SPN 101



SPN 101 First Year Spanish I

Course Goals:

• Understand and communicate basic personal information (such as name, age, occupation, everyday life, preferences, etc).

• Develop a basic understanding of the meaning and history of the terms “Latino” and “Hispanic”, and the history and culture of the countries that have a high representation in the U.S.

• Empathize with speakers of other languages.

• Develop an interest in continuing studying Spanish as a fundamental tool for their career choices and their community.

• Make connections between their own culture and some of the target cultures.

|General Language Structures |Communicative abilities |Cultural understanding |Assessment tools |

| |Students will be able to understand and |Students will: |Written examinations and quizzes |

|gender/number agreement |communicate: |-become familiar with the Hispanic cultures |Written compositions with topics assigned |

|definite/indefinite articles |information related to their everyday |most widely represented in the U.S. |Reading assignments |

|Present tense (regular, some irregular, and |life, such as daily activities and |-explore the meaning of “Hispanic” and Latin”. |Oral exam or presentation |

|stem changing). |class/work schedule. |-Have a better understanding of the issues |Cultural Portfolio |

|The verb gustar |descriptions of their family and friends. |surrounding “Hispanic” populations in the U.S. |Learning journals |

|Periphrastic future (ir + a + infinitive) |information related to their likes and |-Understand better some of the cultures, |Role plays |

|Information questions |dislikes. |histories and perspectives of people from other| |

| |information about future activities. |countries. | |

SPN 102 First Year Spanish II

Course Goals:

Students will:

• Become more comfortable at communicating and understanding personal information.

• Learn how to deal with everyday life situations such as shopping for clothing and food, ordering in a restaurant.

• Talk about past occurrences and habitual past occurrences.

• Expand their knowledge about other Spanish speaking countries from different geographical regions.

• Explore the language through their personal interests.

• Make connections between their own culture and some of the target cultures.

|General Language Structures |Communicative abilities |Cultural understanding |Assessment tools |

| |Students will be able to understand and |Students will: | |

|Present Progressive |communicate: |-Continue their explorations of other cultural |Written examinations and quizzes |

|Reflexive Verbs |information related to their careers. |aspects related to countries where Spanish is |Written compositions with topics assigned |

|More irregular Verbs |Events that took place in the past. |spoken. |Reading assignments |

|Affirmative and negative expressions |information related to habitual actions in the |-Improve their ability to make connections |Oral examination or presentations. |

|Preterite |past. |between the target cultures and their own |Role plays |

|Imperfect |Improve their ability to interact in common |culture. |Cultural Portfolio |

|Direct and Indirect Object pronouns |situations such as eating out and purchasing |-Increase their awareness of the diversity of |Self-assessment |

| |clothing or food at stores. |cultures within the Spanish speaking world. | |

| | | | |

SPN 103 First Year Spanish III

Course Goals:

Students will be able to:

• Communicate more abstract concepts, such as opinions, feelings and ideas.

• Express orders/requests by the use of commands.

• Develop more accuracy in the description of past events (through the use of indicative preterite and imperfect).

• Explore authentic (not simplified) texts, such as poems, songs and short stories.

• Explore the language through their personal interests.

• Research, understand and report information produced in the target language.

• Make connections between their own culture and some of the target cultures.

|General Language Structures |Communicative abilities |Cultural understanding |Assessment tools |

| |Students will : |Students will: | |

|Uses of preterite and Imperfect |Improve their ability to communicate and |-Continue their explorations of other cultural |Written examinations and quizzes |

|Accidental occurrences |understand with more with precision actions |aspects related to countries where Spanish is |Written compositions with topics assigned |

|Formal and informal commands |occurred in the past. |spoken. |Reading assignments |

|Commands used with pronouns |Use commands in socially appropriate |-Improve their ability to make connections |Oral (speaking) examination |

|Comparisons |situations. |between the target cultures and their own |examination/presentations |

|Simple future tense |State opinions and beliefs in a more |culture. |Cultural Portfolio |

|Present subjunctive with impersonal |academic/formal style through the use of |-Increase their ability to compare and analyze | |

|expressions |subjunctive. |cultures, make connections to multiple | |

|Present subjunctive with expressions of doubt | |disciplines and apply their knowledge within | |

| | |their community. | |

| | | | |

SPN 201 Second Year Spanish I

Course Goals:

• Improve their oral and written language proficiency.

• Use critical thinking to understand and appreciate cultural differences and different perspectives.

• Explore cultural representations of different Latin cultures (literature, films, etc).

• Explore current issues affecting Latin American countries and Spain.

• Make connections between their own culture and the target cultures.

• Improve their understanding of the relation between the U.S. and Latin America.

• Explore the language through their personal interests.

|General Language Structures |Communicative abilities |Cultural understanding |Assessment tools |

| | |Students will: | |

|-General review of First Year Spanish |Students will: |-Continue their explorations of other cultural |Written examinations and quizzes |

|(including simple present tense, progressive, |-Increase their ability to communicate clearly |aspects related to countries where Spanish is |Written compositions with assigned topics |

|preterite and imperfect). |in formal and informal settings. |spoken. |Analysis of current events/news |

|- Review the Imperative mood. |-Will express opinions through more academic |-Improve their ability to make connections |Reading assignments |

|- Learn new uses of the present subjunctive. |papers that involve research, analysis and |between the target cultures and their own |Oral presentations |

| |critical thinking. |culture. |Analysis of literary pieces/films or other |

| | |-Increase their ability to compare and analyze |cultural representations. |

| | |different perspectives. |Cultural Portfolio |

| | |-Make connections to multiple disciplines and | |

| | |apply their knowledge within their community. | |

| | | | |


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