
SPRING 2016CRIM 109 #30612Science II Rm 209Comparative Crim. Just. Systems (Web Enhanced) Mon/We 1400-1515Instructor: Harald Otto Schweizer, Ph.D. Office: S2-138 haralds@csufresno.eduPrerequisites: CRIM 2. Highly recommended: CRIM 20, 100 and 170SPRING 2016 OFFICE HOURS: Mon 1515-1700/Wed 1515-1615 Other hours as arranged. Office hours may be cancelled on days with on line exams or activities or due to other commitments. Advising also via email.The above hours may also be modified as needed, depending on any required changes due to errors, class activity, or university related circumstances.Advising also via email (haralds@csufresno.edu) *On line quizzes will be given on Blackboard on days indicated in the syllabus and shown on the class web page accessible Since the quizzes are on line, no class attendance is necessary on the posted quiz dates. Students should take/complete the quizzes within 72 hours of the official posting date ADVISING ON LINE (synchronous or asynchronous contact) Email inquiries submitted with student ID# will be responded to within 48 hours whenever feasible, except during holidays, personal day off, out of town conferences and commitments, and/or other unanticipated events which would preclude a timely response. DARS reports will be evaluated and emailed as an attachment to students for their records. It is therefore important to provide the student ID#. Emails to the instructor MUST contain the student's full name and specific class enrolled in, (i.e. 0930 or 1045) along with the subject of the email clearly stated in the SUBJECT window of the email or they may be deleted without being read. Internet Use is essential in this course and computer literacy is required for all CSU students. If you are totally unfamiliar with the use of the Internet, you should contact the instructor for other options. All students must familiarize themselves with the University Policy on Plagiarism and Cheating , Non-Discrimination, Disruptive Classroom Behavior, and General Student Conduct by clicking here Students must also review the linked CODE OF ACADEMIC INTEGRITY (HONOR CODE). Must also have met Upper Division Writing Requirement You should utilize email as the primary method of contacting the instructor. Emails MUST contain the student's full name and nature of the email in the SUBJECT window or they are subject to being deleted without being read.All students are required to be familiar with the use of the internet.COURSE DESCRIPTION:Study of selected criminal justice systems and/or their components in other jurisdictions; examination of the organization; administration and operation of criminal justice agencies in the United States, Europe, South America and Asia. STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMESStudents successfully completing the course should be able to system in other countries.1.? Describe the most salient differences between the American CJ system and the CJ system in other countries.(Legal system, the courts, corrections and law enforcement)2.? Discuss challenges faced by CJ organizations world-wide and how governments are ????? responding to those challenges3.? Identify and discuss major issues of transnational crime/terrorism4.? Identify and discuss the nature/role of international bodies dealing with CJ.CONDUCT OF THE COURSE: The course will consist of lecture, student discussions of their research, the use of audiovisual aids, and rely heavily on current and up-to-date written information available on the Internet, and articles/materials posted on Blackboard. Students are expected to already have an understanding of the American Criminal Justice System. REQUIRED TEXT: Comparative International and Global Justice by Cyndi Bank, James Baker Sage Publications 2016 ISBN 978-1-4833-3238-3Week Dates Subject topic (Required readings and class topics) 120 JanIntro to course, policies, and assignments (Read Chpt 1 in TEXT) 225 JanChpt. 2-Comparing Crime Across Countries31 FebChpt. 3-Systems of Law48 FebChpt. 4-Policing : On line Assignment for Monday 8 February515 FebPolicing-Latin America, Korea, Germany, Italy, France, Finland622 FebChpt 5-Courts and Criminal Procedure On line Quiz Monday 22 Feb729F/2MarChpt. 6-Punishment87 MarChpt. 7 Juvenile Justice 914 MarChpt. 8 Transitional Justice On line Quiz 16 Mar21-25 March Spring Break1028 MarChpt. 9- The International Criminal Court (ICC)114 AprChpt. 10- Transnational Crime On line Quiz Monday 4 April1211 AprChpt. 11-Human Trafficking across Borders1318 AprChpt. 12- Terrorism1425 AprChpt.13-Violence against Women152 MayChpt. 14-Human Rights and Cultural Relations169 MayOpen depending on course progress-readings/topics to be assigned later11 May Last day of instruction?0900 classFinal as scheduled by university or on line during finals week*?1100 classFinal as scheduled by university or on line during finals week*?*students desiring paper based exam in class must email the instructor before finals week??