John F

John F. Covaleskie, Ph.D.

309 W Johnson

Norman, OK 73069



Moral and Character Education

Professional Ethics

Social Nature of Schooling

Alternative Education

Religion and Public Life

Democratic Education


1993 Ph.D. Syracuse University Philosophy of Education

1987 C.A.S. SUNY/Oswego Educational Administration

1974 M.S. SUNY/Albany Counseling and Personnel Services

1970 M.A. Adelphi University History

1968 B.A. LeMoyne College History


2007- University of Oklahoma, Associate Professor

2007- Northern Michigan University, Professor Emeritus

2001-2007 Northern Michigan University, Professor

2001 Ohio University, Athens, Ohio, Visiting Professor (summer)

2003 Ohio University, Athens, Ohio, Visiting Scholar (summer)

1998-2001 Northern Michigan University, Associate Professor

1993-1998 Northern Michigan University, Assistant Professor

1990-1992 Syracuse University, Coordinator, Schools of Character Forum

1989-1993 Syracuse University, Instructor

1987-1989 Camden Central Schools, Camden, NY, Elementary School Assistant Principal/Principal

1985-1987 Madison-Oneida Board of Cooperative Educational Services, Verona, NY, Science Curriculum Specialist

1976-1985 Stockbridge Valley Central Schools, Munnsville, NY, high school and middle school history and English teacher, fourth grade, third grade, and kindergarten teacher.

1974-1976 Utica College, Utica, NY, Assistant Director of Admissions

1972. East Meadow School District, East Meadow, NY, high school history teacher.



Frick, W. C., & Covaleskie, J. F. (in press). Preparing for integrity.


Covaleskie, John F. Membership and Moral Formation: Shame as an Educational and Social Emotion (2013). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.


Covaleskie, John F. (2012). Identity and Integrity: Judgment and the Moral Self. Philosophy of Education Yearbook: 2011, 208-215.

Covaleskie, John F. (2011) Private Belief and Public Life. Journal of Philosophy and History of Education. 61.

Covaleskie, John F. (2011). Public Speech and Religion in the Public Square: Breaching the Wall. Journal of Educational Controversy, 6(1). URL:

Covaleskie, John F. (2010). The Imperative of Moral Education, Journal of Philosophy and History of Education, 60: 73-76.

Covaleskie, John F. (Summer 2010). Freedom of Conscience and the Wall of Separation. Journal of Educational Controversy, 5(2)

Covaleskie, John F. (2010). Educational attainment and economic inequality: What schools cannot do. Journal of Thought, 44 (1 & 2), 83-96.

Covaleskie, John F. (2009). Religion in the public square: Accommodation or respectful inclusion. Journal of Philosophy and History of Education, 59: 181-186.

Covaleskie, John F. (2008). The insufficiency of rights talk: Political speech and public education. Journal of Philosophy and History of Education, 58, 32-37

Covaleskie, John F. (2008). The three why’s: Religion and science in school. Educational Studies, 43(1): 7-16.

Covaleskie, John F. (2007). The paradoxes of liberal democratic education: An essay review. Education Review, 10(13). ()

Covaleskie, John F. (2007). What public? Whose schools? Educational Studies, 42(1): 28-43

Covaleskie, John F. (2005) Can democracy work if it relies on people like us? In Philosophy of Education Yearbook: 2004. Champaign, IL: Philosophy of Education Society: 186-193.

Covaleskie, John F (2004). Paley’s paradox: Educating for democratic life. In Philosophy of Education Yearbook 2003. Champaign, IL: Philosophy of Education Society: 330-337.

Covaleskie, John F. (2002). Two cheers for standardized testing. International Electronic Journal for Leadership in Learning, 6 (2).

Covaleskie, John F. (2000). Breaking the social contract: The fiscal crisis in higher education: Analysis and critique. Journal of Thought 35 (2), 25-34.

Covaleskie, John F. (2000). Shame and moral formation. In Philosophy of Education Yearbook: 1999. Champaign. IL: Philosophy of Education Society.

Covaleskie, John F. (1997). Whose schools? And what should we do with them?. Educational Theory 47,4: (527-540).

