Product Nam e: Product Code: SDS Manufacturer Num ber: Manufacturer Nam e: Ad d re s s :

General Phone Num ber: General Fax Num ber: Custom er Service Phone Num ber: C H EM T R EC : C a n u te c: SDS Creation Date: SDS Revision Date: (M)SDS Form at:

Solid Color House & Fence Wood Stain No. 11 11 11 BEHR Process Corporation 3400 W . Segerstrom Avenue Santa Ana, CA 92704 (714) 545-7101 (714) 241-1002 (800) 854-0133 ext. 2

For em ergencies in the US, call CHEMTREC: 800-424-9300 In Canada, call CANUTEC: (613) 996-6666 (call collect) Decem ber 30, 2011 O ctober 20, 2017


GHS Pictogram s:

Signal W ord: GHS Class:

Hazard Statem ents:

Precautionary Statem ents:

W arning.

Eye Irritant, Category 2B. Sk in Irritant, Category 2. Acute O ral Tox icity, Category 4

Causes eye irritation. Causes sk in irritation. Harm ful if swallowed.

W ear protective clothing, gloves, eye, and face protection. Do not eat, drink or sm ok e when using this product. Tak e off contam inated clothing and wash it before reuse. W ash hands thoroughly after handling. Collect spillage and avoid release to the environm ent. Dispose of unused contents, container, and other contam inated wastes in accordance with local, state, federal, and provincial regulations. If in eyes: Rinse cautiously with water for several m inutes and rem ove contacts if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing and get m edical attention if eye irritation persists. If on skin: W ash with plenty of soap and water. If swallowed: Rinse m outh and get m edical attention if you feel unwell.

Em ergency O verview: Route of Ex posure: Potential Health Effects:

Eye : Sk in : I n h a la tio n : I n g e s tio n : Chronic Health Effects: Signs/Sym ptom s: Target O rgans: Aggravation of Pre-Ex isting C o n d itio n s :

I rrita n t. Eyes. Sk in. Inhalation. Ingestion.

Causes eye irritation. Causes sk in irritation. Prolonged or ex cessive inhalation m ay cause respiratory tract irritation. May be harm ful if swallowed. May cause vom iting. Prolonged or repeated contact m ay cause sk in irritation. O verex posure m ay cause headaches and dizziness. Eyes. Sk in. Respiratory system . Digestive system . None generally recognized.


Chemical Name


Ingredient Percent

EC Num.

Titanium dioxide Nepheline Syenite

13463-67-7 37244-96-5

10 - 30 by weight 10 - 30 by weight


Product: Solid Color House & Fence Wood Stain No. 11 | Manufacturer: BEHR Process Corporation | Revison:10/20/2017, Version:0

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Silica, am orphous - diatom aceous earth Ethylene glycol

61790-53-2 107-21-1

5 - 10 by weight 1 - 5 by weight



Eye Contact:

Sk in Contact: I n h a la tio n : I n g e s tio n :

Im m ediately flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 to 20 m inutes. Ensure adequate flushing of the eyes by separating the eyelids with fingers. Rem ove contacts if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing. Get m edical attention, if irritation or sym ptom s of overex posure persists.

Im m ediately wash sk in with soap and plenty of water. Get m edical attention if irritation develops or persists.

If inhaled, rem ove to fresh air. If not breathing, give artificial respiration or give ox ygen by trained personnel. Seek im m ediate m edical attention.

If swallowed, do NO T induce vom iting. Call a physician or poison control center im m ediately. Never give anything by m outh to an unconscious person.


Flash Point:

No n e .

Lower Flam m able/Ex plosive Lim it: Not applicable.

Upper Flam m able/Ex plosive Lim it: Not applicable.

Ex tinguishing Media:

Use alcohol resistant foam , carbon diox ide, dry chem ical, or water fog or spray when fighting fires involving this m aterial.

Protective Equipm ent:

As in any fire, wear Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA), MSHA/NIO SH (approved or equivalent) and full protective gear.

