School changes 2005-06

School Changes

List of school closures and reconfigurations for the year:

Newfoundland and Labrador English School District

All English school districts previously known as Labrador School District, Western School District, Nova Central School District and Eastern School District merged to form the Newfoundland and Labrador English School District in September 2014.

Labrador Region Region Id : 100

No changes.

Western Region Region Id : 200

New Schools

200953 White Hills Academy, St. Anthony will be opening as a K-12 school in September 2013.

Students that would have attended Bayview Regional High (200387), Harriot Curtis Collegiate (200052) and St. Anthony Elementary (200053) will now attend White Hills Academy.

School Closure

200387 Bayview Regional Collegiate will close June 2013.

Grade 7-12 students that would have attended Bayview Regional Collegiate will attend White Hills Academy (200953).

200053 St. Anthony Elementary will close June 2013.

Grade K-7 students that would have attended St. Anthony Elementary will attend White Hills Academy (200953).

200052 Harriot Curtis Collegiate will close June 2013.

Grade 8-12 students that would have attended Harriot Curtis Collegiate will attend White Hills Academy (200953).

Gander Region Region Id: 300

300160 Bayview Primary in Nipper’s Harbour will be closed for the 2013-14 school year due to zero student enrolment. Please note: the decision to reopen in 2014-15 will be determined by enrolment.  

Eastern Region Region Id: 400

New Schools

In September 2013, Carbonear Academy (400954) will be opening as a K-8 school. Grade K-5 students who would have attended Davis Elementary now attend Carbonear Academy. Students from Carbonear who would have attended St. Francis School in grade 6-8 now attend Carbonear Academy.

School Closure

400254 Davis Elementary closed. Grade K-5 students who would have attended Davis Elementary now attend Carbonear Academy (400954).

400268 Harbour Grace Primary closed. Grade K-5 students who would have attended Harbour Grace Primary now go to St. Francis School (400269).

400438 Epiphany Elementary closed. Grade K-6 students who would have attended Epiphany Elementary now attend Acreman Elementary (400265).

School Reconfigurations

400269 St. Francis School reconfigured to K-8. Students who would have attended Harbour Grace Primary will attend St. Francis School. Students from Carbonear who would have attended St. Francis School in 6-8 will attend Carbonear Academy. Students who would have attended St. Francis School in grade 9 will attend Carbonear Collegiate.

400253 Carbonear Collegiate reconfigured to 9-12. Students who would have attended St. Francis School in grade 9 now attend Carbonear Collegiate.

Students who would have attended Persalvic Elementary in grade 9 will attend Carbonear Collegiate.

400442 Persalvic Elementary reconfigured to K-8. Students who would have attended Persalvic Elementary in grade 9 will attend Carbonear Collegiate.

New School Addresses

200953 White Hills Academy, 31 Elementary School Road, St. Anthony, NL, AOL 4S0

400954 Carbonear Academy, 88 Valley Road, Carbonear NL, A1Y 1A7

Newfoundland and Labrador Conseil Scolaire Francophone

No changes Region Id: 500

|Table 5. Number of Schools by School District, 2009-10 to 2013-14 | | |

| | | | | | | |

|School Districts |Regions |2009-10 |2010-11 |2011-12 |2012-13 |2013-14 |

| |Western |71 |65 |65 |65 |63 |

| |Gander |67 |66 |65 |65 |65 |

| |Eastern |121 |121 |118 |118 |116 |

|Conseil scolaire francophone | |5 |5 |5 |5 |5 |

| | | | | | | |

  |Total |279 |272 |268 |268 |264 | |

Note: Bayview Primary is included in the number of school counts for Gander Region.


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