13, 1996.
310. Felkey Bill G. “An Update on Computer and Communication Technology for the Pediatric Practice,” 1996 Annual Meeting & Pediatric Update for the Alabama Chapter American Academy of Pediatrics, Orange Beach, AL, September 18, 1996.
311. Felkey Bill G. “Using Technology to Get Paid for Pharmacy Services,” IPhA’s 1996 Annual Meeting, Decatur, IL, September 22, 1996.
312. Felkey Bill G. “A Review of the Status of Electronically Presented Therapeutic Information,” at the USP-AMA advisory counsel, Rockville, MD, September 25, 1996.
313. Felkey Bill G. “Pharmacy Workflow Re-engineering and Cognitive Services,” International Chain Users Conference for Zadall Systems Group, Vancouver, Canada, September 27, 1996.
314. Felkey Bill G. Anderson-Harper, Heidi M., Munden, C. Dianne, “Technology Boot Camp I,” Auburn University School of Pharmacy, 1996 Continuing Education Program, Auburn, AL, September 28-29, 1996.
315. Felkey Bill G. and Berger Bruce A. “Transitioning to Patient Care,” to Chicago area Community Pharmacists and Manage Care, Chicago, Illinois, September 30, 1996.
316. Felkey Bill G. “Using Technology to Get Paid for Pharmacy Services,” InteRx User’s Group Meeting for Interactive Systems & Management Corp., Fairfield, NJ, October 2, 1996.
317. Felkey Bill G. “Emerging Technology to Facilitate Patient Care: A Rational Alternative to Formularies,” 9th Annual Symposium for Managed Health Care Professionals, Scottsdale, Arizona, October 4, 1996.
318. Felkey Bill G. “Computer Technology in Pharmacy Practice,” Seminar for School of Pharmacy, University of California, San Francisco, October 9, 1996.
319. Felkey Bill G. and Berger Bruce A. “Transitioning to Patient Care,” to San Francisco area Community Pharmacists and Manage Care, San Francisco, CA, October 10, 1996.
320. Felkey Bill G. “Emerging Technologies in Pharmacy Practice,” NARD’s 98th Annual Convention and Trade Exposition, New Orleans, LA, October 16, 1996.
321. Felkey Bill G. “Computer Technology in Pharmacy Practice,” Seminar for School of Pharmacy, University of California, San Francisco, October 9, 1996.
322. Felkey Bill G. and Berger Bruce A. “Transitioning to Patient Care,” to San Francisco area Community Pharmacists and Manage Care, San Francisco, CA, October 10, 1996.
323. Felkey Bill G. “Emerging Technologies in Pharmacy Practice,” NARD’s 98th Annual Convention and Trade Exposition, New Orleans, LA, October 16, 1996.
324. Felkey Bill G. “Using Technology to Get Paid for Cognitive Services,” Renlar’s 1996 User’s Conference, Lexington, Kentucky, October 17, 1996.
326. Felkey Bill G. “The Explosion of Computer Technology in Pharmacy,” and “The Nuts and Bolts of the Internet,” CSHP Annual Seminar ‘96 in Anaheim, California, October 19, 1996.
327. Felkey Bill G. “Using Technology to Get Paid for Cognitive Services,” ESI Lederle Raley’s Annual C.E. Program, October 19, 1996.
328. Felkey Bill G. “Using Technology to Get Paid for Pharmacy Services,” Vermont Pharmacists Association, Montpelier, Vermont, October 26, 1996.
329. Felkey Bill G. “Pharmacy and Future Technology,” Pharmacy Software Systems Workshop, Toronto, Canada, November 2, 1996.
330. Felkey Bill G. Anderson-Harper, Heidi M., and Munden, Dianne C., “Technology Bootcamp II,” 1996 Auburn University School of Pharmacy Continuing Education Program, Auburn, AL, November 9-10, 1996.
331. Felkey Bill G. “Automation/Security in the Pharmacy: Part II, “ NABP 1996 Health Law Officers Conference, Savannah, Georgia, November 11, 1996.
332. Felkey Bill G. and Berger Bruce A. “Transitioning to Patient Care,” to Atlanta area Community Pharmacists and Manage Care, Atlanta, Georgia, November 15, 1996.
333. Felkey Bill G. “Computer Applications in Consultant Pharmacy,” ASCP’s 27th Annual Meeting and Exhibition, Nashville, Tennessee, November 16, 1996.
331. Felkey Bill G. “Technology to Assist in Your Practice; Tools Available Today,” Management and Technology Workshop, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, November 17, 1996.
332. Felkey Bill G. ”The Impact of Technology on the Practice of Pharmacy,” 17th Annual Arnold Schwartz Memorial Program, Brooklyn, New York, November 24, 1996.
333. Felkey Bill G. and Berger Bruce A. “Transitioning to Patient Care,” to Orlando area Community Pharmacists and Manage Care, Orlando, FL, November 29 - December 1, 1996.
334. Felkey Bill G. “Pharmacy Strategies for Health-System Informatics and Automation,” ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, December 8, 1996.
335. Felkey Bill G. “Introduction: The Clinical Workstation,” 31st Annual ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, December 11, 1996.
336. Felkey Bill G. and Berger Bruce A. “Transitioning to Patient Care,” to Los Angeles area Community Pharmacists and Manage Care, Los Angeles, CA, December 12-13, 1996.
337. Felkey Bill G. “Using Patient Care and Management Applications and the Internet - Getting Paid for Pharmacy,” The University of Southern California School of Pharmacy Continuing Education, Los Angeles, CA, January 12, 1997.
338. Felkey Bill G. “Using Technology to Get Paid for Pharmacy Services,” Minnesota Pharmacists Association, Minneapolis, MN, January 18-19, 1997.
339. Felkey Bill G. Anderson-Harper, Heidi M., Munden, C. Dianne, “Technology Boot Camp I,” Auburn University School of Pharmacy, 1997 Continuing Education Program, Auburn, AL, February 2-3, 1997.
340. Felkey Bill G. “Using Technology to Get Paid for Pharmacy Services,” United Drugs American Associated Druggists, Inc., Las Vegas, Nevada, February 7, 1997.
341. Felkey Bill G. “Using Technology to Support the Provision of and Reimbursement for Pharmacy Services,” 1997 Alaska Pharmaceutical Association, Anchorage, AK, February 8, 1997.
342. Felkey Bill G. “Using Technology to Provide, Document and Receive Reimbursement for Pharmacy Services,” Indiana Society of Hospital Pharmacists, Indianapolis, Indiana, February 16, 1997.
343. Felkey Bill G. “Using Technology to Get Paid for Pharmacy Services,” Michigan Pharmacists Association Annual Convention & Exposition, Detroit, Michigan, February 21, 1997.
344. Felkey Bill G. “Internet 101: What the Internet Has to Offer Pharmacists,” Research Triangle Park, NC, February 27, 1997.
345. Felkey Bill G. “Using Technology to Get Paid for Pharmacy Services,” Alabama Pharmacy Coop., Inc. Continuing Education Program, Birmingham, AL, February 28, 1997.
346. Felkey Bill G. “Integration of Pharmacy Automation,” Institute on the Evaluation of Pharmacy Automation, Atlanta, GA, March 2, 1997.
347. Felkey Bill G. “Ongoing Patient Evaluation: Optimizing Patient Adherence,” APhA 144th Annual Meeting & Exposition, Los Angeles, California, March 8, 1997.
348. Felkey Bill G. and Smith Robert E., “Using Technology to Document Patient Care Services,” APhA Meeting & Exposition, Los Angeles, California, March 10, 1997.
349. Felkey Bill G. “Using Computer Technology in Pharmacy Services,” Symposium for Managed Care Pharmacists, Atlanta, GA, March 21, 1997.
350. Felkey Bill G. “Accessing On-Line Health Resources,” Annual Meeting of the Southern College Health Association , Athens, Georgia, March 26, 1997.
351. Felkey Bill G. “Internet: Today’s Opportunity for Information Access and Interchange,” 119th Ohio Pharmacists Association Annual Conference, Columbus, OH, April 4, 1997.
352. Felkey Bill G. “Patient Adherence Screening & Monitoring,” Continuing Education, Merke Humane Health Division, Auburn University Hotel and Conference Center, Auburn, AL, April 9, 1997.
353. Felkey Bill G. “Incorporating Technology: Planning for the Future,” Focus ‘97, sponsored by the California Society of Health-System Pharmacists, Universal City, CA, April 12, 1997.
354. Felkey Bill G. “Internet: Helping Pharmacy Advance,” and “Advanced Internet for Pharmacy Practitioners,” Tennessee Society of Hospital Pharmacists, Nashville, TN, April 18, 1997.
355. Felkey Bill G. and Berger Bruce A. “Transitioning to Patient Care,” to North Carolina Pharmacists Association, Research Triangle Park, NC, April 20, 1997.
356. Felkey Bill G. “Embracing Technology,” FMI’s 10th Annual Supermarket Pharmacy Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, April 21, 1997.
357. Felkey Bill G. “Enhancing Patient Outcomes Through Low - or No - cost Electronic Information Resources,” 1997 VHA Leadership Conference, San Diego, CA, April 22, 1997.
358. Felkey Bill G. “Mini Technology Bootcamp,” Auburn University Pharmacy Alumni Week-End, Auburn, AL, April 26, 1997.
359. Felkey Bill G. “Patient Adherence Screening & Monitoring,” Smith Drug Company, Columbia, South Carolina, April 27, 1997.
360. Felkey Bill G. “Update on Technology for Patient Care,” California Society of Hospital Pharmacists, Los Angeles, CA, May 2, 1997.
361. Felkey Bill G.”Improving Patient Outcomes Through Electronic Information Resources,” Cerner Health Conference, Kansas City, Missouri, May 6, 1997.
362. Felkey Bill G. “Technology for Patient Information and Education,” National Council for Patient Information and Education, Washington D.C., May 8, 1997.
