
Ocean Data Interoperability Platform

Deliverable D2.4: Minutes of the 2nd ODIP Workshop

|Work Package |WP2 |ODIP workshops |

|Author (s) |Sissy Iona |HCMR |

|Author (s) |Dick Schaap |MARIS |

|Author (s) | | |

|Author (s) | | |

|Authorized by | | |

|Reviewer | | |

|Doc Id |ODIP_WP2_D2.4 |

|Dissemination Level |PUBLIC |

|Issue |3.0 |

|Date |1 March 2014 |

|Document History |

|Version |Author(s) |Status |Date |Comments |

|1.0 |Sissy Iona (HCMR) |DRAFT | 8 February 2014 |First draft |

| |Dick Schaap | | | |

|2.0 |Dick Schaap |DRAFT |18 February 2014 |Processing edits by Tobias Spears|

|3.0 |Dick Schaap |FINAL DRAFT |1 March 2014 |Processing suggestions and |

| | | | |comments received from many |

| | | | |colleagues |

| | | | | |


Executive Summary 4

1 Introduction 5

2 List of Participants 6

3 Workshop Agenda 8

4 Workshop proceedings 13

5 Proposed follow-up and actions 30

Executive Summary

The 2nd ODIP Workshop took place on 3 - 6 December 2013 in La Jolla, USA at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO), UCSD. Almost 50 people from Europe, USA and Australia attended including representatives from IODE. In addition to those attending the meeting in person a number of additional participants joined the meeting remotely. The lively discussion and brainstorming took place around the 3 ODIP Prototype projects that had been formulated as outcome of the 1st ODIP Workshop, which took place in February 2013. The minutes of that 1st ODIP Workshop can be retrieved from the ODIP Portal (). Furthermore 2 more topics were included that had been identified and prioritized by the ODIP project partners.

The main topics addressed were:

← ODIP Prototype Project 1: Establishing interoperability between SeaDataNet CDI, US NODC, and IMOS MCP Data Discovery and Access services, making use of a brokerage service, towards interacting with the IODE-ODP en GEOSS portals

← ODIP Prototype Project 2: Establishing deployment and interoperability between Cruise Summary reporting systems in Europe, US and Australia, making possible use of GeoNetwork, towards interacting with the POGO portal

• ODIP Prototype Project 3: Establishing a prototype for a Sensor Observation Service (SOS) and formulating common O&M and SensorML profiles for selected sensors (SWE), installed at vessels and in real-time monitoring systemsODIP Prototype Project 1

• Vocabularies

• Data publication and citation

This deliverable reports on the organisation, participation, proceedings and outcomes of the 2nd ODIP Workshop. It concludes with a list of additional actions that have come out of the Workshop discussions in addition to the activities planned for the further development of the 3 ODIP Prototype projects and the planned Deliverables. Their actual development is a joint activity undertaken by ODIP partners leveraging on the activities of current regional projects and initiatives such as SeaDataNet (EU), IMOS (Australia) and R2R (USA). The Workshop also identified potential for possible one or two extra ODIP Prototype projects. This is going to be explored further.

The 3rd ODIP Workshop is planned to take place at AIMS, Australia in August 2014. The focus of this meeting will on presenting and discussing the progress of the ODIP prototypes under development as well as possible brainstorming on a number of additional topics such as big data, cloud computing, and data quality.

1. Introduction

The Ocean Data Interoperability Platform (ODIP) project aims to establish an EU / USA / Australia/ IOC-IODE coordination platform, the objective of which is to develop interoperability between existing regional marine e-infrastructures to create a global framework for marine and ocean data management, and to demonstrate this coordination through several joint EU-USA-Australia-IOC/IODE prototypes that demonstrate effective sharing of data across scientific domains, organisations and national boundaries.

ODIP will convene four workshops during which the project partners and other invited experts will review and compare existing marine data standards in order to identify major differences between them, and propose how to overcome these through the development of interoperability solutions and/or common standards.

The 2nd ODIP Workshop took place on 3 - 6 December 2013 in La Jolla, USA at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO), UCSD. It was organised and hosted by SIO-UCSD. There was discussion and brainstorming around the 3 ODIP Prototype projects that had been formulated as outcome of the 1st ODIP Workshop, February 2013. Furthermore 2 more topics were included that had been identified and prioritized by the ODIP project partners.

2. List of Participants

As part of the ODIP project an extensive mailing list is maintained of experts representing the ODIP project partners and their associated projects and initiatives. This list together with the ODIP website was used to invite participants for the second ODIP Workshop. Moreover a draft agenda was circulated and amended over time to support the invitation process. As a result 54 attendees from 11 countries took part in the 2nd ODIP Workshop (7 of them participated remotely by WebEx). They were:

Robert ARKO LDEO, United States

Irina BASTRAKOVA Geoscience Australia, Australia

Rita BAUER SIO-UCSD, United States

Sergey BELOV RIHMI-WDC, Russian Federation

Justin BUCK NERC-BODC, United Kingdom

Thierry CARVAL IFREMER, France

Cyndy CHANDLER WHOI, United States

Yanning CHEN RPI/TWC, United States

Dru CLARK SIO-UCSD, United States

Simon COX CSIRO, Australia

Karien de CAUWER

MUMM, Belgium

Steve DIGGS SIO-UCSD, United States


Nkem DOCKERY FSU COAPS, United States


Renata FERREIRA SIO-UCSD, United States

Linyun FU RPI/TWC, United States

Jeff GEE SIO-UCSD, United States

Helen GLAVES NERC-BGS, United Kingdom

John GRAYBEAL Marine Explore, United States

Sissy IONA HCMR, Greece

Matthias LANKHORST SIO-UCSD, United States


Roy LOWRY BODC, United Kingdom


Sebastian MANCINI UTAS, Australia

Steve MILLER UCSD, United States

Stefano NATIVI CNR-IAA, Italy

Mohamed OUBERDOUS ULG, Belgium


Jay PEARLMAN IEEE, United States

Francoise PEARLMAN IEEE, United States

Anna POTTER Geoscience Australia, Australia


Dick SCHAAP MARIS, Netherlands

Serge SCORY MUMM, Belgium

Adam SHEPHERD WHOI, United States


Shawn SMITH FSU COAPS, United States

Derrick SNOWDEN NOAA/US IOOS, United States


Karen STOCKS SIO-UCSD, United States

Aaron SWEENEY SIO-UCSD, United States

Tobias SPEARS DFO-BIO, Canada

Rob VAN EDE TNO, Netherlands

Sytze VAN HETEREN TNO, Netherlands

Matteo VINCI OGS, Italy

Lesley WYBORN Geoscience Australia, Australia

The participants of the 2nd ODIP workshop represented a good cross-section of the relevant EU, USA and Australian regional infrastructure projects and initiatives that are stakeholders of the ODIP project. There was also representation from the international IOC-IODE Ocean Data Portal (ODP) project.

Workshop Agenda

The second ODIP workshop had a major focus on the three ODIP Prototype development projects that are currently being undertaken by the ODIP partners following the outcomes of the first workshop. The programme included a dedicated session for each prototype development project. Therefore the ODIP Prototype project leaders had each prepared a sub agenda of relevant presentations and speakers, giving an overview of the Prototype project objectives, and the related situations in the three regions (Europe, USA and Australia). This was followed by a discussion and brainstorming on the possible implementation plans.

Furthermore two additional discussion topics were included in the meeting programme. These topics had been identified and prioritized by the ODIP project partners beforehand. Also here topic leaders had been appointed that had compiled a sub agenda of relevant presentations and speakers, again from the three regions.

The overall workshop agenda was circulated to all ODIP partners by e-mail before the workshop and also published on the public ODIP website.

Workshop Topics

|Session |Title |Leader |

|1 |ODIP Prototype project 1 |Dick Schaap |

|2 |ODIP Prototype project 2 |Bob Arko |

|3 |ODIP Prototype project 3 |Sebastian Mancini |

|4 |Vocabularies |Roy Lowry, Simon Cox, John Graybeal|

|5 |Data publishing and citation |Cyndy Chandler, Justin Buck, Lesley|

| | |Wyborn |

|6 |Feedback on sessions |Session leaders |

|7 |Workshop wrap-up |Helen Glaves |

During the Workshop a further detailing took place, which is given below.