NFPA Ratings:

NFPA Health:


NFPA Flam m ability:


NFPA Reactivity:



Personal Precautions: Environm ental Precautions: Methods for containm ent: Methods for cleanup:

Evacuate area and k eep unnecessary and unprotected personnel from entering the spill area. Use proper personal protective equipm ent as listed in Section 8.

Avoid runoff into storm sewers, ditches, and waterways.

Contain spills with an inert absorbent m aterial such as soil or sand. Prevent from spreading by covering, dik ing or other m eans. Provide ventilation.

Clean up spills im m ediately observing precautions in the protective equipm ent section. Place into a suitable container for disposal. Provide ventilation. After rem oval, flush spill area with soap and water to rem ove trace residue.


Handling: Sto ra g e :

Hygiene Practices:

Use with adequate ventilation. Avoid breathing vapor and contact with eyes, sk in and clothing.

Store in a cool, dry, well ventilated area away from sources of heat, com bustible m aterials, and incom patible substances. Keep container tightly closed when not in use.

W ash thoroughly after handling. Avoid contact with eyes and sk in. Avoid inhaling vapor or m ist.


Engineering Controls:

Eye/Face Protection: Sk in Protection Description: Respiratory Protection:

O ther Protective:

Use appropriate engineering control such as process enclosures, local ex haust ventilation, or other engineering controls to control airborne levels below recom m ended ex posure lim its. Good general ventilation should be sufficient to control airborne levels. W here such system s are not effective wear suitable personal protective equipm ent, which perform s satisfactorily and m eets O SHA or other recognized standards. Consult with local procedures for selection, training, inspection and m aintenance of the personal protective equipm ent.

W ear appropriate protective glasses or splash goggles as described by 29 CFR 1910.133, O SHA eye and face protection regulation, or the European standard EN 166.

Chem ical-resistant gloves and chem ical goggles, face-shield and synthetic apron or coveralls should be used to prevent contact with eyes, sk in or clothing.

A NIO SH approved air-purifying respirator with an organic vapor cartridge or canister m ay be perm issible under certain circum stances where airborne concentrations are ex pected to ex ceed ex posure lim its. Protection provided by air purifying respirators is lim ited. Use a positive pressure air supplied respirator if there is any potential for an uncontrolled release, ex posure levels are not k nown, or any other circum stances where air purifying respirators m ay not provide adequate protection.

Facilities storing or utilizing this m aterial should be equipped with an eyewash facility and a safety s h o we r.

Product: Solid Color House & Fence Wood Stain No. 11 | Manufacturer: BEHR Process Corporation | Revison:10/20/2017, Version:0

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PPE Pictogram s:


Titanium dioxide :

Guideline ACGIH:

TLV-TWA: 10 mg/m3

Silica, amorphous - diatomaceous earth :

Guideline OSHA:

PEL-TW A: 20 m ppcf

Ethylene glycol :

Guideline ACGIH:

TLV-STEL: C 100 m g/m 3 (H)


Physical State: C o lo r: O dor: O dor Threshold: Boiling Point: Melting Point: De n s ity: So lu b ility: Vapor Density: Vapor Pressure: Evaporation Rate: pH: Vis co s ity: Coefficient of W ater/O il Dis trib u tio n : Flam m ability: Flash Point: VOC Content:

Liquid. opaque. Slight. Not applicable. >99?F (>37?C) Not applicable. 10.66 Lbs/gal Not applicable. Not applicable. Not applicable. Not applicable. 7 - 10 50-140 Not applicable.

Not applicable. No n e . Material VO C: 41 gm /L(Includes W ater) Coating VO C.:97 gm /L(Ex cludes W ater)


Chem ical Stability: Hazardous Polym erization: Conditions to Avoid: Incom patible Materials:

Stable under norm al tem peratures and pressures. Not reported. Heat, flam es, incom patible m aterials, and freezing or tem peratures below 32 deg. F. O x idizing agents. Strong acids and alk alis.


