Year1 Unit 1 Myself

[Pages:6]Unit: 1

KS1 Key Theme: MYSELF

Year 1

Autumn Term


Work in this unit will enable children to both think about what is important to them and what is important in religion. It will introduce children to special people, objects, stories, places, music, celebration and seasons, both in their own lives and within the lives of Christians and Jews. It will also introduce children to some of the key areas / strands of learning in RE. This unit particularly focuses on beliefs and teachings, forms of expression (both AT1) and identity / belonging (AT2). The learning activities are designed to meet the learning needs of visual (v ) , oral (o) and kinaesthetic (k) learners.

Estimated time for this unit:

One term

Focused Religions:


Where this unit fits in: This unit can take place at any time during KS1 but is probably best in the autumn term as it is a key unit on introducing Christianity and Judaism.




explore a range of religious stories and sacred writings and talk about

their meanings


identify the importance for some people, of belonging to a religion

and recognise the difference this makes to their lives.



identify what matters to them and others, including those with

religious commitments and communicate their responses


Beliefs, Teachings and Sources AT1

Forms of Expression

Identity and Belonging



Enjoyment and Achievement Being Healthy

- exploring and reflecting on key questions and values - promoting pupils' self-esteem


Spiritual Development

Considering how beliefs can be expressed in different ways Valuing relationships and developing a sense of belonging Developing their own views and ideas on religious and spiritual issues

KEY SKILLS Reflection - Empathy - Communication ATTITUDES FOCUS Respect - Self-esteem

Prior learning

It is helpful if children have:

thought about who and what is important to them


In this unit, children will have an opportunity to use words and phrases related to:

? Celebration ? Leaders & founders ? Special places ? Worship ? Seasons ? Easter, Christmas


? Artefacts from Christianity ? Selection of music ? Children's Bible

EXPECTATIONS at the end of this unit:

Nearly all can: (at level 1) ? recognise and name features of religious life and practice (AT1) ? recall religious stories (AT1) ? recognise symbols and other forms of religious expression (AT1) ? talk about their own experiences and feelings (AT2) ? talk about what is of value to themselves and others (AT2)

Pupil friendly version:- I can .... AT1

? use the right names for things that are special to Christians and Jews ? remember a Christian story and talk about it ? recognize religious art, symbols and words, and talk about them AT2 ? talk about things that happen to me ? talk about what is important to me and other people

Many can: (at level 2) ? begin to show awareness of similarities in religions (AT1) ? suggest meaning for religious actions and symbols (AT1) ? identify how religion is expressed in different ways (AT1) ? ask and respond sensitively to questions about their own and other experiences and feelings (AT2) ? recognise some questions that cause people to wonder and are difficult to answer (AT2)

Pupil friendly version:- I can .... AT1

? talk about some of the things that are the same for different religious people ? say what some Christian and Jewish symbols stand for and say what some of the art is about. AT2 ? ask about what happens to others with respect for their feelings ? talk about some things in stories that make people ask questions.

Some children will have progressed further and can: (at level 3) ? begin to identify the impact religion has on believers lives (AT1) ? describe some forms of religious expression (AT1) ? identify what influences them, making links between their own experiences and those of others (AT2) ? ask important questions about religion and beliefs (AT2)

Pupil friendly version:- I can .... AT1

? describe what a believer might learn from a religious story ? use religious words to describe some of the different ways in which people show their beliefs AT2 ? compare some of the things that influence me with those that influence other people. ? ask important questions about life and compare my own ideas with those of other people.

Key questions Who am I? Why am I special?

Who or what is God?

What is God like? What does the Bible say God is like?

LEARNING OBJECTIVES Pupils should learn:

Teaching and Learning Activities

Assessment Opportunities

Children should understand that they are special.

The children will reflect on who they think God is.

The children will think about what God is like and then what Christians believe about God.

