S R H S B - Heidelberg University

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51st Annual Meeting

Heidelberg, Germany

Final Programme

Wednesday 27th June

17.30: Annual Business Meeting Ancient Aula, University Platz, Heidelberg.

19.00: Welcome Reception, Ancient Aula.

Thursday 28th June 2007

|08.45 | |Introduction: Welcome to Heidelberg |

|09.00 – 10.30 |Scientific Session 1: Chronic Hydrocephalus |

| |Chaired by Hugh Richards and Miles Johnston |

|09.00 |Paper 1 |VEGF-R2+ activation in the caudate: an adaptive angiogenic response to |

| | |hypoxia in chronic hydrocephalus? |

| | |Abhishek Deshpande, Stephen M. Dombrowski, Mark G. Luciano |

|09.15 |Paper 2 |Does NPH equal ischaemia? |

| | |Gerald Silverberg, Conrad Johanson, John Duncan, Thomas Brinker, Stephanie|

| | |Slone, Arthur Messier, Sarah Soltman, Petra Klinge |

|09.30 |Paper 3 |Opposite changes in cerebellar vs. cortical blood brain barrier (BBB) |

| | |expression in aged and hydrocephalic rats. |

| | |Petra M Klinge, Arthur Messier, Anna Heile, Mohsen Nouri, Conrad E |

| | |Johanson, John A Duncan, Thomas Brinker, Gerald D Silverberg |

|09.45 |Paper 4 |Shunting in AD increases ventricular CSF protein levels. |

| | |Tom Saul, Dawn McGuire, Martha Mayo, Jere Fellmann, Joan Carvalho, Gerald |

| | |D. Silverberg, Jonathan Williams |

|10.00 |Paper 5 |Ultrastructural study of the permeability of in-vitro and ex-vivo human |

| | |models of human arachnoid granulation CSF outflow pathway. |

| | |Deborah M. Grzybowski, David W. Holman, Shelley A. Glimcher, Steven E. |

| | |Katz |

|10.15 |Paper 6 |Hydrocephalus in primary craniosynostosis. |

| | |Hartmut Collman, Christian Schropp, Jürgen Krauss, Niels Soerensen |

|10.30 |Coffee |

|11.00 – 12.30 |Scientific Session2: Spina Bifida |

| |Chaired by Carole Sobkowiak and David Shurtleff |

|11.00 |Paper 7 |Reliability of the MRI diagnosis of the Chiari type2 malformation. |

| | |Reinier Mullaart, Niels Geerdink, Ton van der Vliet |

|11.15 |Paper 8 |Pathogenesis of cerebral malformations in perinatal spina bifida aperta. |

| | |Olga A. de Wit, Wilfred F. den Dunnen, Krystyna M. Sollie, Oebele F. |

| | |Brouwer, Deborah A. Sival |

|11.30 |Paper 9 |Cystatin C: a potentially useful marker for identifying individuals with |

| | |spina bifida and early renal insufficiency. |

| | |Eric Levey, Susan Demetrides, Yegappan Lakshmanan |

|11.45 |Paper 10 |Muscle echogenicity is increased in fetuses with spina bifida aperta. |

| | |Renate J Verbeek, Johannes H vd Hoeven, Natasha M Maurits, Krystyna M |

| | |Sollie, Arend F Bos, Oebele F Brouwer, Wilfred F den Dunnen, Deborah A |

| | |Sival |

|12.00 |Paper 11 |Complete tendon transfer and inverse lambrinudi arthrodesis. A new |

| | |developed operative treatment for paralytic pes calcaneus in spina bifida.|

| | |Wolfram Wenz |

|12.15 |Paper 12 |Current prevalence of latex sensitization in children with spina bifida |

| | |with use of latex precautions. |

| | |Eric Levey, Susan Demetrides, Robert Hamilton, N. Franklin Adkinson |

|12.30 |Lunch |

| | |

|Thursday afternoon and evening: Society Outing |

|Friday 29th June 2007 |

| |

|08.30 – 10.30 |Scientific Session 3: Bowel and Urodynamic Function |

| |Chaired by Debra Sival and Margareta Dahl |

|08.30 |Paper 13 |Early start to therapy preserves kidney function in spina bifida patients |

