NAME ________________________________________GRADE


Each unit has a variety of activities that students can choose from.

They must complete the following:

Achievement: Effort:

Advanced = Score 4/4 on test. Outstanding = Complete at least 4 tasks

Proficient = Score 3/4 on test. Satisfactory = Complete at least 3 tasks

Partial Proficient = Score 2/4 on test. Inconsistent = Complete at least 2 tasks

Beginning Understanding = Score 1/4 Minimal = Complete only 1 task

on test.

Each test will cover Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking activities, 1 question / problem for each.

Think of each unit as a trip to the same destination which is our target learning. Students get to choose what sites they want to visit along the way, each taking a different road. The only required stop is the dictionary. I will serve as their tour guide helping them along the way so that they can reach our destination.

You will only have so much time to work in class, but many of the activities can be done at home as well. Visit my website staffpages/yeclaeys :

• When you are absent, go to the Spanish or French Homework assignments page for work covered in class.

• If you want to work on the Autobiography at home, go to the Spanish or French Autobiography page for an example and detailed directions.

• If you want to study and practice the vocabulary we go over in class, go the Spanish or French Vocabulary and Powerpoints page.

• If you want to practice the conversations, go to the Spanish or French Vocabulary and Powerpoints page and scroll to the bottom of the page.

• If you want to explore new vocabulary, Spanish or French Resources page.

Failure to complete at least 2 proficiency tasks will result in an after school detention.


Learning Target - Tell your name and ask / understand others their names and react to the introduction.

Everything must be completed according to directions. Messy or poorly done work will not be accepted. Please ask for help by using the colored cups (red=confused, yellow=1 question, blue=done, green=doing okay.)

Achievement: Effort:

Advanced = Score 4/4 on test. Outstanding = Complete at least 4 tasks

Proficient = Score 3/4 on test. Satisfactory = Complete at least 3 tasks

Partial Proficient = Score 2/4 on test. Inconsistent = Complete at least 2 tasks

Beginning Understanding = Score 1/4 Minimal = Complete only 1 task

on test.

Each test will cover Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking activities, 1 question / problem for each.

______ A - Dictionary p. 2* ______ I - Comic Strip

______ B - Autobiography p. 2* ______ R - Flashcard practice in class

______C - Reading ______ M - Powerpoint

______ D - Conversation ______ N - Practice at home

______ E - Written Exercise ______ O - Art Project (Nametag)

______ F - Flashcards ________ P - Design /do your own

______ H - Survey (with my approval)

______ V - tape recorder ______ S - Partner Speak

______ X - invent game ______ Y - write puppet show

______ Z - present puppet show

___________ Practice at home ___________________________________

(minutes) (parent signature):

Describe how and what you practiced:




Learning Target - Tell where you are from and ask / understand where someone is from as well as identify the countries where your language is spoken and to name the capitals of each.

Everything must be completed according to directions. Messy or poorly done work will not be accepted. Please ask for help by using the colored cups (red=confused, yellow=1 question, blue=done, green=doing okay.)

Achievement: Effort:

Advanced = Score 4/4 on test. Outstanding = Complete at least 4 tasks

Proficient = Score 3/4 on test. Satisfactory = Complete at least 3 tasks

Partial Proficient = Score 2/4 on test. Inconsistent = Complete at least 2 tasks

Beginning Understanding = Score 1/4 Minimal = Complete only 1 task

on test.

Each test will cover Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking activities, 1 question / problem for each.

______ A - Dictionary p. 2* ______ I - Comic Strip

______ B - Autobiography p. 3* ______ J - Mini Dictionary

______ K - Whiteboard Practice

______ C - Reading ______ M - Powerpoint

______ D - Conversation ______ N - Practice at home

______ E - Written Exercise(Map) ______ O - Art Project (Passport) ______ F - Flashcards (countries/capitals)________ P - Design /do your own

______ G - Game - War (with my approval)

______ H - Survey ______ Q - Memorize capitals ______ S - Partner Speak ______ R - Practice flashcards in class

______ T - Make a wordsearch ______ U - Do a wordsearch

______ V - tape recorder ______ X - invent game

______ Y - write puppet show ______ Z - present puppet show

___________ Practice at home ___________________________________

(minutes) (parent signature):

Describe how and what you practiced:




Learning Target - Tell what your nationality is and ask / understand where someone is from and become familiar with the nationalities.

Everything must be completed according to directions. Messy or poorly done work will not be accepted. Please ask for help by using the colored cups (red=confused, yellow=1 question, blue=done, green=doing okay.)

