1 General

E-1265 V.3

Additional Second Line Project


Liupanshui - Zhanyi Section

on Guiyang-Kunming Railway Line

(Funded by the World Bank Loan)

Environmental Impact Assessment Report


The Second Survey and Design Institute of China Railways

Chengdu October 2005

Additional Second Line Project


Liupanshui - Zhanyi Section

on Guiyang-Kunming Railway Line

(Funded by the World Bank Loan)

Environmental Impact Assessment Report


The Second Survey and Design Institute of China Railways

Chengdu October 2005

Table of Content

1 Project outline……………………………………………………………(1)

1.1 Project geographic position and construction proposal along the line(1)

1.2 Main technical standards and quantity of works……………………(1)

1.3 Nature reserve, scenic spot, water source protection area as well

as cultural relics and historic site……………………………………(5)

1.4 Rationality analysis on Routing plan…………………………………(5)

2 Assessment on the present status of the environment quality

along the line……………………………………………………………(11)

2.1 The present statue of ecological environment………………………(11)

2.2 The present status of acoustic environment………………………(12)

2.3 The present status of vibration environment………………………(12)

2.4 The present status of water environment………………………(12)

2.5 The present status of air environment………………………(13)

3 Analysis of impact on Zhujiangyuan Nature Reserve

caused by the Projec……………………………………………………(13)

3.1 Survey of Zhujiangyuan Nature Reserve………………………………(13)

3.2 Relationship between the existing Liupanshui-Zhanyi

Railway and Zhujiangyuan Nature Reserve……………………………(14)

3.3 Feasibility study of the additional second line tha bypasses

Zhujiangyuan Nature Reserve…………………………………………(15)

3.4 Relationship between additional second line of Liu-Zhan

Section and Zhujiangyuan Nature Reserve t……………………………(16)

3.5 "No Proposal" in Zhujiangyuan Nature Reserve………………………(21)

3.6 Analysis of impact on the Nature Reserve imposed by

the additional second line t……………………………………………(21)

3.7 Work and measures taken on Zhujiangyuan Nature Reserve…………(22)

4 Environment Impact Forecast and Assessment………………………(24)

4.1 Ecological environment impact………………………………………(24)

4.2 Noise environment impact……………………………………………(25)

4.3 Vibration environment impact………………………………………(25)

4.4 Water environment impact……………………………………………(25)

4.5 Air environment impact………………………………………………(26)

4.6 Solid waste environment impact………………………………………(26)

4.7 Electromagnetic environment impact…………………………………(27)

4.8 Environment impact during construction period………………………(27)

4.9 Socioeconomic environment impact……………………………………(27)

4.10 Public participation in environment impact analysis…………………(27)

5 Measures and Recommendation………………………………………(30)

5.1 Measures for ecosystem protection……………………………………(30)

5.2 Measures for noise pollution control……………………………………(32)

5.3 Measures for vibration control 38………………………………………(33)

5.4 Measures for electromagnetism control………………………………(33)

5.5 Measure for sewage treatment…………………………………………(33)

5.6 Measures for air pollution control………………………………………(33)

5.7 Measures for solid waste treatment……………………………………(33)

5.8 Estimation of investment on environmental protection engineering…(34)

6 Environmental Management Program………………………………(34)

6.1 Environmental Supervision Program…………………………………(34)

6.2 Environmental Monitoring Program……………………………………(35)

7 Comment & conclusion………………………………………………(40)

1 Project outline

1.1 Project geographic position and construction proposal along the line

1)Project geographic location

Guiyang-Kunming Railway lies in Guizhou Province and Yunnan Province. The section of Liu- Zhan of the line, starting from Liupanshui City of Guizhou Province in the east, and connected with Qujing City of Yunnan Province in the west, is the important part of “Shanghai-Kunming Passage”. Details of the line is shown in Chart of Project Geographic Position

2)Routing plan

Liupanshui-Zhanyi Line is started from K223+300, the entrance side of Lanba of Guiyang-Kunming railway to K477+000, the entrance side of Qujing, the whole length of the existing line is 253.633km. Double track straightening proposal shall be adopted for 82.6km in Meihuashan~Quewu section of the additional second line, target speed is 160km/h. the second track of 119km shall be added for Qiewu~Zhanyi section along the existing line, and proper reconstruction is to be made to the exiting line, whose target speed is 160km/h. Including the pertinent auxiliary projects of Liupanshui Hinge.

After completion of the Additional Second Line, the length of Liupanshui-Zhanyi Line is 219.349km,overall length of bridges and tunnels is 111.53km,accounting for 50.8% of the whole length, the existing 14 stations such as Leju, Luopandi, Shuse, Banuokuai, Hemaling, Beikaizhu, Muga, Tianba, Dengjiacun, Xutun, Geyitou, Yanfang, Hongtugou, Lila are to be closed down, and 4 stations of Xinpalakuai, Xinbeikaizhu, Shuilushang, Zhujiangyuan are to be newly built. Details are as shown in Schematic Chart of Route Scheme.

