ML 291 01: Medical Spanish

SPNS 250-01: Spanish for Healthcare Professionals

ROBH 280, 1710-1825 Tuesday/Thursday

Spring 2015 Mark T. Lehman, lehmanmark@

Office Hours 1830-1915 Tuesday/Thursday or by appointment

Please note: Syllabus is subject to change depending on our progress as a class.

Week 1 (Jan 14-16)

Jan. 15:

➢ Introductions

➢ Discussion of syllabus and other handouts

➢ Pre-assessment quiz (not for grade)

➢ Grammar/vocabulary lesson and student participation

➢ Tarea para el martes:

o Use D2L discussions feature to briefly introduce yourself to the class. Read instructor post and follow directions.

o Vocabulary packet, The Human Body- study and memorize all words for recognition

o Textbook- study and memorize all Para Comenzar vocab pg. 12

o Textbook pgs. 1-11, Para Comenzar

1. Greetings/Goodbyes, vowels, alphabet, numbers 0-100, Calendar, days, months, subject pronouns, expressions of courtesy

o Workbook pgs. 1-6, Para Comenzar

Week 2 (Jan 19-23)

➢ Cultural Competency D2L Discussion Thread (See rubric)

o Read and Discuss: Hispanic Paradox Articles

Jan. 20:

➢ Grammar/vocabulary lesson and student participation

➢ Tarea para el jueves:

o Compose concise statement of personal learning goals for the semester course.

o Find and complete cognate activity with images of Mexico in D2L

o Textbook study and memorize all Lección 1 vocab pgs. 33-34

o Textbook pgs. 13-24, Lección 1- M1, M2

1. Gathering personal information and patient history, telling time, ser + adjetivos

o Workbook pgs. 7-13, Lección 1- M1, M2

Jan. 22:

➢ Due: Cognate Activity (turn in hard copy in class or submit to D2L dropbox)

➢ Due: Personal learning goals for the course (turn in hard copy in class or submit to D2L dropbox)

➢ Lecture: Cultural competency

➢ Grammar/vocabulary lesson and student participation

➢ Tarea para el martes:

o Textbooks pgs. 24-33, Lección 1- M3, M4

1. In the doctor’s office, definite and indefinite articles, ¿Qué le pasa?, interrogatives

o Workbook pgs. 14-21, Lección 1- M3, M4

Week 3 (Jan 26-30)

➢ Cultural Competency D2L Discussion Thread (See rubric)

o Read and Discuss: National Council of La Raza. (2009). Profiles of Latino Health: The Top Twelve Questions about Latinos and Health Care. Copyright 2010 NCLR. Answers to questions 1-6

Jan. 27:

➢ Grammar/vocabulary lesson and student participation

➢ Tarea para el jueves:

o Study for exam

Jan. 29:

➢ Guest speaker: Courtney Schuelke (TA)

➢ Grammar/vocabulary lesson and student participation

➢ A tomar (take) el examen- Para Comenzar/Lección 1

➢ Tarea para el martes:

o Read Textbook Ventana Cultural (cultural window) “What’s in a Name?” pg. 35. Find and complete accompanying Romualdo García activity in D2L.

o Textbook study and memorize all Lección 2 vocab pgs. 54-56

o Textbook pgs. 36-41, Lección 2- M1

1. Body parts, Adjective-noun agreement

o Workbook pgs. 22-25, Lección 2- M1

Week 4 (Feb 2-6)

➢ Cultural Competency D2L Discussion Thread (See rubric)

o Read and Discuss: National Council of La Raza. (2009). Profiles of Latino Health: The Top Twelve Questions about Latinos and Health Care. Copyright 2010 NCLR. Answers to questions 7-12

Feb. 3:

➢ Due: Romualdo García activity, “What’s in a name?” (turn in hard copy in class or submit to D2L dropbox)

➢ Grammar/vocabulary lesson and student participation

➢ Tarea para el jueves:

o Textbooks pgs. 42-49, Lección 2- M2,M3

1. parts of the head, inner organs, regular -ar, -er, -ir verb conjugations

o Workbook pgs. 25-30, Lección 2- M2,M3

Feb. 5:

➢ Grammar/vocabulary lesson and student participation

➢ Tarea para el martes:

o Textbooks pgs. 50-54, Lección 2- M4

1. Body systems, Physical conditions through expressions with tener y estar (add estar with prepositions of location)

o Workbook pgs. 30-33, Lección 2- M4

Week 5 (Feb 9-13)

➢ Cultural Competency D2L Discussion Thread (See rubric)

o Read and Discuss: Culture and the patient-physician relationship: Achieving cultural competency in health care. Volume 136, Issue 1, Pages 14-23 (January 2000) Glenn Flores, MD, Division of General Pediatrics, Boston Medical Center, 91 E Concord St, Maternity 419, Boston, MA 02118.