Achievement: Effort:

Advanced = Score 4/4 on test. Outstanding = Complete at least 4 tasks

Proficient = Score 3/4 on test. Satisfactory = Complete at least 3 tasks

Partial Proficient = Score 2/4 on test. Inconsistent = Complete at least 2 tasks

Beginning Understanding = Score 1/4 Minimal = Complete only 1 task

Each test will cover Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking activities, 1 question / problem for each.

______ A - Dictionary p. 2* ______ I - Comic Strip

______ B - Autobiography p. 4* ______ J - Mini Dictionary

______ B - Autobiography p. 5 ______ K - Whiteboard Practice

______C - Reading ______ M - Powerpoint

______ D - Conversation ______ N - Practice at home

______ E - Written Exercise (Map) ______ O - Art Project (flag)

______ F - Flashcards (coun/nat) ________ P - Design /do your own

______ H - Survey (with my approval)

______ G - Game - Heartspill ______ Q - Memorization

______ R - Flashcard practice in class ______ S - Partner Speak

______ T - Make a wordsearch ______ U - Do a wordsearch

______ V - tape recorder ______ X - invent game

______ Y - write puppet show ______ Z - present puppet show

___________ Practice at home ___________________________________

(minutes) (parent signature):

Describe how and what you practiced:




Learning Target - Understand and respond to basic commands in the classroom following the directions given by the teacher.

Everything must be completed according to directions. Messy or poorly done work will not be accepted. Please ask for help by using the colored cups (red=confused, yellow=1 question, blue=done, green=doing okay.)

Achievement: Effort:

Advanced = Score 4/4 on test. Outstanding = Complete at least 4 tasks

Proficient = Score 3/4 on test. Satisfactory = Complete at least 3 tasks

Partial Proficient = Score 2/4 on test. Inconsistent = Complete at least 2 tasks

Beginning Understanding = Score 1/4 Minimal = Complete only 1 task

on test.

Each test will cover Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking activities, 1 question / problem for each.

______ A - Dictionary p. 3* ______ I - Comic Strip

______ J - Mini Dictionary

______ Q - Memorization ______ K - Whiteboard Practice

______C - Reading ______ M - Powerpoint

______ R - Flashcard practice in class ______ N - Practice at home

______ E - Written Exercise ______ O - Art Project (Poster)

______ F - Flashcards ________ P - Design /do your own

______ G - Game - connect 4 (with my approval)

______ H - Survey - give ______ S - Partner Speak

commands to others ______ T - Make a wordsearch

______ V - tape recorder ______ U - Do a wordsearch

______ X - invent game ______ Y - write puppet show

______ Z - present puppet show

___________ Practice at home ___________________________________

(minutes) (parent signature):

Describe how and what you practiced:




Learning Target - Ask how to spell / understand and pronounce words in your language without going through the abc for each letter.

Everything must be completed according to directions. Messy or poorly done work will not be accepted. Please ask for help by using the colored cups (red=confused, yellow=1 question, blue=done, green=doing okay.)

Achievement: Effort:

Advanced = Score 4/4 on test. Outstanding = Complete at least 4 tasks

Proficient = Score 3/4 on test. Satisfactory = Complete at least 3 tasks

Partial Proficient = Score 2/4 on test. Inconsistent = Complete at least 2 tasks

Beginning Understanding = Score 1/4 Minimal = Complete only 1 task

on test.

Each test will cover Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking activities, 1 question / problem for each.

______ A - Dictionary p. 4/6 / 4 / 9* ______ J - Mini Dictionary

______ H - Survey - they spell,you write.______ K - Whiteboard Practice

______ A - Read pp. 7-14 / 6-8 ______ L - Magazine Scavenger Hunt

______ M - Powerpoint

______C - Reading ______ N - Practice at home

______ D - Conversation ______ O - Art Project (draw with words)

______ E - Written Exercise ________ P - Design /do your own

______ F - Flashcards (with my approval)

______ G - Game - partner bingo ______ R - Flashcard practice in class ______ Q - Memorization

______ I - Comic Strip ______ S - Partner Speak

______ H - Survey ______ V - tape recorder

______ W - listen to CD ______ X - invent game

______ Y - write puppet show ______ Z - present puppet show

___________ Practice at home___________________________________

(minutes) (parent signature):



Learning Target - Recognize, understand and be able to use cognates in your language through basic sentence structure.