Tuesday, 3 December 2013

8:15 – 8.45 Registration

8.45 - 8.55 Welcome by Jeff Gee (Deputy Director SIO-UCSD)

8.55 - 9.10 Workshop logistics by Karen Stocks and Rita Bauer (SIO-UCSD)

9.10 - 9.30 Introduction participants and their expectations for this workshop

9.30 - 9.45 Overview of the ODIP project by Helen Glaves (NERC-BGS)

Session 1: ODIP Prototype Project 1

9.45 - 10.00 Introduction by Dick Schaap (EU)

10.00 - 11.00 Base services:

• EU CDI Data Discovery and Access service by Dick Schaap (EU)

• USA NODC Data Discovery and Access service by Norm Hall - Ken Casey (USA)

• Australia IMOS Data Discovery and Access service by Sebastien Mancini (Australia)

11.00 - 11.30 Target services:

• GEOSS portal by Jay Pearlman (IEEE)

• IODE Ocean Data Portal by Sergey Belov and Tobias Spears (IODE)

11.30 - 11.45 Brokerage service concept by Stefano Nativi (CNR)

11.45 - 12.00 Possible activities and workplan for ODIP Prototype project 1 by Dick Schaap (EU)

12.00 - 13.00 Discussion and brainstorming lead by Dick Schaap (EU)

13.00 - 14.00 Lunch

Session 2: ODIP Prototype Project 2

14.00 - 14.15 Introduction by Bob Arko (USA)

14.15 - 16.00 Presentations and discussion:

• SeaDataNet CSR, POGO and Eurofleets - Sissy Iona (EU)

• Use of GeoNetwork for harvesting CSR - Thomas Loubrieu (EU)

• German data portal - Ana Macario (EU)

• Cruise metadata in Australia (MNF) - Sebastien Mancini (Australia)

• R2R - Cruise reports in USA - Bob Arko (USA)

16.00 - 17.00 Discussion and brainstorming lead by Bob Arko (USA)

End day 1

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Session 3: ODIP Prototype Project 3

9.00 - 9.30 Introduction by Sebastien Mancini (Australia)

9.30 - 12.00 Presentations and discussion:

• What’s happening in Australia - Sebastien Mancini (Australia)

• What’s happening in the USA - Derrick Snowden (USA)

• What’s happening in EU - Jordi Sorribas (EU)

• SOS and 52North - Simon Jirka (52North)

• O&M and SensorML update - Simon Cox (Australia)

12.00 - 13.00 Discussion and brainstorming lead by Sebastien Mancini (Australia)

13.00 - 14.00 Lunch

Session 4: Vocabularies

14.00 - 15.30 Presentations and discussion lead by Roy Lowry (EU), Simon Cox (Australia) and John Graybeal (USA)

• What’s happening in Europe - Roy Lowry (EU)

• What’s happening in the Australia - Simon Cox (Australia)

• What’s happening in USA - John Graybeal (USA)

15.30 - 16.00 Checking status of actions from ODIP 1st Workshop - lead by Roy Lowry (EU)

• Harmonisation for event logging on research vessels - Karien de Cauwer (EU) and Cyndy Chandler (USA)

• Possible use of GMX:Anchor - Thomas Loubrieu (EU)

16.00 - 17.00 Discussion and brainstorming lead by Roy Lowry (EU), Simon Cox (Australia) and John Graybeal (USA)

End day 2

Thursday, 5 December 2013

Session 5: Data publication and citation

9.00 - 13.00 Presentations and discussion lead by Cyndy Chandler (USA), Justin Buck (EU) and Lesley Wyborn (Australia)

• ANDS Research Data Citation - Lesley Wyborn (Australia)

• ESRI developments - Dawn Wright (ESRI)

• What's happening in Europe - Justin Buck (EU)

• Data Citation in USA - Cyndy Chandler (USA)

12.00 - 13.00 Discussion and brainstorming lead by Cyndy Chandler (USA), Justin Buck (EU) and Lesley Wyborn (Australia)

13.00 - 14.00 Lunch

Session 4: Vocabularies - continued

14.00 - 17.00 Discussions lead by Roy Lowry (EU), Simon Cox (Australia) and John Graybeal (USA)

End day 3

Friday, 6 December 2013

Session 6: Feedback on sessions

9:00 – 10:00 ODIP prototype development projects

Feedback from each group on activities during the workshop:

• ODIP 1 - Dick Schaap(EU)

• ODIP 2 - Bob Arko (USA)

• ODIP 3 - Sebastien Mancini (Australia)

10:00 – 10:30 Session 4 report:

• Vocabularies - Simon Cox (Australia) and Roy Lowry (EU)

Session 7: Workshop wrap-up

10:30 – 11:00 Further potential prototype projects (D3.4) - Helen Glaves (ODIP co-ordinator)

11:30 – 12:00 Workshop summary - Dick Schaap (ODIP Technical co-ordinator)

12:00 – 12:30 Plans for next 8 months - Helen Glaves (Co-ordinator)

12:30 – 12:45 3rd ODIP workshop - Sissy Iona (EU)

12:45 – 13:00 Closing remarks - Helen Glaves (Co-ordinator)

13:00 – 14:00 Lunch

Closure of the 2nd ODIP Workshop

Workshop proceedings

All presentations and associated videos are available at the ODIP website () under the “Workshops” menu option. The presentations and video's are hosted by IODE at:

There is also a short link on the ODIP website on the 2nd Workshop page at:

Opening of the Workshop

The 2nd ODIP Workshop was held on the 3 - 6 December 2013 at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography. The meeting was opened by Jeff Gee, Deputy Director of SIO-UCSD. He welcomed everyone to the meeting and gave background about SIO, its organisation and activities, including involvement in international oceanography projects and research infrastructures. This was followed by a welcome by Karen Stocks of SIO-UCSD, who together with Rita Bauer (SIO-UCSD) explained the local logistics of the Workshop and the arrangements regarding remote WebEx participation and oral recordings of each presentation. These have been posted together with the slide presentations by SIO-UCSD at a Dropbox account and thereafter downloaded and posted on-line via the IODE portal for permanent access. The IODE portal address is accessible via the ODIP website.

Helen Glaves, ODIP-Coordinator, welcomed all participants on behalf of the coordinators. She noted that there was a good cross section of attendees from around the world including representatives from IODE. She then invited participants present in the room and also joining on-line to introduce themselves before starting with the agenda.

Overview of the ODIP project

Helen Glaves (HG) presented an overview of the ODIP project, its concept, the objectives, activities and structure, as well as its developments so far. HG urged that wider dissemination is an important task in the project, which is being implemented among others through active involvement in the Research Data Alliance (RDA), Marine Data Harmonization Group (Simon Cox is member). HG summarised the 1st ODIP Workshop, which treated 6 ODIP topics and which resulted in a long list of potential actions. Following the Workshop proceedings this has been the basis for the formulation of 3 ODIP Prototype projects by the ODIP Technical coordinator and which has been accepted by the ODIP Steering Committee..

ODIP Prototypes introduction

Dick Schaap (DS), ODIP Technical Coordinator, summarised the motivation behind the ODIP activities. This concerns comparing and analysing standards and best practices in EU, USA and Australia; developing interoperability solutions between existing infrastructures; developing together common standards, where possible, especially in new domains such as Sensor Web Enablement (SWE); establishing global discovery and exchange of marine and ocean data, between regional infrastructures and towards GEOSS, Ocean Data Portal (ODP) and POGO. DS also highlighted the chosen technical approach by means of formulating ODIP Prototype projects, which will be implemented leveraging on the activities of current regional projects and initiatives such as SeaDataNet (EU), IMOS (Australia) and R2R (USA). ODIP provides the communication and exchange platform where partners can meet, discuss and tune their development activities. DS underpinned that this in practice is quite abstract and challenging, also considering large distances, differences in time zones and no regular meetings. The 3 ODIP Prototype projects, so far formulated and agreed are:

← ODIP 1: Establishing interoperability between SeaDataNet CDI, US NODC, and IMOS MCP Data Discovery and Access services, making use of a brokerage service, towards interacting with the IODE-ODP en GEOSS portals

← ODIP 2: Establishing deployment and interoperability between Cruise Summary reporting systems in Europe, US and Australia, making possible use of GeoNetwork, towards interacting with the POGO portal

← ODIP 3: Establishing a prototype for a Sensor Observation Service (SOS) and formulating common O&M and SensorML profiles for selected sensors (SWE), installed at vessels and in real-time monitoring systems.

The character of the 3 ODIP Prototype projects is quite different. ODIP 1 aims at a full scale contents contribution of metadata and data from Europe, USA and Australia to ODP and GEO, including research on data brokerage. ODIP 2 aims at a full scale contents contribution of Cruise Summary Reporting (CSR) and Cruise Programmes from Europe, USA and Australia to the POGO portal, including research on harvesting possibly using GeoNetwork, common vocabs, and innovation of linked data and direct linking to onboard cruise event systems. While ODIP 3 is aiming at building up experience with SWE and developing a number of common standards; mastering the technology, developing guidance for deployment and formulating and demonstrating a number of common standards.

Another key point is that the ODIP Prototypes 1 and 2 will not deliver self-standing ODIP portals which might compete with ongoing portal initiatives, but will contribute to ongoing global portal initiatives such as IODE-ODP, GEOSS and POGO and will facilitate bundling and tuning ongoing actions in regional projects and initiatives towards these global initiatives. ODIP Prototype 3 has major potential for common standards.

Seeking a balance in the ODIP partnership each region (Europe, USA, and Australia) is contributing to each ODIP Prototype project. Moreover each project is lead by a different region:

• ODIP 1 by Europe through SeaDataNet (MARIS)

• ODIP 2 by USA through R2R (LDEO)

• ODIP 3 by Australia through AODN (UTAS)

Session 1: ODIP Prototype project 1

DS introduces that ODIP 1 will be based upon the regional data discovery and access services of SeaDataNet CDI service (Europe), US NODC service (USA), and MCP service (Australia). The aim is to establish metadata exchange between these 3 regional services and each towards the global GEO and IODE ODP portals. Furthermore it has been decided to make use of brokerage service concept.

