4 - Sprint

6.0 Billing (L. (C.3.6)

L. Billing

The offeror shall propose and describe its existing service systems for the collection, aggregation, formatting, and reporting of billing and accounting information that are provided to large users of global integrated services. The offeror shall describe how these systems may be used to meet the Government’s requirements as specified in Section C.3.6 and the IEG. The offeror shall identify which requirements are not met by these systems. The offeror shall describe how its systems can be extended and/or modified to meet the total set of the Government’s requirements.

The offeror may, in its Price Proposal, propose a one-time price to fully develop and implement these extensions and/or modifications to its existing system. The offeror may also propose a monthly recurring charge to cover maintenance and upgrading of these extensions and/or modifications.

The offeror’s proposal shall include:

(a) Examples of all its proposed existing available billing and invoicing formats for each service type

(b) Examples of all its proposed reports for tracking and resolving disputes and adjustments

(c) Examples of all summary or information reports proposed

(d) Descriptions of billing-related software tools to be provided to the Government

C.3.6 Billing

Instructions to offerors relating to Section C.3.6 are provided in Section L.

6.1 Billing Overview (C.3.6.1)

This section addresses the contractor’s responsibilities for system requirements and test validation of the billing system according to the requirements of Section E.2.3.3, data requirements, billing requirements, invoice requirements, dispute process requirements, and special billing requirements.

Note, the Government recognizes that the billing processes and requirements specified herein may actually be provided by more than one contractor system. The use of the term billing “system” herein should not be construed to require the contractor to provide the billing processes using only one system.

FTS2001 allows agencies to select either centralized or direct billing. After award and before notice to proceed, the PMO will identify to the contractor which agencies and/or sub-agencies will receive centralized or direct billing. The contractor shall produce payable invoices for both options, Billing details are further described in Sections C.3.6.2, C.3.6.5, C.3.6.6, C.3.6.7, C.3.6.8, and G.1.

(a) For centralized billing, the contractor shall provide an invoice and CDR to GSA for payment and processing.

At the Government’s request, the contractor shall deliver its CDR data directly to an agency or sub-agency in electronic format as specified in Section C.

(b) For direct billing, the contractor shall provide an invoice and CDR to each agency or sub-agency, as directed by the PMO, for payment and processing.

(c) For centralized and direct billing, the contractor shall manage a base GSA Management Service (GMS) fee. The contractor shall include this base GMS fee in all of its published prices. The Government will advise the contractor after award the amount of this fee in terms of a percentage to be applied to all of the contractor’s base prices. The Government will evaluate the GMS fee on an annual basis. The contractor shall implement changes in the GMS fee at no additional cost to the Government.. The contractor shall collect a base GMS fee from the direct-billed agencies. The contractor shall remit the total GMS fees on the revenue collected from the direct billed agencies, along with a list of the directly invoiced agencies or sub-agencies as provided in Section C.6.4. The payment shall be made to GSA via direct payment (not as a credit on the invoice) within 60 calendar days after the end of the applicable reporting period. For direct billed agencies the contractor shall not show the GMS fee as a separate item on the invoice. For centralized billing, the contractor shall show the GMS fee as a separate item and shall subtract the GMS fee from the gross amount due to show the net amount due from GSA.

Upon 90 days notice by the PMO, the contractor shall change an agency or sub-agency from centralized to direct billing or vice versa, at no additional cost to the Government.

If the full amount of the GMS fee is not paid within 60 calendar days after the end of the applicable reporting period, the nonpayment shall constitute a contract debt to the United States Government under the terms of Part 32.6 of the Federal Acquisition Regulations.

GSA is responsible to pay the contractor only for the FTS2001 centralized invoices which charge the centralized billing user agencies or sub-agencies. GSA, while offering two billing methods for FTS2001, will not be responsible for any charges directly invoiced to any agency or sub-agency. The contractor shall be responsible for the collection of charges from the directly billed agencies or sub-agencies.

Sprint will comply with RFP requirements of Section C.3.6.1 and G.1.

Throughout the past decade Sprint has a proven track record of partnering with the GSA and end user agencies in developing and implementing a high quality, time-tested and value-added billing systems and processes. These systems and processes, which include part of the X are used today to support the FTS2000 program, and provide the unique rating, discounting, content and format needed by the GSA and end user agencies to effectively manage their telecommunications responsibilities. These systems and processes, as well as those of Sprint’s core commercial infrastructure, X support additional requirements of the FTS2001 program. Sprint’s strategy for system functions to support FTS2001 is outlined in detail in Section 3.0 of this proposal. The GSA can be assured that the final billing product will meet the needs of the FTS2001 program and provide the same high quality, consistency and reliability as its predecessor version. Sprint’s commitment towards quality of the billing product extends to its billing operations support and development staff. Several of the key personnel managing the FTS2000 billing operations and development will be assigned to the day-to-day management of the FTS2001 program.

Sprint is committed to providing timely and accurate invoicing to the GSA and its end users. Sprint fully recognizes the value of consistent, reliable and quality billing to its customers. Billing products are key tools for effectively managing costs, and the GSA and end user agencies must be absolutely confident of the FTS2001 service providers’ capabilities. Sprint’s track record is unblemished and will provide GSA and end users with the most risk free solution relative to its competitors.

X services platform that supports the billing needs of the GSA and end users under the FTS2001 program. This platform currently supports the following services:

– Switched Voice Services

– Toll Free Services and Features

– Enhanced Packet Switched Services (Frame Relay)

– Enhanced Packet Network Internet Protocol Service

– High Speed Packet Services (ATM)

– Packet Switched Services

– Dedicated Transmission Services

– Video Teleconferencing Services

– Switched Digital Integrated Services

– Switched Data Services



Sprint understands the dynamic nature of telecommunications and the challenges that frequent product and feature introductions can have on the complexity of the billing applications and processes. Under the FTS2000 program through 1997, over X billing impacting service and feature enhancements were made, none of which impacted the timeliness or quality of billing. In conjunction with the GSA, Sprint implemented a change control process that ensured end user agencies received the services when they wanted them while the GSA, Agency and Sprint tools needed to manage the business were not compromised. In fact, over the term of the FTS2000 Contract, the ratio of GSA is payment to Sprint’s monthly invoices rendered averaged X. Sprint will build on this experience and apply it to the FTS2001 program and its customers.

Sprint’s consolidated monthly invoice provides a summary of all charges incurred for the prior period along with detailed usage and non-usage charges at each point of service delivery or agency location level. Separate monthly invoices will be rendered for end user agencies and sub-agencies requesting direct billing versus centralized billing. Sprint’s proposed invoice and summary report formats are included in Appendix E.

X. The billing hierarchy, depicted in Figure 2.A.6-2, provides a blueprint for structuring agency telecommunications expenses consistent with organizational structure and mission needs. X. Sprint will work with the GSA and user agencies in developing and implementing additional tools as they are identified.



An FTS2000 partnership success between the GSA and Sprint organizations can be found in the management of the dispute process. The GSA and Sprint formed a Quality Team to address the causes and relative significance of billing disputes and to develop plans to mitigate or eliminate their recurrence. The joint team integrated Federal Government and Sprint Quality principles and concepts taking X. These steps included X. As a result of the Joint GSA/Sprint Billing Dispute Quality Team’s efforts, billing disputes have X. The Team was also awarded the Quality Team of the Year in 1996 by the GSA/Sprint Executive Quality Council. X, proof of Sprint’s commitment to billing quality and success in partnering with the GSA and end user agencies.

After award and before notice to proceed, Sprint will work with the PMO to ensure that all agencies or sub-agencies are properly identified as centralized or direct-billed accounts. Payable invoices will be provided for both options.

Sprint will provide an invoice and CDR to GSA for payment and processing for all centralized billing agencies. Sprint will provide CDR in electronic format as specified in RFP Section C. to each agency or sub-agency, when requested by the Government.

For direct billing, Sprint will provide an invoice and CDR to each agency or sub-agency, as directed by the PMO, for payment and processing.

Sprint will manage a base GSA Management Service (GMS) fee for all centralized and direct billing. Sprint understands that the Government will provide the fee’s percentage after award and Sprint will include this base fee in our published prices. Sprint understands this fee will be evaluated annually and Sprint will change the GMS fee percentage as directed by the Government at no additional cost. Sprint will collect the base GMS fee on revenue collected from the direct-billed agencies. The total fees collected for the period will be remitted via direct payment along with a list of the direct-billed agencies to the GSA within 60 calendar days after the end of the billing period in which the fees were collected.







Sprint will change an agency or sub-agency from centralized to direct billed or vice versa upon 90 days notice by the PMO at no additional cost to the Government.

Sprint understands that if the full amount of the collected GMS fee is not paid within 60 calendar days of the applicable reporting period, the nonpayment will be considered a contract debt to the US Government under the terms of Part 32.6 of the Federal Acquisition Regulations.