363. Felkey Bill G. “Pharmacist Care: Proven Strategies for Making it Pay Off,” National Community Pharmacists Associations Expo ‘97, San Diego, CA, May 10, 1997.
364. Felkey Bill G. “Using Technology To Get Paid For Pharmacy Services,” Medicine-On-Time Pharmacy Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, May 16-17, 1997.
365. Felkey Bill G. “Technology BootCamp I,” Auburn University School of Pharmacy, Auburn, AL, May 17-18, 1997.
366. Felkey Bill G. “Review of Technology for Pharmacy Services,” Australian Study Tour, Boston, MA, May 26, 1997.
367. Felkey Bill G. “Health System Infromatics: Tools for Providing Patient-Focused Services,” ASHP Annual Meeting ‘97, Minneapolis, Minnesota, June 1, 1997.
368. Felkey Bill G. “Re-engineering for Automation,”ASHP Annual Meeting ‘97, Minneapolis, Minnesota, June 2, 1997.
369. Felkey Bill G. “Technology Bootcamp II,” Auburn University School of Pharmacy Continuing Education, Auburn, AL, June 7-8, 1997.
370. Felkey Bill G. “Using Technology To Get Paid For Pharmacy Services,” PDX, INC. Conference, San Francisco, CA, June 9, 1997.
371. Felkey Bill G. “Emerging Information Technology,” VHA New England Region, Woodstock,VT, June 11, 1997.
372. Felkey Bill G. “An Update on Technology to Support Pharmacy Services,” South Dakota Pharmacists Convention, Huron, SD, June 14, 1997.
373. Felkey Bill G. “Workshop on Implementing Reimbursable Patient Care: How Do I Really Get Started?” South Dakota Pharmacists Convention, Huron, SD, June 15, 1997.
374. Felkey Bill G. “Technology Tools in Pharmaceutical Care,” Bayer ‘97 Four-State Pharmacy Retreat Program, Long Branch, NJ, June 20, 1997.
375. Felkey Bill F., “Using Technology To Get Paid For Pharmacy Services,” Oregon
Pharmacy Association, Eugene, OR, June 21, 1997.
376. Felkey Bill G. “Technology for Pharmacists,” Arizona Pharmacy Association, Phoenix, AZ, July 11, 1997.
377. Felkey Bill G. “Patient Care Programs--Pain or Panacea?” Healthcare Congress and Manufacturer Exposition, Las Vegas, NV, July 16-18, 1997.
378. Felkey Bill G. “Computer Application in Pharmacy,” Pharmacy Business Associates Annual Conference, Kansas City, Missouri, July 26, 1997.
379. Felkey Bill G. “Review of Technology for Pharmacists,” Virginia Pharmacists Association, Virginia Beach, VA, August 10, 1997.
380. Felkey Bill G. “A Technology Update: New Tools to Support the Provision of Pharmacy Services,” Florida Pharmacy Association Continuing Education Program, Destin, FL, August 11, 1997.
381. Felkey Bill G. “Current and Emerging Technology for Delivering Patient-Focused Services,” Region 3 TRICARE Conference, Orlando, FL, August 13, 1997.
382. Felkey Bill G. “Using the Internet: Opportunity for Information Access and Interchange,” Wisconsin Pharmacist Association, Madison, WI, August 14, 1997.
383. Felkey Bill G. “Patient Adherence Screening and Monitoring,” Wisconsin Pharmacist Association, Madison, WI, August 15, 1997.
384. Felkey Bill G. “Utilizing New Technologies,” Future Pharmacy Leaders Fellowship, Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Science, Philadelphia, PA, August 16, 1997.
385. Felkey Bill G. “Emerging Technology for Pharmacy,” Key Accounts Group of PharmaScience, McKellar, Ontario, Canada, August 23, 1997.
386. Felkey Bill G. “Using Technology to Get Paid for Pharmacy Services,” 1997 NACDS Pharmacy Conference & Managed Care Forum, Boston, MA, August 25, 1997.
387. Felkey Bill G. Anderson-Harper, Heidi, “Technology Bootcamp,” New Mexico Pharmaceutical Association, Albuquerque, NM, August 30-31, 1997.
388. Felkey Bill G. “Career Opportunities in Pharmacy,” 4th FIP/IPSF Students’ Day Symposium, Vancouver, BC, September 3, 1997.
389. Felkey Bill G. “Information Technology Available for Facilitating Pharmacy Education,” FIP Congress in Vancouver, BC, September 4, 1997.
390. Felkey Bill G. “Enhancing Patient Outcomes Through Low or No Cost Electronic Information Resources,” VHA Pharmacy Task Force, Birmingham, AL, September 9, 1997.
391. Felkey Bill G. “Pharmacists Care Proven Strategies for Making it Pay Off,” San Ana Area Pharmacists, Santa Ana, CA, September 10-11, 1997.
392. Felkey Bill G. “Technology Update: What Have They Gone and Done Now?” ASCP Automation Conference, Washington DC, September 19, 1997.
393. Felkey Bill G. “Bootcamp II,” Auburn University School of Pharmacy Continuing Education, Auburn, AL, September 20-21, 1997.
394. Felkey Bill G. “Health System Informatics: Tools for Providing Patient-Focused Services,” Tenet End Users Group Committee, Dallas, TX, September 25, 1997.
395. Felkey Bill G. “Update on Pharmacy Related Computer Gadgets & Gizmos (Part 1 and 2),”1997 Western Pharmacy Education Fair (Ed Faire), Palm Springs, CA, September 27, 1997.
396. Felkey Bill G. “Using Technology to get Paid for Pharmacy Services,” The Distinguished Faculty Program, Arlington, TX, October 12, 1997.
397. Felkey Bill G. “Emerging Technology for Health Systems Pharmacists,” CSHP, Anaheim, CA, October 18, 1997.
398. Felkey Bill G. “Health-System Informatics: Tools for Providing Patient-Focused Services,” Dallas/Ft.Worth Metroplex Pharmacists, Arlington, TX, October 21, 1997.
399. Felkey Bill G. “Enhancing Pharmaceutical Care Through Computer Applications,” Tennessee Society Hospital Pharmacists, Knoxville, TN, October 24, 1997.
400. Felkey Bill G. “Health-System Informatics: Tools for Providing Patient-Focused Services,” Dover, Delaware, October 25, 1997.
401. Felkey Bill G. “Using Technology to Get Paid for Patient-Focused Services,” NCPA’s Annual Convention and Trade Exposition, Denver, Colorado, October 29, 1997.
402. Felkey Bill G. “A Review of Current and Emerging Information Technology,” Dean’s Grand Rounds (UAH), Huntsville, AL, November 13, 1997.
403. Felkey Bill G. “Improving Patient Outcomes Through Electronic Information Resources,” 1997 Clinical Pharmacy Leadership Retreat, Stowe, VT, November 21, 1997.
404. Felkey Bill G. “Computer Applications for Providing Patient-Focused Services,” 32nd Annual ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting, Atlanta, GA, December 7, 1997.
405. Felkey Bill G. “Internet 101:Applications for Health-System Pharmacists,” Glaxo Wellcome Sunrise Seminar Series , 32nd Annual ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting, Atlanta, GA, December 8-11, 1997.
406. Felkey Bill G. “ Internet 101: An Introductory Course for Healthcare Professionals,” GE MED Broadcast, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, January 15, 1998.
407. Felkey Bill G. “Pharmacist Care: Does It Pay For My Business,” NCPA Independent Pharmacy Chain Conference, Puerto Rico, January 18, 1998.
408. Felkey Bill G. “A Review of Current and Emerging Technology to Provide Patient-Focused Services,” Faculty Members Seminar at Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, January 28, 1998.
409. Felkey Bill G. “Technology Bootcamp II,” Auburn University School of Pharmacy Continuing Education, Auburn, AL, February 6-7, 1998.
410. Felkey Bill G. “Proposal to Create an Intranet Driven, Point-of-Information Kiosk Phase 1 Pharmacy Content,” Professional Seminar Series, Auburn University School of Pharmacy, Auburn, AL, February 20, 1998 .
411. Felkey Bill G. “Internet 102: An Advanced Course for Healthcare Professionals,” GE MED Broadcast, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, February 25-27, 1998.
412. Felkey Bill G. “Internet 101 for the Healthcare Consumer,” GE MED Broadcast, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, March 18-19, 1998.
413. Felkey Bill G. and Anderson-Harper, Heidi, “Technology for Your Practice: Pharmacy Applications Made Easy,” APhA 145th Annual Meeting, Miami, Florida, March 20, 1998.
414. Felkey Bill G. “Presentation Skills Roundtable,” APhA 145th Annual Meeting, Miami, Florida, March 21, 1998.
415. Felkey Bill G. “Using Technology to Get Paid for Pharmacy Services: This REALLY Works!” International Symposium, APhA 145th Annual Meeting, Miami, Florida, March 21, 1998.
416. Felkey Bill G. and Campagna, Keith, “How to Get the Most Out of the Internet,” APhA 145th Annual Meeting, Miami, Florida, March 23, 1998.
417. Felkey Bill G. “Utilization of Meters and other “gadgets” in monitoring/documenting care in patients with Diabetes,” Diabetes Certification Program, Auburn University, School of Pharmacy, March 29, 1998.
418. Felkey Bill G. “Mastering the Technology Explosion’s Impact on Your Center and Your Practice,” 1998 National Consortium of Breast Centers, Inc. annual meeting, Atlanta, Georgia, April 5, 1998.
419. Felkey Bill G. “Pharmacy of the Future,” Eckerd Corporation Directions 98 Meeting, Clearwater, Florida, April 15, 1998.
420. Felkey Bill G. “Enhancing Patient Outcomes Through Low or No-cost Information Resources,” 1998 VHA Leadership Conference, Nashville, Tennessee, April 16, 1998.
421. Felkey Bill G. “A Review of Current & Emerging Information Technology,” South Dakota Society of Health System Pharmacists Annual Meeting, Rapid City, South Dakota, April 19, 1998.
