Minutes .us

|Attendance: |

|SSIS staff: Jean Swanson Broberg, Lisa Litchfield, Pam Hodgson, Chuck Emerson-Henry, Bryan Bright, Kenny Christenson, Kim Lunz, Amy Lembcke |

| |

|Agency staff: Kathy Melvin (Hubbard/2), Dave Hemmila (St. Louis/3), Rachel Brause (Clay/4), Staci Stoner (Morrison/5), Charlotte Hand (Kandiyohi/6), Deb Clem|

|(SWHHS/8), Wendy Morton (Waseca/9), Marcia Hitz (Wabasha/10), Jodi Kennedy (Washington/11), Cynthia Carlson (Hennepin/12), Susan Salinas (Hennepin/12), |

|Kendrick Lewis (Hennepin/12), Kelly Fogarty (Hennepin/12), Jenny Neujahr (Ramsey/13), Jim Koepfer (Ramsey/13), Kim Young (Ramsey/13) |

| |

|Absent: SSIS Staff: Sue Kretchmer, Tammy Huberty, Joanne Anderson, Nan Beman, Janet Bowman |

|Agency Staff: Peggy Vizenor (Polk/1), Brenda Mahoney (Stearns/7), Naomi Start (Hennepin/12), Earl Robinson (Leech Lake Band), Mary Gagnon (White Earth Band) |

|Topic |Discussion |Action |

|SSIS Update |Addressing issues with the Document Editor has been the highest priority item. | |

| | | |

| |With Version 13.1: | |

| |All of the lost text issues should be resolved. | |

| |All state plans have been updated to the new state plan format. | |

| |New reporting of referrals for early intervention services for children under the age of three | |

| |involved with a completed child maltreatment assessment. This will allow the state to meet federal | |

| |reporting requirements for the number of children eligible for referral, and the number referred. | |

| |New medication tracking screen available, which will allow for auto-filling into OHPP and IFCSP plans| |

| |in V13.2 | |

|Current Performance Issues / |Tom Kine, SSIS Application Architecture & Development Supervisor reported: | |

|Technical Challenges |We recognize performance is an issue. | |

| |Necessary architecture upgrades in V11.4 and Delphi upgrades made the application larger as well as | |

| |the data, which caused performance issues. | |

| |V11.4 also contained the documents redesign with those associated problems, which caused resource and| |

| |staffing issues. Resolving document/editor issues took precedence. | |

| |With the V13.1 release, many of the document issues are resolved, freeing up resources to focus on | |

| |improving performance. | |

| |Some steps have already been taken regarding performance: | |

| |Workstation recommendations are available on CountyLink at: | |

| |2012 Workstation Recommendations | |

| | | |

| |Site visits have been made to study networks that are working well to try to determine what settings | |

| |make a difference. | |

| |Assistance from agency staff is crucial; we need specific details about performance issues to focus | |

| |our efforts. | |

| |Please report conflicts with other applications running on the same workstation. | |

| |A handout regarding settings on Windows 7 that can be adjusted to optimize performance is available: | |

| |Testing shows SSIS Clients work on Windows 7 | |

| |Question: Is there a similar list for optimizing performance for Windows XP? SSIS staff does not | |

| |think so. | |

| |Hennepin has experienced some issues using SSIS wirelessly (mostly workers trying to use it from | |

| |home). This poses a problem since they are moving toward a more mobile workforce using laptops. | |

| |Alternately, Morrison reported that they have few wireless issues. | |

| | | |

| |Requests: | |

| |Give more lead time on workstation requirements in the future. | |

| |Form an IT Group with SSIS and local agencies. (Tom noted there was a group like this early on, but | |

| |it has not been active for years.) | |

| |Tom is trying to get more conversations going with local agency technical staff, but hasn’t had great| |

| |response. We have updated our agency technical contact list. Tom would like to get on the agenda at | |

| |MCCC (Minnesota Counties Computer Cooperative). | |

| | | |

| |Tom Kine is available for contact/questions, and noted that agency technical staff can always call | |

| |the SSIS Help Line and ask to speak to someone from the technical team. | |

|Performance Tips |Site visits have identified tips to improve performance on individual workstations: | |

| |Have workers shut down or re-start their computers at least once a day to allow for system updates, | |

| |etc. | |

| |Keep magnets away from workstations (e.g., jewelry, decorative magnets). | |

| |Have workers log out of SSIS when leaving their desk for extended periods of time – for meetings, | |

| |etc. | |

| |Close all screens in SSIS before closing SSIS. (Use Window>Close All menu option.) This prevents | |

| |longer start-up times the next time SSIS is opened. | |

| | | |

| |Limit the number of programs running at the same time. Workers have reported performance issues when | |

| |having multiple instances of SSIS running at the same time, or accessing other systems at the same | |

| |time as SSIS (MAXIS, PRISM, etc.). | |

|SSIS Interfaces with Other |Chuck Emerson-Henry, SSIS Systems Analyst, reported: | |

|DHS Systems / Impacts on |SSIS has been increasing the number of interfaces with other systems. | |

|Development |All interfaces connect through the SWNDX server, since it connects | |

| |to all local agencies. (handout provided) | |

| |Interfaces have implications for design and development since other systems have their own | |

| |priorities, timelines, and resource issues. | |

| |Research is in process regarding implications of the centralization of SSIS servers. | |

| |Systems modernization efforts (using Cúram as the platform): | |

| |SSIS is scheduled in Phase Four of the modernization process. SSIS has been looking at gap analysis; | |

| |however, we are likely a couple of state fiscal cycles away from knowing any details or being able to| |

| |analyze how it may work for SSIS. There are possibilities for improving data integration, though data| |

| |privacy issues will still dictate what can/should be shared. The functionality that is available in | |