1.2 Main technical standards and quantity of works

1)Comparison of main technical standards

|Item |Standard of Existing Line |Design Standard for Additional Second Line |

|Railway Classification |Grade I |Grade I |

|Number of main lines |Single track |Double Track |

|Gradient limit |6‰,pusher grade 12‰ |6‰,boosting gradient 13‰ |

|Minimum radius of curve |300m |2000m for general section, 1600m for section with |

| | |difficulties. |

|Designed running speed |60km/h |160km/h |

|Kinds of traction |Electric |Electric |

|Type of locomotive |SS3 |SS3B |

|Mass of traction |3800t |3800t |

|Effective length of |850m |850m |

|reception-departure track | | |

|Type of blocking |All-relay semi-automatic block |Automatic blocking |

2)Quantity of Major Works

|S/N |Description |Unit |Liupanshui |Meihuashan~Provi|Provincial |Fenghuangshan~Zhany|Zhanyi~Quji|Relevant |Total |

| | | |Railway Junction |ncial Border |Border~Fenghuangshan |i |ng |Works | |

|1 |Length of line |Km |45.664 |23.694 |52.034 |91.868 |6.089 |7.664 |219.349 |

|2 |Requisition of land |Mu |4462.590 |2887.1 |3822.126 |8214.054 |196 |802.900 |20384.77 |

|3 |Subgrade |Earth/rock works|

| | |in sections |

|Mileage and |Relation |Type of works |Utilization of |Mileage and |Relation |Type of works | |

|length |between the | |existing line |length |between the| | |

| |line and the | |after | |line and | | |

| |Reserve | |construction of | |the Reserve| | |

| | | |additional | | | | |

| | | |second line | | | | |

|K401~K408 |/ |/ |To be used |CK401+540~CK406+|Buffer area|Gele Tunnel |Yangchang branch|

|8000m | | | |450 | | |to be remained |

| | | | |4910m | | | |

|K408~K412 |/ |/ |To be disused |CK406+450~CK410+|Buffer area|Subgrade |Double-track to |

|4000m | | | |100 | | |be constructed |

| | | | |3650m | | | |

|K434~K443 |Experiment |Subgrade |To be disused |CK434+500~CK438+|Pilot area |Subgrade |Double-track to |

|14000m |area | | |980 | | |be constructed |

| | | | |4480m | | | |

| | | |To be disused |CK438+980~CK439+|Pilot area |No. 1 Huashan |Double-track to |

| | | | |350 | |Major |be constructed |

| | | | |370m | |Double-track | |

| | | | | | |Bridge | |

| | | |To be disused |CK439+689~CK440+|Pilot area |No. 2 Huashan |Double-track to |

| | | | |388 | |Super Major |be constructed |

| | | | |699m | |Double-track | |

| | | | | | |Bridge | |

| | | |To be disused |CK440+388~CK442+|Pilot area |Subgrade |Double-track to |

| | | | |000 | | |be constructed |

| | | | |1612m | | | |

|K458~K467 |K458+000~K461+|Subgrade |To be disused |CK458+040~CK458+|Pilot area |No. 1 Nanpanjiang|Double-track to |

|9000m |860 | | |816 | |Tunnel |be constructed |

| | | | |776m | | | |

| |K461+860~K461+|Tianshengba | | | | | |

| |900 |Middle Bridge | | | | | |

| |K461+900~K462+|Tianshengba |To be disused |CK459+168~CK463+|Pilot area |No. 2 Nanpanjiang|Double-track to |

| |100 |Tunnel | |188 | |Tunnel |be constructed |

| | | | |4020m | | | |

| |K462+100~K467+|12 open cut | | | | | |

| |000 |tunnels | | | | | |

| | |alternating | | | | | |

| | |with subgrade. | | | | | |

|Length in the | | | |Total length in | | | |

|Reserve (23000m | | | |the Reserve | | | |

|) | | | |20516m | | | |

3.5 “No Proposal” in Zhujiangyuan Nature Reserve

maintain single rail line in Zhujiangyuan Nature Reserve but apply to build double rail line in area out of Zhujiangyuan Nature Reserve.

“No Proposal” in Zhujiangyuan Nature Reserve will not produce any bad impact to the ecologic environment and thus it is the best proposal for environment protection. However, it has obvious irrationality in railway network structure and railway construction technology. Firstly, Liuzhan Railway is only one section of Shanghai ~ Kunming Railway which shall be totally double rail line. If one part of the railway is single line, it will not be out of joint with the integrity of double line (Shanghai ~ Kunming Railway) and will affect the economic development. Secondly, it will not able to play a role to promote railway transportation and thus become a bottle neck to enlarge transportation capacity. Thirdly, the objective of building Liuzhan Railway is to create an opportunity for the local economic development and reduce poverty to habitants living along rail line but “No Proposal” in Natural Reserve will not able to achieve this target and can not improve the traffic condition. In general, “No Proposal” in Zhujiangyuan Nature Reserve has obvious irrationality not only in railway network structure but also in construction technology and is rejected according to assessment comments.

3.6 Analysis of impact on the Nature Reserve imposed by the additional second line

The damage of certain quantity of vegetations by construction in the reserve will not be avoided. Bare slope caused by the construction works of excavating and filling, temporary borrow soil and discard fragments will impose temporary impact to the sight of the reserve.

1)The section of the additional second line crossing the buffer zone and the pilot zone of the reserve occupies a land area of 29.23hm2, among which 7.19hm2 is dry land and 22.04hm2 is woodland.

It is seen from Table 3.4-1 that the length of the additional second line in the reserve is reduced by 3km (single converted length) and the land for construction in the reserve is also reduced by about 8.26hm2. Considering the impact of separation, cutting and occupation of land on the reserve by the railway project, the impact by the additional second line is less than that of the existing line.