Ethylene glycol : Eye :

Sk in : I n g e s tio n :

Adm inistration into the eye - Rat Standard Draize test: 0.012 %/3D [Not reported.] Adm inistration into the eye - Rabbit Standard Draize test: 500 m g/24H [Mild] Adm inistration into the eye - Rabbit Standard Draize test: 100 m g/1H [Mild] Adm inistration into the eye - Rabbit Standard Draize test: 0.012 ppm /3D [Not reported.] Adm inistration into the eye - Rabbit Standard Draize test: 1440 m g/6H [Moderate] (RTECS)

Adm inistration onto the sk in - Rabbit LD50 - Lethal dose, 50 percent k ill: 9530 uL/k g [Details of tox ic effects not reported other than lethal dose value] (RTECS)

O ral - Rat LD50 - Lethal dose, 50 percent k ill: 4700 m g/k g [Details of tox ic effects not reported other than lethal dose value] (RTECS)


Ecotox icity: Environm ental Fate:

No ecotox icity data was found for the product. No environm ental inform ation found for this product.

Product: Solid Color House & Fence Wood Stain No. 11 | Manufacturer: BEHR Process Corporation | Revison:10/20/2017, Version:0

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Waste Disposal:

Consult with the US EPA Guidelines listed in 40 CFR Part 261.3 for the classifications of hazardous waste prior to disposal. Furtherm ore, consult with your state and local waste requirem ents or guidelines, if applicable, to ensure com pliance. Arrange disposal in accordance to the EPA and/or state and local g u id e lin e s .


DO T Shipping Nam e: DO T UN Num ber:

Not restricted as a hazardous m aterial. Not restricted as a hazardous m aterial.

IATA Shipping Nam e: IATA UN Num ber:

Not restricted as a dangerous good. Not restricted as a dangerous good.

Canadian Shipping Nam e: Canadian UN Num ber: IMDG UN Num ber : IMDG Shipping Nam e : ADR UN Num ber: ADR Shipping Nam e :

Not restricted as a dangerous good. Not restricted as a dangerous good. Not restricted as a dangerous good. Not restricted as a dangerous good. Not restricted as a dangerous good. Not restricted as a dangerous good.


Titanium dioxide :

TSCA Inventory Status:

Lis te d

Canada DSL:

Lis te d

EC Num ber:


Nepheline Syenite :

Canada DSL:

Lis te d

Silica, amorphous - diatomaceous earth :

TSCA Inventory Status:

Lis te d

Ethylene glycol :

TSCA Inventory Status:

Lis te d

Section 313:

EPCRA - 40 CFR Part 372 - (SARA Title III) Section 313 Listed Chem ical.

Canada DSL:

Lis te d

EC Num ber:



HMIS Ratings: HMIS Health Hazard: HMIS Fire Hazard: HMIS Reactivity: HMIS Personal Protection: HMIS O ther: SDS Creation Date: SDS Revision Date: SDS Form at: SDS Author: Disclaim er:

Tradem ark :






Decem ber 30, 2011

O ctober 20, 2017

Actio Corporation

This Health and Safety Inform ation is correct to the best of our k nowledge and belief at the date of its publication but we cannot accept liability for any loss, injury or dam age which m ay result from its use. W e shall ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that any revision of this Data Sheet is sent to all custom ers to whom we have directly supplied this substance, but m ust point out that it is the responsibility of any interm ediate supplier to ensure that such revision is passed to the ultim ate user. The inform ation given in the Data Sheet is designed only as a guidance for safe handling, storage and the use of the substance. It is not a specification nor does it guarantee any specific properties. All chem icals should be handled only by com petent personnel, within a controlled environm ent. Should further inform ation be required, this can be obtained through the sales office whose address is at the top of this data sheet.

The tradem ark s, service m ark s, graphics and logos used on this MSDS are registered or unregistered tradem ark s of BEHR Process Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Copyright? 1996-2018 Enviance. All Rights Reserved.

Product: Solid Color House & Fence Wood Stain No. 11 | Manufacturer: BEHR Process Corporation | Revison:10/20/2017, Version:0

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Product: Solid Color House & Fence Wood Stain No. 11 | Manufacturer: BEHR Process Corporation | Revison:10/20/2017, Version:0

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