*there are no class meetings or office hours during quiz days? ?NOTE: a fourth quiz date will be determined after the semester beginsAdditional on line assignments in lieu of class will be posted and announced in classThe above schedule is approximate, depending on any required changes due to errors, class activity, or university related circumstances. Quiz dates are subject to change, depending on class progress and related issues. Students should check Blackboard and their university email daily for updated information.This syllabus is subject to change in case of any errors or extenuating circumstances. Students must be current with the assigned textbook readings as indicated on this syllabus. Lecture sequences and topic areas listed for each week are approximate and may not correspond with the readings of the particular week.? The textbook and web based material will be used for part of the examinations.? Students experiencing any problems must contact the instructor immediately for assistance or additional guidance. Students emailing the professor for information already explained or contained in this syllabus will not be answered.STUDENTS WHO HAVE SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETED TWO THIRDS OF THE REQUIRED COURSE WORK WITH A HEALTH RELATED EMERGENCY PREVENTING THE COMPLETION OF THE COURSE, MAY QUALIFY FOR A GRADE OF INCOMPLETE AFTER A REVIEW OF THE CIRCUMSTANCES BY THE INSTRUCTOR.? STUDENTS MUST, HOWEVER, FILE A WRITTEN REQUEST FOR AN INCOMPLETE WITH THE INSTRUCTOR BEFORE THE LAST DAY OF THE SEMESTER, AND HAVE SUCH REQUEST APPROVED BY THE INSTRUCTOR IN WRITING.? CONDUCT OF THE COURSE:Material will be presented in general lecture format and augmented with general class discussion, guest speakers (when available), and by oral reports of students. Students will also be required to complete a class project for additional insights into organizational behavior. Students are responsible for all material in the textbook even if it has not been discussed in class, and for any new information/instructions or course changes provided in class, oral or otherwise, even if they are absent when this information is disseminated.? Updated information and/or any changes will be posted on the class web site accessible at and on Blackboard.NOTE: If you are unable to find the web site, you may have entered the incorrect address.? If you are new at this, contact the instructor for guidance.? Students have access to the Internet throughout the CSU Fresno campus and students can have a free email address through the university, or through numerous commercial enterprises.? Examinations and Major Assignments1. Four web based quizzes on Blackboard. Quizzes are posted on line on or before the quiz date and should be completed within 72 hours from date of posting or by the end of the following class date, whichever is later.2. Web based assignment/s in lieu of class as announced3. Final Exam covering all class material and prior quizzes. 3. Course project to be further discussed/explained in class.All quizzes are in lieu of class and will be on Blackboard only. That means there is NO class on the day of a quiz. Emails about class meeting on posted quiz days will not be responded to. Material required for all quizzes and the final exam will come from material covered in the lectures, power points or material posted on Blackboard, student presentations, or in class comments regarding their class related activities/research, assigned web based readings/assignments, and the text.? Students should expect some questions relating to the university honor code and information contained in the syllabus.Students are responsible for ensuring that they have computer/internet access in order to take the on-line quizzes.? Students should take the quizzes as soon as they are posted to avoid last minute computer problems which could prevent a student from taking the quiz during the time it is posted. This will also allow students to notify the instructor about Blackboard problems beyond the student’s control.GRADING300 points- research project (to be discussed in class)300 points- 75 points for each of four quizzes400 points- for the final exam 1000 points total A-900+, B-800+, C-700+, D-600+NOTE: There are no make-ups for ANY quizzes. You are responsible for taking the quizzes and for any computer/network problems you are experiencing. If you miss one quiz due to a multiple day emergency, you can still earn a good grade by doing well in the other quizzes, the final, and the term project.? ?If you are going to miss multiple quizzes AND the final exam for any legitimate reason, you should WITHDRAW from this course. All quizzes are given on-line using Blackboard. Students should begin early so that they have alternatives if they experience computer/internet problems. Quizzes will be available on line for at least 72 hours and will require additional readings and research. If you do not begin the quiz the day it is posted, and you have internet problems when taking it later, you will not be given additional time.If a student has a legitimate, documented emergency (as determined by the instructor) which results in missing the final exam, the student must notify the instructor of such an emergency in a timely manner and before final grades are due to be posted, in order to arrange for a