/**********************************************************************LSA v1.1 Sample CodeSupplement to The Longitudinal System Analysis 2018 HMIS Programming Specifications Version 1.0Revision HistoryDateSectionChange5/7/2018AllOriginal5/30/20184.52-4.57Exclude HHType 99 except from averages for 'All' (WHERE clause).5/30/20184.59-4.64Exclude HHType 99 except from averages for 'All' (WHERE clause).5/30/20184.59-4.64Correct the order of the SELECT clause (Population and HHType were flipped) to match the INSERT clause.5/30/20185.2Add code to select LSA summary data.5/30/20185.3Add code to create a stored procedure that will select person-level demographic report data for 14 different populations/household types.This document contains sample SQL code intended to clarify and illustrate the business logic described in the specifications document.The code was written using SQL Server Express 2016 in the process of drafting the specifications. It may be used freely, but no warranty is expressed or implied. Although it has been reviewed, it hasn’t been run on production data; given the scope, there may be bugs in the code. Updates will be issued as issues are identified and resolved. Saving the document as a .txt file and changing the file extension to .sql will create a file that is executable in a compatible database environment. Notes and other non-code text are formatted as SQL comments.CREATE TABLE statements for all LSA-specific tables are included. Most serve as intermediate data constructs. They are created in step 4.1. With the exception of lsa_Report columns that store report parameters and report system-specific information – all of which must be populated by the system, values in the intermediate tables are populated by the code in later sections. There are two reference tables – ref_Calendar and ref_Populations – that must be populated in order for the code to run. The CREATE and INSERT statements for those tables are in the final section of this document. References to source HMIS data are based on the HMIS CSV 6.11 structure and relationships; table names have an ‘hmis_’ prefix and use the CSV file names, e.g., hmis_Client. Scripts to create the HMIS source tables are not included in this document. 4.1 Create Intermediate Tables **********************************************************************/SET ANSI_NULLS ONGOSET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ONGOif object_id ('active_Enrollment') is not null drop table active_EnrollmentCREATE TABLE dbo.active_Enrollment(EnrollmentID varchar(32) NOT NULL,PersonalID varchar(32) NOT NULL,HouseholdID varchar(32) NOT NULL,RelationshipToHoH int NULL,EntryDate date NULL,MoveInDate date NULL,ExitDate date NULL,AgeDate date NULL,AgeGroup int NULL,MostRecent int NULL,HHType int NULL,ProjectID varchar(32) NULL,ProjectType int NULL,TrackingMethod int NULL, PRIMARY KEY (EnrollmentID) );if object_id ('active_Household') is not null drop table active_HouseholdCREATE TABLE dbo.active_Household(HouseholdID varchar(32) NOT NULL,HoHID varchar(32) NULL,HHType int NULL,ProjectID int NULL,ProjectType int NULL,TrackingMethod int NULL,MoveInDate date NULL,HHChronic int NULL,HHVet int NULL,HHDisability int NULL,HHFleeingDV int NULL,HHAdultAge int NULL,HHParent int NULL,HHAdult int NULL,HHChild int NULL,HHNoDOB int NULL,AC3Plus int NULL,PRIMARY KEY (HouseholdID) );if object_id ('ch_Enrollment') is not null drop table ch_EnrollmentCREATE TABLE dbo.ch_Enrollment(PersonalID varchar(32) NULL,EnrollmentID varchar(32) NOT NULL,ProjectType int NULL,TrackingMethod int NULL,StartDate date NULL,MoveInDate date NULL,StopDate date NULL PRIMARY KEY (EnrollmentID) );if object_id ('ch_Episodes') is not null drop table ch_EpisodesCREATE TABLE dbo.ch_Episodes(PersonalID varchar(32) NULL,episodeStart date NULL,episodeEnd date NULL,episodeDays int NULL);if object_id ('ch_Exclude') is not null drop table ch_ExcludeCREATE TABLE dbo.ch_Exclude(PersonalID varchar(32) NOT NULL,excludeDate date NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY (PersonalID, excludeDate) );if object_id ('ch_Time') is not null drop table ch_TimeCREATE TABLE dbo.ch_Time(PersonalID varchar(32) NOT NULL,chDate date NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY (PersonalID, chDate));if object_id ('dq_Enrollment') is not null drop table dq_EnrollmentCREATE TABLE dbo.dq_Enrollment(EnrollmentID varchar(32) NOT NULL,PersonalID varchar(32) NULL,HouseholdID varchar(32) NULL,RelationshipToHoH int NULL,ProjectType int NULL,EntryDate date NULL,MoveInDate date NULL,ExitDate date NULL,Adult int NULL,SSNValid int NULL,PRIMARY KEY (EnrollmentID) );if object_id ('ex_Enrollment') is not null drop table ex_EnrollmentCREATE TABLE dbo.ex_Enrollment(Cohort int NOT NULL,HoHID varchar(32) NOT NULL,HHType int NOT NULL,EnrollmentID varchar(32) NOT NULL,ProjectType int NULL,EntryDate date NULL,MoveInDate date NULL,ExitDate date NULL,ExitTo int NULL,Active bit NULL,PRIMARY KEY (EnrollmentID) );if object_id ('lsa_Calculated') is not null drop table lsa_CalculatedCREATE TABLE dbo.lsa_Calculated(Value int NULL,Cohort int NULL,Universe int NULL,HHType int NULL,Population int NULL,SystemPath int NULL,ProjectID varchar(32) NULL,ReportRow int NULL,ReportID int NULL);if object_id ('lsa_Exit') is not null drop table lsa_ExitCREATE TABLE dbo.lsa_Exit(RowTotal int NULL,Cohort int NULL,Stat int NULL,ExitFrom int NULL,ExitTo int NULL,ReturnTime int NULL,HHType int NULL,HHVet int NULL,HHDisability int NULL,HHFleeingDV int NULL,HoHRace int NULL,HoHEthnicity int NULL,HHAdultAge int NULL,HHParent int NULL,AC3Plus int NULL,SystemPath int NULL,ReportID int NULL);if object_id ('lsa_Inventory') is not null drop table lsa_Inventoryif object_id ('lsa_Geography') is not null drop table lsa_Geographyif object_id ('lsa_Funder') is not null drop table lsa_Funderif object_id ('lsa_Project') is not null drop table lsa_Projectif object_id ('lsa_Organization') is not null drop table lsa_OrganizationCREATE TABLE dbo.lsa_Organization(OrganizationID varchar(32) NOT NULL,OrganizationName varchar(50) NOT NULL,OrganizationCommonName varchar(50) NULL,DateCreated datetime NOT NULL,DateUpdated datetime NOT NULL,UserID varchar(32) NULL,DateDeleted datetime NULL,ExportID varchar(32) NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY (OrganizationID) );CREATE TABLE dbo.lsa_Project(ProjectID varchar(32) NOT NULL,OrganizationID varchar(32) NULL,ProjectName varchar(50) NOT NULL,ProjectCommonName varchar(50) NULL,OperatingStartDate date NULL,OperatingEndDate date NULL,ContinuumProject int NOT NULL,ProjectType int NOT NULL,ResidentialAffiliation int NULL,TrackingMethod int NULL,TargetPopulation int NULL,VictimServicesProvider int NOT NULL,HousingType int NOT NULL,PITCount int NULL,DateCreated datetime NOT NULL,DateUpdated datetime NOT NULL,UserID varchar(32) NULL,DateDeleted datetime NULL,ExportID varchar(32) NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY (ProjectID) );CREATE TABLE dbo.lsa_Inventory(InventoryID varchar(32) NOT NULL,ProjectID varchar(32) NOT NULL,CoCCode varchar(6) NOT NULL,InformationDate date NOT NULL,HouseholdType int NOT NULL,Availability int NULL,UnitInventory int NOT NULL,BedInventory int NOT NULL,CHBedInventory int NULL,VetBedInventory int NULL,YouthBedInventory int NULL,BedType int NULL,InventoryStartDate date NOT NULL,InventoryEndDate date NULL,HMISParticipatingBeds int NOT NULL,DateCreated datetime NOT NULL,DateUpdated datetime NOT NULL,UserID varchar(32) NULL,DateDeleted datetime NULL,ExportID varchar(32) NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY (InventoryID),FOREIGN KEY(ProjectID) REFERENCES dbo.lsa_Project (ProjectID));CREATE TABLE dbo.lsa_Funder(FunderID varchar(32) NOT NULL,ProjectID varchar(32) NOT NULL,Funder int NOT NULL,GrantID varchar(32) NULL,StartDate date NOT NULL,EndDate date NULL,DateCreated datetime NOT NULL,DateUpdated datetime NOT NULL,UserID varchar(32) NULL,DateDeleted datetime NULL,ExportID varchar(32) NOT NULL,FOREIGN KEY(ProjectID) REFERENCES dbo.lsa_Project (ProjectID));CREATE TABLE dbo.lsa_Geography(GeographyID varchar(32) NOT NULL,ProjectID varchar(32) NOT NULL,CoCCode varchar(6) NOT NULL,InformationDate datetime NOT NULL,Geocode varchar(6) NOT NULL,GeographyType int NOT NULL,Address1 varchar(50) NULL,Address2 varchar(50) NULL,City varchar(50) NULL,State varchar(2) NULL,ZIP varchar(5) NULL,DateCreated datetime NOT NULL,DateUpdated datetime NOT NULL,UserID varchar(32) NULL,DateDeleted datetime NULL,ExportID varchar(32) NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY (GeographyID),FOREIGN KEY(ProjectID) REFERENCES dbo.lsa_Project (ProjectID));if object_id ('lsa_Household') is not null drop table lsa_HouseholdCREATE TABLE dbo.lsa_Household(RowTotal int NULL,Stat int NULL,ReturnTime int NULL,HHType int NULL,HHChronic int NULL,HHVet int NULL,HHDisability int NULL,HHFleeingDV int NULL,HoHRace int NULL,HoHEthnicity int NULL,HHAdult int NULL,HHChild int NULL,HHNoDOB int NULL,HHAdultAge int NULL,HHParent int NULL,ESTStatus int NULL,RRHStatus int NULL,RRHMoveIn int NULL,PSHStatus int NULL,PSHMoveIn int NULL,ESDays int NULL,THDays int NULL,ESTDays int NULL,ESTGeography int NULL,ESTLivingSit int NULL,ESTDestination int NULL,RRHPreMoveInDays int NULL,RRHPSHPreMoveInDays int NULL,RRHHousedDays int NULL,SystemDaysNotPSHHoused int NULL,RRHGeography int NULL,RRHLivingSit int NULL,RRHDestination int NULL,SystemHomelessDays int NULL,Other3917Days int NULL,TotalHomelessDays int NULL,PSHGeography int NULL,PSHLivingSit int NULL,PSHDestination int NULL,PSHHousedDays int NULL,SystemPath int NULL,ReportID int NULL);if object_id ('lsa_Person') is not null drop table lsa_PersonCREATE TABLE dbo.lsa_Person(RowTotal int NULL,Age int NULL,Gender int NULL,Race int NULL,Ethnicity int NULL,VetStatus int NULL,DisabilityStatus int NULL,CHTime int NULL,CHTimeStatus int NULL,DVStatus int NULL,HHTypeEST int NULL,HoHEST int NULL,HHTypeRRH int NULL,HoHRRH int NULL,HHTypePSH int NULL,HoHPSH int NULL,HHChronic int NULL,HHVet int NULL,HHDisability int NULL,HHFleeingDV int NULL,HHAdultAge int NULL,HHParent int NULL,AC3Plus int NULL,ReportID int NULL);if object_id ('lsa_Report') is not null drop table lsa_ReportCREATE TABLE dbo.lsa_Report(ReportID int NOT NULL,ReportDate datetime NOT NULL,ReportStart date NOT NULL,ReportEnd date NOT NULL,ReportCoC varchar(6) NOT NULL,SoftwareVendor varchar(50) NOT NULL,SoftwareName varchar(50) NOT NULL,VendorContact varchar(50) NOT NULL,VendorEmail varchar(50) NOT NULL,LSAScope int NOT NULL,UnduplicatedClient1 int NULL,UnduplicatedClient3 int NULL,UnduplicatedAdult1 int NULL,UnduplicatedAdult3 int NULL,AdultHoHEntry1 int NULL,AdultHoHEntry3 int NULL,ClientEntry1 int NULL,ClientEntry3 int NULL,ClientExit1 int NULL,ClientExit3 int NULL,Household1 int NULL,Household3 int NULL,HoHPermToPH1 int NULL,HoHPermToPH3 int NULL,NoCoC int NULL,SSNNotProvided int NULL,SSNMissingOrInvalid int NULL,ClientSSNNotUnique int NULL,DistinctSSNValueNotUnique int NULL,DOB1 int NULL,DOB3 int NULL,Gender1 int NULL,Gender3 int NULL,Race1 int NULL,Race3 int NULL,Ethnicity1 int NULL,Ethnicity3 int NULL,VetStatus1 int NULL,VetStatus3 int NULL,RelationshipToHoH1 int NULL,RelationshipToHoH3 int NULL,DisablingCond1 int NULL,DisablingCond3 int NULL,LivingSituation1 int NULL,LivingSituation3 int NULL,LengthOfStay1 int NULL,LengthOfStay3 int NULL,HomelessDate1 int NULL,HomelessDate3 int NULL,TimesHomeless1 int NULL,TimesHomeless3 int NULL,MonthsHomeless1 int NULL,MonthsHomeless3 int NULL,DV1 int NULL,DV3 int NULL,Destination1 int NULL,Destination3 int NULL,NotOneHoH1 int NULL,NotOneHoH3 int NULL,MoveInDate1 int NULL,MoveInDate3 int NULL);INSERT [dbo].[lsa_Report] ([ReportID], [ReportDate], [ReportStart], [ReportEnd], [ReportCoC], [SoftwareVendor], [SoftwareName], [VendorContact], [VendorEmail], [LSAScope]) VALUES (1009, CAST(N'2018-05-07T17:47:35.977' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2016-10-01' AS Date), CAST(N'2017-09-30' AS Date), N'XX-500', N'Tamale Inc.', N'Tamale Online', N'Molly', N'molly@', 1)if object_id ('sys_Enrollment') is not null drop table sys_EnrollmentCREATE TABLE dbo.sys_Enrollment(HoHID varchar(32) NULL,HHType int NULL,EnrollmentID varchar(32) NULL,ProjectType int NULL,EntryDate date NULL,MoveInDate date NULL,ExitDate date NULL,Active bit NULL);if object_id ('sys_Time') is not null drop table sys_TimeCREATE TABLE dbo.sys_Time(HoHID varchar(32) NOT NULL,HHType int NOT NULL,sysDate date NOT NULL,sysStatus varchar(8) NULL,PRIMARY KEY (HoHID,HHType,sysDate) );if object_id ('tmp_CohortDates') is not null drop table tmp_CohortDatesCREATE TABLE dbo.tmp_CohortDates(Cohort int NOT NULL,CohortStart date NULL,CohortEnd date NULL);if object_id ('tmp_Exit') is not null drop table tmp_ExitCREATE TABLE dbo.tmp_Exit(HoHID varchar(32) NOT NULL,EnrollmentID varchar(32) NULL,EntryDate date NULL,ExitDate date NULL,ReturnDate date NULL,StatEnrollmentID varchar(32) NULL,LastInactive date NULL,Cohort int NOT NULL,Stat int NULL,ExitFrom int NOT NULL,ExitTo int NOT NULL,ReturnTime int NULL,HHType int NOT NULL,HHVet int NULL,HHDisability int NULL,HHFleeingDV int NULL,HoHRace int NULL,HoHEthnicity int NULL,HHAdultAge int NULL,HHParent int NULL,AC3Plus int NULL,SystemPath int NULL,ReportID int NULL,PRIMARY KEY (Cohort, HoHID, HHType) );if object_id ('tmp_Household') is not null drop table tmp_HouseholdCREATE TABLE dbo.tmp_Household(HoHID varchar(32) NOT NULL,LastInactive date NULL,Stat int NULL,StatEnrollmentID varchar(32) NULL,ReturnTime int NULL,HHType int NOT NULL,HHChronic int NULL,HHVet int NULL,HHDisability int NULL,HHFleeingDV int NULL,HoHRace int NULL,HoHEthnicity int NULL,HHAdult int NULL,HHChild int NULL,HHNoDOB int NULL,HHAdultAge int NULL,HHParent int NULL,ESTStatus int NULL,RRHStatus int NULL,RRHMoveIn int NULL,PSHStatus int NULL,PSHMoveIn int NULL,ESDays int NULL,THDays int NULL,ESTDays int NULL,ESTGeography int NULL,ESTLivingSit int NULL,ESTDestination int NULL,RRHPreMoveInDays int NULL,RRHPSHPreMoveInDays int NULL,RRHHousedDays int NULL,SystemDaysnotPSHHoused int NULL,RRHGeography int NULL,RRHLivingSit int NULL,RRHDestination int NULL,SystemHomelessDays int NULL,Other3917Days int NULL,TotalHomelessDays int NULL,PSHGeography int NULL,PSHLivingSit int NULL,PSHDestination int NULL,PSHHousedDays int NULL,SystemPath int NULL,ReportID int NULL,FirstEntry date NULL,LastActive date NULL,PRIMARY KEY (HoHID, HHType) );if object_id ('tmp_Person') is not null drop table tmp_PersonCREATE TABLE dbo.tmp_Person(PersonalID varchar(32) NOT NULL,HoHAdult int NULL,LastActive date NULL,CHStart date NULL,Age int NULL,Gender int NULL,Race int NULL,Ethnicity int NULL,VetStatus int NULL,DisabilityStatus int NULL,CHTime int NULL,CHTimeStatus int NULL,DVStatus int NULL,HHTypeEST int NULL,HoHEST int NULL,HHTypeRRH int NULL,HoHRRH int NULL,HHTypePSH int NULL,HoHPSH int NULL,HHChronic int NULL,HHVet int NULL,HHDisability int NULL,HHFleeingDV int NULL,HHAdultAge int NULL,HHParent int NULL,AC3Plus int NULL,ReportID int NULL,PRIMARY KEY (PersonalID) )/**********************************************************************4.2 Get Project Records / lsa_Project**********************************************************************/delete from lsa_Inventorydelete from lsa_Geographydelete from lsa_Funderdelete from lsa_Projectdelete from lsa_Organizationinsert into lsa_Project(ProjectID, OrganizationID, ProjectName , OperatingStartDate, OperatingEndDate , ContinuumProject, ProjectType, TrackingMethod , TargetPopulation, VictimServicesProvider, HousingType , DateCreated, DateUpdated, ExportID)select distinct hp.ProjectID, anizationID, left(hp.ProjectName, 50), hp.OperatingStartDate, hp.OperatingEndDate, hp.ContinuumProject, hp.ProjectType, hp.TrackingMethod, hp.TargetPopulation, hp.VictimServicesProvider, hp.HousingType, hp.DateCreated, hp.DateUpdated, convert(varchar,rpt.ReportID)from hmis_Project hpinner join lsa_Report rpt on hp.OperatingStartDate <= rpt.ReportEndinner join hmis_ProjectCoC coc on coc.CoCCode = rpt.ReportCoCwhere hp.ContinuumProject = 1 --include only projects that were operating during the report periodand coalesce(hp.OperatingEndDate, rpt.ReportEnd) > rpt.ReportStart and hp.ProjectType in (1,2,3,8,9,10,13)/**********************************************************************4.3 Get Organization Records / lsa_Organization**********************************************************************/insert into lsa_Organization(OrganizationID, OrganizationName, DateCreated, DateUpdated, ExportID)select distinct anizationID ,left(anizationName, 50) ,ho.DateCreated, ho.DateUpdated, convert(varchar,rpt.ReportID)from hmis_Organization hoinner join lsa_Report rpt on rpt.ReportDate >= ho.DateUpdated--include only organizations associated with active projectsinner join lsa_Project lp on anizationID = anizationIDwhere ho.DateDeleted is null /**********************************************************************4.4 Get Funder Records / lsa_Funder**********************************************************************/insert into lsa_Funder(FunderID, ProjectID, Funder, StartDate, EndDate, DateCreated, DateUpdated, ExportID)select distinct hf.FunderID, hf.ProjectID, hf.Funder, hf.StartDate, hf.EndDate, hf.DateCreated, hf.DateUpdated, convert(varchar, rpt.ReportID)from hmis_Funder hfinner join lsa_Report rpt on hf.StartDate <= rpt.ReportEndinner join lsa_Project lp on lp.ProjectID = hf.ProjectIDwhere hf.DateDeleted is null --get only funding sources active in the report periodand coalesce(hf.EndDate, rpt.ReportEnd) > rpt.ReportStart /**********************************************************************4.5 Get Inventory Records / lsa_Inventory**********************************************************************/insert into lsa_Inventory (InventoryID, ProjectID, CoCCode, InformationDate, HouseholdType , Availability, UnitInventory, BedInventory , CHBedInventory, VetBedInventory, YouthBedInventory, BedType , InventoryStartDate, InventoryEndDate, HMISParticipatingBeds , DateCreated, DateUpdated, ExportID)select distinct hi.InventoryID, hi.ProjectID, hi.CoCCode, rmationDate, hi.HouseholdType, case when lp.ProjectType = 1 then hi.Availability else null end , hi.UnitInventory, hi.BedInventory, case when lp.ProjectType = 3 then hi.CHBedInventory else null end , hi.VetBedInventory, hi.YouthBedInventory, case when lp.ProjectType = 1 then hi.BedType else null end, hi.InventoryStartDate, hi.InventoryEndDate, hi.HMISParticipatingBeds, hi.DateCreated, hi.DateUpdated, convert(varchar, rpt.ReportID)from hmis_Inventory hiinner join lsa_Report rpt on hi.InventoryStartDate <= rpt.ReportEnd--get only inventory associated with the report CoC...and hi.CoCCode = rpt.ReportCoCinner join lsa_Project lp on lp.ProjectID = hi.ProjectIDwhere hi.DateDeleted is null and--...and active during the report periodcoalesce(hi.InventoryEndDate, rpt.ReportEnd) > rpt.ReportStart /**********************************************************************4.6 Get Geography Records / lsa_Geography**********************************************************************/insert into lsa_Geography(GeographyID, ProjectID, CoCCode, InformationDate, Geocode, GeographyType, Address1, Address2, City, State, ZIP, DateCreated, DateUpdated, ExportID)select distinct hg.GeographyID, hg.ProjectID, hg.CoCCode, rmationDate, hg.Geocode, hg.GeographyType, hg.Address1, hg.Address2, hg.City, hg.State, hg.ZIP, hg.DateCreated, hg.DateUpdated, convert(varchar, rpt.ReportID)from hmis_Geography hg--limit to records that are associated with the report CoC...inner join lsa_Report rpt on rmationDate <= rpt.ReportEnd and hg.CoCCode = rpt.ReportCoCinner join lsa_Project lp on lp.ProjectID = hg.ProjectIDleft outer join hmis_Geography later on later.ProjectID = hg.ProjectIDand later.DateDeleted is null and (rmationDate > rmationDate or (rmationDate = rmationDate and later.DateUpdated > hg.DateUpdated))where hg.DateDeleted is null and--and only the most recent record for each project dated before ReportEndlater.GeographyID is null/*************************************************************************4.7 Get Active Household IDs**********************************************************************/delete from active_Householdinsert into active_Household (HouseholdID, HoHID, MoveInDate, ProjectID, ProjectType, TrackingMethod)select distinct hn.HouseholdID, coalesce((select min(PersonalID) from hmis_Enrollment where HouseholdID = hn.HouseholdID and RelationshipToHoH = 1) , (select min(PersonalID) from hmis_Enrollment where HouseholdID = hn.HouseholdID and RelationshipToHoH = 1)), case when p.ProjectType in (3,13) then (select min(MoveInDate) from hmis_Enrollment where HouseholdID = hn.HouseholdID) else null end, p.ProjectID, p.ProjectType, p.TrackingMethodfrom lsa_Report rptinner join hmis_Enrollment hn on hn.EntryDate <= rpt.ReportEndinner join lsa_Project p on p.ProjectID = hn.ProjectIDleft outer join hmis_Exit x on x.EnrollmentID = hn.EnrollmentID and x.ExitDate <= rpt.ReportEndleft outer join hmis_Services bn on bn.EnrollmentID = hn.EnrollmentIDand bn.DateProvided between rpt.ReportStart and rpt.ReportEndand bn.RecordType = 200 where ((x.ExitDate > rpt.ReportStart and x.ExitDate > hn.EntryDate)or x.ExitDate is null)and p.ProjectType in (1,2,3,8,13)and p.ContinuumProject = 1and (coalesce(p.TrackingMethod, 0) <> 3 or bn.DateProvided is not null)and (select top 1 coc.CoCCodefrom hmis_EnrollmentCoC cocwhere coc.EnrollmentID = hn.EnrollmentIDand rmationDate <= rpt.ReportEndorder by rmationDate desc) = rpt.ReportCoC/*************************************************************************4.8 Get Active Enrollments and Associated AgeDates**********************************************************************/delete from active_Enrollmentinsert into active_Enrollment (EnrollmentID, PersonalID, HouseholdID, RelationshipToHoH, AgeDate, EntryDate, MoveInDate, ExitDate, ProjectID, ProjectType, TrackingMethod)select distinct hn.EnrollmentID, hn.PersonalID, hn.HouseholdID, case when hn.PersonalID = hhid.HoHID then 1when hn.RelationshipToHoH = 1 and hn.PersonalID <> hhid.HoHID then 99when hn.RelationshipToHoH not in (1,2,3,4,5) then 99else hn.RelationshipToHoH end, case when hn.EntryDate >= rpt.ReportStart then hn.EntryDateelse rpt.ReportStart end, hn.EntryDate, hhid.MoveInDate, x.ExitDate, hhid.ProjectID, hhid.ProjectType, hhid.TrackingMethodfrom lsa_Report rptinner join hmis_Enrollment hn on hn.EntryDate <= rpt.ReportEndinner join active_Household hhid on hhid.HouseholdID = hn.HouseholdIDleft outer join hmis_Exit x on x.EnrollmentID = hn.EnrollmentIDand x.ExitDate <= rpt.ReportEndwhere ((x.ExitDate > rpt.ReportStart and x.ExitDate > hn.EntryDate)or x.ExitDate is null)/*************************************************************************4.9 Set Age Group for Each Active Enrollment**********************************************************************/update nset n.AgeGroup = casewhen c.DOBDataQuality in (8,9) then 98when c.DOB is null or c.DOB = '1/1/1900'or c.DOB > n.EntryDateor (n.RelationshipToHoH = 1 and c.DOB = n.EntryDate)or DATEADD(yy, 105, c.DOB) <= n.AgeDate or c.DOBDataQuality is nullor c.DOBDataQuality not in (1,2) then 99when DATEADD(yy, 65, c.DOB) <= n.AgeDate then 65when DATEADD(yy, 55, c.DOB) <= n.AgeDate then 64when DATEADD(yy, 45, c.DOB) <= n.AgeDate then 54when DATEADD(yy, 35, c.DOB) <= n.AgeDate then 44when DATEADD(yy, 25, c.DOB) <= n.AgeDate then 34when DATEADD(yy, 22, c.DOB) <= n.AgeDate then 24when DATEADD(yy, 18, c.DOB) <= n.AgeDate then 21when DATEADD(yy, 6, c.DOB) <= n.AgeDate then 17when DATEADD(yy, 3, c.DOB) <= n.AgeDate then 5when DATEADD(yy, 1, c.DOB) <= n.AgeDate then 2else 0 end from active_Enrollment ninner join hmis_Client c on c.PersonalID = n.PersonalID/*************************************************************************4.10 Set HHType for Active HouseholdIDs **********************************************************************/update hhidset hhid.HHAdult = (select count(distinct an.PersonalID)from active_Enrollment anwhere an.HouseholdID = hhid.HouseholdID and an.AgeGroup between 18 and 65), HHChild = (select count(distinct an.PersonalID)from active_Enrollment anwhere an.HouseholdID = hhid.HouseholdID and an.AgeGroup < 18) , HHNoDOB = (select count(distinct an.PersonalID)from active_Enrollment anwhere an.HouseholdID = hhid.HouseholdID and an.AgeGroup in (98,99))from active_Household hhidupdate hhidset hhid.HHType = casewhen HHAdult > 0 and HHChild > 0 then 2when HHNoDOB > 0 then 99when HHAdult > 0 then 1else 3 end from active_Household hhidupdate anset an.HHType = hhid.HHTypefrom active_Enrollment aninner join active_Household hhid on hhid.HouseholdID = an.HouseholdID/*************************************************************************4.11 Get Active Clients for tmp_Person **********************************************************************/delete from tmp_Personinsert into tmp_Person (PersonalID, HoHAdult, Age, LastActive, ReportID)select distinct an.PersonalID--Ever served as an adult = 1..., max(case when an.AgeGroup between 18 and 65 then 1else 0 end) --Plus ever served-as-HoH = 2 + max(case when hhid.HoHID is null then 0else 2 end)--Equals: 0=Not HoH or Adult, 1=Adult, 2=HoH, 3=Both, min(an.AgeGroup)--LastActive date in report period is used for CH, max(case when an.ExitDate is null then rpt.ReportEnd else an.ExitDate end) , rpt.ReportIDfrom lsa_Report rptinner join active_Enrollment an on an.EntryDate <= rpt.ReportEndleft outer join active_Household hhid on hhid.HoHID = an.PersonalIDgroup by an.PersonalID, rpt.ReportID/*************************************************************************4.12 Set Demographic Values in tmp_Person **********************************************************************/update lpset lp.Gender = case when lp.HoHAdult = 0 then -1 when c.Gender in (8,9) then 98when c.Gender in (0,1,2) then c.Gender + 1when c.Gender in (3,4) then c.Genderelse 99 end , lp.Ethnicity = case when lp.HoHAdult = 0 then -1 when c.Ethnicity in (8,9) then 98when c.Ethnicity in (0,1) then c.Ethnicityelse 99 end , lp.Race = case when lp.HoHAdult = 0 then -1 when c.RaceNone in (8,9) then 98when c.AmIndAkNative + Asian + BlackAfAmerican + NativeHIOtherPacific + White > 1 then 6when White = 1 and c.Ethnicity = 1 then 1when White = 1 then 0when BlackAfAmerican = 1 then 2when Asian = 1 then 3when c.AmIndAkNative = 1 then 4when NativeHIOtherPacific = 1 then 5else 99 end , lp.VetStatus = case when lp.HoHAdult in (0, 2) then -1 when c.VeteranStatus in (8,9) then 98when c.VeteranStatus in (0,1) then c.VeteranStatuselse 99 end --To make it possible to select the minimum value --from all associated Disability and DVStatus records ----i.e., select according to priority order -- 0 is --selected as 97 in the subquery and reset to 0 here., lp.DisabilityStatus = case when dis.dis = 97 then 0 else dis.dis end , lp.DVStatus = case when dv.DV = 97 then 0 when dv.DV is null then 99else dv.dv end from tmp_Person lpinner join hmis_Client c on c.PersonalID = lp.PersonalIDinner join (select alldis.PersonalID, min(alldis.dis) as disfrom (select distinct hn.PersonalID, case when hn.DisablingCondition = 1 then 1when hn.DisablingCondition = 0 then 97when hn.DisablingCondition in (8,9) then 98else 99 end as disfrom hmis_Enrollment hninner join active_Enrollment ln on ln.EnrollmentID = hn.EnrollmentID) alldis group by alldis.PersonalID) dis on dis.PersonalID = lp.PersonalIDleft outer join (select alldv.PersonalID, min(alldv.DV) as DVfrom (select distinct hdv.PersonalID, case when hdv.DomesticViolenceVictim = 1 and hdv.CurrentlyFleeing = 1 then 1when hdv.DomesticViolenceVictim = 1 and hdv.CurrentlyFleeing = 0 then 2when hdv.DomesticViolenceVictim = 1 and (hdv.CurrentlyFleeing is null orhdv.CurrentlyFleeing not in (0,1)) then 3when hdv.DomesticViolenceVictim = 0 then 97when hdv.DomesticViolenceVictim in (8,9) then 98else 99 end as DVfrom hmis_HealthAndDV hdvinner join active_Enrollment ln on ln.EnrollmentID = hdv.EnrollmentID) alldvgroup by alldv.PersonalID) dv on dv.PersonalID = lp.PersonalID/*************************************************************************4.13 Get Chronic Homelessness Date Range for Each Head of Household/Adult**********************************************************************/--The three year period ending on a HoH/adult's last active date in the report--period is relevant for determining chronic homelessness. --The start of the period is:-- LastActive minus (3 years) plus (1 day)update lpset lp.CHStart = dateadd(dd, 1, (dateadd(yyyy, -3, lp.LastActive)))from tmp_Person lpwhere HoHAdult > 0/*************************************************************************4.14 Get Enrollments Relevant to Chronic Homelessness**********************************************************************/delete from ch_Enrollmentinsert into ch_Enrollment(PersonalID, EnrollmentID, ProjectType, StartDate, MoveInDate, StopDate)select distinct lp.PersonalID, hn.EnrollmentID, p.ProjectType, case when p.TrackingMethod = 3 then nullwhen hn.EntryDate < lp.CHStart then lp.CHStart else hn.EntryDate end, case when p.ProjectType in (3,13) and hoh.MoveInDate >= hn.EntryDate and hoh.MoveInDate < coalesce(x.ExitDate, lp.LastActive) then hoh.MoveInDate else null end, case when p.TrackingMethod = 3 then nullwhen x.ExitDate is null then lp.LastActiveelse x.ExitDate endfrom tmp_Person lpinner join lsa_Report rpt on rpt.ReportID = lp.ReportIDinner join hmis_Enrollment hn on hn.PersonalID = lp.PersonalIDand hn.EntryDate <= lp.LastActiveleft outer join hmis_Exit x on x.EnrollmentID = hn.EnrollmentID and x.ExitDate <= lp.LastActive inner join (select hhinfo.HouseholdID, min(hhinfo.MoveInDate) as MoveInDate, coc.CoCCodefrom hmis_Enrollment hhinfoinner join hmis_EnrollmentCoC coc on coc.EnrollmentID = hhinfo.EnrollmentIDgroup by hhinfo.HouseholdID, coc.CoCCode) hoh on hoh.HouseholdID = hn.HouseholdID and hoh.CoCCode = rpt.ReportCoCinner join hmis_Project p on p.ProjectID = hn.ProjectIDand p.ProjectType in (1,2,3,8,13) and p.ContinuumProject = 1where lp.HoHAdult > 0 and (x.ExitDate is null or x.ExitDate > lp.CHStart)/*************************************************************************4.15 Get Dates to Exclude from Counts of ES/SH/Street Days **********************************************************************/delete from ch_Excludeinsert into ch_Exclude (PersonalID, excludeDate)select distinct lp.PersonalID, cal.theDatefrom tmp_Person lpinner join ch_Enrollment chn on chn.PersonalID = lp.PersonalIDinner join ref_Calendar cal on cal.theDate >=case when chn.ProjectType in (3,13) then chn.MoveInDateelse chn.StartDate endand cal.theDate < chn.StopDatewhere chn.ProjectType in (2,3,13)/*************************************************************************4.16 Get Dates to Include in Counts of ES/SH/Street Days **********************************************************************/delete from ch_Time--Dates enrolled in ES entry/exit or SH are counted if the--client was not housed in RRH/PSH or enrolled in TH at the time.insert into ch_Time (PersonalID, chDate)select distinct lp.PersonalID, cal.theDatefrom tmp_Person lpinner join ch_Enrollment chn on chn.PersonalID = lp.PersonalIDleft outer join hmis_Services bn on bn.EnrollmentID = chn.EnrollmentIDand bn.RecordType = 200 and bn.DateProvided between lp.CHStart and lp.LastActiveinner join ref_Calendar cal on cal.theDate >= coalesce(chn.StartDate, bn.DateProvided)and cal.theDate < coalesce(chn.StopDate, dateadd(dd,1,bn.DateProvided))left outer join ch_Exclude chx on chx.excludeDate = cal.theDateand chx.PersonalID = chn.PersonalIDwhere chn.ProjectType in (1,8) and chx.excludeDate is null--ESSHStreet dates from 3.917 are counted if the --client was not housed in RRH/PSH or enrolled in TH at the time.