Everything must be completed according to directions. Messy or poorly done work will not be accepted. Please ask for help by using the colored cups (red=confused, yellow=1 question, blue=done, green=doing okay.)

Achievement: Effort:

Advanced = Score 4/4 on test. Outstanding = Complete at least 4 tasks

Proficient = Score 3/4 on test. Satisfactory = Complete at least 3 tasks

Partial Proficient = Score 2/4 on test. Inconsistent = Complete at least 2 tasks

Beginning Understanding = Score 1/4 Minimal = Complete only 1 task

on test.

Each test will cover Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking activities, 1 question / problem for each.

______ A - Dictionary p. 15 / 11* ______ J - Mini Dictionary

______ A - Dictionary p. 16/ 12 ______ K - Whiteboard Practice

______ L - Magazine Scavenger Hunt______ M - Powerpoint

______C - Reading ______ N - Practice at home

______ G - Game - sentences ______ O - Art Project (Poster)

______ E - Written Exercise ________ P - Design /do your own

______ F - Flashcards (with my approval)

______ R - flashcard practice in class______ S - Partner Speak

______ Q - Memorization ______ T - Make a wordsearch

______ U - Do a wordsearch ______ V - tape recorder

______ X - invent game ______ Y - write puppet show

______ Z - present puppet show

___________ Practice at home ___________________________________

(minutes) (parent signature):

Describe how and what you practiced:




Learning Target - Understand conversations and respond /converse with others using basic memorized conversational phrases in and out of class.

Everything must be completed according to directions. Messy or poorly done work will not be accepted. Please ask for help by using the colored cups (red=confused, yellow=1 question, blue=done, green=doing okay.)

Achievement: Effort:

Advanced = Score 4/4 on test. Outstanding = Complete at least 4 tasks

Proficient = Score 3/4 on test. Satisfactory = Complete at least 3 tasks

Partial Proficient = Score 2/4 on test. Inconsistent = Complete at least 2 tasks

Beginning Understanding = Score 1/4 Minimal = Complete only 1 task

on test.

Each test will cover Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking activities, 1 question / problem for each.

______ A - Dictionary p. 17 / 13* ______ J - Mini Dictionary

______ A - Dictionary p. 18 / 14 ______ K - Whiteboard Practice

______ A - Dictionary p. 19 / 15

______ B - Autobiography p. 6* ______ M - Powerpoint

______C - Reading ______ N - Practice at home

______ D - Conversation ______ O - Art Project (Story book)

______ E - Written Exercise ________ P - Design /do your own

______ F - Flashcards (with my approval)

______ G - Game - combining ______ Q - Memorization

______ H - Survey ______ R - Flashcard practice in class

______ I - Comic Strip ______ S - Partner Speak

______ T - Make a wordsearch ______ U - Do a wordsearch

______ V - tape recorder ______ W - listen to CD

______ X - invent game ______ Y - write puppet show

______ Z - present puppet show

___________ Practice at home ___________________________________

(minutes) (parent signature):

Describe how and what you practiced:




Learning Target - Talk and ask / understand others about your likes and dislikes and be able to agree or disagree with others sentiments.

Everything must be completed according to directions. Messy or poorly done work will not be accepted. Please ask for help by using the colored cups (red=confused, yellow=1 question, blue=done, green=doing okay.)

Achievement: Effort:

Advanced = Score 4/4 on test. Outstanding = Complete at least 4 tasks

Proficient = Score 3/4 on test. Satisfactory = Complete at least 3 tasks

Partial Proficient = Score 2/4 on test. Inconsistent = Complete at least 2 tasks

Beginning Understanding = Score 1/4 Minimal = Complete only 1 task

on test.

Each test will cover Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking activities, 1 question / problem for each.

______ A - Dictionary p. 20 / 16* ______ J - Mini Dictionary

______ B - Autobiography p. 7* ______ K - Whiteboard Practice

______ B - Autobiography p. 8 ______ L - Magazine Scavenger Hunt

______ B - Autobiography p. 9 ______ M - Powerpoint

______ B - Autobiography p. 10 ______ A - Dictionary p. 21 / 17

______C - Reading ______ N - Practice at home

______ D - Conversation ______ O - Art Project (Poster)

______ E - Written Exercise ________ P - Design /do your own

______ F - Flashcards (with my approval)

______ G - Game - jeopardy ______ Q - Memorization

______ H - Survey ______ R - Flashcard practice in class

______ I - Comic Strip ______ S - Partner Speak

______ T - Make a wordsearch ______ U - Do a wordsearch

______ V - tape recorder ______ X - invent game

______ Y - write puppet show ______ Z - present puppet show

___________ Practice at home ___________________________________

(minutes) (parent signature):

Describe how and what you practiced:



Learning Target - Tell your age and ask / understand others their ages; ask and understand prices; and use numbers in everyday situations without going through all numbers for each number.