Base services:

• SeaDataNet CDI service:

DS presents the key features of the SeaDataNet Common Data Index (CDI) service in Europe, which nowadays counts more than 90 connected data centres from 34 countries riparian to European seas. It covers already more than 1.3 million data sets with global coverage for a wide range of marine disciplines. Further development and population takes place through engagement in multiple European projects. CDI is marine profile of ISO 19115 content model and XML encoding now follows ISO 19139 and is fully INSPIRE compliant. Use is made of controlled vocabularies where possible. Tools are available for preparing metadata and data entries in agreed formats (ODV ASCII, NetCDF (CF), and others) AND services are in place for import of CDI entries, discovery and accessing of data sets that are managed by the distributed data centres. Access takes place by means of a shopping basket mechanism with tracking and tracing system of request processing and downloading. Various interoperability services are available on the metadata, such as WMS, WFS, CS-W and service bindings in CDI for supporting SWE and visualisations. Further work is on going for OpenSearch and GeoNetwork metadata harvesting. The CDI Shopping system now also features a robot harvester for maintaining buffers of specific data sets for specific user communities with controlled access.

• US NODC service:

Ken Casey (KC) presents the key features of the US NODC service in USA. It covers in-situ, satellite and models data. Its volume is more than 150 Terabytes. All collections have metadata as FGDC and ISO 19115-2. Distinction is made in granules (comparable to CDI) and collections (groups of granules). These are linked by identifiers. NODC counts more than 150.000 collections with a global coverage for a wide range of marine disciplines. These are available via OAI-PMH. Both collections and granules are also accessible by a range of services: Geoportal REST API and web interface, CSW, and OpenSearch. The related data sets are accessible via HTTP, FTP, LAS, ArcGIS, OpenDAP, and TDS. Data are available in range of formats, but preferred is CF-compliant netCDF-4 with templates for feature types. There is currently no user authentication/registration system, but it may be needed in the future for some specific services. US NODC maintains and makes use of a range of vocabularies, where it is experimenting with SKOS. Options for sharing the metadata are: harvesting directly from WAFs, retrieving multiple response formats (HTML, JSON, etc.) from Geoportal REST API and web interface, and using OAI-PMH for collections. US NODC has good experience with CS-W performance for > 1 million granules.

US NODC also maintains a People vocabulary. This leads to discussion about such systems: LDAP - ORCID, IODE OceanExpert.

• AODN MCP service:

Sebastien Mancini (SM) presented the key features of the Australian Ocean Data Network MCP service in Australia. AODN is a national network of organisations (government and science) and recently New Zealand has joined too. The AODN web portal provides overview and access to the data sets as collected and managed. The Marine Community Profile (MCP) metadata format is based upon ISO 19115 - 19139. GeoNetwork is used for the discovery (CSW) and mapping (WMS) services, while WFS and OpenDAP (TDS) are used for downloading. GeoNetwork is also used for harvesting between the data providers and AODN portal. The data format is NetCDF (CF). There is open access and no registration. The discovery service is well functioning. There is no shopping cart (yet) for data access. AODN builds and maintains its own vocabularies, thereby adopting also from others such as GCMD and BODC. Development of a faceted search is in progress. The CSW at present works on collection level which encompasses ca 20.000 collections. SM highlights how the concept of a parameter is used in AODN metadata, adopting the Observations & Measurements (O&M) model.

Simon Cox (SC) suggested making use of a Universal Identifier (UID) between metadata and associated data sets, which should help all discovery and access services.

Target services:

• GEOSS portal:

Jay Pearlman (JP) presented the GEOSS portal as one of the global services that will receive dynamic population from each of the 3 regional services (Europe, USA, and Australia) as part of the ODIP Prototype 1. JP gives background on the GEO initiative (2002 G8) which is charged with developing the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) and for 9 societal benefit areas. Earth Observation Systems should be coordinated and shared internationally to answer Society’s need for informed decision making. GEO can be seen as a framework to promote international cooperation. It nowadays has 11 Communities of Practice, including the Ocean and Coastal Zone, but there are also other COPs which have relevance for the marine domain. GEO is not a funding mechanism but its global cooperation inspires research programmes. JP emphasizes the recent Blue Planet initiative which provides great opportunities and which will underpin calls in for example the Horizon 2020 programme of the European Commission. The GEOSS portal makes use of the GEO Common Infrastructure which gives Discovery and Access Broker and Resource Registration for Earth observations data, information and services towards the 9 societal areas. At present GEOSS has 20 major data provider infrastructures connected, including SeaDataNet, and gives overview and potential access to ~7 million collections and 65 million granules. Access to additional collections and granules is underway. Also more development continues with contributions of CNR (Italy).

Simon Cox (SC) brought forward that GEOSS is adopting the Observations & Measurements model for which it makes use of vocabularies for observations. It supports making relations with other vocabularies.

• IODE Ocean Data Portal (ODP)

Tobias Spears (TS) and Sergey Belov (SB) together presented the IODE Ocean Data Portal (ODP) which is another global service that will receive dynamic population from each of the 3 regional services as part of the ODIP Prototype 1. The International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE) of UNESCO-IOC was established in 1961 and strives to enhance marine research, exploitation, and development through exchange of data and information between member states. The ODP initiative started in 2007 to facilitate discovery, evaluation and access to data. It not only aims at data users, but also at providing capacities and facilities for data providers. Discovery makes use of GeoNetwork and dedicated ODP services. Supported protocols are: CSW 2, OAI-PMH, SRU, OGC WxS, WebDav, THREDDS (GeoNetwork based), HTTP REST, SOAP, JSON, RSS/ATOM. The ODP Vocabulary is based on SeaDataNet Vocabularies with some extensions for climatology and other fields. Data access comprises both pull and push services. Data pull by HTTP REST and SOAP (online mode) and Data push by FTP and email (online, delayed).The metadata follows the ISO19... family. ODP has native support for native support for Single Sign On (SSO) authorization and authentication but this is not enabled yet. For the ODIP 1 perspective one could consider the 3 regional services as IODE ODP Associated Data Units (ADU) which includes metadata exchange and then data access through the metadata (URI-based via portal or direct). The metadata exchange could use CSW.

SB then gave some background on the technical development of the ODP infrastructure which is undertaken by a gift in kind of the Russian Federation and largely based upon the Unified State System of Information on the World Ocean – ESIMO (Russia). ESIMO nowadays connects 35 organizations around the country, 12 Ministries and agencies including Russian Academy of Science.

For the implementation of the ODIP Prototype 1 use will be made of the brokerage service concept (at metadata level).

• Brokerage service concept

Stefano Nativi (SN) presented the brokerage service concept. There are many multi-disciplinary and multi-organisational data and information infrastructures which are heterogeneous in their realms, interoperability and organisation. So there is an ecosystem of autonomous infrastructures. The aim is to realise a community of communities by the systems of systems approach. Despite the large heterogeneity this can be achieved by building on the autonomous infrastructures and using 2 main interoperability implementations: 1) standardisation by means of federation and 2) intermediation by means of brokerage. The brokerage approach has many benefits, such as it lowers barriers for acceptance by existing repositories, it accelerates interconnection and it removes the need to impose common specifications. This concept was further developed in the EU FP7 EURO-GEOSS project and then adopted for GEOSS with the results as earlier highlighted by Jay Pearlman in his GEO presentation. The concept is being further developed in the USA NSF Advanced Cooperative Arctic Data and Information Service (ACADIS) project a.o. NASA, the USA NSF Brokering Building Blocks for Earth Cube (BCUBE) project, and the EU FP7 GEO-WOW project.

Simon Cox (SC) reiterated that for such an approach it is very important to make use of Universal Identifiers (UID) between metadata and associated data sets. He explains that GEOSS originally tried to register data providers and their services, but that this proved to be very complex and not-working. The brokerage concept solved this being more an engineering approach. He also emphasises that we should analyse rules for granularity: collections versus granules.

Shawn Smith agreed that the granularity is a very interesting topic. He proposed to define and analyse a number of use cases. This should include the existing practices at the 3 regional services as presented, but also beyond. One can think of virtual collections of metadata, following specific criteria, while the granules must have the Universal Identifiers (UID) to the data.

• Possible activities and workplan for ODIP 1

Dick Schaap (DS) as leader of ODIP 1 presented a possible workplan for its further development and implementation. He foresees the following activities:

← Discussion and choice of common metadata model and supporting vocabularies as output of the brokerage service

← Mapping regional metadata model and supporting vocabularies towards common model on a bilateral basis for each of the 3 regions to feed the brokerage converters

← Setting up web services (CSW or REST / SOAP) at each of the regional portals to support metadata exchange towards the brokerage services

← Analysing the uptake by ODP and GEOSS portals of brokerage output

← Analysing the granularity of exchange

← Analyse also how the regional portals can receive and integrate the brokerage output of the other regions

← Analyse how to overcome possible complications of AAA services

Some discussion takes place and some actions need further refinement, but overall the draft workplan is well received. It is agreed that DS will detail this some further, also including time lines, actors, expected results, and interaction with regional and global initiatives. This will serve as input for the ODIP Deliverable D3.2. This will be done by email communication between identified stakeholders and their leading contacts.

Session 2: ODIP Prototype project 2

Bob Arko (BA) introduced that ODIP 2 will be aimed at establishing deployment and interoperability between Cruise Summary reporting systems in Europe, US and Australia, making possible use of GeoNetwork, towards interacting with the POGO portal. Motivation is that it will enhance data discovery by filling gaps (e.g. no US entries) in global portals, rejuvenate Cruise IDs as reference point for distributed data sets, and provide semantic web hooks. Moreover it aims at stopping the Schema creep, adopting a common Schema, and exercise vocabularies, to see whether these are working in practice.

