
Name: __________________________

Science 9

Unit E - Space Exploration Review

1. What do the following terms mean? When do they occur?

Solstice Equinox

2. What are the two views of planetary motion? Describe these.

3. What does frame of reference mean? Why would earlier people believe that the Earth was the center of our solar system?

4. Planets move in a _____________ pathway. Draw a picture of this.

5. What do we associate Copernicus with?

6. Johannes Keplar is important for what reason?

7. What is an astrolabe? When was if first used?

8. Distances in space are enormous. Why do we not use kilometres to describe these distances? What is an astronomical unit? What is the symbol for an astronomical unit?

9. The speed of light is __________ km/s. What is a light year? Show how to calculate the distance light travels in one year.

10. Why do astronomers say that we are looking into the past when we look at other galaxies.

11. Place the following, from the smallest to the largest, in distribution of matter.

universe, solar system, atoms, nebulae, star, galaxy, planet.

12. What is a star made up of?

What is the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram? Define the two axes for this diagram.

13. What is a protostar? Describe how a star moves from being a protostar to a massive or sun-like star.

14. What is a black hole?

15. Our galaxy is the __________________.

16. Define the protoplanet hypothesis.

17. What is the solar wind made up of? What protects Earth from the solar wind?

18. Our solar system can be divided into two groups, the ___________ planets or terrestrial. What are the characteristics of the terrestrial planets?

19. What is the second group of planets called and what are their characteristics?

20. What are the characteristics of: comets, meteoroids, and asteroids.

21. What does azimuth measure? What is the range of coordinates for it?

East = West = South = North =

22. 42( 72( tells you that the altitude is _____ and the azimuth is ____.

23. What is the celestial sphere? What does it describe? What is the ecliptic?

24. F=ma. Explain why this is important for a rocket to escape Earth’s gravitational pull. What would happen to the rocket if it carried too much fuel, or too large of a payload?

25. Define the three parts of a rocket.

26. There are new technologies which will help with exploration to other planets. What are a solar sail, and an ion drive? What gas is used in an ion drive? Why will theses technologies, which have weak, thrust useable for space exploration?

27. The basic needs of all living things must be met to survive space exploration. How can the following be controlled: temperature, solar radiation, water, atmosphere, pressure, humidity in the spacecraft, psychological factors.

28. What is microgravity? What are some of the problems of weightlessness for long periods of time?

29. If we are going to colonize in space, we need to have clean water, breathable air, suitable temperatures and air pressure. What are some ways of meeting these needs?

30. What is one way of producing oxygen for space travel?

31. Artificial satellites are _______. Natural satellites are _______.

32. Two different types of orbits for satellites are geosynchronous (what does this mean) and low Earth orbits. Where are these types of satellites used?

33. What are LANDSAT and RADARSAT?

34. GPS stands for ___________? How many satellites are required? (Include yourself with a receiver as one of them)

35. How does GPS work and what does it tell you?

36. What is an application of GPS that we use?

37. What are spin-off technologies? Identify one space use and earth use for the following: computer technology, consumer technology, medical and health technology.

38. Two types of telescopes are optical and radio. Identify the advantages and disadvantage of these two types.

39. Draw and label a diagram of a reflecting telescope and refracting telescope. Identify the following parts: primary light-gathering lens, primary light-gathering mirror, secondary mirror, eyepiece, and eyepiece lens

40. What are segmented mirrors and what is their advantage?

41. What is the advantage the Hubble telescope has over Earth bound telescopes?

42. What is the electromagnetic spectrum?

43. Draw the spectrum and identify the following: visible light, long wavelength, short wavelength, high frequency, low frequency, higher energy, lower energy.

44. What is interferometry? What are large arrays?

45. What is triangulation? How can you measure the distance of an object? If you know that you have a base of 24 meters, and two angles, which measure 34( and 24( what will be the distance of the object. Use graph paper to solve the problem.

46. Parallax describes __________.

47. Approaching object is a ________ shift. Moving away is a __________sift.

48. How can spectral analysis show what a star is made up of? What must you do to determine if it does contain Hydrogen?

49. What are some dangers of space exploration?

50. What is space junk?

51. What contributions has Canada made to space exploration?

52. What are some political, ethical and environmental perspectives on space exploration?


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