Everything must be completed according to directions. Messy or poorly done work will not be accepted. Please ask for help by using the colored cups (red=confused, yellow=1 question, blue=done, green=doing okay.)

Achievement: Effort:

Advanced = Score 4/4 on test. Outstanding = Complete at least 4 tasks

Proficient = Score 3/4 on test. Satisfactory = Complete at least 3 tasks

Partial Proficient = Score 2/4 on test. Inconsistent = Complete at least 2 tasks

Beginning Understanding = Score 1/4 Minimal = Complete only 1 task

on test.

Each test will cover Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking activities, 1 question / problem for each.

______ A - Dictionary p. 22 / 18* ______ J - Mini Dictionary

______ B - Autobiography p. 11* ______ K - Whiteboard Practice

______ M - Powerpoint

______C - Reading ______ N - Practice at home

______ D - Conversation

______ E - Written Exercise ________ P - Design /do your own

______ F - Flashcards (with my approval)

______ G - Game - Memory ______ Q - Memorization

______ H - Survey ______ R - Flashcard practice in class

______ I - Comic Strip ______ S - Partner Speak

______ T - Make a wordsearch ______ U - Do a wordsearch

______ V - tape recorder ______ W - listen to CD

______ X - invent game ______ Y - write puppet show

______ Z - present puppet show

___________ Practice at home ___________________________________

(minutes) (parent signature):

Describe how and what you practiced:




Learning Target - Talk about your classes and teachers and ask / understand others about their classes and teachers.

Everything must be completed according to directions. Messy or poorly done work will not be accepted. Please ask for help by using the colored cups (red=confused, yellow=1 question, blue=done, green=doing okay.)

Achievement: Effort:

Advanced = Score 4/4 on test. Outstanding = Complete at least 4 tasks

Proficient = Score 3/4 on test. Satisfactory = Complete at least 3 tasks

Partial Proficient = Score 2/4 on test. Inconsistent = Complete at least 2 tasks

Beginning Understanding = Score 1/4 Minimal = Complete only 1 task

on test.

Each test will cover Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking activities, 1 question / problem for each.

______ A - Dictionary p. 23 / 19* ______ J - Mini Dictionary

______ B - Autobiography p. 12* ______ K - Whiteboard Practice

______ B - Autobiography p. 13 ______ M - Powerpoint

______C - Reading ______ N - Practice at home

______ D - Conversation ______ O - Art Project (Schedule)

______ E - Written Exercise ________ P - Design /do your own

______ F - Flashcards (with my approval)

______ G - Game - Heart spill ______ Q - Memorization

______ H - Survey ______ R - Flashcard Practice in Class

______ I - Comic Strip ______ S - Partner Speak

______ T - Make a wordsearch ______ U - Do a wordsearch

______ V - tape recorder ______ X - invent game

______ Y - write puppet show ______ Z - present puppet show

___________ Practice at home ___________________________________

(minutes) (parent signature):

Describe how and what you practiced:



Learning Target - Talk about materials you need for each of your classes and ask / understand others about what they need.

Everything must be completed according to directions. Messy or poorly done work will not be accepted. Please ask for help by using the colored cups (red=confused, yellow=1 question, blue=done, green=doing okay.)

Achievement: Effort:

Advanced = Score 4/4 on test. Outstanding = Complete at least 4 tasks

Proficient = Score 3/4 on test. Satisfactory = Complete at least 3 tasks

Partial Proficient = Score 2/4 on test. Inconsistent = Complete at least 2 tasks

Beginning Understanding = Score 1/4 Minimal = Complete only 1 task

on test.

Each test will cover Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking activities, 1 question / problem for each.

______ A - Dictionary p. 24-25 / 20* ______ J - Mini Dictionary

______ A - Dictionary p. 26 / 21 ______ K - Whiteboard Practice

______ B - Autobiography p. 13* ______ L - Magazine Scavenger Hunt

______ B - Autobiography p. 14 ______ M - Powerpoint

______C - Reading ______ N - Practice at home

______ D - Conversation ______ O - Art Project (Draw -label)

______ E - Written Exercise ________ P - Design /do your own

______ F - Flashcards (with my approval)

______ G - Game - pictionary ______ Q - Memorization

______ H - Survey ______ R - Flashcard practice in class

______ I - Comic Strip ______ S - Partner Speak

______ T - Make a wordsearch ______ U - Do a wordsearch

______ V - tape recorder ______ W - listen to CD

______ X - invent game ______ Y - write puppet show

______ Z - present puppet show

___________ Practice at home ___________________________________

(minutes) (parent signature):

Describe how and what you practiced:



Learning Target - Describe things by color and talk / understand about favorite colors with others.