--For RRH/PSH, LivingSituation is assumed to extend to MoveInDate --or ExitDate (if there is no MoveInDate) and that time is also counted.insert into ch_Time (PersonalID, chDate)select distinct lp.PersonalID, cal.theDatefrom tmp_Person lpinner join ch_Enrollment chn on chn.PersonalID = lp.PersonalIDinner join hmis_Enrollment hn on hn.EnrollmentID = chn.EnrollmentID and hn.EntryDate > dateadd(yyyy, -1, lp.LastActive)inner join ref_Calendar cal on cal.theDate >= hn.DateToStreetESSH and cal.theDate < coalesce(chn.MoveInDate, chn.StopDate)left outer join ch_Exclude chx on chx.excludeDate = cal.theDateand chx.PersonalID = chn.PersonalIDleft outer join ch_Time cht on cht.chDate = cal.theDate and cht.PersonalID = chn.PersonalIDwhere chx.excludeDate is nulland cht.chDate is nulland (chn.ProjectType in (1,8)or hn.LivingSituation in (1,18,16,27)or (hn.PreviousStreetESSH = 1 and hn.LengthOfStay in (10,11))or (hn.PreviousStreetESSH = 1 and hn.LengthOfStay in (2,3)and hn.LivingSituation in (4,5,6,7,15,24) ) )--Gaps of less than 7 nights between two ESSHStreet dates are countedinsert into ch_Time (PersonalID, chDate)select gap.PersonalID, cal.theDatefrom (select distinct s.PersonalID, s.chDate as StartDate, min(e.chDate) as EndDatefrom ch_Time s inner join ch_Time e on e.PersonalID = s.PersonalID and e.chDate > s.chDate and dateadd(dd, -7, e.chDate) <= s.chDatewhere s.PersonalID not in (select PersonalID from ch_Time where chDate = dateadd(dd, 1, s.chDate))group by s.PersonalID, s.chDate) gapinner join ref_Calendar cal on cal.theDate between gap.StartDate and gap.EndDateleft outer join ch_Time cht on cht.PersonalID = gap.PersonalID and cht.chDate = cal.theDatewhere cht.chDate is null/*************************************************************************4.17 Get ES/SH/Street Episodes**********************************************************************/delete from ch_Episodesinsert into ch_Episodes (PersonalID, episodeStart, episodeEnd)select distinct s.PersonalID, s.chDate, min(e.chDate)from ch_Time s inner join ch_Time e on e.PersonalID = s.PersonalID and e.chDate > s.chDatewhere s.PersonalID not in (select PersonalID from ch_Time where chDate = dateadd(dd, -1, s.chDate))and e.PersonalID not in (select PersonalID from ch_Time where chDate = dateadd(dd, 1, e.chDate))group by s.PersonalID, s.chDateupdate chep set episodeDays = datediff(dd, chep.episodeStart, chep.episodeEnd) + 1from ch_Episodes chep/*************************************************************************4.18 Set Initial CHTime and CHTimeStatus Values**********************************************************************/update tmp_Person set CHTime = null, CHTimeStatus = nullupdate lp set CHTime = -1, CHTimeStatus = -1from tmp_Person lpwhere HoHAdult = 0--Any client with a 365+ day episode that overlaps with their--last year of activity--will be reported as CH (if DisabilityStatus = 1)update lp set CHTime = 365, CHTimeStatus = 1from tmp_Person lpinner join ch_Episodes chep on chep.PersonalID = lp.PersonalIDand chep.episodeDays >= 365and chep.episodeEnd between dateadd(dd, -364, lp.LastActive) and lp.LastActivewhere HoHAdult > 0--Episodes of 365+ days prior to the client's last year of activity must --be part of a series of at least four episodes in order to count client--as CH (if DisabilityStatus = 1)update lp set CHTime = case when ep.episodeDays >= 365 then 365when ep.episodeDays between 270 and 364 then 270else 0 end, CHTimeStatus = casewhen ep.episodes >= 4 then 2else 3 endfrom tmp_Person lpinner join (select chep.PersonalID, sum(chep.episodeDays) as episodeDays, count(distinct chep.episodeStart) as episodesfrom ch_Episodes chep group by chep.PersonalID) ep on ep.PersonalID = lp.PersonalIDwhere HoHAdult > 0 and CHTime is null/*************************************************************************4.19 Update Selected CHTime and CHTimeStatus Values**********************************************************************/--Anyone not CH based on system use data + 3.917 date ranges--will be counted as chronically homeless if an *active* enrollment shows--12 or more ESSHSTreet months and 4 or more times homeless--(and DisabilityStatus = 1)update lp set CHTime = 400, CHTimeStatus = -1from tmp_Person lpinner join active_Enrollment an on an.PersonalID = lp.PersonalIDinner join hmis_Enrollment hn on hn.EnrollmentID = an.EnrollmentIDand hn.MonthsHomelessPastThreeYears in (112,113) and hn.TimesHomelessPastThreeYears = 4where HoHAdult > 0 and CHTime is null or CHTime <> 365 or chTimeStatus = 3--Anyone who doesn't meet CH time criteria and is missing data in 3.917 --should be identified as missing data.update lp set CHTime = coalesce(lp.CHTime, 0), CHTimeStatus = 99from tmp_Person lpinner join active_Enrollment an on an.PersonalID = lp.PersonalIDinner join hmis_Enrollment hn on hn.EnrollmentID = an.EnrollmentIDand ( (hn.LivingSituation in (8,9,99) or hn.LivingSituation is null)or (hn.LengthOfStay in (8,9,99) or hn.LengthOfStay is null)or (hn.MonthsHomelessPastThreeYears in (8,9,99) or hn.MonthsHomelessPastThreeYears is null) or (hn.TimesHomelessPastThreeYears in (8,9,99) or hn.TimesHomelessPastThreeYears is null)or (hn.LivingSituation in (1,16,18,27) and hn.DateToStreetESSH is null) or (hn.PreviousStreetESSH = 1 and hn.LengthOfStay in (10,11) and hn.DateToStreetESSH is null)or (hn.PreviousStreetESSH = 1 and hn.LengthOfStay in (2,3)and hn.LivingSituation in (4,5,6,7,15,24) and hn.DateToStreetESSH is null))where CHTime <> 400and CHTimeStatus not in (1,2)and HoHAdult > 0update tmp_Person set CHTime = 0, CHTimeStatus = -1where HoHAdult > 0 and CHTime is null/*************************************************************************4.20 Set tmp_Person Project Group / Household Type Identifiers**********************************************************************/update tmp_Person set HHTypeEST = null, HHTypeRRH = null, HHTypePSH = null--set EST HHType update lpset lp.HHTypeEST = case when hh.HHTypeCombined is null then -1else hh.HHTypeCombined endfrom tmp_Person lpleft outer join --Level 2 – combine HHTypes into a single value (select HHTypes.PersonalID, case sum(HHTypes.HHTypeEach) when 100 then 1when 120 then 12when 103 then 13when 20 then 2when 0 then 99else sum(HHTypes.HHTypeEach) end as HHTypeCombinedfrom --Level 1 – get distinct HHTypes for EST (select distinct an.PersonalID, case when an.HHType = 1 then 100when an.HHType = 2 then 20when an.HHType = 3 then 3 else 0 end as HHTypeEachfrom active_Enrollment an where an.ProjectType in (1,2,8)) HHTypes group by HHTypes.PersonalID) hh on hh.PersonalID = lp.PersonalID--set RRH HHType update lpset lp.HHTypeRRH = case when hh.HHTypeCombined is null then -1else hh.HHTypeCombined endfrom tmp_Person lpleft outer join --Level 2 – combine HHTypes into a single value (select HHTypes.PersonalID, case sum(HHTypes.HHTypeEach) when 100 then 1when 120 then 12when 103 then 13when 20 then 2when 0 then 99else sum(HHTypes.HHTypeEach) end as HHTypeCombinedfrom --Level 1 – get distinct HHTypes for RRH (select distinct an.PersonalID, case when an.HHType = 1 then 100when an.HHType = 2 then 20when an.HHType = 3 then 3 else 0 end as HHTypeEachfrom active_Enrollment an where an.ProjectType = 13) HHTypes group by HHTypes.PersonalID) hh on hh.PersonalID = lp.PersonalID--set PSH HHType update lpset lp.HHTypePSH = case when hh.HHTypeCombined is null then -1else hh.HHTypeCombined endfrom tmp_Person lpleft outer join --Level 2 – combine HHTypes into a single value (select HHTypes.PersonalID, case sum(HHTypes.HHTypeEach) when 100 then 1when 120 then 12when 103 then 13when 20 then 2when 0 then 99else sum(HHTypes.HHTypeEach) end as HHTypeCombinedfrom --Level 1 – get distinct HHTypes for PSH (select distinct an.PersonalID, case when an.HHType = 1 then 100when an.HHType = 2 then 20when an.HHType = 3 then 3 else 0 end as HHTypeEachfrom active_Enrollment an where an.ProjectType = 3) HHTypes group by HHTypes.PersonalID) hh on hh.PersonalID = lp.PersonalID/*************************************************************************4.21 Set tmp_Person Head of Household Identifiers for Each Project Group**********************************************************************/update tmp_Person set HoHEST = null, HoHRRH = null, HoHPSH = null--set EST HHType update lpset lp.HoHEST = case when hh.HHTypeCombined is null then -1else hh.HHTypeCombined endfrom tmp_Person lpleft outer join --Level 2 – combine HHTypes into a single value (select HHTypes.PersonalID, case sum(HHTypes.HHTypeEach) when 100 then 1when 120 then 12when 103 then 13when 20 then 2when 0 then 99else sum(HHTypes.HHTypeEach) end as HHTypeCombinedfrom --Level 1 – get distinct HHTypes for EST(select distinct an.PersonalID, case when an.HHType = 1 then 100when an.HHType = 2 then 20when an.HHType = 3 then 3 else 0 end as HHTypeEachfrom active_Enrollment an inner join active_Household hhid on hhid.HoHID = an.PersonalIDwhere an.ProjectType in (1,2,8)) HHTypes group by HHTypes.PersonalID) hh on hh.PersonalID = lp.PersonalID--set RRH HHType update lpset lp.HoHRRH = case when hh.HHTypeCombined is null then -1else hh.HHTypeCombined endfrom tmp_Person lpleft outer join --Level 2 – combine HHTypes into a single value (select HHTypes.PersonalID, case sum(HHTypes.HHTypeEach) when 100 then 1when 120 then 12when 103 then 13when 20 then 2when 0 then 99else sum(HHTypes.HHTypeEach) end as HHTypeCombinedfrom --Level 1 – get distinct HHTypes for RRH(select distinct an.PersonalID, case when an.HHType = 1 then 100when an.HHType = 2 then 20when an.HHType = 3 then 3 else 0 end as HHTypeEachfrom active_Enrollment an inner join active_Household hhid on hhid.HoHID = an.PersonalIDwhere an.ProjectType = 13) HHTypes group by HHTypes.PersonalID) hh on hh.PersonalID = lp.PersonalID--set PSH HHType update lpset lp.HoHPSH = case when hh.HHTypeCombined is null then -1else hh.HHTypeCombined endfrom tmp_Person lpleft outer join --Level 2 – combine HHTypes into a single value (select HHTypes.PersonalID, case sum(HHTypes.HHTypeEach) when 100 then 1when 120 then 12when 103 then 13when 20 then 2when 0 then 99else sum(HHTypes.HHTypeEach) end as HHTypeCombinedfrom --Level 1 – get distinct HHTypes for PSH(select distinct an.PersonalID, case when an.HHType = 1 then 100when an.HHType = 2 then 20when an.HHType = 3 then 3 else 0 end as HHTypeEachfrom active_Enrollment an inner join active_Household hhid on hhid.HoHID = an.PersonalIDwhere an.ProjectType = 3) HHTypes group by HHTypes.PersonalID) hh on hh.PersonalID = lp.PersonalID/*************************************************************************4.22 Set Population Identifiers for Active HouseholdIDs**********************************************************************/update hhidset hhid.HHChronic = coalesce(popIDs.HHChronic, 0), hhid.HHVet = coalesce(popIDs.HHVet, 0), hhid.HHDisability = coalesce(popIDs.HHDisability, 0), hhid.HHFleeingDV = coalesce(popIDs.HHFleeingDV, 0), hhid.HHAdultAge = coalesce(case when popIDs.HHAdultAge = 125 then 25 else popIDs.HHAdultAge end, 0), hhid.HHParent = coalesce(case when hhid.HHType = 1 then 0when hhid.HHType = 2 and popIDs.HHAdultAge > 24 then 0else popIDs.HHParent end, 0), hhid.AC3Plus = coalesce(casewhen hhid.HHType = 2 then 1else 0 end, 0)from active_Household hhidinner join (select distinct ahh.HouseholdID, HHChronic = (select max(case when lp.DisabilityStatus <> 1 then 0when lp.CHTime = 365 and lp.CHTimeStatus in (1,2) then 1else 0 end)from tmp_Person lpinner join active_Enrollment n on n.PersonalID = lp.PersonalIDwhere n.HouseholdID = ahh.HouseholdID--limit to HoH/HH members who were >= 18 for that enrollmentand (n.AgeGroup between 18 and 65 or n.PersonalID = ahh.HoHID)), HHVet = (select max(case when lp.VetStatus = 1 then 1else 0 end)from tmp_Person lpinner join active_Enrollment n on n.PersonalID = lp.PersonalIDwhere n.HouseholdID = ahh.HouseholdIDand n.AgeGroup between 18 and 65), HHDisability = (select max(case when lp.DisabilityStatus = 1 then 1else 0 end)from tmp_Person lpinner join active_Enrollment n on n.PersonalID = lp.PersonalIDwhere n.HouseholdID = ahh.HouseholdID--limit to HoH/HH members who were >= 18 for that enrollmentand (n.AgeGroup between 18 and 65 or n.PersonalID = ahh.HoHID)), HHFleeingDV = (select max(case when lp.DVStatus = 1 then 1else 0 end)from tmp_Person lpinner join active_Enrollment n on n.PersonalID = lp.PersonalIDwhere n.HouseholdID = ahh.HouseholdID--limit to HoH/HH members who were >= 18 for that enrollmentand (n.AgeGroup between 18 and 65 or n.PersonalID = ahh.HoHID)), HHAdultAge = (select max(case when n.AgeGroup = 21 then 18when n.AgeGroup = 24 then 24when n.AgeGroup between 34 and 54 then 125when n.AgeGroup between 64 and 65 then 55else -1 end)from active_Enrollment n where n.HouseholdID = ahh.HouseholdID), HHParent = (select max(case when n.RelationshipToHoH = 2 then 1else 0 end)from active_Enrollment n where n.HouseholdID = ahh.HouseholdID), AC3Plus = (select case when count(distinct n.PersonalID) >= 3 then 1else 0 endfrom active_Enrollment n where n.HouseholdID = ahh.HouseholdID and n.AgeGroup < 18)from active_Household ahhinner join active_Enrollment n on n.HouseholdID = ahh.HouseholdID) popIDs on popIDs.HouseholdID = hhid.HouseholdID/*************************************************************************4.23 Set tmp_Person Population Identifiers from Active Households**********************************************************************/update lpset lp.HHChronic = case popIDs.HHChronicwhen '0' then 0else convert(int,replace(popIDs.HHChronic, '0', '')) end , lp.HHVet = case popIDs.HHVetwhen '0' then 0else convert(int,replace(popIDs.HHVet, '0', '')) end , lp.HHDisability = case popIDs.HHDisabilitywhen '0' then 0else convert(int,replace(popIDs.HHDisability, '0', '')) end , lp.HHFleeingDV = case popIDs.HHFleeingDVwhen '0' then 0else convert(int,replace(popIDs.HHFleeingDV, '0', '')) end , lp.HHAdultAge = case when popIDs.HHAdultAge > 100 then popIDs.HHAdultAge - 100else popIDs.HHAdultAge end , lp.HHParent = case popIDs.HHParentwhen '0' then 0else convert(int,replace(popIDs.HHParent, '0', '')) end , lp.AC3Plus = popIDs.AC3Plus from tmp_Person lpinner join (select distinct lp.PersonalID, HHChronic = (select convert(varchar(3),sum(distinctcase when hhid.HHChronic = 0 then 0when hhid.HHType = 1 then 100when hhid.HHType = 2 then 20when hhid.HHType = 3 then 3 else 0 end))from active_Household hhidinner join active_Enrollment n on hhid.HouseholdID = n.HouseholdIDwhere n.PersonalID = lp.PersonalID), HHVet = (select convert(varchar(3),sum(distinctcase when hhid.HHVet = 0 then 0 when hhid.HHType = 1 then 100when hhid.HHType = 2 then 20else 0 end))from active_Household hhidinner join active_Enrollment n on hhid.HouseholdID = n.HouseholdIDwhere n.PersonalID = lp.PersonalID), HHDisability = (select convert(varchar(3),sum(distinctcase when hhid.HHDisability = 0 then 0when hhid.HHType = 1 then 100when hhid.HHType = 2 then 20when hhid.HHType = 3 then 3 else 0 end))from active_Household hhidinner join active_Enrollment n on hhid.HouseholdID = n.HouseholdIDwhere n.PersonalID = lp.PersonalID), HHFleeingDV = (select convert(varchar(3),sum(distinctcase when hhid.HHFleeingDV = 0 then 0when hhid.HHType = 1 then 100when hhid.HHType = 2 then 20when hhid.HHType = 3 then 3 else 0 end))from active_Household hhidinner join active_Enrollment n on hhid.HouseholdID = n.HouseholdIDwhere n.PersonalID = lp.PersonalID), HHAdultAge = (select max(casewhen hhid.HHType not in (1,2) then -1when hhid.HHAdultAge < 25 then hhid.HHAdultAge + 100 else hhid.HHAdultAge end)from active_Household hhidinner join active_Enrollment n on hhid.HouseholdID = n.HouseholdIDwhere n.PersonalID = lp.PersonalID), HHParent = (select convert(varchar(3),sum(distinctcase when hhid.HHParent = 0 then 0when hhid.HHType = 2 then 20when hhid.HHType = 3 then 3 else 0 end))from active_Household hhidinner join active_Enrollment n on hhid.HouseholdID = n.HouseholdIDwhere n.PersonalID = lp.PersonalID), AC3Plus = (select max(case when hhid.AC3Plus = 0 then 0else 1 end)from active_Household hhidinner join active_Enrollment n on hhid.HouseholdID = n.HouseholdIDwhere n.PersonalID = lp.PersonalID)from tmp_Person lp) popIDs on popIDs.PersonalID = lp.PersonalID/*************************************************************************4.24-25 Get Unique Households and Population Identifiers for tmp_Household**********************************************************************/delete from tmp_Householdinsert into tmp_Household (HoHID, HHType, HHAdult, HHChild, HHNoDOB, HHChronic, HHVet, HHDisability, HHFleeingDV, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, HHParent, HHAdultAge, ReportID, FirstEntry, LastActive)select distinct hhid.HoHID, hhid.HHType, hhcounts.HHAdult, hhcounts.HHChild, hhcounts.HHNoDOB, max(hhid.HHChronic), max(hhid.HHVet), max(hhid.HHDisability), max(hhid.HHFleeingDV), lp.Race, lp.Ethnicity, max(hhid.HHParent), min(hhid.HHAdultAge) , lp.ReportID, min(an.EntryDate), max(coalesce(an.ExitDate, rpt.ReportEnd)) from active_Household hhidinner join active_Enrollment an on an.HouseholdID = hhid.HouseholdIDand an.PersonalID = hhid.HoHIDinner join lsa_Report rpt on rpt.ReportEnd >= an.EntryDateinner join (select distinct HoHID, HHType, HHAdult = (select count(distinct n.PersonalID)from active_Enrollment nwhere n.AgeGroup between 18 and 65 and n.PersonalID not in (--count persons who were served as both child--and adult in the same household as childrenselect turned18.PersonalIDfrom active_Enrollment turned18where turned18.PersonalID = n.PersonalIDand turned18.HouseholdID = n.HouseholdIDand turned18.AgeGroup < 18)and n.HouseholdID = hhid.HouseholdID), HHChild = (select count(distinct n.PersonalID)from active_Enrollment nwhere n.AgeGroup < 18and n.HouseholdID = hhid.HouseholdID), HHNoDOB = (select count(distinct n.PersonalID)from active_Enrollment nwhere n.AgeGroup > 65 and n.HouseholdID = hhid.HouseholdID)from active_Household hhid) hhcounts on hhcounts.HoHID = hhid.HoHID and hhcounts.HHType = hhid.HHTypeinner join tmp_Person lp on lp.PersonalID = hhid.HoHID group by hhid.HoHID, hhid.HHType, lp.Race, lp.Ethnicity, hhcounts.HHAdult, hhcounts.HHChild, hhcounts.HHNoDOB, lp.ReportID/*************************************************************************4.26 Set tmp_Household Project Group Status Indicators**********************************************************************/update hhset ESTStatus = coalesce ((select min(case when an.ExitDate is null then 1else 2 end) from active_Enrollment an where an.PersonalID = hh.HoHIDand hh.HHType = an.HHType and an.RelationshipToHoH = 1and an.ProjectType in (1,2,8)), 0)from tmp_Household hhupdate hhset ESTStatus = ESTStatus + (select min(case when an.EntryDate < rpt.ReportStart then 10else 20 end) from active_Enrollment aninner join lsa_Report rpt on rpt.ReportEnd >= an.EntryDate where an.PersonalID = hh.HoHIDand hh.HHType = an.HHType and an.RelationshipToHoH = 1and an.ProjectType in (1,2,8))from tmp_Household hhwhere ESTStatus > 0update hhset RRHStatus = coalesce ((select min(case when an.ExitDate is null then 1else 2 end) from active_Enrollment an where an.PersonalID = hh.HoHIDand hh.HHType = an.HHType and an.RelationshipToHoH = 1and an.ProjectType = 13), 0)from tmp_Household hhupdate hhset RRHStatus = RRHStatus + (select min(case when an.EntryDate < rpt.ReportStart then 10else 20 end) from active_Enrollment aninner join lsa_Report rpt on rpt.ReportEnd >= an.EntryDate where an.PersonalID = hh.HoHIDand hh.HHType = an.HHType and an.RelationshipToHoH = 1and an.ProjectType = 13)from tmp_Household hhwhere RRHStatus > 0update hhset PSHStatus = coalesce ((select min(case when an.ExitDate is null then 1else 2 end) from active_Enrollment an where an.PersonalID = hh.HoHIDand hh.HHType = an.HHType and an.RelationshipToHoH = 1and an.ProjectType = 3), 0)from tmp_Household hhupdate hhset PSHStatus = PSHStatus + (select min(case when an.EntryDate < rpt.ReportStart then 10else 20 end) from active_Enrollment aninner join lsa_Report rpt on rpt.ReportEnd >= an.EntryDate where an.PersonalID = hh.HoHIDand hh.HHType = an.HHType and an.RelationshipToHoH = 1and an.ProjectType = 3)from tmp_Household hhwhere PSHStatus > 0/*************************************************************************4.27 Set tmp_Household RRH and PSH Move-In Status Indicators**********************************************************************/update hhset hh.RRHMoveIn = case when hh.RRHStatus = 0 then -1else stat.RRHMoveIn end, hh.PSHMoveIn = case when hh.PSHStatus = 0 then -1else stat.PSHMoveIn endfrom tmp_Household hhleft outer join (select distinct hhid.HoHID, hhid.HHType, RRHMoveIn = (select min(case when an.MoveInDate is nullthen 0when an.MoveInDate >= rpt.ReportStart then 1else 2 end)from active_Enrollment an inner join lsa_Report rpt on rpt.ReportEnd >= an.EntryDatewhere an.PersonalID = hhid.HoHID and an.HouseholdID = hhid.HouseholdIDand hhid.ProjectType = 13), PSHMoveIn = (select min(case when an.MoveInDate is nullthen 0when an.MoveInDate >= rpt.ReportStart then 1else 2 end)from active_Enrollment an inner join lsa_Report rpt on rpt.ReportEnd >= an.EntryDatewhere an.PersonalID = hhid.HoHID and an.HouseholdID = hhid.HouseholdIDand hhid.ProjectType = 3)from active_Household hhid) stat on stat.HoHID = hh.HoHID and stat.HHType = hh.HHType/*************************************************************************4.28.a Get Most Recent Enrollment in Each ProjectGroup for HoH ***********************************************************************/update active_Enrollment set MostRecent = nullupdate anset an.MostRecent =case when mr.EnrollmentID is null then 1else 0 end from active_Enrollment anleft outer join (select later.PersonalID, later.EnrollmentID, later.EntryDate, later.HHType, case when later.ProjectType in (1,2,8) then 1else later.ProjectType end as PTfrom active_Enrollment laterwhere later.RelationshipToHoH = 1) mr on mr.PersonalID = an.PersonalID and mr.HHType = an.HHType and mr.PT = case when an.ProjectType in (1,2,8) then 1 else an.ProjectType endand (mr.EntryDate > an.EntryDate or (mr.EntryDate = an.EntryDate and mr.EnrollmentID > an.EnrollmentID))where an.RelationshipToHoH = 1 /*************************************************************************4.28.b Set tmp_Household Geography for Each Project Group **********************************************************************/update lhhset ESTGeography = -1 from tmp_Household lhhwhere ESTStatus <= 10update lhhset ESTGeography = coalesce((select top 1 lg.GeographyTypefrom active_Enrollment an inner join lsa_Geography lg on lg.ProjectID = an.ProjectIDwhere an.MostRecent = 1 and an.ProjectType in (1,2,8)and an.RelationshipToHoH = 1 and an.PersonalID = lhh.HoHIDand an.HHType = lhh.HHTypeorder by rmationDate desc), 99)from tmp_Household lhh where ESTGeography is nullupdate lhhset RRHGeography = -1 from tmp_Household lhhwhere RRHStatus <= 10update lhhset RRHGeography = coalesce((select top 1 lg.GeographyTypefrom active_Enrollment an inner join lsa_Geography lg on lg.ProjectID = an.ProjectIDwhere an.MostRecent = 1 and an.ProjectType = 13and an.RelationshipToHoH = 1 and an.PersonalID = lhh.HoHIDand an.HHType = lhh.HHTypeorder by rmationDate desc), 99)from tmp_Household lhh where RRHGeography is nullupdate lhhset PSHGeography = -1 from tmp_Household lhhwhere PSHStatus <= 10update lhhset PSHGeography = coalesce((select top 1 lg.GeographyTypefrom active_Enrollment an inner join lsa_Geography lg on lg.ProjectID = an.ProjectIDwhere an.MostRecent = 1 and an.ProjectType = 3and an.RelationshipToHoH = 1 and an.PersonalID = lhh.HoHIDand an.HHType = lhh.HHTypeorder by rmationDate desc), 99)from tmp_Household lhh where PSHGeography is null/*************************************************************************4.28.c Set tmp_Household Living Situation for Each Project Group **********************************************************************/update lhhset ESTLivingSit = -1 from tmp_Household lhhwhere ESTStatus <= 10update lhhset ESTLivingSit = case when hn.LivingSituation = 16 then 1 --Homeless - Streetwhen hn.LivingSituation in (1,18) then 2--Homeless - ES/SHwhen hn.LivingSituation = 27 then 3--Interim Housingwhen hn.LivingSituation = 2 then 4--Homeless - THwhen hn.LivingSituation = 14 then 5--Hotel/Motel - no voucherwhen hn.LivingSituation = 26 then 6--Residential projectwhen hn.LivingSituation = 12 then 7--Familywhen hn.LivingSituation = 13 then 8--Friendswhen hn.LivingSituation = 3 then 9--PSHwhen hn.LivingSituation in (21,23) then 10--PH - ownwhen hn.LivingSituation = 22 then 11--PH - rent no subsidywhen hn.LivingSituation in (19,20,25) then 12--PH - rent with subsidywhen hn.LivingSituation = 15 then 13--Foster carewhen hn.LivingSituation = 24 then 14--Long-term carewhen hn.LivingSituation = 7 then 15--Institutions - incarcerationwhen hn.LivingSituation in (4,5,6) then 16--Institutions - medicalelse 99endfrom active_Enrollment an inner join tmp_Household lhh on lhh.HoHID = an.PersonalID and lhh.HHType = an.HHTypeinner join hmis_Enrollment hn on hn.EnrollmentID = an.EnrollmentIDwhere an.RelationshipToHoH = 1and an.MostRecent = 1 and an.ProjectType in (1,2,8)update lhhset RRHLivingSit = -1 from tmp_Household lhhwhere RRHStatus <= 10update lhhset RRHLivingSit = case when hn.LivingSituation = 16 then 1 --Homeless - Streetwhen hn.LivingSituation in (1,18) then 2--Homeless - ES/SHwhen hn.LivingSituation = 27 then 3--Interim Housingwhen hn.LivingSituation = 2 then 4--Homeless - THwhen hn.LivingSituation = 14 then 5--Hotel/Motel - no voucherwhen hn.LivingSituation = 26 then 6--Residential projectwhen hn.LivingSituation = 12 then 7--Familywhen hn.LivingSituation = 13 then 8--Friendswhen hn.LivingSituation = 3 then 9--PSHwhen hn.LivingSituation in (21,23) then 10--PH - ownwhen hn.LivingSituation = 22 then 11--PH - rent no subsidywhen hn.LivingSituation in (19,20,25) then 12--PH - rent with subsidywhen hn.LivingSituation = 15 then 13--Foster carewhen hn.LivingSituation = 24 then 14--Long-term carewhen hn.LivingSituation = 7 then 15--Institutions - incarcerationwhen hn.LivingSituation in (4,5,6) then 16--Institutions - medicalelse 99endfrom active_Enrollment an inner join tmp_Household lhh on lhh.HoHID = an.PersonalID and lhh.HHType = an.HHTypeinner join hmis_Enrollment hn on hn.EnrollmentID = an.EnrollmentIDwhere an.RelationshipToHoH = 1and an.MostRecent = 1 and an.ProjectType = 13update lhhset PSHLivingSit = -1 from tmp_Household lhhwhere PSHStatus <= 10update lhhset PSHLivingSit = case when hn.LivingSituation = 16 then 1 --Homeless - Streetwhen hn.LivingSituation in (1,18) then 2--Homeless - ES/SHwhen hn.LivingSituation = 27 then 3--Interim Housingwhen hn.LivingSituation = 2 then 4--Homeless - THwhen hn.LivingSituation = 14 then 5--Hotel/Motel - no voucherwhen hn.LivingSituation = 26 then 6--Residential projectwhen hn.LivingSituation = 12 then 7--Familywhen hn.LivingSituation = 13 then 8--Friendswhen hn.LivingSituation = 3 then 9--PSHwhen hn.LivingSituation in (21,23) then 10--PH - ownwhen hn.LivingSituation = 22 then 11--PH - rent no subsidywhen hn.LivingSituation in (19,20,25) then 12--PH - rent with subsidywhen hn.LivingSituation = 15 then 13--Foster carewhen hn.LivingSituation = 24 then 14--Long-term carewhen hn.LivingSituation = 7 then 15--Institutions - incarcerationwhen hn.LivingSituation in (4,5,6) then 16--Institutions - medicalelse 99endfrom active_Enrollment an inner join tmp_Household lhh on lhh.HoHID = an.PersonalID and lhh.HHType = an.HHTypeinner join hmis_Enrollment hn on hn.EnrollmentID = an.EnrollmentIDwhere an.RelationshipToHoH = 1and an.MostRecent = 1 and an.ProjectType = 3/*************************************************************************4.28.d Set tmp_Household Destination for Each Project Group **********************************************************************/update lhhset ESTDestination = -1 from tmp_Household lhhwhere ESTStatus not in (12,22)update