
Nombre:Spanish 2 Midterm exam review outlineExtra Credit Directions: Fill in the appropriate information where prompted. Be sure to refer to textbook, notes, and workbook pages.Chapter 1Vocabulary List 1 (pick out the 5 words you found the hardest to remember and write a sentence for each one. List 2 (pick out the 5 words you found the hardest to remember and write a sentence for each one. the present tense of hacer, poner, traer and salir (write verb conjugation charts below)Now use each verb in an original sentence using the “yo” form.YoYoYoYoYoThe Present Progressive tense: (Describe what this is and when you use it. Give examples)Give 3 example sentences using the Present Progressive tense. Culture: El avion en la America del Sur p. 22 (Review this selection and answer questions)How is air travel used in South America? Why?What 3 types of terrain can be found in South America? Where?Culture: Un viaje interestante p. 24What are “las líneas Nazca”?Where are they?How can they be seen?Chapter 2Vocabulary List #1: (pick out the 5 words you found the hardest to remember and write a sentence for each one) Vocabulary List #2 (pick out the 5 words you found the hardest to remember and write a sentence for each one) Grammar: Reflexive verbs (What are they and when/how are they used? Also give 2 examples of regular reflexive verbs with their full conjugation charts.Stem changing reflexive verbs. (Write out the full conjugation charts for acostarse (o to ue), dormirse (o to ue) sentarse (e to ie), despertarse (e to ie) and divertirse (e to ie)Write 5 sentences describing what you do in the morning before you come to school. Grammar: Mandatos con “Favor de” (What is this and how is this used. Give 3 examples with translations)Culture: Los mochileros p. 56 (Review this selection and answer these questions)What is a mochilero?Where do the mochileros that travel through Spain and Latinamerica come from?What is the one thing they have in common?Where do they eat?Where do they stay?Culture: El camping p. 58 (Review this selection and answer these questions)Who goes camping?Where does camping in Latin America take place?When do the campers wake up?What do they do?Chapter 3Vocabulary List #1 (pick out the 5 words you found the hardest to remember and write a sentence for each one) List #2 (pick out the 5 words you found the hardest to remember and write a sentence for each one) Preterite of Regular Verbs (make a chart for endings for –ar and –er/-ir verbs and give an example of each with its own verb conjugation chart)Grammar: Irregular Preterite verbs (write the verb conjugations for hacer, querer, venir, poder, poner, saber, estar, andar, tener.)Grammar: The present and preterit of “decir” (write the verb conjugations below)PresentepreteritoWrite 3 sentences using the verb decir in the present tense.1.2.3.Write 3 sentences using the verb decir in the preterit tense.1.23.Grammar: Pronouns after a preposition (what are the pronouns that come after a preposition and what do they mean? Give examples of using these pronouns in a sentence)Culture: Viajes ferroviarios fabulosos p. 88Where is the train an important means of transportation?What is an example of a great excursion in Mexico?What is an example of a great excursion in Peru?What is Macchu Pichu?What is Barranca del Cobre?Culture: De Panamá a Colon en tren p. 92What is the second biggest city in Panama?What is the capital of Panama?How do people travel between these 2 cities?What is the Panama Canal and why is it important?What type of environment surrounds the Panama Canal?Chapter 4Vocabulary List #1 (pick out the 5 words you found the hardest to remember and write a sentence for each one) Grammar: Present tense of stem changing verbs (e to i) Write the conjugation charts for the verbs pedir, servir, repetir, freir, seguir, and vestirse.Grammar: Preterit of stem changing verbs (e to i) and (o to u) Write the verb conjugation charts for pedir, repitir, freir, servir, seguir and vestirse. Write the verb congjugation charts fro preferir, divertirse, and dormir.Grammar: Adjectivos de nacionalidad What are the adjectives for nationalities for these countries? What do they translate to?CubaNicaraguaEspanaFranciaCatalunyaPortugalIrlandaJaponAlemaniaColombiaInglaterraMexicoEcuadorChinaWhat are the rules for adjective agreement? Give 3 examples.Gramatica: The Passive voice with “se” (Describe below what it is and when it is used. Give 3 examples)Cultura: Los restaurantes de Espa?a y Latinoamérica p. 120Where can you eat?How is the food served?What is a “plato combinado”?What generally comes with the food as a side dish in Latin American countries?What is “sobremesa”?Cultura: Se lo que pedi p. 124Did Julio and his friends have a good experience at the restaurant?Who or what caused the problem?What food is mentioned in the reading?How did Julio react? What did he do?Why does Julio think the waiter acted the way that he did? ................

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