Everything must be completed according to directions. Messy or poorly done work will not be accepted. Please ask for help by using the colored cups (red=confused, yellow=1 question, blue=done, green=doing okay.)

Achievement: Effort:

Advanced = Score 4/4 on test. Outstanding = Complete at least 4 tasks

Proficient = Score 3/4 on test. Satisfactory = Complete at least 3 tasks

Partial Proficient = Score 2/4 on test. Inconsistent = Complete at least 2 tasks

Beginning Understanding = Score 1/4 Minimal = Complete only 1 task

on test.

Each test will cover Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking activities, 1 question / problem for each.

______ A - Dictionary p. 27 / 22* ______ J - Mini Dictionary

______ B - Autobiography p. 15* ______ K - Whiteboard Practice

______ L - Magazine Scavenger Hunt

______ M - Powerpoint

______C - Reading ______ N - Practice at home

______ D - Conversation ______ O - Art Project (Coloring)

______ E - Written Exercise ________ P - Design /do your own

______ F - Flashcards (with my approval)

______ G - Game - spoons ______ Q - Memorization

______ H - Survey ______ R - Flashcard practice in class

______ I - Comic Strip ______ S - Partner Speak

______ T - Make a wordsearch ______ U - Do a wordsearch

______ V - tape recorder ______ W - listen to CD

______ X - invent game ______ Y - write puppet show

______ Z - present puppet show

___________ Practice at home ___________________________________

(minutes) (parent signature):

Describe how and what you practiced:




Learning Target - Identify the days of the week and be able to discuss, use and understand the days in everyday situations.

Everything must be completed according to directions. Messy or poorly done work will not be accepted. Please ask for help by using the colored cups (red=confused, yellow=1 question, blue=done, green=doing okay.)

Achievement: Effort:

Advanced = Score 4/4 on test. Outstanding = Complete at least 4 tasks

Proficient = Score 3/4 on test. Satisfactory = Complete at least 3 tasks

Partial Proficient = Score 2/4 on test. Inconsistent = Complete at least 2 tasks

Beginning Understanding = Score 1/4 Minimal = Complete only 1 task

on test.

Each test will cover Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking activities, 1 question / problem for each.

______ A - Dictionary p. 28 / 23* ______ J - Mini Dictionary

______ K - Whiteboard Practice ______ L - Magazine Scavenger Hunt

______ M - Powerpoint

______C - Reading ______ N - Practice at home

______ D - Conversation ______ O - Art Project (activities)

______ E - Written Exercise ________ P - Design /do your own

______ F - Flashcards (with my approval)

______ G - Game - 4 in row ______ Q - Memorization

______ H - Survey ______ R - Flashcard practice in class

______ I - Comic Strip ______ S - Partner Speak

______ T - Make a wordsearch ______ U - Do a wordsearch

______ V - tape recorder ______ W - listen to CD

______ X - invent game ______ Y - write puppet show

______ Z - present puppet show

___________ Practice at home ___________________________________

(minutes) (parent signature):

Describe how and what you practiced:




Learning Target - Tell when your birthday is and ask / understand others about their birthdays; identify months and be able to use and discuss months in everyday situations.

Everything must be completed according to directions. Messy or poorly done work will not be accepted. Please ask for help by using the colored cups (red=confused, yellow=1 question, blue=done, green=doing okay.)

Achievement: Effort:

Advanced = Score 4/4 on test. Outstanding = Complete at least 4 tasks

Proficient = Score 3/4 on test. Satisfactory = Complete at least 3 tasks

Partial Proficient = Score 2/4 on test. Inconsistent = Complete at least 2 tasks

Beginning Understanding = Score 1/4 Minimal = Complete only 1 task

on test.

Each test will cover Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking activities, 1 question / problem for each.