lhhset ESTDestination = case when hx.Destination = 3 then 1 --PSH when hx.Destination = 31 then 2--PH - rent/temp subsidy when hx.Destination in (19,20,21,26,28) then 3--PH - rent/own with subsidy when hx.Destination in (10,11) then 4--PH - rent/own no subsidy when hx.Destination = 22 then 5--Family - perm when hx.Destination = 23 then 6--Friends - perm when hx.Destination in (15,25) then 7--Institutions - group/assisted when hx.Destination in (4,5,6) then 8--Institutions - medical when hx.Destination = 7 then 9--Institutions - incarceration when hx.Destination in (14,29) then 10--Temporary - not homeless when hx.Destination in (1,2,18,27) then 11--Homeless - ES/SH/TH when hx.Destination = 16 then 12--Homeless - Street when hx.Destination = 12 then 13--Family - temp when hx.Destination = 13 then 14--Friends - temp when hx.Destination = 24 then 15--Deceased else 99endfrom active_Enrollment an inner join tmp_Household lhh on lhh.HoHID = an.PersonalID and lhh.HHType = an.HHTypeinner join hmis_Exit hx on hx.EnrollmentID = an.EnrollmentIDwhere an.RelationshipToHoH = 1 and an.ExitDate is not nulland an.MostRecent = 1 and an.ProjectType in (1,2,8)update lhhset RRHDestination = -1 from tmp_Household lhhwhere RRHStatus not in (12,22)update lhhset RRHDestination = case when hx.Destination = 3 then 1 --PSH when hx.Destination = 31 then 2--PH - rent/temp subsidy when hx.Destination in (19,20,21,26,28) then 3--PH - rent/own with subsidy when hx.Destination in (10,11) then 4--PH - rent/own no subsidy when hx.Destination = 22 then 5--Family - perm when hx.Destination = 23 then 6--Friends - perm when hx.Destination in (15,25) then 7--Institutions - group/assisted when hx.Destination in (4,5,6) then 8--Institutions - medical when hx.Destination = 7 then 9--Institutions - incarceration when hx.Destination in (14,29) then 10--Temporary - not homeless when hx.Destination in (1,2,18,27) then 11--Homeless - ES/SH/TH when hx.Destination = 16 then 12--Homeless - Street when hx.Destination = 12 then 13--Family - temp when hx.Destination = 13 then 14--Friends - temp when hx.Destination = 24 then 15--Deceased else 99endfrom active_Enrollment an inner join tmp_Household lhh on lhh.HoHID = an.PersonalID and lhh.HHType = an.HHTypeinner join hmis_Exit hx on hx.EnrollmentID = an.EnrollmentIDwhere an.RelationshipToHoH = 1 and an.ExitDate is not nulland an.MostRecent = 1 and an.ProjectType = 13update lhhset PSHDestination = -1 from tmp_Household lhhwhere PSHStatus not in (12,22)update lhhset PSHDestination = case when hx.Destination = 3 then 1 --PSH when hx.Destination = 31 then 2--PH - rent/temp subsidy when hx.Destination in (19,20,21,26,28) then 3--PH - rent/own with subsidy when hx.Destination in (10,11) then 4--PH - rent/own no subsidy when hx.Destination = 22 then 5--Family - perm when hx.Destination = 23 then 6--Friends - perm when hx.Destination in (15,25) then 7--Institutions - group/assisted when hx.Destination in (4,5,6) then 8--Institutions - medical when hx.Destination = 7 then 9--Institutions - incarceration when hx.Destination in (14,29) then 10--Temporary - not homeless when hx.Destination in (1,2,18,27) then 11--Homeless - ES/SH/TH when hx.Destination = 16 then 12--Homeless - Street when hx.Destination = 12 then 13--Family - temp when hx.Destination = 13 then 14--Friends - temp when hx.Destination = 24 then 15--Deceased else 99endfrom active_Enrollment an inner join tmp_Household lhh on lhh.HoHID = an.PersonalID and lhh.HHType = an.HHTypeinner join hmis_Exit hx on hx.EnrollmentID = an.EnrollmentIDwhere an.RelationshipToHoH = 1 and an.ExitDate is not nulland an.MostRecent = 1 and an.ProjectType = 3/*************************************************************************4.29 Get System Engagement Status for tmp_Household**********************************************************************/update lhhset lhh.StatEnrollmentID = (select top 1 prior.EnrollmentIDfrom hmis_Enrollment prior inner join hmis_Exit hx on hx.EnrollmentID = prior.EnrollmentIDand hx.ExitDate > prior.EntryDate and dateadd(dd,730,hx.ExitDate) > = lhh.FirstEntryinner join (select HouseholdID, casewhen AgeStatus%10 > 0 and (AgeStatus/10)%100 > 0 then 2when AgeStatus/100 > 0 then 99when AgeStatus%10 > 0 then 3when (AgeStatus/10)%100 > 0 then 1else 99 end as HHTypefrom (select hn.HouseholdID, sum(case when c.DOBDataQuality in (8,9) or c.DOB is null or c.DOB = '1/1/1900'or c.DOB > hn.EntryDateor c.DOB = hn.EntryDate and hn.RelationshipToHoH = 1--age for non-active enrollments is always based on EntryDateor dateadd(yy, 105, c.DOB) <= hn.EntryDate or c.DOBDataQuality is nullor c.DOBDataQuality not in (1,2) then 100when dateadd(yy, 18, c.DOB) <= hn.EntryDate then 10 else 1 end) as AgeStatusfrom hmis_Enrollment hninner join hmis_Client c on c.PersonalID = hn.PersonalIDinner join (select distinct hhinfo.HouseholdIDfrom hmis_Enrollment hhinfoinner join lsa_Report rpt on hhinfo.EntryDate <= rpt.ReportEndinner join hmis_Project p on p.ProjectID = hhinfo.ProjectIDinner join hmis_EnrollmentCoC coc on coc.EnrollmentID = hhinfo.EnrollmentIDand coc.CoCCode = rpt.ReportCoCwhere p.ProjectType in (1,2,3,8,13) and p.ContinuumProject = 1group by hhinfo.HouseholdID, coc.CoCCode) hoh on hoh.HouseholdID = hn.HouseholdIDgroup by hn.HouseholdID) hhid) hh on hh.HouseholdID = prior.HouseholdIDwhere prior.PersonalID = lhh.HoHID and prior.RelationshipToHoH = 1 and hh.HHType = lhh.HHType order by hx.ExitDate desc)from tmp_Household lhhupdate lhhset lhh.Stat = case when lhh.StatEnrollmentID is null then 1when dateadd(dd, 15, hx.ExitDate) >= lhh.FirstEntry then 5 when hx.Destination in (3,31,19,20,21,26,28,10,11,22,23) then 2when hx.Destination in (15,25,4,5,6,7,14,29,1,2,18,27,16,12,13) then 3else 4 end from tmp_Household lhhleft outer join hmis_Exit hx on hx.EnrollmentID = lhh.StatEnrollmentID/*****************************************************************4.30 Get Days In RRH Pre-Move-In*****************************************************************/update lhhset RRHPreMoveInDays = case when RRHStatus < 10 then -1 else (select count(distinct cal.theDate)from tmp_Person lpinner join lsa_Report rpt on rpt.ReportID = lp.ReportIDinner join active_Enrollment an on an.PersonalID = lp.PersonalIDinner join ref_Calendar cal on cal.theDate >= an.EntryDateand cal.theDate <= coalesce( dateadd(dd, -1, an.MoveInDate), dateadd(dd, -1, an.ExitDate), rpt.ReportEnd)where an.ProjectType = 13 and an.HHType = lhh.HHType and lp.PersonalID = lhh.HoHID) endfrom tmp_Household lhh/*****************************************************************4.31 Get Dates Housed in PSH or RRH*****************************************************************/delete from sys_Timeinsert into sys_Time (HoHID, HHType, sysDate, sysStatus)select distinct an.PersonalID, an.HHType, cal.theDate, min(case an.ProjectTypewhen 3 then 1else 2 end)from tmp_Person lpinner join active_Enrollment an on an.PersonalID = lp.PersonalIDand an.RelationshipToHoH = 1inner join ref_Calendar cal on cal.theDate >= an.MoveInDateand (cal.theDate < an.ExitDate or (an.ExitDate is null and cal.theDate <= lp.LastActive))where an.ProjectType in (3,13)group by an.PersonalID, an.HHType, cal.theDate/*****************************************************************4.32 Get Enrollments Prior to Report Period Relevant to Other System Use Days*****************************************************************/delete from sys_Enrollmentinsert into sys_Enrollment (HoHID, HHType, EnrollmentID, ProjectType, EntryDate, MoveInDate, ExitDate, Active)select distinct hn.PersonalID, hh.HHType, hn.EnrollmentID, p.ProjectType, case when p.TrackingMethod = 3 then null else hn.EntryDate end, case when p.ProjectType in (3,13) then hn.MoveInDate else null end, case when p.TrackingMethod = 3 then null else hx.ExitDate end, case when an.EnrollmentID is not null then 1 else 0 endfrom tmp_Household lhhinner join lsa_Report rpt on rpt.ReportID = lhh.ReportIDinner join hmis_Enrollment hn on hn.PersonalID = lhh.HoHIDand hn.RelationshipToHoH = 1left outer join active_Enrollment an on an.EnrollmentID = hn.EnrollmentIDleft outer join hmis_Exit hx on hx.EnrollmentID = hn.EnrollmentIDand hx.ExitDate <= rpt.ReportEndinner join hmis_Project p on p.ProjectID = hn.ProjectIDinner join (select HouseholdID, case --if at least 1 adult and 1 child, HHType = 2when AgeStatus%10 > 0 and (AgeStatus/10)%100 > 0 then 2--If not adult/child, any unknown age means HHType = 99when AgeStatus/100 > 0 then 99--child only HHType = 3when AgeStatus%10 > 0 then 3--adult only HHType = 1when (AgeStatus/10)%100 > 0then 1else 99 end as HHTypefrom (select hn.HouseholdID, sum(case when c.DOBDataQuality in (8,9) or c.DOB is null or c.DOB = '1/1/1900'or c.DOB > hn.EntryDateor c.DOB = hn.EntryDate and hn.RelationshipToHoH = 1or dateadd(yy, 105, c.DOB) <= hn.EntryDate or c.DOBDataQuality is nullor c.DOBDataQuality not in (1,2) then 100when dateadd(yy, 18, c.DOB) <= hn.EntryDate then 10 else 1 end) as AgeStatusfrom hmis_Enrollment hninner join hmis_Client c on c.PersonalID = hn.PersonalIDinner join (select distinct hhinfo.HouseholdIDfrom hmis_Enrollment hhinfoinner join lsa_Report rpt on hhinfo.EntryDate <= rpt.ReportEndinner join hmis_Project p on p.ProjectID = hhinfo.ProjectIDinner join hmis_EnrollmentCoC coc on coc.EnrollmentID = hhinfo.EnrollmentIDand coc.CoCCode = rpt.ReportCoCwhere p.ProjectType in (1,2,3,8,13) and p.ContinuumProject = 1group by hhinfo.HouseholdID, coc.CoCCode) hoh on hoh.HouseholdID = hn.HouseholdIDgroup by hn.HouseholdID) hhid) hh on hh.HouseholdID = hn.HouseholdIDwhere (an.EnrollmentID is not null or hx.ExitDate is not null)/*****************************************************************4.33 Get Last Inactive Date*****************************************************************/update lhhset lhh.LastInactive = lastDay.inactivefrom tmp_Household lhhinner join (select lhh.HoHID, lhh.HHType, max(cal.theDate) as inactivefrom tmp_Household lhhinner join lsa_Report rpt on rpt.ReportID = lhh.ReportIDinner join ref_Calendar cal on cal.theDate <= rpt.ReportEndleft outer join(select distinct sn.HoHID as HoHID, sn.HHType as HHType, bn.DateProvided as StartDate, case when bn.DateProvided < rpt.ReportStartthen dateadd(dd,7,bn.DateProvided) else rpt.ReportEnd end as EndDatefrom sys_Enrollment sninner join hmis_Services bn on bn.EnrollmentID = sn.EnrollmentIDand bn.RecordType = 200inner join lsa_Report rpt on rpt.ReportEnd >= bn.DateProvidedwhere sn.EntryDate is nullunion select sn.HoHID, sn.HHType, sn.EntryDate, case when sn.ExitDate < rpt.ReportStart then dateadd(dd,6,sn.ExitDate)else rpt.ReportEnd endfrom sys_Enrollment sn inner join lsa_Report rpt on rpt.ReportEnd >= sn.EntryDatewhere sn.ProjectType in (1,8,2) or sn.MoveInDate is null) padded on padded.HoHID = lhh.HoHID and padded.HHType = lhh.HHType and cal.theDate between padded.StartDate and padded.EndDatewhere padded.HoHID is nullgroup by lhh.HoHID, lhh.HHType) lastDay on lastDay.HoHID = lhh.HoHID and lastDay.HHType = lhh.HHType/*****************************************************************4.34 Get Dates of Other System Use*****************************************************************/insert into sys_Time (HoHID, HHType, sysDate, sysStatus)select distinct sn.HoHID, sn.HHType, cal.theDate, 3from sys_Enrollment sninner join tmp_Household lhh on lhh.HoHID = sn.HoHID and lhh.HHType = sn.HHTypeinner join lsa_Report rpt on rpt.ReportEnd >= sn.EntryDateinner join ref_Calendar cal on cal.theDate >= sn.EntryDateand cal.theDate < coalesce(sn.ExitDate, rpt.ReportEnd)left outer join sys_Time housed on housed.HoHID = sn.HoHID and housed.HHType = sn.HHTypeand housed.sysDate = cal.theDatewhere (cal.theDate > lhh.LastInactive)and housed.sysDate is null and sn.ProjectType = 2group by sn.HoHID, sn.HHType, cal.theDateinsert into sys_Time (HoHID, HHType, sysDate, sysStatus)select distinct sn.HoHID, sn.HHType, cal.theDate, 4from sys_Enrollment sninner join tmp_Household lhh on lhh.HoHID = sn.HoHID and lhh.HHType = sn.HHTypeinner join lsa_Report rpt on rpt.ReportEnd >= sn.EntryDateinner join ref_Calendar cal on cal.theDate >= sn.EntryDateand cal.theDate < coalesce(sn.ExitDate, rpt.ReportEnd)left outer join sys_Time other on other.HoHID = sn.HoHID and other.HHType = sn.HHTypeand other.sysDate = cal.theDatewhere (cal.theDate > lhh.LastInactive)and other.sysDate is null and sn.ProjectType = 1insert into sys_Time (HoHID, HHType, sysDate, sysStatus)select distinct sn.HoHID, sn.HHType, cal.theDate, 4from sys_Enrollment sninner join hmis_Services bn on bn.EnrollmentID = sn.EnrollmentIDand bn.RecordType = 200inner join tmp_Household lhh on lhh.HoHID = sn.HoHID and lhh.HHType = sn.HHTypeinner join lsa_Report rpt on rpt.ReportEnd >= bn.DateProvided inner join ref_Calendar cal on cal.theDate = bn.DateProvidedleft outer join sys_Time other on other.HoHID = sn.HoHID and other.HHType = sn.HHTypeand other.sysDate = cal.theDatewhere (cal.theDate > lhh.LastInactive)and other.sysDate is null and sn.ProjectType = 1insert into sys_Time (HoHID, HHType, sysDate, sysStatus)select distinct sn.HoHID, sn.HHType, cal.theDate, min (case when sn.ProjectType = 3 then 5 else 6 end)from sys_Enrollment sninner join tmp_Household lhh on lhh.HoHID = sn.HoHID and lhh.HHType = sn.HHTypeinner join lsa_Report rpt on rpt.ReportEnd >= sn.EntryDateinner join ref_Calendar cal on cal.theDate >= sn.EntryDateand cal.theDate < coalesce(sn.MoveInDate, sn.ExitDate, rpt.ReportEnd)left outer join sys_Time other on other.HoHID = sn.HoHID and other.HHType = sn.HHTypeand other.sysDate = cal.theDatewhere (sn.Active = 1 or sn.MoveInDate is null)and cal.theDate > lhh.LastInactiveand other.sysDate is null and sn.ProjectType in (3,13)group by sn.HoHID, sn.HHType, cal.theDate/*****************************************************************4.37 Update ESTStatus and RRHStatus*****************************************************************/update lhhset lhh.ESTStatus = 2from tmp_Household lhhinner join sys_Time st on lhh.HoHID = st.HoHID and lhh.HHType = st.HHTypewhere lhh.ESTStatus = 0 and st.sysStatus in (3,4)update lhhset lhh.RRHStatus = 2from tmp_Household lhhinner join sys_Time st on lhh.HoHID = st.HoHID and lhh.HHType = st.HHTypewhere lhh.RRHStatus = 0 and st.sysStatus in (2,6)/*****************************************************************4.35 Get Other Dates Homeless from 3.917 Living Situation*****************************************************************/insert into sys_Time (HoHID, HHType, sysDate, sysStatus)select distinct sn.HoHID, sn.HHType, cal.theDate, 7from sys_Enrollment sninner join hmis_Enrollment hn on hn.EnrollmentID = sn.EnrollmentID inner join sys_Time contiguous on contiguous.sysDate = hn.EntryDateand contiguous.HoHID = sn.HoHID and contiguous.HHType = sn.HHTypeinner join ref_Calendar cal on cal.theDate >= hn.DateToStreetESSHand cal.theDate < hn.EntryDateleft outer join sys_Time st on st.HoHID = sn.HoHID and st.HHType = sn.HHTypeand st.sysDate = cal.theDatewhere st.sysDate is nulland (sn.ProjectType in (1,8)or hn.LivingSituation in (1,18,16)or (hn.LengthOfStay in (10,11) and hn.PreviousStreetESSH = 1)or (hn.LivingSituation in (4,5,6,7,15,24) and hn.LengthOfStay in (2,3) and hn.PreviousStreetESSH = 1))/*****************************************************************4.36 Set System Use Days for LSAHousehold*****************************************************************/update lhhset ESDays = (select count(distinct st.sysDate)from sys_Time st where st.sysStatus = 4and st.HoHID = lhh.HoHID and st.HHType = lhh.HHType), THDays = (select count(distinct st.sysDate)from sys_Time st where st.sysStatus = 3and st.HoHID = lhh.HoHID and st.HHType = lhh.HHType), ESTDays = (select count(distinct st.sysDate)from sys_Time st where st.sysStatus in (3,4)and st.HoHID = lhh.HoHID and st.HHType = lhh.HHType), RRHPSHPreMoveInDays = (select count(distinct st.sysDate)from sys_Time st where st.sysStatus in (5,6)and st.HoHID = lhh.HoHID and st.HHType = lhh.HHType), RRHHousedDays = (select count(distinct st.sysDate)from sys_Time st where st.sysStatus = 2and st.HoHID = lhh.HoHID and st.HHType = lhh.HHType), SystemDaysNotPSHHoused = (select count(distinct st.sysDate)from sys_Time st where st.sysStatus in (2,3,4,5,6)and st.HoHID = lhh.HoHID and st.HHType = lhh.HHType), SystemHomelessDays = (select count(distinct st.sysDate)from sys_Time st where st.sysStatus in (3,4,5,6)and st.HoHID = lhh.HoHID and st.HHType = lhh.HHType), Other3917Days = (select count(distinct st.sysDate)from sys_Time st where st.sysStatus = 7and st.HoHID = lhh.HoHID and st.HHType = lhh.HHType), TotalHomelessDays = (select count(distinct st.sysDate)from sys_Time st where st.sysStatus in (3,4,5,6,7)and st.HoHID = lhh.HoHID and st.HHType = lhh.HHType), PSHHousedDays = (select count(distinct st.sysDate)from sys_Time st where st.sysStatus = 1and st.HoHID = lhh.HoHID and st.HHType = lhh.HHType)from tmp_Household lhh/*****************************************************************4.38 Set SystemPath for LSAHousehold*****************************************************************/update lhhset SystemPath = case when ESTStatus not in (21,22) and RRHStatus not in (21,22) and PSHMoveIn = 2 then -1when ESDays >= 1 and THDays = 0 and RRHStatus = 0 and PSHStatus = 0 then 1when ESDays = 0 and THDays >= 1 and RRHStatus = 0 and PSHStatus = 0 then 2when ESDays >= 1 and THDays >= 1 and RRHStatus = 0 and PSHStatus = 0 then 3when ESDays = 0 and THDays = 0 and RRHStatus >= 2 and PSHStatus = 0 then 4when ESDays >= 1 and THDays = 0 and RRHStatus >= 2 and PSHStatus = 0 then 5when ESDays = 0 and THDays >= 1 and RRHStatus >= 2 and PSHStatus = 0 then 6when ESDays >= 1 and THDays >= 1 and RRHStatus >= 2 and PSHStatus = 0 then 7when ESDays = 0 and THDays = 0 and RRHStatus = 0 and PSHStatus >= 11 and PSHMoveIn <> 2then 8when ESDays >= 1 and THDays = 0 and RRHStatus = 0 and PSHStatus >= 11 and PSHMoveIn <> 2then 9when ESDays >= 1 and THDays = 0 and RRHStatus >= 2 and PSHStatus >= 11 and PSHMoveIn <> 2then 10when ESDays = 0 and THDays = 0 and RRHStatus >= 2 and PSHStatus >= 11 and PSHMoveIn <> 2then 11else 12 endfrom tmp_Household lhh/*****************************************************************4.39 Get Exit Cohort Dates*****************************************************************/delete from tmp_CohortDatesinsert into tmp_CohortDates (Cohort, CohortStart, CohortEnd)select 0, rpt.ReportStart,case when dateadd(mm, -6, rpt.ReportEnd) <= rpt.ReportStart then rpt.ReportEndelse dateadd(mm, -6, rpt.ReportEnd) endfrom lsa_Report rptinsert into tmp_CohortDates (Cohort, CohortStart, CohortEnd)select -1, dateadd(yyyy, -1, rpt.ReportStart), dateadd(yyyy, -1, rpt.ReportEnd)from lsa_Report rptinsert into tmp_CohortDates (Cohort, CohortStart, CohortEnd)select -2, dateadd(yyyy, -2, rpt.ReportStart), dateadd(yyyy, -2, rpt.ReportEnd)from lsa_Report rpt/*****************************************************************4.40 Get Enrollments Relevant To Exit Cohorts*****************************************************************/delete from ex_Enrollment insert into ex_Enrollment (Cohort, HoHID, HHType, EnrollmentID, ProjectType , EntryDate, MoveInDate, ExitDate, ExitTo)select distinct cd.Cohort, hn.PersonalID, hh.HHType, hn.EnrollmentID, p.ProjectType , hn.EntryDate, hn.MoveInDate, hx.ExitDate , case when hx.Destination = 3 then 1 --PSH when hx.Destination = 31 then 2--PH - rent/temp subsidy when hx.Destination in (19,20,21,26,28) then 3--PH - rent/own with subsidy when hx.Destination in (10,11) then 4--PH - rent/own no subsidy when hx.Destination = 22 then 5--Family - perm when hx.Destination = 23 then 6--Friends - perm when hx.Destination in (15,25) then 7--Institutions - group/assisted when hx.Destination in (4,5,6) then 8--Institutions - medical when hx.Destination = 7 then 9--Institutions - incarceration when hx.Destination in (14,29) then 10--Temporary - not homeless when hx.Destination in (1,2,18,27) then 11--Homeless - ES/SH/TH when hx.Destination = 16 then 12--Homeless - Street when hx.Destination = 12 then 13--Family - temp when hx.Destination = 13 then 14--Friends - temp when hx.Destination = 24 then 15--Deceased else 99endfrom hmis_Enrollment hninner join hmis_Project p on p.ProjectID = hn.ProjectIDinner join hmis_Exit hx on hx.EnrollmentID = hn.EnrollmentIDand hx.ExitDate > hn.EntryDateinner join tmp_CohortDates cd on cd.CohortStart <= hx.ExitDate and cd.CohortEnd >= hx.ExitDate inner join (select HouseholdID, casewhen AgeStatus%10 > 0 and (AgeStatus/10)%100 > 0 then 2when AgeStatus/100 > 0 then 99when AgeStatus%10 > 0 then 3when (AgeStatus/10)%100 > 0 then 1else 99 end as HHTypefrom (select hn.HouseholdID, sum(case when c.DOBDataQuality in (8,9) or c.DOB is null or c.DOB = '1/1/1900'or c.DOB > hn.EntryDateor c.DOB = hn.EntryDate and hn.RelationshipToHoH = 1or dateadd(yy, 105, c.DOB) <= hn.EntryDate or c.DOBDataQuality is nullor c.DOBDataQuality not in (1,2) then 100--calculate age for qualifying exit as of --the later of CohortStart and EntryDatewhen hn.EntryDate >= cd.CohortStart and dateadd(yy, 18, c.DOB) <= hn.EntryDate then 10 when dateadd(yy, 18, c.DOB) <= cd.CohortStart then 10 else 1 end) as AgeStatusfrom hmis_Enrollment hninner join tmp_CohortDates cd on cd.CohortEnd >= hn.EntryDateinner join hmis_Client c on c.PersonalID = hn.PersonalIDinner join (select distinct hhinfo.HouseholdIDfrom hmis_Enrollment hhinfoinner join lsa_Report rpt on hhinfo.EntryDate <= rpt.ReportEndinner join hmis_Project p on p.ProjectID = hhinfo.ProjectIDinner join hmis_EnrollmentCoC coc on coc.EnrollmentID = hhinfo.EnrollmentIDand coc.CoCCode = rpt.ReportCoC--project type for qualifying exit MAY BE STREET OUTREACH--(or ES/SH/TH/RRH/PSH)where p.ProjectType in (1,2,3,4,8,13) and p.ContinuumProject = 1group by hhinfo.HouseholdID, coc.CoCCode) hoh on hoh.HouseholdID = hn.HouseholdIDgroup by hn.HouseholdID) hhid) hh on hh.HouseholdID = hn.HouseholdIDleft outer join (select hn.PersonalID as HoHID, hh.HHType, hn.EntryDate, hx.ExitDatefrom hmis_Enrollment hnleft outer join hmis_Exit hx on hx.EnrollmentID = hn.EnrollmentIDinner join (select HouseholdID, casewhen AgeStatus%10 > 0 and (AgeStatus/10)%100 > 0 then 2when AgeStatus/100 > 0 then 99when AgeStatus%10 > 0 then 3when (AgeStatus/10)%100 > 0 then 1else 99 end as HHTypefrom (select hn.HouseholdID, sum(case when c.DOBDataQuality in (8,9) or c.DOB is null or c.DOB = '1/1/1900'or c.DOB > hn.EntryDateor c.DOB = hn.EntryDate and hn.RelationshipToHoH = 1--age for later enrollments is always based on EntryDateor dateadd(yy, 105, c.DOB) <= hn.EntryDate or c.DOBDataQuality is nullor c.DOBDataQuality not in (1,2) then 100when dateadd(yy, 18, c.DOB) <= hn.EntryDate then 10 else 1 end) as AgeStatusfrom hmis_Enrollment hninner join hmis_Client c on c.PersonalID = hn.PersonalIDinner join (select distinct hhinfo.HouseholdIDfrom hmis_Enrollment hhinfoinner join lsa_Report rpt on hhinfo.EntryDate <= rpt.ReportEndinner join hmis_Project p on p.ProjectID = hhinfo.ProjectIDinner join hmis_EnrollmentCoC coc on coc.EnrollmentID = hhinfo.EnrollmentIDand coc.CoCCode = rpt.ReportCoC--only later ES/SH/TH/RRH/PSH enrollments are relevantwhere p.ProjectType in (1,2,3,8,13) and p.ContinuumProject = 1group by hhinfo.HouseholdID, coc.CoCCode) hoh on hoh.HouseholdID = hn.HouseholdIDgroup by hn.HouseholdID) hhid) hh on hh.HouseholdID = hn.HouseholdIDwhere hn.RelationshipToHoH = 1) b on b.HoHID = hn.PersonalID and b.HHType = hh.HHTypeand b.EntryDate < dateadd(dd, 15, hx.ExitDate) and b.ExitDate > hx.ExitDate--If there is at least one exit followed by 15 days of inactivity during a cohort period,--the HoHID/HHType is included in the relevant exit cohort.where b.HoHID is null and cd.Cohort <= 0/*****************************************************************4.41 Get EnrollmentIDs for Exit Cohort Households?????? and4.42 Set ExitFrom and ExitTo for Exit Cohort Households*****************************************************************/update exset ex.Active = 1 from ex_Enrollment exwhere ex.EnrollmentID = (select top 1 EnrollmentID ????????????? from ex_Enrollment a ????????????? where a.HoHID = ex.HoHID and a.HHType = ex.HHType????????????????????? and a.Cohort = ex.Cohort????????????? order by case when a.ExitTo between 1 and 6 then 2????????????????????? when a.ExitTo between 7 and 14 then 3????????????????????? else 4 end asc, a.ExitDate asc)delete from tmp_Exitinsert into tmp_Exit (Cohort, HoHID, HHType?????? , EnrollmentID, ex.EntryDate, ex.ExitDate, ExitFrom, ExitTo)select distinct ex.Cohort, ex.HoHID, ex.HHType?????? , ex.EnrollmentID, ex.EntryDate, ex.ExitDate?????? , case ex.ProjectType ????????????? when 4 then 1????????????? when 1 then 2????????????? when 2 then 3 ????????????? when 8 then 4????????????? when 13 then 5????????????? else 6 end?????? , ex.ExitTofrom ex_Enrollment exwhere ex.Active = 1update tmp_Exitset ReportID = (select ReportID ????????????? from lsa_Report)/*****************************************************************4.43 Set ReturnTime for Exit Cohort Households*****************************************************************/update exset ex.ReturnDate = (select min(hn.EntryDate) from hmis_Enrollment hninner join (select HouseholdID, casewhen AgeStatus%10 > 0 and (AgeStatus/10)%100 > 0 then 2when AgeStatus/100 > 0 then 99when AgeStatus%10 > 0 then 3when (AgeStatus/10)%100 > 0 then 1else 99 end as HHTypefrom (select hn.HouseholdID, sum(case when c.DOBDataQuality in (8,9) or c.DOB is null or c.DOB = '1/1/1900'or c.DOB > hn.EntryDateor c.DOB = hn.EntryDate and hn.RelationshipToHoH = 1--age for later enrollments is always based on EntryDateor dateadd(yy, 105, c.DOB) <= hn.EntryDate or c.DOBDataQuality is nullor c.DOBDataQuality not in (1,2) then 100when dateadd(yy, 18, c.DOB) <= hn.EntryDate then 10 else 1 end) as AgeStatusfrom hmis_Enrollment hninner join hmis_Client c on c.PersonalID = hn.PersonalIDinner join (select distinct hhinfo.HouseholdIDfrom hmis_Enrollment hhinfoinner join lsa_Report rpt on hhinfo.EntryDate <= rpt.ReportEndinner join hmis_Project p on p.ProjectID = hhinfo.ProjectIDinner join hmis_EnrollmentCoC coc on coc.EnrollmentID = hhinfo.EnrollmentIDand coc.CoCCode = rpt.ReportCoC--only later ES/SH/TH/RRH/PSH enrollments are relevantwhere p.ProjectType in (1,2,3,8,13) and p.ContinuumProject = 1group by hhinfo.HouseholdID, coc.CoCCode) hoh on hoh.HouseholdID = hn.HouseholdIDgroup by hn.HouseholdID) hhid) hh on hh.HouseholdID = hn.HouseholdIDwhere hn.RelationshipToHoH = 1 and hn.PersonalID = ex.HoHID and hh.HHType = ex.HHTypeand hn.EntryDate between dateadd(dd, 15, ex.ExitDate) and dateadd(dd, 730, ex.ExitDate))from tmp_Exit exupdate exset ex.ReturnTime = case when ex.ReturnDate is null then -1else datediff(dd, ex.ExitDate, ex.ReturnDate) endfrom tmp_Exit ex/*****************************************************************4.44 Set Population Identifiers for Exit Cohort Households*****************************************************************/update exset ex.HoHRace = case when c.RaceNone in (8,9) then 98when c.AmIndAkNative + c.Asian + c.BlackAfAmerican + c.NativeHIOtherPacific + c.White > 1 then 6when c.White = 1 and c.Ethnicity = 1 then 1when c.White = 1 then 0when c.BlackAfAmerican = 1 then 2when c.Asian = 1 then 3when c.AmIndAkNative = 1 then 4when c.NativeHIOtherPacific = 1 then 5else 99 end , ex.HoHEthnicity = case when c.Ethnicity in (8,9) then 98when c.Ethnicity in (0,1) then c.Ethnicityelse 99 end from tmp_Exit exinner join hmis_Client c on c.PersonalID = ex.HoHID update exset ex.HHVet = pop.HHVet, ex.HHDisability = pop.HHDisability, ex.HHFleeingDV = pop.HHFleeingDV, ex.HHParent = case when ex.HHType in (2,3)then pop.HHParent else 0 end, ex.AC3Plus = case when ex.HHType = 2 and pop.HHChild >= 3 then 1 else 0 end from tmp_Exit exinner join (select ex.EnrollmentID, max(case when age.ageStat = 1 and c.VeteranStatus = 1 then 1 else 0 end) as HHVet, max(case when (age.ageStat = 1 or hn.RelationshipToHoH = 1)and hn.DisablingCondition = 1 then 1else 0 end) as HHDisability, max(case when (age.ageStat = 1 or hn.RelationshipToHoH = 1)and dv.DomesticViolenceVictim = 1 and dv.CurrentlyFleeing = 1 then 1 else 0 end) as HHFleeingDV, sum(case when age.ageStat = 0 then 1 else 0 end) as HHChild, max(case when hn.RelationshipToHoH = 2 then 1else 0 end) as HHParentfrom tmp_Exit exinner join hmis_Enrollment hoh on hoh.EnrollmentID = ex.EnrollmentIDinner join hmis_Enrollment hn on hn.HouseholdID = hoh.HouseholdIDinner join hmis_Client c on c.PersonalID = hn.PersonalIDleft outer join hmis_HealthAndDV dv on hn.EnrollmentID = dv.EnrollmentIDinner join (select distinct hn.PersonalID, case when c.DOBDataQuality in (8,9) then -1when c.DOB is null or c.DOB = '1/1/1900'or c.DOB > hn.EntryDateor (hn.RelationshipToHoH = 1 and c.DOB = hn.EntryDate)or DATEADD(yy, 105, c.DOB) <= hn.EntryDate or c.DOBDataQuality is nullor c.DOBDataQuality not in (1,2) then -1 when hn.EntryDate >= cd.CohortStart and DATEADD(yy, 18, c.DOB) <= hn.EntryDate then 1when DATEADD(yy, 18, c.DOB) <= cd.CohortStart then 1else 0 end as ageStatfrom tmp_Exit exinner join tmp_CohortDates cd on cd.Cohort = ex.Cohortinner join hmis_Enrollment hoh on hoh.EnrollmentID = ex.EnrollmentIDinner join hmis_Enrollment hn on hn.HouseholdID = hoh.HouseholdIDinner join hmis_Client c on c.PersonalID = hn.PersonalID) age on age.PersonalID = hn.PersonalIDgroup by ex.EnrollmentID) pop on pop.EnrollmentID = ex.EnrollmentIDupdate exset ex.HHAdultAge = case when ex.HHType in (3,99) then -1when adultAge.age = 125 then 25 else adultAge.age end from tmp_Exit exinner join (select distinct ex.HoHID, hoh.EnrollmentID, max(casewhen c.DOBDataQuality in (8,9) then -1when c.DOB is null or c.DOB = '1/1/1900'or c.DOB > hn.EntryDateor (hn.RelationshipToHoH = 1 and c.DOB = hn.EntryDate)or DATEADD(yy, 105, c.DOB) <= hn.EntryDate or c.DOBDataQuality is nullor c.DOBDataQuality not in (1,2) then -1 when hn.EntryDate >= cd.CohortStart and DATEADD(yy, 55, c.DOB) <= hn.EntryDate then 55when hn.EntryDate >= cd.CohortStart and DATEADD(yy, 25, c.DOB) <= hn.EntryDate then 125when hn.EntryDate >= cd.CohortStart and DATEADD(yy, 22, c.DOB) <= hn.EntryDate then 24when hn.EntryDate >= cd.CohortStart and DATEADD(yy, 18, c.DOB) <= hn.EntryDate then 21when DATEADD(yy, 55, c.DOB) <= cd.CohortStart then 55when DATEADD(yy, 25, c.DOB) <= cd.CohortStart then 125when DATEADD(yy, 22, c.DOB) <= cd.CohortStart then 24when DATEADD(yy, 18, c.DOB) <= cd.CohortStart then 21else 0 end) as agefrom tmp_Exit exinner join tmp_CohortDates cd on cd.Cohort = ex.Cohortinner join hmis_Enrollment hoh on hoh.EnrollmentID = ex.EnrollmentIDinner join hmis_Enrollment hn on hn.HouseholdID = hoh.HouseholdIDinner join hmis_Client c on c.PersonalID = hn.PersonalIDgroup by ex.HoHID, hoh.EnrollmentID) adultAge on adultAge.EnrollmentID = ex.EnrollmentID/*****************************************************************4.45 Set Stat for Exit Cohort Households*****************************************************************/update exset ex.StatEnrollmentID = (select top 1 previous.EnrollmentIDfrom hmis_Enrollment previous inner join hmis_Exit hx on hx.EnrollmentID = previous.EnrollmentIDand hx.ExitDate > previous.EntryDate and dateadd(dd,730,hx.ExitDate) >= ex.EntryDateand hx.ExitDate < ex.ExitDateinner join --HouseholdIDs with LSA household types(select HouseholdID, casewhen AgeStatus%10 > 0 and (AgeStatus/10)%100 > 0 then 2when AgeStatus/100 > 0 then 99when AgeStatus%10 > 0 then 3when (AgeStatus/10)%100 > 0 then 1else 99 end as HHTypefrom --HouseholdIDs with age status for household members(select hn.HouseholdID, sum(case when c.DOBDataQuality in (8,9) or c.DOB is null or c.DOB = '1/1/1900'or c.DOB > hn.EntryDateor c.DOB = hn.EntryDate and hn.RelationshipToHoH = 1--age for prior enrollments is always based on EntryDateor dateadd(yy, 105, c.DOB) <= hn.EntryDate or c.DOBDataQuality is nullor c.DOBDataQuality not in (1,2) then 100when dateadd(yy, 18, c.DOB) <= hn.EntryDate then 10 else 1 end) as AgeStatusfrom hmis_Enrollment hninner join hmis_Client c on c.PersonalID = hn.PersonalIDinner join --HouseholdIDs(select distinct hhinfo.HouseholdIDfrom hmis_Enrollment hhinfoinner join lsa_Report rpt on hhinfo.EntryDate <= rpt.ReportEndinner join hmis_Project p on p.ProjectID = hhinfo.ProjectIDinner join hmis_EnrollmentCoC coc on coc.EnrollmentID = hhinfo.EnrollmentIDand coc.CoCCode = rpt.ReportCoCwhere p.ProjectType in (1,2,3,8,13) and p.ContinuumProject = 1group by hhinfo.HouseholdID, coc.CoCCode) hoh on hoh.HouseholdID = hn.HouseholdIDgroup by hn.HouseholdID) hhid) hh on hh.HouseholdID = previous.HouseholdIDwhere previous.PersonalID = ex.HoHID and previous.RelationshipToHoH = 1 and hh.HHType = ex.HHType order by hx.ExitDate desc)from tmp_Exit exupdate exset ex.Stat = case when ex.StatEnrollmentID is null then 1when dateadd(dd, 15, hx.ExitDate) >= ex.EntryDate then 5 when hx.Destination in (3,31,19,20,21,26,28,10,11,22,23) then 2when hx.Destination in (15,25,4,5,6,7,14,29,1,2,18,27,16,12,13) then 3else 4 end from tmp_Exit ex left outer join hmis_Exit hx on hx.EnrollmentID = ex.StatEnrollmentID/*****************************************************************4.46 Get Other Enrollments Relevant to Exit Cohort System Path*****************************************************************/delete from sys_Enrollmentinsert into sys_Enrollment (HoHID, HHType, EnrollmentID, ProjectType, EntryDate, MoveInDate, ExitDate, Active)select distinct hn.PersonalID, hh.HHType, hn.EnrollmentID, p.ProjectType, case when p.TrackingMethod = 3 then null else hn.EntryDate end, case when p.ProjectType in (3,13) then hn.MoveInDate else null end, case when p.TrackingMethod = 3 then null else hx.ExitDate end, case when hn.EnrollmentID = ex.EnrollmentID then 1 else 0 endfrom tmp_Exit exinner join hmis_Enrollment hn on hn.PersonalID = ex.HoHIDand hn.RelationshipToHoH = 1inner join hmis_Exit hx on hx.EnrollmentID = hn.EnrollmentIDand hx.ExitDate <= ex.ExitDateinner join hmis_Project p on p.ProjectID = hn.ProjectIDinner join (select HouseholdID, case --if at least 1 adult and 1 child, HHType = 2when AgeStatus%10 > 0 and (AgeStatus/10)%100 > 0 then 2--If not adult/child, any unknown age means HHType = 99when AgeStatus/100 > 0 then 99--child only HHType = 3when AgeStatus%10 > 0 then 3--adult only HHType = 1when (AgeStatus/10)%100 > 0then 1else 99 end as HHTypefrom (select hn.HouseholdID, sum(case when c.DOBDataQuality in (8,9) or c.DOB is null or c.DOB = '1/1/1900'or c.DOB > hn.EntryDateor c.DOB = hn.EntryDate and hn.RelationshipToHoH = 1or dateadd(yy, 105, c.DOB) <= hn.EntryDate or c.DOBDataQuality is nullor c.DOBDataQuality not in (1,2) then 100when dateadd(yy, 18, c.DOB) <= hn.EntryDate then 10 else 1 end) as AgeStatusfrom hmis_Enrollment hninner join hmis_Client c on c.PersonalID = hn.PersonalIDinner join (select distinct hhinfo.HouseholdIDfrom hmis_Enrollment hhinfoinner join lsa_Report rpt on hhinfo.EntryDate <= rpt.ReportEndinner join hmis_Project p on p.ProjectID = hhinfo.ProjectIDinner join hmis_EnrollmentCoC coc on coc.EnrollmentID = hhinfo.EnrollmentIDand coc.CoCCode = rpt.ReportCoCwhere p.ProjectType in (1,2,3,8,13) and p.ContinuumProject = 1group by hhinfo.HouseholdID, coc.CoCCode) hoh on hoh.HouseholdID = hn.HouseholdIDgroup by hn.HouseholdID) hhid) hh on hh.HouseholdID = hn.HouseholdIDupdate exset ex.LastInactive = lastDay.inactivefrom tmp_Exit exinner join (select ex.Cohort, ex.HoHID, ex.HHType, max(cal.theDate) as inactivefrom tmp_Exit exinner join ref_Calendar cal on cal.theDate < ex.EntryDateleft outer join--bednights(select distinct sn.HoHID , sn.HHType as HHType, x.Cohort , bn.DateProvided as StartDate, dateadd(dd,7,bn.DateProvided) as EndDatefrom sys_Enrollment sninner join tmp_Exit x on x.HHType = sn.HHType and x.HoHID = sn.HoHIDand x.ExitDate >= sn.ExitDateinner join hmis_Services bn on bn.EnrollmentID = sn.EnrollmentIDand bn.RecordType = 200where sn.EntryDate is nullunion --time in ES/SH/TH or in RRH/PSH but not housedselect sn.HoHID, sn.HHType, x.Cohort, sn.EntryDate, dateadd(dd,6,sn.ExitDate)from sys_Enrollment sn inner join tmp_Exit x on x.HHType = sn.HHType and x.HoHID = sn.HoHIDand x.ExitDate >= sn.ExitDatewhere sn.ProjectType in (1,8,2) or sn.MoveInDate is null) padded on padded.HoHID = ex.HoHID and padded.HHType = ex.HHType and cal.theDate between padded.StartDate and padded.EndDatewhere padded.HoHID is nullgroup by ex.HoHID, ex.HHType, ex.Cohort) lastDay on lastDay.HoHID = ex.HoHID and lastDay.HHType = ex.HHTypeand lastDay.Cohort = ex.Cohort/*****************************************************************4.46 Set SystemPath for Exit Cohort Households*****************************************************************/update exset ex.SystemPath = case when ex.ExitFrom = 1 then 12when ex.ExitFrom = 2 then 1when ex.ExitFrom = 3 then 2when ex.ExitFrom = 4 then 1when ex.ExitFrom = 5 then 4when ex.ExitFrom = 6 and sn.MoveInDate < cd.CohortStart then 12else 8 endfrom tmp_Exit ex inner join sys_Enrollment sn on sn.EnrollmentID = ex.EnrollmentIDinner join tmp_CohortDates cd on cd.Cohort = ex.Cohortwhere dateadd(dd, -1, ex.EntryDate) = ex.LastInactiveor ex.ExitFrom = 1or (ex.ExitFrom = 6 and sn.MoveInDate < cd.CohortStart)update exset ex.SystemPath = case ptype.summarywhen 1 then 1when 10 then 2when 11 then 3when 100 then 4when 101 then 5when 110 then 6when 111 then 7when 1000 then 8when 1001 then 9when 1101 then 10when 1100 then 11else 12 end from tmp_Exit exinner join (select ptypes.HoHID, ptypes.HHType, ptypes.Cohort, sum(ProjectType) as summary from (select distinct ex.HoHID, ex.HHType, ex.Cohort, case when rrh.HoHID is not null then 100when th.HoHID is not null then 10when es.HoHID is not null or nbn.HoHID is not null then 1when pshpre.HoHID is not null then 1000when rrhpre.HoHID is not null then 13else 0 end as ProjectTypefrom tmp_Exit ex left outer join sys_Enrollment rrh on rrh.ProjectType = 13and rrh.HoHID = ex.HoHID and rrh.HHType = ex.HHTypeand rrh.MoveInDate <= ex.ExitDate and rrh.ExitDate > ex.LastInactiveleft outer join sys_Enrollment th on th.ProjectType = 2and th.HoHID = ex.HoHID and th.HHType = ex.HHTypeand th.EntryDate <= ex.ExitDate and th.ExitDate > ex.LastInactiveleft outer join sys_Enrollment es on es.ProjectType in (1,8)and es.HoHID = ex.HoHID and es.HHType = ex.HHTypeand es.EntryDate <= ex.ExitDate and es.ExitDate > ex.LastInactiveleft outer join sys_Enrollment nbn on nbn.EntryDate is nulland rrh.HoHID = ex.HoHID and rrh.HHType = ex.HHTypeleft outer join sys_Enrollment rrhpre on rrhpre.ProjectType = 13and rrhpre.HoHID = ex.HoHID and rrhpre.HHType = ex.HHTypeand rrhpre.EntryDate <= ex.ExitDate and coalesce(rrhpre.MoveInDate, rrhpre.ExitDate) > ex.LastInactiveleft outer join sys_Enrollment pshpre on pshpre.ProjectType = 3and pshpre.HoHID = ex.HoHID and pshpre.HHType = ex.HHTypeand pshpre.EntryDate <= ex.ExitDateand coalesce(pshpre.MoveInDate, pshpre.ExitDate) > ex.LastInactive ) ptypesgroup by ptypes.HoHID, ptypes.HHType, ptypes.Cohort) ptype on ptype.HoHID = ex.HoHID and ptype.HHType = ex.HHType and ptype.Cohort = ex.Cohortwhere ex.SystemPath is null/*****************************************************************4.47-49 LSACalculated Population Identifiers (These sections in the specs summarize how to select people and households in various populations. Here, this is dependent on a pre-populated table called ref_Populations. The SQL script that creates and populates that table is also attached*****************************************************************//*****************************************************************4.50 Average LOTH - Rows 1-9 for all populations*****************************************************************/delete from lsa_Calculatedinsert into lsa_Calculated (Value, Cohort, Universe, HHType, Population, SystemPath, ReportRow, ReportID)select distinct avg(ESDays) as Value, 1 as Cohort, 1 as Universe, case when pop.PopName = 'All' then 0 else lh.HHType end as HHType, pop.PopID as Population, -1 as SystemPath, 1 as ReportRow, lh.ReportIDfrom tmp_Household lhinner join ref_Populations pop onlh.HHType = coalesce(pop.HHType, lh.HHType)and lh.HHAdultAge = coalesce(pop.HHAdultAge, lh.HHAdultAge)and lh.HHVet = coalesce(pop.HHVet, lh.HHVet)and lh.HHDisability = coalesce(pop.HHDisability, lh.HHDisability)and lh.HHChronic = coalesce(pop.HHChronic, lh.HHChronic)and lh.HHFleeingDV = coalesce(pop.HHFleeingDV, lh.HHFleeingDV)and lh.HHParent = coalesce(pop.HHParent, lh.HHParent)and lh.HHChild = coalesce(pop.HHChild, lh.HHChild)and lh.Stat = coalesce(pop.Stat, lh.Stat)and lh.PSHMoveIn = coalesce(pop.PSHMoveIn, lh.PSHMoveIn)and lh.HoHRace = coalesce(pop.HoHRace, lh.HoHRace)and lh.HoHEthnicity = coalesce(pop.HoHEthnicity, lh.HoHEthnicity)where lh.ESDays > 0and case when pop.PopName = 'All' then pop.PopID else lh.HHType end <> 99and pop.LOTH = 1group by pop.PopID, case when pop.PopName = 'All' then 0 else lh.HHType end, lh.ReportIDinsert into lsa_Calculated (Value, Cohort, Universe, HHType, Population, SystemPath, ReportRow, ReportID)select distinct avg(lh.THDays) as Value, 1 as Cohort, 1 as Universe, case when pop.PopName = 'All' then 0 else lh.HHType end as HHType, pop.PopID as Population, -1 as SystemPath, 2 as ReportRow, lh.ReportIDfrom tmp_Household lhinner join ref_Populations pop onlh.HHType = coalesce(pop.HHType, lh.HHType)and lh.HHAdultAge = coalesce(pop.HHAdultAge, lh.HHAdultAge)and lh.HHVet = coalesce(pop.HHVet, lh.HHVet)and lh.HHDisability = coalesce(pop.HHDisability, lh.HHDisability)and lh.HHChronic = coalesce(pop.HHChronic, lh.HHChronic)and lh.HHFleeingDV = coalesce(pop.HHFleeingDV, lh.HHFleeingDV)and lh.HHParent = coalesce(pop.HHParent, lh.HHParent)and lh.HHChild = coalesce(pop.HHChild, lh.HHChild)and lh.Stat = coalesce(pop.Stat, lh.Stat)and lh.PSHMoveIn = coalesce(pop.PSHMoveIn, lh.PSHMoveIn)and lh.HoHRace = coalesce(pop.HoHRace, lh.HoHRace)and lh.HoHEthnicity = coalesce(pop.HoHEthnicity, lh.HoHEthnicity)where lh.THDays > 0 and case when pop.PopName = 'All' then pop.PopID else lh.HHType end <> 99and pop.LOTH = 1group by pop.PopID, case when pop.PopName = 'All' then 0 else lh.HHType end, lh.ReportIDinsert into lsa_Calculated (Value, Cohort, Universe, HHType, Population, SystemPath, ReportRow, ReportID)select distinct avg(lh.ESTDays) as Value, 1 as Cohort, 1 as Universe, case when pop.PopName = 'All' then 0 else lh.HHType end as HHType, pop.PopID as Population, -1 as SystemPath, 3 as ReportRow, lh.ReportIDfrom tmp_Household lhinner join ref_Populations pop onlh.HHType = coalesce(pop.HHType, lh.HHType)and lh.HHAdultAge = coalesce(pop.HHAdultAge, lh.HHAdultAge)and lh.HHVet = coalesce(pop.HHVet, lh.HHVet)and lh.HHDisability = coalesce(pop.HHDisability, lh.HHDisability)and lh.HHChronic = coalesce(pop.HHChronic, lh.HHChronic)and lh.HHFleeingDV = coalesce(pop.HHFleeingDV, lh.HHFleeingDV)and lh.HHParent = coalesce(pop.HHParent, lh.HHParent)and lh.HHChild = coalesce(pop.HHChild, lh.HHChild)and lh.Stat = coalesce(pop.Stat, lh.Stat)and lh.PSHMoveIn = coalesce(pop.PSHMoveIn, lh.PSHMoveIn)and lh.HoHRace = coalesce(pop.HoHRace, lh.HoHRace)and lh.HoHEthnicity = coalesce(pop.HoHEthnicity, lh.HoHEthnicity)where lh.ESTDays > 0 and case when pop.PopName = 'All' then pop.PopID else lh.HHType end <> 99and pop.LOTH = 1group by pop.PopID, case when pop.PopName = 'All' then 0 else lh.HHType end, lh.ReportIDinsert into lsa_Calculated (Value, Cohort, Universe, HHType, Population, SystemPath, ReportRow, ReportID)select distinct avg(lh.RRHPSHPreMoveInDays) as Value, 1 as Cohort, 1 as Universe, case when pop.PopName = 'All' then 0 else lh.HHType end as HHType, pop.PopID as Population, -1 as SystemPath, 4 as ReportRow, lh.ReportIDfrom tmp_Household lhinner join ref_Populations pop onlh.HHType = coalesce(pop.HHType, lh.HHType)and lh.HHAdultAge = coalesce(pop.HHAdultAge, lh.HHAdultAge)and lh.HHVet = coalesce(pop.HHVet, lh.HHVet)and lh.HHDisability = coalesce(pop.HHDisability, lh.HHDisability)and lh.HHChronic = coalesce(pop.HHChronic, lh.HHChronic)and lh.HHFleeingDV = coalesce(pop.HHFleeingDV, lh.HHFleeingDV)and lh.HHParent = coalesce(pop.HHParent, lh.HHParent)and lh.HHChild = coalesce(pop.HHChild, lh.HHChild)and lh.Stat = coalesce(pop.Stat, lh.Stat)and lh.PSHMoveIn = coalesce(pop.PSHMoveIn, lh.PSHMoveIn)and lh.HoHRace = coalesce(pop.HoHRace, lh.HoHRace)and lh.HoHEthnicity = coalesce(pop.HoHEthnicity, lh.HoHEthnicity)where lh.RRHPSHPreMoveInDays > 0 and case when pop.PopName = 'All' then pop.PopID else lh.HHType end <> 99and pop.LOTH = 1group by pop.PopID, case when pop.PopName = 'All' then 0 else lh.HHType end, lh.ReportIDinsert into lsa_Calculated (Value, Cohort, Universe, HHType, Population, SystemPath, ReportRow, ReportID)select avg(lh.SystemHomelessDays) as Value, 1 as Cohort, 1 as Universe, case when pop.PopName = 'All' then 0 else lh.HHType end as HHType, pop.PopID as Population, -1 as SystemPath, 5 as ReportRow, lh.ReportIDfrom tmp_Household lhinner join ref_Populations pop onlh.HHType = coalesce(pop.HHType, lh.HHType)and lh.HHAdultAge = coalesce(pop.HHAdultAge, lh.HHAdultAge)and lh.HHVet = coalesce(pop.HHVet, lh.HHVet)and lh.HHDisability = coalesce(pop.HHDisability, lh.HHDisability)and lh.HHChronic = coalesce(pop.HHChronic, lh.HHChronic)and lh.HHFleeingDV = coalesce(pop.HHFleeingDV, lh.HHFleeingDV)and lh.HHParent = coalesce(pop.HHParent, lh.HHParent)and lh.HHChild = coalesce(pop.HHChild, lh.HHChild)and lh.Stat = coalesce(pop.Stat, lh.Stat)and lh.PSHMoveIn = coalesce(pop.PSHMoveIn, lh.PSHMoveIn)and lh.HoHRace = coalesce(pop.HoHRace, lh.HoHRace)and lh.HoHEthnicity = coalesce(pop.HoHEthnicity, lh.HoHEthnicity)where lh.SystemHomelessDays > 0 and case when pop.PopName = 'All' then pop.PopID else lh.HHType end <> 99and pop.LOTH = 1group by pop.PopID, case when pop.PopName = 'All' then 0 else lh.HHType end, lh.ReportIDinsert into lsa_Calculated (Value, Cohort, Universe, HHType, Population, SystemPath, ReportRow, ReportID)select avg(lh.Other3917Days) as Value, 1 as Cohort, 1 as Universe, case when pop.PopName = 'All' then 0 else lh.HHType end as HHType, pop.PopID as Population, -1 as SystemPath, 6 as ReportRow, lh.ReportIDfrom tmp_Household lhinner join ref_Populations pop onlh.HHType = coalesce(pop.HHType, lh.HHType)and lh.HHAdultAge = coalesce(pop.HHAdultAge, lh.HHAdultAge)and lh.HHVet = coalesce(pop.HHVet, lh.HHVet)and lh.HHDisability = coalesce(pop.HHDisability, lh.HHDisability)and lh.HHChronic = coalesce(pop.HHChronic, lh.HHChronic)and lh.HHFleeingDV = coalesce(pop.HHFleeingDV, lh.HHFleeingDV)and lh.HHParent = coalesce(pop.HHParent, lh.HHParent)and lh.HHChild = coalesce(pop.HHChild, lh.HHChild)and lh.Stat = coalesce(pop.Stat, lh.Stat)and lh.PSHMoveIn = coalesce(pop.PSHMoveIn, lh.PSHMoveIn)and lh.HoHRace = coalesce(pop.HoHRace, lh.HoHRace)and lh.HoHEthnicity = coalesce(pop.HoHEthnicity, lh.HoHEthnicity)where lh.Other3917Days > 0 and case when pop.PopName = 'All' then pop.PopID else lh.HHType end <> 99and pop.LOTH = 1group by pop.PopID, case when pop.PopName = 'All' then 0 else lh.HHType end, lh.ReportIDinsert into lsa_Calculated (Value, Cohort, Universe, HHType, Population, SystemPath, ReportRow, ReportID)select avg(lh.TotalHomelessDays) as Value, 1 as Cohort, 1 as Universe, case when pop.PopName = 'All' then 0 else lh.HHType end as HHType, pop.PopID as Population, -1 as SystemPath, 7 as ReportRow, lh.ReportIDfrom tmp_Household lhinner join ref_Populations pop onlh.HHType = coalesce(pop.HHType, lh.HHType)and lh.HHAdultAge = coalesce(pop.HHAdultAge, lh.HHAdultAge)and lh.HHVet = coalesce(pop.HHVet, lh.HHVet)and lh.HHDisability = coalesce(pop.HHDisability, lh.HHDisability)and lh.HHChronic = coalesce(pop.HHChronic, lh.HHChronic)and lh.HHFleeingDV = coalesce(pop.HHFleeingDV, lh.HHFleeingDV)and lh.HHParent = coalesce(pop.HHParent, lh.HHParent)and lh.HHChild = coalesce(pop.HHChild, lh.HHChild)and lh.Stat = coalesce(pop.Stat, lh.Stat)and lh.PSHMoveIn = coalesce(pop.PSHMoveIn, lh.PSHMoveIn)and lh.HoHRace = coalesce(pop.HoHRace, lh.HoHRace)and lh.HoHEthnicity = coalesce(pop.HoHEthnicity, lh.HoHEthnicity)where lh.TotalHomelessDays > 0 and case when pop.PopName = 'All' then pop.PopID else lh.HHType end <> 99and pop.LOTH = 1group by pop.PopID, case when pop.PopName = 'All' then 0 else lh.HHType end, lh.ReportIDinsert into lsa_Calculated (Value, Cohort, Universe, HHType, Population, SystemPath, ReportRow, ReportID)select avg(lh.RRHHousedDays) as Value, 1 as Cohort, 1 as Universe, case when pop.PopName = 'All' then 0 else lh.HHType end as HHType, pop.PopID as Population, -1 as SystemPath, 8 as ReportRow, lh.ReportIDfrom tmp_Household lhinner join ref_Populations pop onlh.HHType = coalesce(pop.HHType, lh.HHType)and lh.HHAdultAge = coalesce(pop.HHAdultAge, lh.HHAdultAge)and lh.HHVet = coalesce(pop.HHVet, lh.HHVet)and lh.HHDisability = coalesce(pop.HHDisability, lh.HHDisability)and lh.HHChronic = coalesce(pop.HHChronic, lh.HHChronic)and lh.HHFleeingDV = coalesce(pop.HHFleeingDV, lh.HHFleeingDV)and lh.HHParent = coalesce(pop.HHParent, lh.HHParent)and lh.HHChild = coalesce(pop.HHChild, lh.HHChild)and lh.Stat = coalesce(pop.Stat, lh.Stat)and lh.PSHMoveIn = coalesce(pop.PSHMoveIn, lh.PSHMoveIn)and lh.HoHRace = coalesce(pop.HoHRace, lh.HoHRace)and lh.HoHEthnicity = coalesce(pop.HoHEthnicity, lh.HoHEthnicity)where lh.RRHHousedDays > 0 and case when pop.PopName = 'All' then pop.PopID else lh.HHType end <> 99and pop.LOTH = 1group by pop.PopID, case when pop.PopName = 'All' then 0 else lh.HHType end, lh.ReportIDinsert into lsa_Calculated (Value, Cohort, Universe, HHType, Population, SystemPath, ReportRow, ReportID)select avg(lh.SystemDaysNotPSHHoused) as Value, 1 as Cohort, 1 as Universe, case when pop.PopName = 'All' then 0 else lh.HHType end as HHType, pop.PopID as Population, -1 as SystemPath, 9 as ReportRow, lh.ReportIDfrom tmp_Household lhinner join ref_Populations pop onlh.HHType = coalesce(pop.HHType, lh.HHType)and lh.HHAdultAge = coalesce(pop.HHAdultAge, lh.HHAdultAge)and lh.HHVet = coalesce(pop.HHVet, lh.HHVet)and lh.HHDisability = coalesce(pop.HHDisability, lh.HHDisability)and lh.HHChronic = coalesce(pop.HHChronic, lh.HHChronic)and lh.HHFleeingDV = coalesce(pop.HHFleeingDV, lh.HHFleeingDV)and lh.HHParent = coalesce(pop.HHParent, lh.HHParent)and lh.HHChild = coalesce(pop.HHChild, lh.HHChild)and lh.Stat = coalesce(pop.Stat, lh.Stat)and lh.PSHMoveIn = coalesce(pop.PSHMoveIn, lh.PSHMoveIn)and lh.HoHRace = coalesce(pop.HoHRace, lh.HoHRace)and lh.HoHEthnicity = coalesce(pop.HoHEthnicity, lh.HoHEthnicity)where lh.SystemDaysNotPSHHoused > 0 and case when pop.PopName = 'All' then pop.PopID else lh.HHType end <> 99and pop.LOTH = 1group by pop.PopID, case when pop.PopName = 'All' then 0 else lh.HHType end, lh.ReportID/*****************************************************************4.51 Average LOTH - Rows 1-9 by System Path*****************************************************************/insert into lsa_Calculated (Value, Cohort, Universe, HHType, Population, SystemPath, ReportRow, ReportID)select avg(ESDays) as Value, 1 as Cohort, 1 as Universe, case when pop.PopName = 'All' then 0 else lh.HHType end as HHType, pop.PopID as Population, lh.SystemPath, 1 as ReportRow, lh.ReportIDfrom tmp_Household lhinner join ref_Populations pop onlh.HHType = coalesce(pop.HHType, lh.HHType)and lh.HHAdultAge = coalesce(pop.HHAdultAge, lh.HHAdultAge)and lh.HHVet = coalesce(pop.HHVet, lh.HHVet)and lh.HHDisability = coalesce(pop.HHDisability, lh.HHDisability)and lh.HHChronic = coalesce(pop.HHChronic, lh.HHChronic)and lh.HHFleeingDV = coalesce(pop.HHFleeingDV, lh.HHFleeingDV)and lh.HHParent = coalesce(pop.HHParent, lh.HHParent)and lh.HHChild = coalesce(pop.HHChild, lh.HHChild)and lh.Stat = coalesce(pop.Stat, lh.Stat)and lh.PSHMoveIn = coalesce(pop.PSHMoveIn, lh.PSHMoveIn)and lh.HoHRace = coalesce(pop.HoHRace, lh.HoHRace)and lh.HoHEthnicity = coalesce(pop.HoHEthnicity, lh.HoHEthnicity)where lh.ESDays > 0and lh.SystemPath in (1,3,5,7,9,10,12)and case when pop.PopName = 'All' then pop.PopID else lh.HHType end <> 99and pop.Core = 1group by pop.PopID, lh.SystemPath, case when pop.PopName = 'All' then 0 else lh.HHType end, lh.ReportIDinsert into lsa_Calculated (Value, Cohort, Universe, HHType, Population, SystemPath, ReportRow, ReportID)select avg(lh.THDays) as Value, 1 as Cohort, 1 as Universe, case when pop.PopName = 'All' then 0 else lh.HHType end as HHType, pop.PopID as Population, lh.SystemPath, 2 as ReportRow, lh.ReportIDfrom tmp_Household lhinner join ref_Populations pop onlh.HHType = coalesce(pop.HHType, lh.HHType)and lh.HHAdultAge = coalesce(pop.HHAdultAge, lh.HHAdultAge)and lh.HHVet = coalesce(pop.HHVet, lh.HHVet)and lh.HHDisability = coalesce(pop.HHDisability, lh.HHDisability)and lh.HHChronic = coalesce(pop.HHChronic, lh.HHChronic)and lh.HHFleeingDV = coalesce(pop.HHFleeingDV, lh.HHFleeingDV)and lh.HHParent = coalesce(pop.HHParent, lh.HHParent)and lh.HHChild = coalesce(pop.HHChild, lh.HHChild)and lh.Stat = coalesce(pop.Stat, lh.Stat)and lh.PSHMoveIn = coalesce(pop.PSHMoveIn, lh.PSHMoveIn)and lh.HoHRace = coalesce(pop.HoHRace, lh.HoHRace)and lh.HoHEthnicity = coalesce(pop.HoHEthnicity, lh.HoHEthnicity)where lh.THDays > 0 and lh.SystemPath in (2,3,6,7,12)and case when pop.PopName = 'All' then pop.PopID else lh.HHType end <> 99and pop.Core = 1group by pop.PopID, lh.SystemPath, case when pop.PopName = 'All' then 0 else lh.HHType end, lh.ReportIDinsert into lsa_Calculated (Value, Cohort, Universe, HHType, Population, SystemPath, ReportRow, ReportID)select avg(lh.ESTDays) as Value, 1 as Cohort, 1 as Universe, case when pop.PopName = 'All' then 0 else lh.HHType end as HHType, pop.PopID as Population, lh.SystemPath, 3 as ReportRow, lh.ReportIDfrom tmp_Household lhinner join ref_Populations pop onlh.HHType = coalesce(pop.HHType, lh.HHType)and lh.HHAdultAge = coalesce(pop.HHAdultAge, lh.HHAdultAge)and lh.HHVet = coalesce(pop.HHVet, lh.HHVet)and lh.HHDisability = coalesce(pop.HHDisability, lh.HHDisability)and lh.HHChronic = coalesce(pop.HHChronic, lh.HHChronic)and lh.HHFleeingDV = coalesce(pop.HHFleeingDV, lh.HHFleeingDV)and lh.HHParent = coalesce(pop.HHParent, lh.HHParent)and lh.HHChild = coalesce(pop.HHChild, lh.HHChild)and lh.Stat = coalesce(pop.Stat, lh.Stat)and lh.PSHMoveIn = coalesce(pop.PSHMoveIn, lh.PSHMoveIn)and lh.HoHRace = coalesce(pop.HoHRace, lh.HoHRace)and lh.HoHEthnicity = coalesce(pop.HoHEthnicity, lh.HoHEthnicity)where lh.ESTDays > 0 and lh.SystemPath in (3,7,12)and case when pop.PopName = 'All' then pop.PopID else lh.HHType end <> 99and pop.Core = 1group by pop.PopID, lh.SystemPath, case when pop.PopName = 'All' then 0 else lh.HHType end, lh.ReportIDinsert into lsa_Calculated (Value, Cohort, Universe, HHType, Population, SystemPath, ReportRow, ReportID)select avg(lh.RRHPSHPreMoveInDays) as Value, 1 as Cohort, 1 as Universe, case when pop.PopName = 'All' then 0 else lh.HHType end as HHType, pop.PopID as Population, lh.SystemPath, 4 as ReportRow, lh.ReportIDfrom tmp_Household lhinner join ref_Populations pop onlh.HHType = coalesce(pop.HHType, lh.HHType)and lh.HHAdultAge = coalesce(pop.HHAdultAge, lh.HHAdultAge)and lh.HHVet = coalesce(pop.HHVet, lh.HHVet)and lh.HHDisability = coalesce(pop.HHDisability, lh.HHDisability)and lh.HHChronic = coalesce(pop.HHChronic, lh.HHChronic)and lh.HHFleeingDV = coalesce(pop.HHFleeingDV, lh.HHFleeingDV)and lh.HHParent = coalesce(pop.HHParent, lh.HHParent)and lh.HHChild = coalesce(pop.HHChild, lh.HHChild)and lh.Stat = coalesce(pop.Stat, lh.Stat)and lh.PSHMoveIn = coalesce(pop.PSHMoveIn, lh.PSHMoveIn)and lh.HoHRace = coalesce(pop.HoHRace, lh.HoHRace)and lh.HoHEthnicity = coalesce(pop.HoHEthnicity, lh.HoHEthnicity)where lh.RRHPSHPreMoveInDays > 0 and lh.SystemPath in (4,5,6,7,10,11,12)and case when pop.PopName = 'All' then pop.PopID else lh.HHType end <> 99and pop.Core = 1group by pop.PopID, lh.SystemPath, case when pop.PopName = 'All' then 0 else lh.HHType end, lh.ReportIDinsert into lsa_Calculated (Value, Cohort, Universe, HHType, Population, SystemPath, ReportRow, ReportID)select avg(lh.SystemHomelessDays) as Value, 1 as Cohort, 1 as Universe, case when pop.PopName = 'All' then 0 else lh.HHType end as HHType, pop.PopID as Population, lh.SystemPath, 5 as ReportRow, lh.ReportIDfrom tmp_Household lhinner join ref_Populations pop onlh.HHType = coalesce(pop.HHType, lh.HHType)and lh.HHAdultAge = coalesce(pop.HHAdultAge, lh.HHAdultAge)and lh.HHVet = coalesce(pop.HHVet, lh.HHVet)and lh.HHDisability = coalesce(pop.HHDisability, lh.HHDisability)and lh.HHChronic = coalesce(pop.HHChronic, lh.HHChronic)and lh.HHFleeingDV = coalesce(pop.HHFleeingDV, lh.HHFleeingDV)and lh.HHParent = coalesce(pop.HHParent, lh.HHParent)and lh.HHChild = coalesce(pop.HHChild, lh.HHChild)and lh.Stat = coalesce(pop.Stat, lh.Stat)and lh.PSHMoveIn = coalesce(pop.PSHMoveIn, lh.PSHMoveIn)and lh.HoHRace = coalesce(pop.HoHRace, lh.HoHRace)and lh.HoHEthnicity = coalesce(pop.HoHEthnicity, lh.HoHEthnicity)where lh.SystemHomelessDays > 0 and lh.SystemPath in (5,6,7,10,11,12)and case when pop.PopName = 'All' then pop.PopID else lh.HHType end <> 99and pop.Core = 1group by pop.PopID, lh.SystemPath, case when pop.PopName = 'All' then 0 else lh.HHType end, lh.ReportIDinsert into lsa_Calculated (Value, Cohort, Universe, HHType, Population, SystemPath, ReportRow, ReportID)select avg(lh.Other3917Days) as Value, 1 as Cohort, 1 as Universe, case when pop.PopName = 'All' then 0 else lh.HHType end as HHType, pop.PopID as Population, lh.SystemPath, 6 as ReportRow, lh.ReportIDfrom tmp_Household lhinner join ref_Populations pop onlh.HHType = coalesce(pop.HHType, lh.HHType)and lh.HHAdultAge = coalesce(pop.HHAdultAge, lh.HHAdultAge)and lh.HHVet = coalesce(pop.HHVet, lh.HHVet)and lh.HHDisability = coalesce(pop.HHDisability, lh.HHDisability)and lh.HHChronic = coalesce(pop.HHChronic, lh.HHChronic)and lh.HHFleeingDV = coalesce(pop.HHFleeingDV, lh.HHFleeingDV)and lh.HHParent = coalesce(pop.HHParent, lh.HHParent)and lh.HHChild = coalesce(pop.HHChild, lh.HHChild)and lh.Stat = coalesce(pop.Stat, lh.Stat)and lh.PSHMoveIn = coalesce(pop.PSHMoveIn, lh.PSHMoveIn)and lh.HoHRace = coalesce(pop.HoHRace, lh.HoHRace)and lh.HoHEthnicity = coalesce(pop.HoHEthnicity, lh.HoHEthnicity)where lh.Other3917Days > 0 and lh.SystemPath <> - 1and case when pop.PopName = 'All' then pop.PopID else lh.HHType end <> 99and pop.Core = 1group by pop.PopID, lh.SystemPath, case when pop.PopName = 'All' then 0 else lh.HHType end, lh.ReportIDinsert into lsa_Calculated (Value, Cohort, Universe, HHType, Population, SystemPath, ReportRow, ReportID)select avg(lh.TotalHomelessDays) as Value, 1 as Cohort, 1 as Universe, case when pop.PopName = 'All' then 0 else lh.HHType end as HHType, pop.PopID as Population, lh.SystemPath, 7 as ReportRow, lh.ReportIDfrom tmp_Household lhinner join ref_Populations pop onlh.HHType = coalesce(pop.HHType, lh.HHType)and lh.HHAdultAge = coalesce(pop.HHAdultAge, lh.HHAdultAge)and lh.HHVet = coalesce(pop.HHVet, lh.HHVet)and lh.HHDisability = coalesce(pop.HHDisability, lh.HHDisability)and lh.HHChronic = coalesce(pop.HHChronic, lh.HHChronic)and lh.HHFleeingDV = coalesce(pop.HHFleeingDV, lh.HHFleeingDV)and lh.HHParent = coalesce(pop.HHParent, lh.HHParent)and lh.HHChild = coalesce(pop.HHChild, lh.HHChild)and lh.Stat = coalesce(pop.Stat, lh.Stat)and lh.PSHMoveIn = coalesce(pop.PSHMoveIn, lh.PSHMoveIn)and lh.HoHRace = coalesce(pop.HoHRace, lh.HoHRace)and lh.HoHEthnicity = coalesce(pop.HoHEthnicity, lh.HoHEthnicity)where lh.TotalHomelessDays > 0 and lh.SystemPath <> - 1and case when pop.PopName = 'All' then pop.PopID else lh.HHType end <> 99and pop.Core = 1group by pop.PopID, lh.SystemPath, case when pop.PopName = 'All' then 0 else lh.HHType end, lh.ReportIDinsert into lsa_Calculated (Value, Cohort, Universe, HHType, Population, SystemPath, ReportRow, ReportID)select avg(lh.RRHHousedDays) as