3:00 pm – 4:30 pm - IEEE Web Hosting

|8:00 am - 5:00 pm |Poster --- Saturday, October 24, 2015 |4th floor |

|Session P1C1. |Session P1C2. |P1C2-8  Optical Observation of |P1C3-7  Sparse Constrained Born |P1C4-3  CW-Doppler focal plane array |

|MEL: Clinical Application of Elasticity |MCA: Contrast Applications |Microbubble Behaviors to Modulated |Inversion for Breast Cancer Detection |imaging for deep intra-corporeal |

|Imaging |Chair: Hairong Zheng |Acoustic Radiation Force in Large |Ana Ramirez1, Koen W. A. van Dongen2 |vascular mapping; feasibility study with|

|Chair: Hiroshi Kanai |Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced |Vessels |1Department of Electrical, Electronics |1:1 focused projection to single pixel |

|Tohoku University |Technology |Shiying Wang1, Claudia Y Wang1, |and Telecommunications Engineering, |receiver and phase continuous Fresnel |

| | |Alexander L Klibanov1,2, John A |Universidad Industrial de Santander, |lens |

| | |Hossack1, F William Mauldin Jr1 |Bucaramanga, Colombia, 2Department of |Seiji Matsumoto1, Yasuhito Takeuchi1, |

| | |1Biomedical Engineering, University of |Imaging Physics, Delft University of |Hidehiro Kakizaki1 |

| | |Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia, |Technology, Delft, Netherlands |1Renal and Urologic Surgery, Asahikawa |

| | |USA, 2Division of Cardiovascular | |Medical University, Asahikawa, Japan |

| | |Medicine, University of Virginia, | | |

| | |Charlottesville, Virginia, USA | | |

|P1C1-1  VisR Ultrasound Evaluation of |P1C2-1  Imaging of the Dispersion |Session P1C3. |P1C3-8  Monitoring imaging of lesions |P1C4-4  Volumetric Synthetic Aperture |

|Dystrophic Muscle Degeneration in a Dog |Coefficient of Ultrasound Contrast |MIM: Medical Imaging |induced by high intensity focused |Ultrasound Imaging with Row-Column |

|Cross-Section and Comparison to |Agents by Wiener System Identification |Chair: Kai Thomenius |ultrasound based on a matching pursuit |Addressed 2-D Arrays Using Spatial |

|Histology and MRI |for Prostate Cancer Localization |GE Corporate R&D |method |Matched Filter Beamforming |

|Mallory Selzo1, Joe Kornegay2, Amanda |Ruud van Sloun1, Libertario Demi1, | |Weidong Song1, Siyuan zhang1, Minxi |Hamed Bouzari1, Morten Fischer |

|Bettis2, Eric Snook2, Martin Styner3,4, |Hessel Wijkstra1,2, Massimo Mischi1 | |Wan1, Jin Wan1 |Rasmussen1, Matthias Bo Stuart1, |

|Jiahui Wang5, Caterina Gallippi1,6 |1Electrical Engineering, Eindhoven | |1Department of Biomedical Engineering, |Svetoslav Ivanov Nikolov2, Jørgen Arendt|

|1Biomedical Engineering, UNC Chapel |University of Technology, Eindhoven, | |School of Life Science and Technology, |Jensen1 |

|Hill, USA,2Veterinary Integrative |Netherlands, 2Academic Medical Center | |Xi¡¯an Jiaotong University, China, |1Technical University of Denmark, |

|Biosciences, Texas A&M University, |Amsterdam, Netherlands | |People's Republic of |Lyngby, Denmark, 2BK Medical ApS, |

|USA, 3Psychiatry, UNC Chapel HIll, | | | |Herlev, Denmark |

|USA,4Computer Science, UNC Chapel Hill, | | | | |

|USA,5Physciatry, UNC Chapel Hill, | | | | |

|USA, 6Radiology, UNC Chapel Hill, USA | | | | |

|P1C1-2  Elasticity mapping of abdominal |P1C2-2  Investigation of Membrane and |P1C3-1  Spatial mapping of |P1C3-9  Adaptive learning of tissue |P1C4-5  An Optimized Plane Wave |

|organs using Harmonic Motion Imaging |Uptake Kinetics in Sonoporation Using a |electromechanical properties in bone |reflectivity statistics and its |Synthetic Focusing Imaging for |

|Thomas Payen1, Carmine Palermo2, Steve |Giant Unilamellar Vesicle Cell Model |measured through acoustically stimulated|application for blind deconvolution of |High-Resolution Convex Array Imaging |

|Sastra2, Hong Chen1, Yang Han1, Kenneth |Ruen Shan Leow1, Wenjing Zhong1, |electromagnetic response |medical ultrasound scans |Sua Bae1, Pilsu Kim1, Jeeun Kang1, |

|Olive2, Elisa Konofagou1,3 |Alexander L. Klibanov2, Alfred C. H. Yu1|Kakeru Watanabe1, Shuntaro Hamazumi1, |Oleg Michailovich1, Yogesh Rathi2 |Tai-kyong Song1 |

|1Biomedical Engineering, Columbia |1Medical Engineering Program, University|Hisato Yamada1, Kenji Ikushima1, |1Electrical and Computer Engineering, |1Department of Electronic Engineering, |

|University, New York, NY, USA,2Herbert |of Hong Kong, Pokfulam, Hong |Yoshitsugu Kojima2, Nobuo Niimi2, |University of Waterloo, Waterloo, |Sogang University, Seoul, Korea, |

|Irving Comprehensive Cancer Center, |Kong, 2Division of Cardiovascular |Yoshihiro Hagiwara3 |Ontario, Canada, 2Harvard Medical |Republic of |

|Columbia University, USA, 3Department of|Medicine, University of Virginia, |1Department of Applied Physics, Tokyo |School, USA | |

|Radiology, Columbia University, USA |Charlottesville, Virginia, USA |University of Agriculture and | | |

| | |Technology, Koganei, Japan, 2Nippon | | |

| | |Sigmax Co. Ltd., Tokyo, | | |

| | |Japan, 3Department of Orthopaedic | | |

| | |Surgery, Tohoku University School of | | |

| | |Medicine, Sendai, Japan | | |

|P1C1-3  New Inverse problem for |P1C2-3  Feasibility of in vivo |P1C3-2  Assessment of Scoliosis Using 3D|P1C3-10  3D Contrast Ultrasound |P1C4-6  Synthetic Aperture Sequential |

|visco-elastic characterization of fatty |contrast-enhanced ultrasound imaging of |Ultrasound Volume Projection Imaging |Dispersion Imaging by Mutual Information|Beamforming for Phased Array Imaging |