422. Felkey Bill G. “Using High Tech to Facilitate High Touch,” Eastern States Conference for Pharmacy Residents and Preceptors, Baltimore, Maryland, April 23, 1998.
423. Felkey Bill G. “Using Technology to Get Paid for Pharmacy Services,” 1998 North Dakota Pharmaceutical Association Convention, Williston, North Dakota, April 24, 1998.
424. Felkey Bill G. “Improving Patient Outcomes Through Electronic Information Resources” New York State Council of Health-System Pharmacists 1998 Annual Assembly, Bolton Landing, New York, April 25, 1998.
425. Felkey Bill G. “Information Technology as an Enabler of Healthcare Delivery and Usage,” Wilkes University, Wilkes-Barre, PA, May 8, 1998.
426. Felkey Bill G. “A Review of Current & Emerging Information Technology,” 16th Annual Review of Modern Therapeutics Conference, Huntsville, AL, May 9, 1998.
427. Felkey Bill G. “Improving Patient Outcomes Through Electronic Information Resources,” New England Council of Hospital Pharmacists, Westboro, MA, May 12, 1998.
428. Felkey Bill G. “An Update On Emerging Technology,” CME Directors and Marketing Directors, Research Triangle Park, NC, May 15, 1998.
429. Felkey Bill G. “Bootcamp I,” Auburn University School of Pharmacy Continuing Education, Auburn, AL, May 16-17, 1998.
430. Felkey Bill G. “Web Site Medicine,” AAPA’s 26th Annual Physician Assistant Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah, May 28, 1998.
431. Felkey Bill G. and Berger Bruce A.“Transitioning to Pharmaceutical Care,” Glaxo Pharmacy Continuing Education, Denver Area Pharmacist Association, Denver, CO, June 13, 1998.
432. Felkey Bill G. “Technology 101: Using IT to Get Paid for Pharmacy Services,” Continuing Education, Maryland Pharmacists Association annual convention, Ocean City, MD, June 14, 1998.
433. Felkey Bill G. “Internet 101: No PC is an Island,” Continuing Education, Maryland Pharmacists Association annual convention, Ocean City, MD, June 14, 1998.
434. Felkey Bill G. Heidi Anderson-Harper, “Technology and the Delivery of Pharmaceutical Care: An Internet Training Experience,” Continuing Education, Internet Workshop at Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, June 15-16, 1998.
435. Felkey Bill G. “Using Technology to Get Paid for Pharmacy Services,” Jean Coutu Group, Montreal, Quebec Canada, June 17, 1998.
436. Felkey Bill G. “Using High Technology to Get Paid for Pharmacy Services,” Quad State Hospital Pharmacy Executive Board Meeting, Long Branch, NJ, June 19, 1998.
437. Felkey Bill G. “Using Technology to Get Paid for Pharmacy Services,” McKesson Business and Trade Expo 1998 Seminar, Honolulu, HI, June 25, 1998.
438. Felkey Bill G. “Emerging Technology: Part I - The Future is Now,” and “Emerging Technology: Part II - Point of Care Devices,” AZSHP 1998 Annual Meeting, Tucson, AZ, July 10, 1998.
439. Felkey Bill G. “Internet (Interactive),” AZSHP 1998 Annual Meeting, Tucson, AZ, July 11, 1998.
440. Felkey Bill G. “Glaxo Wellcome Helix Website and Technology Overview,” Health Science Media, Atlanta, GA, July 13, 1998.
441. Felkey Bill G. “Mining Information Resources,” National Physician Leadership Council, Dallas, TX, July 16, 1998.
442. Felkey Bill G. Berger Bruce A. “Patient Counseling Checklist,” Consultant Pharmacist Update program, sponsored by Auburn University School of Pharmacy Continuing Education, Gulf Shores, AL, July 24, 1998.
443. Felkey Bill G. “Technology to Support Counseling,” Consultant Pharmacist Update program, sponsored by Auburn University School of Pharmacy Continuing Education, Gulf Shores, AL, July 24, 1998.
444. Felkey Bill G. “Using High Tech to Facilitate High Touch,” Region 3/Region 4 TRICARE Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, July 29, 1998.
443. Felkey Bill G. “Personal Computer Applications for Clinical Practice,” Florida Society of Health-System Pharmacists annual convention, Orlando, Florida, August 7, 1998.
444. Felkey Bill G. Berger Bruce A. “Patient Counseling Checklist,” Consultant Pharmacist Update program, sponsored by Auburn University School of Pharmacy Continuing Education, Guntersville, AL, August 8, 1998.
445. Felkey Bill G. “Technology to Support Counseling,” Consultant Pharmacist
Update program, sponsored by Auburn University School of Pharmacy Continuing Education, Guntersville, AL, August 8, 1998.
446. Felkey Bill G. “Utilizing New Technologies,” 1998 Future Pharmacy Leaders’ Fellowship program, Building the New Foundations, Kansas City, Missouri, August 14, 1998.
447. Felkey Bill G. “Using Technology to Get Paid for Pharmacy Services,” AmeriNet/Health Resource Services 1998 Membership Conference, Welches, Oregon, August 17, 1998.
448. Felkey Bill G. “Computer Applications in Pharmacy,” Virginia Commonwealth University faculty and students, Richmond, Virginia, August 27, 1998.
449. Felkey Bill G. “Producing Positive Patient Outcomes Using Information Technology”, Michigan Society of Health System Pharmacists, October 1, 1998, Lansing, MI.
450. Felkey Bill G. “Using High Tech to Facilitate High Touch”, Baylor Healthcare
System Management Retreat, October 3, 1998, Austin, TX.
451. Felkey Bill G. Anderson-Harper, HM. Bootcamp II, Auburn University, October 10-11, 1998.
452. Felkey Bill G. “Using High Tech to Facilitate High Touch,” Webtop Informatics Consultation Day, October 29, 1998.
453. Felkey Bill G. “Mini-Technology Boot Camp” Department of Clinical Pharmacy Practice, Auburn University, November 6, 1998.
454. Felkey Bill G. “Using Technology to Get Paid for Pharmacy Services” Human Healthcare, Tampa, FL, November 9, 1998.
455. Felkey Bill G. “While I’m Doing Pharmaceutical Care, What is My Computer Supposed to be Doing?” University of Minnesota College of Pharmacy, Minneapolis, November 17, 1998.
456. Felkey Bill G. “Technology Workshop for the V.H.A. New England Physician” to Philadelphia, November 20, 1998.
457. Felkey Bill G. “Current and Emerging Technology for Continuing Medical Education” TACME Annual Meeting, Nashville, TN, December 3, 1998.
458. Felkey Bill G. “Incorporating the Internet into Everyday Practice” ASHP Clinical Midyear Meeting, Las Vegas, NV, December 6, 1998.
459. Felkey Bill G. “Mining the Data Warehouse of the Health System Pharmacy” A Diebold Sponsored Special Session, ASHP Clinical Midyear Meeting, Las Vegas, NV, December 8, 1998.
460. Felkey Bill G. “Producing Outcomes Using Low or No Cost Information Technology” Physician Assistant Association of Vermont, Stowe, VT, January 7, 1999.
461. Felkey Bill G. Anderson-Harper, HM “Technology Bootcamp I” Auburn University, AL January 9-10, 1999.
462. Felkey Bill G. “Using High Tech to Facilitate High Touch” Colorado Pharmacists Association Annual Ski and CE Meeting, Breckenridge, CO, January 17, 1999.
463. Felkey Bill G. “Using High Tech to Facilitate High Touch” Texas Society of Health System Pharmacy, Automation and Information Technology Meeting, Austin, TX, January 24, 1999.
464. Felkey Bill G. “The Case of Adcon-L: Information Technology Resources’ New England Regional Pharmacy Directors Conference, Providence, RI, January 29, 1999.
465. Felkey Bill G. “Information Technology and Distance Education” University of Connecticut College of Pharmacy, February 15, 1999.
466. Felkey Bill G. “Current and Emerging Information Technology in Healthcare Hartford Hospital Grand Rounds, Hartford, CT, February 16, 1999.
467. Felkey Gill G. “Using High Tech to Facilitate High Touch” Connecticut Society of Health Systems Pharmacy, Hartford, CT., February 16, 1999.
468. Felkey Bill G. “The Future is Upon Us, Are You Ready for It?” Barr Laboratories Advisory Board Annual Meeting, Key Largo, FL, February 18, 1999.
469. Felkey Bill G. Anderson-Harper, HM. Technology Workshop, Alabama Pharmacist’s Association Mid-Winter Conference, Auburn University, AL, February 28, 1999.
470. Felkey Bill G. “Using High Tech to Facilitate High Touch”, Australian College of Pharmacy Practice Seminar, NSW, Sydney, Australia, March 10, 1999.
471. Felkey Bill G. “Using High Tech to Facilitate High Touch, Australian College of Pharmacy Practice Seminar, Canberra, ACT, Australia, March 11, 1999.
472. Felkey Bill G. Keynote Address: Using Information Technology to Enhance the Practice of Pharmacy, Commonwealth Pharmaceutical Association/Pharmacy Australia Congress, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, March 13, 1999.
473. Felkey Bill G. “Information Technology Workshop, Commonwealth Pharmaceutical Association/Pharmacy Australia Congress, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, March 14, 1999.
474. Felkey Bill G. Technology Bootcamp, Australian College of Pharmacy Practice Seminar, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, March 16, 1999.
475. Felkey Bill G. Technology Bootcamp, Australian College of Pharmacy Practice Seminar, Sydney, NSW, Australia, March 17-18, 1999.
476. Felkey Bill G. Using High Tech to Facilitate High Touch, Australian Pharmacy Professional Guild, Gold Coast, QLD, Australia, March 19, 1999.
477. Felkey Bill G. Technology Bootcamp, Australian College of Pharmacy Practice Seminar, Brisbane, QLD, Australia, March 23, 1999.
478. Felkey Bill G. Using Technology to Implement Pharmaceutical Care, Legends Pharmacy Cooperative, San Antonio, TX, April 10, 1999.
