




Many students have difficulty distinguishing between the concepts of speed, velocity, and acceleration. The goal of this project is to help better understand these three separate ideas by creating superheroes that are given special powers that exemplify each concept. Students, working in groups of two, will create a poster displaying their superheroes along with facts, figures, formulas that creatively display the relationships between speed, velocity and acceleration.


How can we visually exemplify the differences between speed, velocity, and acceleration?


Understand the concept of speed

Understand the concept of velocity

Understand the concept of acceleration

Compare and Contrast these three concepts artistically


Benchmark #1: Conceptual Foundation (3 POINTS)

Due date: Thursday, October 4, 2012.

Define: speed, velocity, and acceleration.

Explain the differences between speed, velocity, and acceleration.

Decide what 'special powers' each superhero will have. The 'special power' should be related to the concept in question.

Benchmark #2: First Draft- Superheroes (3 POINTS)

Due Date: Thursday, October 4, 2012.

Create a rough sketch/draft/visual for the concept of speed.

Create a rough sketch/draft/visual for the concept of velocity.

Create a rough sketch/draft/visual for the concept of acceleration.

You may draw, paint, cut and paste, photoshop, photobooth, glue, markers, crayons, etc...

be creative!

Benchmark #3: Poster Layout/ First Draft (4 POINTS)

Due Friday, October 5, 2012

Where will the superheroes be placed on your poster. What size are they? How will they be positioned?

What other objects will be added to support your goals?

How will concepts be displayed? Dialogue boxes and/or bubbles, formulas, informative blurbs, witty commentary, etc

Assemble your first draft including all of the above considerations

Benchmark #4: Critique and Revision (5 POINTS)

Due Monday, October 8, 2012.

You will have the opportunity to critique someone else's first draft while receiving feedback/critique on your own project. A guideline or rubric will be provided.

Revision- you will have the opportunity to read the critiques on your project and revise your project accordingly.

Benchmark #5: Final Product (5POINTS)

Due: Wednesday, October 10, 2012

A visually and conceptually beautiful piece of work. A poster, in this case, that you are extremely proud of!

Clearly displayed concepts of speed, velocity, and acceleration

No spelling errors

Fantastic Superheroes that embody and embrace each concept

|[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |

[pic]These diagrams stolen directly from jeff robin at HTH!


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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