
The Future Tense, by Robert Lipsyte? READ THE STORY.? Answer the following questions.? SHORT RESPONSE (2-3 with proof) unless otherwise indicated (list, illustrate).? WATCH FOR TWO PART QUESTIONS.? Complete sentences.? Number each question.?? Use your own paper.1.? What does the author tell the reader about Gary’s academic strengths?2. What simile does the author use to tell the readers that Gary was nervous at the opening assembly? Create a simile of your own to indicate how nervous Gary was. (a simile is a comparison of two unlike things using like or as)3.? Why was Gary disinterested in the Assistant Principal, Ms. Jones?4.? What award did Gary win at the Opening Assembly?? What does this award tell you about Gary?5.? Did Mr. Smith appear impressed?? Why or why not?6.? What words did Gary use to describe Mr. Smith?? Why was he also called Mr. Wordsmith?7.? Describe their first writing assignment.? Use your own words.8. What simile did Gary use to describe the assignment?9.? Explain what Dani meant by her comment about the assignment.10. What BOLD and DARING approach did Greg take to writing his assignment describing a Typical Day at School?11.? What words did Gary use to put the kicker into his conclusion?? What is your opinion of his approach?12. What specific words did the author choose to show the reader that Gary was excited to read his assignment to the? class?13. What was the class reaction to the writing assignment Gary read aloud?? Was the reaction justified?What was Mr. Smith’s comment on the assignment?14.? In the re-write, Gary added some information to the “alien teacher” concept.? What was that information?15.? On Saturday, Gary sat down to rewrite again.? What simile did the author use to show the reader that Gary was really working hard?? Write a new and different simile to show how hard Gary is working.16.? What personification did the author use with the typewriter?? Write a new and different form of personification for the typewriter. (personification gives human characteristics to non- human things)17.? What is the purpose for including this artwork in the story? (Your own opinion)18.? Mike Chung reads Gary’s rewrite and states:? TRUTH IS STRONGER THAN FICTION.? Why does this comment hurt Gary?19.? What twist did Dani give to her essay? (LOUSE is singular for LICE)20.? What did Gary mean with the thought:? DANI AND MIKE WERE COMING ON.? THERE WASN’T ROOM FOR MORE THAN ONE AT THE TOP.21.?What did Mike mean by HACK SCIENCE FICTION?22.? Gary did another rewrite.? Did he stick to reality as he was told?? Why or why not?23.? Who called Gary out of Spanish class?24.? What three consecutive words were used to describe Ms. Jones, the Assistant Principal?? 25.? What secret has Gary stumbled upon?26.? Why did Gary state:? Are you going to enlist me or erase me?27.? What do Jim Baggs’ actions tell you about his personality?28.? Why did Jim Baggs take Gary to the Principal?29.? What did Dr. Proctor mean with the words “I should have sensed you were onto something?”30.? How are Smith and Jones described by Dr. Proctor?31.? How long has Dr. Proctor been on the planet?32.? Why is Gary babbling?33.? In the context of the story, what do Procter’s words mean?? Writers are the keepers of the past and the hope of the future.? Too bad they cause too much trouble in the present.34.? Describe, in your own words, the last moments of Gary’s life on earth.35.? Explain the title “The Future Tense.”? Make sure to look up all the meanings of the word tense before you explain this creative title. ................

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