Feb. 10:

➢ Grammar/vocabulary lesson and student participation

➢ Tarea para el jueves:

o Study for exam

Feb. 12:

➢ Grammar/vocabulary lesson and student participation

➢ A tomar el examen- Lección 2

➢ Tarea para el martes:

o Textbook study and memorize all Lección 3 vocab pgs. 75-76

o Textbook pgs. 58-63, Lección 3-M1

1. I’m sick, present progressive, (add present perfect)

o Workbook pgs. 34-36, Lección 3-M1

Week 6 (Feb 16-20)

➢ Cultural Competency D2L Discussion Thread (See rubric)

o Read and Discuss: La Clínica pgs. 1-113 (Chapters 1-14)

Feb. 17:

➢ Grammar/vocabulary lesson and student participation

➢ A tomar la prueba (Quiz)- La Clínica pgs. 1-113 (Chapters 1-14)

➢ Tarea para el jueves:

o Textbook pgs. 63-71, Lección 3-M2, M3

1. First aid and first response, ser vs. estar, ir +a (future)

o Workbook pgs. 36-43, Lección 3-M2, M3

Feb 19:

➢ Grammar/vocabulary lesson and student participation

➢ Tarea para el martes:

o Texbook pgs. 71-75, Lección 3- M4

1. Childhood illnesses, irregular verbs in present tense

o Workbook pgs. 43-46, Lección 3- M4

Week 7 (Feb 23-27)

➢ Cultural Competency D2L Discussion Thread (See rubric)

o Read and Discuss: La Clínica pgs. 114-End (Chapter 15-End)

Feb. 24:

➢ Grammar/vocabulary lesson and student participation

➢ A tomar la prueba (Quiz)- La Clínica pgs. 114-End (Chapter 15-End)

➢ Tarea para el jueves:

o Study for exam

Feb. 26:

➢ Grammar/vocabulary lesson and student participation

➢ A tomar el examen- Lección 3

➢ Tarea para el martes:

o Textbook study and memorize all Lección 4 vocab pgs. 98-99

o Textbook pgs. 78-84, Lección 4- M1

1. Diabetes, family, possessive adjectives

o Workbook pgs. 47-49, Lección 4- M1

o Compose 2-3 page La Clínica essay (Experienced students encouraged to write in Spanish)

Week 8 (March 2-6)

➢ Cultural Competency D2L Discussion Thread (See rubric)

o Read and Discuss: Schmalzbauer, Leah. GENDER & SOCIETY, Vol. 23 No. 6, December 2009. Gender on a New Frontier: Mexican Migration in the Rural Mountain West.

March 3:

➢ Due: La Clínica essay (turn in hard copy in class or submit to D2L dropbox)

➢ Grammar/vocabulary lesson and student participation

➢ Tarea para el jueves:

o Textbook pgs. 84-93, Lección 4- M2,M3

1. Problems of the heart, stem-changing verbs, cancer, compare and contrast with comparatives

o Workbook pgs. 49-56, Lección 4- M2,M3

March 5:

➢ Grammar/vocabulary lesson and student participation

➢ Tarea para el martes:

o Textbook pgs. 93-97, Lección 4- M4

1. AIDS, compare and contrast with superlatives,

o Workbook pgs. 56-60, Lección 4- M4

o Compose 2-3 page essay for Action Research Project (Experienced students encouraged to write in Spanish)

Spring Break (March 9-13)

Week 9 (March 16-20)

➢ Cultural Competency D2L Discussion Thread (See rubric)

o Share and Discuss (No designated leader): Action Research Projects


➢ Due: Action Research Project 2-3 page paper (turn in hard copy in class or submit to D2L dropbox)

➢ Grammar/vocabulary lesson and student participation

➢ Tarea para el jueves:

o Study for exam

March 19:

➢ Grammar/vocabulary lesson and student participation

➢ A tomar el examen- Lección 4

➢ Tarea para el martes:

o Textbook study and memorize all Lección 7 vocab pgs. 154-156

o Textbook pgs. 137-141, Lección 7- M1

1. Staying in shape, impersonal ‘se’

o Workbook pgs. 89-91, Lección 7- M1

Week 10 (March 23-27)