|liver using Vibration Controlled |the renal cortex during hemorrhagic |with Automatic Detection of Spine |for Prostate Cancer Localization |Deep Bera1, Johan G. Bosch1, Nico de |

|Transient Elastography |shock |Curvature |Stefan Schalk1, Libertario Demi1, |Jong1, Hendrik J. Vos1 |

|Jean-pierre Remenieras1, Cecile |Tom van Rooij1, Alexandre Lima2, Verya |Guang-Quan Zhou1, Yong-Ping Zheng1 |Martijn Smeenge2, Jean de la Rosette2, |1Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, Netherlands |

|Bastard2, Veronique Miette2, Jean-marc |Daeichin1, Patricia A.C. Specht3, Bulent|1The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, |Pintong Huang3, Hessel Wijkstra1,2 | |

|Perarnau3, Frederic Patat1,3 |Ergin4, Yasin Ince2,4, Nico de Jong1,5, |Hong Kong |1Biomedical Diagnostics, Eindhoven | |

|1Equipe 5, UMR INSERM U930 University of|Can Ince2,4, Klazina Kooiman1 | |University of Technology, Eindhoven, | |

|Tours, Tours, France, 2Echosens, Paris, |1Department of Biomedical Engineering, | |Netherlands, 2Dept. of Urology, AMC | |

|France,3INSERM CIC IT 1415, Tours, |Thorax Center, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, | |University Hospital, Amsterdam, | |

|France |Netherlands,2Department of Intensive | |Netherlands, 3Dept. of Ultrasound, | |

| |Care Adults, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, | |Zhejiang University School of Medicine, | |

| |Netherlands, 3Laboratory of Experimental| |Zhejiang, China, People's Republic of | |

| |Anesthesiology, Department of | | | |

| |Anesthesiology, Erasmus MC, | | | |

| |Netherlands,4Department of Translational| | | |

| |Physiology, Academic Medical Center, | | | |

| |Amsterdam, Netherlands, 5Laboratory of | | | |

| |Acoustical Wavefield Imaging, Faculty of| | | |

| |Applied Sciences, Technical University | | | |

| |Delft, Delft, Netherlands | | | |

|P1C1-4  An acoustical generator to |P1C2-4  Molecular Ultrasound Assessment |P1C3-3  Automatic Detection and |P1C3-11  Functional Transcranial Doppler|P1C4-7  A New Synthetic Aperture Imaging|

|induce low amplitude shear waves in the |of Colorectal Tumor Angiogenesis with |Measurement of Fetal Femur Length using |and Cerebral Lateralization during Two |Method Using Virtual Elements on Both |

|human brain |Endoglin-targeted Contrast Microbubbles |a Portable Ultrasound Device |Visuospatial Tasks |Transmit and Receive |

|Emmanuel Nicolas1, Samuel |Cheng LIU1, Yaoheng YANG1, Zhihai QIU1, |Naiad Hossain Khan1, Eva Tegnander2,3, |Benjamin Hage1, Mohammed Alwatban1, Erin|MooHo Bae1, Nam Ouk Kim1, Moon Jeong |

|Callé1,Jean-Pierre Remenieras1 |Yongmin HUANG1, Fei YAN2, Lei SUN1 |Johan Morten Dreier2, Sturla Eik-Nes2,3,|Barney1, Mark Mills2, Michael Dodd2, |Kang1, Sung-Jae Kwon2 |

|1INSERM U930 - Tours University, TOURS, |1Interdisciplinary Division of |Hans Torp1, Gabriel Kiss1 |Edward Truemper3, Gregory Bashford1 |1Hallym University, Chuncheon, Korea, |

|France |Biomedical Engineering, Faculty of |1ISB, MI Lab and Department of |1Department of Biological Systems |Republic of, 2Daejin University, Korea, |

| |Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic |Circulation and Medical Imaging, NTNU, |Engineering, University of |Republic of |

| |University, HONG KONG, China, People's |Trondheim, Norway,2National Center for |Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE, | |

| |Republic of, 2Paul C. Lauterbur Research|Fetal Medicine (NCFM), St. Olavs |USA,2Department of Psychology, | |

| |Center for Biomedical Imaging, Shenzhen |Hospital, Trondheim, Norway, 3Department|University of Nebraska-Lincoln, NE, | |

| |Institutes of Advanced Technology, |of Laboratory Medicine, Children's and |USA,3Department of Pediatric Intensive | |

| |Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenzhen, |Women's Health (LBK), NTNU, Trondheim, |Care, Children's Hospital & Medical | |

| |China, People's Republic of |Norway |Center, Omaha, NE, USA | |

|P1C1-5  An Arrayed-Range-Gate Data |P1C2-5  Evaluation of Accuracy of Bolus |P1C3-4  3D printed phantom for high |Session P1C4. |P1C4-8  Phase Aberration Correction with|

|Acquisition for Spatial Distribution |and Burst Method for Quantitative |frequency ultrasound imaging |MBB: Beamforming II |Adaptive Curve Fitting for Medical |

|Analysis of Myocardial Tissue Vibration |Ultrasound Perfusion Analysis with |Jean-Rene Jacquet1, Frederic Ossant1,2, |Chair: Mingxi Wan |Ultrasound Imaging |

|from Stenosis in Coronary Doppler |Various Arterial Input Function Models |franck Levassort3, Jean-Marc Gregoire1 |Xi’an Jiaotong University |Yeokyeong YOON1, Jinbum Kang1, Ilseob |

|Vibrometry |Martin Mezl1,2, Radovan Jirik1,3, Karel |1Université François-Rabelais de Tours, | |SONG1, Yangmo Yoo1,2 |

|Daehyeon Lee1, Sungjoo Yoo2, Dong-Bin |Soucek4,5, Radim Kolar1,2 |Inserm, Imagerie et Cerveau UMR U930, | |1Electronic Engineering, Sogang |

|Kim3 |1Center for Biomedical Engineering, |Tours, France, 2CHRU de Tours, Tours, | |University, Seoul, Korea, Republic |

|1Department of Electrical Engineering, |International Clinical Research Center, |France, France, 3Université | |of, 2Interdisciplinary Program of |

|Pohang University of Science and |St. Anne's University Hospital Brno, |François-Rabelais de Tours, GREMAN, UMR | |Integrated Biotechnology, Sogang |

|Technology, Pohang, Korea, Republic |Brno, Czech Republic, 2Department of |7347 CNRS, Tours, France | |University, Korea, Republic of |

|of,2Department of Computer Science and |Biomedical Engineering, Brno University | | | |