______ A - Dictionary p. 29 / 24* ______ J - Mini Dictionary

______ K - Whiteboard Practice ______ L - Magazine Scavenger Hunt

______ M - Powerpoint

______C - Reading ______ N - Practice at home

______ D - Conversation ______ O - Art Project (Poster)

______ E - Written Exercise ________ P - Design /do your own

______ F - Flashcards (with my approval)

______ G - Game - dice game ______ Q - Memorization

______ H - Survey ______ R - Flashcard practice in class

______ I - Comic Strip ______ S - Partner Speak

______ T - Make a wordsearch ______ U - Do a wordsearch

______ V - tape recorder ______ W - listen to CD

______ X - invent game ______ Y - write puppet show

______ Z - present puppet show

___________ Practice at home ___________________________________

(minutes) (parent signature):

Describe how and what you practiced:



Learning Target - Tell when your birthday is and ask / understand others about their birthdays; identify seasons and be able to use and discuss months and seasons in everyday situations.

Everything must be completed according to directions. Messy or poorly done work will not be accepted. Please ask for help by using the colored cups (red=confused, yellow=1 question, blue=done, green=doing okay.)

Achievement: Effort:

Advanced = Score 4/4 on test. Outstanding = Complete at least 4 tasks

Proficient = Score 3/4 on test. Satisfactory = Complete at least 3 tasks

Partial Proficient = Score 2/4 on test. Inconsistent = Complete at least 2 tasks

Beginning Understanding = Score 1/4 Minimal = Complete only 1 task

on test.

Each test will cover Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking activities, 1 question / problem for each.

______ J - Mini Dictionary

______ K - Whiteboard Practice

______ V - tape recorder ______ M - Powerpoint

______C - Reading ______ N - Practice at home

______ D - Conversation ______ O - Art Project (Poster)

______ E - Written Exercise ________ P - Design /do your own

______ F - Flashcards (with my approval)

______ G - Game - card game ______ Q - Memorization

______ H - Survey ______ R - Flashcard practice in class

______ I - Comic Strip ______ S - Partner Speak

______ W - listen to CD ______ X - invent game

______ Y - write puppet show ______ Z - present puppet show

___________ Practice at home ___________________________________

(minutes) (parent signature):

Describe how and what you practiced:




Learning Target - Tell when your birthday is and ask / understand others about their birthdays; identify dates for holidays in US and target countries; and be able to use and discuss dates in everyday situations.

Everything must be completed according to directions. Messy or poorly done work will not be accepted. Please ask for help by using the colored cups (red=confused, yellow=1 question, blue=done, green=doing okay.)

Achievement: Effort:

Advanced = Score 4/4 on test. Outstanding = Complete at least 4 tasks

Proficient = Score 3/4 on test. Satisfactory = Complete at least 3 tasks

Partial Proficient = Score 2/4 on test. Inconsistent = Complete at least 2 tasks

Beginning Understanding = Score 1/4 Minimal = Complete only 1 task

on test.

Each test will cover Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking activities, 1 question / problem for each.

______ A - Dictionary p. 30 / 25* ______ J - Mini Dictionary

______ B - Autobiography p. 16* ______ K - Whiteboard Practice

______ B - Autobiography p. 17 ______ M - Powerpoint

______C - Reading ______ N - Practice at home

______ D - Conversation ______ O - Art Project (Calendar)

______ E - Written Exercise ________ P - Design /do your own

______ F - Flashcards (with my approval)

______ G - Game - dots ______ Q - Memorization

______ H - Survey ______ F - Flashcard practice in class

______ I - Comic Strip ______ S - Partner Speak

______ T - Make a wordsearch ______ U - Do a wordsearch

______ V - tape recorder ______ W - listen to CD

______ X - invent game ______ Y - write puppet show

______ Z - present puppet show

___________ Practice at home ___________________________________

(minutes) (parent signature):

Describe how and what you practiced:



Learning Target - Talk about where you live, your home and ask/understand others about theirs by identifying the different rooms of the house.

Everything must be completed according to directions. Messy or poorly done work will not be accepted. Please ask for help by using the colored cups (red=confused, yellow=1 question, blue=done, green=doing okay.)

Achievement: Effort:

Advanced = Score 4/4 on test. Outstanding = Complete at least 4 tasks

Proficient = Score 3/4 on test. Satisfactory = Complete at least 3 tasks

Partial Proficient = Score 2/4 on test. Inconsistent = Complete at least 2 tasks

Beginning Understanding = Score 1/4 Minimal = Complete only 1 task

on test.

Each test will cover Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking activities, 1 question / problem for each.