• SeaDataNet CSR, POGO and Eurofleets

Sissy Iona (SI) presented the Cruise Summary Reporting (CSR) and Cruise Programmes (CP) as maintained in Europe. The CSR gives a low level inventory of cruises with reference to observations and provides also a tool for tracking. CSR is part of the SeaDataNet metadata infrastructure and at present it contains more than 53.000 entries from more than 2000 RVs since 1873. It also includes historic CSRs from European countries from the ICES database from 1960 onwards. It also includes CSRs for a number of US RVs while working in European waters. CSR has been upgraded recently to ISO 19139 Schema and makes use the SeaDataNet Vocabularies. It is based upon the ISO 19115 and 19115-2 (for measurements and samples part) content models. The format and interface also supports linking to trackcharts (image / WMS) and station lists. The CSR WMS service is in pilot and will display CSRs that have been supplied with their navigation tracks in GML. Work is ongoing for harvesting CSR XMLs between data centres and central portal using GeoNetwork. Moreover CSR XML entries are provided as web service and used as such in the SeaDataNet CDI service. This will facilitate retrieving data sets from specific cruises. CSR is also in use for the POGO RV portal. EurOcean maintains a global directory of RVs, which are linked by ICES Shipcodes to CSR. The POGO portal has a focus on ocean-going RVs (length >60 metres) and is managed by SeaDataNet partners (BODC, MARIS and BSH). It gives the RV directory, the CSR directory and a directory of Cruise Programmes (CP). These planned cruises are gathered by BODC by dialogue with global RV operators and using a simple CP format. As part of the EU FP7 EUROFLEETS work is ongoing for establishing a streamlined flow of cruise data information directly from the shipboard systems towards the EVIOR portal and getting direct input from European RV operators. The EVIOR portal gives access to the directory of European RVs, CSRs and CPs of all European RVs. In addition it features a prototype for a Dynamic Vessel Tracking & Events System, using the onboard system. The SeaDataNet CSR entries can be managed by online CMS or by using the MIKADO XML editor. SeaDataNet partner BSH from Germany manages the central CSR directory and services. The CP entries can be gathered by online CMS or by CSV file exchange or by MIKADO XML. Central management is done by BODC while MARIS takes care of the portal and services.

This was followed by discussion. Roy Lowry (RL) explained that every data centre includes its Local_CSR_ID as a unique identifier in the CSR XML. The central master (BSH) then uses the combination of Local_CSR_ID and EDMO_code of CSR author to manage unique CSR entries at the central portal and it adds a Central_CSR_ID for its services. The Central portal provides web services for internal use with Local_CSR_IDs and for external use with Central_CSR_IDs. These IDs are sustained and used for recognising updates and new CSR additions. BSH also provides the CSRs for Europe to ICES. However ICES maintains its own CSR ID numbering and various countries outside Europe also report to the ICES CSR database but not on a full scale.

It is also brought forward that we should be aware of potential duplicates when we bring together the CSR collections from SeaDataNet, R2R and Australia, because of RVs sailing through international waters and global scale charter/barter arrangements. So one way might be to focus on RVs from own region only.

UUIDs have been mentioned as a good way to manage unique metadata records in a distributed environment. This does not solve the governance on prefered origin of information and consolidation of duplicates.

• Use of GeoNetwork for harvesting CSR

Thomas Loubrieu (ML) presented how SeaDataNet is going to make use of GeoNetwork for harvesting the CSR XMLs between the national CSR providers and the central CSR centre. CSR are generated by CSR providers using MIKADO as ISO 19139 XML files and then set ready for the GeoNetwork exchange, triggered by last update date. IFREMER has developed a function in GeoNetwork to load the CSR XMLs locally into the internal GeoNetwork database (including vocabulary relations). The harvesting is managed by interaction between the internal GeoNetwork databases at local and central level. Thereafter the ISO 19139 XML file can be retrieved from the central internal database, including its vocabularies relations. This is now under testing, not only for CSR but also for CDI in the frame of SeaDataNet. GeoNetwork provides (as-is) a CSW service and Discovery user interface on top of its metadata. IFREMER has deployed this to demonstrate it works on CDI and CSR.

• German data portal

Ana Macario (AM) has submitted a presentation about the national MANIDA project in Germany which looks at improving the flow of cruise data and metadata from 13 German RVs. Validated cruise metadata (incl tracklines) are already available for 2 RVs. Weather station and thermosalinograph sensors are available in 10 min intervals. Implementing SensorML and SOS services is planned. Note: these RVs (Polarstern and Heincke) could already participate in the EUROFLEETS EVIOR prototype for a dynamic vessels tracking & events system. The archived data are managed in PANGAEA (OAI-PMH), BSH DOD, and AWI Bathy databases, while related publications will be made available by OAI-PMH in EPIC, OceanRep, and HZG Pub. The NRT data will be made available via SOS and WFS in the German coastal research monitoring system COSYNA.

• Cruise metadata in Australia (MNF)

Sebastien Mancini (SM) presented that RV voyage metadata in Australia is stored in the CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research metadata system, MarLIN, along with metadata on datasets from MNF and other sources. It gives per RV the survey details, voyage plan, voyage track and voyage data. The plans are loosely structured. There is a new Australian RV to be launched soon, which gives opportunity for possible innovation of the Cruise reporting. There are also separate systems in operation for other RVs. For ODIP 2 CSIRO would provide the best contact.

• R2R - Cruise reports in USA

Bob Arko (BA) presented the Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) progress. Its mission is to provide uniform stewardship of routinely-collected environmental sensor data from the US academic research fleet. As of November 2013 it covers 3266 Cruise IDs from 31 RVs with 24 Device Classes and 168 Device Make+Models. Furthermore this covers >3000 Person IDs from >400 organisations, >200 Portals and >25 Programmes. It publishes Cruise records in multiple formats: ISO 19115-2 Metadata records; OGC Web Services; W3C “Linked Open Data” + SPARQL endpoint; DOI-DataCite Metadata records, all using controlled vocabularies and best practices where available. For ISO 19115-2 it uses the vanilla schema, as provided by the NOAA/R2R Template, and it is adopting the SeaDataNet CSR 3.0 Schema. The NOAA/R2R records are published in a GeoNetwork (GN) 2.8 based web portal. Planned R2R actions are: Tweak GN to ingest 19115-2; Resolve authentication problems in GN 2.10; Ingest SeaDataNet CSR 3.0 records. R2R already made progress with mapping ca 100 R2R cruises to the SeaDataNet CSR Schema. Thereby it mapped to a number of the SeaDataNet vocabularies, but retained R2R codes for Person, Organization, Program, DeviceMake+Model, Port, all using gmx:Anchor. It is planned to map more R2R Codes to SDN: DeviceMake+Model, Port, and DataCategory and to map cruise tracks to: SeaVox water bodies, GEBCO UFNs, and Marsden squares. And then to resolve the remaining Codes for: Person, Organization, and Program.

• Discussion and brainstorming

The discussion was led by Bob Arko as leader of ODIP 2. He foresees as outcome of ODIP 2 that the global POGO portal will run on the SeaDataNet CSR 3.0 Schema, so that the regional systems for USA and Australia must adopt or achieve interoperability with this Schema and its vocabularies. Also he sees GeoNetwork as an interesting way for exchanging the CSR XML entries between the regions and towards POGO as well as a facility for the R2R portal interface. Roy Lowry brought forward that each region should focus on building its own portal which then can achieve mutual interoperability and harvested by BODC, MARIS and BSH for feeding the POGO portal. So Australia does not need to adopt the SeaDataNet CSR and vocabularies, like USA R2R is undertaking, but can maintain its own while shifting the ODIP activities to achieving interoperability with the SeaDataNet CSR model and vocabularies. BA introduces a number of issues to consider:

• global convention for file IDs?

• multiple CSRs for the same cruise?

• Use of in stead of

• where to host non-SDN schemas?

• can we accommodate non-CSR schemas?

• how to get GN to support 19115-2?

• possible new elements: field role (eg. ChiefScientist) for a Person?; funding awards?; vessel (Platform) operator +scheduler?; EventLogs?

• create ActivityCode for ?

• how to solve the most difficult vocabularies: Person; Organization and Program?

RL brought forward that the EDMO Directory is used in SeaDataNet for Organisations. This EDMO mostly contains European organisations, but also already quite a number of international entries, such as US institutes, simply because these are needed in case of marking up for example CSR and EDMERP (Projects) entries with international involvement. The EDMO User Interface is filtered for European countries but the EDMO web service lists all entries. DS will inform ODIP partners of the EDMO web service and will set up an account for R2R to manage USA EDMO entries in the EDMO online CMS.

For Programmes use might be made of the SeaDataNet EDMERP directory which facilitates entering and discovering research programme / project details. The SeaDataNet CSR profile already makes use of EDMERP, for which a user interface and a ISO Web Service are available. Entries can be made by online CMS or by MIKADO.

For CSR governance we should make basic rules whereby we distinct between EU RVs, USA RVs and Australian RVs.

It was agreed that BA as ODIP 2 leader will draft and finalise the ODIP 2 Workplan following the discussion. It will include activities, time lines, actors, expected results, and interaction with regional and global initiatives. This will serve as input for the ODIP Deliverable D3.2. It will be done by email communication between identified stakeholders and their leading contacts.