Sprint also understands GSA is responsible to pay Sprint only for the FTS2001 user agencies or sub-agencies charges that are billed against the centralized invoices. GSA, while offering two billing methods for FTS2001, will not be responsible for any charges directly invoiced to any agency or sub-agency. Sprint is responsible for collection of charges invoiced to direct-billed agencies or sub-agencies.

6.2 System Requirements (L. (C.3.6.2)

L. Examples of all its proposed existing available billing and invoicing formats for each service type

C.3.6.2 System Requirements

The contractor’s billing system’s capabilities, shall meet the following requirements:

(a) Support a volume of billing transactions commensurate with the traffic levels provided in Section J.8.

(b) Support the suppression of CDRs for any service that generates CDRs for selected users as specified and approved by the PMO. The contractor shall summarize separately, for each agency suppressing CDR, the suppressed call charges, number of calls, and call minutes by Agency Billing Code for purposes of balancing the invoice.

(c) Support, to the extent possible, consolidated invoicing for services that use the same billing period.

(d) Support date management in compliance with year 2000 requirements. The system shall function properly during the transition to year 2000 and for the duration (including any extensions) of this contract.

The contractor shall allow the Government to audit the contractor’s billing process with at least 10 business days notice and identification of the purpose of the audit.

The contractor shall provide a description(s) of the commercially available formats of all records provided in the invoice. To the extent possible, these records shall conform to the ANSI X12 811 transaction set as interpreted by the TCIF and described in the IEG.

The contractor shall:

(e) Provide the PMO a consolidated invoice of charges for all agencies receiving GSA’s centralized billing.

(f) Provide consolidated invoice charges to all agencies and sub-agencies electing to use direct billing.

(g) Provide the PMO one consolidated invoice copy of all charges sent to agencies receiving direct billing.

Sprint will provide services as described in Section C.3.6.2 and L. of the RFP.

Sprint plans to leverage its X for the purpose of collecting, aggregating, formatting and reporting of billing and accounting information required under the FTS2001 contract. This strategy is outlined in detail within Section 3.0 of this proposal. Sprint’s billing platform has evolved under the FTS2000 contract and Sprint has a proven track record that supports the requirements as presented under the FTS2001 program. Sprint and the GSA have performed cooperative testing of the system, including enhancements for new projects and services. Sprint will partner with the GSA and end user agencies under the FTS2001 contract to continue our excellent billing relationship by cooperatively designing and testing all billing related systems for current and emerging products.

X Billing System

X billing system provides for billing of services under the FTS2000 contract. The X billing system was developed X billing system has been another success story of the FTS2000 program. Unlike non-Sprint FTS2000 systems that required significant lead time in the initial years of the contract, Sprint’s deployment of the consolidated invoice coincided with transition of services onto FTS2000. This allowed Sprint to provide consolidated invoice capability and related invoice materials at the on-set of the contract. As a result, we were able to reduce the confusion of multiple invoice types during FTS2000 start-up. In addition, as new modifications were added to the contract, Sprint, in coordination with GSA, has made several improvements to its billing capabilities X that have solidified our philosophy about the benefits of a consolidated invoice.

The X is fully integrated. X. X, incorporating balance and payment application and tax calculation functions. By using our X, as well as data provided from other sources X, the billing system uses the translated charge record information to point to tables and rating methodology built within the rating modules. This entire process enables Sprint to apply appropriate contract rates. Incorporating hierarchical information from X, Sprint is able to aggregate and summarize the rated charge information into the various formatted invoice media outputs provided X.

Invoices generated in X billing system feed current charge data updates the X. Payments received are applied by Sprint to open invoice amounts at the agency level, using the X.

Under FTS2000, Sprint’s reliable system and dedicated support staff enabled us to provide the GSA with its monthly invoice for services and provide agencies their call detail records (CDR) and non-usage charge record data within time frames which have consistently met or exceeded the contractual guidelines. Under FTS2000, the GSA has never rejected a Sprint invoice due to inaccuracies. Sprint’s billing has consistently met or exceeded the Government’s requirement for delivery of the GSA Consolidated Invoice by the 15th Government business day, and Agency Invoice materials by the 25th Government business day. Our payment to invoiced amount ratio currently averages X disputed items per month against over 25 million transactions processed.

Sprint’s billing systems have demonstrated our commitment to excellence in invoice accuracy and timeliness. Sprint’s billing systems will provide even greater performance under the FTS2001 contract.

Sprint’s billing functions will be deployed in accordance with Sprint’s support system solution outlined in detail within Section 3.0 of this proposal.

Under FTS2001, Sprint will provide:

• the PMO a consolidated invoice of charges for all agencies receiving GSA’s centralized billing; this will be a payable invoice.

• consolidated invoice charges to all agencies and sub-agencies electing to use direct billing; this will be a payable invoice.

the PMO one consolidated invoice copy of all charges sent to agencies receiving direct billing; this will be a “DO NOT PAY” invoice X

A sample of Sprint’s FTS2000 invoice can be found in Appendix E depicting how it will be modified to meet FTS2001 requirements.

Sprint’s hierarchy structure X and allows the GSA and end user agencies to design billing structures necessary to meet their individual needs. The hierarchies are dynamic and may be redesigned at the end users request. Sprint has a history of working with the GSA to provide consolidated invoices, as well as sorts, and distribution of non-payable invoices to the agency level.

Sprint has worked with the GSA throughout the FTS2000 contract to provide the invoice in various media types, including paper, IDT, Magnetic Cartridge, CD-ROM and WORM. Sprint’s X product follows the TCIF format and Sprint will partner with the GSA and the end user agencies to provide X. Sprint will use the 28 digit alphanumeric agency hierarchy code as specified in the IEG.

6.2.1 Billing System Validation Test Plan (C.

The Billing System Validation Test Plan shall assure that billing support data required to verify each invoiced charge will be processed through the contractor’s billing system to the invoice, including the following data:

(a) Government-provided

(1) Agency Billing Code (for centralized accounts)

(2) Agency Designated Hierarchy Codes

(3) Accounting Control Transaction (ACT) number (Section C.

4) PMO and Agency generated dispute ID numbers

5) Agency Billing ID (for direct accounts)

(b) Contractor-provided

(1) Reserved )

(2) Contractor service order ID number (unique service order identification number as defined in Section C.

(3) Service order effective billing dates

(4) Unit quantities accepted from a service order

(5) On-net telephone numbers

(6) Contractor adjustment ID numbers

(7) Service outage credit ID number

(8) Traffic volumes

(9) Revenue discounts

(10) SDP ID code

(11) Contractor dispute ID number

The contractor shall participate in validation test of its billing system in accordance with the requirements of Section E.2.3.3. No agency-initiated service orders will be processed for billing until the Government certifies that the contractor’s billing system meets the approved criteria agreed upon in the Billing System Validation Test Plan. The Government reserves the right to require the development of additional test plans and/or to conduct joint testing of the contractor’s billing system during the life of the contract. The cost for the development of additional test plans and/or the conduct of joint testing for the contractor’s billing system will be negotiated on a case-by-case basis.

Instructions to offerors relating to Section C. are provided in Section L.

Sprint will comply with the RFP requirements of Section C.

The Billing System Validation Test Plan will demonstrate information required to verify each invoiced charge will be processed through the Sprint’s billing system to the invoice, including the following data:

(a) Government-provided:

(1) Agency Billing Code (for centralized accounts)

(2) Agency Designated Hierarchy Codes

(3) Accounting Control Transaction (ACT) number (Section C.

(4) PMO and Agency generated dispute ID numbers

(5) Agency Billing ID (for direct accounts)

(b) Sprint-provided:

(1) Reserved

(2) Contractor service order ID number (unique service order identification number as defined in Section C.

(3) Service order effective billing dates

(4) Unit quantities accepted from a service order

(5) On-net telephone numbers

(6) Contractor adjustment ID numbers

(7) Service outage credit ID number

(8) Traffic volumes

(9) Revenue discounts

(10) SDP ID code

(11) Contractor dispute ID number

Sprint and the GSA have cooperatively tested and verified Sprint’s current billing platform at the onset throughout the term of the FTS2000 contract. Verification of the billing system under the new FTS2001 contract can be readily completed after award.X. A draft version of the Billing System Validation Test Plan describing the test procedures for verifying that all Government billing requirements are satisfied has been provided in Appendix C of this proposal.

6.3 Billing Data Requirements (C.3.6.3)

This section addresses the requirements for data exchange, data retention, and Government required billing data.

Electronic invoicing transactions between the contractor and the Government shall conform to the ANSI X12 811 family of transaction sets, as interpreted by the TCIF and described in the IEG. Templates are provided in Section B.3.3 of the IEG that show the essential invoicing data elements required by the Government for SVS, PSS, DTS, and Toll Free Services. The contractor shall provide the data elements identified in the IEG for the above listed services but may use its own template for entering and displaying the data.

The contractor shall provide EDI transactions for billing customers that are EDI capable. Invoicing transactions that are not provided via EDI shall be provided in data formats consistent with the contractor’s existing practice as approved by the FTS2001 CO.