make-up final exam. Computer or internet problems are not considered an emergency.STUDY EXPECTATIONS:It is expected that students will spend approximately 2 hours of study time outside of class for every one hour in class. Since this is a three Unit class, you should expect to study an average of 6 hours outside of class each week. Some students may need more outside study time and some less.For free tutoring on campus, contact the Learning Center in the Peters Building Annex Trailers (phone 278-3052 or visit csufresno.edu/learningcenter).CLASS ATTENDANCE:Students enrolled in class and not present during any of the meetings during the first week of the semester, must contact the instructor before the next class meeting and indicated their intent to remain in class, or they may be dropped.? While attendance is not mandatory after the first week, frequent absences from class will most likely result in failure of the course.? Students who are absent, remain responsible for any and all material discussed in class, including additional assignments and project changes.?It is not acceptable to simply email the instructor for any information they may have missed. Students with documented disabilities needing special assistance or?accommodation should inform the instructor of such at the beginning of the semester.If you qualify for and seek an incomplete grade, you must contact and receive approval from the instructor?prior to the date of the final examination. Failure to contact the instructor and to submit a written request for an incomplete grade, will result in a course grade other than?an incomplete.Students who have not successfully completed at least two thirds of the required course work, but who experience health or other problems affecting their ability to complete the course, should review AND consider existing university policy for withdrawing from a course or courses.COURSE? PROJECT:LENGTH: At minimum 22 pages, not counting space used up by your name, cover page, direct quotes, etc.PURPOSE:Students will be required to research selected aspects of criminal justice in a country or countries assigned by the instructor and relate them to American Criminal Justice.? The project will be described in class, and a detailed description will be made accessible on the course website and on Blackboard. Material for the project MUST come from 4 or more YouTubeVideos that must be summarized by the student and the videos must relate to material in at least four different chapters of the text. Information from the videos must be discussed in detail and related to a specific part of the text (You must cite the page number when text information is used and summarize the information you read in the text that relates to the video) and other sources. Additional information may come from government websites, major news media outlets, and similar sources, which all must be related to each video summary. You must have at least two such outside references for each video and the reference sources must be clearly identified by http, document/page name or title, the owner of the website and when the material was accessed. (to be explained in class) All information must be preceded by headings as in the example below:: References for video:Reference IFrom page###in textSummary of relevant information from text:From article in__________Reference IIFrom page###in textSummary of relevant information from text:From article in__________Summarize relevant information from article and list the http address of the source/articleIN SUM: Four videos require a total of 4 outside sources with material related to your country and 4 references to four different chapters in the text. ADDITIONAL PROJECT INFORMATION IS POSTED SEPARATELY ON BLACKBOARD AND THE CLASS WEB SITE.Students may also elect to do an alternate project. Details will be posted on Blackboard and discussed in class.PROJECTS WILL BE GRADED ON OR BEFORE THE FINAL EXAM DATE. Scores will be posted on Blackboard once graded.Only papers/projects determined to be extraordinary by the instructor are eligible for an A grade. Simply meeting all of the basic requirements does not result in an A grade. All papers/projects turned in will be graded on or before the last day of finals week. Students must retain a copy of their papers and/or assignments,? and be able to re-submit them via email, in the event that the original is lost, destroyed in a fire or collapsed building, or otherwise missing in action.Projects due by 1 May via email only (as an attachment in WORD, RTF or Pdf) and must conform to posted instructionsA student’s absence from class during the time course requirements are updated or discussed is not an acceptable reason for failing to adhere to the course requirements. When referring to material in the text or other written material displayed in class or posted on any website, only material written in your own words will be counted towards the minimum page number. Information copied without using quotation marks is plagiarism and will result in a failing grade for the project. Textbook information must include the page number/s where it was found. The complete and correct document address (web) for all articles and other information obtained from the text and other sources authorized by the instructor must be listed at the end of any written assignment/project and also referenced in the section of the written project containing the information from the internet.? 