➢ Cultural Competency D2L Discussion Thread (See rubric)

o Read and Discuss: Textbook Ventana Cultural, Pudor and Medicine, pgs. 56-57

o Read and Dicsuss: Textbook Ventana Cultural, Home Remedies, p. 77

o Read and Discuss: Textbook Ventana Cultural, Hispanics and AIDS, p. 100

March 24:

➢ Grammar/vocabulary lesson and student participation

➢ Tarea para el jueves:

o Textbook pgs. 142-150, Lección 7- M2, M3

1. Vitamins, recent past with acabar de…, staying in shape with exercise, expressing likes and dislikes with gustar and indirect object pronouns (add doler)

o Workbook pgs. 92-96, Lección 7- M2, M3

March 26:

➢ Grammar/vocabulary lesson and student participation

➢ Tarea para el martes:

o Textbook pgs. 150-154, Lección 7- M4

1. leading a healthy lifestyle, numbers beyond one thousand, ordinal numbers

o Workbook pgs. 96-100, Lección 7- M4

Week 11 (March 30-April 3)

➢ Cultural Competency D2L Discussion Thread (See rubric)

o Read and Discuss: Textbook Ventana Cultural, Cultural Differences in emergency-response requests p. 122

o Read and Dicsuss: Textbook Ventana Cultural, El Hambre Infantil, p. 156

o Read and Discuss: Textbook Ventana Cultural, La Enfermera Partera Diplomada de hoy p. 179

March 31:

➢ Grammar/vocabulary lesson and student participation

➢ Tarea para el jueves:

o Study for exam

April 2:

➢ Grammar/vocabulary lesson and student participation

➢ A tomar el examen- Lección 7

➢ Tarea para el martes:

o Class will not meet April 7. Replacement assignment TBA

Week 12 (April 6-10)

➢ Cultural Competency D2L Discussion Thread (See rubric)

o Read and Discuss: Kevane, Bridget. Montana.

April 7:

➢ NO CLASS- Replacement assignment TBA

➢ Tarea para el jueves:

o Textbook study and memorize all Lección 8 vocab pgs. 177-178

o Textbook pgs. 158-164, Lección 8- M1

1. Pregnancy, daily routines, reflexive verbs

o Workbook pgs. 101-103, Lección 8- M1

April 9:

➢ Grammar/vocabulary lesson and student participation

➢ Tarea para el martes:

o Textbook pgs. 164-172, Lección 8- M2,M3

1. Childbirth, reciprical verbs, postnatal care, saber vs. conocer

o Workbook pgs. 103-108, Lección 8- M2,M3

Week 13 (April 13-17)

➢ Cultural Competency D2L Discussion Thread (See rubric)

o View video and Discuss: Colette Kirchhoff, MD. (Bozeman Deaconess Hospital)

April 14:

➢ Grammar/vocabulary lesson and student participation

➢ Tarea para el martes:

o Texbook pgs. 173-177, Lección 8- M4

1. Visit to the pediatrician, direct object pronouns

o Workbook pgs. 108-112, Lección 8- M4

April 16:

➢ Grammar/vocabulary lesson and student participation

➢ Tarea para el jueves:

o Study for exam

Week 14 (April 20-24)

➢ Cultural Competency D2L Discussion Thread (See rubric)

o View video and Discuss: Marybeth Adams (St. Catherine Family Healthcare Clinic and Pregnancy Resource Center. Belgrade MT)

April 21:

➢ A tomar el examen- Lección 8

➢ Tarea para el martes:

o Textbook study and memorize all Lección 10 vocab pgs. 221-222

o Textbook pgs. 202-212, Lección 10- M1, M2

1. Pruebas diagnósticas, una cirugía, regular and irregular preterit

o Workbook pgs. 127-133, Lección 10- M1, M2

April 23:

➢ Grammar/vocabulary lesson and student participation

➢ Tarea para el martes:

o Textbook pgs. 212-223, Lección 10- M3, M4

1. una buena enfermera, el cuidado en casa, stem-changing preterit

o Workbook pgs. 133-139 (activity 10-21 written on separate sheet of paper), Lección 10- M3, M4

Week 15 (April 27-May 1)

April 28:

➢ Grammar/vocabulary lesson and student participation

➢ Tarea para el jueves:

o Study L10 grammar and vocabulary

o Prepare for doctor-patient interview practice

April 30:

➢ Grammar/vocabulary lesson, doctor-patient interview practice

o Study and prepare for final exam

Week 16 (May 4-May 8) Finals Week

➢ Final Exam (300 puntos en total): Cumulative from semester with emphasis on vocabulary and grammar from Lección 10. Oral and written component will involve doctor-patient interview with native speaker.


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