Day 2 of the Workshop

Session 3: ODIP Prototype project 3

Sebastien Mancini (SM) introduced that ODIP 3 will be aimed at establishing a prototype for a Sensor Observation Service (SOS) and formulating common O&M and SensorML profiles for selected sensors (SWE), installed on vessels and in real-time monitoring systems. The session has been prepared by him together with Roger Proctor and Scott Bainbridge. The goal is to establish some common standards for SWE such as SensorML and O&M model profiles for different sensors and using common vocabularies where possible. This can be done by pilots and comparing and synthetising of experiences. There is an increasing need and uptake of marine data from a variety of platforms and instruments. The SWE architecture comprises of two major blocks: the information consists of the underlying conceptual models and encodings; the service model is the specification of services. SWE comprises SensorML profiles, O&M profiles and SOS services. SOS supports a number of key operations, such as Core, Transactional and Enhanced profiles. The Core profile comprises GetCapabilities, DescribeSensor and GetObservation. The latter works with the O&M profile: An Observation is an action whose result is an estimate of the value of some property of the feature-of-interest, obtained using a specified procedure. Key objectives of the ODIP 3 project are:

• Tabulate and explore the existing work done on fixed and mobile platforms to find areas of homogeneity

• Develop minimum level templates for SOS items (SensorML and O&M templates)

• Look at ‘bronze’, ‘silver’ and ‘gold’ level templates to raise the bar on minimum requirements

• Support and embellish these templates via vocabularies, metadata …

• Decision on a ‘reference implementation’ (anticipated released of 52 North SOS 3.6)

• Creation of demonstration clients

During this session SM hopes to get more input for drafting the ODIP 3 Workplan.

• What’s happening in Australia

SM presented the situation in Australia where a Virtual Machine (VM) with latest version of 52 North has been set up by AIMS. This allows for easily setting up new instances of the 52 North SOS on the same VM or easily set up new VM’s. The current SOS has real time data from IMOS via the Davies reef Sensor network (every 10 minutes). The SOS is currently accepting requests so anyone can post/query to this (code available on request). Currently it uses minimal sensorML and O&M templates just as a start point for future development. There is also minimal security at the service level so fewer road-blocks for other people to use these systems. It is open for anyone to test/try, can be quickly re-built, cloned or used as software test beds.

SM indicated that there are also others in Australia working on SWE. This includes Bureau of Meteorology (Andrew Woolf and Geoff Williams) for implementation of a 52 North SOS service as a component of the National Environmental Information Infrastructure. The objective is to deliver historical data from large datasets using SOS. Problem encountered is that SOS 52 North 3.5 could not handle this amount of data. As a result a set of improvements have been developed that will be included in next release of 52 North 3.6. SWE activity also takes place at CSIRO that is involved in SOS with multiple groups.

• What’s happening in the USA

Derrick Snowden (DS2) presented the SOS activities in US IOOS. He first gives some background about the US IOOS Program where they have 6 - 7 years experience with SWE in the context of 11 portals for exposing ocean information at regional scales. With SOS they aim for providing a uniform service level on top of the heterogeneous regional systems. The SWE family of standards can be applied to timeseries, profiles and trajectories data from buoys, tide gauges, ADCPs, gliders, and other common oceanographic data collection platforms. Several templates have been developed (V1.0) based on the 1.0 version of the relevant SWE standards, while developments are ongoing for migrating to 2.0. These are published in the public domain. US IOOS has implemented these templates in 2 types of servers: 52 N (SOS) 4.0 and the ncSOS plugin for the THREDDS data server. A number of additions have been made to the 52 N server and use is made of an SOS-injector between the data sources and the 52 N server. This server supports GetCapabilities, DescribeSensor (sensor + station), GetObservation (O&M, NetCDF, CSV, KML, JSON). For the ncSOS server, an ncSOS THREDDS plugin is used to convert between CF 1.6 and O&M/SensorML. There are a number of clients and graphics utilities. There are also a number of SOS testing tools such as a NetCDF compliance tester. DS2 sees a number of potential collaboration activities between US IOOS and ODIP 3:

• Open Source project via Github

• SOS 1.0 migration to SOS 2.0 (and SWE/SensorML/O&M)

• Combine various CF netCDF manuals

• Templates for shipboard data (trajectory/trajectoryProfile)

• Load testing and experiences with high volume installations

• Brokering and extending ingest routines (sos-injector)

• Cloud deployments and canned AMI’s

It is agreed that there is ample room for contributions of US IOOS to ODIP.

• What’s happening in EU

Jordi Sorribas (JS) presented the SWE activities in Europe as part of the ongoing SeaDataNet 2 and EuroFleets 2 projects. The activities are combined where possible and aimed at streamlining the flow of data from research vessels and fixed monitoring stations. In EuroFleets the focus is on software and tools for underway Ship Summary Reports, onboard data acquisition and remote e-access, while SeaDataNet is focusing on defining SensorML and O&M profiles for a range of instruments, sensors, and observation types. The motivation is to increase the level of information provided of instrumentation, use a common way to access RT data and instrument descriptions, and to enhance existing SeaDataNet metadata descriptors (CDI and EDIOS (describing monitoring networks and stations). The first steps in SWE had been made in the Geo-Seas project for seismic data sets. Thereby specific SensorML and O&M profiles have been defined as extensions to the CDI format. These are supported by SeaDataNet vocabularies and can be generated with the MIKADO XML editor. These extensions provide means to describe the seismic instrumentation and use metadata. Moreover from the O&M object seismic visualisation services can be reached. This has been integrated into the operational SeaDataNet and Geo-Seas CDI service for several thousands of CDI entries for seismic data sets. This development is continued in the SeaDataNet 2 and EuroFleets 2 projects. Therefore a Roadmap has been established with 3 phases: specifications of requirements; implementation of descriptions, and implementation of services. We are now at the start of phase 3. For RVs an onboard system (EARS) is being refined that will support the registration of events and data and the automatic generation of daily Ship Summary Reports for the EVIOR portal. The complete vessel system and its instrumentation and calibration procedures have been described in SensorML and O&M. For fixed platforms a comparable approach has been undertaken and SensorML and O&M profiles are available. So far this concerns time series, profiles and trajectories. Further work is needed for gridded data and instruments such as radar and swath. O&M profiles have been defined for specific observation data types and links have been integrated with the SeaDataNet CDI and EDIOS metadata services. There are a number of common issues found while coding such as vocabularies are not complete (yet), use of URNs or URLS, need for common approach to IDs. Coming activities in SeaDataNet and EuroFleets will focus on review and refinement of the SensorML and O&M profiles, how to adopt MIKADO for generating the new profiles, and setting up Services to test over SOS implementation and for Real Time data access, Ship Summary Report and Real Time data from buoys. The next activities will be:

• Compile inventory of instrument SensorML records & O&M structures

• Compile inventory of vocabularies and registry services

• Formalisation of test cases for vessels and fixed platforms

• Install SOS services accessing Real Time underway vessels data. Onshore / Onboard

• Working group to propose templates for SensorML and O&M profiles and data models

• Development of a (smart) client (or clients) and tools to enhance utility

The goal is to integrate an SOS prototype with existing Data Services (Data Centers, Vessels, Operator's site). Comparable work on SWE is also taking place in the new EU FP7 NEXOS project which will have synergy with the SeaDataNet - EuroFleets activities and also the ODIP 3 project.

• SOS and 52North

Simon Jirka (SJ) presented the developments by 52North for SOS servers. Present version is SOS 3.x. A version 3.6 is planned for release by mid December 2013 with full SOS 1.0 implementation and elements from SOS 2.0. This will also include the contributions of Geoff Williams to give a performance boost, support streaming XML encoding, and more efficient Capabilities cache.

Furthermore version 4.x is underway. This will have SOS 2.0 reference implementation (KVP), full SOS 2.0 and core elements SOS 1.0. It will also include lightweight SOS profile and SOS 2.0 Hydrology profile / WaterML 2.0. Version 4.0 is expected in January 2014. Extensions have been included for US IOOS SOS. The release is moved from SVN to Github.

52North is also developing a 52North Sensor Web Client and a Mobile Sensor Web Client. Outlooks are SensorML 2.0, and client development for REST-API and Javascript API.

• O&M and SensorML update

Simon Cox (SC) presented the minimum requirements for SOS. He introduces a star system to describe the functionalities:

* GetCapabilities

* GetObservation (feature, property, procedure, time, space)

** GetObservation - by ID

** GetResult

** GetFeatureOfInterest

** DescribeSensor

*** InsertSensor/DeleteSensor

*** InsertObservation/InsertResult

**** GetDataAvailability ?

The OGC SOS for observation data access presents the getObservation, getResult, describeSensor and getFeatureOfInterest operations. He explains the O&M vocabulary, which comprises: Observation, Procedure, Observed property, Result, Feature of interest, Phenomenon time, Result time, and Valid time. Using these neutral terminology supports cross-domain data discovery & fusion. SennsorML 2.0 is making good progress and several examples of templates are available. At the same time SC is getting less convinced that everything has to be solved with XML. There are other solutions such *FL a lightweight alternative.

