
Tampa Bay TimesIMPORTANT INFORMATIONABOUT YOUR SPECTRUMCHANNEL LINEUPCommunities Served: Cities of NewPort Richey, Plant, Port Richey, Tampa;Counties of Hernando, Hillsboroughand Pasco FL.On or after8/21/2018Charter will start encrypting theStarter, Spectrum Basic, Standard, andSpectrum Select Service Tier offeringson your cable system. If you have aset-top box, digital transport adapter(DTA), or a retail CableCARD deviceconnected to each of your TVs, youshould be unaffected by this change.However, if you are currently receivingthe Starter, Spectrum Basic, Standard,or Spectrum Select Service Tier offeringson any TV without equipmentsupplied by Charter, you will lose theability to view any channels on that TV.If you are affected, you should contactCharter to arrange for the equipmentyou need to continue receiving yourservices. In such case, you are entitledto receive equipment at no additionalcharge or service fee for a limitedperiod of time. The number and typeof devices you are entitled to receiveand for how long will vary. If you area Starter or Spectrum Basic ServiceTier customer and receive the serviceon your TV without Charter-suppliedequipment, you are entitled to up totwo devices for two years (five yearsif you also receive Medicaid). If yousubscribe to a higher level of serviceand receive the Standard or SpectrumSelect Service Tier offering on a secondaryTV without Charter-suppliedequipment, you are entitled to one devicefor one year. You can learn moreabout this equipment offer and eligibilityfor Residential at digitalnow or by calling 855-222-0102, orfor Commercial at Business.DigitalNow or by calling 877-424-9246. To qualify for any equipment atno additional charge or service fee, youmust request the equipment no laterthan the 120th day after the date yourservice is encrypted and satisfy allother eligibility requirements.(658319) 07/11/2018 ................

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