DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATIONGREENBURY SECONDARY SCHOOLINFORMATION TECHNOLOGY2278380193040GRADE 1100GRADE 1128765528575MARCH CONTROL TEST 2018 - MEMO00MARCH CONTROL TEST 2018 - MEMOQUESTION 11.1.B1.2.C1.3.A1.4.D1.5.B1.6.A1.7.D1.8.D1.9.C1.10.BQUESTION TWOYour friend wants to buy a desktop computer for gaming and homework. However, he only has R3000 in savings and therefore decided to purchase a second hand PC from a Gumtree advert. He shows you the advert (see below) and asks your opinion on whether it is a suitable choice.You run a google search on the listed CPU and find the following specifications.Answer the questions that follow based on the information above.Name the manufacturer of the CPU. (1)Intel What does it mean if a CPU is Dual-Core?(1)There are two physical processors in that one chip.In the specifications the CPU’s clock speed is set at 3.4 GHz.How does the GHz unit of measurement relate to clock speed?(2)GHz means the number of clock cycles in one second. The higher the GHz , the higer the GHZ, the faster the clock speed.Discuss how the CPU manages to reach this speed while the motherboard system clock only runs at 100 MHz.(2)The CPU uses the clock multiplier, that is an integer multiplication of the system clock allowing the CPU to operate at a set number of times as fast as the system clock.Accept: A math calculation like 3400/100 = 34 Identify two possible methods to overclock this CPU.(2)Increase the clock multiplierIncrease the system clock (Accept increase system voltages)Name one advantage and tow disadvantages when overclocking a CPU.(3)Adv: Computer works faster making processing more efficient Improve system performanceDisadv: - overheatingComputer may prematurely shut down or stop processingData may be corrupted or lost What is the name given to the register that stores the result of each execution?(1)AccumulatorStudy the diagram below and answer the questions based on it:The arrows in the diagram represent busses. Define a bus. (1)Electronic pathways/channels that transfer dataIdentify two devices from the Gumtree advert that can be classified as I/O devices in the diagram above. (2)Hard drive and DVDWhat does FSB stand for?Give two other names for the FSB. (3)Front side bus. Internal bus and System busName and discuss the functions of the three busses that make up the FSB. (6)Data Bus – transfers data/instructions between CPU and RAMAddress Bus – Transfers the RAM memory address of the required data/instruction from CPU to RAMControl Bus – Transfers control signals such as read/write from CPU to RAMExplain what a “chipset” is. (2)A set of chips on the motherboard used to connect different components.What would one connect to the PCI-e slot in the above diagram? (1)Graphics cardExplain why PCI-e is connected through the Northbridge or PCI-e controller and not through the Southbridge or chipset. (2)The graphics card requires fast transfer rates to the CPU. The Southbridge/Chipset/PCI/DMI/ buses are too slow. How are SSD’s different from magnetic hard drives. State 3 advantages that SSD’s have over SATA and IDE drives. (4)SSD’s use electricity and there are no moving parts.Adv: - No moving parts less heat and friction generated.Uses electricity therefore it is much faster than magnetic storage.SSD’s are generally larger in disk capacity.What are the components of Access time on a disk? (2)Access time is made up of Seek time and Latency time.Cache memory is an integral part of the modern computer system. The earliest form of cache in the CPU has led to other forms of viz. Disk caching, browser caching and web caching.Describe the levels of Cache in the computer in and around the CPU by giving their location. (3)L1 – Is found inside the CPU L2 - Found outside the CPU but close to the CPU and RAML3 – Found further away from the CPU but as close to RAM as possible.Discuss the two other types of caching underlined in the statement above. (2)Disk cache – is meant to improve the time taken to read from the hard a fast access area of the Hard Disk or an area of RAM designated for this purpose. Disk cache stores recent files in the hope that it will be used again.Browser Caching – Everytime a web page is accessed, the address is stored in a browser cache in the HDD. So if you need to go to that site again it will find it quicker.Web Cache – While browser caches are usually private, being restricted to individual users, a web cache aslo callod a proxy cache. It also stores previously download webpages etc… ROM generally stores firmware. What is firmware? (2)Is typically a set an embedded instruction set to control the operation of logical hardware found in monitoring and/or control systems. Explain the purpose of GPU and how it assists the CPU. (2)It is a graphics Processing unit that speeds up graphics so that the CPU does not get slower when dealing with greater graphics. It has its own controlling circuitry and CPU so that the computer does not become overburdened. [43]QUESTION THREEThe computer needs to have a good Operating system. The choices given are between Windows 8 and Windows 10.3.1. Discuss the 3 main functions of a computers operating system.(3)3.2. Discuss how the OS uses interrupts under the following headings: Hardware interrupts(2)A hardware interrupt is sent from a device to the CPU. This is for example, when the paper is run out or cartridge/toner is low.Software interrupts(2)Software interrupts are generated by software e.g. if a program generates a division by zero. Also when RAM is used up. Also when an I/O is required.One of the key areas of managing memory by the operating system is virtual memory.3.3.1. Briefly describe what virtual memory is.(2) Virtual Memory is the use of secondary storage as part of RAM when RAM is low or run out. Data is srored in pages and accessed directly thus making slower devices cope with the overload of jobs. 3.3.2. What is the advantage of using virtual memory. (2)Prevents bottlenecks as a result of increasing jobs and there is less delay time. Many different processing techniques have been developed over the years to help the operating system and the CPU perform faster and more efficiently. Briefly describe the following processing techniques:multiprocessing(2)Many processes on one/many tasks multitasking(2)Is when there is only one processor to many taskshyperthreading(2)Two sets of registers on a single CPU3.5. Apart from any version of Windows, write down the name of TWO other operating systems you have heard of that is designed for computers.(2) Linux , Mac , iOsExplain the main difference between a printer controller and a printer drivePrinter driver is for the computer. Stored in HDDPrinter controller is circuitry and software stored on printer that controls the functions of the computer.(2)Name and discuss the four steps in the Machine Cycle.(8)Explain the meaning of the term “Hot Swapping/Hot Plugging” and give an example.(2)When you are allowed to add a device or remove a device without switching off or restarting. What do the following acronyms stand for?IRQ(1)Interrupt request/Interrupt request line/Interrupt request queryOSS(1)Open source softwareState the difference between source code and machine code respectively.(2)Source code – is program language in a HLL e.g. Delphi, JavaMachine code – program translated into a LLL so the computer will understand and execute it. State two differences between the operating system of mobile devices and desktop or laptop computers.(2)Smartphones have a smaller operating with less capabilities.OS is meant to run only small apps.[37]TOTAL = 90 ÷ 3 x 2 = 60 ................

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