• Discussion and brainstorming lead by Sebastien Mancini (Australia)

Sebastien Mancini (SM) as ODIP 3 leader (together with Roger Proctor and Scott Bainbridge) led the discussion on a possible set up of the ODIP 3 prototype and drafting its Workplan. It is advised to develop minimum templates using SensorML 2.0 and O&M 2.0 whereby help of Simon Cox is expected. O&M 2.0 is underway and will make it easier to describe collections next to observations. There is also concern about which vocabularies to use: US IOOS uses CF standard names (MMI). Further discussion on this topic will take place in session 4. SensorML 2.0 will be used for timeseries and trajectories. The ODIP 3 plan is to set up 3 test environments in Europe, USA and Australia for a feedback loop from theory to practice. The 52North SOS server is the most full featured server implementing both the SOS Core Profile and the SOS Transactional Profile, while ncSOS (implementing only the Core Profile, see US IOOS) can be considered and integrated into the ODIP 3 project as a good complement in certain situations. It is possible that Europe will introduce an alternative. Then the idea is to apply the Client Interface as established at AIMS in Australia on top of the 3 regional SOS services as a common interface.

It is agreed that SM together with RP and SB as ODIP 3 leaders will draft and finalise the ODIP 3 Workplan following the discussion. It will include activities, time lines, actors, expected results, and interaction with regional and global initiatives. This will serve as input for the ODIP Deliverable D3.2. It will be done by email communication between identified stakeholders and their leading contacts.

Session 4: Vocabularies

• What’s happening in Europe

Roy Lowry (RL) presented the vocabularies developments in Europe which concern the NERC Vocabulary Server (NVS 2.0) and its further developments for SeaDataNet and EMODNet Chemistry. The NVS 2.0 is stable and has received 860.000 calls since early 2013 from 1268 IP addresses with a balance between use of SOAP and REST protocols. There was a major operation in SeaDataNet migrating from the NVS 1.0 to NVS 2.0 which went quite smoothly. All SeaDataNet repositories, formats, tools (MIKADO, NEMO, ODV) and services now use NVS 2.0 which has a much better version management and truly unique URNs for concepts The parameter description vocabulary used by SeaDataNet (P01) includes circa 28.000 terms and more were added for handling biology in SeaDataNet. A new vocabulary for aggregated parameters defined as mappings to P01 terms (P35) was initiated with one test term and will be populated in the coming months with a priority for parameters in use in EMODNet Chemistry. P35 supports fully automated aggregation and validation process of data sets marked up using P01 vocabulary gathered from multiple sources. Furthermore progress was made with exposing the semantic model which underlies the P01 terms. The semantic model (O&M concept) was agreed and both JSON and RDF representations were developed. Further work is planned in the coming months on developing the user interfaces for making it easier for data centres to query and identify relevant P01 terms. In addition for users to propose P01 extensions, using forms, which can be processed more easily as part of governance. P01 has been extended by mapping 1779 ICES contaminants in biota chemical/matrix combinations used in UK data. This required circa 10 man days of effort. This has been done because as part of EMODNet Chemistry we are striving for complete population of SeaDataNet with marine chemical data sets. Interactions took place with Australia (CSIRO) for the P01 semantic model and feedback on the RDF representation while CSIRO demonstrated a SISSVoc facade over NVS content. This underpins the interoperability of the NVS 2.0. Also interaction took place with USA giving advice on USNODC SKOS, and mappings between NVS 2.0 and MMI-ORR for SeaVox platforms and device categories have been made and loaded on both services.

• What’s happening in the Australia

Simon Cox (SC) explained that we are not alone in the ocean and that there are many other vocabularies being served which can have a complimentary use for us. However we have to be careful about different definitions and meanings. OFKN has a focus on Linked Open Vocabularies. A very good example is QUDT, which offers a conceptual model for units, quantities, and dimensions via URI. Another is ChEBI which gives Chemical Substances as URI and which is maintained by EMBL-EBI. Using these SC shows how he can build a comparable semantic model as earlier presented by RL for P01. This has been converted to SKOS and is now included in the SISSVoc Search service that CSIRO operates. It has URIs to authoritative vocabs such as ChEBI and DUTQ. Underneath SISSVoc are an RDF demonstrator and a SPARQL endpoint. SC has also included ca 60 Vocabularies of NVS 2.0 in SISSVoc and this works on-the-fly and not by local buffering. To summarize SC states that vocabularies should be standardized, published and harmonized, and we should extend / re-use existing vocabularies where possible. Concerning the P01 semantic model as described by RL, SC feels it should be exposed by RDF via a SPARQL endpoint next to JSON. RL, SC and Adam Leadbetter (AL) agree on this and work together at their service for the ODIP prototypes.

• What’s happening in USA

John Graybeal (JG) presented the progress of the Marine Metadata Interoperability (MMI) project. He is now working at MarineXplore which is aggregating large amounts of public data sets and using a metadata rich strategy. There are a lot of vocabulary developments going on in the USA and he highlights each. R2R is focusing on mappings required to publish R2R Cruise Summary Reports in the SeaDataNet 3.0 ISO Schema. BCO-DMO are looking at the concept of Event Logging together with European colleagues (EuroFleets) for research vessels, several mapping exercises, and developing faceted search on top of SKOS. As part of SAMOS (funded through ODIP) FSU is mapping SAMOS QC flags to SeaDataNet. SIO makes progress with mapping R2R to SeaDataNet of Organisations (SDN - EDMO) and Ports (SDN - C38) while People are not (yet) in SeaDataNet scope. There are still a lot of missing mappings which should be populated in the coming months as part of ODIP Prototype 2. Persons are mapped to ORCID. US NODC is exploring using SKOS in their vocabularies and will also begin consolidating/ merging the controlled vocabularies in use across the three NOAA National Data Centers (NODC, NGDC, NCDC). MMI-ORR has successfully been migrated to TAMU-CC for operations and several new developments have taken place, such as VINE for making mappings to external ontologies. MarineXplore maps CF standard names via SWEET concepts and assigns URIs to all entities. Thereby it experiences many challenges. JG gives some food for thought. There is a move from closed to open practices, such as using Linked Open Data principles. Creating a human search interface for terms is nice. Also it is advised to create APIs to search for and harvest metadata. JG agrees with SC that there is room for a common wiki for semantic projects.

• Checking status of actions from ODIP 1st Workshop

This was led by Roy Lowry (RL) and has the aim to find out what progress has been made, identify specific work on actions in first half of 2014, and any additional vocabulary actions required by the ODIP pilots.

Action 1.1 concerned establishing a SPARQL endpoint. This has been established in Australia (SISSVoc) and further work is ongoing for federating from different vocabulary services, such as NVS 2.0, ChEBI, etc. SISSVoc can also serve as a Pilot portal. It is discussed to make SISSVoc more visible at the ODIP Portal (action Simon Cox and Dick Schaap) and to prioritize to vocabularies and mappings which are relevant for the ODIP Prototype projects.

Action 1.2 concerned development of well-governed semantic aggregation controlled vocabulary which is making progress by Europe in P35 and by Australia in SISSVoc. Additional action can be to identify further applications in the ODIP Prototypes for this kind of vocabularies.

Action 1.3 concerned analysing NVS 2.0 content management and governance. There is discussion going on in the NERC Information Strategy Group which is establishing a mission-critical register of services. NVS 2.0 is recognised as candidate and also resources for development are being arranged. This will be followed and further work is also needed for examining NVS governance in the light of the ISO 19135 model.

Action 1.4 concerned the research vessel event logging vocabularies. This was reported by Karien de Cauwer (KdC) and Cindy Chandler (CC) as part of the R2R - EuroFleets cooperation in ODIP Prototype 2. The models are somewhat different and work is ongoing for overcoming these differences. Content wise they are compiling the terms used in both communities to come to an overall list.

Action 1.5 and 1.6 concern developing a unified approach for utilising NVS in GeoNetwork and in O&M and SensorML. This will be part of ODIP Prototypes 1 and 2.

• Possible use of GMX:Anchor

Thomas Loubrieu (TL) spoke about how to handle external references in metadata (e.g. ISO 19139). In the present SeaDataNet 3.0 ISO Schema for CSR use is made of different codings: some external references are stored with codeList and some others directly stored as text in Character String tags or directly as tags or attributes values. The references to these external directories or thesaurus may be done in a more homogeneous way, by always using the gmx:Anchor tag which enables to store a remote URL (as the external reference) and a label. It is discussed that introducing this now in CSR will have a lot of implications for the service chain and tools. Therefore it is not adopted now, but its impact should be described in Deliverable D4.1. For validating the metadata

(against vocabularies references) one can strictly check the reference by applying a schematron rule on a SKOS list OR just check the URL in xlink:href status. If it is resolved on the web, this means the

reference is ok, otherwise this means the reference does not exists. This second option can also be easily incorporated in schematron. TL finishes with explaining a feasible procedure for editing references in metadata in GeoNetwork (GNW).

Day 3 of the Workshop

Session 5: Data publication and citation

This session is opened by Cyndy Chandler (CC) who has prepared this together with Justin Buck (JB) and Lesley Wyborn (LW).