Covaleskie, John F. (1995). Dewey, discipline, and democracy. In Proceedings of the Fiftieth Annual Meeting of the Philosophy of Education Society. Champaign, IL: Philosophy of Education Society, 180-87.

Covaleskie, John F. and Aimee Howley (1995). Education and the commons: Issues of professionalization. Educational Foundations 8,4: 59-73.

Covaleskie, John F. (November 1994). On education and the common good. Educational Policy Analysis Archives, 2:11. Reprinted in News and Views XIV, 9 (September 1995), Educational Excellence Network, a Project of the Hudson Institute.

Covaleskie, John F. (1994). Power goes to school: Teachers, students, and discipline. In Proceedings of the Forty-Ninth Annual Meeting of the Philosophy of Education Society. Champaign, IL: Philosophy of Education Society, 79-85.

Covaleskie, John F. (1994). The educational system and resistance to reform: The limits of policy, (Feb 1994) Educational Policy Analysis Archives, 2:6.

Covaleskie, John F. (1994). The educational system and resistance to reform: The limits of policy, Educational Policy Analysis Archives, 2:6.

Covaleskie, John F. (1992). Discipline and morality: Beyond rules and consequences. Educational Forum, 56(2): 173-183. Reprinted in Taking Sides: Clashing Views on Controversial Educational Issues, 7th edition, ed. James Wm. Noll, 287-295. Dushkin Publishing Group, Guilford, CT, 1993. (Also included in the 8th edition, 1995, and the 9th edition, 1997).


Covaleskie, John F. (2011). Wisdom, Fate, and Moral Agency. In Philosophy of Education Yearbook 2010, Champaign, IL: Philosophy of Education Society, 202-204.

Covaleskie, John F. (2008). Knowledge, skills, and dispositions: Do I need a philosophy of education, too? In Philosophy of Education Yearbook 2007. Champaign, IL, Philosophy of Education Society.

Covaleskie, John F. (2003). The power of the fragile. In Philosophy of Education Yearbook 2002 Champaign, IL: Philosophy of Education Society

Covaleskie, John F. (2000) Dewey and discipline: Educating for democratic citizenship. The Review Journal of Philosophy & Social Science XXVI, 105-124.

Covaleskie, John F. (1999). Critique and analysis. In Philosophy of Education Yearbook: 1998. Champaign, IL: Philosophy of Education Society, 128-130.

Covaleskie, John F. (1999). Review essay on The Changing Curriculum: Studies in Social Construction. Canadian Journal of Education/Revue canadienne de l’education 24(1) Winter, 101-103.

Covaleskie, J. F. (1999). Religious schools and children’s rights: A review. Education Review. April 9, 1999. Book review. Available online (April 9, 1999). URL:

Covaleskie, John F. (April 18, 1998). A Catholic’s defense of public education. AMERICA, 20-22.

Covaleskie, John F. (1996). Teaching reflective practitioners: Philosophy of education in methods courses. Philosophy of Education Newsletter.


Covaleskie, John F. (2011) Morality, Virtue, and Democratic Life. In Character and Moral Education: A Reader. Joseph L. DeVitis and Tianlong Yu, eds. 167-178.New York: Peter Lang.

Covaleskie, John F. Privatizing education would be harmful. In Education: Opposing Viewpoints. David Haugen and Susan Musser, eds. 92-100. New York: Greenhaven Press, 2009. (Reprint)

Covaleskie, John F. (1996). Preparing citizens for a decent society: Educating for virtue. In Educating Tomorrow's Valuable Citizen. Joan Burstyn, ed. 139-150. Albany: SUNY Press, 1996.


Covaleskie, John F. (2004). Philosophical Instruction. In Encyclopedia of Critical Thinking, Dan Weil (Ed.). ORYX Press

Covaleskie, John F. (2003). Contributing Editor for the ORYX Dictionary of Education, John W. Collins III and Nancy Patricia O’Brien. ORYX Press.

