Penn State Figure Skating ClubMonday, June 6, 2016; 7 p.m.Duffy’s Tavern, Boalsburg, PAPSFSC Board Members in Attendance: Gary Mitchell, John Kalbach, Laura Biggs, Cari Gustafson, Krista Miller, Jessica Shulik, Steve Tingley, Cathy Holsing, Rachel DeRosa, and Beth Eckert Absent: Dana NaughtonThe meeting was called to order by Gary Mitchell at 7:10 p.m.Approval of May 9, 2016 Minutes:Krista Miller moved to approve the May 9, 2016 PSFSC Board Meeting Minutes; John Kalbach 2nd the motion; all in favor.Board Election Results, Officer Elections, and Committee AppointmentsTwenty-five election ballots were received. The following will be serving a two-year term on the Nittany Valley FSC Board: Gary Mitchell, Krista Miller, Laura Biggs, Tina Konrath, and Wendy PearsonThe following officers were unanimously approved by the Board for the 2016/17 skating season:Officers:President:? Gary Mitchell (Steve Tingley nominated; John Kalbach 2nd)Vice President:? John Kalbach (Cathy Holsing nominated; Steve Tingley 2nd)Treasurer:? Steve Tingley (John Kalbach nominated; Cari Gustafson 2nd) Secretary:? Krista Miller (Cathy Holsing nominated; Steve Tingley 2nd)Directors at Large:Shirley Allan – Honorary Lifetime Member, Laura Biggs, Rachel DeRosaCari Gustafson, Cathy Holsing, Tina Konrath, Wendy Pearson, Jess ShulikCommittee Chairs:Membership:? Cathy HolsingTest:? Rachel DeRosaSafeSport:? Krista MillerSanction:? Beth EckertFundraising:? Gary MitchellSocial:? Jess ShulikCommunication & Marketing (includes - Webmaster, Facebook, Twitter, Listserv, Marketing and PR:? Cari GustafsonAbby Yeagley Memorial Fund:? Bobbie GibbonsTreasurer Report: Steve TingleyCheckbook balance as of 5/31/2016 - $27,232.93. Items to Note: The flower sale at the spring ice show netted $52.36. The March and April ice bills were paid ($3,967.50). Officers & Directors’ Liability Insurance was purchased for $575.AYMF account balance as of 5/31/2016 - $5,115.00Item to Note: Distribution check from Centre Foundation of $1,562 was deposited.Beth Eckert moved to approve the Treasurer’s report; John Kalbach 2nd the motion; all in favor.Membership: Cathy HolsingOur membership to date is 73.Applications (NVFSC) for the 2016-2017 skating season are out.Checks should be made out to PSFSC if submitting the application in June.Subscription Program: John Kalbach, Gary MitchellEleven skaters skated on Saturday, and eleven to fifteen skated Wednesday.Discussion on the ice monitor duties in regards to the ice quality.Test Session: Rachel DeRosaScheduled for Friday, June 24 from 1-4 p.m.Currently accepting applications.Laura Biggs will be the runner and help with coordinating food for the judges table.Beth gave a parking permit update. Penn State has increased the price of the visitor parking permits for the orange lots, and visitor permits cannot be used in lots with pay stations. Beth will meet the judges by gate C and pay the judges parking fee at the pay station.Discussion on playing soft music for the tests. We will ask the judges for their opinion and possibly consider this for next year.Club Annual Picnic & MeetingThe picnic took place Sunday, June 5th at Spring Creek Park with Ann Thompson coordinating and Gary manning the grill.Attendance: 51; 56 hotdogs cooked (6 left over); left over water and juice (no left over soda); note for next year: label the beverage coolers.Name Change Committee Progress: Gary Mitchell, Steve Tingley, Cathy Holsing, Jess ShulikOngoing discussions with attorney Richard Campbell.Discussion on incorporation. Should we incorporate? We will look into it and discussed contacting a CPA for advice. We currently have a $50,000 annual receipt limit. Cathy Holsing moved to have Jess Shulik contact Mr. Campbell’s CPA suggestion for an apt. Laura Biggs 2nd the motion; all in favor.John and Laura Kottlowski are working together on updating the Club’s logo.We will keep Go Daddy. John will contact them for a new web address.Wrap-up Meeting with Chris Whittemore: Gary Mitchell and John KalbachGary presented a report on the annual end of year meeting with rink management.Items to note: May and June ice will be included in our contract next season. Tentative dates: Abby Yeagley Memorial Competition – 10/16/16, Holiday Ice Show – 12/11/16 (practice on 12/10/16), National Skating Month celebration – either 1/28 or 1/29/17. Still working on how to bring in a guest coach for a clinic. John Kalbach now has the gold medalist plaque and the PSFSC banner. Ongoing discussion on displaying a Club banner, the gold medalist plaque, or a display case of skating memorabilia. Discussions on a better sound system in the community rink, hosting a collegiate competition and improved marketing of the figure skating program. Fundraising: Beth Eckert, Jess Shulik, Gary MitchellTerraCycle - Check forthcoming; Kara will continue to collect recyclables until August. Concessions - Fourteen volunteers have worked four or more concession stands this past season. NVFSC t-shirts will need to be ordered for these volunteers.Sweet Frog - June 15 from 11 a.m. to 10:30 p.m. The event will be advertised on Sweet Frog’s Facebook page. Cari will create an event on the Club’s Facebook page. Note: no solicitation inside or outside the store; take coupon or mention the Club’s name.Secretary’s Report: Beth EckertBeth updated the Board on the Club’s current background check/trainings compliance report.USFS is revamping their Basic Skills Program. The new program is called Learn to Skate USA and includes USA Hockey and U.S. Speedskating.PSA (Profession Skaters Association) and ISI (Ice Skating Institute) are merging.Our Club needs to update our Club’s information on the USFS members only site by June 17. Beth will update the Board of directors and officers, Bylaws, and D&O insurance information.Coaches Code of Ethics Report: Krista MillerKrista updated the requirements document and will ask coaches to sign the form in August or at the pro staff “Learn to Skate” meeting.Discussion on PSA membership and USFS CER requirements. We will require CER B in lieu of a PSA membership to coach on Club ice. Skating Community Building & Marketing: Cari Gustafson, Jess ShulikSkater Spotlight - Jess will interview Kayleigh Rine.Jacket Order: John KalbachJohn will create the jacket/shirt order form and get it out soon.Planning for Coming EventsAYMF Scholarship Application – Gary will contact Bobbie about the application status.The AYMF Committee will sponsor the South Atlantic Send-Off exhibition/party. New BusinessGary handed out an updated Club action item calendar and asked the Board to look over the document and respond to him with questions or comments. Date of Next Meeting: Monday, August 8, 2016 at 7 p.m. Duffy’s Tavern in Boalsburg.Adjournment – John Kalbach motioned to adjourn the meeting; Jess Shulik 2nd the motion; all in favor. Meeting adjourned at 9:08 p.m.Respectfully submitted by PSFSC SecretaryBeth Eckert ................

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