• ANDS Research Data Citation

Lesley Wyborn (LW) presented research data citation at the Australian National Data Service. ANDS started in 2009 investing in establishing research data collections with research institutes and universities. The aim is that Australian researchers can easily publish, discover, access and use/re-use research data. Data citation is an important instrument, because it eases reuse and validation, it makes it possible to track impact and reach of data, it recognises and rewards data producers, it increases academic and institution profile, and it connects all research outputs. Previously data citations were quite short and imprecise, but nowadays data citations are more structured and precise, also including a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) to facilitate retrieving the data set. For example CSIRO publishes such an attribution statement (Data Citation) as part of its data access portal. LW encourages that the motto should be ''Access + Share = Cite". This is also adopted in the USA where we see increasing access to the results of federally funded scientific research. The National Science Foundation (NSF) now allows for citable data (ie with a DOI) to be listed as an outcome of research, like a journal article. The data set is considered as a product itself, which needs to be citable and accessible. Introducing this motto requires building awareness among researchers, building a culture of data citation. Therefore ANDS is running a campaign, which includes videos and flyers to build a community. In addition, ANDS provides a Data Citation Toolkit with general information, functions for minting DOIs for use in the ANDS data citing service, and for implementing data citation across institutions and researchers. There are many DOIs for scientific articles. Increasingly DOIs are adopted too for data sets. counts already more than 2 million DOIs for data sets. DOIs can also be used for your data and profile, by registering personal details in ORCID and linking to DOIs for software, publications and data sets, building your profile. Publishers are also picking this up and increasingly Journals encourage authors to publish not only their papers but also including DOIs to their data sets. In the USA in spring 2014 the Scientific Data initiative will be launched, making researchers more aware and urging them to publish data sets. This also stimulates the establishment of approved repositories. Further developments are ongoing for reliable data citation trackers across the different media to count the number of citations.

• What's happening in Europe

Justin Buck (JB) motivated the push from publishers and scientists for data citation: Publishers want to link journal articles to the data, while Scientists want credit for data set creation and usage. Adopting DOIs is a good approach; in particular DataCite DOIs. Part of a wider NERC & global approach to dataset publication, BODC can issue DOI for datasets in collaboration with DataCite. Therefore datasets MUST be static, fulfil strict (meta)data requirements, and data sets will become openly available when a DOI is issued. These can be found at the BODC Published Data Library (PDL) webpages. Entries can also be found in the SeaDataNet EDMED directory of data sets, but EDMED is wider and lists also non-open data resources and without DOIs. The Ocean Data Publication Cookbook has been produced jointly by UK, USA and IODE It gives criteria and best practice for publication and citation of data, and is freely available from the IODE portal.

But now how to apply data citation to open time series? Then there are issues such as whether persistent identifiers are the same regardless of the status of the data, versioning, and granularity (maintain manageable the amount of PID or DOI). This can be solved by distinguishing between two separate timelines: event / measurement / OBSERVATION time; ingestion / update / STATE time. DataCite provides a dynamic data policy to deal with these kind of data sets, however there are still some caveats.

BODC and IFREMER are analysing data citation for the Argo programme of ocean floaters. Annually Argo produces ca 200 + publications. Question is how to cite Argo data at a given point in time? For the real time data stream IFREMER has minted a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) for the Global Data Assembly Centre (Argo GDAC) as a whole. These are sufficient for Argo if long term reproducibility of the data is not required by the user. Argo snapshots enable reproducibility. Therefore IFREMER is minting also individual DOIs for monthly granularity of snapshots at GDAC level.

• Data Citation in USA

Cyndy Chandler (CC) explained that data publication involves domain scientists, data managers and library scientists. It gives opportunity to strengthen the bonds between professionals working in those communities. The challenge is to develop a system that supports proper citation of intellectual work, while the opportunity is to develop a system that encourages increased sharing of research data. This can give great benefits as earlier presented by Lesley Wyborn. In the USA there is the SCOR/IODE/MBLWHOI Library Project where data related to traditional journal articles are assigned persistent identifiers referred to in the articles and stored in institutional repositories, and where data held by data centers are packaged and served in formats that can be cited. The project has use cases to identify best practices for tracking data provenance and clearly attributing credit to data creators/providers so that researchers will make their data accessible. CC underpins the incentive that it will give to researchers to publish their data sets. Data citation metrics are starting to be collected and might be adopted by funding agencies as part of measuring performance. Libraries have used DOIs for years; now it is the de facto standard for data sets. CC highlights several use cases such as by USA institutes, BODC and IODE cookbook.

There are several relevant activities: IODE/SCOR continued support and interest; RDA: Research Data Alliance and its Marine Data Harmonization Interest Group (lead by Helen Glaves); Data Citation Working Group (ICSU-WDS); CODATA Data Citation Standards and Practices Task Group. A next step concerns persons. ORCID (Open Researcher & Contributor ID) builds a registry of unique researcher identifiers, promising persistent identifiers for person names. This can enable linking to other resources created by the researcher.

• ESRI developments

Dawn Wright (DW) presented a small experiment by ESRI by means of a peer reviewed monograph of a conference and with DOIs for geographical maps and base material. This can be found at .

• Discussion and brainstorming lead by Cyndy Chandler (USA), Justin Buck (EU) and Lesley Wyborn (Australia)

The idea is born for IFREMER to mint DOIs for each data product that will be produced and published as part of SeaDataNet and EMODNet Chemistry. These data products are described with ISO 19139 metadata Schema using SeaDataNet vocabularies in the SEXTANT Catalogue (on the basis of GeoNetwork). It is easy to add DOIs, thereby taking care that older versions of data products stay available. Also we can consider to mint DOIs for larger data sets as described in the SeaDataNet EDMED Directory as already done for Argo. Any DOI must point to a landing page.

Sissy Iona (SI) urged the importance of having a good way for registering and having persistent identifiers for persons. Is this feasible? There are a few systems: ORCID, IODE OceanExpert, any others? It appears that we still lack sufficient information about these systems. Therefore it is decided to formulate an ODIP Prototype project 4 by means of a study to prepare a position paper on persons registries with the objective to connect those to data publications, cruise summary reports, etc. This will be lead by Helen Glaves (HG).

Furthermore it is proposed to undertake sharing of information on data publishing and citation, e.g. by maintaining a wiki at the ODIP website, also including activities in EUDAT, RDA, Belmont Forum, etc. This might be explored by Cindy Chandler (CC).

Session 4: Vocabularies - continued

• Discussions lead by Roy Lowry (EU), Simon Cox (Australia) and John Graybeal (USA)

Vocabularies are instrumental in all ODIP Prototype projects. These should be used and linked by means of Concept URIs. This returns a document for each Concept. We must check in each of the ODIP Prototypes which vocabularies, concepts and mappings are already available and which might be required in addition. This can be submitted towards the ODIP Vocabularies group consisting of Roy Lowry, Simon Cox and John Graybeal.

It was brought forward that in the frame of SeaDataNet a subcontract is being negotiated with JCOMM/OPS for establishing together with ICES and BODC a global Register of Platforms (buoys, gauges, etc) in order to bridge between operational oceanography and data archiving communities. This is a very relevant development for ODIP.

It is expected that ODIP Prototype 3 will have extra requirements for vocabularies to support the SensorML and O&M profiles, such as instruments, their types and manufacturers, calibration, etc.

Day 4 of the Workshop

Session 6: Feedback on sessions

Each of the ODIP Prototype project leaders gave a summary on its further ideas for the ODIP Prototypes as inspired by the workshop discussions. This includes a draft workplan of identified activities. It is agreed that the Prototype leaders will elaborate this further in the coming weeks to provide a workplan per ODIP Prototype project with activities, partners, planning, and expected results. This will provide input for Deliverable D3.2 which has to be prepared and published early 2014 by Dick Schaap (DS) as ODIP technical coordinator.

Ben Domenico (BD) recommended to keep a good eye on the future and not to forget looking at cloud computing and concepts of big data. These are not yet included in the present ODIP Prototypes and could be included as new topics for the 3rd ODIP Workshop.

The ODIP Prototype developments should share information within their groups and between members of the ODIP community. Therefore it would be efficient to have online tools for document repository and for software developments. Ideas are using COLLA as maintained by OGS, which is also included in the ODIP DoW, or GitHub, WIKI, or else. Paolo Diviacco states that he is a strong believer of collaborative tools such as COLLA to support working groups. However this requires some setting up following requirements per ODIP Prototype and moderation by their coordinator. It is agreed to evaluate use of such tools.

Simon Cox (SC) and Roy Lowry (RL) summarized the discussions on Vocabularies and agree to explore options for a possible extra ODIP Prototype project by means of a WIKI on vocabularies and SPARQL endpoint for federated vocabularies.

Session 7: Workshop wrap-up

• Further potential prototype projects

Helen Glaves (HG) summarized the possible formulation in Deliverable D3.3 of further ODIP Prototype projects by form of 1) position paper on person registers, 2) WIKI for vocabularies and considering how to support the ODIP Prototype projects with a possible forum. She also brings forward that for ODIP WP4 it is required that IFREMER prepare a draft on possible impacts. Next to the item on migrating to gmx:Anchor this might include looking at the impact of introducing DOIs for EMODNet data products as discussed.

Sytze van Heteren (SvH) suggested also looking towards supporting multilingualism, while Sebastien Mancini suggested quality control as a further subject for the 3rd ODIP Workshop.