Entries Authored:

• Ability

• Academic freedom

• Aesthetics

• Afrocentric education

• Alternative education

• Arete

• Autonomy

• Axiology

• Back-to-basics

• Behaviorism

• Character

• Civic education

• Common school

• Communitarianism

• Cultural literacy

• Democracy

• Discipline

• Equality

• Equity

• Essentialism

• Ethics

• Guilt/shame

• Integrity

• Interest

• Perennialism

• Pluralism

• Race

• Value

• Virtue ethics

Covaleskie, John F. (1996) Discipline. In J.J. Chambliss, ed. Philosophy of Education: An Encyclopedia. New York: Garland Publishing, Inc.



Covaleskie, John F. (Oct 2013) Normative communities as moral education. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association of Moral Education: Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

Covaleskie, John F. (Sep 2013) Religion, morality, and school governance: Finding space for moral discourse. Paper presented at the Annual Values and Leadership Conference: Oklahoma City, OK

Covaleskie, John F. (Sep 2013). Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society of Philosophy and History of Education: St. Louis, MO

Shuffleton, Amy and John Covaleskie (Nov 3, 2012). Intersexuality: Philosophical Foundations and Political Significance. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Education Studies Association: Seattle, WA..

Democratic Implications of Covenant Theology (Oct 27, 2012). Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society of Philosophy and History of Education: St. Louis, MO.

Frick, William and John Covaleskie (Oct 1, 2012). Preparing for Integrity. General session paper presented at the Australian Council for Educational Leadership Conference: Brisbane, AU.

Frick, William and John Covaleskie (Oct 1, 2012). Preparing for Integrity. Paper presented at the Values and Leadership Conference at Australian Catholic University: Brisbane, AU.

First Amendment: Free Exercise and Establishment as Civil Problems (Nov 3, 2011). Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Education Studies Association: St. Louis, MO.

Moral Membership as Moral Formation: Shame and Moral Formation (Oct 2011). Annual Meeting of the International Association of Moral Education: Nanjing, China.

The First Amendment Goes to School (Sep 29, 2011). Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society of Philosophy and History of Education: St. Louis, MO.

Identity and Integrity (Mar 2011). Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Philosophy of Education Society: St. Louis, MO.

Masculinity and Education (Mar 2011). Part of a symposium to be presented at the Annual Meeting of the Philosophy of Education Society: St Louis, MO

Ontology, Morality, and Public Policy (Feb 2011). Part of a symposium presented at the Annual Meeting of the Oklahoma Education Studies Association: Norman, OK.

Private beliefs in public spaces. (Nov 2010). To be presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Philosophy and History of Education, Oklahoma City, OK

Toxic Shame and Identity. (Oct 2010) Part of a symposium to be presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Education Studies Association: Denver, CO

The Predictable Failure of Systemic Educational Reform. (Oct 2010). Paper to be presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Education Studies Association: Denver, CO

Freedom of conscience and the wall of separation. Paper presentation at the Annual Meeting of the American Education Research Association, San Diego, CA

Education in the public sphere (Nov 1, 2008). Paper presentation at the Annual Meeting of the American Education Studies Association: Savannah, GA

Religion in the public square: Accommodation or respectful inclusion? (Sep 2008). Paper presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Philosophy and History of Education, San Antonio, TX.

Paradoxes of democratic life: Religion, democracy, and politics. (May 2008).

Paper presentation at the Annual meeting of the Oklahoma Education Studies Association, Norman, OK.

The insufficiency of rights talk (Sep 28, 2007). Annual Meeting of Society of Philosophy and History of Education: Oklahoma City.

The problem with dropouts (Sep 27, 2007). Annual Meeting of Society of Philosophy and History of Education: Oklahoma City.

Religion and science in the public schools: The two ‘why’s’. Paper presentation at the Annual Meeting of the American Education Studies Association, Spokane, WA. Nov 2006.

Private faith and public policy. Paper presentation at the Annual Meeting of the American Education Studies Association, Spokane, WA. Nov 2006. Paper presentation at the Annual Meeting of the American Education Studies Association, Spokane, WA. Nov 2006.

Church, state, vouchers, and politics: The view from Michigan. Nov 2006. Paper presentation at the Annual Meeting of the American Education Studies Association, Spokane, WA. Nov 2006.