| |SSIS at the time of the analysis will be the baseline for the expected functionality that a new | |

| |platform must support. | |

|Successes/ Challenges in |Some representatives are getting good feedback, especially on what people don’t like. |Lisa – will contact |

|Eliciting Regional Feedback |Reps are more likely to get responses from staff in their own agency than from others in their |mentors if WAG members |

| |region. |let her know of agencies |

| |Some great feedback has come from direct line workers. |who have not responded |

| |(How can we make sure to reach them?) | |

| |Many felt that the first email did not elicit much response, but later follow-up messages were | |

| |better. | |

| |People seem more likely to respond when it is closer to the WAG meeting time. | |

| |How do we make sure we get ideas from areas/workers outside of CW/CP? | |

| |Let SSIS know of any ideas or areas where you need assistance with contacts. | |

|Topic |Discussion |Action |

|Groupings in Wish List |Pam Hodgson, SSIS Systems Analyst, reported: |Lisa – Send a document |

| |SSIS staff added Module and Category columns on the Wish List. |that explains the Modules|

| | |& Categories that the WAG|

| |The Module refers to a functional area used in SSIS (such as Intake, Child Maltreatment, Placement, |participants can send out|

| |etc.). |with the updated Wish |

| | |List |

| |The Category provides another way to group the requests and helps to discern patterns of issues that | |

| |exist across modules. Category examples are: | |

| |Ease of use: quick adds, intuitive, time saving | |

| |Navigation: getting from here to there, too many clicks | |

| |Accuracy: correctness, cohesiveness, fix bugs | |

| |Completeness: adding things, and sometimes removing items or requirements | |

| |Audio/video/image: storage of, access to | |

| |Performance: faster | |

| |EDMS: Electronic Document Management System, scan documents | |

| |Legislation: things that may require legislation to accomplish, or things newly legislated that | |

| |require priority attention | |

| |Misc. | |

|MISC. |Demo of the Medication screen – plans for merging medication info into service plans in V13.2 |Lisa – mentor handout for|

| |Demo of the Infant & Toddler Intervention screen – Lisa will do a mentor handout |Infant & Toddler |

| |On SDM Strengths & Needs Assessment, on the Child tabs, can help text be added to the question |Intervention |

| |“Referral for early childhood developmental screening” to explain the difference between No and Not | |

| |required? Or could this question be removed from the tool to prevent duplicate entry? |Added as wish list item #|

| |Question: What is the difference between the Infant & Toddler Intervention screening and the |147 |

| |Children’s Mental Health Screening. Answer: They are based in two different laws. The federal | |

| |Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Part C, and Minnesota Statutes, section 626.556, | |

| |subd.10n, require a referral to early intervention services for all children under age three who are | |

| |involved in a substantiated case of maltreatment. Minnesota Statutes, section 245.4874, subd. | |

| |1(a)(14) requires children’s mental health screening for all children in out-of-home placement or | |

| |receiving child protective services, unless one has been performed within the previous 180 days or | |

| |the child is under the care of a mental health professional. | |

| |All State Service Plans will be in the new format in V13.1. The new plan menu option will be | |

| |available for local agency plans only. State service plans in draft status at the time the agency | |

| |received V13.1 can still be edited/worked on until the plan is activated. Workers will not be able to| |

| |copy the old state service plans into the new format. | |

|Wish List Review |New Wish List items and edits/additions to existing Wish List items discussed at the meeting will be | |

| |added to the Wish List Document. | |

| |Only items discussed that require an action are listed here. |Hennepin – bring back |

| |Item # 28 – More adult items on court screens |possible options |

| |Item # 94 – date issues on the maltreatment report node may be caused by differences between the | |

| |server date/time and the workstation date/time. Workstation date/time can be changed to match the |SSIS Staff – include in |

| |server date/time. |an Update article |

| |Item # 109 – Automate the “empty data cache” function | |

| |Item # 123 – Court screen problems (especially dismissals), losing court information |SSIS Staff – check with |

| | |help desk about |

| | |frequency, etc. |

| | | |

| | |Susan Salinas -send in |

| | |more info |

|Next Steps for WAG Members |Send out letter, wish list, and meeting notes to contact lists. Encourage them to seek items from | |

| |line staff. | |

|Future issues |Related to Wish List item # 82 - Ken Lewis remembers seeing a diagram of numbers of bugs found during|SSIS Staff: Locate |

| |testing vs. pilot vs. statewide. He found it helpful and felt it would be good to share with the WAG |diagram and bring to |

| |group. |future meeting |

|Next Meeting |Group requested another meeting in six weeks to continue reviewing Wish List items. | |

| | | |

| |Meeting is scheduled for Monday March 18, 2013 in room 3148. | |

|01/30/2013 SSIS Worker Advisory Group |

|Meeting Debrief |

|Key: OI = Overall Impression DW = Did Well DB = Do Better |

|OI |Not enough time | |

|OI |Interesting to hear how agencies do things differently | |

|OI |Limitations of SSIS – not everything can or should be inside SSIS (topic area?) | |

|DW |Lunch good | |

|DW |Comfortable room | |

|DW |Liked having computer/projector available to view SSIS | |

|DW |Likes dealing with things in the meeting | |

|DW |Lots of staff attending / experience in the room | |

|DW |Nice to know up front when requests aren’t “reality” | |

|DW |Diagram of interfaces helped | |

|DW |Listened well | |

|DW |Good representation from program areas | |

|DW |Amazing staff, knowledgeable | |

|DW |Everyone participates | |

|DB |Can’t problem solve in this meeting – need to keep moving | |

|DB |Next meeting in six weeks since we have things to cover | |

|DB |Move meeting along | |

|DB |Difference between PR, Enhancement Request, Wish List | |

|DB |Provide water | |


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