WEATHER PRESENTATIONSPANISH A UNIT 4NOMBRE__________________ HOA_____________You and a partner are going to present a weather report for the week just like T.V. weather people. Together, you will create a picture of the weather for 7 days. Then you will make a script for your weather report of what your weather reporter will say. This script will be in Spanish with perfect grammar and spelling.You will present your weather report in front of the class together. During the presentation, you will take turns so that one person holds the weather pictures for 3 days, and another person holds the weather pictures for the other 4 days. Whoever is not holding the pictures will be reading the script in Spanish. Your pictures should be neat and in color. 7 different pictures of 7 different kinds of weather. Your script should talk about each day, one at a time. You should mention the name of the day of the week and say how the weather is that day. You will be graded on your presentation including how your pictures look and how you pronounce the words. You will be graded on how you participate in the picture drawing and coloring and in the writing of the script.EVERYONE NEEDS THEIR OWN COPY OF THE FIRST DRAFT AND FINAL DRAFT OF THEIR SCRIPT. THE SCRIPTS NEED TO HAVE EVERYONES LINES ON THEM, NOT JUST YOUR OWN!?Buena suerte!Sra. Neufang ................

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