
Amnesty International Salisbury Group Minutes of the Monthly Meeting on Thursday 14th December 20177.30 pm 28 Attwood Road1Chairman’s WelcomePresent: Andrew, Fiona, Eddie, Michael S, Peter, LesleyApologies: TonyAH2Minutes of previous Meeting – These were agreed.3Treasurer’s Report ?513.81 (Bank account) ?30.06 (Cash)MP4Campaign ReportsDeath PenaltyPlease see the Salisbury Group Website for the full international update, covering Mauritania, Egypt/UK, USA, Israel, India, Bangladesh, Malaysia and Iran.Of particular note:Mohamed Ould Cheikh Ould Mkhaitir, the blogger condemned to death in Mauritania in 2014 for ‘apostasy’ in a Face book post about Islam, has had his sentence overturned by an Appeals Court.A Cairo Criminal Court has imposed the death penalty on 7 people found guilty of involvement in the beheadings of 21 Egyptian Christians in Libya. In Ohio, the execution of Alva Campbell, convicted of murder in 1998, was called off after the execution team were unable to find a viable vein for the lethal injection. The Governor has, however, set a new execution date of 5th June 2019, by which time Mr Campbell would be 71 years of age. In Arizona, an appeal, which has been filed on behalf of Abel Hidalgo, a prisoner on death row, could possibly force an end to capital punishment in the State, and ultimately across the country. The appeal, filed in August, challenges the overly broad qualifying factors that can result in eligibility for a death sentence. The Malaysian Parliament has removed the mandatory death penalty for drugs-related offences. Sentencing will now be at the discretion of Judges.In Iran, the Supreme Court has upheld the death sentence of Ahmadreza Djalali, an Iranian-born Swedish resident and specialist in emergency medicine, without granting his lawyers the opportunity to file their defence submissions. Ahmadreza Djalali’s lawyers said they were consistently told by court clerks that the case had not yet been allocated for consideration and that they should wait. As a result, the sudden news of the Supreme Court’s decision came as a shock. No investigation into his allegations of torture and other ill-treatment is known to have taken place.Urgent ActionsNo Death Penalty Urgent Actions have been received this month. CampaigningDeath Penalty Project – L and PC attended a Workshop for the campaign at AIHQ on 25.11.17. It was encouraging that of the 20+ attendees, 3 (including LC) were DP coordinators of their local groups. The DP Project has 3 main objectivesthe establishment of a stronger anti-Death Penalty community in the UK and world-widethe formation of a strong, principled, factually based and engaging narrativethe active and proactive engagement with detractors of those who oppose the death penalty.Following group discussions around these objectives, a committee was formed to produce a campaign plan.Reggie Clemons – LC took the opportunity at the Workshop to raise again the Group’s request for AIUK to take up Reggie’s case as his re-trial was due to start in January. She was, however, told that AI could not be seen to support him in the course of his actual trial as it would be interpreted as ‘trying to exercise undue influence’. This is extremely disappointing, and raises the issue of why this response could not have been received at the time of the initial request.The Group signed Christmas cards for Reggie, and these will be sent on to him in Missouri. Reggie’s address is given below should any members and supporters wish to send him good wishes for Christmas and his forthcoming re-trial – Reginald Clemons #67137 (5A-1 cell #25) St Louis City Justice Center 200 South Tucker Blvd St Louis MO 63102 USA.North KoreaTM has received a response from the Cathedral regarding the proposed possible dates for the Amnesty Evensong, with a provisional suggestion of Thursday 1st March. TM will now contact Benedict Rogers as a possible speaker.RefugeesThe Exhibition is up and running at the Library and will remain until 29th December. Responses in the Visitors’ Book have been positive. No replies were received from those invited to attend a group event, but the Exhibition has appeared in the Listings Section of the Salisbury Journal.PC will check with the Cathedral whether they would like to exhibit the pictures in JanuaryFD