2)The length of sub-grade in the range of the Nature Reserve accounts for 33%. The excavation of slope of the tunnel portal and the surface of sub-grade, and the pier of bridges will cause damage to the vegetations, bareness of ground surface, water loss and soil erosion, which results in the leanness of soil. The construction of railway will damage about 597t biomass and reduce crop production by 59.31t/a.

3)The total earth works in the reserve is 176.33×104m3,in which the excavation works is 157.62×104m3 and 18.71×104m3 of filling earth works. The amount of water loss and soil erosion caused by the construction will be about 2756t/a under the conditions without any measures being taken.

4)Analysis of impact on self-restraint water source

The distance from the line to Huashan Reservoir (amount of water is 4300×104m3 and the water surface is 5km2), of which the function is the self-restraint water source of the forest and is not used for irrigation or drinking, is about 2500m.The Project does not cross the reservoir directly but by subgrade and Shanhua No. 1 Double tract Bridge (without any piers in water), Shanhua No. 2 Double tract Supper Bridge (with one pier in water), which will cause less impact on the quantity and quality of water in the reservoir.

The distance from the line to Gele Reservoir (amount of water is 100×104m3 and the water surface is 0.1km2), of which the function is the self-restraint water source and is used for irrigation but not for drinking, is about 1kmobstruct impact on local area use of water.

3.7 Work and measures taken on Zhujiangyuan Nature Reserve

1)In the stage of pre-feasibility study of additional construction of double tract in section of Liu—Zhan Railway, the Second Survey and Design Institute, Ministry of Railways had asked Yunnan Provincial Forestry Department for opinion about the issue of the passing of the additional railway construction of double tract through Zhujiangyuan Nature Reserve in the letter of No. [2004]351 document of design of The Second Survey and Design Institute, Ministry of Railways . It is stated in the reply letter of Yunnan Provincial Forestry Department on May 1,2005 that the department actively supports the construction of the double tract in the section of Liu—Zhan Railway and asked for the definition of the relation between the plan of the additional construction line of the double tract and the position of the reserve, strengthening of communication with the local forestry department, protection of bio-species in the reserve and making up the plan that is the beneficial for both the protection and the construction of railway.

2)The designer and the evaluation unit had actively coordinated with Zhanyi Forestry Department and Yunnan Provincial Forestry Department in the stage of the feasibility study, survey and design of the project. In the letter of No. [2005]73 document for the environment (attached with the plan chart of the line)by the Second Survey and Design Institute, Ministry of Railways, the institute asked again Yunnan Provincial Forestry Department for opinion. Considering Zhujiangyuan Nature Reserve is under planning, Yunnan Provincial Forestry Department on Jul. 14, 2005, notified its planning preparation unit on telephone that the construction passage of Liu-Zhan Railway should be considered when re-preparing the reserve plan and principally the existing railway and the additional second line will not be included in the buffer zone. On Jul. 21, 2005, Yunnan Provincial Forestry Department replied: if the planning re-preparation passes audit, the section of Liupanshui-Zhanyi Railway that passes through Zhujiangyuan Nature Reserve will be changed to pilot zone. The planning was approved technically by experts on Jul. 26, 2005.

3)While actively coordinating with department concerned, the full consideration has been given to the impact of the additional second line on the reserve in the selection of the line solution in the design. During the selection and comparison of line solution, the best line solution that has less impact on the reserve has been selected. The plans of Gelezhong Tunnel plan in Xiaojijie—Zhujiangyuan section and the partial straightening of the Yanfang—Heilaowan of the existing line, both of which have less impact on the reserve have been selected to make sure that the impact of the line solution on the Zhujiangyuan Nature Reserve should be reduced to minimum limit after the comparison of the line plans of Xiaojijie—Zhujiangyuan section and Yanfang—Heilaowan section with the plan of Gele long, medium and short tunnels, the plan of the partial straightening of the existing line and the plan of straightening.

4)Special attention should be attached to the protection of Zhujiangyuan Nature Reserve during construction, management of the construction teams should be strengthened, attention should be paid to the protection of vegetations in the reserve area, the encampment of the site be well arranged, the drainage installation around the work site camp should also be reinforced and it is not allowed to use soil and discard fragments randomly in side the reserve.

4 Environment Impact Forecast and Assessment

4.1 Ecological environment impact

1)Impact caused by the project on the land resources will be inevitable. The area of cultivated lands and basic farmlands to be occupied is 582.73hm2 with an annual grain production loss of 3,732t and agricultural economic losse of about 5.5 million Yuan/Year for the stated year. In this project 70.07hm2 woodland will be occupied and 176.9 thousand trees of various kinds will be felled.

2)The debris produced in sub-grades, bridges, tunnels and stations in this project shall be in total 1781.28×104m3, which is a relatively large number. During construction, the degree of the water loss and soil erosion caused by debris from the construction of the main works and caused by the exposed side slopes formed during excavation and filling of the ground surface, in case no protection measures are taken for these construction sites, may reach the intensity to the extreme intensity.

3)Water inrush and mud inrush may occur in karst-crossing road sections along Fumin Tunnel, XinPanuokuai Tunnel and Sanlian Tunnel, etc, which may also affect the ground surface and ground waters. Water leakage during construction may impact the water for use of production and living of residents on top of tunnel.

