Name:Period:Jonathan Edwards “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” Vocabulary Graphic Organizer WordPart of SpeechDefinitionSentence or IllustrationDIRECTIONS: Complete each sentence with the correct vocabulary word. 1. They decided not to enter the medical profession, for they ______________________ the sight of blood.2. The public was outraged at the __________________condition of the neglected animals.3. Perhaps if we _________________the child with some candy, she will stay quiet during the movie.4. I__________________ the boy’s fear of heights to the time when he fell from a ladder.5. The people in the lifeboat scanned the horizon, watching for _____________________ from their desperate situation.6. Although it is difficult to _________________, the twins differ slightly in height and hair color.7. If you _______________ that raccoon, it will attack.8. The spoiled senior was able to_______________ his parents to buying him a flashy sports car.9. I had a blazing headache, but aspirin and an ice pack provided some _______________________.10. You must ____________________the blades of the pruning shears so they can slice through the larger branches.Meet the Author DIRECTIONS: Write a 1-2 sentence summary for each section of Jonathan Edward’s biography. A Spiritual Calling Religious Revivalist Last Years “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” TEXT Analysis DIRECTIONS: Write the definition for each word in the chart below. TermDefinition Allusion Emotional Appeal Edwards uses: _________________,which taps into a fear of losing one’s safety or security_________________,which draws on a sympathy or compassion for others _________________, which relies on one’s sense of ethics or morality DIRECTIONS: After reading, respond to each question below. Your replies should be in COMPLETE SENETNECES.1. Whom is God prepared to send to Hell? 2. Accorinng to Edwards, is God angrier at sinners in Hell or the sinners still living on earth? Explain. 3. Edwards tells his listeners that God holds them over the fiery pit. What does Edwards compare this to? 4. According to Edwards, how long must people suffer the wrath of God? 5. How does Edwards think that people can be saved from God’s wrath? Emotional Appeals ChartDIRECTIONS: As you read, record at least 3 examples of emotional appeals in the chart below. Examples/Quotes Emotional Appeals 1. “arrows of death fly unseen” 1. This image appeals to fear by creating anxiety about being struck by an arrow. Why did Edwards use so many vivid emotional appeals in his sermon? What was he trying to achieve? (3-5 Sentences)“Here Follow Several Occasional Meditations” Anne Bradstreet By night when others soundly slept, And had at once both case and rest, My waking eyes were open kept And so to lie I found it best. I sought Him whom my soul did love, With tears I sought Him earnestly; He bowed His ear down from above. In vain I did not seek or cry. My hungry soul He filled with good, He in His bottle put my tears, My smarting wounds washed in His blood, And banished thence my doubts and fears. What to my Savior shall I give, Who freely hath done this for me? I'll serve Him here whilst I shall live And love Him to eternity. Read the poem by Anne Bradstreet, and pay careful attention to how she describes God. In the spaces provided draw and illustration that depicts how each author views God. Anne BradstreetJonathan Edwards ................

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