The approach for implementing EDI data models for invoicing shall be consistent with the ANSI X12 811 family of transaction sets as interpreted by the TCIF and described in the IEG. EDI invoicing data models provided in Section C.3.2 of the IEG have been developed to assist the offeror in preparing its proposal. These data models were developed in consonance with TCIF efforts to define implementation guidelines for 811 and 850 transaction sets and are based on GSA’s approach to providing billing services. The Government desires that the implementation of EDI invoicing transactions be consistent with the illustrated approach.

Sprint will comply with the RFP requirements of Section C.3.6.3 X.


Sprint’s commercial EDI service is virtually error-free and integrates the latest transmission technologies for 24 hour access from anywhere in the world.X. Sprint will partner with the GSA as EDI standards are defined to enhance its EDI capabilities to implement the most timely and accurate billing solutions.

Sprint’s EDI service as it currently exists is in conformance with the TCIF ANSI X12 811 interpretation. The data elements required for invoice presentation are available on Sprint’s EDI product.

Sprint has partnered with the GSA to provide various billing media under the FTS2000 contract. Our current billing media include paper, CD-ROM, IDT (invoice detail tape), magnetic cartridge, and WORM. Sprint will continue to partner with the GSA and end user agencies to implement appropriate billing media types that are compatible with user needs.

6.3.1 Data Exchange (C. Centralized Billing Data Exchange (C.

The contractor shall deliver all of the centralized billing data elements to the PMO and CDR to authorized users monthly. Refer to Section C.3.2.7 for the media of delivery and Section F for other deliverable requirements.

Sprint will comply with the RFP requirements of Section C.

Sprint, X, will continue to deliver billing on a centralized basis. Sprint and the GSA have a proven record under the FTS2000 contract of working together to develop, test, implement, and deliver new product charge records within a centralized invoice. Additionally, Sprint has always met or exceeded the invoice delivery schedule described in the FTS2000 contract. Sprint also has an excellent track record of delivering accurate requirements as can be seen in our invoice to payment ratio of X. Leveraging X, work relationships and experienced personnel will help ensure that this track record continues throughout the term of the FTS2001 contract. Direct Billing Data Exchange (C.

The contractor shall deliver all of the direct billing data elements and CDR to the agencies or sub-agencies which are authorized for direct billing and the PMO monthly. Refer to Section C.3.2.7 for the media of delivery and Section F for other deliverable requirements.

Sprint will comply with the RFP requirements of Section C.

Sprint’s X billing platform X that will allow Sprint to readily adapt to direct billing in our standard commercial business processes. Sprint in keeping with it’s desire to provide quality products and services to the Government has also provided various invoice media types under the FTS2000 contract at the agency level.X. Sprint will issue separate invoices for agencies and sub-agencies requesting direct billing.

6.3.2 Data Retention (C.

The contractor shall retain all data, hardcopy, letters, memorandums, adjustment data and other data pertaining to the billing of contract services as specified in Section I.9. The contractor shall provide this data to the Government within 10 business days after receiving the Government’s request for the data.

Sprint will comply with the RFP requirements of Section C.

Sprint and the GSA have demonstrated their capability to effectively work together to support data retention requirements. Sprint will continue to partner with the GSA and end user agencies under the FTS2001 contract to establish processes to meet the Government’s needs, and the requirements of the RFP.

6.3.3 Government Required Billing Data (C.

The contractor shall ensure that the Agency Billing Code for centralized billing accounts, Agency Billing ID for direct billing accounts, Agency Hierarchy Code, SDP ID Base Code, SDP ID Code, and contractor service order ID number, where appropriate, appear on the invoice or invoice supporting report.

Sprint will comply with the RFP requirements of Section C.

Sprint’s X billing services platform contains the flexibility to bill the data elements required by the Government and has the capacity to X. X. Sprint will, under the FTS2001 contract, work with the GSA and the end user agencies to design and test all billing functionality to ensure that all billing data elements are incorporated in the invoice process. During the FTS2000 contract, Sprint has consistently proven its ability to work with the GSA to provide new and enhanced products and services without jeopardizing invoice integrity. A diagram of how Sprint’s hierarchy to Agency Hierarchy Code cross-reference will be utilized is depicted below:

6.4 Billing Requirements (C.3.6.4)

This section addresses the Government’s requirements regarding the billing of charges, Service Initiation Charges (SIC), allocation of non-ANI data, bulk, project, and batch orders as well as clarifying already established EBDs, and third party bills.

6.4.1 Billing of Charges (C.

The Government desires a billing period that runs from the 1st through the 31st of the month for the majority of the contractor’s services. However, the Government will accept billing periods other than the 1st through the 31st of the month for those services for which the contractor bills commercially in such billing periods. The contractor shall invoice all services having the same billing period either on a consolidated invoice reflecting that billing period or use “electronic stapling” for invoices in that billing period. The contractor shall submit only one invoice per billing period for a service. The contractor shall notify its directly billed customers that they will receive multiple invoices at differing times of the month and the times of the month when the contractor’s customers will receive these invoices. The contractor shall invoice any service up to 90 calendar days after the close of the billing period in which the service was rendered. Services not invoiced within this 90 day period shall not be payable by the Government.

The contractor shall use “electronic stapling” to combine invoices the contractor does not aggregate into a single consolidated invoice. In this context, the term “electronic stapling” is the process of combining individual invoices created by separate billing systems into a single invoice.

Sprint will comply with the RFP requirements of Section C.

Sprint’s current practice is to bill the federal Government user in a month end billing cycle. X services billing platform, Sprint will have the capability to present all services on a consolidated invoice. As in the past, when new services and products become available, Sprint will work with the GSA and the end user agencies to ensure that the invoices are properly presented. Sprint’s knowledgeable billing team will continue to work with the GSA and end user agencies to establish processes and procedures that ensure proper billing related rates, presentation, and timeliness required by the contract.

6.4.2 Billing of Service Initiation charges (C.

The contractor shall bill the entire SIC, indicating waived or discounted charges, on the invoice following acceptance by the Government for the installation of the service contained in the completed service order.

Sprint will comply with the RFP requirements of Section C.

Sprint’s X will be used to control billing based on the service completion date. Sprint understands the Government’s requirement to bill the entire SIC charge on the invoice following service completion and acceptance by the Government. Service acceptance is assumed after 72 hours following remittance of the service completion notice unless Sprint is notified to the contrary. SIC charges will be billed for services based on the contracted pricing.

6.4.3 Allocation of Non-Automated Number Identification Data (C.

The Government will provide station allocation data down to three decimal places. The contractor shall ensure that all data regarding allocations at GSA consolidated switches and/or data presented for allocation by an exclusive-use host, received within 15 calendar days after the close of the billing period for a service, shall be utilized in the contractor’s billing for the following month’s charges for the service. The contractor shall utilize the data to three decimal places to allocate the total charges, total number of calls, and total called minutes on the invoice data to the proper levels of the Agency Hierarchy Code.

Sprint will comply with the RFP requirements of Section C.

This requirement is X met by Sprint’s X. X platform functionality, Sprint will continue to meet this requirement ensuring that charges are billed at the proper X

The Government will provide station allocation data down to three decimal places. Per the RFP, Sprint will ensure that all data regarding allocations at GSA consolidated switches and/or data presented for allocation by an exclusive-use host, received within 15 calendar days after the close of the billing period for a service, will be utilized in the Sprint’s billing for the following month’s charges for the service. Sprint will utilize the data to three decimal places to allocate the total charges, total number of calls, and total called minutes on the invoice data to the proper levels of the Agency Hierarchy Code.X.

6.4.4 Billing of Multiple Service Requests (C.

The contractor shall provide itemized billing when processing multiple service requests. The contractor shall ensure that billing items, which were ordered in bulk, project, and batch format may be separated or processed singly without disrupting the activity of other billing items. For example, it shall be possible to separate one calling card from the original order of 10 calling cards without affecting the billing associated with the other calling cards.

Sprint will comply with the RFP requirements of Section C.

Sprint plans to X. X flexibility permits the independent treatment of services ordered in bulk ensuring that the special handling of any one item will not negatively affect the entire order. This capability would permit emergency expedites of services to certain areas that may be a part of a bulk or multiple service order.

6.4.5 Effective Billing Dates (C.

The period for which the contractor bills shall:

(a) Begin on the EBD, that is, the start date of successful (72-hour) acceptance testing for provisioned services as defined in Section E.2.2.3.

(b) Stop on the disconnect date requested by the agency.

Sprint will comply with the RFP requirements of Section C.

Sprint and the GSA have a history of working under effective billing date requirements. Sprint prides itself on meeting the EBD requirements and will continue to use existing safeguards jointly developed by Sprint and the GSA to ensure compliance under the FTS2001 contract. Sprint’s X and experienced personnel will be leveraged to support the billing requirements of the FTS2001 contract.

6.4.6 Service Order Delay, Expedite, or Cancellation Charges (C.

When additional or fractional charges apply for cancellations, due date changes, or expedites, the contractor shall enter the charged amount on the service order and process charges resulting from the completed order through to the invoice.