479. Felkey Bill G. Panel Discussion: The Impact of Information Technology on Health Systems, International Congress on Clinical Pharmacy, ACCP, Orlando, FL, April 12, 1999.
480. Felkey Bill G. Workshop: Information Technology for Health Systems, International Congress on Clinical Pharmacy, ACCP, Orlando, FL, April 12, 1999.
481. Felkey Bill G. High Tech to Facilitate High Touch, Kansas Society of Health- System Pharmacists, Wichita, Kansas, April 15, 1999.
482. Felkey Bill G. Keynote Address: Computers as a Pharmaceutical Care Tool, Illinois Pharmacy Congress, Springfield, Illinois, April 16, 1999.
483. Felkey Bill G. The Role of Technology in Pharmacy Practice, HMR Leadership
Training Conference, Kansas City, Missouri, April 22, 1999.
484. Felkey Bill G. Technology Workshop, Auburn University/Glaxo Wellcome
Sponsored Continuing Education Seminar, Albuquerque, New Mexico, April 23, 1999.
485. Felkey Bill G. Keynote Address: “Using High Tech to Facilitate High Touch, Parts 1, 2, and 3, Mediware Pharmacy Information Systems User Group Conference, Kansas City, KS, April 25, 1999.
486. Felkey Bill G. Transplantation Compliance: Clinical Outcomes and Innovations in Patient Management, American Managed Care Pharmacy Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, April 30, 1999.
487. Felkey Bill G. and Anderson-Harper, HM, Technology Bootcamp I, Auburn University, AL, May 15-16, 1999.
488. Felkey Bill G. “Using High Tech to Facilitate High Touch, Intermountain Healthcare/AmeriNet Member Conference, Monterey, CA, May 25, 1999.
489. Felkey Bill G. and Anderson-Harper, HM, Technology Bootcamp II, Auburn University, AL, June 5-6, 1999.
490. Felkey Bill G. "Utilizing Pharmaceutical Informatics", FIP Meeting, Barcelona, Spain, September 3-13 1999.
491. Felkey Bill G. “Using Technology for Patient Care”, Alabama Veterans Health Administration, Perdido Beach, Alabama, September 16, 1999.
492. Felkey Bill G. Keynote Address, “Technology for Pharmaceutical Care”, Virginia Society of Health Systems Pharmacists, Richmond, Virginia, September 25, 1999.
493. Felkey Bill G. "Medical Practice Based Tools on the Internet", Workshop conducted at the St. Charles Medical Center, Bend, Oregon, October 2, 1999.
494. Felkey Bill G. “Using High Tech to Facilitate High Touch”, Oregon Pharmacist and Physicians, Salt Lake City, Utah, October 2, 1999.
495. Felkey Bill G. “Innovation in CHE” Panel Participant in North American Forum on Continuing Education, Kansas City, Missouri, October 5, 1999.
496. Felkey Bill G."Putting Technology To Work for You",Strategic Internet Talk for ASHP Leadership Conference, Dallas, Texas, October 9, 1999.
497. Felkey Bill G. “Strategic Internet”, Health System CEO’s for Veterans Health Administration, Dallas, Texas, October 10-13, 1999
498. Felkey Bill G. “Using the Internet as a Strategic Tool” VHA Leadership Conference, Dallas, Texas, October 16, 1999
499. Felkey Bill G. “Cyber Pharmacies”, presented at the 1999 Annual Membership Meeting of the Pharmaceutical Care Management Association ( PCMA), Tucson, Arizona, October 19, 1999.
500. Felkey Bill G. Research Visit to Target, Minneapolis, Minnesota. October 20-21, 1999.
501. Felkey Bill G. “Incorporating the Internet into Everyday Practice”, Washington State Society of Health System Pharmacists, Seattle, Washington, October 22-23, 1999.
502. Felkey Bill G. “The Internet is Content Commerce and Communication”, National Community Pharmacists Association (NCPA) – Las Vegas National Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, October 23, 1999
503. Felkey Bill G, “Technology to Impact Work Flow in a Pharmacy”, University of Florida CE, Orlando, Florida, October 23, 1999.
504. Felkey Bill G. “Current and Emerging Technology and Internet for Healthcare” Technology Seminar to Concord New Hempshire Pharmacist, Concord, New Hempshire, October 27, 1999.
505. Felkey Bill G. “Using High Tech to Facilitate High Touch” Technology Workshop/Presentation for Students/Faculty/Alumni Wilkes-Barr School of Pharmacy, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, October 28, 1999.
506. Felkey Bill G. Present Web Basics to Medical Information Systems Meeting in Atlanta, Georgia, November 4, 1999.
507. Felkey Bill G. Technology Workshop for Veterans Health Administration New England Physicians and Pharmacists, November 5, 1999.
508. Felkey Bill G. "Using the Internet as a Strategic Tool", presented at the Veterans Health Administration Upper Midwest Pharmacists Meeting, November 10, 1999.
509. Felkey Bill G. "Technology Applications in Senior Care Pharmacy", presented at the ASCP;s 30th Annual Meeting and Exhibition, St. Louis, Missouri, November 13, 1999.
510. Felkey Bill G. speaker at the 1999 Midyear Clinical Meeting of the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, Orlando, Florida, December 5-9, 1999.
511. Felkey Bill G. "Use of Internet Technology as a Strategic Tool in Health System Development", Main Health Information Technology Conference, Portland, Maine, January 21, 2000.
512. Felkey Bill G. "Creating a Presence on the Web", Iowa Pharmacy Association Educational Expo, West Des Moines, Iowa, January 23, 2000.
513. Felkey Bill G. "Incorporating the Internet into Your Everyday Practice" and "Building a Website That Communicates", presented at the Maryland Pharmacists Association's Mid-Year Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland, February 5, 2000.
514. Felkey Bill G. "Communications Skills and Patient Confidentiality, Technology Seminar presented to American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists, Washington, D.C., February 18, 2000.
515. Felkey Bill G. "Computer and Internet Resources for Pharmacists/Computer and Internet Mini-workshop", Technology Seminar for APA, Auburn, Alabama, February 19, 2000.
516. Felkey Bill G. "InteRxnet & PBMs", Technology Seminar PCMA's Center for Pharmaceutical Care Research and Education, San Diego, California, February 23, 2000.
517. Felkey Bill G. "Using High Tech to Facilitate High Touch", presented at the 2000 GSHP Spring Meeting, Lake Lanier Islands, Georgia, February 25, 2000.
518. Felkey Bill G. "Incorporating the Internet into Everyday Practice", Technology Seminar for VHA Central Atlantic, Greensboro, North Carolina, March 9, 2000.
519. Felkey Bill G. "Pharmacy Online: Applications for Your Practice", Technology Seminar presented to American Pharmaceutical Association Annual Meeting & Exposition, Washington, D.C., March 13, 2000.
520. Felkey Bill G. " Incorporating the Internet into Everyday Practice ", Technical Workshop for the Drug Information Association Annual Symposium, Washington, DC, March 15, 2000.
521. Felkey Bill G. Felkey., "Building Technology Into Your Practice": Speaker, Option Care, Las Vegas, Nevada, March 23, 2000.
522. Felkey Bill G. "Integrating Internet into Everything", Alabama Society of Health- System Pharmacists Leadership Development Conference, Birmingham, Alabama, March 24, 2000.
523. Felkey Bill G. "Using the Computer in Home Infusion", Technical Seminar presented at the Vita Care Home Infusion Therapy Update 2000, Destin, Florida, March 25, 2000.
524. Felkey Bill G. "Putting Informatics to Work", AAH Pharmaceuticals & Vantage Convention, DUBAI, March 26-30, 2000.
525. Felkey Bill G. "Computer Wizard", Technology Seminar presented at the Maine Pharmacy Association Business Meeting, Portland, Maine, April 1, 2000.
526. Felkey Bill G. Keynote Address, "Technology in the Millennium", Minnesota Annual ASHP Meeting, Rochester, Minnesota, April 7, 2000.
527. Felkey Bill G. "Internet Pharmacies", Technical Presentation at the Pharmacists Education Foundation Convention, Indianapolis, Indiana, April 14, 2000.
528. Felkey Bill G. "Integrating the Internet into Everything", speaker, via videoconference to International Pharmacy Management Institute, Birmingham, England, April 15, 2000.
529. Felkey Bill G. "High Tech, High Touch: Advances in Health Care Technology", Georgia Statewide TB/Drug Coordinators' Joint Meeting, Macon, Georgia, April 18, 2000.
530. Felkey Bill G. "Role of Technology in Pharmacy Practice", presented to Aventis Pharaceuticals 2000 Pharmacy Leadership Training Conference, Kansas City, Missouri, April 20, 2000.
531. Felkey Bill G. "Role of technology in Pharmacy Practice", Technology Seminar presented at the Aventis Pharmaceuticals' 2000 Leadership Training Conference, Kansas City, Missouri, April 20, 2000.
532. Felkey Bill G. "Pharmacy Automation and Informatics", Lecture. Atlanta Veteran's Administration, Atlanta, Georgia, April 25, 2000.
533. Felkey Bill G. "Using High-Tech to Facilitate High Touch", presented to the Veterans Health Administration Southwest Conference, Scottsdale, Arizona, May 6, 2000.
534. Felkey Bill G. "Electronics Prescription and the Physicians/Subscribers' Relationship", National Association of Boards of Pharmacy 96th Annual Meeting, Nashville, Tennessee, May 9, 2000.
535. Felkey Bill G. Internet Boot Camp, Long Beach/Orange Coast Memorial Care, Long Beach, California, May 12-13, 2000.
536. Felkey Bill G. "Incorporating the Internet into Everyday Pharmacy Practice", presented to the Veterans Health Administration Central Atlantic Pharmacy Director's Council, Greensboro, North Carolina, May 25, 2000
537. Felkey Bill G. Speaker. "Putting Technology to Work for You". ASHP Annual Meeting 2000, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, June 7, 2000.