4)Bridges along the line will not occupy riverchannel and cause impact on flood leading and discharge functions of rivers. The design flood frequency for culverts is 1/50, which could basically meet the requirements of flood discharge. Upon appropriate treatment of waste slug of bridge piers and abutments, the construction for bridge and culvert engineering will have no further impact on flood discharge and irrigation of rivers along the line.

5)For geological disasters that may occur in the project, necessary measures for engineering protection shall be taken during construction. For example, apply tofriction piles or bypassing method for landslides; increase length of spans for bridges and culverts in road sections liable to debris flows; remove or support dangerous rocks liable to collapses or erect retaining facilities under the rocks, etc. Upon performance of above mentioned engineering measures, current geological dangers will not constitute a great threat to the line, nor would them induce or exacerbate any geological disasters.

6)Through afforestation at both sides of lines inside lands occupied for railways and afforestation at mud borrowing and dumping yards, vegetations lost in construction for railway engineering are basically compensated.

4.2 Noise environment impact

1)The forecast value of railroad environmental noise at locations 30 meters from the center of the outer rail of the railroads shall all meet the requirements of a limit value of 70dB(A)in days and nights as stipulated in Emission Standard and Measurement Methods of Railway Noise on the Boundary Alongside Railway Line(GB 12525-90).


None of the teaching buildings of 23 schools along the line is able to meet the requirements of a standard limit value of 60dBA in daytime for Class 2 area as stipulated in Standard for Environmental Noise in Urban Areas (GB3096-93). Most of the teacher’s and student’s dormitories are not able to meet the requirements of a limit value of 60dBA in daytime for Class 2 area; and in the nighttime exceed to a variety of degree the requirements of a limit value of 50dBA in nighttime for Class 2 area.

3)Residential area

Most of the 21 sensitive spots in villages inside the scope of assessment are not able to meet the requirements of relevant requirements of standard limit values as stipulated in Standard for Environmental Noise in Urban Areas (GB3096-93). All the points to a variety of degree exceed the standard values in the nighttime, in which sensitive spots such as Zhuangzishang, Guojiamenqian, Qiantunshang Village, Sege Village and Songshao Village, etc, heavily exceed the standard values.

4.3 Vibration environment impact

Upon construction of the additional second line, around sensitive spots such as Xiashilong, Shuicheng Vocational School, Dewuba, Pengjiazhai, etc, the long-term predictive value exceeds the standard requirements of 80dB as stipulated in GB10070-88 At Two Sides of Trunk Railways, while for areas of various other sensitive spots that are more than 30 m to the centerline of the outer rail of the railway, the short- and long-term predictive values basically meet the standard requirements as stipulated in GB10070-88 At Two Sides of Trunk Railways.

4.4 Water environment impact

1)After construction of the additional second line, amount of discharged production and living waste water of the whole line reduces by 15.5×104 t/a compared to the amount before the project and reduces the consumption of water resources.

2)Upon completion of the project, the circulating ratio of production wastewater along the line is 88.4% while the amount of circulated water is 305m3/d.

3)After completion of the project, the discharge of water pollutants along the line has reduced. In particular, the discharge of petrolem pollutants has reduced from 2.08 t/a of before to 0.05 t/a, which significantly improves the water environment and water quality in areas along the line.

4)After the alternation of the sewage disposal plant in the south maintenance turnaround depot of Liupanshui, the outlet water is able to meet Class A standard as stipulated in Integrated Wastewater Discharge Standard and zero discharge may be realized; The sewage disposal facilities in the maintenance turnaround depot of Xuanwei operate properly and the quality of the outlet water meets the Class B requirements as stipulated in Integrated Wastewater Discharge Standard.

5)The outlet water from Liupanshui Station, Liupanshui South Station, Shuicheng Station and Zhanyi Station, etc, is discharged into the municipal pipe network. The waste water is able to meet the Class C discharge standard as stipulated in Integrated Wastewater Discharge Standard; Waste water from various other medium- and small-sized stations and sections along the line meets the Class B requirements for dry farming as stipulated in Integrated Wastewater Discharge Standard.

4.5 Air environment impact

New dormitory for attendants with heating devices will be constructed in the south maintenance turnaround depot of Liupanshui. The current one 4t/h steam boilers will be alternated into one 6t/h steam boilers; after exchanging sides of the Liupanshui station building, a new station building with heating devices will be constructed. Two additional 1t/h coal-burning boilers will be added with a very small discharge of pollutants. Impact on air environment of areas along the line caused by the construction of the second line in this railway section is very small.

4.6 Solid waste environment impact

Existing and new added solid wastes shall be concentrated before being delivered to local environmental sanitation department for unified disposal and will not cause any pollutions or damages to surrounding environments.

4.7 Electromagnetic environment impact

Residents along the line apply to wired television system and satellite television system to receive television signals. After completion of the project, little impact will be caused on the residents for them to watch televisions. The power frequency electromagnetic field generated by the traction substation will not cause any harmful influences on the health of residents living outside the enclosing walls of the substation.

4.8 Environment impact during construction period

Impacts on environment during the construction period are mainly reflected by impacts caused by the construction on the noise environment, the water environment, the air environment and the construction solid waste environment. These impacts are temporary and, by applying measures and suggestions put forth in this report, impacts caused by the construction may be relieved.