Sprint will comply with the RFP requirements of Section C.

Sprint’s existing X contains the capability to bill one-time charges such as service order delay, expedite or cancellation charges. Sprint plans to X to ensure this requirement is met. These one-time charges may be billed at an invoice point designated by the PMO or direct billed agency.


6.4.7 Reserved (C.

8. Access Billing Allocation (C.

For the purposes of billing access, the channels on the access circuit are divided into two categories, shared and non-shared. Shared access channels are those that may be used by different users at different times; non-shared access channels are those that can be used only by one user. SVS access channels to a PBX/CENTREX may be shared; DTS and SDS channels are dedicated to individual users and generally are not shared. CSDS channels may be shared if they are routed through an appropriate digital PBX/CENTREX or equivalent. The Government will designate shared and non-shared channels where necessary to ensure correct billing.

Each month the contractor shall ensure the identification and allocation, for billing, of integrated access. For billing purposes, charges for the access circuit shall be allocated by the contractor equally to each active channel.

For non-shared channels, these allocated charges shall be billed to the appropriate parties as designated by the Government.

For shared channels, further allocation shall be performed by the contractor before billing as follows:

(a) Where ANI (or equivalent) is available, the contractor shall bill charges to the appropriate parties as designated by the Government by allocating charges based on actual usage (outbound usage for non-toll free, inbound usage for toll free). The Government will provide appropriate station identification data to allow the contractor to associate stations with billed parties.

(b) Where ANI (or equivalent) is not available, the Government will provide allocation factors (up to three decimal places). The contractor shall bill charges to the appropriate parties as designated by the Government using these allocation factors.

(c) The Government reserves the right to provide allocation factors for any location to be used in lieu of all other allocation methods.

Sprint understands the Government’s requirements with regard to access billing allocation. For the purposes of billing access, the channels on an access circuit can be categorized as shared and non-shared. Shared access channels are those that may be used by different users at different times; non-shared access channels are those that can be used only by one user. As defined by the Government, SVS access channels to a PBX/CENTREX may be shared; DTS and SDS channels are dedicated to individual users and generally are not shared. CSDS channels may be shared if they are routed through an appropriate digital PBX/CENTREX or equivalent. The Government will designate shared and non-shared channels where necessary to ensure correct billing. Sprint has provided similar capabilities under the FTS2000 contract and is pleased to be able to offer these capabilities to meet the needs of the Government under FTS2001 as referred to in Section C. of the RFP.

X, based on allocation factors provided by the Government (up to three decimal places), to the various sub-agency(s) utilizing the shared access facilities. X.

Secondly, Sprint also X s.

Under FTS2001, each month Sprint will ensure the identification and allocation, for billing, of integrated access. For billing purposes, charges for the access circuit will be allocated by Sprint to each active channel.

For non-shared channels, charges will be billed to the appropriate parties as designated by the Government within the service order.

For shared access channels:

• Where ANI (or equivalent) is available, Sprint will bill charges to the appropriate parties as designated by the Government based on actual usage (outbound usage for non-toll free, inbound usage for toll free). Sprint understands the Government will provide appropriate station identification data to allow Sprint to associate stations with billed parties. The sub-agency to station designations will be coordinated as part of the original order to establish access channels at the shared site.

• Where ANI (or equivalent) is not available, the Government will provide allocation factors (up to three decimal places). Sprint will store this information within its system and bill charges to the appropriate parties as designated by the Government using these allocation factors.

• Sprint understands the Government reserves the right to provide allocation factors for any location to be used in lieu of all other allocation methods.

Sprint will accommodate changes to allocation factors on a monthly basis.

6.4.9 Third Party Billing (C.

When a host agency sub-lets reservations-based telecommunication services to another agency, the contractor shall provide a billing capability to enable the individual usage, monthly recurring charge, and/or non-recurring charge to be billed to the Agency Hierarchy Code of the agency using the telecommunications services.

The agency sub-letting the reservation-based service will provide necessary invoicing information to the contractor at the time the reservation is made.

Sprint will comply with the RFP requirements of Section C.

Sprint’s X has functionality that meets this requirement. X Sprint can ensure that third party or sub-let services are billed to the appropriate end user agency. Sprint will work with the GSA and end user agencies to ensure workable procedures are in place to capture the proper billing structure.

6.5 Invoicing Requirements (C.3.6.5)

This section addresses invoice payments, withholding invoice payments, invoice balances, invoice discounts, the contractor’s responsibilities for delivery of the invoice, invoice content, invoice format, and making invoice changes.

6.5.1 Invoice Payment (C.

The payment of a proper invoice will be made by the Government as detailed in Sections G.1 and I (FAR 52.232-01, Payments).

Sprint will comply with the RFP requirements of Section C.

Sprint has a solid track record of presenting proper invoices under the FTS2000 contract. The GSA has never rejected a Sprint invoice. By leveraging the current platform, procedures and experienced staff, Sprint can ensure proper invoices are delivered to the GSA or direct billed agencies.

6.5.2 Withholding Payment of Invoice (C.

The Government reserves the right to withhold a partial or entire payment of an invoice as detailed in Section I (FAR 52.232-01, Payments).

Sprint will comply with the RFP requirements of Section C.

The GSA has never rejected a Sprint invoice under the FTS2000 contract. Sprint has worked with the GSA to develop a dispute database and procedures that control dispute activity and resolution. X.

Sprint is committed to working with the GSA and end user agencies to improve processes for the FTS2001 program if necessary.

6.5.3 Invoice Balances (C.

The contractor shall maintain records of the current status of its financial accounts and support PMO and directly billed agency inquiries to reconcile account balances within two (2) business days after receipt of notification by the PMO or the agency.

Sprint will comply with the RFP requirements of Section C.

Sprint’s billing and accounting systems maintain invoice history that permits Sprint Customer Service Representatives and the user community to support inquiries and research issues as presented. This on-line history allows Sprint to respond to and resolve issues in a timely manner.

6.5.4 Discount Reporting (C.

The contractor shall report discounts for the current invoice as a separate line item credit on the current invoice on the totals page to be clearly distinguished from the charges for each service. However, if the vendor can give discounts to a chargeable line item, then the Government desires that the discount be shown at the hierarchy level versus the Agency Billing Code level. The contractor shall deduct this credit from the current invoice charges.

Sprint will comply with the RFP requirements of Section C.

Sprint’s X. Sprint will work with the GSA and end user agencies to determine where discounts should be applied at the lowest or highest invoice levels.X. A sample of Sprint’s invoice summary page can be found in Appendix E.

6.5.5 Invoice Delivery (C.

Instruction for delivery of invoices are specified in Section G.1.

Sprint will comply with the RFP requirements of Section C.

Sprint has a solid track record of delivering invoices on time and via the required contract media. Sprint has never missed an invoice delivery date under the FTS2000 contract. By leveraging our current systems processes and experienced billing support personnel, Sprint can ensure accurate and timely billing. Centralized Invoice (G.1.1)

For each billing period in which consolidated invoices (or set of one or more “electronically stapled” invoices) are generated for the centralized billing of a set of services, the contractor shall submit the consolidated invoices and/or the electronically stapled invoices in an original and one copy to the designated billing office specified in this contract. The monthly invoices for agencies billed centrally shall be submitted to the designated billing office at the address indicated below by the 15th business day following the conclusion of the billing period for which the invoices apply. The centralized billing invoices shall reflect all charges through the last day of the previous billing period for which the invoices apply. The contractor shall submit the official monthly invoices for centralized billing on electronic media according to Section C. as determined after notice to proceed. The original invoices and copies shall be in the data format agreed between the contractor and the Government in the Information Exchange Guide (IEG).

Sprint will comply with the RFP requirements of Section G.1.1.

Sprint’s Xservices billing platform has been used to support the FTS2000 contract for the past decade. Consolidated invoices have been presented to the GSA each month and Sprint has never missed a delivery date. The current platform allows Sprint to continue using the same or like processes to generate timely invoices. Sprint and the GSA will work together as in the past, to determine media and format needs and implement billing solutions as required by the FTS2001 contract. All invoices and copies will be presented to the appropriate contact as designated by the contract. Direct Invoice (G.1.2)

For each billing period in which consolidated invoices (or set of one or more “electronically stapled” invoices) are generated for the direct billing of a set of services, the contractor shall submit an original of the consolidated invoices for each agency or sub-agency that selects direct billing to the designated billing office specified in this contract by the 15th business day following the conclusion of the billing period for which the invoices apply. The direct billing invoice shall reflect all charges through the last day of the previous billing period for which the invoices apply. The contractor shall submit the official monthly invoices for direct billing on electronic media according to Section C. as determined by the directly billed agencies within 30 days after notice to proceed. The original invoices shall be in the data format agreed between the contractor and the Government in the IEG.

Sprint will comply with the RFP requirements of Section G.1.2.