538. Felkey Bill G. "Using the Internet in Your Pharmacy", Technology Seminar presented to the Missouri Pharmacy Association, Osage, Missouri, June 9, 2000.
539. Felkey Bill G. "Incorporating the Internet into Everyday Practice", presented at the 36th Annual Meeting of the Drug Information Association, San Diego, California, June 13, 2000.
540. Felkey Bill G. "Incorporating Practical Internet Resources in Medical Practice", ILN Meeting. Veterans Health Administration. Chicago, Illinois June 23, 2000.
541. Felkey Bill G. Anderson-Harper, HM.”Using Technology to Facilitate Productivity”, AACP Annual Meeting & Seminars, San Diego, California, July 11, 2000.
542. Felkey Bill G. “Using Technology to Manage Drug Costs”, 2000 Healthcare Congress and Manufacturers’ Exposition, Las Vegas, Nevada, July 13-16, 2000.
543. Felkey Bill G. “Incorporating the Internet Into Everything” presented to Lilly Research Laboratories, Indianapolis, Indiana, July 24, 2000.
544. Felkey Bill G. “Healthcare and the Internet and Realizing Value from Internet Strategies”, Veterans Health Administration Internet Strategies Workshop, Overland Park, Kansas, August 17, 2000.
545. Felkey Bill G. “Transforming Power of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) presented at the 60th International Congress of FIP, Vienna, Austria, August 30, 2000.
546. Felkey Bill G. “Strategic Use of the Internet”, 120th Annual NC Pharmacy Convention, Wilmington, North Carolina, September 7, 2000.
547. Felkey Bill G. “The Future of Health Care: Tele-Medicine”, Senate Presidents’ Forum, Park City, Utah, September 8, 2000.
548. Felkey Bill G. “Technology in Senior Care Pharmacy”. Speaker. University of Missouri-Kansas City Pharmacy Alumni Association 2000 Conference, Kansas City, MO, September 16, 2000.
549. Felkey Bill G. Speaker. Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America State Government Affairs Annual Meeting, Aventura, Florida, September 23, 2000.
550. Felkey Bill G. Speaker. “Optimizing Pharmaceutical Care Through Developing a Practice Heavily Supported by Technology, Software and Internet”, Florida Pharmacy Association Convention, Boca Raton, Florida, September 24, 2000.
551. Felkey Bill G. Speaker. “Strategic Use of Technology in Your Everyday Pharmacy Practice”, Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy’s 2000 Educational Conference, San Diego, California, October 7, 2000.
552. Felkey Bill G. “Integrating the Internet into Everything”. Workshop. Bayer South- Central Otolaryngology Advisory Board Meeting, Phoenix, Arizona, October 14, 2000.
553. Felkey Bill G. Speaker. “Strategic Use of the Internet and Technology for Health Care”. Workshop. National Community Pharmacists Association’s 102nd Annual Convention and Trade Exposition, San Antonio, Texas, October 17, 2000.
554. Felkey Bill G. Computer Boot Camp. Professional Compounding Centers of America, Inc., Houston, Texas, October 18, 2000.
555. Felkey Bill G. “Using the Internet and Web as a Clinical and Business Tool”, Presentation. VHA’s Physicians Leaders Forum, Chicago, Illinois, October 19, 2000.
556. Felkey Bill G. Panel Workshop, Novopharm Pharmacy 2000, Lake Lanier, Georgia, October 20, 2000.
557. Felkey Bill G. Technology Boot Camp, Missouri Pharmacy Association, Jefferson City, Missouri, October 21-22, 2000.
558. Felkey Bill G. “How to Integrate the Internet into Everything”, Texas Association for Healthcare Financial Administration, Austin, Texas, October 26, 2000.
559. Felkey Bill G. “Strategic Use of the Internet” and “Technology for Healthcare”. Speaker. The Canadian Foundation for Pharmacy, Toronto, Canada, October 30, 2000.
560. Felkey Bill G. “Healthcare and the Internet”, Internet Strategies Workshop. VHA Upper Midwest, Oak Brook, IL, October 31, 2000.
561. Felkey Bill G. “Virtual Care: A Technology Update.” Speaker. American Society of Consultant Pharmacists Annual Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, Novermber 2, 2000.
562. Felkey Bill G. Technology Workshop., New York Presbyterian Hospital Physicians, New York, NY, November 10, 2000.
563. Felkey Bill G. “Incorporating the Internet into Everyday Practice” and
E-Business: Technology for Healthcare”. Speaker. Ohio Pharmacists Association, Dubin, Ohio, November 12, 2000.
564. Felkey Bill G. “Technology for Teaching and Learning: Integrating as a Practice Reality”. Speaker. Campbell University School of Pharmacy, Buies Creek, North Carolina, December 13, 2000.
565. Felkey Bill G. “Integrating Technology into Canadian Pharmacy”. Speaker. Canadian Foundation for Pharmacy Conference (sponsored by Altimed Pharmaceuticals), Toronto, Canada, January 4, 2001.
566. Felkey Bill G. “Palm Pilot Instruction” and “Internet Boot Camp”. Lynchburg General Hospital, Lynchburg, Virginia, January 12-13, 2001.
567. Felkey Bill G. “Strategic Use of the Internet Technology for Healthcare”, Merck Frosst Canada & Co., Montreal, Canada, January 16, 2001.
568. Felkey Bill G. “Medicine and the Internet”, Keynote Speaker. First Annual Pharmacy Project Symposium, Los Angeles, California, January 18, 2001.
569. Felkey Bill G. “Current and Future Trends: Technology and the Pharmacy Profession”, USC School of Pharmacy, Ojai, California, January 20, 2001.
570. Felkey Bill G. “Using High Tech to Facilitate High Touch”, American Governance & Leadership Group, Scottsdale, Arizona, January 23, 2001.
571. Felkey Bill G. “The Use of the Internet Resources for your Compounding Clinical Workstation”. Specialty Workshop. Professional Compounding Centers of America, Houston, Texas, January 26, 2001.
572. Felkey Bill G. “Integrating Technology Into Everyday Practice”, sponsored by Retail Pharmacy for the ECRM Pharmacy Conference, Frisco, Texas, January 30, 2001.
573. Felkey Bill G. “Orientating Technology to Healthcare” Aventis Pharmaceuticals, Newark, New Jersey, February, 2, 2001.
574. Felkey Bill G. “How to Contain Health Cost” presented to The Oklahoma State Senate, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, February 7, 2001.
575. Felkey Bill G. “ How to Integrate Technology Into Everything”, HFMA, Birmingham, Alabama, February 16, 2001.
576. Felkey Bill G. “Integrating the Internet into Everything”, Michigan Pharmacists Association’s 2001 Annual Convention & Exposition, Dearborn, Michigan, February 17, 2001.
577. Felkey Bill G. Power Point Workshop, American Association of Clinical Endocrinologist’s Practice Management Workshop, Washington, DC, February 23, 2001.
578. Felkey Bill G. “Optimizing Pharmaceutical Care Through Developing a Practice Heavily Supported by Technology, Software and Internet” and “Application of Technology to Pain Management”, Florida Pharmacy Association, Destin, Florida, February 25, 2001.
579. Nicholson, Kevin N., Felkey Bill G. “A National Quantitative Analysis of Pharmacists’ Need for Internet-Based Applications”, The National Council for Prescription Drug Program’s 24th Annual Membership Conference, Phoenix, Arizona, February 26, 2001.
580. Felkey Bill G. “Technology Enhancements for Your Pharmacy Operation”, Alpharma USPD Retail Customer Exchange, Phoenix, Arizona, March 1, 2001.
581. Felkey Bill G. “Hows and Whys of Central Fill and Central Processing” and “To Be or Not to Be . . . Can Central Fill or Central Processing Work for My Company?”, National Association of Chain Drug Stores’ One Day Seminar, Atlanta, Georgia, March 7, 2001.
582. Felkey Bill G. “Selecting a PCOE System that is Right for You”, New England VHA’s Practitioner Computer Order Symposium, Nashua, New Hempshire, March 9, 2001.
583. Felkey Bill G. “Internet Pharmacy and Emerging Technologies”. Panelist at AphA’s 148th Annual Meeting Media Briefing, San Francisco, California, March 19, 2001.
584. Felkey Bill G. Anderson-Harper, HM. “Internet Primer for Pharmacists”, AphA 148th Annual Meeting & Exposition, San Francisco, California, March 19, 2001.
585. Felkey Bill G. “Internet Applications for Pharmacists”, ASHP Advantage Breakfast Symposium, San Francisco, California, March 19, 2001.
586. Felkey Bill G. “Strategic Use of The Internet and “Technology for Healthcare”, Vita Care Infusion Services, Destin, Florida, March 24, 2001.
587. Felkey Bill G. “Strategic Use of The Internet and Technology for Healthcare”, Drug Trading Co. Ltd. Showcase, Ontario, Canada, April 20, 2001.
588. Felkey Bill G. “The Implementation of Technology at Point of Care”, Eastern States Conference for Pharmacy Preceptors and Residents, Baltimore, Maryland, April 21, 2001.
589. Felkey Bill G. “Pharmacist’s Role in Telehealth”, 18th Annual VHA Leadership Conference, Los Angeles, California, April 23, 2001.
590. Felkey Bill G. “Role of Technology in Pharmacy Practice”, Pharmacy Leadership Conference (Aventis), New York, New York, April 26, 2001.
591. Felkey Bill G. “High-Tech Discoveries to Facilitate High –Touch Care”, Center for Education in Medical Practice Management, Marco Island, Florida, April 30, 2001.
592. Felkey Bill G. “Emerging Information Technology for Patient Care”, Ridgeview Medical Center, Waconia, Minnesota, May 4, 2001.
593. Felkey Bill G. “Advances in Healthcare Technology”, Merck 2001 Advisory Board Meeting, Dallas, Texas, May 5, 2001.
594. Felkey Bill G. “Strategic Use of The Internet”, “The Use of Technology in the Pharmacy Supply Chain”, Canadian Wholesale Drug Association Annual Conference 2001, Bermuda, May 9, 2001.