|Engineering, Seoul National University, |of Technology, Brno, Czech | | | |

|Seoul, Korea, Republic of, 3Division of |Republic,3Institute of Scientific | | | |

|Cardiology, College of Medicine, The |Instruments of the ASCR, v. v. i., Brno,| | | |

|Catholic University of Korea, Seoul, |Czech Republic, 4Department of | | | |

|Korea, Republic of |Cytokinetics, Institute of Biophysics, | | | |

| |Academy of Sciences of the Czech | | | |

| |Republic, v.v.i., Brno, Czech | | | |

| |Republic, 5Center of Biomolecular and | | | |

| |Cellular Engineering, International | | | |

| |Clinical Research Center, St. Anne's | | | |

| |University Hospital Brno, Brno, Czech | | | |

| |Republic | | | |

|P1C1-6  How Calcifications Affect Shear |P1C2-6  An ImageJ plugin for the sizing |P1C3-5  Mobile 3D augmented reality |P1C4-1  Ex vivo evaluation of an |P1C4-9  Multi-focus tissue harmonic |

|Wave Speed Estimations? An Experimental |and counting of microbubbles |system for ultrasound applications |eye-adapted beamforming for axial |images obtained with parallel transmit |

|Study |Charles SENNOGA1, Emma Kanbar1, Ayache |Gabriel Kiss1, Cameron Lowell Palmer1, |B-scans using a 20 MHz linear array |beamforming by means of orthogonal |

|Adriana Gregory1, Mahdi Bayat1, Max |Bouakaz1 |Bjørn Olav Haugen1, Eva Tegnander2,3, |Tony Matéo1, Yassine Mofid1, Frédéric |frequency division multiplexing |

|Denis1, Qiang Bo1, Mohammad |1Inserm U930, Université |Sturla H. Eik-Nes2,3, Hans Torp1 |Ossant1,2 |Libertario Demi1, Gabriele Giannini2, |

|Mehrmohammadi1,2, Mostafa Fatemi1, Azra |François-Rabelais de Tours, France |1Department of Circulation and Medical |1Imagerie et Ultrasons, UMR Inserm U930 |Alessandro Ramalli2, Piero Tortoli2, |

|Alizad1 | |Imaging and MI Lab, Norwegian University|- Université François Rabelais de Tours,|Massimo Mischi1 |

|1Physiology and Biomedical Engineering, | |of Science and Technology, Trondheim, |Tours, France, 2CHRU de Tours, Tours, |1Biomedical Diagnostics Lab., Eindhoven |

|Mayo Clinic College of Medicine, | |Norway, 2National Center for Fetal |France |University of Technology, Eindhoven, |

|Rochester, Minnesota, USA,2Biomedical | |Medicine, St. Olavs Hospital, Trondheim,| |Netherlands, 2Information Engineering |

|Engineering, Wayne State University, | |Norway, 3Department of Laboratory | |Dept, Università degli Studi di Firenze,|

|Detroit, Michigan, USA | |Medicine, Children's and Women's Health,| |Firenze, Italy |

| | |Norwegian University of Science and | | |

| | |Technology, Trondheim, Norway | | |

|P1C1-7  Evaluating Hepatic Fibrosis in |P1C2-7  The evaluation system for |P1C3-6  Feasibility of uterine speckle |P1C4-2  Synthetic transmit beam steering|P1C4-10  Low-complexity adaptive |

|Rat Liver by using Ultrasound |measuring sensitivity of microbubbles to|tracking for improved embryo |for spatial compounding applications |beamforming using autocorrelation-based |

|Elastography: Comparison between |target molecules using a quartz crystal |implantation |using continuous transmit focusing |generalized coherence factor |

|Model-dependent and Model-independent |microbalance |Massimo Mischi1, Nienke Kuijsters1,2, |David Napolitano1, Robert Steins1, Al |Yong-Qi Xing1, Shue-Han Jiang1, Gency |

|Approaches |Yasuhiro Yokoi1, Kenji Yoshida2, Ryosuke|Chiara Rabotti1, Benedictus Schoot2 |Gee1, Ting-Lan Ji2, Ching-Hua Chou1, |Jeng2, Che-Chou Shen1 |

|Haoming Lin1, Xinyu Zhang1, Xin Chen1, |Shimoya1, Yoshiaki Watanabe1 |1Eindhoven University of Technology, |Glen McLaughlin1 |1Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan|

|Yuanyuan Shen1, Xianfen Diao1, Chien |1Doshisha University, Japan, 2Chiba |Netherlands,2Catharina Ziekenhuis |1Advanced Technology, Zonare Medical |University of Science and Technology, |

|Ting Chin1, Yi Zheng2, Yanrong Guo1, |Univercity, Japan |Eindhoven, Netherlands |Systems, Mountain View, California, |Taipei, Taiwan, 2S-Sharp Corporation, |

|Tianfu Wang1, Siping Chen1 | | |USA, 2Mindray, Mountain View, |Taiwan |

|1Shenzhen University, Shenzhen, China, | | |California, USA | |

|People's Republic of, 2St. Cloud State | | | | |

|University, St. Cloud, MN 56301, USA | | | | |

|8:00 am - 5:00 pm |Poster --- Saturday, October 24, 2015 |4th floor |

|P1C4-11  Study of Phase Aberration on |P1C5-7  Histotripsy Produced by Hundreds|P1C6-5  Numerical Analysis of Fast and |Session P1C7. |P1C7-8  A portable dual-mode ultrasound |

|Coherent Plane Wave Compounding |of Microsecond Focused Ultrasound Pulses|Slow Waves Backscattered from Various |MSD: Novel Hardware for Ultrasound |platform with multi-rail voltage power |

|Chang-Lin Hu1,2, Meng-Lin Li1,3 |in Gels and Tissue ex vivo |Depths in Cancellous Bone |Research |supply for adaptive diagnostic imaging |

|1Dept. of Electrical Engineering, |Yubo Guan1, Mingzhu Lu1, Yujiao Li1, |Atsushi Hosokawa1 |Chair: Andrzej Nowicki |and therapy sequence programming |

|National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, |Mingxi Wan1 |1Department of Electrical and Computer |Institute of Fundamental Technological |Gary Yi Hou1, Bob Uvacek1, Richard |

|Taiwan, 2Industrial Technology Research |1The Key Laboratory of Biomedical |Engineering, National Institute of |Research |Tobias1 |

|Institute, Taiwan, 3Institute of |Information Engineering of Ministry of |Technology, Akashi College, Akashi, | |1Cephasonics, Santa Clara, California, |

|Photonics Technologies, National Tsing |Education, Department of Biomedical |Japan | |USA |