Sprint’s X permit sorting invoices on a centralized or direct billed basis. Sprint will bill those agencies that are designated as direct billed with a payable invoice. Sprint will work with the user agencies to determine the appropriate billing medium.X. Aggregated Consolidated Summary of Directly Billed Agencies (G.1.3)

The contractor shall submit monthly to the designated billing office at the address indicated below an original and one copy of an aggregated consolidated summary displaying each of the invoices delivered to each agency or sub-agency that selects direct billing. The contractor shall submit the official monthly aggregated summary on electronic media according to Section C. as determined after contract award. Each copy of an aggregated consolidated invoice summary shall be in data format agreed between the contractor and the Government in the IEG. The aggregated invoice summary shall be submitted to the designated billing office at the address indicated below by the 15th business day following the conclusion of the billing period which applies to the invoices in the summary. The aggregated summary shall reflect all charges through the last day of the previous billing period which applies to the invoices in the summary. If the production of consolidated invoices is not possible, electronic stapling of the invoices will be acceptable.

Sprint will comply with the RFP requirements of Section G.1.3.

Sprint’s X services billing platform has the capability of aggregating invoice summaries displaying each invoice delivered to each agency or sub-agency that selects direct billing. Sprint’s proven track record of submitting the official monthly aggregated invoice on the required medium will permit Sprint to migrate into the FTS2001 contract with little to no disruption to the current processes. Sprint has never missed a required invoice delivery date and the proven processes now in place will be carried forward to the new contract. Sprint has the proven capabilities to meet the billing requirements of the FTS2001 contract. Centralized and Direct Invoice Instruction (G.1.4)

On each invoice the contractor shall include the accounting control transaction number assigned by the Government. The invoicing details are found in the IEG.

In addition to the requirements for a proper invoice specified in the Prompt Payment clause of this contract, the following information or documentation must be submitted with each invoice:

(a) Billing data as agreed between the contractor and the Government in the IEG.

(b) Information necessary to enable the Government to make payment by wire transfer in accordance with the Electronic Funds Transfer Payment clause of this contract.

The contractor shall bill telecommunications services one time, to only one payable invoice.

The General Services Administration (GSA) is responsible to pay the contractor for the FTS2001 consolidated invoice which charges the centralized billing user agencies or sub-agencies. GSA, while offering two billing methods for FTS2001, will not be responsible for any charges directly invoiced to any agency or sub-agency.

Sprint will comply with the RFP requirements of Section G.1.4.

Sprint’s X supports including the accounting control transaction (ACT) number assigned by the Government on each invoice. This capability is inherent with the X. Sprint has a proven track record of meeting the federal Government requirements for invoice presentation. Sprint is fully compliant with the Governments requirement to make payments by wire transfer. The GSA uses this payment method today as do many Government agencies that use Sprint services under contracts outside FTS2000. Sprint will make electronic payment capability available to all direct billed agencies in addition to the GSA. Sprint will work with the direct billed agencies to ensure payment is made in a timely and efficient manner.

6.5.6 Invoice Content (C.

The contractor shall consolidate FTS2001 services where possible and submit invoices according to the requirements of Section C.3.6.4. The contractor shall ensure that all charges are shown on the invoices and no additional tapes or materials are required by the Government to verify all price elements. The invoices shall also include additional items consistent with the contractor’s existing practice. The contractor shall carry the appropriate contract ACT number on its invoices. Any changes to the invoice content, including changes resulting from the inclusion of future services, enhancements, which are in accordance with commercial invoicing capabilities shall be implemented at no additional cost to the Government.

Sprint will comply with the RFP requirements of Section C.

Sprint will ensure that all charges are shown on the invoices or electronic billing media, and that no additional tapes or materials are required by the Government to verify pricing for all invoiced charge items.

Sprint’s X. A sample of Sprint’s invoice can be found in Appendix E. Sprint will partner with the GSA and end user agencies that are direct billed to ensure that invoices continue to meet the requirements for content and presentation. Sprint has a proven record of working with the GSA to implement emerging services and enhancements into the invoice and will continue to leverage that excellent working relationship throughout the term of the FTS2001 contract. Invoice Totals Page (C.

The contractor shall identify its current month’s charge as a separate entry on the invoice. The contractor shall show any contractor-generated adjustments and discounts as separate entries on the invoice or invoice supporting reports. The contractor shall include PMO and agency disputes as separate entries on the invoice.

Sprint will comply with the RFP requirements of Section C.

Sprint’s X meets this requirement and Sprint will work with the GSA and end user agencies to ensure that all invoices provided under the FTS2001 contract meet this requirement. A sample of Sprint’s invoice can be found in Appendix E. Invoice Summary Section (C.

The contractor shall have an Agency Summary Section which depicts charges for all types of services at the Agency Hierarchy Code level.

Sprint will comply with the RFP requirements of Section C.

Sprint’s X meets this requirement and Sprint will work with the GSA and end user agencies to ensure that all invoices provided under the FTS2001 contract meet this requirement. A sample of Sprint’s invoice can be found in Appendix E. Invoice Detail Section (C.

The contractor shall include a service order activity section and a detailed billing activity section that is grouped by Agency Hierarchy Code. These sections shall be used to provide Other Credits and Charges (OCC) invoice data. The OCC type of invoice data shall include Service Initiation Charges and Feature Initiation Charges in accordance with the ANSI/TCIF 811 transaction set.

The contractor shall ensure that the detailed sections will group the current recurring and non-recurring charges, adjustments, surcharges, and special allowances in the manner specified by the Agency Hierarchy Code in a manner consistent with commercial practice. The contractor shall show all federal, state, and local taxes and surcharges as separate line items.

Sprint will comply with the RFP requirements of Section C.

X. Sprint will partner with the GSA and end user agencies to correlate the Agency Hierarchy Code with the appropriate Sprint hierarchy aggregate. Call Detail Records (L. (C.

L. Billing

(d) Descriptions of billing-related software tools to be provided to the Government

C. Call Detail Records

The contractor shall identify the lowest level of call origination possible, i.e., the originating station calling number, authorization code, or trunk as appropriate. The Government considers the CDR data to be sensitive information, and the contractor shall take appropriate safeguards to protect it. The CDR shall contain sufficient data elements to verify the charges that it represents. Each price element in the CDR shall be uniquely identified with its Service Configuration Identification (SCID) numbers, its SCID type number, and its location code (if applicable). All on-net charges shall be referenced to the appropriate SDP ID Code.

The contractor shall deliver all CDR for both centralized and direct billed agencies to the PMO monthly.

The Government reserves the right to instruct the contractor, with 60 days notice, to also distribute the CDR to specified agencies using centralized billing. The contractor shall provide its standard end-user software report generation tools, when available at no additional cost to the Government.

The contractor shall distribute the CDR to directly billed agencies or sub-agencies. Delivery of the CDR shall include the contractor’s standard end-user software report generation tools, when available at no additional cost to the Government.

Refer to Section C.3.2.7 for the media of delivery and Section F for other deliverable requirements.

Sprint will comply with the RFP requirements of Section L. and C.

The CDR will contain sufficient data elements to verify the charges that it represents. Based on information contained within the CDR, the Government will be able to identify/map each price element in the CDR with its Service Configuration Identification (SCID) numbers, its SCID type number, and its location code, if applicable. In addition, the CDR will contain sufficient data elements for Government to be able to identify all on-net charges to the appropriate SDP ID Code.

Sprint’s X billing platform provides the capability to invoice at agency levels of call origination including originating station, authorization code. Sprint’s billing platform permits the distribution of call detail records on a centralized or direct billed basis or both. Sprint currently sorts Government invoices on a consolidated as well as agency level. This process readily meets the specific sorting requirements of the FTS2001 contract. Sprint currently provides invoice and call detail records X.

Sprint has a proven track record with GSA of being able to maintain sensitive information. Appropriate safeguards are in place and the experienced billing personnel have been educated in the proper handling of sensitive information. Sprint plans to X safeguards and experienced billing personnel to ensure that sensitive information is properly handled.

Sprint will provide report software with CDR on CD-ROM for all agencies at no cost if it is available , as required in RFP C.

6.5.7 Invoice Format (C.

The contractor shall use a format in accordance with the ANSI/TCIF 811 transaction set. These formats, as well as formats for future services, enhancements, or changes shall be implemented at no additional cost to the Government when consistent with commercial practice.

Sprint will comply with the RFP requirements of Section C.

Sprint will use a format in accordance with the ANSI/TCIF 811 transaction set. These formats, as well as formats for future services, enhancements, or changes will be implemented at no additional cost to the Government.

6.5.8 Invoice Changes (C.

The contractor shall provide 60 calendar days notice to the PMO in writing before making changes to the invoice content or format. The frequency of such changes, including changes resulting from the introduction of new services or industry standards modifications, shall not exceed once every 60 calendar days unless the change was mandated by a Federal, state, and/or local public utility regulatory authority or such other process that requires implementation in less than 60 calendar days. The contractor shall provide a detailed specification of the revised format to the PMO. Refer to Section C.3.2.7 for the media of delivery and Section F for other deliverable requirements.

