Promotion: Social Media Advertising Part One: The Most Effective Social Media Platforms for AdvertisingTo fill in the following questions go to the following website is social media unique in increasing conversions and sales? In your own words, what three advantages does social media advertising yield?How much was spent on social ads in 2014? How much was spent in 2016?What are the four different types of social media platforms?What are the 6 best social media websites to invest your money in?What three things must you consider when choosing your social media network?Which social media outlet has the most monthly users? How many do they have?What information can Facebook sell? How much do these leads cost?What types of Ads are commonly campaigned on Facebook?What can Facebook target which makes it so much more valuable than other Social Media Platforms?In your own words, describe how Facebook charges for its ad service?Which age group charges less for CPCs? Which gender costs more? How much?What are 5 important tips for advertising on Facebook?Which social media platform is the second most successful advertising tool? Who owns them?Who is Instagram’s main user base? What other advantage does Instagram offer for advertising companies?Compared to Facebook, how does Instagram charge for advertising? Is it more or less effective?What similarities and differences are there between Facebook and Instagram advertising tips?Compared to Instagram and Facebook, what “free” advantage does Twitter offer companies?What trend has occurred in Twitter ads costs over the years? How much does each “click” currently cost?On Twitter, what is a website card? How much more engagement do they get compared to a standard link?What is the fourth most successful advertising platform on social media?How many monthly does Pinterest have? How many of them are women?What generation and gender should you advertise to on Pinterest?What are Promoted Pins? What advantage do they have? How are they customized to the user?Compared to other platforms, has Pinterest traditionally been cheap or more expensive? Is it getting more expensive or cheaper?How many people use LinkedIn every month? What demographics make up its user base?Review: What does B2C mean? What does B2B mean? What advantages does LinkedIn have over other social media platforms?Compared to other platforms, is LinkedIn more expensive per click or not? How much can it cost at the most?What is the major advantage of advertising with Snap Chat?What is a Snap Ad? How successful are they? How much do they cost?What is a Sponsored Lens? How much do they cost per day?Part Two: Creating a Social Media Ad CarouselFacebook is the most successful advertising platform and used something known as an Ad Carousel. Using the website Ad Mocks, create an Ad Carousel for any existing company. (). Make sure to fill in all the data that the website asks you to fill out. When you are done, download all three versions of the Ad Carousel creation you have created and send them in the same email as the rest of this assignment. ................

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