What public? Whose schools? Annual Meeting of the American Education Studies Association, Charlottesville, VA. Nov, 2005

Can democracy survive if it depends on people like us? Annual Meeting of the Philosophy of Education Society. April 2004

The ethical meanings of ‘profession.’ American Education Studies Association Annual Meeting, Nov 2003: Mexico City, MX

Whose side are you on?: Discourse of moral education in the public school classroom. American Education Studies Association Annual Meeting, Nov 2003: Mexico City, MX

Paley’s paradox: Educating for democratic life. Philosophy of Education Annual Meeting, April, 2003: Miami, FL.

Education and the common good. School Choice: Public Education at a Crossroads, May 11, 2002: Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Education and the formation of conscience. American Education Studies Association Annual Meeting, November 2, 2001: Miami, FL.

NCATE and the foundations. American Education Studies Association Annual Meeting, November 3, 2001: Miami, FL.

Two cheers for standardized testing. American Education Studies Association Annual Meeting, November 4, 2001: Miami, FL.

Education and shame. American Education Studies Association Annual Meeting. November 2, 2000: Vancouver.

Lessons from a small school. American Education Studies Association Annual Meeting. October 28, 1999: Detroit.

Shame and moral formation. Philosophy of Education Society Annual Meeting. March 27, 1999: New Orleans.

Social meanings of alternative education. American Education Studies Association Annual Meeting. November 1998: Philadelphia, PA.

Professional membership: Formation of conscience and professional ethics. American Education Studies Association Annual Meeting. October 1997: San Antonio, Texas.

The limits of liberalism. American Education Studies Association Annual Meeting. November 1996: Montreal, Quebec.

Shame, membership, and the formation of conscience. American Education Studies Association Annual Meeting. November 1995: Cleveland, OH.

Emergence of 'professional voice.' American Education Studies Association Annual Meeting. November 1994.

Dewey, discipline, and democracy. Philosophy of Education Society Annual Meeting. April 1994.


Knowledge, skills, and dispositions: Do I need a philosophy of education, too? Paper presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Philosophy of Education Society, Atlanta, GA. March 2007.

Ethical teachers: Ethical people. Annual Meeting of the Philosophy of Education Society, April, 2005: San Francisco.

Teaching philosophy by stealth. Philosophy of Education Society Annual Meeting, April 19, 2002: Vancouver, B.C., Canada.

The power of fragility. Philosophy of Education Society Annual Meeting, April 20, 2002: Vancouver, B.C.

Critique and analysis: A response to Frein. Annual Meeting of the Philosophy of Education Society: April 1998: Boston, MA.

Valuing the relation-self: Toward a Philosophy of Interpersonal Self-Esteem. Philosophy of Education Society. April 1997: Vancouver, BC. Participant and chair.

Symposium on professional ethics. American Education Studies Association Annual Meeting. November 1996: Montreal, Quebec. Participant and chair.

NCATE Ethics Standards: Some Proposed Standards, American Education Studies Association Annual Meeting. October 1997: San Antonio, Texas. Participant and chair.

Moral reflection and moral education: A Response to Rosner. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Philosophy of Education Society. March 1996: Chapel Hill, NC.

Making the transition from student to professor. Philosophy of Education Society Symposium Annual Meeting. April 1995: San Francisco, CA

Education and the commons: Issues of professionalization. American Education Studies Association Annual Meeting. November 1993 (Aimee Howley, co-author).


What Good is College?: The Economics of College Attendance. Annual Meeting of the Ohio Valley Philosophy of Education Society: Dayton, OH, Sep 2013.

Educational Studies in the Twenty-First Century: Taking the Grand Inquisitor Seriously. Annual Meeting of the Oklahoma Educational Studies Association: Norman, OK, Aug 2013

Virtue, liberty, and discipline: Fostering the democratic character. Annual Meeting of the Ohio Valley Philosophy of Education Society: Dayton, Ohio, Sep 2005.


Shame, membership, and the formation of character. Invited paper, LeMoyne College Philosophy Forum. February 1995: Syracuse, NY.


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