595. Felkey Bill G. “Integrating the Power of the Internet and Technology into Everyday Practice”, “Palmtop Point of Care Technology Workshop”, Massachusetts Society of Health-System Pharmacists 26th Annual Meeting, Framingham, Massachusetts, May 11, 2001.
596. Felkey Bill G. “Medicine in the Palm of Your Hand: The Internet and Hand Held Devices”, Northeast Hospital Corporation (Beverly Hospital), Beverly, Massachusetts, May 21, 2001.
597. Felkey Bill G. “Strategic Use of the Internet & Technology For Health Care”, McKesson HBOC, Las Vegas, Nevada, June 29, 2001.
598. Felkey Bill G. Speaker. AACP 2001 Education Annual Meeting & Seminar, Toronto, Canada, July 6-11, 2001.
599. Felkey Bill G. “Role of Technology n Pharmacy Practice”, Pennsylvania Pharmacists Association, Champion, Pennsylvania, July 19, 2001.
600. Felkey Bill G. “Impact of New Technology on Healthcare”. Department of Defense Tricare Health Services’ 2001 Summer Conference, Charleston, South Carolina, July 23, 2001.
601. Felkey Bill G. “Utilizing Technology in a Pharmacy Practice”. Tennessee Pharmacists Association, Chattanooga, Tennessee, July 24, 2001.
602. Felkey Bill G. “Mapping Our Destiny Through Technology & Technology Today to Strengthen Independent Tomorrow”. Virginia Pharmacists, Virginia Beach, Virginia, August 5, 2001.
603. Felkey Bill G. “Optimizing Pharmaceutical Care Through Developing a Practice Heavily Supported by Technology, Software and Internet, Florida Pharmacy Association, Panama City, Florida, August 7, 2001.
604. Felkey Bill G. “Internet Boot Camp for Healthcare Professionals”. Freeman Health System, Kansas City, Missouri, August 10, 2001.
605. Felkey Bill G. “Integrating the Internet, Handheld Devices & Information System Into Everyday Practice”. Community Choice Michigan, Traverse, Michigan, August 19, 2001.
606. Felkey Bill G. “Computerized Physician Order Entry Systems & Wireless Technology for Physicians, Hospitals and Physicians Offices, Baylor Medical Center, Garland, Texas, August 23, 2001.
607. Felkey Bill G. “Role of Pharmacy Automation”. Federal Bureau of Prisons, Orange Park, Florida, August 29, 2001.
608. Felkey Bill G. “Technology Update”. VHA Southeast & VHA Gulf States 2001 Regional Pharmacy Meeting, Orange Beach, Alabama, September 13. 2001.
609. Felkey Bill G. “Using Healthcare High Technology to Support Best Practices”. University of California San Diego, La Jolla, California, September 21, 2001.
610. Felkey Bill G. “Technical Solutions: Hand-held Technology and It’s Applications for the Pharmacists”. VHA West Coast Pharmacy Directors’ Conference 2001, SunRiver, Oregon, September 22, 2001.
611. Felkey Bill G. “Incorporating the Internet, Palm-Top & Information Technology in Everyday Practice”. Kansas Pharmacists 121st Annual Meeting, Topeka, Kansas, September 23, 2001.
612. Felkey Bill G. “Using High Tech to Facilitate High Touch”. American Governance & Leadership Group Annual Symposium on Governing and Leading Healthcare Oranizations, Aspen, Colorado, September 25, 2001.
613. Felkey Bill G. “Using High Tech to Facilitate High Touch”. Hunterdon Healthcare Partners, Flemington, New Jersey, September 28, 2001.
614. Felkey Bill G. “Medical Affairs Upper Management e-certification”.Aventis, Bridgewater, New Jersey, October 3, 2001.
615. Felkey Bill G. “Pharmacy Technology Applications in Collaborative Practice”. California Pharmacists Association, Reno, Nevada, October 6, 2001.
616. Felkey Bill G. “Mission & Vision, Enhanced by Information”. Baptist Healthcare Association, Stone Mountain, Georgia, October 8, 2001.
617. Felkey Bill G. “Maximizing Power Point through the Web”. Aventis, Kansas City, Missouri, October 9, 2001.
618. Felkey Bill G. “Computer Health System Informatics, Community Pharmacy Practice”, Physician Hospital Organizations, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, October 10-11, 2001.
619. Felkey Bill G. “Strategic Use of the Internet and Technology for Health-System Pharmacists”, South Carolina Society of Health-System Pharmacists, Columbia, South Carolina, October 12, 2001.
620. Felkey Bill G. “ Identifying Strategic Technology in Healthcare”. Lanier Hospital, Valley, Alabama, October 18, 2001.
621. Felkey Bill G. “High Tech, High Touch”. Mercy Medical Center, Springfield, Ohio, October 27, 2001.
622. Felkey Bill G. “Practical Guidelines for Evaluating Computer Systems”. Ohio Pharmacists Association, Columbus, Ohio, October 28, 2001.
623. Felkey Bill G. “Integrating the Internet and Technology into Health Care”; “Palmtop Workshop: “Practical Skills for Novices and Power Users Alike”. VHA Northeast, Boston, Massachusetts, October 30, 2001.
624. Felkey Bill G. “Medicine in the Palm of Your Hand – Palm MD”. VHA East Coast, Trevose, Pennsylvania, November 2, 2001.
625. Felkey Bill G. “Using Technology Tools to Drive Your Business”. Technology Bootcamp. Drug Trading Company, Toronto, Canada, November 8-9, 2001.
626. Felkey Bill G. “Incorporating palmtop Technology Into Pharmacy Association Management”. The National Council of State Pharmacy Association Executives, Scottsdale, AZ, November 16, 2001.
627. Felkey Bill G. “Strategic View of the NOW in Technology …benefits and consequences… Using High-tech to Facilitate High-touch”. New England Healthcare, Boston, Massachusetts, November 29, 2001.
628. Felkey Bill G. “Using PDA Devices at the Point of Call: Cutting-Edge Technology for Health-System Pharmacists: Using High-tech to Facilitate High Touch”, ASHP, New Orleans, Louisiana, December 2-5, 2001.
629. Felkey Bill G. “Consumer Concentric Behavior”. GSKNET, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, December 13-14, 2001.
630. Felkey Bill G. “Integrate Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) In Your Medical Practice”, Montgomery Family Medicine Residency Program, Montgomery, Alabama, January 7, 2002.
631. Felkey Bill G. “Using High Tech to Facilitate High Touch”. American Governance & Leadership Group Annual Symposium on Governing and Leading Healthcare Organizations, Naples, Florida, January 15, 2002.
632. Felkey Bill G. “Informatics”. Baylor HealthCare Systems’ 2002 Physician Leadership Conference, Irving, Texas, January 18-19, 2002.
633. Felkey Bill G. “Incorporating the Internet and Palm Top Into Everyday Practice”. E-Workshop. Auburn University Harrison School of Pharmacy Office of Post
Graduate Professional Education and Outreach, January 20, 2002.
634. Felkey Bill G. “Integrating PDAs Into Everyday Practice”. ECRM Pharmacy Conference, San Antonio, Texas, January 23, 2002.
635. Felkey Bill G. “Strategic and Statistical View of Internet in Health Care”. BKR International Consulting Committee Meeting, Memphis, Tennessee, January 25, 2002.
636. Felkey Bill G. “Technology Targets”. Sesquicentennial Stepping Stone Summits, Washington, DC, February 26, 2002.
637. Felkey, Bill G. “Integrate the Internet Into Everyday Practice, PDAs”, Roche Pharmaceuticals, St. Helena, California, February 28, 2002.
638. Felkey, Bill G. “A Strategic & Tactical View of the Internet & Information Technology for Healthcare”, Georgia Hospital Association, St. Simons Island, Georgia, March 2, 2002.
639. Felkey, Bill G. “Revolutionizing Your Practice Using Personal Digital Asst (PDAs): Cutting Edge Technology for Pharmacist, ASHP 2002 Annual Meeting and Exposition, Philadelphia, PA, March 17, 2002,
640. “Using High Tech to Facilitate Touch”, Bronson, March 15, 2002, St. Augusta, Michigan
641. Felkey, Bill G. “Palmtop Workshop: Practical Skills for Novices and Power Users Alike.” American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists, Los Angeles, California, March 22, 2002.
642. Felkey, Bill G. “Using PDA Devices at the Point of Care: Cutting Edge Technology for Managed Care Pharmacists, AMCP 14th Annual Meeting and Showcase, Salt Lake City, Utah, April 3, 2002
643. Felkey, Bill G. “Incorporating the Internet in Everyday Practice, PDAs and Information Technology, Alabama Society of Health System Pharmacists, Montgomery, Alabama, April 13, 2002.
644. Felkey, Bill G. “Strategic Use of the Internet, PDAs and Information Technology”, Canadian Cosmetics, Rio Grande, Puerto Rico, April 14, 2002.
645. Felkey, Bill G. “Portable Technology: A New Era in Information Management,
VHA 2002 Leadership Conference, Chicago, Illinois, April 22, 2002.
646. Felkey, Bill G. “Role of Technology in Pharmacy Practice”. Aventis Pharmacy Leader Conference, New York, New York, April 25, 2002.
647. Felkey, Bill G. “North Arizona Healthcare System, Tucson, Arizona, May 3, 2002.
648. Felkey, Bill G. “Technology Boot Camp”. Gaining Greater Efficiency with Your Personal Computer & Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) and Integrating a PDA and Point of Care Information to Create a Digital Peripheral Brain”, American Governance & Leadership Group, Scottsdale, Arizona, May 5-6, 2002.
649. Felkey, Bill G. “ What Educators Should Know about Information Systems”. University of Chicago College of Pharmacy, Chicago, Illinois, May 9, 2002.
650. Felkey, Bill G. “Using High Tech to Facilitate High Touch” Arizona Hospital and Healthcare, Flagstaff, Arizona, May 10, 2002.