Invoice changes initiated by changes in the invoice standards by an authorized regulatory body or at the direction of the contractor shall be done at no cost to the Government. The contractor shall obtain written approval from the CO to initiate an emergency change. All changes will be reflected in updates to the IEG.

Agencies and/or sub-agencies that elect direct billing may request invoice changes to their invoice content or format through contract modifications via the PMO. Charges for invoice formats that differ from the standard FTS2001 invoice format (i.e., customized formats) shall be addressed on an individual case basis.

Sprint will comply with the RFP requirements of Section C.

Sprint has a proven history of working with the GSA to implement required invoice changes due to the introduction of new services as well as federal Government mandated changes. Sprint complies with the 60 days notice under X and plans to transition the same or like processes under the FTS2001 contract. Sprint and the GSA have partnered to develop and test invoice changes to ensure they are compatible with user interfaces. Sprint plans to X experienced and proven working relationship to continue meeting the user needs for both centralized and direct billed agencies.

Procedures have been established between Sprint and the GSA to address emergency changes, mandated changes or individual agency changes and Sprint will leverage and build on the current processes to affect these type of invoice format changes on an individual basis.

6.6 Disputes and Adjustments (C.3.6.6)

This section addresses the separate issues of PMO and agency filed disputes as well as adjustments initiated by the contractor due to discrepancies in an invoice.

The Government intends to participate with industry in accredited standards bodies to develop standard EC/EDI transaction sets for disputes, adjustments, and service credit outages. Until such standards are developed, dispute, adjustment, and credit reports shall be provided as identified in Section C.6 and containing data elements as defined in Sections B.4 and B.5 of the IEG. Dispute numbers, credit numbers, or other data that are included on the contractor’s invoice shall conform to the ANSI X12 811 transaction set as interpreted by the TCIF and described in the IEG.

The Government will accept a pro-rata GMS fee adjustment for disputes and adjustments in cases where a dispute is made against a prior invoice period(s) for which payment by the Government has already been made and GMS fees have been paid by theContractor.

Sprint will comply with the RFP requirements of Section C.3.6.6.

Sprint and the GSA have worked together under the FTS2000 contract to develop processes to report, track and resolve disputes and more importantly to reduce the number of disputes. The results of this cooperation can be seen in Figure 2.A.6-3. X. Sprint will continue to partner with GSA and the end user agencies under the FTS2001 contract to maintain the highest levels of invoice accuracy. A preliminary sample of Sprint’s current and proposed dispute tracking reports can be found in Appendix G.




In 1996, Sprint introduced the current dispute process following a year and a half quality effort in conjunction with the GSA. Implementation of this revised process as a direct result of recommendations from the GSA/Sprint Joint Billing Dispute Quality Team, along with enhancements to the X application during the later part of 1995, led to a X. These process improvements led the GSA/Sprint Executive Quality Council to designate the Joint GSA/Sprint Billing Dispute Quality Team as the Quality Team of the Year in 1996.

As mentioned previously, Sprint has taken steps over the years to eliminate billing dispute issues. Two joint GSA/Sprint quality teams were formed at different periods to address the billing dispute concerns. Discussions between GSA’s Billing Management group and Sprint’s X resolved many of the issues. This led to improvements to the dispute and service order processes being implemented incrementally by both organizations. One such improvement was implemented by the Government in their deployment of FBMS (Federal Billing Management System) which enabled the eventual elimination of paper dispute materials, replaced by electronic data on disputes. At this time, GSA and Sprint also agreed on a X. With the incremental improvements and agreements made as a result of these joint quality efforts, the current dispute resolution process, in place since mid-1996 has resulted in significant reductions in the number of disputes rendered by GSA. As well, GSA has acknowledged on many occasions, significant improvements in resolution turn-around for disputes rendered as a result of GSA billing verification and those rendered by GSA on behalf of the agencies.

Dispute Resolution/Clearance Process

Since the late-1996 time period, since full implementation of recommendations of the GSA/Sprint Joint Quality Team and enhancements installed within the X, all disputes have been effectively handled by Sprint on a case-by-case basis to the satisfaction of both the Sprint and GSA organizations. The improvements realized as part of these processes are a testament to the effective partnership developed by GSA and Sprint over the years. As mentioned in the introduction, Sprint’s dispute clearance process is well documented. This process is a direct result of the Joint GSA/Sprint Billing Dispute Quality Team. A copy of the process flow is provided in Figure 2.A.6-3.a:



This is the process that Sprint and GSA successfully follow today under FTS2000 and will be refined where appropriate for continued use under FTS2001.

Dispute Cause Categorization

As part of the process improvements recommended by the Joint GSA/Sprint Billing Dispute Quality Team, a matrix was also developed which outlines the process and required documentation for each type of dispute by GSA Reason Code/Cause Code. The matrix is titled, “Reason Code/Action Requirement Matrix. Disputes are categorized further based on the GSA Reason/Cause Code into four major categories to be addressed by specific organizations. Sprint categorizes its disputes based on the GSA Reason/Cause Code as follows:

- Billing System/Rating Related Issues

- Service Order Related Issues

- Service Management Issues

- Contractual Issues

Based on these major categories the disputes are provided to the appropriate Billing, Service Order Implementation, Service Management, or Contracts representatives for resolution. The categorization by GSA Reason/Cause Code and the Reason Code/Action Requirement matrix has become an important part of the dispute resolution process. X


Additional enhancements to Sprint’s dispute processing system during 1995 enabled Sprint to store the GSA Reason/Cause Code and GSA’s Dispute Number/ID within X system. The GSA Dispute Reason/Cause Code allows for categorization of disputes by GSA Reason Code and now carries this information within X and dispute resolution reports provided to GSA by Sprint.

Time Intervals

As part of its process, Sprint tracks the time intervals required for completion of the billing dispute process. Disputes are broken into four major categories to be addressed by specific organizations as described above. Based on these major categories the disputes are provided to the appropriate Billing, Service Order Implementation, Service Management, or Contracts representatives for resolution. These organizations target resolution of newly assigned disputes within 30 days. The results/resolutions for disputes completed within the bill period are then reported to GSA with the next billing cycle invoice materials. This means that the results are reported back to GSA within sixty days after receipt of the dispute if the problem is such that the appropriate representative is able to resolve the dispute cause within the target timeframe. Issues related to contractual issues may take longer to make it through the process due to time-frames required to document and discuss the issues between contracting organizations.

Resolution Delivery

Dispute Resolution information is provided each month with the invoice materials delivered to GSA in Fairview Heights, IL. The Dispute Resolution information provides a listing of disputes for which full credit was applied, disputes for which partial credit was granted, or for which no credit was granted. This data includes the GSA FBMS dispute number. In addition, detailed explanations and/or back-up documentation are provided on any disputes for which full credit is not granted in order to facilitate closure by the GSA.

With regard to dispute resolution/clearance processes, it is important to note that even with difficulties experienced during the early period of the FTS2000 contract, Sprint’s ratio of payment amount to monthly amount invoiced has maintained an average of X. In addition, it is also important to point out that in no case over the life of the FTS2000 contract has an invoice ever been rejected by the GSA. Sprint believes that the processes implemented have more than adequately addressed any issues that might have been raised at one time concerning Sprint’s billing dispute process. We also believe that our processes are unmatched by any other vendor in terms of their ability to consistently meet a high standard of excellence.

6.6.1 Program Management Office Disputes (C.

The contractor shall, upon the receipt of a dispute from the PMO, assign its own dispute number. The contractor shall return a dispute receipt acknowledgment to the PMO showing the assigned billing dispute number for tracking purposes.

After resolution of the PMO dispute, this contractor-assigned dispute number shall appear on the invoice or invoice supporting reports with the debit or credit line item at the appropriate level of the Agency Hierarchy Code. The dispute number area on the invoice or invoice supporting reports shall comply with the appropriate ANSI/TCIF 811 transaction set.

If the contractor’s billing system is unable to accommodate incorporation of the dispute number on the invoice, the contractor shall provide the dispute information in a management report containing dispute numbers. This information shall be at the appropriate level of the Agency Hierarchy Code.

Sprint will comply with the RFP requirements of Section C. regarding the dispute process. Sprint will upgrade its X and reporting to include data elements listed in IEG Section B. and as referenced in the sample reports found in Appendix G.

During the past decade, Sprint has partnered with the GSA to develop and maintain a dispute database that encompasses data and controls that have allowed us to acknowledge, track and reduce the number of disputes related to Government business. X.

Sprint currently provides two (2) monthly dispute reports to the FTS2000 PMO which detail disputes which have been closed, approved, or denied, during the reporting bill period. Both reports contain the same data elements; however, each are sorted differently based on GSA preference.


Sprint will work with the PMO to establish distribution and summarization levels for all dispute related reports. Sprint will provide debit/credit information to the appropriate level of the 28 digit alphanumeric code.

