
GoalsGoal 1: Training ISD will maintain rigorous standards of academic achievement to prepare 21st century learners for graduation and post-secondary success.Performance Objective 1: With a focus on rigor in the classroom, all student groups will grow at least 3% on 2019 STAAR scores, especially Hispanic, Economically Disadvantaged and At-Risk student populations.Evaluation Data Source(s): 2019 STAAR scoresStrategy DescriptionElementsMonitorExpected Result/ImpactReviews/Evaluation All teachers will participate in a year-long book study of Marzano’s “The New Art and Science of Teaching” according to the following schedule:June-Aug. Ch. 1, 2, 3Sept.- Ch. 4, 5Oct.- Ch. 6Nov.- Ch. 7Dec.- Ch. 8Jan.- Ch. 9, 10Feb.- Ch. 112.5, 2.62nd Grade and 3rd Grade PLC LeadersTeachers will increase rigor in the classroom and provide proof by demonstrating for each other the implementation of at least one strategy from each month’s study. The expected impact will be at least 10% higher achievement on the CBA (by the end of the year) as compared with last year’s data).Formative- Nov, Feb, and AprSummative- JuneFunding Sources: 199 – General Fund – 1250.00Strategy DescriptionElementsMonitorExpected Result/ImpactReviews/Evaluation2. Teachers will check for understanding and receive feedback from students during lessons using strategies such as:Confidence rating techniquesVoting techniquesResponse boardsUnrecorded assessmentsTeachers will attend 2-hour training in August on Ch. 2 of Marzano’s book. Follow-up training will occur in Nov. and Feb.2.54th Grade PLC LeaderAt least twice weekly, PLCs will discuss and chart the progress of lessons on a proficiency scale, discussing real-time insights into why a given lesson is succeeding or failing. Appropriate reteaching or enrichment will be planned. The impact is that PLCs will be able to gauge student comprehension as new material is taught and determine students’ progress toward mastery of the standard.Formative- Nov, Feb, and AprSummative- JuneFunding Sources: 255 – Title II, Part A – 500.00Strategy DescriptionElementsMonitorExpected Result/ImpactReviews/Evaluation3. Core teachers will use the first Minutes of class to re-teach standards that students failed to master on the last CBA and will include:Mixed format questionsSpiraled objectivesWhy and how questionsPLCs will receive training in Sept. in full implementation expected immediately after the first CBA is administered.2.5Assistant PrincipalPLCs will prioritize non-mastered standards and monitor progress. PLCs will develop a tracking sheet for students that shows their progress toward mastering the skills. The expected impact is that students will master all standards from the previous CBA. (The tracking sheet will be used in tutorials for any student not mastering the standards.)Formative- Nov, Feb, and AprSummative- JuneFunding Sources: 199 – General Fund – 500.00Strategy DescriptionElementsMonitorExpected Result/ImpactReviews/EvaluationWhen designing a new unit, PLCs will determine which content requires direct instruction lessons. Then, the PLC will:Design a proficiency scaleDetermine how to chunk contentDetermine how students will process contentDetermine how to record and represent content 2.5PrincipalImplementing a systematic way to provide direct instruction will help students understand which parts of new content are important and how the parts fit together. It is expected that there will be at least a 10% increase of proficiency on end of unit assessments when compared with last year’s data.Formative- Nov, Feb, and AprSummative- JuneFunding Sources: Strategy DescriptionElementsMonitorExpected Result/ImpactReviews/EvaluationPLCs will design cognitivelyComplex tasks for students. PLCs will use Ch. 5 from Marzano’s book “The New Art & Science of Teaching” as a framework and include these elements:Engage students in cognitively complex tasksProvide resources and guidanceGenerate and defend claims2.5PrincipalOnce per quarter, each classroom teacher will bring artifacts to their PLC meeting that demonstrate: Students were involved in a complex taskStudents are able to generate new conclusions and provide evidence for their conclusionsThe principal will attend that PLC meeting.Formative- Nov, Feb, and AprSummative- JuneFunding Sources: 255 – Title II, Part A – 0.00Strategy DescriptionElementsMonitorExpected Result/ImpactReviews/Evaluation6.Classroom teachers and principals will deepen their understanding of and ability to address the specific academic needs of all student groups. This is the third year of implementation.2.4, 2.5PrincipalsIncrease in student’s academic achievement (summative and formative assessments) as demonstrated by:Teacher implementation of Becky Koesel’s Reader’s Workshop strategiesThe increased circulation of library booksThe increased used of math manipulativesWeekly self SIBME recording analysis by teachersFormative- Nov, Feb, and AprSummative- JuneFunding Sources: 211 – Title I, Part A – 7400.00, 255 – Title II, Part A – 2500.00 ................

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