651. Felkey, Bill G. “Overview of Personal Digital Assistants”, Oregon Society of Hospital Pharmacists, Welches, Oregon, May 18, 2002.
652. Felkey, Bill G. “Using Technology to Support Evidence-Based Practice”. University of California-San Diego School of Medicine, San Diego, California, June 7, 2002.
653. Felkey, Bill G. “PDAs in the Pharmacy: Toy or Tool?” California Pharmacists Assciation, Monterey, California, June 8, 2002.
654. Felkey, Bill G. “Portable Technology: A New Era for Information Management.” VHA East Coast, Long Beach, New Jersey, June 14, 2002
655. Felkey, Bill G. “The Integration of the Internet, PDA and Information Technology into Everyday Practice.” McKesson Trade Show, Toronto, Canada, June 26, 2002.
656. Felkey, Bill G. “Integration a PDA and Point of Care Information to Create a Digital Peripheral Brain”, Bergen Brunswig, Las Vegas, Nevada, July 11, 2002.
657. Felkey, Bill G. “Integrating the Internet, Technology and Palmtop Devices into Health System”, AHA Health Forum 2002, San Diego, California, July 27, 2002.
658. Felkey, Bill G. “Bringing Technology to Pharmacy Care”, VHA, Monkey Island, OK, August 9, 2002.
659. Felkey, Bill G. NACDS, San Diego, California, August 10, 2002.
660. Felkey, Bill G. “CPOE and Integrating Wireless Technology, Handheld Devices, and the Internet into Practice”, VHA Mid-America, St. Louis/Kansas City, MO, August 15-16, 2002.
661. Felkey, Bill G. “Personal Handheld Devices”, McWhorter School of Pharmacy, Birmingham, AL, August 22, 2002.
662. Felkey, Bill G. “Bringing Technology to Pharmaceutical Care”, VHA, Orange Beach, AL, September 13, 2002.
663. Felkey, Bill G. “Best Service – Integrating Technology Into Health Care”, Baptist Health Care, Destin, FL, September 20, 2002.
664. Felkey, Bill G. “Integrating the Internet and Technology Into Health Care; Using PDA Devices at Point of Care”, Illinois Pharmacists Association, St. Louis, MO, September 21-22, 2002.
665. Felkey, Bill G. “Pharmacy and the Internet”, University of Pennsylvania – The Wharton School, Philadelphia, PA, October 7, 2002.
666. Felkey, Bill G. “Portable Technology: A New Era in Information Management”, PSHP, Lancaster, PA, October 10, 2002.
667. Felkey, Bill G. “Integrating Handheld Devices into the Pharmacy Department”, ASHP Advantage, Washington, DC, October 12, 2002.
668. Felkey, Bill G. “Integrating the Internet, Tech, and Palm-top Devices into Health Systems”, Catholic Health Initiative, Denver, CO, October 16, 2002.
669. Felkey, Bill G. “Integrating PDAs Into Everyday Practice”, Roche Laboratory, Detroit, MI, October 21, 2002.
670. Felkey, Bill G. “Strategic and Tactical Integration of the Internet, PDAs, and IT”, VHA, San Antonio, TX, October 26, 2002.
671. Felkey, Bill G. “Integrating PDAs Into Everyday Practice”, Roche Laboratory, Indianapolis, IN, October 30, 2002.
672. Felkey, Bill G. “Existing Strategy Review in the Healthcare Industry.” Astra Zeneca, Anaheim, CA, November 1-3, 2002.
673. Felkey, Bill G. “Using PDA.” Apotex, Cancun, Mexico, November 5, 2002.
674. Felkey, Bill G. “Do You Know Your IT IQ?” Missouri Hospital Association, Lake Ozark, MO, November 8, 2002.
675. Felkey, Bill G. “Portable Technology; PDA Devices at the Point of Care.” VHA Central, Dayton, OH, November 12, 2002.
676. Felkey, Bill G. “Strategic Use of CPOE and other Technologies.” Catholic Health Partners, Chicago, IL, November 14, 2002.
677. Felkey, Bill G. “Integrating PDAs Into Everyday Practice." Roche Laboratory, Dana Point, CA, November 21, 2002.
678. Felkey, Bill G. “Using PDA Devices at the Point of Care.” Drug Trading Company, Scottsdale, AZ, November 24, 2002.
679. Felkey, Bill G. “Using PDA.” Apotex, Cancun, Mexico, November 25, 2002.
680. Felkey, Bill G. “Integrating the Internet, PDAs and Information Technology Into Healthcare.” Yuma Regional Medical Center, Yuma, Arizona, December 5, 2002.
681. Felkey, Bill G. “Beyond the Basics: Using Your PDA As a Powerful Clinical Tool”, ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia, December 8-11, 2002.
682. Felkey, Bill G. “Strategic Value of the Internet for Pharmacists.” Colorado Pharmacist Association, Denver, Colorado, January 12, 2003.
683. Felkey, Bill G. “Technology Bootcamp.” Georgia Hospital Association, Atlanta, Georgia, January 14, 2003.
684. Felkey, Bill G., Berger, Bruce A., and Krueger, Kem P. “Community Pharmacy Medication Compliance Advisory Panel.” APhA, Hollywood, Florida, January 16- 17, 2003.
| | | |
|Principal Investigator/Co-P.I. | | |
| | | |
|Aseptic Technique in the Preparation of Intravenous |Owens Pharmacy |$500 |
|Admixtures (1980), P.I. |Management Inc. | |
| | | |
|Gunshot Residue in Forensic Sciences (1980), P.I. |Alabama Department of Forensic Sciences |$750 |
| | | |
|Communication Skills: Hospital Pharmacy (1983), Co-P.I. |Hoffmann-La Roche |$10,626 |
| | | |
|A Flexible Instructional Package for Teaching Performance |American Association of Colleges of |$19,932 |
|Based Communication Skills (1983), Co-P.I. |Pharmacy/SmithKline Corporation | |
| | | |
|The Feasibility of a Modular Pharmacy Fixture for Promoting |Auburn University Grant-in-Aid |$2,970 |
|Pharmacist-Patient Counseling (1983), Co-P.I. | | |
| | | |
|Preparation of an Educational Exhibit Depicting Design For |Earl Swensson Associates, Inc. |$23,081 |
|Future Healthcare Facilities (1984), P.I. | | |
| | | |
|Preparation of Promotional Exhibit Displaying Comprehensive |Department of Pharmacy, University of Alabama |$4,000 |
|Hospital Pharmacy Practice (1984), P.I. |Hospitals | |
| | | |
|Preparation of a Video Orientation for Student Tours and New|Walker Drug Company |$4,829 |
|Employee Orientation (1984), Co-P.I. | | |
| | | |
|Teaching Performance Based Communication Skills (1984), |SmithKline Beecham & AACP GAPS |$19,932 |
|Co-P.I. | | |
| | | |
|Acquaintance Rape: An Intervention Program (1984), P.I. |Auburn University Housing Department |$3,000 |
| | | |
|A Development Project to Update the Health Care System of |Earl Swensson Associates, Inc. |$6,000 |
|the Future Program (1985), P.I. | | |
| | | |
|A Video Production of a Prospective Reimbursement Symposium |Sandoz Pharmaceutical |$9,830 |
|(1985), P.I. | | |
| | | |
|Prospective Reimbursement in Hospital Pharmacy Practice |Sandoz |$57,328 |
|(1985), Investigator | | |
| | | |
|From Potential to Performance: A Personnel Management |Marion Labs |$36,933 |
|Workshop (1985), Co-P.I. | | |
| | | |
|Hospital Pharmacy Communication: Roche Proposal, A Workshop |Hoffmann-La Roche |$34,836 |
|II (1986), Co-P.I. | | |
| | | |
|Pharmacy Communication Trigger Tapes (1986), Co-P.I. |AACP/ Smith-Kline Beckman |$27,114 |
| | | |
|Technician Training Program (1986), P.I. |Durr-Fillauer |$10,878 |
| | | |
|USP DI Visualized Project (1986), Investigator |United States Pharmacopeia Convention, Inc. |$55,041 |
| | | |
|Post-MI Discharge Consultation (1988), P.I. |Huntsville Hospital |$5,000 |
| | | |
|From Reaction to Resolution: A Workshop (1988), Co-P.I. |Marion Labs |$46,051 |
| | | |
|Pharmacy Communication (1988), Co-P.I. |Smith Kline Beckman & AACP GAPS Program |$22,743 |
| | | |
|USP DI Visualized: Phase II (1988), P.I. |United States Pharmacopeia Convention, Inc. |$190,551 |
| | | |
|From Insight to Action: A Personal Effectiveness Workshop |Marion Laboratories |$30,000 |
|(1989), Co-P.I. | | |
| | | |
|Drug Abuse: Strategic Teams for Rural Intervention, |United States Department of Education |$26,087 |
|Prevention and Education Video Production (STRIPE) (1989), | | |
|P.I. | | |
| | | |
|U.S.P. DI Visualized: Phase III (1989), P.I. |United States Pharmacopeia Convention, Inc. |$400,000 |
| | | |
|Communication Trigger Tapes for Hospital Pharmacists (1989),|AACP GAPS Program/ SmithKline |$26,743 |
|Co-P.I. | | |
| | | |
|U.S.P. DI Videos (1990), P.I. |United States Pharmacopeia Convention, Inc. |$742,961 |
| | | |
|Communication and Compliance in Chain Pharmacies, PHOCUST |Searle Drug Co. |$43,277 |
|(1990), Co-P.I. | | |
| | | |
|U.S.P. DI About Your Diabetes (1990), P.I. |United States Pharmacopeia Convention, Inc. |$156,000 |
| | | |
|PHOCUST II (1991), Co-P.I. |Searle Drug Co. |$53,466 |
| | | |
|Development of a U.S.P. DI Clinical Specialty Product |United States Pharmacopeia |$206,829 |
|(1991), P.I. |Convention, Inc. | |
| | | |
|Drug Information VIDEOs (1992), P.I. |United States Pharmacopeia |$300,000 |
| |Convention, Inc. | |
| | | |
|Extension of the U.S.P. DI Visualized Project (1993), P.I. |United States Pharmacopeia Convention, Inc. |$300,000 |
Extension of the U.S.P. DI Visualized United States Pharmacopeia $328,936
Project (1994), P.I. Convention, Inc.