|Hua University, Taiwan |Engineering,School of Life Science and | | | |

| |Technology,Xi'an Jiaotong University, | | | |

| |Xi'an, Shaanxi, China, People's Republic| | | |

| |of | | | |

|Session P1C5. |P1C5-8  Motion-triggered Lesion |P1C6-6  An anisotropic bi-layered model |P1C7-1  FPGA Implementation of Low-Power|P1C7-9  Mobile ultrafast ultrasound |

|MTH: In Vitro and In Vivo Therapeutics |Formation with Close-loop Control in |to estimate cortical bone properties |3D Ultrasound Beamformer |imaging system based on smartphone and |

|Chair: Nobuki Kudo |Rats Liver In Vivo |from guided-wave measurements |Richard Sampson1, Ming Yang2, Siyuan |tablet devices |

|Hokkaido University |Dalong Liu1, Emad Ebbini1 |Nicolas Bochud1, Jean-Gabriel Minonzio1,|Wei2, Rungroj Jintamethasawat3, Brian |Holger Hewener1, Steffen Tretbar1 |

| |1Electrical and Computer Engineering, |Quentin Vallet1, Pascal Laugier1 |Fowlkes3, Oliver Kripfgans3, Chaitali |1Ultrasound, Fraunhofer IBMT, Sankt |

| |University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, |1Laboratoire d’Imagerie Biomedicale, |Chakrabarti2, Thomas F. Wenisch1 |Ingbert, Germany |

| |Minnesota, USA |Sorbonne Universites, UPMC Univ Paris |1Department of Electrical Engineering | |

| | |06, INSERM, CNRS, Paris, France |and Computer Science, University of | |

| | | |Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI - Michigan, | |

| | | |USA, 2School of Electrical, Computer, | |

| | | |and Energy Engineering, Arizona State | |

| | | |University, Tempe, Arizona, | |

| | | |USA, 3Department of Radiology, | |

| | | |University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI - | |

| | | |Michigan, USA | |

|P1C5-1  Ultrasound stimulation of |P1C5-9  Sonogenetics Non-invasive Brain |P1C6-7  Combined Estimation of Thickness|P1C7-2  A FPGA-Based Multi-Channel |P1C7-10  Real Time Imaging System using |

|carotid baroreceptors: initial canine |Stimulation: Examination of thermal |and Velocities of cortical shell using |Analog Front-End Device for |a 12-MHz Forward Looking Catheter with |

|results |effect of ultrasound |reflected waves: Study on bone phantoms |High-Frequency Ultrasound Plane Wave |Single Chip CMUT-on-CMOS Array |

|Jesse Yen1, Mike Partsch2, Yu Chen1, |Lili Niu1, Long Meng1, Fei Li1, Fei |and samples |Imaging System |Coskun Tekes1, Thomas M. Carpenter1, |

|Alejandro Covalin3 |Yan1, Ming Qian1, Yang Xiao1, Hairong |Jerzy Litniewski1, Yurij Tasinkevych1, |Po-Yang Lee1, Hao-Li Liu2, Chih-Chung |Toby Xu1, Sebastian Bette2, Uwe |

|1University of Southern California, Los |Zheng1 |Jerzy Podhajecki1, Katarzyna Falinska1 |Huang1 |Schnakenberg2, David Cowell3, Steven |

|Angeles, CA, USA, 2Accelemed, San |1Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced |1Institute of Fundamental Technological |1Department of Biomedical Engineering, |Freear3, Ozgur Kocaturk4, Robert J. |

|Francisco, CA, USA, 3Atidtek, CA, USA |Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences,|Research, Poland |National Cheng Kung University, |Lederman4, F. Levent Degertekin1 |

| |Shenzhen, China, People's Republic of | |Taiwan, 2Department of Electrical |1G.W. Woodruff School of Mechanical |

| | | |Engineering, Chang Gung University, |Engineering, Georgia Institute of |

| | | |Taiwan |Technology, Atlanta, Georgia, |

| | | | |USA, 2Institute of Materials in |

| | | | |Electrical Engineering, RWTH Aachen |

| | | | |University, Aachen, Germany, 3School of |

| | | | |Electronic and Electrical Engineering, |

| | | | |University of Leeds, Leeds, United |

| | | | |Kingdom, 4Division of Intramural |

| | | | |Research, National Institute of Health, |

| | | | |Bethesda, Maryland, USA |

|P1C5-2  Pulsed high-intensity focused |Session P1C6. |P1C6-8  Clinical study of multisite |P1C7-3  A FPGA-based Wearable Ultrasound|P1C7-11  Characterization of the STHV748|

|ultrasound exposure decreases shear wave|MTC: Bone |axial transmission measurements in |Device for Monitoring Obstructive Sleep |integrated pulser for generating push |

|speed of rabbit¡¦s Achilles tendons |Chair: Mami Matsukawa |postmenopausal women using optimized |Apnea Syndrome |sequences |

|Chia-Lun Yeh1, Pa-Chi Li1, Po-Ling |Doshisha University |first arriving signal velocity |Chi-Kai Weng1, Jeng-Wen Chen2, |Mateusz Walczak1, Beata Witek1, Marcin |

|Kuo2,3 | |measurements |Chih-Chung Huang1 |Lewandowski1 |

|1Graduate Institute of Biomedical | |Johannes Schneider1, Jean-Gabriel |1Department of Biomedical Engineering, |1Institute of Fundamental Technological |

|Electronics and Bioinformatics, National| |Minonzio2, Timo Zippelius3, Peter |National Cheng Kung University, |Research, Polish Academy of Sciences, |

|Taiwan University, Taipei, | |Varga1, Patrick Strube4, Pascal |Taiwan, 2Department of Otolaryngology |Poland |

|Taiwan, 2Department of Electrical | |Laugier2, Kay Raum1 |Head and Neck Surgery, Cardinal Tien | |

|Engineering, National Taiwan University,| |1BCRT, Charité Universitätsmedizin |Hospital, Taiwan | |

|Taipei, Taiwan,3Department of | |Berlin, Berlin, Germany, 2Laboratoire | | |

|Rehabilitation, National Taiwan | |d’Imagerie Biomédicale, Université | | |

|University Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan | |Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, | | |

| | |France, 3CMSC, Charité | | |

| | |Universitätsmedizin Berlin, | | |

| | |Germany, 4CMSC, Charité | | |

| | |Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Berlin, | | |

| | |Germany | | |

|P1C5-3  Optically Transparent and |P1C6-1  Noninvasive Bone Assessment |P1C6-9  Hypersonic wave velocity in |P1C7-4  HD-PULSE: High channel Density |Session P2C1. |

