English 12 Course Syllabus2020-2021Teacher: Ms. Julie JacksonEmail: 334-897-6275Course Content and DescriptionEnglish 12 combines a study of British Literature and communication in the workplace. The course prepares students for college and/or technical school after high school. Students survey British authors and works of these literary types: short story, novel, drama, poetry, and essay. Students participate in library research, complete group and individual projects, produce original writings, and conduct analyses of literature using both written and oral communication skills. Students review English skills necessary for success on scholastic aptitude tests and post-secondary school admission tests. The course will adhere to the Alabama Common Core Standards/Alabama College and Career Readiness Initiative.Textbooks (classroom set only): EMC Mirrors and Windows: British TraditionClassroom Curriculum: Daily Grammar Practice (DGP) – This is a daily grammar activity that must be completed at the beginning of class every day. Students will be given the sentence at the beginning of the week. We will discuss daily and students will make corrections. These corrections will be kept in each student’s notebook and will count for occasional daily grades. DGP quizzes will be given periodically throughout the semester.Tests – Tests will be given frequently due to the amount of material covered. The majority of tests will be timed.Grammar/Literature – Every class period will be devoted to achieving the grammar and literature objectives established by the Alabama Common Core Standards/Alabama College and Career Readiness Initiative.Writing – The four modes of writing (expository, narrative, descriptive, and persuasive) will be explored during this course. Literary analysis will be a major focus of writing assignments.Research Projects – Students will be required to complete at least one research project during the spring semester. More to come on this later.Expectations:Be on time with materials in hand.Be seated & working quietly when the bell rings.No gum, electronic devices, or other disruptive articles.Treat others the way you want to be treated.Consequences:Verbal warningStudent + teacher conferenceBreak detention + parent phone callReferral & parent conferenceReminder: Disrespectful language or threats will automatically result in a referral and conference!Plagiarism and Cheating:? ALL work will be original or cited properly.? Failure to do so will result in a referral and discipline hearing.? Any plagiarized work will result in a zero.Materials:Pens/pencils2 packs of loose paper1 composition notebook for vocabulary1- 1 ? inch binder for English ONLY*Disinfectant wipes, dry erase markers, Germ-X,? and tissues are not required, but would be appreciated!Grading Scale:A= 90-100? B=80-89? C=70-79? D= 60-69? F= 59-below?Work Values:Each assignment/assessment is point-based in value.? Grades are calculated by the number of points earned out of the total number available.? A rubric or point total will be communicated before each assessment.??Major Assignments: 60%Daily Grades: 25%Nine Weeks Exam: 15%???????*Make-up work will only be allowed should an excused absence occur.? It is the student’s responsibility to communicate with me within 3 school days in order to schedule make-up work.????GRADE CALCULATION: Your average will be calculated using the category points method. All assignments will be given a specific point value and placed into the following categories:1.? ? Assessments – 60% (tests, quizzes, large projects, etc.)o ? All tests will be announced in advance. Students are expected to study independently and seek additional help, before the day of the test, if it is needed.?2.? ? Daily Work – 25% (classwork, homework, small projects, skill practices, etc.)o ? TENTATIVE Homework will be regularly assigned but mostly limited to grammar review. Most homework will be graded for completion. You will have an opportunity to check your work for each assignment and ask questions. You will be given 2 homework/preparation grades every nine weeks, one at progress report time and one at the end of the nine weeks. You will start with a 100 and you will lose 8 points each time a homework assignment is incomplete and 4 points each time you come to class without the required supplies.3.? ? Nine Weeks Exam – 15% (comprehensive – covers all material from the nine weeks)?RESUBMISSION OF WORK: Students may resubmit work for more credit but must discuss a due date with the teacher.??Bathroom Policy:?In order to reduce distractions and loss of instruction, students will utilize a sign-out book at the door when a restroom break is needed.? A student may not leave during teacher instruction unless it is an emergency.? Otherwise, one student at a time may quietly get up and sign out, taking a bathroom pass and returning within 5 minutes.? Excessive use of this policy may result in a set number of bathroom breaks per quarter, so please be responsible and respectful.? If you have a concern I need to be aware of, please contact me so we can document your child’s needs.Lockers/Being Prepared for Class:Once the bell rings, students will be in their seats, prepared for class.? If a student is unprepared, break detention will be the consequence of needing to leave class in order to go to one’s locker.? After 3 break detentions, a referral will be given.??Please feel free to contact me via email or the school office: or? 334 897 6275 ................

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