Sql server format datetime as date


Sql server format datetime as date

Sql server format datetime as date only.

2. There are many ways you can do this. On Linux? 3. But it has quite a lot of data in order for the performance to be measured. These are around the same speed as each other, with format 101 being a little slower. I'll show you how in this article. It's hard to understand why this may work, but it does give you the result that's needed. To get the

current date and time: And we have a datetime value: 2018-09-01 11:50:05.627 From the datetime value above, you want to extract the date value only and hide the time value. Download TablePlus for Mac. The fastest (and most readable in my opinion) is to use CONVERT(date, yourvalue), but there are several others. In MS SQL Server, dates are

complicated for newbies, since while working with the database, the format of the date in the table must be matched with the input date in order to insert. In this article, we will learn how to convert a DateTime to a DATE by using the three different functions.CAST( ) CONVERT( )TRY_CONVERT( )Using Substring The aim of this article data is to

convert DateTime to Date in SQL Server like YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM: SS to YYYY-MM-DD. Method 1: Using castThis is a function for casting one type to another type, So here we will use for cast DateTime to date.Syntax:CAST( dateToConvert AS DATE)Example 1:Query:SELECT CAST(GETDATE() AS DATE) AS CURRENT_DATEOutput:GETDATE():

This function return current date time like(2021-08-27 17:26:36.710)Example 2;Query:SELECT CAST('2021-08-27 17:26:36.710' AS DATE) AS CURRENT_DATE_GFGOutput:Method 2: Using ConvertThis is a function for convert one type to another type, So here we will use it to convert DateTime to date.Syntax:CONVERT(DATE,

dateToConvert)Example 1:Query:SELECT CONVERT(DATE, GETDATE()) AS CURRENT_DATE_GFGOutput:Example 2:Query:SELECT CONVERT(DATE, '2021-08-27 17:26:36.710' ) AS CURRENT_DATE_GFGOutput:Method 3: Try_ConvertThis is a function for casting one type to another type, So here we will use for Convert DateTime to date. You can

do that in SQL Server. if the date is invalid then it will be null while Convert generates an error. Syntax:TRY_CONVERT(DATE, dateToConvert)SELECT TRY_CONVERT(DATE,'2021-08-27 17:26:36.710) AS CURRENT_DATE_GFGExample 1:Query:SELECT TRY_CONVERT(DATE,GETDATE()) AS CURRENT_DATE_GFGOutput:Example 2:Query:SELECT

TRY_CONVERT(DATE,'2021-08-27 17:26:36.710') AS CURRENT_DATE_GFGOutput:Method 4: Using SubstringThis is a function to use get a short string or substring, so here use we get substring 0 to 11 index.Syntax:SUBSTRING( dateToConvert ,0,11)Example 1:Query:SELECT SUBSTRING( '2021-08-27 17:26:36.710' ,0,11) AS

CURRENT_DATE_GFGOutput:Example 2;Query:SELECT SUBSTRING( CONVERT(varchar(17), GETDATE(), 23) ,0,11) AS CURRENT_DATE_GFGOutput:Attention reader! Don't stop learning now. Conclusion There are several methods to convert a DATETIME to a DATE in SQL Server. There are three methods to convert to a text value, either


DateAdd(ms, ( SELECT

Max(DateDiff(ms, @d, Tm)) FROM AllDay ) + 20, Tm) FROM AllDay ) X WHERE Tm < DateAdd(Day, 1, @d); EXEC sp_spaceused AllDay; Here's the result of sp_spaceused: name rows reserved data index_size unused AllDay 4194304 71560 KB 70496 KB 344 KB 720 KB Now we have the test data, let's see the different methods. There are

several ways to do it. Download TablePlus for Linux Need a quick edit on the go? This is probably the second-best option to use. There are different ways you can use CAST, DATEDIFF, FLOOR, and CONVERT to get this result. Try TablePlus, a modern, native tool for multiple databases including SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, etc. And it's

free to use for as long as you need it to. This script does a few things: Creates a table called AllDay; Inserts a lot of records Executes a procedure to find the space used. Performance Test Setup The best way to see what the other methods are and how they perform is to run a quick performance test. Format 101 equals "mm/dd/yyyy" and format 112

equals "yyyymmdd", both of which are date-only formats without time. Here's the specific version: SELECT @@VERSION; Microsoft SQL Server 2017 (RTM-CU16) (KB4508218) ? 14.0.3223.3 (X64) Jul 12 2019 17:43:08 Copyright (C) 2017 Microsoft Corporation Express Edition (64-bit) on Windows Server 2016 Datacenter 10.0 (Build 14393: )