Value, 1 as Cohort, 1 as Universe, case when pop.PopName = 'All' then 0 else lh.HHType end as HHType, pop.PopID as Population, lh.SystemPath, 8 as ReportRow, lh.ReportIDfrom tmp_Household lhinner join ref_Populations pop onlh.HHType = coalesce(pop.HHType, lh.HHType)and lh.HHAdultAge = coalesce(pop.HHAdultAge, lh.HHAdultAge)and lh.HHVet = coalesce(pop.HHVet, lh.HHVet)and lh.HHDisability = coalesce(pop.HHDisability, lh.HHDisability)and lh.HHChronic = coalesce(pop.HHChronic, lh.HHChronic)and lh.HHFleeingDV = coalesce(pop.HHFleeingDV, lh.HHFleeingDV)and lh.HHParent = coalesce(pop.HHParent, lh.HHParent)and lh.HHChild = coalesce(pop.HHChild, lh.HHChild)and lh.Stat = coalesce(pop.Stat, lh.Stat)and lh.PSHMoveIn = coalesce(pop.PSHMoveIn, lh.PSHMoveIn)and lh.HoHRace = coalesce(pop.HoHRace, lh.HoHRace)and lh.HoHEthnicity = coalesce(pop.HoHEthnicity, lh.HoHEthnicity)where lh.RRHHousedDays > 0 and lh.SystemPath in (4,5,6,7,10,11,12)and case when pop.PopName = 'All' then pop.PopID else lh.HHType end <> 99and pop.Core = 1group by pop.PopID, lh.SystemPath, case when pop.PopName = 'All' then 0 else lh.HHType end, lh.ReportIDinsert into lsa_Calculated (Value, Cohort, Universe, HHType, Population, SystemPath, ReportRow, ReportID)select avg(lh.SystemDaysNotPSHHoused) as Value, 1 as Cohort, 1 as Universe, case when pop.PopName = 'All' then 0 else lh.HHType end as HHType, pop.PopID as Population, lh.SystemPath, 9 as ReportRow, lh.ReportIDfrom tmp_Household lhinner join ref_Populations pop onlh.HHType = coalesce(pop.HHType, lh.HHType)and lh.HHAdultAge = coalesce(pop.HHAdultAge, lh.HHAdultAge)and lh.HHVet = coalesce(pop.HHVet, lh.HHVet)and lh.HHDisability = coalesce(pop.HHDisability, lh.HHDisability)and lh.HHChronic = coalesce(pop.HHChronic, lh.HHChronic)and lh.HHFleeingDV = coalesce(pop.HHFleeingDV, lh.HHFleeingDV)and lh.HHParent = coalesce(pop.HHParent, lh.HHParent)and lh.HHChild = coalesce(pop.HHChild, lh.HHChild)and lh.Stat = coalesce(pop.Stat, lh.Stat)and lh.PSHMoveIn = coalesce(pop.PSHMoveIn, lh.PSHMoveIn)and lh.HoHRace = coalesce(pop.HoHRace, lh.HoHRace)and lh.HoHEthnicity = coalesce(pop.HoHEthnicity, lh.HoHEthnicity)where lh.SystemDaysNotPSHHoused > 0 and lh.SystemPath in (4,5,6,7,10,11,12)and case when pop.PopName = 'All' then pop.PopID else lh.HHType end <> 99and pop.Core = 1group by pop.PopID, lh.SystemPath, case when pop.PopName = 'All' then 0 else lh.HHType end, lh.ReportID/******************************************************************4.52 Cumulative Length of Time Housed in PSH******************************************************************/--Time Housed in PSH insert into lsa_Calculated (Value, Cohort, Universe, HHType, Population, SystemPath, ReportRow, ReportID)select avg(lh.PSHHousedDays) as Value, 1 as Cohort, 1 as Universe, case when pop.PopName = 'All' then 0 else lh.HHType end as HHType, pop.PopID as Population, -1 as SystemPath--Row 10 = households that exited, 11 = active on the last day, case when PSHStatus in (12,22) then 10 else 11 end as ReportRow, lh.ReportIDfrom tmp_Household lh inner join ref_Populations pop onlh.HHType = coalesce(pop.HHType, lh.HHType)and lh.HHAdultAge = coalesce(pop.HHAdultAge, lh.HHAdultAge)and lh.HHVet = coalesce(pop.HHVet, lh.HHVet)and lh.HHDisability = coalesce(pop.HHDisability, lh.HHDisability)and lh.HHChronic = coalesce(pop.HHChronic, lh.HHChronic)and lh.HHFleeingDV = coalesce(pop.HHFleeingDV, lh.HHFleeingDV)and lh.HHParent = coalesce(pop.HHParent, lh.HHParent)and lh.HHChild = coalesce(pop.HHChild, lh.HHChild)and lh.Stat = coalesce(pop.Stat, lh.Stat)and lh.PSHMoveIn = coalesce(pop.PSHMoveIn, lh.PSHMoveIn)and lh.HoHRace = coalesce(pop.HoHRace, lh.HoHRace)and lh.HoHEthnicity = coalesce(pop.HoHEthnicity, lh.HoHEthnicity)where lh.PSHMoveIn > 0 and lh.PSHStatus > 0and case when pop.PopName = 'All' then pop.PopID else lh.HHType end <> 99and pop.Core = 1group by pop.PopID, case when pop.PopName = 'All' then 0 else lh.HHType end, case when PSHStatus in (12,22) then 10 else 11 end , lh.ReportID/******************************************************************4.53 Length of Time in RRH Projects******************************************************************/--Time in RRH not housedinsert into lsa_Calculated (Value, Cohort, Universe, HHType, Population, SystemPath, ReportRow, ReportID)select avg(lh.RRHPreMoveInDays) as Value, 1 as Cohort, 1 as Universe, case when pop.PopName = 'All' then 0 else lh.HHType end as HHType, pop.PopID as Population, -1 as SystemPath--Row 14 = all households placed in PH, case when lh.RRHMoveIn in (1,2) then 14--Row 12 = exited households not placed in PHwhen RRHStatus in (12,22) then 12 --Row 13 = active households not placed in PHelse 13 end as ReportRow, lh.ReportIDfrom tmp_Household lh inner join ref_Populations pop onlh.HHType = coalesce(pop.HHType, lh.HHType)and lh.HHAdultAge = coalesce(pop.HHAdultAge, lh.HHAdultAge)and lh.HHVet = coalesce(pop.HHVet, lh.HHVet)and lh.HHDisability = coalesce(pop.HHDisability, lh.HHDisability)and lh.HHChronic = coalesce(pop.HHChronic, lh.HHChronic)and lh.HHFleeingDV = coalesce(pop.HHFleeingDV, lh.HHFleeingDV)and lh.HHParent = coalesce(pop.HHParent, lh.HHParent)and lh.HHChild = coalesce(pop.HHChild, lh.HHChild)and lh.Stat = coalesce(pop.Stat, lh.Stat)and lh.PSHMoveIn = coalesce(pop.PSHMoveIn, lh.PSHMoveIn)and lh.HoHRace = coalesce(pop.HoHRace, lh.HoHRace)and lh.HoHEthnicity = coalesce(pop.HoHEthnicity, lh.HoHEthnicity)where lh.RRHMoveIn > 0and case when pop.PopName = 'All' then pop.PopID else lh.HHType end <> 99and pop.Core = 1group by pop.PopID, case when pop.PopName = 'All' then 0 else lh.HHType end, case when lh.RRHMoveIn in (1,2) then 14when RRHStatus in (12,22) then 12 else 13 end , lh.ReportID--Time housed in RRHinsert into lsa_Calculated (Value, Cohort, Universe, HHType, Population, SystemPath, ReportRow, ReportID)select avg(lh.RRHHousedDays) as Value, 1 as Cohort, 1 as Universe, case when pop.PopName = 'All' then 0 else lh.HHType end as HHType, pop.PopID as Population, -1 as SystemPath--Row 15 = exited households, case when RRHStatus in (12,22) then 15 --Row 16 = active households else 16 end as ReportRow, lh.ReportIDfrom tmp_Household lh inner join ref_Populations pop onlh.HHType = coalesce(pop.HHType, lh.HHType)and lh.HHAdultAge = coalesce(pop.HHAdultAge, lh.HHAdultAge)and lh.HHVet = coalesce(pop.HHVet, lh.HHVet)and lh.HHDisability = coalesce(pop.HHDisability, lh.HHDisability)and lh.HHChronic = coalesce(pop.HHChronic, lh.HHChronic)and lh.HHFleeingDV = coalesce(pop.HHFleeingDV, lh.HHFleeingDV)and lh.HHParent = coalesce(pop.HHParent, lh.HHParent)and lh.HHChild = coalesce(pop.HHChild, lh.HHChild)and lh.Stat = coalesce(pop.Stat, lh.Stat)and lh.PSHMoveIn = coalesce(pop.PSHMoveIn, lh.PSHMoveIn)and lh.HoHRace = coalesce(pop.HoHRace, lh.HoHRace)and lh.HoHEthnicity = coalesce(pop.HoHEthnicity, lh.HoHEthnicity)where lh.RRHMoveIn in (1,2)and case when pop.PopName = 'All' then pop.PopID else lh.HHType end <> 99and pop.Core = 1group by pop.PopID, case when pop.PopName = 'All' then 0 else lh.HHType end, case when RRHStatus in (12,22) then 15 else 16 end, lh.ReportID/******************************************************************4.54 Days to Return/Re-engage by Last Project Type******************************************************************/insert into lsa_Calculated (Value, Cohort, Universe, HHType, Population, SystemPath, ReportRow, ReportID)select avg(lx.ReturnTime) as Value, lx.Cohort, case when lx.ExitTo between 1 and 6 then 2when lx.ExitTo between 7 and 14 then 3 else 4 end as Universe, case when pop.PopName = 'All' then 0 else lx.HHType end as HHType, pop.PopID as Population, -1 as SystemPath, lx.ExitFrom + 16 as ReportRow, lx.ReportIDfrom tmp_Exit lxinner join ref_Populations pop onlx.HHType = coalesce(pop.HHType, lx.HHType)and lx.HHAdultAge = coalesce(pop.HHAdultAge, lx.HHAdultAge)and lx.HHVet = coalesce(pop.HHVet, lx.HHVet)and lx.HHDisability = coalesce(pop.HHDisability, lx.HHDisability)and lx.HHFleeingDV = coalesce(pop.HHFleeingDV, lx.HHFleeingDV)and lx.HHParent = coalesce(pop.HHParent, lx.HHParent)and lx.AC3Plus = coalesce(pop.AC3Plus, lx.AC3Plus)and lx.Stat = coalesce(pop.Stat, lx.Stat)and lx.HoHRace = coalesce(pop.HoHRace, lx.HoHRace)and lx.HoHEthnicity = coalesce(pop.HoHEthnicity, lx.HoHEthnicity)where lx.ReturnTime > 0 and case when pop.PopName = 'All' then pop.PopID else lx.HHType end <> 99and pop.Core = 1group by pop.PopID, lx.ReportID, lx.Cohort, case when lx.ExitTo between 1 and 6 then 2when lx.ExitTo between 7 and 14 then 3 else 4 end, case when pop.PopName = 'All' then 0 else lx.HHType end, lx.ExitFrom/******************************************************************4.55 Days to Return/Re-engage by Population******************************************************************/insert into lsa_Calculated (Value, Cohort, Universe, HHType, Population, SystemPath, ReportRow, ReportID)select avg(lx.ReturnTime) as Value, lx.Cohort, case when lx.ExitTo between 1 and 6 then 2when lx.ExitTo between 7 and 14 then 3 else 4 end as Universe, case when pop.PopName = 'All' then 0 else lx.HHType end as HHType, pop.PopID as Population, -1 as SystemPath, 23 as ReportRow, lx.ReportIDfrom tmp_Exit lxinner join ref_Populations pop onlx.HHType = coalesce(pop.HHType, lx.HHType)and lx.HHAdultAge = coalesce(pop.HHAdultAge, lx.HHAdultAge)and lx.HHVet = coalesce(pop.HHVet, lx.HHVet)and lx.HHDisability = coalesce(pop.HHDisability, lx.HHDisability)and lx.HHFleeingDV = coalesce(pop.HHFleeingDV, lx.HHFleeingDV)and lx.HHParent = coalesce(pop.HHParent, lx.HHParent)and lx.AC3Plus = coalesce(pop.AC3Plus, lx.AC3Plus)and lx.Stat = coalesce(pop.Stat, lx.Stat)and lx.HoHRace = coalesce(pop.HoHRace, lx.HoHRace)and lx.HoHEthnicity = coalesce(pop.HoHEthnicity, lx.HoHEthnicity)where lx.ReturnTime > 0 and case when pop.PopName = 'All' then pop.PopID else lx.HHType end <> 99and pop.ReturnSummary = 1group by pop.PopID, lx.ReportID, lx.Cohort, case when lx.ExitTo between 1 and 6 then 2when lx.ExitTo between 7 and 14 then 3 else 4 end, case when pop.PopName = 'All' then 0 else lx.HHType end/******************************************************************4.56 Days to Return/Re-engage by System Path******************************************************************/insert into lsa_Calculated (Value, Cohort, Universe, HHType, Population, SystemPath, ReportRow, ReportID)select avg(lx.ReturnTime) as Value, lx.Cohort, case when lx.ExitTo between 1 and 6 then 2when lx.ExitTo between 7 and 14 then 3 else 4 end as Universe, case when pop.PopName = 'All' then 0 else lx.HHType end as HHType, pop.PopID as Population, lx.SystemPath, lx.SystemPath + 23 as ReportRow, lx.ReportIDfrom tmp_Exit lxinner join ref_Populations pop onlx.HHType = coalesce(pop.HHType, lx.HHType)and lx.HHAdultAge = coalesce(pop.HHAdultAge, lx.HHAdultAge)and lx.HHVet = coalesce(pop.HHVet, lx.HHVet)and lx.HHDisability = coalesce(pop.HHDisability, lx.HHDisability)and lx.HHFleeingDV = coalesce(pop.HHFleeingDV, lx.HHFleeingDV)and lx.HHParent = coalesce(pop.HHParent, lx.HHParent)and lx.AC3Plus = coalesce(pop.AC3Plus, lx.AC3Plus)and lx.Stat = coalesce(pop.Stat, lx.Stat)and lx.HoHRace = coalesce(pop.HoHRace, lx.HoHRace)and lx.HoHEthnicity = coalesce(pop.HoHEthnicity, lx.HoHEthnicity)where lx.ReturnTime > 0 and pop.Core = 1and case when pop.PopName = 'All' then pop.PopID else lx.HHType end <> 99and lx.SystemPath between 1 and 12group by pop.PopID, lx.ReportID, lx.Cohort, case when lx.ExitTo between 1 and 6 then 2when lx.ExitTo between 7 and 14 then 3 else 4 end, case when pop.PopName = 'All' then 0 else lx.HHType end, lx.SystemPath--Days to return after any path (total row for by-path avgs-- --excludes those housed in PSH on cohort start date)insert into lsa_Calculated (Value, Cohort, Universe, HHType, Population, SystemPath, ReportRow, ReportID)select avg(lx.ReturnTime) as Value, lx.Cohort, case when lx.ExitTo between 1 and 6 then 2when lx.ExitTo between 7 and 14 then 3 else 4 end as Universe, case when pop.PopName = 'All' then 0 else lx.HHType end as HHType, pop.PopID as Population, -1 as SystemPath, 36 as ReportRow, lx.ReportIDfrom tmp_Exit lxinner join ref_Populations pop onlx.HHType = coalesce(pop.HHType, lx.HHType)and lx.HHAdultAge = coalesce(pop.HHAdultAge, lx.HHAdultAge)and lx.HHVet = coalesce(pop.HHVet, lx.HHVet)and lx.HHDisability = coalesce(pop.HHDisability, lx.HHDisability)and lx.HHFleeingDV = coalesce(pop.HHFleeingDV, lx.HHFleeingDV)and lx.HHParent = coalesce(pop.HHParent, lx.HHParent)and lx.AC3Plus = coalesce(pop.AC3Plus, lx.AC3Plus)and lx.Stat = coalesce(pop.Stat, lx.Stat)and lx.HoHRace = coalesce(pop.HoHRace, lx.HoHRace)and lx.HoHEthnicity = coalesce(pop.HoHEthnicity, lx.HoHEthnicity)where lx.ReturnTime > 0 and pop.Core = 1and case when pop.PopName = 'All' then pop.PopID else lx.HHType end <> 99and lx.SystemPath between 1 and 12group by pop.PopID, lx.ReportID, lx.Cohort, case when lx.ExitTo between 1 and 6 then 2when lx.ExitTo between 7 and 14 then 3 else 4 end, case when pop.PopName = 'All' then 0 else lx.HHType end/******************************************************************4.57 Days to Return/Re-engage by Exit Destination******************************************************************/insert into lsa_Calculated (Value, Cohort, Universe, HHType, Population, SystemPath, ReportRow, ReportID)select avg(lx.ReturnTime) as Value, lx.Cohort, case when lx.ExitTo between 1 and 6 then 2when lx.ExitTo between 7 and 14 then 3 else 4 end as Universe, case when pop.PopName = 'All' then 0 else lx.HHType end as HHType, pop.PopID as Population, -1 as SystemPath, case when lx.ExitTo between 1 and 15 then lx.ExitTo + 36 else 52 end as ReportRow, lx.ReportIDfrom tmp_Exit lxinner join ref_Populations pop onlx.HHType = coalesce(pop.HHType, lx.HHType)and lx.HHAdultAge = coalesce(pop.HHAdultAge, lx.HHAdultAge)and lx.HHVet = coalesce(pop.HHVet, lx.HHVet)and lx.HHDisability = coalesce(pop.HHDisability, lx.HHDisability)and lx.HHFleeingDV = coalesce(pop.HHFleeingDV, lx.HHFleeingDV)and lx.HHParent = coalesce(pop.HHParent, lx.HHParent)and lx.AC3Plus = coalesce(pop.AC3Plus, lx.AC3Plus)and lx.Stat = coalesce(pop.Stat, lx.Stat)and lx.HoHRace = coalesce(pop.HoHRace, lx.HoHRace)and lx.HoHEthnicity = coalesce(pop.HoHEthnicity, lx.HoHEthnicity)where lx.ReturnTime > 0 and case when pop.PopName = 'All' then pop.PopID else lx.HHType end <> 99and pop.Core = 1group by pop.PopID, lx.ReportID, lx.Cohort, case when lx.ExitTo between 1 and 6 then 2when lx.ExitTo between 7 and 14 then 3 else 4 end, case when pop.PopName = 'All' then 0 else lx.HHType end, case when lx.ExitTo between 1 and 15 then lx.ExitTo + 36 else 52 end/******************************************************************4.58 Get Dates for Counts by Project ID and Project Type ******************************************************************/--counts are only required for a systemwide LSA--for a fiscal year (10/1-9/30)insert into tmp_CohortDates (Cohort, CohortStart, CohortEnd)select 1, rpt.ReportStart, rpt.ReportEndfrom lsa_Report rptinsert into tmp_CohortDates (Cohort, CohortStart, CohortEnd)select distinct case when 10 then 10when 1 then 11 when 4 then 12 else 13 end, cal.theDate, cal.theDatefrom lsa_Report rpt inner join ref_Calendar s on s.theDate = rpt.ReportStartinner join ref_Calendar e on e.theDate = rpt.ReportEndinner join ref_Calendar cal on cal.theDate between s.theDate and e.theDatewhere rpt.LSAScope = 1 and = 10 and s.dd = 1 and = 9 and e.dd = 30 and s.yyyy + 1 = e.yyyyand (( = 10 and cal.dd = 31)or ( = 1 and cal.dd = 31)or ( = 4 and cal.dd = 30)or ( = 7 and cal.dd = 31))/******************************************************************4.59 Get Counts of People by Project ID and Household Characteristics******************************************************************/--Count people in households...insert into lsa_Calculated(Value, Cohort, Universe, HHType, Population, SystemPath, ReportRow, ProjectID, ReportID)select count (distinct lp.PersonalID), cd.Cohort, 10 , case when pop.PopName = 'All' then 0 else ahh.HHType end as HHType, pop.PopID, -1, 53, p.ProjectID, cast(p.ExportID as int)from tmp_Person lpinner join active_Enrollment an on an.PersonalID = lp.PersonalIDleft outer join hmis_Services bn on bn.EnrollmentID = an.EnrollmentIDand bn.RecordType = 200inner join active_Household ahh on ahh.HouseholdID = an.HouseholdIDinner join ref_Populations pop onahh.HHType = coalesce(pop.HHType, ahh.HHType)and ahh.HHAdultAge = coalesce(pop.HHAdultAge, ahh.HHAdultAge)and ahh.HHVet = coalesce(pop.HHVet, ahh.HHVet)and ahh.HHDisability = coalesce(pop.HHDisability, ahh.HHDisability)and ahh.HHFleeingDV = coalesce(pop.HHFleeingDV, ahh.HHFleeingDV)and ahh.HHParent = coalesce(pop.HHParent, ahh.HHParent)inner join tmp_CohortDates cd on cd.CohortStart < coalesce(an.MoveInDate, an.ExitDate, cd.CohortEnd)and cd.CohortEnd >= an.EntryDateinner join lsa_Project p on p.ProjectID = an.ProjectIDwhere cd.Cohort > 0 and pop.PopID in (0,1,2,3,5,6,7,9,10) and pop.PopType = 1and case when p.ProjectType in (3,13) then an.MoveInDate else an.EntryDate end is not nulland (p.TrackingMethod <> 3 or (cd.Cohort >= 10 and bn.DateProvided = cd.CohortStart) or (cd.Cohort < 10))and case when pop.PopName = 'All' then pop.PopID else ahh.HHType end <> 99group by cd.Cohort, pop.PopID, p.ProjectID, cast(p.ExportID as int), case when pop.PopName = 'All' then 0 else ahh.HHType end/**********************************************************************4.60 Get Counts of People by Project Type and Household Characteristics**********************************************************************/--Count people in households...insert into lsa_Calculated(Value, Cohort, Universe, HHType, Population, SystemPath, ReportRow, ReportID)select count (distinct lp.PersonalID), cd.Cohort, case p.ProjectType when 1 then 11 when 8 then 12when 2 then 13when 13 then 14else 15 end, case when pop.PopName = 'All' then 0 else ahh.HHType end as HHType, pop.PopID, -1, 53, cast(p.ExportID as int)from tmp_Person lpinner join active_Enrollment an on an.PersonalID = lp.PersonalIDleft outer join hmis_Services bn on bn.EnrollmentID = an.EnrollmentIDand bn.RecordType = 200inner join active_Household ahh on ahh.HouseholdID = an.HouseholdIDinner join ref_Populations pop onahh.HHType = coalesce(pop.HHType, ahh.HHType)and ahh.HHAdultAge = coalesce(pop.HHAdultAge, ahh.HHAdultAge)and ahh.HHVet = coalesce(pop.HHVet, ahh.HHVet)and ahh.HHDisability = coalesce(pop.HHDisability, ahh.HHDisability)and ahh.HHFleeingDV = coalesce(pop.HHFleeingDV, ahh.HHFleeingDV)and ahh.HHChronic = coalesce(pop.HHChronic, ahh.HHChronic)and ahh.HHParent = coalesce(pop.HHParent, ahh.HHParent)inner join tmp_CohortDates cd on cd.CohortStart < coalesce(an.MoveInDate, an.ExitDate, cd.CohortEnd)and cd.CohortEnd >= an.EntryDateinner join lsa_Project p on p.ProjectID = an.ProjectIDwhere cd.Cohort > 0 and pop.PopID between 0 and 10 and pop.PopType = 1and case when p.ProjectType in (3,13) then an.MoveInDate else an.EntryDate end is not nulland (p.TrackingMethod <> 3 or (cd.Cohort >= 10 and bn.DateProvided = cd.CohortStart) or (cd.Cohort < 10))and case when pop.PopName = 'All' then pop.PopID else ahh.HHType end <> 99group by cd.Cohort, pop.PopID, case p.ProjectType when 1 then 11 when 8 then 12when 2 then 13when 13 then 14else 15 end, cast(p.ExportID as int), case when pop.PopName = 'All' then 0 else ahh.HHType end/******************************************************************4.61 Get Counts of Households by Project ID ******************************************************************/--Count householdsinsert into lsa_Calculated(Value, Cohort, Universe, HHType, Population, SystemPath, ReportRow, ProjectID, ReportID)select count (distinct ahh.HoHID + cast(ahh.HHType as nvarchar)), cd.Cohort, 10 , case when pop.PopName = 'All' then 0 else ahh.HHType end as HHType, pop.PopID, -1, 54, p.ProjectID, cast(p.ExportID as int)from tmp_Person lpinner join active_Enrollment an on an.PersonalID = lp.PersonalIDleft outer join hmis_Services bn on bn.EnrollmentID = an.EnrollmentIDand bn.RecordType = 200inner join active_Household ahh on ahh.HouseholdID = an.HouseholdIDinner join ref_Populations pop onahh.HHType = coalesce(pop.HHType, ahh.HHType)and ahh.HHAdultAge = coalesce(pop.HHAdultAge, ahh.HHAdultAge)and ahh.HHVet = coalesce(pop.HHVet, ahh.HHVet)and ahh.HHDisability = coalesce(pop.HHDisability, ahh.HHDisability)and ahh.HHFleeingDV = coalesce(pop.HHFleeingDV, ahh.HHFleeingDV)and ahh.HHParent = coalesce(pop.HHParent, ahh.HHParent)inner join tmp_CohortDates cd on cd.CohortStart < coalesce(an.MoveInDate, an.ExitDate, cd.CohortEnd)and cd.CohortEnd >= an.EntryDateinner join lsa_Project p on p.ProjectID = an.ProjectIDwhere cd.Cohort > 0 and pop.PopID in (0,1,2,3,5,6,7,9,10) and pop.PopType = 1and case when p.ProjectType in (3,13) then an.MoveInDate else an.EntryDate end is not nulland (p.TrackingMethod <> 3 or (cd.Cohort >= 10 and bn.DateProvided = cd.CohortStart) or (cd.Cohort < 10))and case when pop.PopName = 'All' then pop.PopID else ahh.HHType end <> 99group by cd.Cohort, pop.PopID, p.ProjectID, cast(p.ExportID as int), case when pop.PopName = 'All' then 0 else ahh.HHType end/******************************************************************4.62 Get Counts of Households by Project Type ******************************************************************/--Count householdsinsert into lsa_Calculated(Value, Cohort, Universe, HHType, Population, SystemPath, ReportRow, ReportID)select count (distinct ahh.HoHID + cast(ahh.HHType as nvarchar)), cd.Cohort, case p.ProjectType when 1 then 11 when 8 then 12when 2 then 13when 13 then 14else 15 end , case when pop.PopName = 'All' then 0 else ahh.HHType end as HHType, pop.PopID, -1, 54, cast(p.ExportID as int)from tmp_Person lpinner join active_Enrollment an on an.PersonalID = lp.PersonalIDleft outer join hmis_Services bn on bn.EnrollmentID = an.EnrollmentIDand bn.RecordType = 200inner join active_Household ahh on ahh.HouseholdID = an.HouseholdIDinner join ref_Populations pop onahh.HHType = coalesce(pop.HHType, ahh.HHType)and ahh.HHAdultAge = coalesce(pop.HHAdultAge, ahh.HHAdultAge)and ahh.HHVet = coalesce(pop.HHVet, ahh.HHVet)and ahh.HHDisability = coalesce(pop.HHDisability, ahh.HHDisability)and ahh.HHChronic = coalesce(pop.HHChronic, ahh.HHChronic)and ahh.HHFleeingDV = coalesce(pop.HHFleeingDV, ahh.HHFleeingDV)and ahh.HHParent = coalesce(pop.HHParent, ahh.HHParent)inner join tmp_CohortDates cd on cd.CohortStart < coalesce(an.MoveInDate, an.ExitDate, cd.CohortEnd)and cd.CohortEnd >= an.EntryDateinner join lsa_Project p on p.ProjectID = an.ProjectIDwhere cd.Cohort > 0 and pop.PopID between 0 and 10 and pop.PopType = 1and case when p.ProjectType in (3,13) then an.MoveInDate else an.EntryDate end is not nulland (p.TrackingMethod <> 3 or (cd.Cohort >= 10 and bn.DateProvided = cd.CohortStart) or (cd.Cohort < 10))and case when pop.PopName = 'All' then pop.PopID else ahh.HHType end <> 99group by cd.Cohort, pop.PopID, case p.ProjectType when 1 then 11 when 8 then 12when 2 then 13when 13 then 14else 15 end, cast(p.ExportID as int), case when pop.PopName = 'All' then 0 else ahh.HHType end/******************************************************************4.63 Get Counts of People by ProjectID and Personal Characteristics******************************************************************/--Count people with specific characteristicinsert into lsa_Calculated(Value, Cohort, Universe, HHType, Population, SystemPath, ReportRow, ProjectID, ReportID)select count (distinct lp.PersonalID), cd.Cohort, 10 , case when pop.PopName = 'All' then 0 else ahh.HHType end as HHType, pop.PopID, -1, 55, p.ProjectID, cast(p.ExportID as int)from tmp_Person lpinner join active_Enrollment an on an.PersonalID = lp.PersonalIDleft outer join hmis_Services bn on bn.EnrollmentID = an.EnrollmentIDand bn.RecordType = 200inner join active_Household ahh on ahh.HouseholdID = an.HouseholdIDinner join ref_Populations pop onahh.HHType = coalesce(pop.HHType, ahh.HHType)and lp.CHTime = coalesce(pop.CHTime, lp.CHTime)and lp.CHTimeStatus = coalesce(pop.CHTimeStatus, lp.CHTimeStatus)and lp.VetStatus = coalesce(pop.VetStatus, lp.VetStatus)and lp.Age = coalesce(pop.Age, lp.Age)inner join tmp_CohortDates cd on cd.CohortStart < coalesce(an.MoveInDate, an.ExitDate, cd.CohortEnd)and cd.CohortEnd >= an.EntryDateinner join lsa_Project p on p.ProjectID = an.ProjectIDwhere cd.Cohort > 0 and pop.PopID in (3,6,28,29) and pop.PopType = 3and case when p.ProjectType in (3,13) then an.MoveInDate else an.EntryDate end is not nulland (p.TrackingMethod <> 3 or (cd.Cohort >= 10 and bn.DateProvided = cd.CohortStart) or (cd.Cohort < 10))and case when pop.PopName = 'All' then pop.PopID else ahh.HHType end <> 99group by cd.Cohort, pop.PopID, p.ProjectID, cast(p.ExportID as int), case when pop.PopName = 'All' then 0 else ahh.HHType end/******************************************************************4.64 Get Counts of People by Project Type and Personal Characteristics******************************************************************/--Count people with specific characteristicinsert into lsa_Calculated(Value, Cohort, Universe, HHType, Population, SystemPath, ReportRow, ReportID)select count (distinct lp.PersonalID), cd.Cohort, case p.ProjectType when 1 then 11 when 8 then 12when 2 then 13when 13 then 14else 15 end , case when pop.PopName = 'All' then 0 else ahh.HHType end as HHType, pop.PopID, -1, 55, cast(p.ExportID as int)from tmp_Person lpinner join active_Enrollment an on an.PersonalID = lp.PersonalIDleft outer join hmis_Services bn on bn.EnrollmentID = an.EnrollmentIDand bn.RecordType = 200inner join active_Household ahh on ahh.HouseholdID = an.HouseholdIDinner join ref_Populations pop onahh.HHType = coalesce(pop.HHType, ahh.HHType)and lp.CHTime = coalesce(pop.CHTime, lp.CHTime)and lp.CHTimeStatus = coalesce(pop.CHTimeStatus, lp.CHTimeStatus)and lp.VetStatus = coalesce(pop.VetStatus, lp.VetStatus)and lp.Age = coalesce(pop.Age, lp.Age)and lp.Gender = coalesce(pop.Gender, lp.Gender)and lp.Race = coalesce(pop.Race, lp.Race)and lp.Ethnicity = coalesce(pop.Ethnicity, lp.Ethnicity)and lp.DisabilityStatus = coalesce(pop.DisabilityStatus, lp.DisabilityStatus)and lp.HHParent = coalesce(pop.HHParent, lp.HHParent)and lp.HHFleeingDV = coalesce(pop.HHFleeingDV, lp.HHFleeingDV)inner join tmp_CohortDates cd on cd.CohortStart < coalesce(an.MoveInDate, an.ExitDate, cd.CohortEnd)and cd.CohortEnd >= an.EntryDateinner join lsa_Project p on p.ProjectID = an.ProjectIDwhere cd.Cohort > 0 and pop.PopType = 3 and case when p.ProjectType in (3,13) then an.MoveInDate else an.EntryDate end is not nulland (p.TrackingMethod <> 3 or (cd.Cohort >= 10 and bn.DateProvided = cd.CohortStart) or (cd.Cohort < 10))and case when pop.PopName = 'All' then pop.PopID else ahh.HHType end <> 99group by cd.Cohort, pop.PopID, case p.ProjectType when 1 then 11 when 8 then 12when 2 then 13when 13 then 14else 15 end, cast(p.ExportID as int), case when pop.PopName = 'All' then 0 else ahh.HHType end/**********************************************************************4.65 Get Counts of Bed Nights in Report Period by Project ID**********************************************************************/insert into lsa_Calculated(Value, Cohort, Universe, HHType, Population, SystemPath, ReportRow, ReportID)select count (distinct an.PersonalID + cast(est.theDate as nvarchar))+ count (distinct an.PersonalID + cast(rrhpsh.theDate as nvarchar))+ count (distinct an.PersonalID + cast(bnd.theDate as nvarchar)), 1, 10, 0, -1, -1, 56, cast(p.ExportID as int)from active_Enrollment an left outer join hmis_Services bn on bn.EnrollmentID = an.EnrollmentIDand bn.RecordType = 200inner join lsa_Project p on p.ProjectID = an.ProjectIDinner join lsa_Report rpt on rpt.ReportID = cast(p.ExportID as int)left outer join ref_Calendar est on est.theDate >= an.EntryDateand est.theDate >= rpt.ReportStartand est.theDate < coalesce(an.ExitDate, dateadd(dd, 1, rpt.ReportEnd))and p.ProjectType in (1,2,8) and (p.TrackingMethod <> 3 or p.TrackingMethod is null)left outer join ref_Calendar rrhpsh on rrhpsh.theDate >= an.MoveInDateand rrhpsh.theDate >= rpt.ReportStartand rrhpsh.theDate < coalesce(an.ExitDate, dateadd(dd, 1, rpt.ReportEnd))left outer join ref_Calendar bnd on bnd.theDate = bn.DateProvidedand bnd.theDate >= rpt.ReportStart and bnd.theDate <= rpt.ReportEndgroup by p.ProjectID, cast(p.ExportID as int)/**********************************************************************4.66 Set LSAReport Data Quality Values for Report Period**********************************************************************/update rpt setUnduplicatedClient1 = (select count(distinct lp.PersonalID)from tmp_Person lpwhere lp.ReportID = rpt.ReportID),UnduplicatedAdult1 = (select count(distinct lp.PersonalID)from tmp_Person lpwhere lp.ReportID = rpt.ReportIDand lp.Age between 18 and 65),AdultHoHEntry1 = (select count(distinct n.EnrollmentID)from tmp_Person lpinner join hmis_Client c on c.PersonalID = lp.PersonalIDinner join active_Enrollment n on n.PersonalID = c.PersonalIDwhere lp.ReportID = rpt.ReportIDand n.RelationshipToHoH = 1 or ((DATEADD(yy, 18, c.DOB) <= n.EntryDateand DATEADD(yy, 105, c.DOB) >= n.EntryDateand c.DOBDataQuality in (1,2)))),ClientEntry1 = (select count(distinct n.EnrollmentID)from tmp_Person lpinner join active_Enrollment n on n.PersonalID = lp.PersonalIDwhere lp.ReportID = rpt.ReportID),ClientExit1 = (select count(distinct n.EnrollmentID)from tmp_Person lpinner join active_Enrollment n on n.PersonalID = lp.PersonalIDwhere lp.ReportID = rpt.ReportIDand n.ExitDate is not null),Household1 = (select count(distinct n.HouseholdID)from tmp_Person lpinner join active_Enrollment n on n.PersonalID = lp.PersonalIDwhere lp.ReportID = rpt.ReportID),HoHPermToPH1 = (select count(distinct n.EnrollmentID)from tmp_Person lpinner join active_Enrollment