Using the below URl, go to the MSDN web site for SQLServer 2008 R2.

To complete the download, you may have to have a user-id/password set up at Microsoft. If you do not have one already, create one using your PalmBeachState email address, then sign on and perform the download. We will be downloading SQL Server 2008 Express with Tools for either 32 or 64 bit operating system.


The download is 350 meg, and you will need at least 1 gig of free disk space to complete the installation. Your computer must at least be running Windows 7. Check out the system requirements on the MSDN Web Site.

1. Once the download is complete, double click on the downloaded file (SQLEXPRWT_x86_ENU.exe) to extract the needed files and start the installation.

Once all the files have been extracted, the program will check to make sure that you have all the needed devices and disk space to complete the install. If you do not, the program may go and download additional upgraded drivers and frameworks needed for the installation.

2. Next, the program will ask what type of installation you would like to do. Choose “New SQL Server stand-alone installation or add features to an existing installation.


3. Accept the Licensing Agreement. (Make sure to uncheck the first born child clause), the click Next


4. The program will then go through a bunch more checks to make sure the installations is really going to work. Once all the check are done, it will present a screen showing what is going to be installed and where. Check all of the check boxes. (If by chance your screen shows something about a local database, do NOT check that one) Take note of the directories where the product and features are going to be installed. Then click Next.


5. The next screen will ask you what name you would like to give this instance of SQL Server. Each computer can have multiple instances installed, which can then be selected when SQL Server Management Studio is started. If you select the Default Instance, then your SQL Server will not be given a specific name. For consistency, let’s name our instance PBSC.


6. The next screen sets up which user will be used to start up the SQLServer service. You should be able to leave this as it appears. You also don’t need to worry about the Collation tab.


7. SQL Server security can either be totally based on a Windows sign-on or use separate user-id/passwords. Because we plan on accessing the database “outside” of SQL Server Management Student, we need to select “Mixed Mode”. This will create a user named “sa” (System Admin), and you can supply the password to sign on to sa. Don’t leave the sa password blank!!


8. This screen also has a tab for Data Directories. By default, the database files are stored in a directory off of the program files directory where the program itself is stored. I really don’t like that much, but it’s probably better to accept the default for now. Once we have the server up and running, we can attach a database from any location. The default is only used if we create a new directory and don’t change the location.


The program should now happily complete the installation. Once complete, find the SQL Server 2014


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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