______ A - Dictionary p. 31-32 / 26-27* ______ J - Mini Dictionary

______ B- Autobiography p. 18* ______ K - Whiteboard Practice

______ B - Autobiography p. 19 ______ L - Magazine Scavenger Hunt

______ B - Autobiography p. 20 ______ M - Powerpoint

______C - Reading ______ N - Practice at home

______ D - Conversation ______ O - Art Project (Poster)

______ E - Written Exercise ________ P - Design /do your own

______ F - Flashcards (with my approval)

______ G - Game - dice drawing ______ Q - Memorization

______ H - Survey ______ R - Flashcard practice in class

______ I - Comic Strip ______ S - Partner Speak

______ T - Make a wordsearch ______ U - Do a wordsearch

______ V - tape recorder ______ W - listen to CD

______ X - invent game ______ Y - write puppet show

______ Z - present puppet show

___________ Practice at home ___________________________________

(minutes) (parent signature):

Describe how and what you practiced:



Learning Target - Describe your family, and ask/understand others about theirs by identifying them, their names and ages.

Everything must be completed according to directions. Messy or poorly done work will not be accepted. Please ask for help by using the colored cups (red=confused, yellow=1 question, blue=done, green=doing okay.)

Achievement: Effort:

Advanced = Score 4/4 on test. Outstanding = Complete at least 4 tasks

Proficient = Score 3/4 on test. Satisfactory = Complete at least 3 tasks

Partial Proficient = Score 2/4 on test. Inconsistent = Complete at least 2 tasks

Beginning Understanding = Score 1/4 Minimal = Complete only 1 task

on test.

Each test will cover Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking activities, 1 question / problem for each.

______ A - Dictionary p. 33 / 28* ______ J - Mini Dictionary

______ A - Dictionary p. 34 / 29 ______ K - Whiteboard Practice

______ B - Autobiography p. 21* ______ L - Magazine Scavenger Hunt

______ B - Autobiography p. 22 ______ M - Powerpoint

______C - Reading ______ N - Practice at home

______ D - Conversation ______ O - Art Project (Family Tree)

______ E - Written Exercise ________ P - Design /do your own

______ F - Flashcards (with my approval)

______ G - Game - square dance ______ Q - Memorization

______ H - Survey ______ R - Flashcard practice in class

______ I - Comic Strip ______ S - Partner Speak

______ T - Make a wordsearch ______ U - Do a wordsearch

______ V - tape recorder ______ W - listen to CD

______ X - invent game ______ Y - write puppet show

______ Z - present puppet show

___________ Practice at home ___________________________________

(minutes) (parent signature):

Describe how and what you practiced:




Learning Target - Describe yourself and others about and ask / understand others’ descriptions.

Everything must be completed according to directions. Messy or poorly done work will not be accepted. Please ask for help by using the colored cups (red=confused, yellow=1 question, blue=done, green=doing okay.)

Achievement: Effort:

Advanced = Score 4/4 on test. Outstanding = Complete at least 4 tasks

Proficient = Score 3/4 on test. Satisfactory = Complete at least 3 tasks

Partial Proficient = Score 2/4 on test. Inconsistent = Complete at least 2 tasks

Beginning Understanding = Score 1/4 Minimal = Complete only 1 task

on test.

Each test will cover Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking activities, 1 question / problem for each.

______ A - Dictionary p. 35 / 30* ______ J - Mini Dictionary

______ B - Autobiography p. 23* ______ K - Whiteboard Practice

______ L - Magazine Scavenger Hunt______ M - Powerpoint

______C - Reading ______ N - Practice at home

______ D - Conversation ______ O - Art Project (Poster)

______ E - Written Exercise ________ P - Design /do your own

______ F - Flashcards (with my approval)

______ G - Game - spin the bottle ______ Q - Memorization

______ H - Survey ______ R - Flashcard practice in class

______ I - Comic Strip ______ S - Partner Speak

______ T - Make a wordsearch ______ U - Do a wordsearch

______ V - tape recorder ______ X - invent game

______ Y - write puppet show ______ Z - present puppet show

___________ Practice at home ___________________________________

(minutes) (parent signature):

Describe how and what you practiced:




Learning Target - Talk about your pets live, and ask/understand others about theirs by identifying and describing them.

Everything must be completed according to directions. Messy or poorly done work will not be accepted. Please ask for help by using the colored cups (red=confused, yellow=1 question, blue=done, green=doing okay.)