Searle-Informatics, P.I. Searle Drug Co. $20,000
Owen Healthcare-EPOE, Co-P.I. Owen Healthcare, Inc. $39,900
Extension of the U.S.P. DI Visualized United States Pharmacopeia $330,000
Project (1995), P.I. Convention, Inc.
GFE Competive Award Auburn University $28,000
Gift: Rational Point of Care First Databank $26,000
Database (1996)
AHI-Pharmacy Automation., Co-P.I. Automation Healthcare, Inc. $254,910
AHI-Pharmacy Automation, Co-P.I. Automation Healthcare, Inc. $33,499
(Increase 9/96)
ScriptProL.L.C., Co-P.I. ScriptPro,L.L.C. $262,964
Extension of ScriptProL.L.C. ScriptPro,L.L.C. $69,722
(6/97), Co-P.I.
Gift: Alpha-PC Software License Healthcare Computer Corp. $6,600
Extension of the U.S.P. DI Visualized United States Pharmacopeia $330,000
Project (1996), P.I. Convention, Inc.
Extension of the U.S.P. DI Visualized United States Pharmacopeia $15,000
Project (1997), P.I. Convention, Inc.
ECKERD Co-Pharmacy, Co-P.I. Eckerd $375,000
Distant Education Demonstration, Auburn University $21,000
Project, (1997), P.I.
Auburn University Outreach Auburn University $27,532
Point-of-Information kiosk Total funds $4,671,826
Spanish Translation of the ScriptPro ScriptPro, L.L.C. $9,168
Auxiliary Label Database., PI
September 1, 1999 - February 28, 2000
Novatech Internet Initiative,PI Novopharm $135,050
March 1, 2000 - February 28, 2001
March 1, 2001 – May 28, 2002 $67,541
Evaluation of NextRx Automated NextRx $204,964
Pharmacy Systems, CoPI
November 15, 2000 – November 15, 2001
Walgreen Company Walgreen $38,626
Develop Info. Tech/Informatics Course
January 1, 2000 – June 30, 2002
Aventis, Inc. Aventis $97, 472 Evaluation of PDA Applications for
Pharmacists & Physicians Use in Practice
December 01, 2001 – July 12, 2002
APHA APHA $35,000
Compliance and Persistent Study
October 1, 2002 – March 1, 2003
Empathetic Response Video Program 1977
Exploring Client Feelings a Response Video Program 1977
Neurological Problems Video Program 1977
A Pharm D Program Video Program 1978
Animal Toxicity Video Program 1978
Common Poisonous Snakes Video Program 1978
Helper Response Styles Video Program 1978
Adrenergic: Sympathetics PY 432 Video Program 1979
Cardiac Glycosides: Therapeutic Effects Video Program 1979
Cholinergerics Video Program 1979
Drug Analysis Lab Experiment #1 Video Program 1979
Drug Analysis Lab Experiment #2 Video Program 1979
PSA-Hypertension Video Program 1979
PSA-National Poison Prevention Week Video Program 1979
PSA-Officer UGG Video Program 1979
Pharmacy Outlook: Alabama Forensic Science Video Program 1979
ACT 205 Slides 1980
Capsules Video Program 1980
Creation of Knowledge for Health Booklet 1980
Determining Drug Administration Errors Video Program 1980
Digoxic Cardiac Glycosides Video Program 1980
Digoxin Cardiac Glycosides Video Program 1980
Drug Analysis Lab Experiment #3 Video Program 1980
Drug Analysis Lab Experiment #4 Video Program 1980
Drug Analysis Lab Experiment #6 Video Program 1980
Drug Analysis Lab Experiment #7 Video Program 1980
Hypertension Slides 1980
IV Admixtures Procedures Video Program 1980
Lab Experiments in Drug Analysis Video Program 1980
Medication Notes Series (10) Video Program 1980
Patient Empathy Video Program 1980
Pharmacy Facilities Planning and Design Video Program 1980
Physical Measurements and Micrometrics Video Program 1980
Preparing Intravenous Admixtures Video Program 1980
Southern Pharmacy Journal Cover Photo 1980
The Prescription Balance Video Program 1980
Work-Place Design Video Program 1980
A Pharmacist? Who Me? Video Program 1981
Basic Typewriter Skills Video Program 1981
Character of Tablets and Their Evaluations Video Program 1981
Drug Release Video Program 1981
Learning Resources Center: Orientation Video Program 1981
Pharmacy Planning and Design Video Program 1981
Poison Awareness Test Slides 1981
Polyphasic Systems Video Program 1981
Semi-solids Video Program 1981
Communication Triggers Video Program 1981
A Team Approach to Nutritional Support Video Program 1982
Columbus Center Clinical Lab Design Video Program 1982
Diabetes: Continuing Education Video Program 1982
Doctor of Pharmacy Promo Video Program 1982
Gunshot Residue Video Program 1982
How to Take Your Medication Correctly Video Program 1982
Medication Reminder Card Brochure 1982
Pathology of Hypertension Video Program 1982
Patient Pharmacy in the Community Video Program 1982
Patient/Pharmacist Role Plays Video Program 1982
Pharmacy Communication Video Program 1982
Planning an Emergency Department Video Program 1982
Professional Communication Video Program 1982
Psychotrophics/Anti-Psychotrophics Video Program 1982
Psychotrophics: "Drug Therapy" Video Program 1982
Psychotrophics: "The Illness" Video Program 1982
Psychotrophics: Bipolar Depression, Lithium Video Program 1982
Psychotrophics: Chemical Treatment of Mental Video Program 1982
Surveyor Training Tape Video Program 1982
Your Profession-Your Choice Brochure 1982
Antibiotics Video Program 1983
Antibiotics and Therapy of Diseases Video Program 1983
Antibiotics: Review and Penicillin Video Program 1983
Anxiety/Anti-Anxiety Video Program 1983
Communication for Hospital Pharmacists Video Program 1983
Communication Needs For Geriatric Pharmacy Video Program 1983
Drug Product Selection: Issues and Answers Video Program 1983
Facilities Training Tapes #1-5 Video Program 1983
Hospital Pharmacy Services in the 80's Brochure 1983
PSA-Ask Your Pharmacists #1 Video Program 1983
PSA-Ask Your Pharmacists #2 Video Program 1983
PSA-Immunization Video Program 1983
Planning A Nursing Unit Video Program 1983
The Doctor of Pharmacy Degree Exhibit 1983
Your Medications-Use Them Wisely Brochure 1983
Communication For Hospital Pharmacists Video Program 1984
Communication Workshop For Nurses Video Program 1984
Communication for Hospital Pharmacists Video Program 1984
Durr-Fillauer: Innovating to Serve Slides 1984
Health Care System of the Futures Video Program 1984
Home Health Care Video Program 1984
Mayo Clinic Nursing Unit #1 and #2 Video Program 1984
Moderator's Guide on Communication in Hospitals Booklet 1984
PSA-Generic Drugs Video Program 1984
PSA-Pharmacokinetics Video Program 1984
PSA-Poison Treatment Video Program 1984
PSA-Read the Label Video Program 1984
Pharm Fixture for Home Health Care Prototype 1984
Predicting Future Demands of Health Care Video Program 1984
Promotional Home Health Care Video Program 1984
The Health Care System of the Future Flyer 1984
Prof. Communication for Pharmacy Students Video Program 1985
New Drug Review Video Program 1985
Cancer Chemotherapy CE Seminar Video Program 1985
Marion "Potential to Performance" Scripts Script 1985
DRG Symposium Video Program 1985
Medication Errors New Release Video Program 1985
100 Years of Excellence: A Multimedia History of Pharmacy Multi-Image 1985
Hospice: The Pharmacist's Role Script 1985
Suicide Intervention Script 1986
Health Care System of the Future Video 1986
Medication Errors Video 1986
Counseling Booth II Prototype 1986
Marion Personnel Workshop Video 1986
Roche Labs Hospital Pharmacy Communication II Video 1986
Visualized USPDI Interactive 1987
Chemistry in Pharmacy Booklet & Video 1987
State Board Overview Video 1987
The Pharm D Degree Panel 1987
Skills for Better Communication Booklet 1987
Communication Triggers for NIH Training Video 1988
Conflict Workshop Video 1988
Technician Training Video 1988
U.S.P. Interactive Prototype Program 1988
Accent Brochure Brochure 1988
About Your Diabetes Interactive 1989
Auburn Pharmacist Newsletter 1989
Pharmacy Annual Giving Brochure 1989
Medics Selling Tool 1989
From Insight to Action Video Program 1990
Pharmacy Merchandising Video Series 1990
Performance Evaluation Video Program 1990
U.S.P. DI videos Demonstration Interactive 1990
PC-Based Order Entry Edited Article 1990
About Your Diabetes Videotape 1990
We Make a Difference in Pharmacy Brochure 1991
Auto RX Videotape 1992
Videotape Test Project Customized AYD Videotape 1992
FOCUSED II: A Guided Design Videotape 1993
International Sig Translator: Prototype Software 1993
Dose Bar Interactive: Prototype Pictogram 1993
The Visualized Leaflet: Prototype Videotape 1993
NDC Database for USPDI: Database Database 1994
While I'm Doing Pharmaceutical Care
What's My Computer Supposed to be Doing? Videotape 1995
Caring For The Patient With CHF Multimedia 1995
Medcard: Rehabilitation Adherence System Software 1995
Medicine Chart For USPDI Database 1995
Health & Sciences Television Network Workbook/Videotape 1/2001
Health & Sciences Television Network Workbook/Videotape 8/2001
Health & Sciences Television Network Workbook/Videotape 8/2001
Health & Sciences Television Network Workbook/Videotape 8/2001
In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.
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