*Make a circle in class, then say that you have a beautifully decorated box which you say has something very special in it. The children then guess what is in it (paired talk/class discussion.) Inform the children that you will pass it around and they must keep what is in it a secret. The children pass it around. Have a box and inside the lid/box there is a mirror, They will see their reflection in it-that is the special secret in the box. *REFLECTION TIME. Listening to your chosen calm music have a time when the children can think about why they are special and choose some children to tell the rest of the class. *Children draw around and cut simple star shapes or teacher prepares them. Draw a picture of themselves in the star and on the other side write a sentence as to why they are special.

*Recap on last week's lesson-why you are special and now go on to talk about this lesson's focus. *Read out the key Bible passage from Genesis. Highlight the fact that Genesis is the first book of the Bibleshow them. Write down the passage on some sugar paper and hang up on a line in the classroom. *Brainstorm as a class who they think God is. Teacher acts as scribe and again uses sugar paper to record the children's ideas, so that it can be on display. * Children then individually create a collage of what they think God is and then write key words and/or sentences to expand on this.

*Recap last week's lesson-we have been looking at who/what is God. Develop on this and now move onto what God is like. Have a short time of reflection.

Why are you special? Use a Dictaphone and record children's answers as to why they are special.

At the end of the lesson use a digital camera and put it on the setting "video" and record children coming up and showing their picture and describing who God is.

What is God like? See their RE books.

Links / points to note

Resources/key passages from the

Bible. Beautifully decorated box with a mirror which fits in. CD-Calm music-eg) Enya/Piano music. Pre-made stars for each child

Bible-Genesis C1 v1. "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. "

Children's Bible: Samuel 22 v3 "My God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my

Follow lesson plans from Festival Matters Harvest ? Reception Part 1 What does God create?

The children learn the creation story.

*The children close their eyes and listen to some quiet music in the background and think what God is like. *Share with the person next to them and record their ideas on a whiteboard and then transfer them in their RE book. The children can draw their ideas too. Extend the children by recording why they think this. *Towards the end of the session read out Samuel C22 v3. Why might he be describes as a rock (strong/firm) Why a shield?

*Watch the creation story on dvd-see resources column. *Talk about it. What did God create? Divide a display board into 7 days and divide the children up so that each group focuses on 1 day. Using pastels/paint create pictures for 3 of the days.

Part 2 What does God create?

The children learn the creation story from the Bible.

Recap the creation story so far with the children and now look at what God did days 4, 5, 6, 7. Complete the creation story on dvd. Emphasising that God rested on the 7th day after all his hard work. *Complete the display board. *If time learn the song on the dvd (or sing together He's got the whole world in his hands with actions(Come and Praise song book.)

What can the children remember from last week? Focus on a group of children and mark on assessment sheet.

Part 1

The children are to understand

How should we look that we must look after God's

*Looking at the display board recap Do the children realise the what God has created for us to enjoy! importance of looking after God's

shield and the horn of my salvation.

Cd -Quiet tranquil music.

The Ultimate Bible Stories 100 Bible Songs on DVD. Created by Stephen Elkins. Chapter 2 (dvd titled Awesome Mysteries in the bible.) Genesis C1 v1-13 The Ultimate Bible Stories 100 Bible Songs on DVD. Created by Stephen Elkins. Chapter 2 (dvd titled Awesome Mysteries in the bible.) Genesis C1 v14-31. Come and Praise song book-He's got the whole world in his hands..

after God's creation? What can we do to help God's creation?


*Highlight Genesis C1 v28-That God gives man and woman the authority over all he has made. (We must look after God's world. * In pairs brainstorm on whiteboards how we must look after our world?eg) recycling bottle/cardboard/paper/clothes etc *Give out letter to children informing them of a trip to the recycle plant to recycle objects from school/home. Maybe informing them of a litter pickup in the afternoon in the school grounds.


Part2. How should we look after God's creation? What can we do to help God's creation?

Follow lesson plans from Festival Matters ? Christmas Reception

The children will learn how to put looking after God's world in practise. The children

Have an afternoon practically helping God's world. Litter pick up/visit to a recycle centre to recycle objects from home/school.


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