| | |Pieter Dik, Aart Klijn, Jan van Gool, Teau de Jong-de Vos van Steenwijk, |

| | |Tom de Jong |

|08.45 |Paper 14 |Does long term intravesical oxybutynin treatment of hyperreflexic |

| | |neurogenic bladder result in bladder auto-augmentation? |

| | |Udo Rolle, Christian Geyer, Thomas Lehnert, Margit Weißer, Holger Till |

|09.00 |Paper 15 |Whose bowel is it anyway? A short case study illustrating the practical |

| | |difficulties resulting from a childhood procedure that impinge upon an |

| | |adult with spina bifida attempting to live independently. |

| | |Lissa Wright |

|09.15 |Paper 16 |Auto-augmentation: ought it to be done? |

| | |Suzanne Lawther, David Marshall, Alan Bailie, Stephen Brown |

|09.30 |Paper 17 |Bowel and bladder continence among children with spina bifida: a |

| | |retrospective study. |

| | |Michelle Campbell, Susan Demetrides, Elaine Stashinko, Valerie Rogers, |

| | |Keith Slifer, Yeggepan Lakshmanan, T. Andrew Zabel. Eric Levey |

|09.45 |Paper 18 |Outcome on renal and bladder function in children with spina bifida in a |

| | |standardised follow-up programme. |

| | |Peter Wide, Gunilla Gladh, Sven Mattsson |

|10.00 |Paper 19 |Independence in the toilet activity in children with myelomeningocele. |

| | |Marie Donlau, Tor-Björn Falkner, Gunilla Gladh, Sven Mattsson |

|10.15 |Paper 20 |Simple clinical and bedside urodynamic evaluation is sufficient for |

| | |successful management decisions in spina bifida patients with urinary |

| | |incontinence and the machine urodynamics are not necessary. |

| | |Anant Bangar, Santosh Karmarkar |

|10.30 |Coffee |

|11.00 – 12.30 |Scientific Session 4: Hydrocephalus Pathology |

| |Chaired by Hazel Jones and Mark Luciano |

|11.00 |Paper 21 |Hyperdynamic pulsatile flow and ventricular dilation in experimental |

| | |communicating hydrocephalus. |

| | |Mark E. Wagshul, Jie Li, Helene Benveniste, Michael R. Egnor, E. Mark |

| | |Haacke, Shams Rashid, Yimin Shen, Marion E. Walker, Ma Yu, James P. |

| | |McAllister |

|11.15 |Paper 22 |Mechanism of obliteration of Sylvius aqueduct in the H-Tx rat. |

| | |A.R. Ortloff, E.M. Rodríguez |

|11.30 |Paper 23 |Anti-Reissner’s fibre and anti-p73 co - expression in the subcommissural |

| | |organ of the mice and rats with spontaneously hydrocephalus. |

| | |Agustín Castañeyra-Perdomo, Ibrahim González-Marrero, Paloma |

| | |Fernández-Rodriguez, Teresa A. Ruiz-Mayor, Leandro Castañeyra-Ruiz, Juan|

| | |M. González-Toledo, Agustín Castañeyra-Ruiz, Lidia Ruiz-Mayor, Emilia M. |

| | |Carmona-Calero |

|11.45 |Paper 24 |Lack of formation of Reissner fiber leads to hydrocephalus. |

| | |S. Rodríguez, L.F. Bátiz, A.R. Ortloff, K. Vío, R.I. Muñoz, L.M. DeGraff,|

| | |J.P. Graves, D.J. Stumpo, P.J. Blackshear, D.C. Zeldin, J. Goto, T. |

| | |Tezuka, T. Yamamoto, E.M. Rodríguez |

|12.00 |Paper 25 |p73 isoforms expression in the cerebrospinal fluid and circumventricular |