4.9 Socioeconomic environment impact

The construction of the additional second line of Liupanshui-Zhanyi Railway will play a positive part in improving the traffic condition in the district, in promoting exploiting of mineral resources and marine resources along the line, in promoting development of tourism industry along the line and in leading the development of local economy. Impacts of obstructions caused by the railway may be relieved to a certain degree through construction of overpasses and level crossing roads; the environment impact caused by the secondary development activity after completion of the project may be controlled by taking relevant environmental protection measures; for the land requisition, demolition and relocation in the project, relevant measures for appropriate settling and reasonable compensation will be adopted so that the land requisition, demolition and relocation will not cause remarkable influences on the living of residents along the line.

4.10 Public participation in environment impact analysis

The public participation is organized through various ways including widely adopted questionnaire, random visiting, holding meeting with the public, and etc. Up to now, public survey has been carried out twice respectively in pre-feasibility study stage of March, 2004 and in site investigation and monitoring for analysis on environmental impact of June, 2005. 1,825 people have participated the public consultatoin, including directly impacted object, related government organizations, non-government organizations and environmental protection experts, etc. Local residents, township officials and teachers who were affected participated public meetings. 1,450 people were interviewed and 456 filled out questionnaire. It is proposed to organize two more suvey for comments of the public during and after construction, so as to feed back comments of the public and implement appropriate measures.

To a certain degree, this public participation enables the communication between the project owner and the public. Massive public information plays an important part in perfecting the design of the railway and significantly increases the effectiveness of the environment impact assessment. This public participation activity plays a part in maximizing the overall and long-term interests of the project.

Main comments of the public are listed in the Table below:

|S/N |Content |Comments |% |

|1 |How much do you know about the Project? |a. I know |19% |

| | |b. I have heard of it |70% |

| | |c. I don’t’ know |11% |

|2 |What’s your attitude toward the Project? |a. I support |93% |

| | |b. I object |5% |

| | |c. I don’t care |2% |

|3 |Dose the environmental problem related to the |a. Importance |94% |

| |Project matter in your opinion? | | |

| | |b. Unimportance |5% |

| | |c. I don’t know |1% |

|4 |What environmental problems will probably be |a. Noise |80% |

| |caused by the Project do you think? | | |

| | |b. Surface water pollution |19% |

| | |c. Air pollution |13% |

| | |d. Land occupation and vegetation damage |51% |

| | |e. Loss of water and soil |15% |

| | |f. Electromagnetic pollution |19% |

| | |g. Vibration |37% |

| | |h. Impact on TV by electromagnetic |12% |

| | |i. Others |5% |

|5 |How do you think of the impact of the Project |a. Favorable |28% |

| |upon environment? | | |

| | |b. Unfavorable |33% |

| | |c. Common |39% |

|6 |What are the favorable impacts of the Project |a. Relief pollution to surface water |15% |

| |upon environment? | | |

| | |b. Reduce discharge of air pollutants |8% |

| | |c. Make traffic more convenient and faster |63% |

| | |d. Other |9% |

|7 |How do you think of the impact of the Project |a. Serious |38% |

| |upon farmland? | | |

| | |b. Moderate |52% |

| | |c. Small |10% |

|8 |What are the major environmental impacts upon |a. Noise |70% |

| |your life? | | |

| | |b. Surface water pollution |16% |

| | |c. Air pollution |14% |

| | |d. Loss of water and soil |18% |

| | |e. Electromagnetic pollution |16% |

| | |f. Others |8% |

|9 |How do you think of the impact of railway |a. Too loud to bear |38% |

| |noise upon your life? | | |

| | |b. Loud but endurable |32% |

| | |c. Small |19% |

| | |d. No impact |10% |

|10 |How do you think of the impact of railway |a. TV is seriously affected and unclear |36% |

| |operation upon TV? | | |

| | |b. Moderate |36% |

| | |c. Slightly |19% |

| | |d. No impact |10% |

|11 |How do you think of the impact of train |a. Too loud to bear |38% |

| |vibration upon your life? | | |

| | |b. Moderate |39% |

| | |c. Small |15% |

| | |d. No impact |8% |

|12 |Are you satisfied with the present residential|a. Yes |43% |

| |environment? | | |

| | |b. No |26% |

| | |c. Hard to say |31% |

|13 |What measures would you like to be adopted by |a. Noise barrier |23% |

| |the construction unit for relief of the | | |

| |railway noise upon your life? | | |

| | |b. Sound proof window |30% |

| | |c. Noise reduction of green -wood trip |31% |

| | |d. Whole relocation |26% |

|14 |What’s your comment on land requisition? |a. Reasonable economic compensation |80% |

| | |b. Land exchange |18% |

| | |c. Employment |41% |

| | |d. Others |6% |

|15 |What’s your comment on relocation and |a. Cooperation |62% |

| |resettlement? | | |

| | |b. Improvement of conditions |30% |

| | |c. I object |2% |

| | |d. Others |5% |

|16 |What do you think is the best solution for |a. Construction of pedestrian overcross and culvert |65% |

| |traffic problem? | | |

1)Because that the construction project of the additional second line of Liupanshui-Zhanyi Railway has broad and profound influences in Liupanshui City and Qujing City, selection for direction of the line and set-up schemes for the stations are determined on the basis of sufficient consultations with local governments and after detailed scientific argumentations; Thus, the project is widely supported by related governmental departments and is well accepted by citizens along the line, which creates a positive environment for the implementation of the project. Meanwhile, through public participation, especially the participation of relevant local governmental departments, better coordination between the project, local economic development and urban planning is achieved. Most citizens deem that the project should be implemented as soon as possible in order to improve regional traffic condition and promote development of regional economy.