n on n.PersonalID = lp.PersonalIDinner join hmis_Exit x on x.EnrollmentID = n.EnrollmentID where lp.ReportID = rpt.ReportIDand n.RelationshipToHoH = 1and n.ProjectType in (3,13)and x.Destination in (3,31,19,20,21,26,28,10,11,22,23) ),DOB1 = (select count(distinct lp.PersonalID)from tmp_Person lpinner join hmis_Client c on c.PersonalID = lp.PersonalIDinner join active_Enrollment n on n.PersonalID = c.PersonalIDwhere lp.ReportID = rpt.ReportIDand (c.DOBDataQuality in (8,9) or c.DOB is null or c.DOB = '1/1/1900'or c.DOB > n.EntryDateor (n.RelationshipToHoH = 1 and c.DOB = n.EntryDate)or DATEADD(yy, 105, c.DOB) <= n.EntryDate or c.DOBDataQuality is nullor c.DOBDataQuality not in (1,2))),Gender1 = (select count(distinct lp.PersonalID)from tmp_Person lpinner join hmis_Client c on c.PersonalID = lp.PersonalIDwhere lp.ReportID = rpt.ReportIDand (c.Gender not in (0,1,2,3,4) or c.Gender is null)),Race1 = (select count(distinct lp.PersonalID)from tmp_Person lpinner join hmis_Client c on c.PersonalID = lp.PersonalIDwhere lp.ReportID = rpt.ReportIDand (coalesce(c.AmIndAKNative,0) + coalesce(c.Asian,0) + coalesce(c.BlackAfAmerican,0) + coalesce(c.NativeHIOtherPacific,0) + coalesce(c.White,0) = 0or c.RaceNone in (8,9,99))),Ethnicity1 = (select count(distinct lp.PersonalID)from tmp_Person lpinner join hmis_Client c on c.PersonalID = lp.PersonalIDwhere lp.ReportID = rpt.ReportIDand (c.Ethnicity not in (0,1) or c.Ethnicity is null)),VetStatus1 = (select count(distinct lp.PersonalID)from tmp_Person lpinner join hmis_Client c on c.PersonalID = lp.PersonalIDwhere lp.ReportID = rpt.ReportIDand (c.VeteranStatus not in (0,1) or c.VeteranStatus is null)),RelationshipToHoH1 = (select count(distinct n.EnrollmentID)from tmp_Person lpinner join active_Enrollment n on n.PersonalID = lp.PersonalIDwhere lp.ReportID = rpt.ReportIDand (n.RelationshipToHoH not in (1,2,3,4,5) or n.RelationshipToHoH is null)),DisablingCond1 = (select count(distinct an.EnrollmentID)from tmp_Person lpinner join active_Enrollment an on an.PersonalID = lp.PersonalIDinner join hmis_Enrollment hn on hn.EnrollmentID = an.EnrollmentIDwhere lp.ReportID = rpt.ReportIDand (hn.DisablingCondition not in (0,1) or hn.DisablingCondition is null)),LivingSituation1= (select count(distinct an.EnrollmentID)from tmp_Person lpinner join hmis_Client c on c.PersonalID = lp.PersonalIDinner join active_Enrollment an on an.PersonalID = c.PersonalIDinner join hmis_Enrollment hn on hn.EnrollmentID = an.EnrollmentIDwhere lp.ReportID = rpt.ReportIDand an.RelationshipToHoH = 1 or ((DATEADD(yy, 18, c.DOB) <= an.EntryDateand DATEADD(yy, 105, c.DOB) >= an.EntryDateand c.DOBDataQuality in (1,2)))and (hn.LivingSituation in (8,9,99) or hn.LivingSituation is null)),LengthOfStay1 = (select count(distinct an.EnrollmentID)from tmp_Person lpinner join hmis_Client c on c.PersonalID = lp.PersonalIDinner join active_Enrollment an on an.PersonalID = c.PersonalIDinner join hmis_Enrollment hn on hn.EnrollmentID = an.EnrollmentIDwhere lp.ReportID = rpt.ReportIDand an.RelationshipToHoH = 1 or ((DATEADD(yy, 18, c.DOB) <= an.EntryDateand DATEADD(yy, 105, c.DOB) >= an.EntryDateand c.DOBDataQuality in (1,2)))and (hn.LengthOfStay in (8,9,99) or hn.LengthOfStay is null)),HomelessDate1 = (select count(distinct an.EnrollmentID)from tmp_Person lpinner join hmis_Client c on c.PersonalID = lp.PersonalIDinner join active_Enrollment an on an.PersonalID = c.PersonalIDinner join hmis_Enrollment hn on hn.EnrollmentID = an.EnrollmentIDwhere lp.ReportID = rpt.ReportIDand an.RelationshipToHoH = 1 or ((DATEADD(yy, 18, c.DOB) <= an.EntryDateand DATEADD(yy, 105, c.DOB) >= an.EntryDateand c.DOBDataQuality in (1,2)))and (hn.LivingSituation in (1,16,18,27) and hn.DateToStreetESSH is null) or (hn.PreviousStreetESSH = 1 and hn.LengthOfStay in (10,11) and hn.DateToStreetESSH is null)or (hn.PreviousStreetESSH = 1 and hn.LengthOfStay in (2,3)and hn.LivingSituation in (4,5,6,7,15,24) and hn.DateToStreetESSH is null)),TimesHomeless1 = (select count(distinct an.EnrollmentID)from tmp_Person lpinner join hmis_Client c on c.PersonalID = lp.PersonalIDinner join active_Enrollment an on an.PersonalID = c.PersonalIDinner join hmis_Enrollment hn on hn.EnrollmentID = an.EnrollmentIDwhere lp.ReportID = rpt.ReportIDand an.RelationshipToHoH = 1 or ((DATEADD(yy, 18, c.DOB) <= an.EntryDateand DATEADD(yy, 105, c.DOB) >= an.EntryDateand c.DOBDataQuality in (1,2)))and (hn.TimesHomelessPastThreeYears not between 1 and 4 or hn.TimesHomelessPastThreeYears is null)),MonthsHomeless1 = (select count(distinct an.EnrollmentID)from tmp_Person lpinner join hmis_Client c on c.PersonalID = lp.PersonalIDinner join active_Enrollment an on an.PersonalID = c.PersonalIDinner join hmis_Enrollment hn on hn.EnrollmentID = an.EnrollmentIDwhere lp.ReportID = rpt.ReportIDand an.RelationshipToHoH = 1 or ((DATEADD(yy, 18, c.DOB) <= an.EntryDateand DATEADD(yy, 105, c.DOB) >= an.EntryDateand c.DOBDataQuality in (1,2)))and (hn.MonthsHomelessPastThreeYears not between 101 and 113 or hn.MonthsHomelessPastThreeYears is null)),DV1 = (select count(distinct n.EnrollmentID)from tmp_Person lpinner join hmis_Client c on c.PersonalID = lp.PersonalIDinner join active_Enrollment n on n.PersonalID = c.PersonalIDleft outer join hmis_HealthAndDV dv on dv.EnrollmentID = n.EnrollmentIDand dv.DataCollectionStage = 1where lp.ReportID = rpt.ReportIDand (n.RelationshipToHoH = 1 or ((DATEADD(yy, 18, c.DOB) <= n.EntryDateand DATEADD(yy, 105, c.DOB) >= n.EntryDateand c.DOBDataQuality in (1,2))))and (dv.DomesticViolenceVictim not in (0,1)or dv.DomesticViolenceVictim is nullor (dv.DomesticViolenceVictim = 1 and (dv.CurrentlyFleeing not in (0,1) or dv.CurrentlyFleeing is null)))),Destination1 = (select count(distinct n.EnrollmentID)from tmp_Person lpinner join active_Enrollment n on n.PersonalID = lp.PersonalIDinner join hmis_Exit x on x.EnrollmentID = n.EnrollmentID where lp.ReportID = rpt.ReportIDand n.ExitDate is not nulland (x.Destination in (8,9,17,30,99) or x.Destination is null)),NotOneHoH1 = coalesce((select count(distinct an.HouseholdID)from tmp_Person lpinner join active_Enrollment an on an.PersonalID = lp.PersonalIDinner join hmis_Enrollment hn on hn.EnrollmentID = an.EnrollmentIDwhere lp.ReportID = rpt.ReportIDgroup by an.HouseholdIDhaving sum(case when hn.RelationshipToHoH = 1 then 1 else 0 end) <> 1), 0),MoveInDate1 = coalesce((select count(distinct n.EnrollmentID)from tmp_Person lpinner join active_Enrollment n on n.PersonalID = lp.PersonalIDinner join hmis_Exit x on x.EnrollmentID = n.EnrollmentID where lp.ReportID = rpt.ReportIDand n.RelationshipToHoH = 1and n.ProjectType in (3,13)and x.Destination in (3,31,19,20,21,26,28,10,11,22,23) and n.MoveInDate is null), 0)from lsa_Report rpt/**********************************************************************4.67 Get Relevant Enrollments for Three Year Data Quality Checks**********************************************************************/delete from dq_Enrollmentinsert into dq_Enrollment (EnrollmentID, PersonalID, HouseholdID, RelationshipToHoH, ProjectType, EntryDate, MoveInDate, ExitDate, Adult, SSNValid)select distinct n.EnrollmentID, n.PersonalID, n.HouseholdID, n.RelationshipToHoH, p.ProjectType, n.EntryDate, hhinfo.MoveInDate, ExitDate, case when c.DOBDataQuality in (8,9) or c.DOB is null or c.DOB = '1/1/1900'or c.DOB > n.EntryDateor c.DOB = n.EntryDate and n.RelationshipToHoH = 1or dateadd(yy, 105, c.DOB) <= n.EntryDate or c.DOBDataQuality is nullor c.DOBDataQuality not in (1,2) then 99when dateadd(yy, 18, c.DOB) <= n.EntryDate then 1 else 0 end, case when c.SSNDataQuality in (8,9) then nullwhen SUBSTRING(c.SSN,1,3) in ('000','666')or LEN(c.SSN) <> 9or SUBSTRING(c.SSN,4,2) = '00'or SUBSTRING(c.SSN,6,4) ='0000'or c.SSN is nullor c.SSN = ''or c.SSN not like '[0-9]'or left(c.SSN,1) >= '9'or c.SSN in ('123456789','111111111','222222222','333333333','444444444','555555555','777777777','888888888')then 0 else 1 end from lsa_reportrptinner join hmis_Enrollment n on n.EntryDate <= rpt.ReportEndinner join hmis_Project p on p.ProjectID = n.ProjectIDinner join hmis_Client c on c.PersonalID = n.PersonalIDleft outer join hmis_Exit x on x.EnrollmentID = n.EnrollmentID and x.ExitDate >= dateadd(yy, -3, rpt.ReportStart)inner join (select distinct hh.HouseholdID, min(hh.MoveInDate) as MoveInDatefrom hmis_Enrollment hhinner join lsa_Report rpt on hh.EntryDate <= rpt.ReportEndinner join hmis_Project p on p.ProjectID = hh.ProjectIDinner join hmis_EnrollmentCoC coc on coc.EnrollmentID = hh.EnrollmentIDand coc.CoCCode = rpt.ReportCoCwhere p.ProjectType in (1,2,3,8,13) and p.ContinuumProject = 1group by hh.HouseholdID) hhinfo on hhinfo.HouseholdID = n.HouseholdID/**********************************************************************4.68 Set LSAReport Data Quality Values for Three Year Period**********************************************************************/update rpt setUnduplicatedClient3 = (select count(distinct n.PersonalID)from dq_Enrollment n),UnduplicatedAdult3 = (select count(distinct n.PersonalID)from dq_Enrollment n where n.Adult = 1),AdultHoHEntry3 = (select count(distinct n.EnrollmentID)from dq_Enrollment n where n.Adult = 1 or n.RelationshipToHoH = 1),ClientEntry3 = (select count(distinct n.EnrollmentID)from dq_Enrollment n),ClientExit3 = (select count(distinct n.EnrollmentID)from dq_Enrollment n where n.ExitDate is not null),Household3 = (select count(distinct n.HouseholdID)from dq_Enrollment n),HoHPermToPH3 = (select count(distinct n.EnrollmentID)from dq_Enrollment ninner join hmis_Exit x on x.EnrollmentID = n.EnrollmentID where n.RelationshipToHoH = 1and n.ProjectType in (3,13)and x.Destination in (3,31,19,20,21,26,28,10,11,22,23)), NoCoC = (select count (distinct n.HouseholdID)from hmis_Enrollment n left outer join hmis_EnrollmentCoC coc on coc.EnrollmentID = n.EnrollmentID inner join hmis_Project p on p.ProjectID = n.ProjectIDand p.ContinuumProject = 1 and p.ProjectType in (1,2,3,8,13)inner join hmis_ProjectCoC pcoc on pcoc.CoCCode = rpt.ReportCoCleft outer join hmis_Exit x on x.EnrollmentID = n.EnrollmentID and x.ExitDate >= dateadd(yy, -3, rpt.ReportStart)where n.EntryDate <= rpt.ReportEnd and n.RelationshipToHoH = 1 and coc.CoCCode is null),SSNNotProvided = (select count(distinct n.PersonalID)from dq_Enrollment nwhere n.SSNValid is null),SSNMissingOrInvalid = (select count(distinct n.PersonalID)from dq_Enrollment nwhere n.SSNValid = 0),ClientSSNNotUnique = (select count(distinct n.PersonalID)from dq_Enrollment ninner join hmis_Client c on c.PersonalID = n.PersonalIDinner join hmis_Client oc on oc.SSN = c.SSN and oc.PersonalID <> c.PersonalIDinner join dq_Enrollment dqn on dqn.PersonalID = oc.PersonalID where n.SSNValid = 1),DistinctSSNValueNotUnique = (select count(distinct d.SSN)from (select distinct c.SSNfrom hmis_Client c inner join dq_Enrollment n on n.PersonalID = c.PersonalIDand n.SSNValid = 1group by c.SSNhaving count(distinct n.PersonalID) > 1) d),DOB3 = (select count(distinct n.PersonalID)from dq_Enrollment nwhere n.Adult = 99),Gender3 = (select count(distinct n.PersonalID)from dq_Enrollment ninner join hmis_Client c on c.PersonalID = n.PersonalIDand (c.Gender not in (0,1,2,3,4) or c.Gender is null)),Race3 = (select count(distinct n.PersonalID)from dq_Enrollment ninner join hmis_Client c on c.PersonalID = n.PersonalIDwhere (coalesce(c.AmIndAKNative,0) + coalesce(c.Asian,0) + coalesce(c.BlackAfAmerican,0) + coalesce(c.NativeHIOtherPacific,0) + coalesce(c.White,0) = 0or c.RaceNone in (8,9,99))),Ethnicity3 = (select count(distinct n.PersonalID)from dq_Enrollment ninner join hmis_Client c on c.PersonalID = n.PersonalIDwhere (c.Ethnicity not in (0,1) or c.Ethnicity is null)),VetStatus3 = (select count(distinct c.PersonalID)from dq_Enrollment ninner join hmis_Client c on c.PersonalID = n.PersonalIDwhere n.Adult = 1 and (c.VeteranStatus not in (0,1) or c.VeteranStatus is null)),RelationshipToHoH3 = (select count(distinct n.EnrollmentID)from dq_Enrollment nwhere (n.RelationshipToHoH not in (1,2,3,4,5) or n.RelationshipToHoH is null)),DisablingCond3 = (select count(distinct n.EnrollmentID)from dq_Enrollment ninner join hmis_Enrollment hn on hn.EnrollmentID = n.EnrollmentIDwhere (hn.DisablingCondition not in (0,1) or hn.DisablingCondition is null)),LivingSituation1= (select count(distinct n.EnrollmentID)from dq_Enrollment ninner join hmis_Enrollment hn on hn.EnrollmentID = n.EnrollmentIDwhere (n.RelationshipToHoH = 1 or n.Adult = 1)and (hn.LivingSituation in (8,9,99) or hn.LivingSituation is null)),LengthOfStay3 = (select count(distinct n.EnrollmentID)from dq_Enrollment ninner join hmis_Enrollment hn on hn.EnrollmentID = n.EnrollmentIDwhere (n.RelationshipToHoH = 1 or n.Adult = 1)and (hn.LengthOfStay in (8,9) or hn.LengthOfStay is null)),HomelessDate3 = (select count(distinct n.EnrollmentID)from dq_Enrollment ninner join hmis_Enrollment hn on hn.EnrollmentID = n.EnrollmentIDwhere (n.RelationshipToHoH = 1 or n.Adult = 1)and (hn.LivingSituation in (1,16,18,27) and hn.DateToStreetESSH is null) or (hn.PreviousStreetESSH = 1 and hn.LengthOfStay in (10,11) and hn.DateToStreetESSH is null)or (hn.PreviousStreetESSH = 1 and hn.LengthOfStay in (2,3)and hn.LivingSituation in (4,5,6,7,15,24) and hn.DateToStreetESSH is null)),TimesHomeless3 = (select count(distinct n.EnrollmentID)from dq_Enrollment ninner join hmis_Enrollment hn on hn.EnrollmentID = n.EnrollmentIDwhere (n.RelationshipToHoH = 1 or n.Adult = 1)and (hn.TimesHomelessPastThreeYears not between 1 and 4 or hn.TimesHomelessPastThreeYears is null)),MonthsHomeless3 = (select count(distinct n.EnrollmentID)from dq_Enrollment ninner join hmis_Enrollment hn on hn.EnrollmentID = n.EnrollmentIDwhere (n.RelationshipToHoH = 1 or n.Adult = 1)and (hn.MonthsHomelessPastThreeYears not between 101 and 113 or hn.MonthsHomelessPastThreeYears is null)),DV3 = (select count(distinct n.EnrollmentID)from dq_Enrollment nleft outer join hmis_HealthAndDV dv on dv.EnrollmentID = n.EnrollmentIDand dv.DataCollectionStage = 1where (n.RelationshipToHoH = 1 or n.Adult = 1)and (dv.DomesticViolenceVictim not in (0,1)or dv.DomesticViolenceVictim is nullor (dv.DomesticViolenceVictim = 1 and (dv.CurrentlyFleeing not in (0,1) or dv.CurrentlyFleeing is null)))),Destination3 = (select count(distinct n.EnrollmentID)from dq_Enrollment ninner join hmis_Exit x on x.EnrollmentID = n.EnrollmentID where n.ExitDate is not nulland (x.Destination in (8,9,17,30,99) or x.Destination is null)),NotOneHoH3 = coalesce((select count(distinct n.HouseholdID)from dq_Enrollment ninner join hmis_Enrollment hn on hn.EnrollmentID = n.EnrollmentIDgroup by n.HouseholdIDhaving sum(case when n.RelationshipToHoH = 1 then 1 else 0 end) <> 1), 0),MoveInDate3 = coalesce((select count(distinct n.EnrollmentID)from dq_Enrollment ninner join hmis_Exit x on x.EnrollmentID = n.EnrollmentID where n.RelationshipToHoH = 1and n.ProjectType in (3,13)and x.Destination in (3,31,19,20,21,26,28,10,11,22,23) and n.MoveInDate is null), 0)from lsa_Report rpt/**********************************************************************4.69 Set ReportDate for LSAReport**********************************************************************/update lsa_Report set ReportDate = getdate()/**********************************************************************4.70 Select Data for Export**********************************************************************/-- LSAPersondelete from lsa_Personinsert into lsa_Person (RowTotal, Age, Gender, Race, Ethnicity, VetStatus, DisabilityStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DVStatus, HHTypeEST, HoHEST, HHTypeRRH, HoHRRH, HHTypePSH, HoHPSH, HHChronic, HHVet, HHDisability, HHFleeingDV, HHAdultAge, HHParent, AC3Plus, ReportID)select count(distinct PersonalID), Age, Gender, Race, Ethnicity, VetStatus, DisabilityStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DVStatus, HHTypeEST, HoHEST, HHTypeRRH, HoHRRH, HHTypePSH, HoHPSH, HHChronic, HHVet, HHDisability, HHFleeingDV, HHAdultAge, HHParent, AC3Plus, ReportIDfrom tmp_Persongroup by Age, Gender, Race, Ethnicity, VetStatus, DisabilityStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DVStatus, HHTypeEST, HoHEST, HHTypeRRH, HoHRRH, HHTypePSH, HoHPSH, HHChronic, HHVet, HHDisability, HHFleeingDV, HHAdultAge, HHParent, AC3Plus, ReportID-- LSAHouseholddelete from lsa_Householdinsert into lsa_Household(RowTotal, Stat, ReturnTime, HHType, HHChronic, HHVet, HHDisability, HHFleeingDV, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, HHAdult, HHChild, HHNoDOB, HHAdultAge, HHParent, ESTStatus, RRHStatus, RRHMoveIn, PSHStatus, PSHMoveIn, ESDays, THDays, ESTDays, ESTGeography, ESTLivingSit, ESTDestination, RRHPreMoveInDays, RRHPSHPreMoveInDays, RRHHousedDays, SystemDaysNotPSHHoused, RRHGeography, RRHLivingSit, RRHDestination, SystemHomelessDays, Other3917Days, TotalHomelessDays , PSHGeography, PSHLivingSit, PSHDestination, PSHHousedDays, SystemPath, ReportID)select count (distinct HoHID + cast(HHType as nvarchar)), Stat, case when ReturnTime between 15 and 30 then 30when ReturnTime between 31 and 60 then 60when ReturnTime between 61 and 180 then 180when ReturnTime between 181 and 365 then 365when ReturnTime between 366 and 547 then 547when ReturnTime >= 548 then 730else ReturnTime end, HHType, HHChronic, HHVet, HHDisability, HHFleeingDV, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, HHAdult, HHChild, HHNoDOB, HHAdultAge, HHParent, ESTStatus, RRHStatus, RRHMoveIn, PSHStatus, PSHMoveIn, case when ESDays between 1 and 7 then 7when ESDays between 8 and 30 then 30 when ESDays between 31 and 60 then 60 when ESDays between 61 and 90 then 90 when ESDays between 91 and 180 then 180 when ESDays between 181 and 365 then 365 when ESDays between 366 and 547 then 547 when ESDays between 548 and 730 then 730 when ESDays between 731 and 1094 then 1094 when ESDays > 1094 then 1095else ESDays end , case when THDays between 1 and 7 then 7when THDays between 8 and 30 then 30 when THDays between 31 and 60 then 60 when THDays between 61 and 90 then 90 when THDays between 91 and 180 then 180 when THDays between 181 and 365 then 365 when THDays between 366 and 547 then 547 when THDays between 548 and 730 then 730 when THDays between 731 and 1094 then 1094 when THDays > 1094 then 1095else THDays end , case when ESTDays between 1 and 7 then 7when ESTDays between 8 and 30 then 30 when ESTDays between 31 and 60 then 60 when ESTDays between 61 and 90 then 90 when ESTDays between 91 and 180 then 180 when ESTDays between 181 and 365 then 365 when ESTDays between 366 and 547 then 547 when ESTDays between 548 and 730 then 730 when ESTDays between 731 and 1094 then 1094 when ESTDays > 1094 then 1095else ESTDays end , ESTGeography, ESTLivingSit, ESTDestination, case when RRHPreMoveInDays between 1 and 7 then 7when RRHPreMoveInDays between 8 and 30 then 30 when RRHPreMoveInDays between 31 and 60 then 60 when RRHPreMoveInDays between 61 and 90 then 90 when RRHPreMoveInDays between 91 and 180 then 180 when RRHPreMoveInDays between 181 and 365 then 365 when RRHPreMoveInDays between 366 and 547 then 547 when RRHPreMoveInDays between 548 and 730 then 730 when RRHPreMoveInDays between 731 and 1094 then 1094 when RRHPreMoveInDays > 1094 then 1095else RRHPreMoveInDays end , case when RRHPSHPreMoveInDays between 1 and 7 then 7when RRHPSHPreMoveInDays between 8 and 30 then 30 when RRHPSHPreMoveInDays between 31 and 60 then 60 when RRHPSHPreMoveInDays between 61 and 90 then 90 when RRHPSHPreMoveInDays between 91 and 180 then 180 when RRHPSHPreMoveInDays between 181 and 365 then 365 when RRHPSHPreMoveInDays between 366 and 547 then 547 when RRHPSHPreMoveInDays between 548 and 730 then 730 when RRHPSHPreMoveInDays between 731 and 1094 then 1094 when RRHPSHPreMoveInDays > 1094 then 1095else RRHPSHPreMoveInDays end , case when RRHHousedDays between 1 and 7 then 7when RRHHousedDays between 8 and 30 then 30 when RRHHousedDays between 31 and 60 then 60 when RRHHousedDays between 61 and 90 then 90 when RRHHousedDays between 91 and 180 then 180 when RRHHousedDays between 181 and 365 then 365 when RRHHousedDays between 366 and 547 then 547 when RRHHousedDays between 548 and 730 then 730 when RRHHousedDays between 731 and 1094 then 1094 when RRHHousedDays > 1094 then 1095else RRHHousedDays end , case when SystemDaysNotPSHHoused between 1 and 7 then 7when SystemDaysNotPSHHoused between 8 and 30 then 30 when SystemDaysNotPSHHoused between 31 and 60 then 60 when SystemDaysNotPSHHoused between 61 and 90 then 90 when SystemDaysNotPSHHoused between 91 and 180 then 180 when SystemDaysNotPSHHoused between 181 and 365 then 365 when SystemDaysNotPSHHoused between 366 and 547 then 547 when SystemDaysNotPSHHoused between 548 and 730 then 730 when SystemDaysNotPSHHoused between 731 and 1094 then 1094 when SystemDaysNotPSHHoused > 1094 then 1095else SystemDaysNotPSHHoused end , RRHGeography, RRHLivingSit, RRHDestination, case when SystemHomelessDays between 1 and 7 then 7when SystemHomelessDays between 8 and 30 then 30 when SystemHomelessDays between 31 and 60 then 60 when SystemHomelessDays between 61 and 90 then 90 when SystemHomelessDays between 91 and 180 then 180 when SystemHomelessDays between 181 and 365 then 365 when SystemHomelessDays between 366 and 547 then 547 when SystemHomelessDays between 548 and 730 then 730 when SystemHomelessDays between 731 and 1094 then 1094 when SystemHomelessDays > 1094 then 1095else SystemHomelessDays end , case when Other3917Days between 1 and 7 then 7when Other3917Days between 8 and 30 then 30 when Other3917Days between 31 and 60 then 60 when Other3917Days between 61 and 90 then 90 when Other3917Days between 91 and 180 then 180 when Other3917Days between 181 and 365 then 365 when Other3917Days between 366 and 547 then 547 when Other3917Days between 548 and 730 then 730 when Other3917Days between 731 and 1094 then 1094 when Other3917Days > 1094 then 1095else Other3917Days end , case when TotalHomelessDays between 1 and 7 then 7when TotalHomelessDays between 8 and 30 then 30 when TotalHomelessDays between 31 and 60 then 60 when TotalHomelessDays between 61 and 90 then 90 when TotalHomelessDays between 91 and 180 then 180 when TotalHomelessDays between 181 and 365 then 365 when TotalHomelessDays between 366 and 547 then 547 when TotalHomelessDays between 548 and 730 then 730 when TotalHomelessDays between 731 and 1094 then 1094 when TotalHomelessDays > 1094 then 1095else TotalHomelessDays end , PSHGeography, PSHLivingSit, PSHDestination--NOTE: These are different grouping categories from above!, case when PSHHousedDays between 1 and 90 then 3when PSHHousedDays between 91 and 180 then 6 when PSHHousedDays between 181 and 365 then 12 when PSHHousedDays between 366 and 730 then 24 when PSHHousedDays between 731 and 1095 then 36 when PSHHousedDays between 1096 and 1460 then 48 when PSHHousedDays between 1461 and 1825 then 60 when PSHHousedDays between 1826 and 2555 then 84 when PSHHousedDays between 2556 and 3650 then 120 when PSHHousedDays > 3650 then 121else PSHHousedDays end , SystemPath, ReportIDfrom tmp_Householdgroup by Stat, case when ReturnTime between 15 and 30 then 30when ReturnTime between 31 and 60 then 60when ReturnTime between 61 and 180 then 180when ReturnTime between 181 and 365 then 365when ReturnTime between 366 and 547 then 547when ReturnTime >= 548 then 730else ReturnTime end, HHType, HHChronic, HHVet, HHDisability, HHFleeingDV, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, HHAdult, HHChild, HHNoDOB, HHAdultAge, HHParent, ESTStatus, RRHStatus, RRHMoveIn, PSHStatus, PSHMoveIn, case when ESDays between 1 and 7 then 7when ESDays between 8 and 30 then 30 when ESDays between 31 and 60 then 60 when ESDays between 61 and 90 then 90 when ESDays between 91 and 180 then 180 when ESDays between 181 and 365 then 365 when ESDays between 366 and 547 then 547 when ESDays between 548 and 730 then 730 when ESDays between 731 and 1094 then 1094 when ESDays > 1094 then 1095else ESDays end , case when THDays between 1 and 7 then 7when THDays between 8 and 30 then 30 when THDays between 31 and 60 then 60 when THDays between 61 and 90 then 90 when THDays between 91 and 180 then 180 when THDays between 181 and 365 then 365 when THDays between 366 and 547 then 547 when THDays between 548 and 730 then 730 when THDays between 731 and 1094 then 1094 when THDays > 1094 then 1095else THDays end , case when ESTDays between 1 and 7 then 7when ESTDays between 8 and 30 then 30 when ESTDays between 31 and 60 then 60 when ESTDays between 61 and 90 then 90 when ESTDays between 91 and 180 then 180 when ESTDays between 181 and 365 then 365 when ESTDays between 366 and 547 then 547 when ESTDays between 548 and 730 then 730 when ESTDays between 731 and 1094 then 1094 when ESTDays > 1094 then 1095else ESTDays end , ESTGeography, ESTLivingSit, ESTDestination, case when RRHPreMoveInDays between 1 and 7 then 7when RRHPreMoveInDays between 8 and 30 then 30 when RRHPreMoveInDays between 31 and 60 then 60 when RRHPreMoveInDays between 61 and 90 then 90 when RRHPreMoveInDays between 91 and 180 then 180 when RRHPreMoveInDays between 181 and 365 then 365 when RRHPreMoveInDays between 366 and 547 then 547 when RRHPreMoveInDays between 548 and 730 then 730 when RRHPreMoveInDays between 731 and 1094 then 1094 when RRHPreMoveInDays > 1094 then 1095else RRHPreMoveInDays end , case when RRHPSHPreMoveInDays between 1 and 7 then 7when RRHPSHPreMoveInDays between 8 and 30 then 30 when RRHPSHPreMoveInDays between 31 and 60 then 60 when RRHPSHPreMoveInDays between 61 and 90 then 90 when RRHPSHPreMoveInDays between 91 and 180 then 180 when RRHPSHPreMoveInDays between 181 and 365 then 365 when RRHPSHPreMoveInDays between 366 and 547 then 547 when RRHPSHPreMoveInDays between 548 and 730 then 730 when RRHPSHPreMoveInDays between 731 and 1094 then 1094 when RRHPSHPreMoveInDays > 1094 then 1095else RRHPSHPreMoveInDays end , case when RRHHousedDays between 1 and 7 then 7when RRHHousedDays between 8 and 30 then 30 when RRHHousedDays between 31 and 60 then 60 when RRHHousedDays between 61 and 90 then 90 when RRHHousedDays between 91 and 180 then 180 when RRHHousedDays between 181 and 365 then 365 when RRHHousedDays between 366 and 547 then 547 when RRHHousedDays between 548 and 730 then 730 when RRHHousedDays between 731 and 1094 then 1094 when RRHHousedDays > 1094 then 1095else RRHHousedDays end , case when SystemDaysNotPSHHoused between 1 and 7 then 7when SystemDaysNotPSHHoused between 8 and 30 then 30 when SystemDaysNotPSHHoused between 31 and 60 then 60 when SystemDaysNotPSHHoused between 61 and 90 then 90 when SystemDaysNotPSHHoused between 91 and 180 then 180 when SystemDaysNotPSHHoused between 181 and 365 then 365 when SystemDaysNotPSHHoused between 366 and 547 then 547 when SystemDaysNotPSHHoused between 548 and 730 then 730 when SystemDaysNotPSHHoused between 731 and 1094 then 1094 when SystemDaysNotPSHHoused > 1094 then 1095else SystemDaysNotPSHHoused end , RRHGeography, RRHLivingSit, RRHDestination, case when SystemHomelessDays between 1 and 7 then 7when SystemHomelessDays between 8 and 30 then 30 when SystemHomelessDays between 31 and 60 then 60 when SystemHomelessDays between 61 and 90 then 90 when SystemHomelessDays between 91 and 180 then 180 when SystemHomelessDays between 181 and 365 then 365 when SystemHomelessDays between 366 and 547 then 547 when SystemHomelessDays between 548 and 730 then 730 when SystemHomelessDays between 731 and 1094 then 1094 when SystemHomelessDays > 1094 then 1095else SystemHomelessDays end , case when Other3917Days between 1 and 7 then 7when Other3917Days between 8 and 30 then 30 when Other3917Days between 31 and 60 then 60 when Other3917Days between 61 and 90 then 90 when Other3917Days between 91 and 180 then 180 when Other3917Days between 181 and 365 then 365 when Other3917Days between 366 and 547 then 547 when Other3917Days between 548 and 730 then 730 when Other3917Days between 731 and 1094 then 1094 when Other3917Days > 1094 then 1095else Other3917Days end , case when TotalHomelessDays between 1 and 7 then 7when TotalHomelessDays between 8 and 30 then 30 when TotalHomelessDays between 31 and 60 then 60 when TotalHomelessDays between 61 and 90 then 90 when TotalHomelessDays between 91 and 180 then 180 when TotalHomelessDays between 181 and 365 then 365 when TotalHomelessDays between 366 and 547 then 547 when TotalHomelessDays between 548 and 730 then 730 when TotalHomelessDays between 731 and 1094 then 1094 when TotalHomelessDays > 1094 then 1095else TotalHomelessDays end , PSHGeography, PSHLivingSit, PSHDestination--NOTE: These are different grouping categories from system use days., case when PSHHousedDays between 1 and 90 then 3when PSHHousedDays between 91 and 180 then 6 when PSHHousedDays between 181 and 365 then 12 when PSHHousedDays between 366 and 730 then 24 when PSHHousedDays between 731 and 1095 then 36 when PSHHousedDays between 1096 and 1460 then 48 when PSHHousedDays between 1461 and 1825 then 60 when PSHHousedDays between 1826 and 2555 then 84 when PSHHousedDays between 2556 and 3650 then 120 when PSHHousedDays > 3650 then 121else PSHHousedDays end , SystemPath, ReportID-- LSAExitdelete from lsa_Exitinsert into lsa_Exit (RowTotal, Cohort, Stat, ExitFrom, ExitTo, ReturnTime, HHType, HHVet, HHDisability, HHFleeingDV, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, HHAdultAge, HHParent, AC3Plus, SystemPath, ReportID)select count (distinct HoHID + cast(HHType as nvarchar)), Cohort, Stat, ExitFrom, ExitTo, case when ReturnTime between 15 and 30 then 30when ReturnTime between 31 and 60 then 60when ReturnTime between 61 and 180 then 180when ReturnTime between 181 and 365 then 365when ReturnTime between 366 and 547 then 547when ReturnTime >= 548 then 730else ReturnTime