¡Elige tus ESTAMPAS!

Las Reglas

1. Un máximo de 1 actividad cada 2 semanas (1 activity every 2 weeks because you are also reading a short book.) Starting the week of June 6th until the week before school start.

2. Escribe la tarea en un cuaderno.

3. Tienes que entregar la hoja de estampas (assignments) el primer día de clase.

4. DO NOT REPEAT the assignment

El Informe

For each assignment you complete, you will make a journal entry. Be sure to include how many points your assignment is worth, the number of the assignment, evidence that the

assignment was completed and what you learned. Please use the following format:

Hice la estampa #____ ).

Aprendí . . . (2-3 complete sentences)

Evidencia . . . (your work)


1) Find an article or book in Spanish and pull out ten new words. Use them in a sentence.

2) Compile a list of 20 words that describes you.

3) Watch a music video and complete a video evaluation. (5 meaningful sentences)

4) Explore the Spanish language section of a Barnes & Noble or Spanish Ebooks section of

Amazon. Look at at least 10 books and choose 2 you would like to own and explain why

5) Follow a Spanish speaking artist, actor or news source (ie bbc mundo) on twitter. Write 5 of his/her tweets

6) Respond to their tweets in Spanish

7) Read an article from a Spanish language newspaper and write down 5 new words, 5

verbs and then main idea of the story.

8) Record yourself and a friend. Talk about your weekend for 3 minutes.

9) Watch a Spanish language commercial on YouTube. Do you want this product?

Why or why not?

10) Write a diary entry that starts with Hoy estoy contento/a

porque . . .

11) Write a diary entry that starts with Hoy quiero aprender . . .

12) Read a Spanish language article and write a paragraph summarizing the article.

13) Watch television in español for 15 minutes and summarize what you saw. Try Univision or Telemundo.

14) Watch 2 video clips on and compare the two clips.

15) Explore the website for a theme park or regional festival in a Spanish speaking country. Make a schedule for spending the day there.

16) Talk about a topic of your choice for 4 minutes.

17) Read a Spanish language article and write a paragraph summarizing the article and then write a paragraph that includes your opinion on the issue.

18) Make a TV ad.

19) Read a Spanish-language blog post about how the blogger celebrates something. Compare this celebration to yours.

20) Add something in this list you wish it was here and do it


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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