2)In the engineering design, pay sufficient attention to issues such as compensation for land requisition, demolition and relocation, traffic safety, noise effect, etc, which the public widely concern about and their immediate interests involved in.

5 Measures and Recommendation

5.1 Measures for ecosystem protection

1)Prior management measures

(1)Carry out the design concept of environmental protection and further make good engineering design. Reasonably optimize the route schedule and strengthen the protection of land resource; especially avoid and reduce the occupation of basic farmland.

(2)The division of bid section for construction shall be conducive to the arrangement and utilization of earthwork. The quantity of earthwork works should be distributed appropriately. The distribution of earthwork in commuter subgrade, yard and terminal, bridge and tunnel shall be strengthened and the quantity of borrow soil and spoil shall be reduced.

(3)The tunnel crossing the karst-developing area such as Fumin Tunnel, Banuokuai Tunnel, Sanlian Tunnel shall as per the principle of “Synthetic Administration with Blocking and Discharging”, launching the design on prevention and treatment with leakage in tunnel. For water leakage occurring during construction, some expenditure should be reserved for diversion in living use once the spring has been affected.

2)Management and engineering measures in constructional period

(1)Protecting control of geological disaster should be strengthened.

a)For those existing geological disaster, if it doesn’t impose the threat on the line, it should not be touched; for the disaster which has imposed the threat on the line, actions should be adopted, whether treatment or avoidance.

b)The implementation of works such as excavation of road trench, reclaimation of road dyke, drain shall follow the specification related to design stringently.

c)The location of soil dumping and borrowing site should be positioned far away from industrial and agricultural facilities in production and living use such as domestic buildings, wire pole, etc. Protective measures should be adopted to prevent from geological disaster on dumping and borrowing sites.

d)The location for keeping of constructional facilities and building of work shed should be selected in the safe places, avoiding high and steep side slope, let alone within the scope affected by geological disaster with the concern of flood-prevention in constructional period.

e)For the tunnels crossing the karst-developing area, environment monitoring and geology advance forecasting should be strengthened. Facilities for drainage should be done well in construction. Measures for leakage control in tunnel specified in design should be implemented, preventing the spring around from being affected.

(2)Combining the slag in works with local works construction.

Since the slag quantity in Meihuashan~Qiewu area is rather large, during construction , each of the constructional unit should keep close touch with local government and adopt the slag in railway engineering as filler for local works construction as much as possible.

(3)Protection of the soil borrowing and dumping site

Measures including mortar rubble, afforestation, etc. should be adopted on soil borrowing and dumping site to control the soil and water loss in constructional period. Mortar rubble of 558502m3 and plant protection area of 588035m2 has been set for the soil borrowing and dumping site in the project.

(4)Re-ploughing and afforestation for soil borrowing and dumping site

Re-ploughing should be adopted for soil borrowing and dumping sites with sources of irrigation water and soil fertility, reducing the effect on agriculture production exerted by utilization of farmland. The area of second-ploughing site in this line is about 155000m2.

(5)Afforestation design with the combination of arbor, bush and grass within the scope of land used for railway

According to the characteristics of soil and climate along the railway, afforestation design with the combination of arbor, bush and grass should be conducted within the scope of land used for railway, adopting the local species as much as possible.

8.0×104 arbors and 12.0×104 shrubs respectively should be planted on the both sides of the railway.

3)Management measures in operational period

After establishment and putting into operation, the operational units should focus on the strengthening of management and protection of forest and grass along the railway.

5.2 Measures for noise pollution control

1)Treatment scheme for noise pollution

(1)The jointless railway should be paved and ensure such as fully enclosing should be adopted to reduce the effect on sensitive spot exerted by blowing of the train.

(2)Adoption of sound barrier. The sound barrier should be adopted for the line when crossing the section such as Dewuba, Shuicheng County Vocational & Technical School, Gaojiachun Village and Xinchun Village, etc. with the area of 29,240m2.

(3)Installation of sound-insulated window. The sound-insulated window should be adopted when the line crossing the Jiaochang Primary School, Changba Primary School, and Hongrui School of Zhongshan District of Liupanshui, etc. with the area of about 2,410m2.

2)Suggestion on noise protection

(1)Township planning and building appropriate layout

(2)Combination the noise reduction works with “green passage” construction

3)Protecting control distance for noise

The new building of noise-sensitive buildings such as schools, hospitals, etc. should be forbidden within the scope of 300m away from the both sides of railway, which should be controlled strictly by land relocation management department.

5.3 Measures for vibration control

1)Reduction of source strength of railway vibration

Joint-less railway should be paved to reduce the source strength of railway vibration.

2)Measures for operation and management

The line and wheel track condition in operational period concern the strength of railway vibration directly. Therefore, the maintenance of wheel-track should be strengthened during operational period to ensure the desirable operational situation of line and reduce the additional vibration.

5.4 Measures for electromagnetism control

Measures such as improving gain of transmission channel for wired television signal, optimizing the feature of frequency-domain balance, improving the shielding property of transmission line and equipment can be adopted to further reduce the effect on watching of wired television exerted on interruption of electromagnetic radiation when train is passing.

Although power current and magnetic field outside the wall of traction substation do not exceed the standard, the location of construction should be far away from residential area as much as possible to reduce the effect on the main sensitive objectives and relieve people’s worries.

It is proposed to reserve RMB 200 thousand Yuan for electromagnetic prevention and one-time network access compensation.