|Acoustically Scattering Bovine Serum |Using Ultrasound Radiation Force |drying collagen film with AGE crosslinks|Programmable ULtrasound System based on |Microfluidics |

|Albumin Gel Phantoms for Therapeutic |Max Denis1, Mostafa Fatemi1, Azra |Yuki Imoto1, Shinji Takayanagi1, Mitsuru|consumer Electronics |Chair: David Greve |

|Ultrasound Dosimetry |Alizad1,2 |Saito2, Keishi Marumo2, Mami Matsukawa1 |Alejandra Ortega1, David Lines2, João |Carnegie Mellon University |

|Rei Asami1, Takashi Maruoka1, Kenichi |1Department of Physiology and Biomedical|1Wave Electronics Research Center, |Pedrosa1, Bidisha Chakraborty1, Hans | |

|Kawabata1 |Engineering, Mayo College of Medicine, |Doshisha University, Kyotanabe Kyoto, |Gassert2, Jan D'hooge1 | |

|1Hitachi, Ltd, Japan |Rochester, MN, USA,2Department of |Japan, 2Department of Orthopaedic |1Department of Cardiovascular Sciences, | |

| |Internal Medicine, Mayo College of |Surgery, Jikei University School of |KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium,2Diagnostic | |

| |Medicine, Rochester, MN, USA |Medicine, Tokyo, Japan |Sonar Ltd., Livingston, United Kingdom | |

|P1C5-4  Ex-vivo Perfused Swine Kidney |P1C6-2  High-frequency backscatter |P1C6-10  Ultrasound radiation from bone |P1C7-5  Smartphone-based Portable |P2C1-1  Measurement of Very Low |

|Simulating in FUS Therapy |measurements reveals large basic |transducer in the MHz range |Ultrasound Imaging System: Prototype |Concentration of Microparticles in Fluid|

|Jiaqiu Wang1, Xu Xiao1, Robyn Duncan2, |multicellular units in in cortical bone |Sayaka Matsukawa1, Hiroko Tsuneda1, Isao|Implementation and Evaluation |by Single Particle Detection using |

|Helen McLeod3, Benjamin Cox4, Andreas |Adeline Bourgnon1, Kay Raum1 |Mano1, Katsunori Mizuno2, Takahiko |Sewoong Ahn1, Jeeun Kang1, Pilsu Kim1, |Acoustic Radiation Force Induced |

|Melzer1 |1Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin, |Yanagitani3, Shinji Takayanagi1, Mami |Gunho Lee1, Eunji Jung1, Woojin Jung1, |Particle Motion |

|1Institute for Medical Science and |Germany |Matsukawa1 |Minsuk Park1, Tai-kyong Song1 |John Lee1, Javier Jimenez2, Ian R. |

|Technology, University of Dundee, | |1Doshisha University, Japan, 2University|1Department of Electronic Engineering, |Butterworth2, Carlos Castro-González2, |

|Dundee, United Kingdom, 2Centre for | |of Tokyo, Japan,3Waseda University, |Sogang University, Seoul, Korea, |Shiva K. Shukla3, Berta Marti-Fuster2, |

|Anatomy and Human Identification, | |Japan |Republic of |Luis Elvira3, Duane S. Boning1, Brian W.|

|University of Dundee, Dundee, United | | | |Anthony1 |

|Kingdom, 3Division of Cardiovascular & | | | |1Massachusetts Institute of Technology, |

|Diabetes Medicine, University of Dundee,| | | |Cambridge, MA, USA, 2Madrid-MIT M+Vision|

|Dundee, United Kingdom,4Division of | | | |Consortium, Massachusetts Institute of |

|Imaging & Technology, University of | | | |Technology, Cambridge, MA, |

|Dundee, Dundee, United Kingdom | | | |USA,3Instituto de Tecnologías Físicas y |

| | | | |de la Información (CSIC), Madrid, Spain |

|P1C5-5  Neuronavigation-Guided Focused |P1C6-3  Sensitivity analysis of |P1C6-11  An optimization method for |P1C7-6  A Cost-effective Portable |P2C1-2  Investigation of |

|Ultrasound-Induced Blood-Brain Barrier |leaky-Lamb modes to the thickness and |pairing in-vivo guided wave measurements|Ultrasound Imaging System with Wireless |surface-acoustic-wave atomization using |

|Opening: Feasibility When Considering |material properties of cortical bone |with theoretical Rayleigh-Lamb modes |Connection |Phase Doppler Anemometry |

|The Human Skull |with soft tissue: a semi-analytical |Nicolas Bochud1, Jean-Gabriel Minonzio1,|Heyuan Qiao1, Bingjing Zhao2 |Taiki Hiromoto1, Motoaki Hara1, Taku |

|Meng-Yen Tsai1, Po-Chun Chu1, Hong-Li |finite-element (SAFE) based simulation |Quentin Vallet1, Pascal Laugier1 |1School of Medical Engineering, Hefei |Kudo2, Hideaki Kobayashi2, Hiroki |

|Wang2, Hao-Li Liu1 |study |1Laboratoire d’Imagerie Biomedicale, |University of Technology, Hefei, Anhui, |Kuwano1 |

|1Department of Electrical Engineering, |Tho N.H.T. Tran1, Lawrence H. Le1,2, |Sorbonne Universites, UPMC Univ Paris |China, People's Republic of,2Anhui |1Graduate school of Engineering, Tohoku |

|Chang Gung University, Tao-Yuan, |Vu-Hieu Nguyen3, Kim-Cuong T. Nguyen1,4,|06, INSERM, CNRS, Paris, France |University, Hefei, Anhui, China, |University, Japan, 2Institute of Fluid |

|Taiwan, 2School of Information and |Mauricio D. Sacchi2 | |People's Republic of |Science, Tohoku University, Japan |

|Electronic Engineering, Zhejiang |1Department of Radiology and Diagnostic | | | |

|Gongshang University, Hangzhou, China, |Imaging, University of Alberta, | | | |

|People's Republic of |Canada,2Department of Physics, | | | |

| |University of Alberta, | | | |

| |Canada, 3Laboratoire Modélisation et | | | |

| |Simulation Multi Echelle UMR 8208 CNRS, | | | |

| |Université Paris Est, | | | |

| |France, 4Department of Dentistry, | | | |

| |University of Alberta, Canada | | | |

|P1C5-6  Ultrasonic Monitoring of |P1C6-4  Axial Transmission Measurements |P1C6-12  Identifying novel clinical |P1C7-7  Color Doppler Imaging on a |P2C1-3  The Plate Acoustic Wave Sensor |

|Cavitation Bubbles Induced by |in Cortical Bone: A Comparison between |surrogates to assess the strength of |Smartphone-based Portable US System: |for Detection of Bacterial Cells in |