end, HHType, HHVet, HHDisability, HHFleeingDV, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, HHAdultAge, HHParent, AC3Plus, SystemPath, ReportIDfrom tmp_Exitgroup by Cohort, Stat, ExitFrom, ExitTo, case when ReturnTime between 15 and 30 then 30when ReturnTime between 31 and 60 then 60when ReturnTime between 61 and 180 then 180when ReturnTime between 181 and 365 then 365when ReturnTime between 366 and 547 then 547when ReturnTime >= 548 then 730else ReturnTime end, HHType, HHVet, HHDisability, HHFleeingDV, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, HHAdultAge, HHParent, AC3Plus, SystemPath, ReportID/**********************************************************************5.1 Create and Populate Reference Tables **********************************************************************/if object_id ('ref_Populations') is not null drop table ref_PopulationsCREATE TABLE dbo.ref_Populations(id int IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,PopID int NULL,PopName varchar(255) NULL,PopType int NULL,HHType int NULL,HHAdultAge int NULL,HHVet int NULL,HHDisability int NULL,HHChronic int NULL,HHFleeingDV int NULL,HHParent int NULL,HHChild int NULL,AC3Plus int NULL,Stat int NULL,PSHMoveIn int NULL,HoHRace int NULL,HoHEthnicity int NULL,Race int NULL,Ethnicity int NULL,Age int NULL,Gender int NULL,VetStatus int NULL,CHTime int NULL,CHTimeStatus int NULL,DisabilityStatus int NULL,Core bit NULL,LOTH bit NULL,ReturnSummary bit NULL,ProjectTypeCount bit NULL,ProjectLevelCount bit NULL);if object_id ('ref_Calendar') is not null drop table ref_Calendarcreate table ref_Calendar (theDate date not null , yyyy smallint, mm tinyint , dd tinyint, month_name varchar(10), day_name varchar(10) , fy smallint, PRIMARY KEY (theDate) );declare @start date = '2012-10-01'declare @end date = '2020-09-30'declare @i int = 0declare @total_days int = DATEDIFF(d, @start, @end) while @i <= @total_daysbegininsert into ref_Calendar (theDate) select cast(dateadd(d, @i, @start) as date) set @i = @i + 1endupdate ref_Calendarsetmonth_name = datename(month, theDate),day_name = datename(weekday, theDate),yyyy = datepart(yyyy, theDate),mm = datepart(mm, theDate),dd = datepart(dd, theDate),fy = case when datepart(mm, theDate) between 10 and 12 then datepart(yyyy, theDate) + 1 else datepart(yyyy, theDate) endSET IDENTITY_INSERT dbo.ref_Populations ON ;INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (1, 0, N'All', 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (2, 0, N'All', 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (3, 0, N'All', 1, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (4, 0, N'All', 1, 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (5, 1, N'Youth Household 18-21', 1, 1, 18, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (6, 2, N'Youth Household 22-24', 1, 1, 24, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (7, 3, N'Veteran Household', 1, 1, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (8, 3, N'Veteran Household', 1, 2, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (9, 4, N'Non-Veteran Household 25+', 1, 1, 25, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (10, 4, N'Non-Veteran Household 25+', 1, 1, 55, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (11, 5, N'Household with Disabled Adult/HoH', 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (12, 5, N'Household with Disabled Adult/HoH', 1, 1, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (13, 5, N'Household with Disabled Adult/HoH', 1, 2, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (14, 5, N'Household with Disabled Adult/HoH', 1, 3, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (15, 6, N'Household with Chronically Homeless Adult/HoH', 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (16, 6, N'Household with Chronically Homeless Adult/HoH', 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (17, 6, N'Household with Chronically Homeless Adult/HoH', 1, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (18, 6, N'Household with Chronically Homeless Adult/HoH', 1, 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (19, 7, N'Household Fleeing Domestic Violence', 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (20, 7, N'Household Fleeing Domestic Violence', 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (21, 7, N'Household Fleeing Domestic Violence', 1, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (22, 7, N'Household Fleeing Domestic Violence', 1, 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (23, 8, N'Senior Household 55+', 1, 1, 55, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (24, 9, N'Parenting Youth Household 18-24', 1, 2, 18, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (25, 9, N'Parenting Youth Household 18-24', 1, 2, 24, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (26, 10, N'Parenting Child Household', 1, 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (27, 11, N'Household with 3+ Children', 1, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 3, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (28, 12, N'First Time Homeless Household', 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (29, 12, N'First Time Homeless Household', 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (30, 12, N'First Time Homeless Household', 1, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (31, 12, N'First Time Homeless Household', 1, 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (32, 13, N'Household Returning After Exit to PH', 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (33, 13, N'Household Returning After Exit to PH', 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (34, 13, N'Household Returning After Exit to PH', 1, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (35, 13, N'Household Returning After Exit to PH', 1, 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (36, 14, N'Household with PSH Move-In During Report Period', 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 0, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (37, 14, N'Household with PSH Move-In During Report Period', 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 0, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (38, 14, N'Household with PSH Move-In During Report Period', 1, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 0, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (39, 14, N'Household with PSH Move-In During Report Period', 1, 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 0, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (40, 15, N'White, non-Hispanic/Latino HoH', 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (41, 15, N'White, non-Hispanic/Latino HoH', 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (42, 15, N'White, non-Hispanic/Latino HoH', 1, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (43, 15, N'White, non-Hispanic/Latino HoH', 1, 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (44, 16, N'White, Hispanic/Latino HoH', 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (45, 16, N'White, Hispanic/Latino HoH', 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (46, 16, N'White, Hispanic/Latino HoH', 1, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (47, 16, N'White, Hispanic/Latino HoH', 1, 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (48, 17, N'Black or African American HoH', 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (49, 17, N'Black or African American HoH', 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (50, 17, N'Black or African American HoH', 1, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (51, 17, N'Black or African American HoH', 1, 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (52, 18, N'Asian HoH', 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (53, 18, N'Asian HoH', 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (54, 18, N'Asian HoH', 1, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (55, 18, N'Asian HoH', 1, 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (56, 19, N'American Indian/Alaska Native HoH', 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 4, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (57, 19, N'American Indian/Alaska Native HoH', 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 4, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (58, 19, N'American Indian/Alaska Native HoH', 1, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 4, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (59, 19, N'American Indian/Alaska Native HoH', 1, 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 4, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (60, 20, N'Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander HoH', 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 5, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (61, 20, N'Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander HoH', 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 5, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (62, 20, N'Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander HoH', 1, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 5, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (63, 20, N'Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander HoH', 1, 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 5, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (64, 21, N'Multi-Racial HoH', 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 6, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (65, 21, N'Multi-Racial HoH', 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 6, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (66, 21, N'Multi-Racial HoH', 1, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 6, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (67, 21, N'Multi-Racial HoH', 1, 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 6, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (68, 22, N'Non-Hispanic/Latino HoH', 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (69, 22, N'Non-Hispanic/Latino HoH', 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (70, 22, N'Non-Hispanic/Latino HoH', 1, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (71, 22, N'Non-Hispanic/Latino HoH', 1, 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (72, 23, N'Hispanic/Latino HoH', 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (73, 23, N'Hispanic/Latino HoH', 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (74, 23, N'Hispanic/Latino HoH', 1, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (75, 23, N'Hispanic/Latino HoH', 1, 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (76, 39, N'Youth Household 18-21 - Disabled Adult/HoH', 1, 1, 18, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (77, 40, N'Youth Household 18-21 - Fleeing Domestic Violence', 1, 1, 18, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (78, 41, N'Youth Household 18-21 - First Time Homeless', 1, 1, 18, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (79, 42, N'Youth Household 18-21 - Returning after Exit to PH', 1, 1, 18, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (80, 43, N'Youth Household 18-21 - PSH Move-In During Report Period', 1, 1, 18, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 0, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (81, 44, N'Youth Household 18-21 - White, non-Hispanic/Latino HoH', 1, 1, 18, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (82, 45, N'Youth Household 18-21 - White, Hispanic/Latino HoH', 1, 1, 18, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (83, 46, N'Youth Household 18-21 - Black or African American HoH', 1, 1, 18, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (84, 47, N'Youth Household 18-21 - Asian HoH', 1, 1, 18, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (85, 48, N'Youth Household 18-21 - American Indian/Alaska Native HoH', 1, 1, 18, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 4, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (86, 49, N'Youth Household 18-21 - Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander HoH', 1, 1, 18, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 5, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (87, 50, N'Youth Household 18-21 - Multi-Racial HoH', 1, 1, 18, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 6, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (88, 51, N'Youth Household 18-21 - Non-Hispanic/Latino HoH', 1, 1, 18, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (89, 52, N'Youth Household 18-21 - Hispanic/Latino HoH', 1, 1, 18, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (90, 53, N'Youth Household 22-24 - Disabled Adult/HoH', 1, 1, 24, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (91, 54, N'Youth Household 22-24 - Fleeing Domestic Violence', 1, 1, 24, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (92, 55, N'Youth Household 22-24 - First Time Homeless', 1, 1, 24, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (93, 56, N'Youth Household 22-24 - Returning after Exit to PH', 1, 1, 24, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (94, 57, N'Youth Household 22-24 - PSH Move-In During Report Period', 1, 1, 24, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 0, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (95, 58, N'Youth Household 22-24 - White, non-Hispanic/Latino HoH', 1, 1, 24, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (96, 59, N'Youth Household 22-24 - White, Hispanic/Latino HoH', 1, 1, 24, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (97, 60, N'Youth Household 22-24 - Black or African American HoH', 1, 1, 24, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (98, 61, N'Youth Household 22-24 - Asian HoH', 1, 1, 24, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (99, 62, N'Youth Household 22-24 - American Indian/Alaska Native HoH', 1, 1, 24, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 4, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (100, 63, N'Youth Household 22-24 - Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander HoH', 1, 1, 24, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 5, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (101, 64, N'Youth Household 22-24 - Multi-Racial HoH', 1, 1, 24, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 6, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (102, 65, N'Youth Household 22-24 - Non-Hispanic/Latino HoH', 1, 1, 24, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (103, 66, N'Youth Household 22-24 - Hispanic/Latino HoH', 1, 1, 24, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (104, 67, N'Non-Veteran Household 25+ - Disabled Adult/HoH', 1, 1, 55, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (105, 68, N'Non-Veteran Household 25+ - Fleeing Domestic Violence', 1, 1, 55, 0, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (106, 69, N'Non-Veteran Household 25+ - First Time Homeless', 1, 1, 55, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (107, 70, N'Non-Veteran Household 25+ - Returning after Exit to PH', 1, 1, 25, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (108, 71, N'Non-Veteran Household 25+ - Household with PSH Move-In During Report Period', 1, 1, 55, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 0, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (109, 72, N'Non-Veteran Household 25+ - White, non-Hispanic/Latino HoH', 1, 1, 55, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (110, 73, N'Non-Veteran Household 25+ - White, Hispanic/Latino HoH', 1, 1, 25, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (111, 74, N'Non-Veteran Household 25+ - Black or African American HoH', 1, 1, 55, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (112, 75, N'Non-Veteran Household 25+ - Asian HoH', 1, 1, 25, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (113, 76, N'Non-Veteran Household 25+ - American Indian/Alaska Native HoH', 1, 1, 55, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 4, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (114, 77, N'Non-Veteran Household 25+ - Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander HoH', 1, 1, 25, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 5, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (115, 78, N'Non-Veteran Household 25+ - Multi-Racial HoH', 1, 1, 55, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 6, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (116, 79, N'Non-Veteran Household 25+ - Non-Hispanic/Latino HoH', 1, 1, 25, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (117, 80, N'Non-Veteran Household 25+ - Hispanic/Latino HoH', 1, 1, 55, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (118, 81, N'Veteran Household - Disabled Adult/HoH', 1, 1, NULL, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (119, 82, N'Veteran Household - Fleeing Domestic Violence', 1, 1, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (120, 83, N'Veteran Household - First Time Homeless', 1, 1, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (121, 84, N'Veteran Household - Returning after Exit to PH', 1, 1, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (122, 85, N'Veteran Household - PSH Move-In During Report Period', 1, 1, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 0, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (123, 86, N'Veteran Household - White, non-Hispanic/Latino HoH', 1, 1, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (124, 87, N'Veteran Household - White, Hispanic/Latino HoH', 1, 1, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (125, 88, N'Veteran Household - Black or African American HoH', 1, 1, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (126, 89, N'Veteran Household - Asian HoH', 1, 1, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (127, 90, N'Veteran Household - American Indian/Alaska Native HoH', 1, 1, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 4, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (128, 91, N'Veteran Household - Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander HoH', 1, 1, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 5, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (129, 92, N'Veteran Household - Multi-Racial HoH', 1, 1, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 6, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (130, 93, N'Veteran Household - Non-Hispanic/Latino HoH', 1, 1, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (131, 94, N'Veteran Household - Hispanic/Latino HoH', 1, 1, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (132, 95, N'Veteran Household 55+', 1, 1, 55, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (133, 96, N'Non-Veteran Household 55+', 1, 1, 55, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (134, 3, N'Veteran', 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (135, 3, N'Veteran', 3, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (136, 3, N'Veteran', 3, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (137, 6, N'Chronically Homeless Adult/HoH', 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 365, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (138, 6, N'Chronically Homeless Adult/HoH', 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 365, 2, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (139, 15, N'White, non-Hispanic/Latino', 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (140, 16, N'White, Hispanic/Latino', 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (141, 17, N'Black or African American', 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (142, 18, N'Asian', 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (143, 19, N'American Indian or Alaska Native', 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 4, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (144, 20, N'Native Hawaiian / Other Pacific Islander', 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 5, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (145, 21, N'Multi-Racial', 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 6, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (146, 22, N'Non-Hispanic/Latino', 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (147, 23, N'Hispanic/Latino', 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (148, 24, N'<1 year', 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (149, 25, N'1 to 2 years', 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (150, 26, N'3 to 5 years', 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 5, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (151, 27, N'6 to 17 years', 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 17, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (152, 28, N'18 to 21 years', 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 21, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (153, 29, N'22 to 24 years', 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 24, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (154, 30, N'25 to 34 years', 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 34, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (155, 31, N'35 to 44 years', 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 44, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (156, 32, N'45 to 54 years', 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 54, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (157, 33, N'55 to 64 years', 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 64, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (158, 34, N'65 and older', 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 65, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (159, 35, N'Female', 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (160, 36, N'Male', 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (161, 37, N'Transgender', 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (162, 38, N'Gender non-conforming', 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 4, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (163, 97, N'Veteran - Female', 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (164, 97, N'Veteran - Gender non-conforming', 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 4, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (165, 98, N'Veteran - Male', 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 2, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (166, 99, N'Veteran - Transgender', 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 3, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (167, 101, N'Veteran - White, non-Hispanic/Latino', 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (168, 102, N'Veteran - White, Hispanic/Latino', 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (169, 103, N'Veteran - Black or African American', 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (170, 104, N'Veteran - Asian', 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (171, 105, N'Veteran - American Indian or Alaska Native', 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 4, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (172, 106, N'Veteran - Native Hawaiian / Other Pacific Islander', 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 5, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (173, 107, N'Veteran - Multiple Races', 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 6, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (174, 108, N'Veteran - Non-Hispanic/Latino', 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (175, 109, N'Veteran - Hispanic/Latino', 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (176, 110, N'Veteran - Chronically Homeless', 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, 365, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (177, 110, N'Veteran - Chronically Homeless', 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, 365, 2, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (178, 111, N'Veteran - Disabled', 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (179, 112, N'Veteran - Fleeing Domestic Violence', 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (180, 113, N'Parenting Youth - Female', 3, 2, 18, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (181, 113, N'Parenting Youth - Gender non-conforming', 3, 2, 24, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 4, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (182, 113, N'Parenting Youth - Gender non-conforming', 3, 2, 18, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 4, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (183, 113, N'Parenting Youth - Female', 3, 2, 24, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (184, 114, N'Parenting Youth - Male', 3, 2, 24, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (185, 114, N'Parenting Youth - Male', 3, 2, 18, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (186, 115, N'Parenting Youth - Transgender', 3, 2, 18, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (187, 115, N'Parenting Youth - Transgender', 3, 2, 24, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (188, 117, N'Parenting Youth - White, non-Hispanic/Latino', 3, 2, 24, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (189, 117, N'Parenting Youth - White, non-Hispanic/Latino', 3, 2, 18, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (190, 118, N'Parenting Youth - White, Hispanic/Latino', 3, 2, 18, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (191, 118, N'Parenting Youth - White, Hispanic/Latino', 3, 2, 24, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (192, 119, N'Parenting Youth - Black or African American', 3, 2, 24, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (193, 119, N'Parenting Youth - Black or African American', 3, 2, 18, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (194, 120, N'Parenting Youth - Asian', 3, 2, 18, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (195, 120, N'Parenting Youth - Asian', 3, 2, 24, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (196, 121, N'Parenting Youth - American Indian or Alaska Native', 3, 2, 24, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 4, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (197, 121, N'Parenting Youth - American Indian or Alaska Native', 3, 2, 18, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 4, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (198, 122, N'Parenting Youth - Native Hawaiian / Other Pacific Islander', 3, 2, 18, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 5, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (199, 122, N'Parenting Youth - Native Hawaiian / Other Pacific Islander', 3, 2, 24, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 5, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (200, 123, N'Parenting Youth - Multiple Races', 3, 2, 24, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 6, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (201, 123, N'Parenting Youth - Multiple Races', 3, 2, 18, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 6, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (202, 124, N'Parenting Youth - Non-Hispanic/Latino', 3, 2, 18, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (203, 124, N'Parenting Youth - Non-Hispanic/Latino', 3, 2, 24, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (204, 125, N'Parenting Youth - Hispanic/Latino', 3, 2, 24, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (205, 125, N'Parenting Youth - Hispanic/Latino', 3, 2, 18, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (206, 126, N'Parenting Youth - Chronically Homeless', 3, 2, 18, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 365, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (207, 126, N'Parenting Youth - Chronically Homeless', 3, 2, 18, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 365, 2, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (208, 126, N'Parenting Youth - Chronically Homeless', 3, 2, 24, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 365, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (209, 126, N'Parenting Youth - Chronically Homeless', 3, 2, 24, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 365, 2, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (210, 127, N'Parenting Youth - Disabled', 3, 2, 24, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (211, 127, N'Parenting Youth - Disabled', 3, 2, 18, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (212, 128, N'Parenting Youth - Fleeing Domestic Violence', 3, 2, 18, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (213, 128, N'Parenting Youth - Fleeing Domestic Violence', 3, 2, 24, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (214, 129, N'Parenting Child - Female', 3, 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (215, 129, N'Parenting Child - Gender non-conforming', 3, 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 4, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (216, 130, N'Parenting Child - Male', 3, 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (217, 131, N'Parenting Child - Transgender', 3, 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (218, 133, N'Parenting Child - White, non-Hispanic/Latino', 3, 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (219, 134, N'Parenting Child - White, Hispanic/Latino', 3, 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (220, 135, N'Parenting Child - Black or African American', 3, 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (221, 136, N'Parenting Child - Asian', 3, 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (222, 137, N'Parenting Child - American Indian or Alaska Native', 3, 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 4, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (223, 