5.5 Measure for sewage treatment

Septic tank should be adopted for treatment of sewage in living use of new-built station; the additional sewage of existing station is embodied by existing sewage treatment system. The oil-included sewage treatment works for the locomotive turnaround depot in the south of Liupanshui is sponsored by Chengdu Railway Administration for rebuilding, not embodied in this project.

5.6 Measures for air pollution control

It is suggested that the reconstruction of new-building of coal-burning boiler is not favorable for heat supply. Measure such as solar or concentrated air-conditioning for hear supply and utilization of clean burning source, etc. can be adopted.

5.7 Measures for solid waste treatment

The rubbish shall be treated altogether by local environmental & hygiene department after collection.

5.8 Estimation of investment on environmental protection engineering

The total value of investment on environmental protection engineering for railway in this section is estimated to reach RMB 20,884.020 yuan, among which embodied the Project has been invested RMB 15,983.930 yuan. It is suggested to increase RMB 4,900.090 yuan in evaluation. Total investment for construction of works is RMB 903,839.190 yuan. Investment in environmental protection accounts for 2.31% of the whole investment.

6 Environmental Management Program

6.1 Environmental Supervision Program

Various environmental protection tasks to be carried out during the preparation period, the construction period and various stages of the operation period of the Project shall all be supervised; see the following Table 6.1-1 for the detailed organizations to carry out the supervision tasks, contents of the supervision and purposes of the supervision.

Table 6.1-1 Environmental Supervision Program

|Stage |Supervision Organization|Contents of Supervision |Purpose of Supervision |

|Feasibility |the World Bank |Examination and verification of |Determine the feasibility to carry out the Project; |

|Study Stage |State Environmental |the Environmental Evaluation |Ensure contents of the environmental report are safe; |

| |Protection |Report |Ensure that possible and potential environmental issues and|

| |Administration | |main points of environmental protection are indicated; |

| |Guizhou Environmental | |Ensure that the environmental control measures and |

| |Protection | |Environmental Management Program are effective and |

| |Administration | |feasible. |

| |Yunnan Environmental | | |

| |Protection | | |

| |Administration | | |

|Design & |State Environmental |Examination and verification of |Ensure that the environmental control measures conform to |

|Construction|Protection |the environmental impact |requirements of environmental protection and relevant laws,|

|Stage |Administration |assessment and the Environmental|regulations and standards; |

| |Guizhou Environmental |Management Program; |Guarantee investment for environmental protection; |

| |Protection |Check implementation situation |Protect ecological environment along the line; |

| |Administration |of easing measures; |Ensure implementation of policies for land requisition, |

| |Yunnan Environmental |Inspect measures for disease |demolition and settlement; |

| |Protection |prevention and cure; |Avoid water loss and soil erosion; |

| |Administration |Inspect safety of field |Ensure health and safety of the public and the builders. |

| | |construction. | |

| |Yunnan Forestry |Inspection Zhujiangyuan Nature |Protect Zhujiangyuan Nature Reserve |

| |Department |Reserve situation during | |

| | |construction. | |

|Operation |Guizhou Environmental |Inspect implementation of the |Ensure accordance with relevant laws, regulations and |

|Period |Protection |Environmental Management |standards; |

| |Administration |Program; |Protect ecological environment along the line; |

| |Yunnan Environmental |Examination and verification of |Protect health and safety of the public. |

| |Protection |the environmental monitoring | |

| |Administration |program and the environmental | |

| |Environmental Protection|monitoring report; | |

| |Bureaus of Cities and |Apply the discharge standards; | |

| |Towns along the Line |Perform inspections on transport| |

| | |vehicles for dangerous articles.| |

6.2 Environmental Monitoring Program

Contents of the environmental monitoring during the construction period and the operation period of the Project shall include environmental impacts such as water environment, atmosphere environment, noise, land acquisition, demolition and resettlement, solid waste, electromagnetic radiation and economic development triggered by the railway, etc. Contents of monitoring shall include all direct and indirect impacts generated during the construction period and the operation period.

Monitoring focuses on the following environmental issues specified in the environmental evaluation: land acquisition, demolition and resettlement, water loss and soil erosion, noise, raised dust, water quality of rivers, sediments in rivers, solid wastes and electromagnetic radiation.

These issues may be eased or rooted as much as possible through environmental control measures and environmental monitoring process.

See Table 6.2-1 for information on the implementation of the environmental monitoring program during the construction period and the operation period. The following texts explain the main points of the plan.

Table 6.2-1 Plans for Environmental Monitoring

Factor of Monitoring |Stage |Point of Monitoring |Test Parameters |Method for Monitoring |Frequency of Monitoring |Standard |Actuator |Responsible Organization |Supervision Organization | |Land acquisition, demolition and resettlement |Construction |Areas along the line |Living standard, implementation situation of compensation for land acquisition, demolition and relocation |Field interview, investigation and survey |Once per half year |/ |Research Institute for Import and Utilization of Foreign Capital of Southwest Jiaotong University |Ministry of Railways, local governmental departments and environmental protection departments |Ministry of Railways, departments for land acquisition, demolition, relocation and resettlement | |Soil Erosion |Construction |Routine Monitoring |All damaged areas along the railway line, especially steep slopes and borrow areasborrow pits and spoil groundsspoil sites liable to water loss and soil erosion |Water loss and soil erosion |Field inspection during the construction period |Routine Supervision |/ |Construction Units |Environmental protection departments of Chengdu and Kunming Railway Administration |Environmental protection Bureaus of cities and towns | | | |Periodic monitoring | | | |Once per quarter | | | | | | |Operation |Areas of reinforced railway subgrade and afforestation areas, especially borrow areasborrow pits and spoil groundsspoil sites |Coverage of vegetation as the result of measures for water and soil conservation, stability of the works |Periodic field inspections |Once per half year |/ |Operating units |Environmental protection departments of Chengdu and Kunming Railway Administration |Environmental protection Bureaus of cities and towns | |

