| | |

|because |I felt safe because I knew he was there. |

|because of / due to (followed by a noun phrase) |He did not come because of / due to the snow. |

|as | |

|Since (puesto que, como) |As he was late, he decided to run. |

|For this reason, /that is why… |Since he is British, he must love carrot cake! |

| |Learning languages helps you to communicate with different cultures. For this reason,|

| |/ That’s why, I’m going to study German. |


| | |

|… in order to …+inf (para hacer algo) |I did it in order to clarify matters. |

|…so as (not) to … + inf |Let’s go upstairs, so as not to be disturbed. (para) |

|…so as to…+ inf (para hacer algo) |Ring me, so as to arrive on time |

|… for … to …+inf |I took photos for you to see what it looks like. |


| | |

|Consequently, … |There has been a great deal of rain and consequently, / as a consequence, / as a |

|As a consequence, … |result, the reservoirs are full. |

|As a result, … | |

|Because of /due to (debido a, a causa de) |He did not come because of / due to the snow. |

|So (así que) | |

| |I had the flu, so I couldn’t attend the meeting. |

|… so + adj+ that … | |

|… so that … (para que) |He was driving so fast that he had an accident. |

|Therefore, … |Keep your password secret so that others cannot use it. |

|That’s why … |He was away. Therefore, he did not see her. |

| |She hates driving, that’s why she comes by bike. |

|Therefore, so, consequently and as a result are all used in a| |

|similar way. |The company is expanding. Therefore, / So, / Consequently, / As a result, they are |

| |taking on extra staff." |

|ADDITION |In addition to Spanish and English, she also studies German. |

|In addition, / in addition to + noun/gerund |In addition to studying Spanish and English, she also studies German. |

| |She studies Spanish and English. In addition, she also studies German. |

| |I play the piano. Furthermore/Moreover, I also write songs. |

| | |

|Furthermore, |He studies Spanish and English, as well as German. |

|Moreover, | |

| | |

|As well as…, (followed by a noun/gerund) | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Also (after verb to be and before other verbs) | |

|Too (usually at the end of a sentence) | |

|And | |


| | |

|Whereas (mientras que) / while (mientras que) |Some of the studies show positive results whereas / while others do not. |

|On the contrary, |I’m not criticizing; on the contrary, I’m on your side. |

|Unlike |Unlike his father, he’s hopeless with a computer. |

|Contrary to |Contrary to popular belief, many cats dislike milk. |

|In contrast |In contrast to what people believe, many cats dislike milk- |

| |On the one hand, they’d love to have kids, but on the other (hand), they don’t want |

|On the one hand, ... On the other hand, … |to give up their freedom. |

|Although / even though/even if |Although / Even though she was poor, she refused his money. |

| |You should come back to visit her even if you don’t have time. (aunque) |

| | |

| |Despite / in spite of his promise, he never came. |

| |They continued on their journey, in spite of the pouring rain. OR In spite of the |

|Despite / In spite of ('in spite of' or ‘despite of’ + a |pouring rain, the continued on their journey. |

|noun, noun phrase or gerund) | |

| |It wasn’t my fault. However, I felt guilty. |

| |Christmas is a family celebration. Nevertheless, For some people just means shopping.|

|However, Nevertheless, | |

| | |

| | |

| |"He works hard, but he doesn't earn much." |

| |"He works hard. However he doesn't earn much." |

|But | |

|But is more informal than however. It is not normally used at| |

|the beginning of a sentence. |It can also be argued that / There are people who say that the author intended the |

| |reader to see this character as a symbol of hope. |

|It can also be argued that/ there are people who say that | |


| | |

|As long as (en tanto en cuanto) |You can borrow it as long as John doesn’t mind. |

|Or else / otherwise |Go away, or else / otherwise I’ll call the police. |

|Provided |You can have it provided you ask nicely. |

|Unless |I won’t go unless the weather improves. |

|If |If she studies hard, she’ll pass the exam. |

|Even if (incluso si) |Even if she studies hard, she won't pass the exam. |


| | |

|When / while |They must have called when we were out. |

| |My parents came while I was cleaning the kitchen. |

|By the time |By the time he arrived, we had already had dinner. |

| | |

|As (cuando) |As I entered the room, he laughed at me. |

|As soon as |Let me know as soon as you’ve finished. |

|For (2 meanings) |The interview only lasted for a few minutes. |

| |I’ve known him for ages. |

|Meanwhile / in the meantime |I’ll start dinner now and meanwhile / in the |

| |meantime you can eat an apple. |

|Once |Once he’s made up his mind, you can’t stop him. |

|Since |Karen has lived in London since 1988. |

|Till / until |Just wait until / till we get home. |

|Yet |Have you had your lunch yet? |

|Before/After |Before/After working as a teacher, she worked as a shop assistant. |

| |By the time we arrived, the cookies were gone. |

|By the time/before /when | |

|(Some action is completed before another action or time.) | |


|In my opinion, / In my view, /Personally, |In my opinion, / In my view, / Personally, learning languages is important. |

|I think/feel that…/ it seems to me that… |I think(feel) that/ It seems to me that learning languages is important to develop |

| |your communicative skills. |

|As I see it, … |As I see it, learning languages is important to find a job. |

| | |

|If you ask me,… |If you ask me, learning languages helps you to communicate with different people. |


|Similarly |High level positions are stressful at times; similarly, they can be harmful to your |

| |health. |

|Likewise/ In the same way |When you write your compositions, you revise your mistakes. Likewise, / In the same |

| |way, you have to organise your ideas. |


| | |

|In fact, /As a matter of fact, |I think learning languages is important. In fact, /As a matter of fact, /Actually, |

|Actually, |I’m studying French and German at the moment. |

| |The truth is that learning a different language means to Know a different culture. |

|The truth is that… | |


|Firstly, … secondly, … finally (or lastly) are useful ways to| |

|list ideas. | |

|To begin/ to start with | |

|In the first place, /First of all, /Firstly, | |

|Secondly, | |

|Thirdly, | |

|After that, |We went to the cinema. After that,/ Then, we had dinner at 10 o’clock |

|Then, | |

| |Finally, /Lastly, I agree with the idea that learning languages helps you to |

|Finally, /Lastly, |communicate with different people. |


|In general, /Generally, /as a rule, /on the whole | |

| |We can expect sunny weather, on the whole. |


|For example, / for instance (it’s more formal), |I like different means of transport, for example, /for instance, /such as the train |

|Such as… |and the plane. |

| | |

|Like | |

| |We saved things like old newspapers and magazines. |

|Particularly, / in particular | |

|Especially/ (more)specifically |I like different means of transport. Particularly, /In particular/ Especially, the |

| |train and the pain. |


|(words used at the beginning of a sentence to summarise what | |

|has been said before) | |

|In short, / In brief, /In summary, | |

|To conclude/ To sum up | |

|In conclusion, | |

|Finally, | |


| | |



| | |

|I think this statement is true / false since... | |

|-according to the text... | |

|-according to the author... | |

|-in the author's words... | |

|-the text states that... | |

|- the text mentions that... | |

| | |

|-This statement is supported by the following sentences in | |

|the text.... | |

| | |


|- The text deals with... | |

|- The author's point / view / opinion is that... | |

|- I think the text could be summarized as follows... | |

| | |

|WARNING!: avoid by all means *the author wants to say… | |


| |As far as the story is concerned… |

|As far as…is concerned (respecto a …) | |

|Regarding… | |

|With reference to… | |

|As regards… | |


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