(Hypervisor) Now let's set up some test data. You then want to convert it to DATE, or somehow only show the date part of the datetime. For example, the result for my case is: For older version than SQL Server 2008, you should use this instead: SELECT DATEADD(dd, 0, DATEDIFF(dd, 0, GETDATE())); And it returns the same result. The style we

used just now is 111, which is yyyy/mm/dd. Using FLOOR and CAST with a float value is an option, however I"m a bit cautious when attempting to use floats. Using a value of -0.50000004 and casting it to INT was an old method tested in 2007 and uses this "magic number". SQL Convert Datetime to Date The easiest and fastest way to convert a

DATETIME to a DATE is to use CONVERT(date, yourdate). It took me about 20 minutes to run on AWS (and I think it stopped before it finished). Not on Mac? DATEDIFF is almost as fast as CONVERT in CPU time and a little faster in elapsed time. There are many other style you can choose from. In various scenarios instead of date, DateTime (time is

also involved with date) is used. For example, to convert the current date and time into just a date: SELECT CONVERT(date, GETDATE()); Result: 2020-07-02 This shows the date only and no time. You can also convert to date: SELECT CONVERT(date, getdate()); It will return the current date value along with starting value for time. This also seems

the simplest to explain to others and to read, as it's converting a value using the CONVERT function. For example, to get the current date and time you can use: SELECT GETDATE(); Result: 2020-07-02 19:21:00.700 This shows the current date and time, down to fractional seconds. The +20 means it adds 20 milliseconds to the previous value, so one

value for every 20 milliseconds. Here are some common types: Style How it's displayed 101 mm/dd/yyyy 102 yyyy.mm.dd 103 dd/mm/yyyy 104 dd.mm.yyyy 105 dd-mm-yyyy 110 mm-dd-yyyy 111 yyyy/mm/dd 106 dd mon yyyy 107 Mon dd, yyyy Because each type generates a different length, so you should define the right varchar length then. Download

TablePlus for Windows. This results in about 4 million rows for the table. Scenario You've got a value that's stored as DATETIME, which could be in a database table or from another source. For this test, I'm using SQL Server on AWS RDS. Convert Datetime to Date: Methods and Performance Test Results This script will run several different methods

of converting a DATETIME to a DATE: CONVERT (date, Tm) CAST(Tm - 0.50000004 AS int) DATEDIFF(DAY, 0, Tm) FLOOR(CAST(Tm as float)) CONVERT(VARCHAR(8), Tm, 112) CONVERT(CHAR(8), Tm, 112) CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), Tm, 101) The script for running these is: set statistics time on; GO DECLARE @d datetime; SELECT @d =

CONVERT(date, Tm) FROM AllDay; SELECT @d = CAST(Tm - 0.50000004 AS int) FROM AllDay; SELECT @d = DATEDIFF(DAY, 0, Tm) FROM AllDay; SELECT @d = FLOOR(CAST(Tm as float)) FROM AllDay; SELECT @d = CONVERT(VARCHAR(8), Tm, 112) FROM AllDay; SELECT @d = CONVERT(CHAR(8), Tm, 112) FROM AllDay; SELECT @d =

CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), Tm, 101) FROM AllDay; GO set statistics time off; Here are the results of the different methods of converting DATETIME to DATE: Method CPU Time (ms) Elapsed Time (ms) CONVERT (date, tm) 614 1400 CAST(Tm ? 0.50000004 AS int) 828 2194 DATEDIFF(DAY, 0, Tm) 672 1274 FLOOR(CAST(Tm as float)) 1093 2174

CONVERT(VARCHAR(8), Tm, 112) 2250 4244 CONVERT(CHAR(8), Tm, 112) 2282 4949 CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), Tm, 101) 2671 4979 There are a few things to notice here. What other methods exist? However, I believe it's a little harder to understand. Use CONVERT to VARCHAR: CONVERT syntax: CONVERT ( data_type [ ( length ) ] , expression [

, style ] ) In this case, date only, you we are gonna run this query: SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), getdate(), 111); It returns 2018/09/01 for my test. CAST is a little slower. Download TablePlus for iOS Do you have a DATETIME value in SQL Server that you want to convert to a DATE, or only get the DATE component? The fastest method on

approximately 4 million rows is CONVERT(date, tm). But what if you only want to see the date (day, month, and year) and none of the time component? Perhaps it's OK as it's being rounded using FLOOR. Use CAST CAST syntax: CAST ( expression AS data_type [ ( length ) ] ) For the example above, you can use: SELECT CAST(getdate() AS date); Or

you can cast it to varchar: SELECT CAST(getdate() AS varchar(10)); Need a good GUI Tool for MS SQL Server? There are several ways to do that: 1. I got this idea from a StackOverflow question from 10 years ago, and thought I'd update it using a newer SQL Server version. The records inserted are based on the DateAdd function. Learn SQL for

interviews using SQL Course by GeeksforGeeks.

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