|High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound in Gel|Linear Radon Transform and SVD-based |human bones: An ex vivo study. |Preliminary Study |Liquid Phase |

|Phantom Containing Thin Layer of |Approaches |Quentin Vallet1, Jean-Gabriel Minonzio1,|Eunji Jeong1, Sua Bae1, Minsuk Park1, |Irina Borodina1, Boris Zaitsev1, Andrey |

|Graphite Gel |Kailiang Xu1,2, Jean-Gabriel Minonzio2, |Nicolas Bochud1, Yohann Bala2, François |Woojin Jung1, Jeeun Kang1, Tai-kyong |Teplykh1, Alexander Shikhabudinov1, Iren|

|Kei Taguchi1, Ryo Takagi1, Jun Yasuda2, |Dean Ta1, Bo Hu1, Weiqi Wang1, Pascal |Duboeuf3, Rémy Gauthier4, Edison |Song1 |Kuznetsova2, Olga Guliy3, Andrey |

|Shin Yoshizawa2, Shin-ichiro Umemura1 |Laugier2 |Zapata3,4, Hélène Follet3, David |1Department of Electronic Engineering, |Smirnov4 |

|1Biomedical Engineering, Tohoku |1Department of Electronic Engineering, |Mitton4, Pascal Laugier1 |Sogang University, Korea, Republic of |1Saratov Branch, Kotel’nikov Institute |

|University, Sendai, |Fudan University, Shanghai, China, |1Laboratoire d'Imagerie Biomédicale, | |of Radio Engineering and Electronics of |

|Japan, 2Communication Engineering, |People's Republic of, 2Laboratoire |Sorbonne Universités, UPMC Univ Paris | |RAS, Russian Federation, 2Kotel’nikov |

|Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan |d'Imagerie Biomedicine, UMR CNRS 7371 - |06, INSERM, CNRS, Paris, | |Institute of Radio Engineering and |

| |INSERM U1146 - UPMC, Paris, France |France, 2Laboratoire Vibrations | |Electronics of RAS, Russian |

| | |Acoustique, INSA Lyon, Villeurbanne, | |Federation, 3Institute of Biochemistry &|

| | |France, 3INSERM UMR 1033, Université de | |Physiology of Plants & Microorganisms |

| | |Lyon, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, | |RAS, Russian Federation, 4Saratov State |

| | |Lyon, France, 4IFSTTAR, UMR_T9406, LBMC,| |University, Russian Federation |

| | |Université de Lyon, Université Claude | | |

| | |Bernard Lyon 1, Lyon, France | | |

|8:00 am - 5:00 pm |Poster --- Saturday, October 24, 2015 |4th floor |

|P2C1-4  Particle Size of Non-Contact |Session P2C3. |P3C1-1  c-axis parallel polarity |P3C3-2  Study on Achievement of |Session P5C2. |

|Atomization of Low Surface Tension |Sensing and Energy Harvesting |inverted multilayer ZnO film resonators |Simultaneous X, Y Movements and Theta |Transducer for Imaging and Diagnosis |

|Liquid by Powerful Aerial Ultrasonic. |Chair: Pierre Khuri-Yakub |fabricated by grazing ion beam assisted |Rotation Using Straight-Move Ultrasonic |Chair: Christine Démoré |

|Arisa Endo1, Takuya Asami1, Takashi |Stanford University |RF magnetron sputtering |Vibrators |University of Dundee |

|Ono1, Hikaru Miura1 | |Takeshi Mori1, Takahiko Yanagitani2, |Toshiaki Sakayachi1, Yusuke Nagira1, | |

|1College of Science & Technology, Nihon | |Masashi Suzuki1 |Mitsutaka Hikita1 | |

|University, Tokyo, Japan | |1Nagoya Institute of Technology, |1Department of GE, Kogakuin University, | |

| | |Japan, 2Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan |Tokyo, Japan | |

|Session P2C2. |P2C3-1  Study on Movement Detection in |P3C1-2  Shear mode properties of c-axis |P3C3-3  An ultrasonic motor using |P5C2-1  Acoustic Characterisation of a |

|Transducers and Wave Generation |Care Environment Using Precise |parallel oriented ScxAl1-xN films grown |transmission line and horn with oblique |PZT Matrix With Integrated Electronics |

|Chair: Kentaro Nakamura |Ultrasonic Distance Measurement at 40 |by RF bias sputtering |slits driven by a Langevin transducer. |for a 3D-TEE Probe |

|Tokyo Institute of Technology |kHz Installed in Sensor Network |Shinji Takayanagi1, Takahiko |Takaaki Ishii1, Souichiro Takehana1, |Shreyas Raghunathan1, Chao Chen2, Maysam|

| |Yukari Kaneda1, Takeo Sato1, Mitsutaka |Yanagitani2, Mami Matsukawa1 |Tsuyoshi Shimizu1 |Shabanimotlagh1, Zhao Chen2, Sandra |

| |Hikita1 |1Doshisha University, Kyotanabe, |1Mechatronics, University of Yamanashi, |Blaak3, Zili Yu2, Christian Prins3, |

| |1Department of GE, Kogakuin University, |Japan, 2Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan |Kofu, Yamanashi, Japan |Michiel Pertijs2, Johan Bosch4, Nico de |

| |Tokyo, Japan | | |Jong1,4, Martin Verweij1,4 |

| | | | |1Lab of Acoustic Wavefield Imaging, |

| | | | |Delft University of Technology, |

| | | | |Netherlands,2Electronic Instrumentation |

| | | | |Lab., Delft University Of Technology, |

| | | | |Netherlands,3Oldelft Ultrasound, |

| | | | |Netherlands, 4Dept. of Biomedical |

| | | | |Engineering, Erasmus Medical Centre, |

| | | | |Netherlands |

|P2C2-1  Study of ultrasonic machining |P2C3-2  Research on Improving the |P3C1-3  Measurement of acoustic wave |P3C3-4  An ultrasonic motor using |P5C2-2  Dual frequency IVUS array for |

|using longitudinal and torsional |Sensitivity of SAW/GC Gas Sensors |velocity and refractive index in |transmission line and spiral structure |contrast enhanced intravascular |

|vibration |Jiuling Liu1, Minghua Liu1, Shitang He1 |thickness direction of c-axis oriented |driven by a Langevin transducer. |ultrasound imaging |

|Takuya Asami1, Hikaru Miura1 |1Institute of Acoustics, Chinese Academy|ScAlN films by Brillouin scattering |Takaaki Ishii1, Masaki Mochizuki1, |Zhuochen Wang1, Wenbin Huang1, Karl |