50 points will be deducted from the project grade for not doing so.? You MUST reference information sources within your essay as in a term paper.? Direct quotes must be identified APA style.? No more than 10% of the pages countable for your essays may consist of direct quotes (Not counting survey/interview responses).? Reusing a sentence from a published source and simply changing or leaving out a few words is NOT acceptable.? Written assignments must be type-written/computer generated, double spaced, and in font no larger than 12 point Times New Roman. Poor spelling and grammar will result in a loss of points.?? The writing must be in regular lower and upper case letters.? Papers written entirely in capital letters will NOT be accepted.? Only writing based on your research will be counted towards the minimum page requirements.? This will be further explained during class and you are responsible for the information even if you are not present.? Failure to meet format requirements not otherwise enumerated may result in the loss of additional points. You must also adhere to ALL requirements for emailing written work as described in this syllabus.?? IF YOU HAVE ANY DIFFICULTIES WITH THIS REQUIREMENT DUE TO THE TYPE OF SOURCE YOU ARE USING, PLEASE CONTACT THE INSTRUCTOR.? It is important to begin your project as soon as it has been explained in class.? If you have an emergency during the last two weeks before the due date, this will not change the consequences of any lateness. Any emergencies occurring at any time during the semester which impact your ability to complete the course in a timely fashion must be reported to the instructor expeditiously and via email only. Review the emailing requirements in this syllabusProjects turned in after the due date but on or before the last class day will receive a one letter grade drop. Projects turned in on or before the final exam day will receive a two letter grade drop.? Projects will not be accepted after the final exam date.? All projects must be turned in via email only. Emailed papers MUST be in WORD or PDF format submitted as ONE document. Fifty points will be deducted from papers not meeting this requirement. The submission date/time is the computer generated date and time shown for the email at the point where it was received.? Projects due on a particular date are considered turned in if submitted before midnight that day. Projects submitted after the exam date will not be considered.When used, an Internet source must also be cited at the end of a particular essay or term paper, in APA format, with the complete http address of the document (not just the website where it is located) and the date it was accessed. This will be further explained in class.Students are solely responsible for properly emailing late projects.? No emailed written work is considered accepted unless the following applies:????????? The student’s REAL name, class (CRIM109) is indicated in the SUBJECT HEADING of the e-mail.????????? The title of the written document is indicated in the e-mail (narrative) window and the SUBJECT window????????? The entire document/project or essay is attached to the e-mail as ONE FILE The document must be saved using the following document/file name: “your full name, followed by CRIM 109 project” (Example: Doe John Crim 109. Project on Mali) and name of country you were assigned. Any projects not conforming to this requirement will receive an automatic one letter grade drop.????????? The document is in WORD, PDF or RTF FORMAT????????? The student has received and can produce an e-mail from the instructor stating that his/her assignment has been received on or before the final deadline (day of the final exam) and that it conformed to the above requirements. ZIPPED or otherwise compressed papers will not be accepted.? If you do not know how to avoid your E-mail program from zipping files you attach, you should use some other method for sending e-mail. If you do not know that your e-mail system zips or compresses attached files, and it is received in a compressed format, it will be deleted and it is NOT considered turned in.Emails with attached papers that do NOT list Crim 109 and the time of the class they are submitted for in the E-mail SUBJECT window, along with the student's name, will NOT be opened and are not considered turned in. Not having read the syllabus and having forgotten this requirement, is not an acceptable excuse. The ability to properly follow instructions is part of the grading process. Emailed papers will NOT be printed out and returned to the student. The submission requirements will be discussed in detail during the first two weeks of class. If you fail to attend or miss the information, you are responsible for any resulting problems. Do NOT save your document as “project” or some other unidentifiable