1. Which of the following is incorrect?

a. RBBB is most commonly caused by anterior wall AMI

b. LBBB is most commonly caused by inferior wall AMI

c. LAD ischaemia is best represented by T inversion in V2-3

d. Left main ischaemia is best represented by ST elevation in V1 and aVR with ST depression in 8 other leads

e. RBBB is most noted for a large S wave in V1

2. Which of the following is incorrect?

a. L anterior hemiblock is diagnosed with q waves in lead I and aVL with r waves in II, III, aVF

b. L posterior hemiblock is diagnosed with q waves in II, III, aVF and r waves in I and aVL

c. L posterior hemiblock frequently occurs with RBBB and carries a poor prognosis

d. L anterior hemiblock has a L axis

e. L posterior hemiblock has a L axis

3. In an AMI, which of the following is incorrect?

a. ST elevation in lead III > lead II is a RCA infarct

b. ST elevation in lead II > III is a LCx infarct

c. Reperfusion is indicated by reduction of ST elevation by 70% at 3 hours

d. Patients developing RBBB are at low risk for complications

e. Patients with RV infarction in cardiogenic shock have a 35% mortality



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