|1College of Science & Technology, Nihon |of Sciences, Beijing, China, People's |Shota Tomita1, Takahiko Yanagitani2, |Tsuyoshi Shimizu1 |Heath Martin2, Paul A. Dayton2, Xiaoning|

|University, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan |Republic of |Masashi Suzuki2, Hayato Ichihashi1, |1Mechatronics, University of Yamanashi, |Jiang1 |

| | |Shinji Takayanagi1, Mami Matsukawa1 |Kofu, Yamanashi, Japan |1North Carolina State University, |

| | |1Doshisha University, Kyotanabe, Kyoto, | |USA, 2University of North Carolina, USA |

| | |Japan,2Waseda University, Okubo | | |

| | |Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan | | |

|P2C2-2  ScAlN thin film transducers for |P2C3-3  Powering autonomous wireless |Session P3C2. |P3C3-5  Precise Positioning |P5C2-3  A simulation frame work to |

|ultrasonic microscopy in the VHF range |sensors with miniaturized piezoelectric |Nonlinear Acoustics II |Characteristics of Multi-Mode Ultrasonic|optimize volumetric cardiac imaging on a|

|Yusuke Korai1, Masashi Suzuki2, Takahiko|based energy harvesting devices for NDT |Chair: John Larson |Motor |multiplexed system |

|Yanagitani2,3 |applications |Avago Technologies |Masaya Takasaki1, Shuo Zhang1, Masayuki |Carolina Vallecilla1, Alejandra Ortega1,|

|1Hitachi, Ltd., Hitachi, Japan,2Nagoya |Claire Bantignies1, Thien Hoang1, Hung | |Hara1, Daisuke Yamaguchi1, Yuji Ishino1,|Martino Alessandrini1, Jan D'hooge1 |

|Institute of Technology, Japan, 3Waseda |Le Khanh1, Guillaume Ferin1, Etienne | |Takeshi Mizuno1 |1Cardiovascular Imaging and Dynamics, KU|

|University, Japan |Flesch1, An Nguyen-Dinh1 | |1Dept. Mechanical Eng., Saitama |Leuven, Leuven, Belgium |

| |1Advanced Research Dpt., VERMON, France | |University, Saitama, Japan | |

|P2C2-3  Source Location Techniques in |P2C3-4  3D Ultrasound Palmprint |P3C2-1  Nonlinear elastic properties of |P3C3-6  Research on a vibration induced |P5C2-4  Press-focused 226MHz Ultrahigh |

|Plate-like Structures based on Fiber |recognition system based on a |the interface solid - granular |low friction pneumatic actuator with |Frequency Ultrasound Transducer for |

|Coupler Sensors |mechanically tilted linear probe |unconsolidated media |radial-direction vibration mode |Programmable Particle Manipulation |

|Fengmei Li1, Yiying Liu1, Linjie Wang1, |Antonio Iula1, Donatella Nardiello1, |Natalia Shirgina1, Aleksey Kokshaiskiy1,|Han Gao1, Jun Wang2, Marius Nabuurs2, |Ming Qian1, Ying Li2, Qifa Zhou2, K. |

|Zhenyu Zhao1 |Alessandro Ramalli2, Francesco Guidi2 |Alexandr Korobov1 |Jun Qian2, Gang Bao1, Michaël De |Kirk Shung2, Hairong Zheng1 |

|1xi'an jiaotong university, China, |1University of Basilicata, Potenza, |1Department of Physics, M.V. Lomonosov |Volder2, Dominiek Reynaerts2 |1Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced |

|People's Republic of |Italy,2University of Firenze, Italy |Moscow State University, Moscow, Russian|1Harbin Institute of Technology, China, |Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences,|

| | |Federation |People's Republic of, 2Katholieke |China, People's Republic of,2NIH |

| | | |Universiteit Leuven, Belgium |Ultrasonic Transducer Resource Center |

| | | | |and Department of Biomedical |

| | | | |Engineering, University of Southern |

| | | | |California, USA |

|P2C2-4  Research on ultrasonic detection|P2C3-5  A three-dimensional, wideband |P3C2-2  Influence of |Session P3C3. |P5C2-5  A Commercialized High Frequency |

|method of fuel tank leakage |vibration energy harvester using |transmission-reception characteristics |Ultrasonic Motors & Actuators |CMUT Probe for Medical Ultrasound |

|Hua Xue1, Di Wu1, Yongping Teng1, Yaping|magnetostrictive/piezoelectric composite|of ultrasound transducers on statistics |Chair: John Larson |Imaging |

|Wang1, Zhenning Zhao1 |transducer |of echoes from nonhomogeneous media |Avago Technologies |Danhua Zhao1, Steve Zhuang1, Ron Daigle2|

|1Beijingjiaotong University, China, |Jin Yang1, Qiangmo Yu2, Jiangxin Zhao2, |Norbert Zolek1, Janusz Wojcik1, Marcin | |1Kolo Medical Inc, USA, 2Verasonics Inc,|

|People's Republic of |Nian Zhao2, Yumei Wen2, Ping Li2 |Lewandowski1 | |USA |

| |1Chongqing University, Shapingba, |1Institute of Fundamental Technological | | |

| |Chongqing, China, People's Republic |Research, Warsaw, Poland | | |

| |of, 2Chongqing University, China, | | | |

| |People's Republic of | | | |

|P2C2-5  Ultrasonic phased array on the |P2C3-6  A Resonant Sensor for Liquid |Session P3C3. |P5C1-1  A feasibility study for |P5C2-6  Fabrication and Characterisation|

|inner surface of circular stage for |Density Measurement Based on a |Ultrasonic Motors & Actuators |arbitrary waveform generator using |of Miniature Parabolic Acoustic Lenses |

|detecting the circumferential flaw in a |Piezoelectric Bimorph |Chair: John Larson |on-off pulses and modified PWM waveforms|Erwin J Alles1, Daniil Nikitichev1, |

|pipe |Nicola Lamberti1, Monica La Mura1, |Avago Technologies |in the front-end circuit integrated with|Adrien E Desjardins1 |

|Zhongcun Guo1, Yitao Tan1, Fangfang |Valerio Apuzzo1, Pasquale D'Uva1, | |2D array transducer |1Department of Medical Physics & |

|Shi1, Bixing Zhang1, Junjie Gong1 |Alessandra Casella1, Giosuè Caliano2, | |Bae-Hyung Kim1, Seungheun Lee1, Kangsik |Biomedical Engineering, University |

|1State Key Laboratory of |Alessandro Stuart Savoia2 | |Kim1 |College London, London, United Kingdom |