document name. SAVE it as described above and in class before you attach it. My name is an EXAMPLE. Do NOT save your project with my name. If you cannot follow these emailing instructions your paper grade will be reduced by 50 points. No corrections will be accepted after the paper has been received in an incorrect email format.NOTE: The instructor may not have the opportunity to check if a paper attachment will open immediately upon receipt, or when the e-mail is checked. If there are problems with the e-mail/attachment itself, and they are found after the final exam date, an additional two grade level penalty will be assessed, unless the email/attachment cannot be read at all, in which case no points will be given for the paper. LECTURE OUTLINE: A lecture outline will be posted on the Internet to assist students. This outline simply reflects the general theme of the class lecture and does not include all of the material and information that was part of the actual lecture. At times Internet WWW links relating to the lecture topic will be included with the lecture outline. The class will physically meet on all Mondays and Wednesdays except on days with scheduled Blackboard based quizzes or on line assignments. The instructor reserves the right to modify/change the quiz dates as needed. Changes will be posted via Blackboard and also emailed, no later than 48 hours before the scheduled class time. *It is important to note that the lecture outline on the Web is NOT a summary of class lectures, and it does not cover all of the information needed for examinations. NOTE:? Subject matter in criminal justice/criminology related courses covers the spectrum of human behavior.? While there is no intent to offend anyone, individual sensibilities in the classroom may differ greatly from one another.? If you feel offended by any of the topics, the method of delivery, the instructor, or any other aspect of the course, you MUST bring it to the attention of the instructor.? ??Also, if you leave the classroom during a lecture for any reason, you will still be responsible for the material discussed in class.? Students with Disabilities: Upon identifying themselves to the instructor and the university, students with disabilities will receive reasonable accommodation for learning and evaluation. For more information, contact Services to Students with Disabilities in Madden Library 1049 (278-2811).CLASSROOM BEHAVIOR & ACADEMIC DISHONESTYAudible Cell Phones and Pagers, and reading non-course material in class.? These are just some of the distractions to the instructor and/or other students, and are not acceptable.? Students engaging in or causing distractions in the classroom may be asked to leave, but are still required to know the material covered in class.Laptop computers in class:It is not acceptable for students to use laptop computers during class, unless they are used to document lecture information or a specific use related to the class lecture is suggested by the instructor. Students should familiarize themselves with University policies on cheating, grading, plagiarism,?privacy of student records, Students with Disabilities, disruptive behavior, drug-free work place, sexual harassment, and non-discrimination. The policies are available at the Criminology Department Office, they can be found in the Spring 2016 Schedule of Courses, and they are accessible both through the university web site and via the instructor’s or the university's web site. Students must also review the Honor Code, excerpted below: Honor Code:? "Members of the CSU Fresno academic community adhere to principles of academic integrity and mutual respect while engaged in university work and related activities."? You should:a)????? understand or seek clarification about expectations for academic integrity in this course (including no cheating, plagiarism and inappropriate collaboration)b)????? neither give nor receive unauthorized aid on examinations or other course work that is used by the instructor as the basis of grading.c)????? take responsibility to monitor academic dishonesty in any form and to report it to the instructor or other appropriate official for action.Instructors may require students to sign a statement at the end of exams and assignments that "I have done my own work and have neither given nor received unauthorized assistance on this work."? Alternatively, you may also require the students to sign a single statement for your course such as "I am aware of the CSU Fresno Honor Code.? I will do my own work and neither give nor receive unauthorized assistance on work for this course."You should read the entire Honor Code by clicking here.Disruptive Classroom Behavior: "The classroom is a special environment in which students and faculty come together to promote learning and growth. It is essential to this learning environment that respect for the rights of others seeking to learn, respect for the professionalism of the instructor, and the general goals of academic freedom are maintained. Differences of viewpoint or concerns should be expressed in terms which are supportive of the learning process, creating an environment