138, N'Parenting Child - Native Hawaiian / Other Pacific Islander', 3, 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 5, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (224, 139, N'Parenting Child - Multiple Races', 3, 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 6, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (225, 140, N'Parenting Child - Non-Hispanic/Latino', 3, 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (226, 141, N'Parenting Child - Hispanic/Latino', 3, 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (227, 142, N'Parenting Child - Chronically Homeless', 3, 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 365, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (228, 142, N'Parenting Child - Chronically Homeless', 3, 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 365, 2, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (229, 143, N'Parenting Child - Disabled', 3, 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (230, 144, N'Parenting Child - Fleeing Domestic Violence', 3, 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (231, 6, N'Chronically Homeless Adult/HoH', 3, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 365, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (232, 6, N'Chronically Homeless Adult/HoH', 3, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 365, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (237, 28, N'18 to 21 years', 3, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 21, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (238, 29, N'22 to 24 years', 3, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 24, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (239, 30, N'25 to 34 years', 3, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 34, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (240, 31, N'35 to 44 years', 3, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 44, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (241, 32, N'45 to 54 years', 3, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 54, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (242, 33, N'55 to 64 years', 3, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 64, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (243, 34, N'65 and older', 3, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 65, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (251, 15, N'White, non-Hispanic/Latino', 3, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (252, 16, N'White, Hispanic/Latino', 3, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (253, 17, N'Black or African American', 3, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (254, 18, N'Asian', 3, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (255, 19, N'American Indian or Alaska Native', 3, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (256, 20, N'Native Hawaiian / Other Pacific Islander', 3, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 5, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (257, 21, N'Multi-Racial', 3, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (258, 22, N'Non-Hispanic/Latino', 3, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (259, 23, N'Hispanic/Latino', 3, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (267, 35, N'Female', 3, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (268, 36, N'Male', 3, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (269, 37, N'Transgender', 3, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (270, 38, N'Gender non-conforming', 3, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 4, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (271, 97, N'Veteran - Female', 3, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (272, 97, N'Veteran - Gender non-conforming', 3, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 4, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (273, 98, N'Veteran - Male', 3, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 2, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (274, 99, N'Veteran - Transgender', 3, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 3, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (275, 101, N'Veteran - White, non-Hispanic/Latino', 3, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (276, 102, N'Veteran - White, Hispanic/Latino', 3, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (277, 103, N'Veteran - Black or African American', 3, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (278, 104, N'Veteran - Asian', 3, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (279, 105, N'Veteran - American Indian or Alaska Native', 3, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (280, 106, N'Veteran - Native Hawaiian / Other Pacific Islander', 3, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (281, 107, N'Veteran - Multiple Races', 3, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (282, 108, N'Veteran - Non-Hispanic/Latino', 3, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (283, 109, N'Veteran - Hispanic/Latino', 3, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (284, 110, N'Veteran - Chronically Homeless', 3, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, 365, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (285, 110, N'Veteran - Chronically Homeless', 3, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, 365, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (286, 111, N'Veteran - Disabled', 3, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (287, 112, N'Veteran - Fleeing Domestic Violence', 3, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (288, 15, N'White, non-Hispanic/Latino', 3, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (289, 16, N'White, Hispanic/Latino', 3, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (290, 17, N'Black or African American', 3, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (291, 18, N'Asian', 3, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (292, 19, N'American Indian or Alaska Native', 3, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (293, 20, N'Native Hawaiian / Other Pacific Islander', 3, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 5, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (294, 21, N'Multi-Racial', 3, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (295, 22, N'Non-Hispanic/Latino', 3, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (296, 23, N'Hispanic/Latino', 3, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (297, 24, N'<1 year', 3, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (298, 25, N'1 to 2 years', 3, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (299, 26, N'3 to 5 years', 3, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 5, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (300, 27, N'6 to 17 years', 3, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 17, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (301, 28, N'18 to 21 years', 3, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 21, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (302, 29, N'22 to 24 years', 3, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 24, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (303, 30, N'25 to 34 years', 3, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 34, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (304, 31, N'35 to 44 years', 3, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 44, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (305, 32, N'45 to 54 years', 3, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 54, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (306, 33, N'55 to 64 years', 3, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 64, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (307, 34, N'65 and older', 3, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 65, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (308, 35, N'Female', 3, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (309, 36, N'Male', 3, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (310, 37, N'Transgender', 3, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (311, 38, N'Gender non-conforming', 3, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 4, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (312, 97, N'Veteran - Female', 3, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (313, 97, N'Veteran - Gender non-conforming', 3, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 4, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (314, 98, N'Veteran - Male', 3, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 2, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (315, 99, N'Veteran - Transgender', 3, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 3, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (316, 101, N'Veteran - White, non-Hispanic/Latino', 3, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (317, 102, N'Veteran - White, Hispanic/Latino', 3, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (318, 103, N'Veteran - Black or African American', 3, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (319, 104, N'Veteran - Asian', 3, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (320, 105, N'Veteran - American Indian or Alaska Native', 3, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (321, 106, N'Veteran - Native Hawaiian / Other Pacific Islander', 3, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (322, 107, N'Veteran - Multiple Races', 3, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (323, 108, N'Veteran - Non-Hispanic/Latino', 3, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (324, 109, N'Veteran - Hispanic/Latino', 3, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (325, 110, N'Veteran - Chronically Homeless', 3, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, 365, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (326, 110, N'Veteran - Chronically Homeless', 3, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, 365, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (327, 111, N'Veteran - Disabled', 3, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (328, 112, N'Veteran - Fleeing Domestic Violence', 3, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (329, 15, N'White, non-Hispanic/Latino', 3, 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (330, 16, N'White, Hispanic/Latino', 3, 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (331, 17, N'Black or African American', 3, 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (332, 18, N'Asian', 3, 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (333, 19, N'American Indian or Alaska Native', 3, 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (334, 20, N'Native Hawaiian / Other Pacific Islander', 3, 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 5, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (335, 21, N'Multi-Racial', 3, 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (336, 22, N'Non-Hispanic/Latino', 3, 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (337, 23, N'Hispanic/Latino', 3, 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (338, 24, N'<1 year', 3, 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (339, 25, N'1 to 2 years', 3, 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (340, 26, N'3 to 5 years', 3, 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 5, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (341, 27, N'6 to 17 years', 3, 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 17, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (349, 35, N'Female', 3, 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (350, 36, N'Male', 3, 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (351, 37, N'Transgender', 3, 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1);INSERT dbo.ref_Populations (id, PopID, PopName, PopType, HHType, HHAdultAge, HHVet, HHDisability, HHChronic, HHFleeingDV, HHParent, HHChild, AC3Plus, Stat, PSHMoveIn, HoHRace, HoHEthnicity, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, VetStatus, CHTime, CHTimeStatus, DisabilityStatus, Core, LOTH, ReturnSummary, ProjectTypeCount, ProjectLevelCount) VALUES (352, 38, N'Gender non-conforming', 3, 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 4, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1);SET IDENTITY_INSERT dbo.ref_Populations OFF;/**********************************************************************5.2 Select LSA Summary(Optional; no display of LSA summary data is required in HMIS applications at this time.)**********************************************************************/--active cohortselect 'All' as Category, People = (select coalesce (sum(lp.RowTotal), 0)from lsa_Person lp where lp.ReportID = rpt.ReportID), Households = (select coalesce (sum(lh.RowTotal), 0)from lsa_Household lh where lh.ReportID = rpt.ReportID) from lsa_Report rptunion allselect 'AO households' as Category, People = (select coalesce (sum(lp.RowTotal), 0)from lsa_Person lp where lp.ReportID = rpt.ReportIDand (cast(HHTypeEST as varchar) like '1%'or cast(HHTypeRRH as varchar) like '1%'or cast(HHTypePSH as varchar) like '1%')), Households = (select coalesce (sum(lh.RowTotal), 0)from lsa_Household lh where lh.ReportID = rpt.ReportIDand lh.HHType = 1) from lsa_Report rptunion allselect 'AC households' as Category, People = (select coalesce (sum(lp.RowTotal), 0)from lsa_Person lp where lp.ReportID = rpt.ReportIDand (cast(HHTypeEST as varchar) like '%2%'or cast(HHTypeRRH as varchar) like '%2%'or cast(HHTypePSH as varchar) like '%2%')), Households = (select coalesce (sum(lh.RowTotal), 0)from lsa_Household lh where lh.ReportID = rpt.ReportIDand lh.HHType = 2) from lsa_Report rptunion allselect 'CO households' as Category, People = (select coalesce (sum(lp.RowTotal), 0)from lsa_Person lp where lp.ReportID = rpt.ReportIDand (cast(HHTypeEST as varchar) like '%3%'or cast(HHTypeRRH as varchar) like '%3%'or cast(HHTypePSH as varchar) like '%3%')), Households = (select coalesce (sum(lh.RowTotal), 0)from lsa_Household lh where lh.ReportID = rpt.ReportIDand lh.HHType = 3) from lsa_Report rptunion allselect 'All in ES/SH/TH' as Category, People = (select coalesce (sum(lp.RowTotal), 0)from lsa_Person lp where lp.ReportID = rpt.ReportIDand lp.HHTypeEST <> -1), Households = (select coalesce (sum(lh.RowTotal), 0)from lsa_Household lh where lh.ReportID = rpt.ReportIDand lh.ESTDays > 0) from lsa_Report rptunion allselect 'AO households in ES/SH/TH' as Category, People = (select coalesce (sum(lp.RowTotal), 0)from lsa_Person lp where lp.ReportID = rpt.ReportIDand cast(lp.HHTypeEST as varchar) like '1%'), Households = (select coalesce (sum(lh.RowTotal), 0)from lsa_Household lh where lh.ReportID = rpt.ReportIDand lh.HHType = 1 and lh.ESTStatus > 2) from lsa_Report rptunion allselect 'AC households in ES/SH/TH' as Category, People = (select coalesce (sum(lp.RowTotal), 0)from lsa_Person lp where lp.ReportID = rpt.ReportIDand cast(lp.HHTypeEST as varchar) like '%2%'), Households = (select coalesce (sum(lh.RowTotal), 0)from lsa_Household lh where lh.ReportID = rpt.ReportIDand lh.HHType = 2and lh.ESTStatus > 2) from lsa_Report rptunion allselect 'CO households in ES/SH/TH' as Category, People = (select coalesce (sum(lp.RowTotal), 0)from lsa_Person lp where lp.ReportID = rpt.ReportIDand cast(lp.HHTypeEST as varchar) like '%3%'), Households = (select coalesce (sum(lh.RowTotal), 0)from lsa_Household lh where lh.ReportID = rpt.ReportIDand lh.HHType = 3and lh.ESTStatus > 2) from lsa_Report rptunion allselect 'All in RRH' as Category, People = (select coalesce (sum(lp.RowTotal), 0)from lsa_Person lp where lp.ReportID = rpt.ReportIDand lp.HHTypeRRH <> -1), Households = (select coalesce (sum(lh.RowTotal), 0)from lsa_Household lh where lh.ReportID = rpt.ReportIDand lh.RRHStatus > 2) from lsa_Report rptunion allselect 'AO households in RRH' as Category, People = (select coalesce (sum(lp.RowTotal), 0)from lsa_Person lp where lp.ReportID = rpt.ReportIDand cast(lp.HHTypeRRH as varchar) like '1%'), Households = (select coalesce (sum(lh.RowTotal), 0)from lsa_Household lh where lh.ReportID = rpt.ReportIDand lh.HHType = 1 and lh.RRHStatus > 2) from lsa_Report rptunion allselect 'AC households in RRH' as Category, People = (select coalesce (sum(lp.RowTotal), 0)from lsa_Person lp where lp.ReportID = rpt.ReportIDand cast(lp.HHTypeRRH as varchar) like '%2%'), Households = (select coalesce (sum(lh.RowTotal), 0)from lsa_Household lh where lh.ReportID = rpt.ReportIDand lh.HHType = 2and lh.RRHStatus > 2) from lsa_Report rptunion allselect 'CO households in RRH' as Category, People = (select coalesce (sum(lp.RowTotal), 0)from lsa_Person lp where lp.ReportID = rpt.ReportIDand cast(lp.HHTypeRRH as varchar) like '%3%'), Households = (select coalesce (sum(lh.RowTotal), 0)from lsa_Household lh where lh.ReportID = rpt.ReportIDand lh.HHType = 3and lh.RRHStatus > 2) from lsa_Report rptunion allselect 'All in PSH' as Category, People = (select coalesce (sum(lp.RowTotal), 0)from lsa_Person lp where lp.ReportID = rpt.ReportIDand lp.HHTypePSH <> -1), Households = (select coalesce (sum(lh.RowTotal), 0)from lsa_Household lh where lh.ReportID = rpt.ReportIDand lh.PSHStatus > 2) from lsa_Report rptunion allselect 'AO households in PSH' as Category, People = (select coalesce (sum(lp.RowTotal), 0)from lsa_Person lp where lp.ReportID = rpt.ReportIDand cast(lp.HHTypePSH as varchar) like '1%'), Households = (select coalesce (sum(lh.RowTotal), 0)from lsa_Household lh where lh.ReportID = rpt.ReportIDand lh.HHType = 1 and lh.PSHStatus > 2) from lsa_Report rptunion allselect 'AC households in PSH' as Category, People = (select coalesce (sum(lp.RowTotal), 0)from lsa_Person lp where lp.ReportID = rpt.ReportIDand cast(lp.HHTypePSH as varchar) like '%2%'), Households = (select coalesce (sum(lh.RowTotal), 0)from lsa_Household lh where lh.ReportID = rpt.ReportIDand lh.HHType = 2and lh.PSHStatus > 2) from lsa_Report rptunion allselect 'CO households in PSH' as Category, People = (select coalesce (sum(lp.RowTotal), 0)from lsa_Person lp where lp.ReportID = rpt.ReportIDand cast(lp.HHTypePSH as varchar) like '%3%'), Households = (select coalesce (sum(lh.RowTotal), 0)from lsa_Household lh where lh.ReportID = rpt.ReportIDand lh.HHType = 3and lh.PSHStatus > 2) from lsa_Report rpt--exit cohortsselect 'All - Report Period - 2 years' as Category, Exits = (select coalesce (sum(lx.RowTotal), 0)from lsa_Exit lxwhere lx.ReportID = rpt.ReportIDand lx.Cohort = -2), ExitsToPH = (select coalesce (sum(lx.RowTotal), 0)from lsa_Exit lxwhere lx.ReportID = rpt.ReportIDand lx.ExitTo between 1 and 6and lx.Cohort = -2), ReturnAfterExitToPH = (select coalesce (sum(lx.RowTotal), 0)from lsa_Exit lxwhere lx.ReportID = rpt.ReportIDand lx.ExitTo between 1 and 6and lx.Cohort = -2and lx.ReturnTime <> -1)from lsa_Report rptunion allselect 'AO households - Report Period - 2 years' as Category, Exits = (select coalesce (sum(lx.RowTotal), 0)from lsa_Exit lxwhere lx.ReportID = rpt.ReportIDand lx.Cohort = -2and lx.HHType = 1), ExitsToPH = (select coalesce (sum(lx.RowTotal), 0)from lsa_Exit lxwhere lx.ReportID = rpt.ReportIDand lx.ExitTo between 1 and 6and lx.Cohort = -2and lx.HHType = 1), ReturnAfterExitToPH = (select coalesce (sum(lx.RowTotal), 0)from lsa_Exit lxwhere lx.ReportID = rpt.ReportIDand lx.ExitTo between 1 and 6and lx.Cohort = -2and lx.ReturnTime <> -1and lx.HHType = 1)from lsa_Report rptunion allselect 'AC households - Report Period - 2 years' as Category, Exits = (select coalesce (sum(lx.RowTotal), 0)from lsa_Exit lxwhere lx.ReportID = rpt.ReportIDand lx.Cohort = -2and lx.HHType = 2), ExitsToPH = (select coalesce (sum(lx.RowTotal), 0)from lsa_Exit lxwhere lx.ReportID = rpt.ReportIDand lx.ExitTo between 1 and 6and lx.Cohort = -2and lx.HHType = 2), ReturnAfterExitToPH = (select coalesce (sum(lx.RowTotal), 0)from lsa_Exit lxwhere lx.ReportID = rpt.ReportIDand lx.ExitTo between 1 and 6and lx.Cohort = -2and lx.ReturnTime <> -1and lx.HHType = 2)from lsa_Report rptunion allselect 'CO households - Report Period - 2 years' as Category, Exits = (select coalesce (sum(lx.RowTotal), 0)from lsa_Exit lxwhere lx.ReportID = rpt.ReportIDand lx.Cohort = -2and lx.HHType = 3), ExitsToPH = (select coalesce (sum(lx.RowTotal), 0)from lsa_Exit lxwhere lx.ReportID = rpt.ReportIDand lx.ExitTo between 1 and 6and lx.Cohort = -2and lx.HHType = 3), ReturnAfterExitToPH = (select coalesce (sum(lx.RowTotal), 0)from lsa_Exit lxwhere lx.ReportID = rpt.ReportIDand lx.ExitTo between 1 and 6and lx.Cohort = -2and lx.ReturnTime <> -1and lx.HHType = 3)from lsa_Report rptunion allselect 'All - Report Period - 1 year' as Category, Exits = (select coalesce (sum(lx.RowTotal), 0)from lsa_Exit lxwhere lx.ReportID = rpt.ReportIDand lx.Cohort = -1), ExitsToPH = (select coalesce (sum(lx.RowTotal), 0)from lsa_Exit lxwhere lx.ReportID = rpt.ReportIDand lx.ExitTo between 1 and 6and lx.Cohort = -1), ReturnAfterExitToPH = (select coalesce (sum(lx.RowTotal), 0)from lsa_Exit lxwhere lx.ReportID = rpt.ReportIDand lx.ExitTo between 1 and 6and lx.Cohort = -1and lx.ReturnTime <> -1)from lsa_Report rptunion allselect 'AO households - Report Period - 1 year' as Category, Exits = (select coalesce (sum(lx.RowTotal), 0)from lsa_Exit lxwhere lx.ReportID = rpt.ReportIDand lx.Cohort = -1and lx.HHType = 1), ExitsToPH = (select coalesce (sum(lx.RowTotal), 0)from lsa_Exit lxwhere lx.ReportID = rpt.ReportIDand lx.ExitTo between 1 and 6and lx.Cohort = -1and lx.HHType = 1), ReturnAfterExitToPH = (select coalesce (sum(lx.RowTotal), 0)from lsa_Exit lxwhere lx.ReportID = rpt.ReportIDand lx.ExitTo between 1 and 6and lx.Cohort = -1and lx.ReturnTime <> -1and lx.HHType = 1)from lsa_Report rptunion allselect 'AC households - Report Period - 1 year' as Category, Exits = (select coalesce (sum(lx.RowTotal), 0)from lsa_Exit lxwhere lx.ReportID = rpt.ReportIDand lx.Cohort = -1and lx.HHType = 2), ExitsToPH = (select coalesce (sum(lx.RowTotal), 0)from lsa_Exit lxwhere lx.ReportID = rpt.ReportIDand lx.ExitTo between 1 and 6and lx.Cohort = -1and lx.HHType = 2), ReturnAfterExitToPH = (select coalesce (sum(lx.RowTotal), 0)from lsa_Exit lxwhere lx.ReportID = rpt.ReportIDand lx.ExitTo between 1 and 6and lx.Cohort = -1and lx.ReturnTime <> -1and lx.HHType = 2)from lsa_Report rptunion allselect 'CO households - Report Period - 1 year' as Category, Exits = (select coalesce (sum(lx.RowTotal), 0)from lsa_Exit lxwhere lx.ReportID = rpt.ReportIDand lx.Cohort = -1and lx.HHType = 3), ExitsToPH = (select coalesce (sum(lx.RowTotal), 0)from lsa_Exit lxwhere lx.ReportID = rpt.ReportIDand lx.ExitTo between 1 and 6and lx.Cohort = -1and lx.HHType = 3), ReturnAfterExitToPH = (select coalesce (sum(lx.RowTotal), 0)from lsa_Exit lxwhere lx.ReportID = rpt.ReportIDand lx.ExitTo between 1 and 6and lx.Cohort = -1and lx.ReturnTime <> -1and lx.HHType = 3)from lsa_Report rptunion allselect 'All - Report Period First Six Months' as Category, Exits = (select coalesce (sum(lx.RowTotal), 0)from lsa_Exit lxwhere lx.ReportID = rpt.ReportIDand lx.Cohort = 0), ExitsToPH = (select coalesce (sum(lx.RowTotal), 0)from lsa_Exit lxwhere lx.ReportID = rpt.ReportIDand lx.ExitTo between 1 and 6and lx.Cohort = 0), ReturnAfterExitToPH = (select coalesce (sum(lx.RowTotal), 0)from lsa_Exit lxwhere lx.ReportID = rpt.ReportIDand lx.ExitTo between 1 and 6and lx.Cohort = 0and lx.ReturnTime <> -1)from lsa_Report rptunion allselect 'AO households - Report Period First Six Months' as Category, Exits = (select coalesce (sum(lx.RowTotal), 0)from lsa_Exit lxwhere lx.ReportID = rpt.ReportIDand lx.Cohort = 0and lx.HHType = 1), ExitsToPH = (select coalesce (sum(lx.RowTotal), 0)from lsa_Exit lxwhere lx.ReportID = rpt.ReportIDand lx.ExitTo between 1 and 6and lx.Cohort = 0and lx.HHType = 1), ReturnAfterExitToPH = (select coalesce (sum(lx.RowTotal), 0)from lsa_Exit lxwhere lx.ReportID = rpt.ReportIDand lx.ExitTo between 1 and 6and lx.Cohort = 0and lx.ReturnTime <> -1and lx.HHType = 1)from lsa_Report rptunion allselect 'AC households - Report Period First Six Months' as Category, Exits = (select coalesce (sum(lx.RowTotal), 0)from lsa_Exit lxwhere lx.ReportID = rpt.ReportIDand lx.Cohort = 0and lx.HHType = 2), ExitsToPH = (select coalesce (sum(lx.RowTotal), 0)from lsa_Exit lxwhere lx.ReportID = rpt.ReportIDand lx.ExitTo between 1 and 6and lx.Cohort = 0and lx.HHType = 2), ReturnAfterExitToPH = (select coalesce (sum(lx.RowTotal), 0)from lsa_Exit lxwhere lx.ReportID = rpt.ReportIDand lx.ExitTo between 1 and 6and lx.Cohort = 0and lx.ReturnTime <> -1and lx.HHType = 2)from lsa_Report rptunion allselect 'CO households - Report Period - 1 year' as Category, Exits = (select coalesce (sum(lx.RowTotal), 0)from lsa_Exit lxwhere lx.ReportID = rpt.ReportIDand lx.Cohort = 0and lx.HHType = 3), ExitsToPH = (select coalesce (sum(lx.RowTotal), 0)from lsa_Exit lxwhere lx.ReportID = rpt.ReportIDand lx.ExitTo between 1 and 6and lx.Cohort = 0and lx.HHType = 3), ReturnAfterExitToPH = (select coalesce (sum(lx.RowTotal), 0)from lsa_Exit lxwhere lx.ReportID = rpt.ReportIDand lx.ExitTo between 1 and 6and lx.Cohort = 0and lx.ReturnTime <> -1and lx.HHType = 3)from lsa_Report rpt/**********************************************************************5.3 Create Stored Procedure – Person-Level Demographics Report Output (Optional; no display of LSA summary data is required in HMIS applications at this time.)**********************************************************************//*DATE: 5/30/2018This will produce the following demographic report tables,depending on the @rptTable parameter: Age, Gender, Race, Ethnicity, VetStatus, DVStatusIt will generate results for the following populations, depending on the @popID and @hhtype parameters:PopIDHHTypePopulation00All01AO Households02AC Households03CO Households11AO Youth Household 18-2121AO Youth Household 22-2431AO Veteran Household32AC Veteran Household41AO Non-Veteran 25+ Household61-3Household with Chronically Homeless Adult/HoH92AC Parenting Youth Household 18-24103Parenting Child Household*/CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_lsaPersonDemographics] @popID int, @hhtype int, @rptTable varchar(12)ASBEGINselect val.textValue as Category, EST = coalesce((select sum(RowTotal)from lsa_Person estwhere est.HHTypeEST <> -1and (@hhtype = 0 or cast(est.HHTypeEST as varchar) like '%' + cast(@hhtype as varchar) + '%')and (@popID <> 1 or est.HHAdultAge = 18)and (@popID <> 2 or est.HHAdultAge = 24)and (@popID <> 3 or cast(est.HHVet as varchar) like '%' + cast(@hhtype as varchar) + '%')and (@popID <> 4 or (est.HHAdultAge in (25,55)and cast(est.HHVet as varchar) not like '%' + cast(@hhtype as varchar) + '%'))and (@popID <> 6 or cast(est.HHChronic as varchar) like '%' + cast(@hhtype as varchar) + '%')and (@popID <> 9 or (est.HHAdultAge in (18,24)and cast(est.HHParent as varchar) like '%' + cast(@hhtype as varchar) + '%'))and (@popID <> 10 or cast(est.HHParent as varchar) like '%' + cast(@hhtype as varchar) + '%')and val.intValue = case when @rptTable = 'Age' then est.Age when @rptTable = 'Gender' then est.Genderwhen @rptTable = 'Race' then est.Racewhen @rptTable = 'Ethnicity' then est.Ethnicitywhen @rptTable = 'VeteranStatus' then est.VetStatuswhen @rptTable = 'DVStatus' then est.DVStatuselse null end), 0), RRH = coalesce((select sum(RowTotal)from lsa_Person rrhwhere rrh.HHTypeRRH <> -1and (@hhtype = 0 or cast(rrh.HHTypeRRH as varchar) like '%' + cast(@hhtype as varchar) + '%')and (@popID <> 1 or rrh.HHAdultAge = 18)and (@popID <> 2 or rrh.HHAdultAge = 24)and (@popID <> 3 or cast(rrh.HHVet as varchar) like '%' + cast(@hhtype as varchar) + '%')and (@popID <> 4 or (rrh.HHAdultAge in (25,55)and cast(rrh.HHVet as varchar) not like '%' + cast(@hhtype as varchar) + '%'))and (@popID <> 6 or cast(rrh.HHChronic as varchar) like '%' + cast(@hhtype as varchar) + '%')and (@popID <> 9 or (rrh.HHAdultAge in (18,24)and cast(rrh.HHParent as varchar) like '%' + cast(@hhtype as varchar) + '%'))and (@popID <> 10 or cast(rrh.HHParent as varchar) like '%' + cast(@hhtype as varchar) + '%')and val.intValue = case when @rptTable = 'Age' then rrh.Age when @rptTable = 'Gender' then rrh.Genderwhen @rptTable = 'Race' then rrh.Racewhen @rptTable = 'Ethnicity' then rrh.Ethnicitywhen @rptTable = 'VeteranStatus' then rrh.VetStatuswhen @rptTable = 'DVStatus' then rrh.DVStatuselse null end), 0), PSH = coalesce((select sum(RowTotal)from lsa_Person pshwhere psh.HHTypePSH <> -1and (@hhtype = 0 or cast(psh.HHTypePSH as varchar) like '%' + cast(@hhtype as varchar) + '%')and (@popID <> 1 or psh.HHAdultAge = 18)and (@popID <> 2 or psh.HHAdultAge = 24)and (@popID <> 3 or cast(psh.HHVet as varchar) like '%' + cast(@hhtype as varchar) + '%')and (@popID <> 4 or (psh.HHAdultAge in (25,55)and cast(psh.HHVet as varchar) not like '%' + cast(@hhtype as varchar) + '%'))and (@popID <> 6 or cast(psh.HHChronic as varchar) like '%' + cast(@hhtype as varchar) + '%')and (@popID <> 9 or (psh.HHAdultAge in (18,24)and cast(psh.HHParent as varchar) like '%' + cast(@hhtype as varchar) + '%'))and (@popID <> 10 or cast(psh.HHParent as varchar) like '%' + cast(@hhtype as varchar) + '%')and val.intValue = case when @rptTable = 'Age' then psh.Age when @rptTable = 'Gender' then psh.Genderwhen @rptTable = 'Race' then psh.Racewhen @rptTable = 'Ethnicity' then psh.Ethnicitywhen @rptTable = 'VeteranStatus' then psh.VetStatuswhen @rptTable = 'DVStatus' then psh.DVStatuselse null end), 0)from ref_lsaValues valinner join ref_lsaColumns col on col.ColumnNumber = val.ColumnNumberand col.FileNumber = val.FileNumberinner join ref_lsaFiles f on f.FileNumber = val.FileNumberwhere col.ColumnName = @rptTableand f.FileName = 'LSAPerson'and val.intValue <> -1order by val.intValueEND ................

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