

Communication and Language (CL)

·I will be able to listen and respond to stories, poems, rhymes, chants, verses, books, theme related - transport, spring/farm and celebrations

·I will be able to listening to others - Show & Tell, talking partners, message taking

·I will learn to Re-tell/Sequence Big Book shared reading texts

·I will ask questions about why things happen and gives explanations. Asks e.g. who, what, when, how

·I will use our listening post - audio books on CD and tape

·I will carry ‘Show and tell’ sessions to develop formal talking and listening skills

·I will listen, respond and role play nursery rhymes and fairy tales

Personal Social Emotional Development (PSED)

• I will be able to recognise how I have grown and changed.

• I will be engaged and enthusiastic towards my learning.

• I will become aware that we are all good at different things.

• I will be able to set my own goals/targets.

• I will develop concentration for longer periods of time.

• I will continue working on sharing/taking turns .

• I will develop my confidence even further.

• I will cooperate and play games as a team.

• I will learn about other cultures and respect them.

RE: Come and See Scheme of work

-Journeys / Local Church: Journeys are a part of everyday life. People journey for pleasure, adventure or because of need. Sometimes, whole peoples journey in search of freedom or food. Life itself is a journey.

-Communion / Eucharist: According to the dictionary, ‘communion’ means ‘fellowship, social interaction . It is about tion’. It is about belonging and being included/part of a group.

-Growing ⋄ Lent / Easter: Education is about growth and development of the whole person.

Physical Development (PD)

• I will use large equipment – hoppers, scooters, trikes, climbing frames

• I will practice rolling and kicking balls

• I will practice throwing, passing and bouncing balls and beanbags

• I will practice travelling, taking weight from one part of the body to another

• I will be aware of my spatial awareness and relationships – using language of position

• I will describe how I look / feel after physical exercise

• I will practice my scissors skills – cutting out letters, numbers, shapes, art and craftwork

• I will practice controlling the mouse, IWB pen, Beebot, CD/tape players etc

• I will practice manipulating plasticine/ play dough

• I will show an increasing control over clothing and fastenings.

Prime Areas of Learning

St Augustine’s Catholic Primary School

Reception Spring 1 Term Curriculum Map


Reception Teacher- Miss Abril

Class TA-Leanne Mark

LSA- Shane Dangar

This term we will be looking at ‘Transport’. We will be learning about different methods of transport. This topic is relevant to the children, as it teaches them about their local and worldwide Geography. We will discover what happens in our local area, how long it takes to go from a to b, what different ways of transportation can we use (from walking to going on a rocket ship!)

Understanding the World (UW)

• I will be using digital cameras to take photos of my friends.

• I will be using a computer to help me in my learning.

• I will make a map- which way do I come to school? How do I come to school?

• I will collect some maps to investigate (world map, tube map, train map, bus map)

• I will look at past and present ways of transport.

• I will learn about different ways animals travel

• I will learn about road safety

• I will learn about sinking and floating by making boats and testing them in water

Mathematics (M)

• I will be learning to say and use numbers beyond 10

• I will be learning a variety of number songs and rhymes.

• I will count reliably up to 10 or 20 objects.

• I will be able to use language less/more to compare quantities.

• I will be able to select a particular named shape ( 2D and 3D shapes).

• I will begin to recognise, select and use selected money (coins) in Travel Agents

• I will be able to interpret information presented in simple graphs/diagrams.

• I will be able to add 2 or 3 to a number up to 10

• I will understand addition as a combination of 2 groups.

• I will understand what subtraction is and I will be able to do simple subtractions.

• I will be able to use own methods to solve a problem.

• I will be able to record addition and subtraction informally.

• I will compare lengths of objects

• I will compare heavy and light objects - estimate and begin to measure heights on scales using non- standard units.

Expressive Arts & Design (EAD)

• I will be using a range of materials to make collages and models.

• I will be drawing pictures of different types of transports.

• I will be making hot air balloons using paper macher.

• I will be making 3D models of vehicles using materials such as playdough.

• I will be learning new songs to help me in my learning.

• I will be roleplaying in the home corner. In the home corner we will have a ticket office.

• I will be acting out stories with puppets.

• I will be making vehicle sounds using musical instruments.

• I will make paper aeroplanes

• I will dress up in uniforms

Literacy (L)

• I will continue to develop early reading and writing skills.

• I will continue to participate in the Read, Write, Inc Phonics program, learning different sounds of the alphabet and some diagraphs.

• I will listen, respond and be able to use imagination in role play during nursery rhymes.

• I will continue to learn the ‘magic 100’ words.

• I will continue to participate in guided reading and writing.

• I will begin to write simple sentences (with support if needed)

• I will continue practicing my writing by using IWB, labels, lists, recounts.

Specific Areas of Learning


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