in which students and faculty may learn to reason with clarity and compassion, to share of themselves without losing their identities, and to develop and understanding of the community in which they live . . . Student conduct which disrupts the learning process shall not be tolerated and may lead to disciplinary action and/or removal from class."Computers: "At California State University, Fresno, computers and communications links to remote resources are recognized as being integral to the education and research experience. Every student is required to have his/her own computer or have other personal access to a workstation (including a modem and a printer) with all the recommended software. The minimum and recommended standards for the workstations and software, which may vary by academic major, are updated periodically and are available from Information Technology Services () or the University Bookstore. In the curriculum and class assignments, students are presumed to have 24-hour access to a computer workstation and the necessary communication links to the University’s information resources."If you wish to bring a guest to class, you must first seek permission from the instructor. OFFICE HOURS, STUDENT COUNSELING, AND CLASS ATTENDANCE:Students needing assistance or advice concerning this class, may contact the instructor at any time via E-mail, during posted office hours (unless there is a?conflict with another university/college commitment or function), and at other?times the instructor happens to be on campus. Student's becoming discouraged in their search for CJ employment may benefit from visiting the instructor for additional advice and guidance.An outline of class lectures may be posted on the instructor's website, time constraints permitting. This outline would not the "lecture notes" and reading it, would not be an appropriate substitute for attending class. Any lecture outline would NOT contain all of the relevant and important information discussed during the lectures. A web based lecture outline is only meant to be ANOTHER aid to students, and may be curtailed or withdrawn at any time. COMMON REASONS FOR EARNING A POOR OR FAILING GRADE ????????? Poor attendance ????????? Not taking lecture notes ????????? Not completing Internet/Reading Assignments ????????? Failure to turn in required material on time ????????? Papers/assignments do not conform to listed requirements ????????? Lack of conceptual thinking skills ????????? Not reading the exam question fully before answering it.????????? Missing unannounced quizzes???????? Failure to ensure computer/internet availability for quiz takingSTUDENTS FOR ANY REASON HAVING DIFFICULTY UNDERSTANDING THE MATERIAL, WHETHER IN THE TEXTBOOK, OR AS DISCUSSED IN LECTURES, SHOULD VISIT THE INSTRUCTOR AS EARLY AS POSSIBLE, FOR ADDITIONAL HELP AND/OR ACADEMIC COUNSELING.? THE UNIVERSITY ALSO OFFERS REMEDIAL COURSE WORK, AND SKILL DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANCE. ?*Students noticing possible errors (listed dates, numbers, assignment? conflicts, etc.) in this syllabus should bring it to the attention of the instructor. NOTE: Upon due notice and at the discretion of the instructor, the schedule and procedures of this course are subject to change. If any changes become necessary, it will not involve an increase in course requirements. ?All temporary or permanent adjustments will be posted on the class web site, explained in class, and posted on Dr. Schweizer’s class website, when time permits.? Students are responsible for any changes announced in class even if they are absent."Our campus has developed SupportNet to connect students with specific campus resources promoting academic success.? I have agreed to participate in this program and may refer you to it if I believe you need the services provided by SupportNet to succeed in this course."If you would like someone from SupportNet to speak with you in greater detail about the program or how to refer students, please contact Tosha Giuffrida (tgiuffrida@CSUFRESNO.EDU) or Karen Lowe (karenlo@csufresno.edu).Tosha Giuffrida, Learning Center & Support Net CoordinatorCalifornia State University, Fresno Located in the Collection Level of the Henry Madden Library.d. 559.278.5716o. 559.278.8370csufresno.edu/learningcenter?? FresnoStateSupportNetNOTE: If any of the information in this syllabus is in error, it does not invalidate the remaining information or requirementsSTUDENTS SEEKING ADVISINGThe COSS Advising Center will be taking walk-ins during the first two weeks of the semester:January 19th - January 29th9:00am-11:00am & 1:30pm-4:00pmThe advisors can assist students within the College of Social Sciences (COSS). Please call the office at ? (559) 278-2114 to schedule an appointment if you need advising after the first two weeks of the semester. The advisors can assist with:Change of MajorGeneral Education RequirementsDegree Requirements/Grad ChecksHow to read your DPRAdvising on majors, minors, and certificates within the COSSAcademic PlansClass registration assistanceClearing advising holds ................

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