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Persuasive Speech OutlineMotivated SequenceGeneral Purpose:To persuade Specific Purpose:To persuade my audience to exercise for at least 1 hour every day.Central Idea:Studies have shown that by exercising every day, you can greatly reduce your risk of stress related health problems by exercising on a daily basis. Organizational Pattern:Monroe’s Motivated SequenceIntroductionAttention: How many of you exercise every day for at least one hour? In a study done by the American Psychological Association, more and more adults report that their stress level is continually increasing rather than decreasing. 39% of these adults said that their stress level had increased over the past year, where only 27% said that their stress level had decreased. So how can you improve your health and reduce your stress level starting today? Let’s look at a couple ways that exercising can greatly reduce your stress level and improve your overall health.Transition:Everybody needs to exercise. Whether it is going on a run, swimming, weight lifting, yoga, we all need to keep our bodies in shape and prevent stress from causing serious internal and external problems.Body (fully develop the need you are have identified using vivid and “visual” language (NEED), describe how or what will satisfy the need (SATISFACTION) and fully describe what things will be like if the audience will take the action you are proposing using vivid and “visual” language (VISUALIZATION)Need: A thought that goes through everyone’s mind at some point is: Why do I need to exercise EVERY day? Isn’t a few times a week enough? While exercising a few times per week is effective, you can further increase your overall health by adding exercise to your daily routine. First, and probably the most obvious, exercise helps maintain your weight. Whether it is an intense workout at the gym, a run through the park, or simply just a walk around a track, exercise will burn unneeded fat and maintain a healthy weight. Secondly, by exercising daily, you can help your body fight diseases and other health conditions. The Mayo Clinic states that by being active, high-density lipoprotein is boosted in your body. This chemical is also considered to be the “good” cholesterol. It keeps your blood healthy, which decreases the risk of heart disease. Exercise can also help prevent depression, arthritis, types of cancer, strokes, and the regular damage done to cells and tissues, according to Laura Landro from the Wall Street Journal.Daily exercise also gives you more energy, which we all can benefit from at this point in the semester. By exercising daily, you will be improving your muscle strength and your overall endurance. Satisfaction:Now that you see the benefits that daily exercise has, let’s look at a couple ways you can get your exercise in each day. Hot yoga – numerous studios in Charlotte offer hour long classes, which you can easily fit into your busy schedule. Hot yoga will not only get you in excellent shape, it will help with your stress level as well. Running – Going on a run is an excellent form of exercise, and can be relaxing! Charlotte has numerous trails to run on, or you can around the neighborhood outside of campus. Lastly, you could take simply take a walk. By walking even just a mile a day, you are positively impacting your health.Visualization:In today’s world we want instant results. However, that is near impossible to achieve with your health. But exercising for an hour every day will show you positive results very quickly. You will see a huge impact on your overall energy level, which will positively help you when you’re trying to get last minute assignments done for classes. Your stress level will also decrease and you’ll be able to focus on important matters with a clearer mind. Transition:So, now that you know about the importance of exercise, it is time to start making a positive change in your life.Conclusion (you must give a specific call to action)Action:Starting this afternoon or tonight, do at least an hour of exercise. Whether it is running, walking, or even a sport, just get active!Visual: PowerPoint Materials required:Reference page BE SURE TO INCLUDE A REFERENCE PAGE AT THE END OF THIS OUTLINE. IT SHOULD BE ON A SEPARATE PAGE AND SHOULD BE FORMATTED CONSISTENTLY IN APA OR MLA FORMAT.American Psychological Association. (2011). The Impact of Stress: 2011. Retrieved from , L. (2010, Jan 05). The informed patient: The hidden benefits of exercise --- even moderate physical activity can boost the immune system and protect against chronic diseases. Wall Street Journal Retrieved from Clinic Staff. (2014, February 5). Exercise: 7 benefits of regular physical activity - Mayo Clinic. Retrieved from ................

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