|Acoustics,Institute of Acoustics,Chinese|1DIIn, University of Salerno, Fisciano, | |1Ultrasound R&D Group, Samsung | |

|Academy of Sciences, China, People's |Italy, 2Dept. of Engineering, University| |Electronics Co., Ltd., Seoul, Korea, | |

|Republic of |Roma Tre, Rome, Italy | |Republic of | |

|P2C2-6  Flexible Ultrasonic Transducers |Session P3C1. |P3C3-1  Ultra femto-liter mist |P5C1-2  Real time autofocusing hardware |P5C2-7  Design of linear array |

|for Transverse Horizontal Guided Waves |Thin Films |generation using surface acoustic wave |for ultrasonic imaging with interfaces |transducer using inversion layer for |

|in Structures |Chair: John Larson |device for sterilization and eradication|Jorge F. Cruza1, Luis Medina-Valdes1, |ultrasound harmonic imaging |

|Ching-Chung Yin1, Wei-Che Tsai1 |Avago Technologies |in the atomsphere |Carlos Fritsch1 |Chan Yuk Park1, Jin Ho Sung1, Jong Seob |

|1Department of Mechanical Engineering, | |Tatsuya Sugiyama1, Takashi Kimura1, Jun |1Ultrasonic Systems Group, Spanish |Jeong1 |

|National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu,| |Kondoh1 |National Research Council (CSIC), |1Medical Biotechnology, Dongguk |

|Taiwan | |1Shizuoka University, Hamamatsu-shi, |Madrid, Madrid, Spain |University, Gyeonggi-do, Korea, Republic|

| | |Japan | |of |

|8:00 am - 5:00 pm |Poster --- Saturday, October 24, 2015 |4th floor |

|P5C2-8  Non-Elevation-Focused Probe |P5C3-2  Sparse spherical HIFU arrays | | | |

|(NEFP) Designed for Pure Plane-wave |based on Fermat’s Spiral | | | |

|Ultrasound Imaging |Mario Ries1, Martijn de Greef1,Pascal | | | |

|Congzhi Wang1, Ning Guo1, Yang Xiao1, |Ramaekers1, Chrit Moonen1 | | | |

|Weibao Qiu1, Hairong Zheng1 |1Imaging Division, University Medical | | | |

|1Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced |Center Utrecht, Netherlands | | | |

|Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences,| | | | |

|China, People's Republic of | | | | |

|P5C2-9  An Integrated Convex Ultrasound |P5C3-3  Study of Ultrasound Transducer | | | |

|Endoscope for Digestive Tract Imaging |Which Produces Second Harmonic | | | |

|Jue PENG1,2, Zhifei Qin1,2, Xiaojian |Superimposed Signal | | | |

|PENG1,2, Tianfu WANG1,2, Siping CHEN1,2 |Zulfadhli Zaini1, Hayato Jimbo1, Ryo | | | |

|1Department of Biomedical Engineering, |Takagi1, Shin Yoshizawa1, Shin-ichiro | | | |

|School of Medicine, Shenzhen University,|Umemura1 | | | |

|National-Regional Key Technology |1Tohoku University, Japan | | | |

|Engineering Laboratory for Medical | | | | |

|Ultrasound, Shenzhen, China, People's | | | | |

|Republic of, 2Department of Biomedical | | | | |

|Engineering, School of Medicine, | | | | |

|Shenzhen University, Guangdong Key | | | | |

|Laboratory for Biomedical Measurements | | | | |

|and Ultrasound Imaging, Shenzhen, China,| | | | |

|People's Republic of | | | | |

|P5C2-10  Fabrication and Performance of | | | | |

|a Micro 50-MHz IVUS Transducer Based on | | | | |

|a 1-3 Composite with Geometric Focusing | | | | |

|Xiaohua Jian1, Zhile Han1, Weiwei Shao1,| | | | |

|Zhangjian Li1, Yaoyao Cui1 | | | | |

|1Suzhou Institute of Biomedical | | | | |

|Engineering and Technology, CAS, Suzhou,| | | | |

|China, People's Republic of | | | | |

|P5C2-11  Evaluation of piezo composite | | | | |

|based omnidirectional single fibre | | | | |

|transducers for 3D USCT | | | | |

|Michael Zapf1, Kai Hohlfeld2, Gourav | | | | |

|Shah1, Sylvia Gebhardt3, Hartmut | | | | |

|Gemmeke1, Alexander Michaelis2,3, Nicole| | | | |

|V. Ruiter1 | | | | |

|1Institute for Data Processing and | | | | |

|Electronics, Karlsruhe Institute of | | | | |

|Technology, Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen, | | | | |

|Germany, 2Institute of Materials | | | | |

|Science, TU Dresden, Dresden, | | | | |

|Germany,3IKTS, Fraunhofer Institute, | | | | |

|Dresden, Germany | | | | |

|P5C2-12  Quantifying the effect of | | | | |

|dicing on element vibration in | | | | |

|ultrasound transducers | | | | |

|Jovana Janjic1, Maysam Shabanimotlagh2, | | | | |

|Martin D. Verweij1,2, Nico de Jong1,2, | | | | |

|Gijs van Soest1, Antonius F.W. van der | | | | |

|Steen1,2 | | | | |

|1Dept. of Biomedical Engineering, | | | | |

|Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, | | | | |

|Netherlands, 2Lab. of Acoustical | | | | |

|Wavefield Imaging, Delft University of | | | | |

|Technology, Delft, Netherlands | | | | |

|P5C2-13  The Effect of the Transducer | | | | |

|Parameters on Spatial Resolution in | | | | |

|Plane-Wave Imaging | | | | |

|Zainab Alomari1,2, Sevan Harput2, Safeer| | | | |

|Hyder2, Steven Freear2 | | | | |

|1Electronics Engineering College, Mosul | | | | |

|University, Mosul, Iraq, 2School of | | | | |

|Electronic and Electrical Engineering, | | | | |

|University of Leeds, Leeds, United | | | | |

|Kingdom | | | | |

|Session P5C3. | | | | |

|Transducers for Therapy | | | | |

|Chair: Christine Démoré | | | | |

|University of Dundee | | | | |

|P5C3-1  Design and fabrication of a | | | | |

|novel three-row dual frequency | | | | |

|ultrasound transducer for image-guided | | | | |

|drug delivery | | | | |

|Min Su1, Shu Xue1, Yongchuan Li1, Lili | | | | |

|Niu1, Weibao Qiu1, Yang Xiao1, Congzhi | | | | |

|Wang1, Hairong Zheng1, Ming Qian1 | | | | |

|1Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced | | | | |

|Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences,| | | | |

|China, People's Republic of | | | | |


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