| | |organs of BPH mice and SHR rats. |

| | |Emilia M. Carmona-Calero, Ibrahim González-Marrero, Paloma |

| | |Fernández-Rodriguez, Juan M González-Toledo, Leandro Castañeyra-Ruiz, |

| | |Agustín Castañeyra-Ruiz, Lidia Ruiz-Mayor, Agustín Castañeyra-Perdomo |

|12.15 |Paper 26 |Postnatal ependymogenesis occuring in wild-type hyh mice increases |

| | |significantly in hydrocephalic hyh mice. |

| | |Luis Federico Bátiz, Antonio J. Jiménez, Toledo C, José Manuel |

| | |Pérez-Fígares, Esteban M. Rodríguez |

|12.30 |Lunch |

|14.00 – 15.15 |Scientific Session 5: Shunts |

| |Chaired by Ray Fitzgerald and Jerry Silverberg |

|14.00 |Paper 27 |Antibiotics for eradication of propionibacterium acnes biofilms. |

| | |Waheed Ashraf, Bryar Nuradeen, Roger Bayston |

|14.15 |Paper 28 |Conservative management of cerebrospinal fluid shunt infections. |

| | |Amy Cheney, Anthony Avellino, Sharon Duguay, David Shurtleff |

|14.30 |Paper 29 |Are adjustable valves effective? Data from the UK Shunt Registry. |

| | |Hugh Richards, Helen Seeley, John Pickard |

|14.45 |Paper 30 |Limits and options for electronic devices for the treatment of |

| | |hydrocephalus. |

| | |Christoph Miethke |

|15.00 |Paper 31 |Changing definition of non-responsiveness to shunting ( the influence of |

| | |valve-adjustability. |

| | |Christian Sprung, Annegret Zech, Hans-Georg Schlosser |

|15.15 |Tea |

|15.45-16.45 |Scientific Session 5: Shunts continued |

| |Chaired by Conrad Johanson and Petra Klinge |

|15.45 |Paper 32 |23 hydrocephalus valves tested over 367-514 days. |

| | |D Biedermann, J Ludwig, A Aschoff |

|16.00 |Paper 33 |Latex sensitisation in hydrocephalic patients with and without spina |

| | |bifida. |

| | |Reinhold Cremer, Mehrsad Klemm |

|16.15 |Paper 34 |Gravitational valves. Personal 27 year experience in 420 patients. |

| | |A Aschoff, R Wirtz, B Hashemi, P Kremer, A Unterberg, M Halatsch |

|16.30 |Paper 35 |Interaction between hydrocephalus shunt and pressure waves. |

| | |Z.Czosnyka, M.Czosnyka, G.Petrella, HK Richards, JD Pickard |

|16.45 – 17.35 |Poster Discussion |

| |Chaired by Stephen Brown and Zofia Czosnyka |

|16.45 |Poster 1 |BWM+, a B-Wave Monitor plus P-Wave analysis |

| | |Stefanie Jetzki, Michael Kiefer, Regina Eymann, Marian Walter, Steffen |

| | |Leonhardt |

|16.52 |Poster 2 |Vertical extension device for automatic adjustment of EVD-drip chambers or|

| | |ICP-transducers. |

| | |G Karpel-Massler, F Wittmann, A Aschoff |

|16.59 |Poster 3 |Independence and perceived quality of life in young adults with |

| | |myelomeningocele. Function, needs and recommendations for what to do. |

| | |Simone Norrlin, Margareta Strinnholm, Ann Butler, Eva Stagling, Monica |

| | |Bergh, Erika Rönnblom, Gunnar Ahlsten, Margareta Dahl |

|17.06 |Poster 4 |Anterior encephalocele: staged reconstruction. |

| | |H. Dutta |

|17.13 |Poster 5 |Long-term experiences (max. 22 years) with 38 antisiphon devices. |

| | |A Aschoff, D Biedermann, J Ludwig, A El Tayeh, N Biedermann, A Piotrowicz,|

| | |P Kremer |

|17.20 |Poster 6 |Controversies about adjustable shunts. |

| | |Christoph Miethke |

|17.27 |Poster 7 |Analysis of 120 cases of treatment of spina bifida and neural damage |

