Spanish I Video Project - Me gusta…

Spanish class resources:

For typing Spanish accents:

Your personal Spanish tutor:

Grammar Review

Technology Resources for Video Projects:

Using iMovie to edit a video (start to finish tutorial):

How to add voiceover to your IMovie project:

How to add titles to your IMovie project:

How to add music/sound effects to your IMovie project:

How to save your IMovie project (in progress):

How to export your finalized movie project:

Spanish Project -


Due dates/fecha __Written 10/24/16

Video/presentation 10/31/16

For this assignment you will work in pairs and produce a game project.

This game should be no more than 3 minutes long using the prepositions.

This project will be worth 25 points. It will be graded on the required elements, creativity/ originality, use of language (grammar and vocabulary), pronunciation, and clarity and total presentation.

Please use the vocabulary from the chapter vocabulary and what you already know. You should be able to do this activity with out a dictionary.

Project: DO NOT READ. Memorize your presentation. No points will be given if you read your presentation.


o Send it via- email to Kattya.Romeromora@.

o No late or read work will be accepted. Don’t wait till the last minute to do the assignment. If you have problems sending it. You should bring it to me in a flash drive or in a CD at 7:30 a.m. of the due date.

▪ If you don’t have technology available, please let me know so you can use my computer to do your work. Or presented in class.

**** Keep your game school appropriate, including anything on the tape after your presentation. Inappropriate material could result in a failing grade and/or a disciplinary action. ****

Written work 25 pts.

Oral presentation/video 25 pts.

Do no use these examples. Make up your own!

Example of games:

Fun games

Plaza Sesamo

Lesson teaching prepositions


Song using prepositions and clothes

Bad video use English

Game example:

Videos using this activity:

English video but you can do it in Spanish


“La Rima”

Performance Objective: Students will demonstrate knowledge of prepositions using the verb “ESTAR”.

Focus and Review: Review the verb estar in the present tense. Clarify the meaning of a preposition (point out that it contains an English word – position). Ask students to identify some common English prepositions.

Statement of Objectives:

Students will inform the students that the purpose of today’s lesson is to learn Spanish prepositions.

Students Input: Use “La Rima” to teach the pronunciation of the various prepositions (without the de) while modeling the kinesetic movements that match the prepositions.

|“La Rima” (accents are missing)  |

|Izquierda de (left) |– |Derecha de (right) |

|Delante de (in front) |– |Detras de (behind) |

|Cerca de (close) |– |Lejos de (far) |

|Y Algo Mas (and something else) |

|Afuera de (outside) |– |Adentro de (inside) |

|Debajo de (under) |– |Encima de (on top of) |

|Entre (between) |– |Al lado de (beside) |

|Y Ahora (and now)  |

|Se termina la Rima (the rhyme ends) |


“La Rima”

Objective: Students will demonstrate prepositional phrases through reciting a poem which uses hand motions.


Izquierda,(point to the left)

Derecha, (point to the right)

Delante, (point in front of you with both hands)

Detras, (point behind you with both hands)

Cerca, (hold hands close to your chest)

Lejos, (move hands out in front of your body)

y algo más!

Arriba, (point up)

Abajo, (point down)

Enfrente, (place one hand in front of the other)

Encima, (place one hand on top of the other)

y ahora muchachos, se acabó la rima!


1. Pass the poem out to the class, and have them read through it silently.

2. Read the poem to the class, inserting the motions to demonstrate each prepositional phrase.

3. Have the class practice the poem several times together?


Here is another example of what you would need to write for my written project.

First you say the date, weather, seasons.... Then you give the instructions of your game. The game below is Duck Duck Goose

You would open by saying:

¿Cuál es la fecha de hoy?

¿En qué estación estamos?

Vamos a jugar pato pato ganso

Primero yo necesito chicos con  ………..


Ven aquí

Hace un círculo

Abajo por favor (siéntate)

Primero Yo te toco

segundo yo camino rápidamente alrededor de vosotros

Después yo digo pato pato….

Cuando yo digo El Ganso no corre  pero camina rápidamente

Tú regresas al círculo

El perdedor hace el  juego


Project Check list: All projects must fulfill these requirements:

 Must be 100% in Spanish

 Include clothing

 Include weather

 Included descriptions

 Include prepositions

Project Steps: Fill out this page completely, thank you

If you have problems meeting with your partner you need to resolve the situation amongst yourselves. If the person does not show up them do the presentation alone.

1. Pick a partner.

Our group members are: __________________________________

2. Arrange a meeting time and place outside of class to complete the project: When:_________________________ Where:________________________

3. Decide on a type of project: We are doing a ____________ presentation

4. Compose a script (use the script page) Done!

5. Gather graphics (plan out video shots, take pictures, find clip art) Done!

6. Rehearse lines and actions before your presentation – or – put poster together Done

7. Rehearse live presentation until it is smooth with good pronunciation Done!

8. Turn it in!

Use these to help you compose a script.

Write your outline statements here:

1. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

6. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

7. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

8. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Project Script

_______________: __________________________________________________________________


_______________: __________________________________________________________________


_______________: __________________________________________________________________


_______________: __________________________________________________________________


_______________: __________________________________________________________________


_______________: __________________________________________________________________


_______________: __________________________________________________________________


_______________: __________________________________________________________________


_______________: __________________________________________________________________


_______________: __________________________________________________________________


o Each student should speak for a minute and half.

o 2 to 3 students

o No longer than 5 minutes


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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