ELL US History Long Distance lambc@Week of April 6-10 Wk 1 Due: Friday, April 10Instructions: First, read completely. Underline any words you do not understand. After reading, on a separate piece of paper, write the words you did not understand at the top of the page. Look up those words and write the definition. There should be at least 5 words.Answer the question in a complete sentences. Send it as an attachment to my email. If you have any questions, please email or text me!The End of WWII and Background of the Cold War 1.The United States and the Soviet Union were allies during WWII. They both emerged as the “superpowers.” However, there were years of distrust and tension between the two. They had different ideological beliefs and opposing political and economic systems. The United States had a republican form of government and capitalism as its economic system. The Soviet Union had communism as its social and economic system. In addition, the Soviets were angry that the US had taken so long to launch an attack against Hitler in Europe. Stalin also did not trust the US for keeping the development of the atomic bomb a secret. The Americans were distrustful that Stalin had signed the non-aggression pact with Hitler before WWII and had invaded Poland.List 4 causes for Soviet-American distrust and tension.2.In 1944, at the close of WWII, in order to promote stability and peace, an international organization was created. The Nations (UN) had 44 countries as members. In 1944, the U.N created a World Bank to provide loans to help countries recover from WW2. Much of the funding was provided by the U.S. They also created the International Monetary Fund to help stabilized the global monetary system. It was hoped that uniform exchange rates for foreign currency would help international banking, trade, and economic growth. The economic devastation of the 1929 stock market crash and the Great Depression of the 1930’s contributed to the rise of fascism in Europe and Japan and WWII.Describe in your own words, the purpose and goals of the United Nations. 3.The Allies also tried to not repeat the mistakes of the past. The Treaty of Versailles had placed the sole cause of WWI on Germany which contributed to its economic and political crisis. The unfairness of the treaty was used by Hitler to add to the German peoples’ deep resentment. The Allies as victors were more lenient to the former Axis Powers. Germany and Japan had to disarm and surrender conquered territory. Rather than making the German and Japanese pay reparations, money, damages were paid in those things that had been destroyed: plants, machinery, industry. Churchill, FDR and Stalin, met at Yalta whereby they all agreed that German and Japanese leaders who had committed such inhumane crimes to have fair and open trials. There were 22 defendants of what became known as the Nuremberg Trials as they were held in Nuremberg, Germany. Provide in your words the reasons why the Allies “did not want history to repeat itself.” List in your own words the actions of the Allies and select one that you believe was the most significant action and why4.The Allies treated Japan differently. General Douglas MacArthur was placed in charge. The Japanese empire was dissolved and worked to establish democracy. A new constitution was created establishing a parliamentary government, based on the British model; the emperor would only have ceremonial powers, men and women could elect representatives to parliament and political and civil liberties were established by a bill of rights. Later, economic aid was provided by the U.S. In 1951 Japan regained full sovereignty or independence.How do you think the Japanese people responded to having General MacArthur in charge? There is no right or wrong answer. However, you are to come up with questions that might help you understand reasons. What resources you might use to answer that question. Hint think of primary sources. ................

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