Speaking Part 1WorkWhy did you choose your job?How much work do you do in a week?Do you have to work on weekends as well?ListsDo you often make lists?Do you prefer making lists on paper or mobile phones?Do you make lists before you go shopping?Why do some people not like making lists?Famous PeopleHave you ever met a celebrity?What kinds of celebrities are you interested in?Are there any celebrities you would want to interview?How are famous people treated in your country?-13062932117100Speaking Part 2Talk about a typical food that is eaten at special events in your countryWhat it isWhen it is eatenIf you like itSpeaking Part 3FoodDo people in your country often eat together?Why are family meals less common today?Is this a positive or negative development?Are there any holidays in your country centred around food?Are international foods a threat to the traditional culture of your country? ................

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