6.6.2 Agency Disputes (C.

The contractor shall, upon the receipt of a dispute from a centralized or directly billed agency, assign its own dispute number. The contractor shall return a receipt acknowledgment to the agency, with a copy to the PMO on an as required basis, showing the assigned dispute number for tracking purposes.

After resolution of the agency dispute, this contractor-assigned dispute number shall appear on the invoice or invoice supporting reports with the debit or credit line item at the appropriate level of the Agency Hierarchy Code. The dispute number area on the invoice or invoice supporting reports shall comply with the appropriate ANSI/TCIF 811 transaction set.

If the contractor’s billing system is unable to accommodate incorporation of the dispute number on the invoice, the contractor shall provide the dispute information in a management report containing dispute numbers. This information shall be at the appropriate level of the Agency Hierarchy Code.

Sprint will comply with the RFP requirements of Section C.

During the past decade, Sprint has partnered with the GSA to develop and maintain a dispute database that encompasses data and controls that have allowed us to acknowledge, track and reduce the number of disputes related to Government business. X.

Sprint will work with the PMO to establish distribution and summarization levels for all dispute related reports.

6.6.3 Contractor Adjustments (C.

The contractor shall notify the PMO and all directly billed agencies and sub-agencies immediately of any contractor initiated invoice errors via E-Mail, electronic file transfer, or FAX. The contractor shall assign a unique adjustment number, which shall be used for tracking purposes.

After resolution of the contractor adjustment, the contractor-assigned adjustment number shall appear on the invoice or invoice supporting reports with the debit or credit line item at the appropriate level of the Agency Hierarchy Code. The contractor shall not issue a check to any agency or to the PMO for chargeback to the agency.

Sprint will comply with the RFP requirements of Section C.

Sprint and the GSA have a proven history of working together to report and resolve billing adjustments. As Sprint identifies invoice errors the PMO and direct billed agencies will be notified on the amount and the tracking number. Upon resolution, the adjustment will be billed and reported appropriately. Adjustment reports will be distributed to the PMO or end user agency, as designed. That will allow tracking adjustments to the invoice.

6.6.4 Program Management Office and Agency Dispute Resolution Timetable (C.


The contractor shall, upon the receipt of a PMO or agency dispute, adhere to the following time frames within which to resolve the dispute unless otherwise extended by the PMO:

(a) 30 calendar days for individual disputes less than or equal to $10,000

(b) 60 calendar days for individual disputes over $10,000

The contractor shall process the dispute debit or credit for the exact amount in dispute on the next invoice for all resolved disputes. The contractor shall submit resolutions that are less than the exact amount in dispute to the dispute’s initiator for acceptance or denial. The PMO or agency initiator will respond with a proposed resolution. If negotiations between the contractor and the dispute’s initiator fail to achieve resolution, the PMO or agency will escalate the dispute to the CO, who will work with all parties to reach a mutually agreeable resolution.

After award the contractor shall work with the PMO to develop procedures identifying documentation required to support disputes and to develop a process to avoid generating duplicate disputes raised by both the PMO and an agency. After contract award, the contractor shall negotiate specifics regarding the dispute process with the PMO.

The contractor shall, for any dispute or adjustment totaling over $50,000, contact the agency or PMO for direction on which specific invoice the parties involved want the debit or credit to be processed.

Sprint will comply with the RFP requirements of Section C.

Sprint and the GSA have worked together to develop processes to report, track, and resolve disputes related to billing. Sprint will work with the PMO after contract award, to review and look for ways to improve the current processes. Sprint will work within the timeframes and dollar limits established and agreed to in the FTS2001 contract. Sprint and the GSA have a professional working relationship that can be leveraged to meet these requirements.

6.6.5 Dispute and Adjustment Database and Adjustment Reports (L. (C.


(c) Examples of all summary or information reports proposed

C. Dispute Database and Adjustment Reports

The contractor shall deliver to the PMO by the 5th business day following close of the billing report period for each service one copy of its Dispute Database (see Section F) representing the complete status of all disputes at the close of the reporting period for each service. The Dispute Database shall identify all dispute activities for the reporting period for that service and show the balance forward data at the beginning and end of the reporting period. The contents of the database are described in Section C.

The contractor shall deliver one copy of its Monthly Adjustment Database to the PMO by the 5th business day of the month following close of the billing report period for each service. The database shall identify all adjustments being made to the centralized invoice to correct any previous reporting period billing errors and shall identify the Agency Billing Code, Agency Hierarchy Code and service order ID number as appropriate for each adjustment amount. The contents of the Adjustment Report are described in Section C.

The contractor shall deliver to each agency using direct billing one copy of a Dispute Database, by the 5th business day of the month following close of the billing report period for each service, as described in Section C., which shall reflect only that agency’s monthly dispute activity.

The contractor shall deliver to each agency using direct billing, one copy of a Monthly Adjustment Database, by the 5th business day of the month following close of the billing report period for each service, t as described in Section C., which shall reflect only that agency’s activity.

The contractor shall deliver to the PMO by the 15th business day following close of the billing report period a Dispute Report.

The contractor shall deliver to the PMO by the 15th business day following the close of the billing report period a Monthly Adjustment Report.

The contractor shall deliver to each agency using direct billing, one copy of a Dispute Report by the 15th business day of the month following the close of the billing report period.

The contractor shall deliver to each agency using direct billing, one copy of a Monthly Adjustment Report by the 15th business day of the month following the close of the billing report period.

For the Dispute and Adjustment Reports, the Government is seeking to know the status of disputes and adjustments at close of the billing period for that service. The Government recognizes that not all disputes and adjustments for a particular billing period may be reflected in the reports due for the period because of a lack of certain information. The contractor shall include in the next billing period’s report dispute and adjustment information not contained in the previous billing period’s report for a service.

Sprint will comply with the RFP requirements of Sections L.38.2.15(c) and C.

In support of the FTS2000 program, Sprint and the GSA have worked together to develop dispute reports that are distributed monthly. Sprint is proposing Xprocess and working with the GSA and end user agencies to further define their reporting and tracking requirements for the FTS2001 program.

Sprint currently provides two (2) monthly dispute reports to the FTS2000 PMO which detail disputes which have been closed, either approved or denied, during the reporting bill period. Both reports contain the same data elements, however each are sorted differently based on GSA preference.


Sprint will work with the GSA and user agencies to establish sorts and distribution points for each report. The reports will contain status and statistics related to all disputes and adjustments enabling the users to track disputes and adjustments to the invoice.

Sprint will deliver to the PMO by the 5th business day following close of the billing report period for each service, one copy of our Dispute Database. This database will represent the complete status of all outstanding disputes pending resolution and those disputes resolved during the reporting period. The Dispute Database will identify all dispute activities for the reporting period for that service and show the balance forward data at the beginning and end of the reporting period. The contents of the database are described in RFP Section C.

Sprint will deliver one copy of its Monthly Adjustment Database to the PMO by the 5th business day of the month following close of the billing report period for each service. The database will identify all adjustments being made to the centralized invoice to correct any previous reporting period billing errors and shall identify the Agency Billing Code, Agency Hierarchy Code and service order ID number as appropriate for each adjustment amount. The contents of the Adjustment Report are described in RFP Section C.

Sprint will deliver to each agency using direct-billing, one copy of a Dispute Database by the 5th business day of the month following close of the billing report period for each service, as described in RFP Section C., which will reflect only that agency’s monthly dispute activity.

Sprint will deliver to each agency using direct-billing, one copy of a Monthly Adjustment Database, by the 5th business day of the month following close of the billing report period for each service, as described in RFP Section C., which will reflect only that agency’s activity.

Sprint will deliver to the PMO by the 15th business day following close of the billing report period a Dispute Report. The report will include the status of disputes at close of the billing period for each service.

Sprint will deliver to the PMO by the 15th business day following the close of the billing report period a Monthly Adjustment Report. The report will include the status of adjustments at close of the billing period for each service.

Sprint will deliver to each agency using direct billing, one copy of a Dispute Report by the 15th business day of the month following the close of the billing report period. The report will include the status of disputes at close of the billing period for each service and will contain information particular to the agency reported.

Sprint will deliver to each agency using direct billing, one copy of a Monthly Adjustment Report by the 15th business day of the month following the close of the billing report period. The report will include the status of adjustments at close of the billing period for each service and will contain information particular to the agency reported.

It should be noted that not all disputes and adjustments for a particular billing period may be reflected in the reports due for the period because of a lack of certain information. Sprint will include in the next billing period’s report dispute and adjustment information not contained in the previous billing period’s report for a service once the missing information is provided.

Examples of Sprint’s proposed dispute database and adjustment reports can be found in Appendix G.

6.7 Agency Service Outages (C.3.6.7) (H.13)

C.3.6.7 Agency Service Outages

This section addresses the issue of agency filed trouble reports for service outages and contractor reported service outages, potentially involving service credits, as described in Section H.13.



H.13.1 Performance

When the contractor fails to provide service that meets the performance requirements specified in the contract, any extension of the contract, or any service order, the Government will take a credit from the succeeding monthly invoice amount of the affected customer(s) according to the provisions of this clause.