• Plans for next 8 months

Helen Glaves (HG) as Co-ordinator reminded the project group about the Deliverables that are expected in the coming months with the leading authors:

• D1.6: Minutes of Steering Committee 3 (Helen Glaves)

• D1.7: Six monthly progress report: year 2 (Helen Glaves)

• D2.3: Short report on the organisation and programme of the 2nd ODIP Workshop (Sissy Iona)

• D2.4: Minutes and actions from the 2nd ODIP Workshop (Dick Schaap and Sissy Iona)

• D2.5: 3rd ODIP Workshop (Sissy Iona and Scott Bainbridge)

• D3.2: Workplan for development and implementation of the 3 ODIP Prototype projects (Dick Schaap with contributions from Bob Arko for ODIP 2 and Sebastien Mancini - Roger Proctor for ODIP 3)

• D3.3: Definition of possible extra ODIP Prototype projects (Helen Glaves)

• D4.1: Interim strategic analysis report with impact assessment (Thomas Loubrieu)

• D5.4: Promotional leaflets and posters (Helen Glaves)

WP4 starts now, is lead by IFREMER and will focus on considering the possible impact of the wider adoption of selected common standards and interoperability solutions for integration into the national and regional systems. Originally it would also explore options for interoperability solutions and/or common standards, differentiating between possible shorter term ‘easy wins’ and longer term efforts. But in practice this has been integrated into the WP3 ODIP Prototype projects. These are now much more evolved and defined as developing full scale services and standards, where originally prototypes were foreseen as components with an analysis of integration in WP4.

For Deliverable D3.2 it is very important that the 3 ODIP Prototype project groups finalise their workplans in the coming weeks so that the ODIP Technical Co-ordinator can integrate these in D3.2.

Concerning promotion HG mentions that ODIP will participate in AGU - San Francisco mid December 2013 with 2 posters; RDA - Dublin in March 2014; EGU - Vienna in May 2014 with 2 splinter meetings (1 public and 1 for partners to monitor progress of the ODIP Prototype projects); moreover there is a plan for a joint COOPEUS-BCube-ODIP workshop (possibly around EGU?).

It is agreed that partners will inform Helen Glaves on promotion and dissemination activities that they undertake. Ben Domenico (BD) mentions that he reports about ODIP at UNIDATA meetings. He sees opportunities for a real ODIP presentation, once the Prototypes have made more progress. Stefano Nativi (SN) mentions the GEO X Workshop that will take place in January 2014 in Geneva - Switzerland where the data brokerage service will be presented.

• 3rd ODIP workshop

Sissy Iona (SI) informed that the 3rd ODIP Workshop will be organised in Australia and hosted by AIMS. It is planned for the second week of August 2014. Partners will receive further information in due time through the ODIP website and mailings. Drafting of the agenda will begin rather soon and a 1st draft is planned for EGU.

• ODIP students effort

As part of the USA participation also a number of students are actively engaged in the ODIP activities:

• Linyun Fu. Institution: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Degree Program: PhD. Mentor: Bob Arko. Linyun will work on a project to deploy a Linked Data API (LDA) for R2R; LDA will create a "Web Services"-style interface to the R2R Catalog

• Yanning "Yu" Chen. Institution: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Degree Program: PhD. Mentor: Cyndy Chandler. Yu will develop a vocabulary mapping tool to facilitate term mapping between R2R devices and the SDN devices served via NVS 2.

• Renata Ferreira. Institution: University of California San Diego. Degree Program: BS. Mentor: Karen Stocks. Renata will create mappings between R2R controlled vocabularies and SeaDataNet and other community vocabularies.

• Nkem Dockery. Institution: FSU. Degree program: MS. Mentor: Shawn Smith. Both Nkem and Jocelyn will develop linked data approaches to link SAMOS data to R2R cruise info and to cross-walk SAMOS vocabularies to EU vocabs.

• Jocelyn Mandalou. Institution: FSU. Degree program: BS. Mentor: Shawn Smith. (See above). Unfortunately she was not able to attend the ODIP Workshop.

The students introduced themselves, their research interests and how they experienced the ODIP Workshop. They noted that they had the chance to see how their studies (which relate to computer sciences) are connected to the real world (natural sciences) and management of the problems of oceanographers. They expressed their clear interest to interact with the ODIP developments and to contribute by means of their activities.

• Closing remarks

Helen Glaves (HG) as Co-ordinator closed the Workshop and thanks the local organisers, in particular Rita Bauer and Karen Stocks, for their excellent arrangements. She also thanked all participants for their contributions to this successful 2nd Workshop.

3. Proposed follow-up and actions

As a follow-up to the 2nd ODIP Workshop and besides the planned Deliverables and ongoing actions of the 1st Workshop a number of additional actions can be formulated:

Action 2WS-1: ODIP Prototype leaders will finalise their workplans following the discussion and suggestions in this 2nd ODIP Workshop. Each Workplan will include activities, time lines, actors, expected results, and interaction with regional and global initiatives. This will be done by email communication between identified stakeholders and their leading contacts. The final workplans will be forwarded to the ODIP Technical Co-ordinator for integration into D3.2. Special attention will be given in the workplans to a number of issues as discussed at this 2nd Workshop:

• Universal Identifiers (UID) between metadata and associated data

• Granularity between collections and granules by means of analysing some use cases.

• CSR analysis of need of unique CSR ID for registration and governance

• Potential duplicates when we bring together the CSR collections from SeaDataNet, R2R and Australia, because of RVs sailing through international waters.

• Consider what is reported outside Europe to ICES CSR database and how to deal with those

• Consider how to connect through MANIDA the RVs (Polarstern and Heincke) in the EUROFLEETS EVIOR prototype for a dynamic vessels tracking & events system

• Use of EDMO in R2R for organisations and possibly EDMERP for projects

• Check in each of the ODIP Prototypes which vocabularies, concepts and mappings are already available and which might be required in addition. Submit these to the ODIP Vocabularies group

• Identify further applications in the ODIP Prototypes for parameter aggregation vocabularies such as P35.

Action 2WS-2: the ODIP Co-ordinator will prepare a position paper on Registers of Persons (ORCID, OceanExpert, ....) with the objective to connect those to data publications, cruise summary reports, etc. This might lead to ODIP Prototype project 4. This paper will be part of D3.3.

Action 2WS-3: Simon Cox to make SISSVoc more visible at the ODIP Portal, including background information

Action 2WS-4: IFREMER to mint DOIs for each data product that will be produced and published as part of SeaDataNet and EMODNet Chemistry, thereby taking care that older versions of data products stay available. Also consider to mint DOIs for larger data sets as described in the SeaDataNet EDMED Directory as already done for Argo. Any DOI must point to a landing page.

Action 2WS-5: Cyndy Chandler to explore options for sharing of information on data publishing and citation, e.g. by maintaining a wiki at the ODIP website, also including activities in EUDAT, RDA, etc.. This action might be included in D3.3.

Action 2WS-6: Co-ordinator to prepare a draft agenda for the 3rd ODIP Workshop for discussion at EGU. Consider including cloud computing and concepts of big data as a topic for discussion, next to progress on the now 4 ODIP Prototype projects and actions.

Action 2WS-7: Paolo Diviacco to explore and implement online tools for sharing information and software developments around the ODIP Prototype projects. Ideas so far are using COLLA, GitHub, WIKI, or else.

Action 2WS-8: Partners to inform the Co-ordinator on promotion and dissemination activities that they undertake.

Action 2WS-9: Sissy Iona will progress with the preparations for the 3rd ODIP Workshop in Australia in August 2014 and keep partners informed.

A. Terminology

|Term |Definition |

|CDI |Common Data Index metadata schema and catalogue developed by the |

| |SeaDataNet project |

|COOPEUS |EU-NSF funded project promoting open access and sharing of data and |

| |information produced by environmental research infrastructures |

|CSR |Cruise Summary Reports is a directory of research cruises. |

|iCORDI |Now renamed RDA-Europe is an international forum driving convergence|

| |between emerging global data infrastructures with a particular focus|

| |on Europe and the US |

|GeoNetwork |An open source catalogue application for managing spatially |

| |referenced resources. It provides a metadata editing tool and search|

| |functions as well as providing embedded interactive web map viewer |

|IMOS |Integrated Marine Observing System: Australian monitoring system; |

| |providing open access to marine research data |

|ODP |Ocean Data Portal: data discovery and access service, part of the |

| |IODE network |

|IOC |Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO (IOC/UNESCO). |

|IODE |International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (part of |

| |IOC) |

|ODV |Ocean Data View (ODV) data-analysis and visualisation software tool.|

|O&M |Observations and Measurements: OGC standard defining XML schemas for|

| |observations, and for features involved in sampling when making |

| |observations |

|OGC |Open Geospatial Consortium: an international industry consortium to |

| |develop community adopted standards to “geo-enable” the Web |

|SensorML |OGC standard providing models and an XML encoding for describing |

| |sensors and process lineage |

|SDN |SeaDataNet: EU-funded pan-European e-infrastructure for the |

| |management and delivery of marine and oceanographic data |

|SOS |Sensor Observation Service: a web service to query real-time sensor |

| |data and sensor data time series. Part of the Sensor Web |

|SPARQL |a query language for databases, able to retrieve and manipulate data|

| |stored in a Resource Description Framework (RDF) format |

|SWE |Sensor Web Enablement: OGC standards enabling developers to make all|

| |types of sensors, transducers and sensor data repositories |

| |discoverable, accessible and useable via the web |

|R2R |Rolling Deck to Repository: a US project responsible for the |

| |cataloguing and delivery of data acquired by the US research fleet. |

|WebEx |On-line web conferencing and collaboration tool |


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