Achievement: Effort:

Advanced = Score 4/4 on test. Outstanding = Complete at least 4 tasks

Proficient = Score 3/4 on test. Satisfactory = Complete at least 3 tasks

Partial Proficient = Score 2/4 on test. Inconsistent = Complete at least 2 tasks

Beginning Understanding = Score 1/4 Minimal = Complete only 1 task

on test.

Each test will cover Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking activities, 1 question / problem for each.

______ A - Dictionary p. 36 / 31* ______ J - Mini Dictionary

______ B - Autobiography p. 24* ______ K - Whiteboard Practice

______ L - Magazine Scavenger Hunt______ M - Powerpoint

______C - Reading ______ N - Practice at home

______ D - Conversation ______ O - Art Project (Poster)

______ E - Written Exercise ________ P - Design /do your own

______ F - Flashcards (with my approval)

______ G - Game ______ Q - Memorization

______ H - Survey ______ R - Flashcard practice in class

______ I - Comic Strip ______ S - Partner Speak

______ T - Make a wordsearch ______ U - Do a wordsearch

______ V - tape recorder ______ X - invent game

______ Y - write puppet show ______ Z - present puppet show

___________ Practice at home ___________________________________

(minutes) (parent signature):

Describe how and what you practiced:




Learning Target - Talk about jobs and work locations and ask/understand others about theirs.

Everything must be completed according to directions. Messy or poorly done work will not be accepted. Please ask for help by using the colored cups (red=confused, yellow=1 question, blue=done, green=doing okay.)

Achievement: Effort:

Advanced = Score 4/4 on test. Outstanding = Complete at least 4 tasks

Proficient = Score 3/4 on test. Satisfactory = Complete at least 3 tasks

Partial Proficient = Score 2/4 on test. Inconsistent = Complete at least 2 tasks

Beginning Understanding = Score 1/4 Minimal = Complete only 1 task

on test.

Each test will cover Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking activities, 1 question / problem for each.

______ A - Dictionary p. 37 / 32* ______ J - Mini Dictionary

______ B - Autobiography p. 25* ______ K - Whiteboard Practice

______ L - Magazine Scavenger Hunt______ M - Powerpoint

______C - Reading ______ N - Practice at home

______ D - Conversation ______ O - Art Project (Poster)

______ E - Written Exercise ________ P - Design /do your own

______ F - Flashcards (with my approval)

______ G - Game - Charades ______ Q - Memorization

______ H - Survey ______ R - Flashcard practice in class

______ I - Comic Strip ______ S - Partner Speak

______ T - Make a wordsearch ______ U - Do a wordsearch

______ V - tape recorder ______ W - listen to CD

______ X - invent game ______ Y - write puppet show

______ Z - present puppet show

___________ Practice at home ___________________________________

(minutes) (parent signature):

Describe how and what you practiced:




Learning Target - Talk about, order foods and drinks at home and in restaurants and ask/understand others about the same.

Everything must be completed according to directions. Messy or poorly done work will not be accepted. Please ask for help by using the colored cups (red=confused, yellow=1 question, blue=done, green=doing okay.)

Achievement: Effort:

Advanced = Score 4/4 on test. Outstanding = Complete at least 4 tasks

Proficient = Score 3/4 on test. Satisfactory = Complete at least 3 tasks

Partial Proficient = Score 2/4 on test. Inconsistent = Complete at least 2 tasks

Beginning Understanding = Score 1/4 Minimal = Complete only 1 task

on test.

Each test will cover Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking activities, 1 question / problem for each.

______ A - Dictionary p. 38 / 33* ______ B - Autobiography p. 29

______ A - Dictionary p. 39 / 34 ______ J - Mini Dictionary

______ A - Dictionary p. 40 / 35 ______ A - Dictionary p. 41 / 36-37

______ B - Autobiography p. 26* ______ K - Whiteboard Practice

______ B - Autobiography p. 27 ______ L - Magazine Scavenger Hunt

______ B - Autobiography p. 28 ______ M - Powerpoint

______C - Reading ______ N - Practice at home

______ D - Conversation ______ O - Art Project (Poster)

______ E - Written Exercise ________ P - Design /do your own

______ F - Flashcards (with my approval)

______ G - Game - grapes ______ Q - Memorization

______ H - Survey ______ R - Flashcard practice in class

______ I - Comic Strip ______ S - Partner Speak

______ T - Make a wordsearch ______ U - Do a wordsearch

______ V - tape recorder ______ W - listen to CD

______ X - invent game ______ Y - write puppet show

______ Z - present puppet show

___________ Practice at home ___________________________________

(minutes) (parent signature):

Describe how and what you practiced:



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