Credits shall be applicable as set forth in Tables H.13-1 through H.13-3. Table H.13-2 provides the performance references against which Table H.13-1 applies. Table H.13-3 applies separately to all outages. The contractor is responsible only for the elements of network service that it provides including services provided by its subcontractors. It is not liable for the failure of service provided by another FTS2001 contractor or the Government.

The Government will grant a waiver from Grade of Service (GOS) requirements whenever an agency-initiated action, an agency inaction, or other exceptional circumstance(s) warrant. The waiver will only apply to those parts of the contractor’s FTS2001 network which may be directly affected adversely by the action, inaction, or circumstance(s).

Sprint will comply with the RFP requirements of Sections C.3.6.7 and H.13.

Table H13-1 Credit Allowance Computation

|Type of Performance |For Each |Credit Equals |

|Requirement | | |

|Availability |0.10 percent below the performance |1.00 percent of the charge, for the affected |

| |requirement |users of the affected service, for the given |

| | |month. |

|Grade of Service |1.00 percentage point degradation from the |1.00 percent of the network-wide revenue for the |

| |performance requirement, e.g., 3 to 4 |affected service, for the given invoice period. |

|Restoration of Service |1.00 percentage point degradation from 98 |1.00 percent of the network-wide revenue for the |

| |percent |affected service, for the given invoice period. |

|See RFP - 5, p. H-13 | | |

Table H13-2Credit Allowance Schedule

|Service |Performance Requirement - Section C Reference |

|Switched Voice Service |Access – C. |

| |Transport - C. |

|Circuit Switched Data Service |Access – C. |

| |Transport - C. |

|Toll Free Service |Access – C. |

| |Transport - C. |

|900 Service |Access – C. |

| |Transport - C. |

|Packet Switched Service |Access – C. |

| |Transport - C. |

|Frame Relay Service |Access – C. |

| |Transport - C. |

|Internet Protocol Internetworking Service |Access – C. |

| |Transport - C. |

|Asynchronous Transfer Mode Service |Access – C. |

| |Transport - C. |

|Dedicated Transmission Service |Access – C. |

| |Transport - C. |

|Availability with Service Assurance - C. (c) | |

Table H13-3 Credit Allowance Schedule for Outages

|Service |Allowance for Time-to-Restore |Credit per Outage |

|Dedicated |4 hours, except as otherwise defined |10 percent of the daily |

|Transmission Service,|under Service Assurance feature(s) |non-usage-sensitive charge(s) for|

|Packet Switched | |each full hour or fraction of an |

|Service, Frame Relay | |hour of outage, not to exceed 100|

|Service, Internet | |percent of the daily |

|Protocol | |non-usage-sensitive charge(s) |

|Internetworking | | |

|Service, Asynchronous| | |

|Transfer Mode Service| | |

|Switched Voice |Not applicable |100 percent of the charge for the|

|Service, Toll Free | |affected call |

|Service and 900 | | |

|Service | | |

|Circuit Switched Data|Not applicable |100 percent of the charge for the|

|Service | |affected call/transmission |

NOTE: For this subsection, H.13.1, the Government will consider a proposed credit allowance plan that differs materially from the solicited plan, provided the proposed plan is at least as advantageous to the Government as the plan set forth.

H.13.2 Late Service Delivery

If the contractor fails to fulfill a service order on the service due date, upon service initiation the Government will take a credit from the affected customer’s invoice in an amount equal to 1/15th of the monthly billable charges for each day the contractor missed the service due date. The monthly billable charges will be based upon the second full month the service is used by the Government.

H.13.3 Reserved

H.13.4 Reserved

H.13.5 Additional Terms and Conditions for Failure to Provide Service or Meet Contract Requirements

If services are delayed, the Government may terminate this contract in whole or in part, including a service order, under the Default - Supplies and Services clause in Section I.1.74. However, the Government may elect not to terminate the contract and instead ask for consideration in lieu thereof. Consideration will be determined by the Government on an individual-case-basis.

The contractor shall not be liable for any form of consideration when the failure to provide service or meet contract requirements arises from causes beyond the control and without the fault or negligence of the contractor as defined in the Default - Supplies and Services clause in Section I.1.74.

H.13.6 Retention of Government Rights

For Credits and Consideration for Failure to Provide Service or Meet Contract Requirements or any Government action taken under the provisions of Section H.13, the Government retains all rights and remedies available to it under any other provision of this contract and under law.

H.13.7 Reserved

H.13.8 Reserved

Sprint will comply with the RFP requirements of Sections C. and H.13.

Sprint plans to X processes and procedures that were jointly developed by Sprint and the GSA to ensure service due dates are met to the maximum extent possible. Sprint understands the credit clauses in this requirement and will work with the GSA and end user agencies to enhance ordering and service level procedures to minimize delays and the need for credits.

The MNS Additional Offering does not include any credits or consideration for failure to provide service. Sprint has included MNS service level objectives in the technical volume.X

6.7.1 Credit for Service Outages (C.

The contractor shall assign a trouble reporting number to each outage, whether reported directly by the agency or discovered by the contractor, and advise the agency of this number. After resolution of the service outage, the contractor’s assigned trouble reporting number shall appear on the invoice or invoice supporting reports with the amount credited. No checks for such credit shall be issued to the agency, sub-agencies, or GSA. The trouble number for the credit shall appear on the invoice or invoice supporting reports in compliance with the ANSI/TCIF 811 transaction sets.

Sprint will comply with the RFP requirements of Sections C.

Sprint plans to X processes and procedures that were jointly developed by Sprint and the GSA to ensure service due dates are met to the maximum extent possible. Sprint understands the credit clauses in this requirement and will work with the GSA and end user agencies to enhance ordering and service level procedures to minimize delays and the need for credits.

Sprint’s trouble reporting system assigns a trouble ticket number to each service outage and tracks each ticket number to the outage credit. X


Sprint also provides to the PMO event notification reports that track outages on a proactive basis. X


Sprint will X reporting functionality and work with the PMO or end user agencies to make any necessary modifications to support the FTS2001 contact requirements.

Sprint’s service outage reports will permit the PMO or end user agencies to track outage credits to the monthly invoices. Sprint will work with the GSA to ensure the EDI transition sets are made available where capability exists.

Collocation Outage Credit Policy

Sprint will adhere to the credit and dispute procedures as detailed for IPS, including the information described in Table H.13-3.

Managed Hosting Outage Credit Policy

Sprint will adhere to the credit and dispute procedures as detailed for IPS, including the information described in Table H.13-3.

6.7.2 Agency Service Outage Resolution Timetable (C.

The contractor shall process credits for reported service outages on an invoice within three billing cycles (90 calendar days) for all services.

Sprint will comply with the RFP requirements of Sections C.

Sprint plans to X processes and procedures that were jointly developed by Sprint and the GSA to ensure service due dates are met to the maximum extent possible. Sprint understands the credit clauses in this requirement and will work with the GSA and end user agencies to enhance ordering and service level procedures to minimize delays and the need for credits. Sprint will comply with processing credits for reported service outages and support including those credits on the invoice. Sprint has a proven track record of processing credits in a timely manner. Sprint will work with the GSA and end user agencies to establish procedures and timelines for processing all outage credits supporting the FTS2001 contract.

6.8 Special Billing Arrangements (C.3.6.8)

The contractor shall bill in accordance with specifications of this contract unless special billing arrangements are approved in advance by the PMO. Special billing arrangements include the following situations in Sections C. through C.

Sprint will comply with the RFP requirements of Sections C.3.6.8.

Sprint’s X billing platform functionality allows the invoicing of special or one-time arrangements at any hierarchy level.

6.8.1 Transition Billing Arrangements (C.

The contractor shall, upon the instruction of the PMO, arrange for SIC charges to be separately billed to the PMO and not to the agencies that are being transitioned.

Sprint will comply with the RFP requirements of Sections C.

Sprint’s integrated services billing platform functionality allows the invoicing of special or one-time arrangements at any hierarchy level.

6.8.2 Migration Billing Arrangements (C.

The contractor shall, upon the instruction of the PMO, arrange for SIC charges to be separately billed to the PMO and not to the agencies that are being migrated.

Sprint will comply with the RFP requirements of Sections C.

Sprint’s integrated services billing platform functionality allows the invoicing of special or one-time arrangements at any hierarchy level

6.8.3 New Services Billing Arrangements (C.

The contractor shall, while planning for new services or enhancements, work with the PMO to plan and coordinate methods and procedures for billing the services. The contractor shall not issue a separate invoice outside the ACT number assigned to this contract. Billing for new services shall be integrated with existing consolidated invoices for the same billing period to the extent possible.

Sprint will comply with the RFP requirements of Sections C.

Sprint has partnered with the GSA to periodically add new services under the FTS2000 contract without missing invoice delivery dates. The processes are proven and established, as is an experienced billing staff. The professional working relationships established over the past decade will be leveraged to ensure that all new and emerging products are billed under the established contract and integrated into the consolidated invoices wherever possible.





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