Factor of Monitoring |Stage |Point of Monitoring |Test Parameters |Method for Monitoring |Frequency of Monitoring |Standard |Actuator |Responsible Organization |Supervision Organization | |Ambient noise and vibration |Construction |Routine Monitoring |27 schools and 21 villages |Equivalent sound level A |Field visit. Perform monitoring adopting "Technical Specification for Environmental Monitoring" |Routine Monitoring |GB3096-93 Standard of environmental noise of urban area |The construction units Construction companies shall engage environmental monitoring stations of various Railway Administrations for the completion. |Environmental protection departments of Chengdu and Kunming Railway Administration |Environmental protection Bureaus of cities and towns | | | |Periodic monitoring | | | |Once per month | | | | | | |Operation |27 schools and 21 villages |Equivalent sound level A |Field visit. Perform monitoring adopting "Technical Specification for Environmental Monitoring" |?(sic) per quarter within one year of operation, once per year afterwards |GB3096-93 Standard of environmental noise of urban area |Environmental monitoring stations of various Railway Administrations |Environmental protection departments of Chengdu and Kunming Railway Administration |Environmental protection Bureaus of cities and towns | |

Table 6.2 –1 (Continued)

Factor of Monitoring |Stage |Point of Monitoring |Test Parameters |Method for Monitoring |Frequency of Monitoring |Standard |Actuator |Responsible Organization |Supervision Organization | |Air Quality |Construction |Routine Monitoring |All construction locations along the line |Dust raised during construction, tail gas of transport vehicles and construction machinery |Field inspection |Routine Supervision |/ |The construction units Construction companies shall engage environmental monitoring stations of various Railway Administrations for the completion. |Environmental protection departments of Chengdu and Kunming Railway Administration |Environmental protection Bureaus of cities and towns | | | |Periodic monitoring | | | |Once per quarter | | | | | |Water Environment |Construction |Construction camps for Huashan major bridge and rivers |PH, Oil, COD, SS, BOD5 |Perform monitoring adopting "Technical Specification for Environmental Monitoring" |Once per quarter |GB8978-96 “Integrated wastewater discharge standard” |The construction units Construction companies shall engage environmental monitoring stations of various Railway Administrations for the completion. |Environmental protection departments of Chengdu and Kunming Railway Administration |Environmental protection Bureaus of cities and towns | | |Operation |Each station and section |PH, COD, SS, BOD5, Petroleum type |Perform monitoring adopting "Technical Specification for Environmental Monitoring" |Once per quarter |GB8978-96 “Integrated wastewater discharge standard” |Railway Administrations shall engage railway environmental monitoring stations for the works |Environmental protection departments of Chengdu and Kunming Railway Administration |Environmental protection Bureaus of cities and towns | |Solid Waste |Construction |Routine Monitoring |Construction camps |Garbage disposal |Field inspection |Routine periodic inspection |/ |Construction Units |Environmental protection departments of Chengdu and Kunming Railway Administration |Environmental protection Bureaus of Cities and towns | | | |Periodic monitoring | | | |Once per month | | | | | |

Ballst in construction

|Construction |Periodic monitoring |Ballast piling site | |Field inspection |Once per quarter | |Construction Units |departments of Chengdu and Kunming Railway Administration |Cities and towns | |Electromagnetic Radiation |Operation |Sensitive spots affected by electromagnetic fields |Signal/noise ratio of television reception |Field inspection |Once after normal operation is realized (shall be carried out when impact occurs) |Objective evaluation on articulation of signal reception of color television sets |To be decided. Shall be engaged by the construction units |Environmental protection departments of Chengdu and Kunming Railway Administration |Environmental protection Bureaus of cities and towns | |

7 Comment & conclusion

New-built No. 2 Line for railway in Liupanshui-Zhanyi Section comply with the national and local industrial policy. Its establishment promotes the economic development in Liupanshui City, Bijie Area, Qujing City, which will generate remarkable social benefit and economic benefit. It also plays an important role in the economic development in Guizhou Province and Yunnan Province, which will exert the profound effect. The effect on the Pearl River source Nature Reserve exerted by construction of the line near by can be minimized through multi-coordination and selection of line scheme, which will bring about minimized effect after comparison. Other schemes of partial line should be identified through comprehensive comparison in terms of environment and economic technology, complying with the planning for the town development in local area. So its construction is supported by relevant governmental departments and accepted by the people along the line area.

The works construction will intrigue environment damage and pollution to some extent to the natural environment and social environment in the area related. The damage and pollution can be relieved and eradicated basically by adopting corresponding control measures.

The analysis and demonstration in terms of environmental protection show that this project is feasible.

Attached Drawings:

1)Objective Drawing of Environmental Protection

2)Spotting Map for Monitoring in Environmental Monitoring Plan





Existing Railway Line in Zhujiangyuan Nature Reserve





















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