| | |through complete release of pression of sacrum nerve. |

| | |Hongxia Zhang, Weiguang Zhang |

|17.35- 17.50 |Casey Holter Essay Prize Winner |

| |Introduced by Ray Fitzgerald |

|Friday Evening: annual dinner |

| |

|Saturday 30th June 2007 |

|09.00 – 10.30 |Scientific Session 6: Psychosocial Issues |

| |Chaired by Rosemary Batchelor and Eric Levey |

|09.00 |Paper 36 |Early puberty in boys with myelomeningocele. Risk factors for early |

| | |puberty. |

| | |M. Dahl, G. Ahlsten, J. Gustafsson, L. A. Proos, T. Tuvemo |

|09.15 |Paper 37 |Neurological bypass for sensory innervation of the penis in patients with |

| | |spina bifida. |

| | |P.Dik, ML Overgoor, M. Kon, TPVM de Jong |

|09.30 |Paper 38 |Psychosocial adaptation and cognitive functioning in young male adults |

| | |with myelomeningocele. |

| | |Jan Stubberud, Gunnar Riemer, Pål-Erik Plaum, Karen Grimsrud |

|09.45 |Paper 39 |Global assessment of function in adolescents with myelomeningocele |

| | |M Dahl, S Norrlin, M Strinnholm, A Butler, G Ahlsten |

|10.00 |Paper 40 |Continence and dryness in spina bifida patients at school age. |

| | |Pieter Dik, Sarah van Loopik, Aart Klijn, Rafal Chrzan, Tom de Jong |

|10.15 |Paper 41 |Shunting in AD slows progression of the dementia. |

| | |Tom Saul, Dawn McGuire, Martha Mayo, Jere Fellmann, Joan Carvalho, Gerald |

| | |D. Silverberg, Jonathan Williams |

|10.30 |Coffee |

|11.00 – 12.15 |Scientific Session 7: Hydrocephalus and CSF |

| |Chaired by Roger Strachan and Esteban Rodriguez |

|11.00 |Paper 42 |Lymphatic cerebrospinal fluid absorption is impaired in a kaolin-induced |

| | |hydrocephalus model in the rat. |

| | |Gurjit Nagra, Jie Li, James P McAllister II, Janet Miller, Mark Wagshul, |

| | |Miles Johnston |

|11.15 |Paper 43 |The role of vitamin A and its CSF metabolites in supporting a novel |

| | |mechanism of idiopathic intracranial hypertension. |

| | |Steven E. Katz, Deborah M. Grzybowski, Marc R. Criden, J. Garret Mouser |

|11.30 |Paper 44 |Enhanced expression of the LRP-1 transporter at the blood-CSF interface in|

| | |chronic hydrocephalus. |

| | |Conrad E. Johanson, Petra M. Klinge, Sarah Soltman, Stephanie Flaherty, |

| | |Arthur Messier, John A. Duncan III, Edward G. Stopa and Gerald D. |

| | |Silverberg |

|11.45 |Paper 45 |Prospective evaluation of selected cytokines for hydrocephalus surgery. |

| | |Christian Geyer, Gerd Graefe, Anke Pauer, Katrin Bauer, Udo Rolle, Roman |

| | |Metzger, Holger Till, Ulrich Sack |

|12.00 |Paper 46 |GLP-1 secreting encapsulated human mesenchymal stem cells for |

| | |neuroprotection. |

| | |Anna Heile, Steffen Baltes, Petra M. Klinge,Christine Wallrapp, Thomas |

| | |Brinker |

|12.15 |Paper 47 |High pressure hydrocephalus in neonates is associated with increased CSF |

| | |concentrations of interleukin-18 and interferon gamma. |

| | |Axel Heep, Ursula Felderhoff-Mueser, Arie Bos, Eelco Hoving, Carlo |

| | |Schaller, Deborah Sival |

|12.30 |Closing Remarks |

|12.45 |Invitation to Providence |

| |Johanson / Silverberg / Duncan |

|13.00 |End |


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