will contact other local Amnesty groups to offer them the pictures.AH will contact Salisbury College to offer them the pictures.Members of the Group will meet at the Library on the morning of December 30th to dismantle the Exhibition.PC was contacted by Wiltshire Sound in respect of an item to be broadcast regarding Reza Maghsoudi, the Afghan refugee, on the morning of 13th December. As they were looking for information regarding the technicalities of the asylum procedures in this Country, they were referred on to AI in London. The broadcast took place.FD will take cards from the Group to the families currently in Salisbury.LCTMAH5Social Media ReportWeb and other media statistics, November 2017 Quiet month all round with little activity to report. No records broken! Web siteThe figures are: MayJuneJulyAug SeptOct Nov 184148173190306208178ViewsAll time: 9,4663629025111125We now have 250 followers00We now have 250 followersCountry views:Nov USA63UK52France11Canada 7Top posts:Violence against women in North Korea [all time views 72]The case against human rights [41 all time views]=3. Tax avoidance and human rights; Death penalty report Followers: an increase of 1 to 250.TwitterA quiet month in terms of tweets but the tweet of the UN action in Yemen attracted a great deal of interest and was retweeted several times. Over 1,000 views so farImpressions:May June JulyAugSept Oct Nov 1329289028561857361941181719Top tweet: Group meetingWe have 141 followers, a decline of 1, and 189 following (no change). This is the second time we have seen a decline in followers although the numbers are fluid with some new and some cancellingTop mention was the tweet on our involvement in the Yemen war – the same as last monthFacebookTop post was on the Library exhibition. The reach was 121 for the monthTumbler The statistics button on Tumblr is no longer visible so no report this monthYouTube & FlickrThe video on North Korea ‘Close the Camps’ has now been switched to thousand views and is at 1.7k. Views on are at 797 and the still image went through four thousand and now stands at 4225Group Content always welcome!PC6Arts Centre FilmThe film ‘The Other Side of Hope’ was shown on 29th November. 50 people signed the petition to John Glen.FD7Write for RightsThis will take place in the Library Passage on Saturday 16th December from 10.00 to 11.50 am to allow time for the Group photo at the Refugee Photographic Exhibition. Shackelia Jackson (Jamaica)The Istanbul 10Issa Amro and Farid al-Atrash (The Palestinian Settlements)Members of the Group took Amnesty cards for The Istanbul 10 and Shackelia.All8Carol SingingThis will take place a on Tuesday 19th December – meeting at 6.00 pm at 24 Victoria Road for a 6.30 pm start. There will be two groups of carol singers and five collectors.All9Human Rights CelebrationThis is not going well. PC has contacted the large Solicitor Groups in Salisbury, but has received regrets or no responses. He is currently applying to Lush Cosmetics. This organisation has a particular interest in Human Rights and in organisations unable to secure funding elsewhere. The draft submission will be circulated for comment. Referees are needed for the application.PC has a meeting with the Cathedral on 19th December.PC10Monthly ActionHuman Rights Defenders - members and supporters are invited to call on the UK Government to increase its support for Human Rights Defenders.Human Rights Defenders Online Course – This free online course is available until 28th January.Brexit and Human Rights – Follow the blog to see how AI are working to persuade Parliament to amend the legislation contained in the EU (Withdrawal Bill) to ensure rights are protected.National Conference and AGM – 7th-8th April at Swansea University.Nominations for the Amnesty Board must be received by 5.00 pm on 11th January.All11Forthcoming EventsLibrary Refugee Exhibition – 2nd-29th DecemberWrite for Rights – 16th DecemberCarol Singing – 19th DecemberVigil for North Korea - TBCMarket Stall – 23rd June 2018Human Rights Celebration 2018 – June, exact dates TBCAllNext Meeting: Thursday 18th January 2018 (please note change of date) Time: 7.30 pm Venue: 4 Victoria Road salisburyaiCampaign box: Andrew Banner: P&LC ................

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